t am d first again! · \\~y •' ', ,n/f,)thur^pa[i(;giey^ng, price three cents....

\\~Y •' ' , ,N/f,)THUR^pA[i(; gi Ey^NG, PRICE THREE CENTS. BUUJN8W1CK POST OFFICE Mrs. Parks' Semiaaxy urnm flouits FUOM 7 A,- H TO 8 r. BAYS FEQM 9 TO10 i)0 A M. CELLING To Close the Business. CHOICE STOCK OF J00I! to be found at No. 3 Peace Street, At Wholesale I^ates. All Goods marked down to Cost Prices! . BARGAINS offered evenibr these hard times. Call and examine before going elsewhere to purchase. - H. "S. MANNING,. 3 PEACE STREET, New Brunswick, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE ' ' Frisbie & Fischer, SCCCE-JSOKS l O P R O r GARLAND General Music Store, Masonic Hall. STBIBWAT'S Pl*H0S. J. & O. FISCHER smd other PIANOS.' Mason. & Ham tin's Celebrated Organs. PRINCE A CO '6' SWEE3' TONED OBOANS AND 'MELODEONS. . ONE PRICE ONLY. ' Pianos, Ograns and Melodeons to Rent OR SOhD ON MONTHLY INSTALMENTS Musical Instruments of Every Description: Violins, Accordoonu, Gu'tars, Conccrtinad, Flulca, Harmpnlcona, Piccolos, Tamborineav V , Aonn, Gutara, Conorrtlniis, Flulra, Harnvnlcona, Piccolos, Tamb FlaReolote, Bopci BODJOS, Drums, Flfea, Triangles, Btoli rjpes, Tuning FoMu, Harps, Moalc Boxes, Violin Btrinp, Outtar-81rlngB, Badjo Strings. SHEET MUSIC—Tfc$ Largest Collection ever -kept in this city. Boosey's Cheap Musical Publications, Litolff.s Cheap Classical Music, Bitchcock'sDime and Half Dime Music. M'VSW BOOKS of every description, fot Sunday, Public and Prlvatt Schools Planos,Orjrans and Melodeona Tuned by an expeiienced Tanerirom New York Frisbie &> Fi^cher's< t ^General Music Store. Masonic Hail, NeW Brurfswlck, N.J. For the coming season we-haye again made special arrangements nhlcli, together 1th Btrlcj attention to our bualnesa and our practice to BUY FOR GASH, will give our customers fill) assurance tbat wo bave looked to Ibdr JnUrest as well as ours, and will be enabled to nell them LOWER than an other ]iou»e In jhta city Look Here! LookHerfc! C O F F E E S , direct from (be Importers, at is, 80, 35, 88 cents per Ib. >i TEAS, by the Invoice price, atko, SO, 00, TO, 80 cents, beet Blew Valencia Raisins, 12i Cts Ib. Currants 9c. per Ib. Best Citroti 35c. lb\ O 4 N N B I > G O O b 8 , under special rrangements, lover than ever _*- Cbofteitnew French PRUNES at 14 cents per Ib al manufacturers' prices . ' UITTER, BIHTJER, BUTTER. llaadq nrtors for. bestOraoge-County Bntltr, nt wliolcBnie nnd retail Being tlio direct agents lor tbewjlalrles we will sell at lint cost, thereby malting only a small commission from i o producer. We are also dealers In WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Wliolesjile and Xlntall, Come to Ibis old and rellaWo Firm, and Batisfy vourstlf as to oarRoods ' No'lil- luceinont except 0HE JjOW, PBIOE foniio beef 51 Groceries. ' ' "3 WElNSTOCK & KAUFJVOLNN, Wo. 193 Buvnet Street, " ' FURS I F U R SI A LARGE ASSORTMENT Or AND CHILDREN'S FURS. ETC, IN ALL "THEIR VARIETIES FOR THE WINTER TRADE, AT J. S. & E. STEWARTS, TSTO. 4 KJE1VO- B L O ' C t t i Eur-Trimming-for- Ladies^-Saqques.— (rent's Furnishing Goods, Shirts, Umbrellas, Gloves, Etc Agents lor Singer Improve^ Sewing MadMnW for all Sewing Machines. •a- BT/OIIEST PRICE PAID rdn^ Dissolution of Partnership.*. ^u ^ _____ —TUB firm tjcreloforo existing under the uaino of FRANKENSTEIN 4'SICUEL has this day been dissolved Bymutual consent An early settlement of all accounts due tbe firm is respectfully requested, and. all claims against ilio firm sbould likewise bo pre- •anted for payment ( , The bUslttcm of ILel e firm will be Goatinued by the undersigned, wbo, thankful for the liberal abara .0/ mtrooajB/oxlondeO to this house lidrotoforof ubjwa to bo ub)o to merit a bontlnuatlon of favor. I MAIER SICHEL, « .Jb., 11, Peace Street, ;mfrB JaweltyaiaM WartanKiL rjMttnog dDBAt*horlnailed/ vii) ijf * JU; u ul w PliipfidUl 81dg«-»t on«(»c)irr > » notlco fer»om restatDUittftjof'tbV city can order fooda made add tike tUnd a » o j the same day r tW«Hy il ir-l .1 vn/ 1 ilnit T ' K ^ ioi Air Fumftoo«,'B*b>«"kda i Bftltimore llett A largi~«nd c«mp1q]«:atoc^,o( FtltNlTURE contuntiy'on band., I-wanld nispeot- folly invite Attention to my Btook of r Headquarters fpi* Ho" iday & Wedding'Presents^ Vbofhees cSrVah Snooessors to I V A T C H M AK-E-R S^A N a J EWILE R S. Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelrv, Silver and Plated Ware, IN ALL THEIR VARIETIEB,*AT THE OLD STAND, NO. 17, PEACE' STREET, FOOT OF CHURCH (- *©* REPAIRING AND ENCfltAVINQ Of EVhRY l KIND NEATLY DONE." - - . FIRST AGAIN! Opening for the Winter Trade. FOR THE- WINTER! STILL at the FRONT Oysters in Every Style. INCREASED FACILITIES. TAMES G. WESTOV, City, Surveyor (BE1LEY& (-MIMSTEAITS BUILDING}, Stioot. Civil Enginee.r (Reiley <fc QHmatead'a Building) Dk D. Williamson, Architect, OFFICE, "REIX-EY"* GRIMSTEAD'fl BtlLUING, PATERSON S1UELT, New Brunswick aan \ UGBSWU8 BATFIELD, ARC HITJECJT AKD MHOHANIOAL BNQINBEH Ofllcc, }4l George street, Orovtrt Building, I \»«n-lr P 1VIL, ENOIMEEJRINO, ETC, upline and topographical mapi l'lana f uralahod foi lying out aadoraainliuinggi '' "' rnylJ ly JOHN niLLtIOU8fe Mrs. COCO 0000 O 0 0 0 00 o o o ••'•: o o o o o i ° ° CO 0 CO 0 cccc OooO J{RRRR R R « R R • B Tt 'B RKKR R H - K , B R, B R B , B a HN N N N N N. H' N N N N N N N 1 EEEEEE N E N E N E N E N N EKEEE N N E N N E N N E NN E L L h L h _L L Ii L L L L L i Ii L •L L h r.y.T.r,T. ftispmtfullyinfomuhw nunurout'CuatotiierTmBlfie pUbtii^ngeneral that the has receittfy Jltled vp, maddition to her commodious ,. :-; "•: i s / . adies' and G^tlemen's lU-freshnjent, r Bflpms,. . THREE LARCE°RObMS, broil tha Ant-eltM L10a« lowed rates AM 1. , For 4»i«s of silllag and ratos si pauage, or sending money to thu Old Cuuutry, apply to ^ S f wl\ich are efody a private entrance, thtu obmaung t/ur necenaili/ of pasmng through he main &aloon She hoi ttdurcd the jerMcethf a Flli&I'CLASS BAKES and OBNA tfENTEBof FANOYCAKE. , * > () ^, yA ",*. PARTIES A'tfD AND WEDDINfiS "SOPPUEDi ORBATJTAt SORTY | >.l . Hi,, III'.' I > Umbrellas. ike jargo and yfrled ^M^rtment of iity ofu urs, Satohels; Trunks,i Canes Unibre;i»f tovorinJ, repalrodjind iflaJa to as PEAOE ST.', BMrAlbimy.iNawBruoswiot J l n d b Id d WtahQkk REMITTANCES *• '.TO England, 1 Irelad, and Scotland. DEAF T r S iapueflforjei anil u|>wsr.<I>, alls many part England,. Ircuod sud Scotland, ^AlftQ s \ f Passage Tickets to BANKERS, George",arid CAurcJt^ Streets, >eaMlit..-jil(RWIBItUN&WI01C I NOTA BE«E. 1/ I 1-. I,! in r a I t .PAlWlOUJLaJl ATTBNTIOH GIVEN TO OH GIVEN T iUt i E B l A I B a N O . 0K,FU?B ] WATGHEStKBEKGH CL0UK8 >, , ' uusibiu BOXES i «aLRlf4 iffi JE\VBIiRy and 18-X. < J BIMU81IADBTU , t i; OBBER All workiirtctftSu 1 pfonifittr-»»d la a work ( TTJJI ijPiir; nipunCN to liU) rVlndi tliit 1 till'lla* •'' , TIME O^ 1 OLOSIJJO- N e v York] Mortb. Eut aud IS eat 10 i m, 13t i 1 Md 8 t> in Treutou, rliUndDlubU, Outlaw* »nd till Bout 6 9 IS a m and 4 W u m Mlddlablllb Uliufone, BsrHuitn. <Jrl«8»U!<r_ Bluneoborg, Btoofiborgli, UojKra»U Wooilvflle >u< Peuiiliifftou, a 80 p m iWdtl?iar«r H4»p Milllowii, it > m Princeton, llordentown, BurUuslon. CauideuBU< :nsukUu Park, s a. m. Furoigu ltfatii JfOtl 8pm E UK fy New York, Nqrtb Eaat aud Wejt 7, 9 I S 11 Iii6ai]d7piu , ^ JenejrOlty Newark, EUiiUUi aud Babwar Ne: Jer»oy way 8 a, uuaud 0 u lui Pbllidlbla UalUibore, W <j»uid7 lbiladolpujaandtbe We« W 1 11 d 7 p m t I , Waalilnston and Sontb <j»uid7]> olpujaandtbe We«t aud Calndflu aud Am 1 ,11 a m and 7 p m ftiddlebian. lUUatone, IbrlUujun Origmtown, Ulattouuuig, BUiutaburgb, liopuwull, WooiKllls aui 1 Luuingtou 1015 » m biladol boy Way 1 ,1 ftiddleb Ul Efoutli lUver, 10 IS a m Fraiikllii Park 11a ID Mllltovnl 10 a in Lontigu 1) in. aud T pi m MoiimoutU JUULUOU, KIiiHitou-juid Ilocky H1U, 1 in aud T i> n ' JOHEI a V PI8HKH H> kf BARG-AINS m ALL' DEPARTMENTS. Lord & Taylor 1UMNG PUKCHABKDTHP ! Ol A LLADINQ IMPOBTKK & STOCK OK Black'Oashmere Silks, WILD ObFXB ON AND AFTi.lt KOV 8, 300 PIECItS AT LBSS THAN COST Of InVOUTATION. (100niiU4LllIK AT 67 12o »nj »I Al«u COIOItFD BILE?aril lad | 1 ! Ladies' Snits'aiKl Over Dressei?. 0V1K DM.88I $ JH ALI ^ IbAUINU IOlULA'tMAlkltlAL Al $9 111 DO tW til CO «I8 (14 (16, tl -till 0 l , ^ H A M E B r O A N \f ALICINO JACKJlia at tfTWrtil, «li, tl< HO •so Ali/l FU^LINhDoiid i LK TKIMMLD CLOAKS Seal Sacques at $100 and $110 J1LA0E BILK BDITS AT IM>, «(K) s6d ttO. 1IIAOK.BILK DI1ESS WHUUlMLLo IIAIlt OVhlt DKEdS |C 1OLTHLBUIT 8AMI •WITH BLACK OABEMtEl. O\EI! HW , J551O1 T i l t h M r CAMlLTJUAIItSUltiJ, comiiltU., and OABIIMLItkBUITd at <S0 AIL1 UtUKTt t) JV THE UKWL3T B1TL1.8 Also, MlSril-9 inilllOifl Still's Irani two year old U[ ward, al cqufily luvr | rleos AH the FuhloMbl. etyleiand Shades b 's Hair UREBb GOODS AT'VKRYIAW. PRICKS.- S&AWL8 :h nr.f VT VAI n n BHOSI A II OOO INI^A ro A »i W11A1" LEO W T and IMMI N I STOCK orLADIl- CIlILDuKflHINOBItttfAUatCOBTi LL3B Ul IK LUbl .fo^Ac^SvolrW KID J>UTto:I L»I)ItS'J»lNkl'KBl)(jL(K>Al BUTTON SHOES LIOHT WAEaOVEBBHOI-S !lt-«r<fal raridty niado npriualy for tbll lioMe, AFTTOl>OiAIi BtAKKtW Ft\«hXE3 OOmoilTSAITD Att flW UbST qUAClTlrB OV IIOVBR-KKKPCII UUUUB and JIOAlhStlJOri M {.OWJbJt - I'IMlhl, 1A4N KV1B OtI8 BI 08 KAILtfAT JLPVATOKB IN C BTANT UBETOUl'Pfitt FLOOliS broa*r«y, cor. 30th Street,-Nil, ijtAy ono block weal of Funrtb aVonutf tirand Street, cor. Cliry&tle, N. Ono bloff oaal of fioviiy I LEIPZIGER HALL No. 23] Peace Street, i ADOIiPH STARK JOSEPH Proprietor. Newark Lager Beer on Draught: AND OOOI.. ,.'RBELUNCtt.from » In U 6'dock «; mi .flJUOUSOi U i i l QUALITYCconataiitlj-oji baud auBO 1 ; CONSTABLE & ca; Broadway, cor, 19th St., ^J, ¥,, HII««tl,fortLo(em»lii!ler«fftbS<«Mii, the bhUno oflliilnlotk at | Dress Q-oodsr \ } ii •Islil and Striped Mbud Oooda at 85 suits, worlll <0 Do j du do &0^85 •« . fio&GO CiilclKirbockLra at 40 ccota Worth 00 conta Lainil a Hair, boow yialto and othtf a j i cheap K io Silks aAtwlkved to bo lie grualeit OIferod In ill tlio Sew BhJdea, Idl «Igh« i |irlfr> 'i BtAL BKIN JACKETS. MUFTo AND BOAS, l l f | l 1 AmoW, Co^taWa «S; Co.' oela SmdB Hy m J> i< 1 iALao:«.e' 1 IK .1 I1IIAIN,FLOU(1,FEED u»i)i gtD[h,si BTUWUA-JJK'IH OPtNSITBHEOONRTEBMNOV 22* Pupil diar^ed frotn titn* oftiritrauceto eud «f tba jear ' Toung Indies wbo di ilrc selected studies niay'uuteruuy ol the cluaseit. no83> ' ELOCUT1OM. itl rebuilll) libr ibstructlua In M.OCI1TION and STUDY OP BIUKFSPEAKF to da»»»? and private pupils, on MONDvy, SII'T 'A Addrus f Q, Iipx Eoo, or Lull nt No 04 UuriWu strteg sU78md us BcUuriWu n No sU7-8md KIlOTjpJi(#ll««»>y«iWU Uiat •pullaWJon irtU U madeiotboiiezt Leglalature for tlie reductlou or tba •itoyot tile pmaeouor of Wddleux ootmly DuJO-dauuw N 0 1 ICE la iiereby g^veu tbat apvUcattaa fiU uiadp to tb« u » t LegUfiture'Tc? u letltlrliiff railroad coinpanlea TtTlnt* tbzvil —^pantea vaaaUv UuvilaU MlddleiMix oounti That RUK peraons run orer, klljud or Injnrod that theaalf railroad oompaulw uiltat boar all GzpcnBtia and the county- of Jrtldd4e*ex edlluct ull tbtt ^xpenaef of injury or burial i.uJ0-<t,w6w T • 1 , JV] pi ICb la li»reV glvm Uiat an -nipUiatlw will 1^1 bo AiaQd tothb nffti aeuldo vt the Leta*!**!"* 01 Ilia Blue or Neir Jcmoj to aulboriae the Board ol LliuBLu'yiijLLuldaiii ut tllll liOULty of MllldHlaliX to" bur Uie tiruMut toll bridge or buluS . Dtw oaa OYvt UoithJU\sr at Vaaliligtou ttannlugtou South River N 3, No» 54 1874. SCHOOL. RaTgers College Grammar Schoo BUSINIS8 OLBSICAL, BCIKNTIHC uplls reoohed at any tlinej E.V ABEAIlAil UIOMIHON, A U,$i.ctoi P«r » T JiKlLhY, Auoclat Hector j lydayet.9 ' T TO HOUSEKEEPERS. A Proclamation f lho undomlgncd tAkes ptpasure iu announcing the fart that ho lit! tio\r on ti&nd tbe Impost and Ijmt uttfclf or Turkejfi, Clilckuis sud Dpcka iobo found In tiili citj HousokQQpcrs tiro 1 re^utftod to call oiui Hue bla liumunsu dmpluy of tliDHo ntCLBHiriea lie has made arrangements to keep np Ills atook: until after Jht Holldn 9, And his prices w\ I be so low thAL all uab byy Dou ^ bo afraid of tbe rueli, u - i i U t-orpa af uiuistanU n ill pj uiupt 1 attend to all order* S. C. Ballard's MODEL GROCERY SO Hiraxm. (Street* BUO&BB, 8PIOBB, TBAB rauirs. TBAB, WUolosalo and Rctul] DO N 6 TFAIZI'TO OAX.Z. AT B. EISIG& CO 218 SIXTH f A\ENUEi ». OEEATjlAlUlAlfcS DOII^,* TOYB/aAJfF WISSOAMEDOOODS PANOFBAbKElS, frOI iotE« itntaaoMHAIBajatleHlldO ., iotE« itntaaoMHAIBajanaotlierHolldM it 1rlccB to Billt tlu) tlmca. AUgooda uuirkna A liberal dlBuouut to Tuira mid Hiuiditi SLhqo bcQA. iinlft I EtMOIY IS WEALTH. Wbcelcr Jt \V Uaon's ^ w i n g Alacbiiics, fit tbu iHtutiliBbcd HPt.w, fire b^ fur ttiL UlOHt FLOSQ IIOAL Uild T1LUL\ CULAP. « bj ni^Boa of their Rhptrlorll ih all disfriiblo otiulliiflfl, and nton>o%or uro mallo, Bold tlld w&rrlnttid by u re spooubla Company of loiig fiml e»luljliBliL[l n ' Wkeoler &Wilnoji Manufg Co ,QFFIPB 64 dHqftOH ST. KAY,, Agent: Theo. Diesenreiter's r urmturte , Stora And first oldts Vp'hoUfering Ealttbltsh- g corner o/ AOANV i (JEOtiGE STREETS, K run«vrtol[( N,J., (iqTilni«diilJioo»aqorcr»;nia<leil Mat- •drnlshca^ All kindJ ot Upl/6Mffilng ) doi(<rb\ SollcltluK Tour patronage, I >m, Tcry re ipiotfullyToiiVa. f ( IHKODOBE UlESBKfiElTKR, rout Market, I' I Slaughter, of HigLPrices I 111 I nAt tba ab ' d H t t f r i c,jylll 1)0 PgrtbiJ Hdnsp 1 8io«*J ,,K 1116'fatIb' '" Slrldltl Bttak ." , ..J .illBe I" Bound Steak -',...; - . 'lUt ". > Roast licet ... ]Qaodl3p L '{, \ Mmtrn^ blud quarttra .. luc *' pulton tore o,uart=ri. .., ., | Oll| « ( ,„ jJalLa.odKjuunlqppurjot«o)r. 1 )/•- 1 > i l ISRHOB: , 1 n*'n< nil ilAiilbailw Pitted Kortimbor !H,*A D, 18?»> no?i) aw _ ,,iiiutetbo amount of toll wUlfih slutll JM Tor \ uwiug over brfdgia In tUii Utato uoWdoawOw General Engraver t AMD Ntoncil Cutter. Aim Pealer In Ilauk, .Kublwr and Btw| Stwspa. Tat following- arlldiii) Li irravpd ill flnl-el&sa livid Hlfvei- wan Duur Platib Wkddlng-aod MMtluv 0anUOoQla 1'luW, Uoo Bkncll« ror Linen,ami Inscription PlaUl ol allklildt. Wood hnKi.vlof and JovniIr>IBqiaWDf iloaa^iflcalolsuunlor , EiniBAI.1., 39 DBNMIS «*l*4iBT, •fljw Bruu wick beftftu E. OEITNEIt, UFPAIRL71 AND-GRINDER OF KA/.QM8, KNIVES,, iSQlfy ,, bORS, Etc,, Etp., k NO. 43 NdllaBOM BTRBBT. Order 1 * promptly attciidod to 1 roylT \j Josten,& Schrrrledeke, TAILORS. NO. 32 At,BAinr{>T»£^T. A ndsh supply or InJported Woihs, Casai- mores, 01c, ou limit Wblpll will be rn«4e up la 4bu lutcHt st>4i. 8courtu^, Glfaulujf and Re- pairing will be csrriLd on as beretolwe Geiitlemoii'u'owu Material out. aad-, m^da, to. er L myll If AITO PIAIVO* TXJIVJEK,. Orders Jotli at PROF BCUNEEW E I 3 S , Ocorgo strtot, aud ut uiy Realda-noa, 23 Albany Strati) ^ »ill be promptly uttcvdoil to Hi.ll Ii wlimiluft T Tollor and ^xcelslor Cleaner ABBOrtmoot of Second hand Olotnlai Keck Ues,'Collara, Kto, gto " 3*ijDenn1« street. '.' One Door Uop oornor «l Qlrap atratt. SOMETHING- NEW. MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES CLEAN-ED, REPAIRED AND RESET. lencca JJcaot awl Pa^uUi. All work noit- I> uoue and warranted, Addrcs N S M., NewBrunswlckP 0. c A ^Te-wr Proprietor COJT DENNIS 1 and HillAirh'S'. ' The OYSTER nndDININGSALOON hill bo conttnnbd I^fqilorn of &\i Xm&* I r«Sl s Lager ou draught Joardlax and \jaig- Titus' Express* and Passenger Ob.'. * PaMinge'ii or Ba^atu tihii (brlfany par 01 the OUT, atiBlioxidoitoe^ 1 Also, llagguge checked (0 all points. Office—26 somerset Streets noll-Jv ^ 1 j F. Steam_Dyer & NO OS . 1 I X I > II I ) |. J The NewJersey Fxpre 1 > 11 ' <r 1 hare TbmoTod ttielr dOloo frdm the oaraer ol C burah 4intli Dennu) at reeta to KERMAN. Suj't BBT. KAl The Havana Five- Oent Gig^iv ( ;, mauufaoturpd at ^g %i Hiovm rtn»»,i and »ll tbfr Wrjil^of Cigars, domcBUc,and. I 11 Jl j / D 1 n 1 JI USE,' ELIZABETH. t' 11 !i ll^j[ M I HJ \ ' / I ' 'I 1 i II I f 11 ^ This houso Las bcon entirely re.noTatadiftli&> efurul bul, It goutalne 75 rooms. Xbe Hil aflHooff contain. (l/oltltAt ImprbWtaDics, flaruBsaiypllodj nlthi thu caolmsthntnM.'t ,|, ...m Brnnswiek Orders reoelyod at Dntt, IS Ohuroi'i . jORtjWjMlillwuDltrMttwni toorlTt! promp.Mt- g rtnveyed fd any'p»Httftb» ilty"' culleiflor bjl«atloiionler»a» aootojj i.n 1 ^T JAB^HJjd»t»t)^anjW.r •: .^ j *. .11 1 Vj. T V*ifj ill 1 If | | T rTTTr .T TO THE POOR! •flio pi/cr 1 Ing theurji J< !. 1 1,, Z 111 nf I' 1ill iio'lvill tiiiMihiifa^mq OII!KB,( fmi, pftA'srriW itea c r o s s , ^

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Page 1: t AM D FIRST AGAIN! · \\~Y •' ', ,N/f,)THUR^pA[i(;giEy^NG, PRICE THREE CENTS. BUUJN8W1CK POST OFFICE urnm flouits FUOM 7Mrs A,- H T. ParksO 8 r.' Semiaaxy CELLING BAYS FEQM 9 TO

\ \ ~ Y •' '


Mrs. Parks' Semiaaxyurnm flouits FUOM 7 A,- H TO 8 r.BAYS FEQM 9 TO 10 i)0 A M.CELLING

To Close the Business.CHOICE STOCK OF

J00I!to be found at No. 3 Peace Street,

At Wholesale I^ates.All Goods marked down to Cost

Prices!. BARGAINS offered evenibr these

hard times.Call and examine before going

elsewhere to purchase. -

H. "S. MANNING,.3 PEACE STREET, New Brunswick,


Frisbie & Fischer,SCCCE-JSOKS l O P R O r GARLAND

General Music Store,Masonic Hall.


Mason. & Ham tin's Celebrated Organs.PRINCE A CO '6' S WEE3' TONED OBOANS AND 'MELODEONS.

. ONE PRICE ONLY.' Pianos, Ograns and Melodeons to Rent


Musical Instruments of Every Description:Violins, Accordoonu, Gu'tars, Conccrtinad, Flulca, Harmpnlcona, Piccolos, TamborineavV , A o n n , Gutara, Conorrtlniis, Flulra, Harnvnlcona, Piccolos, Tamb

FlaReolote, Bopci BODJOS, Drums, Flfea, Triangles, Btoli rjpes, Tuning FoMu,Harps, Moalc Boxes, Violin Btrinp, Outtar-81rlngB, Badjo Strings.

SHEET MUSIC—Tfc$ Largest Collectionever -kept in this city.

Boosey's Cheap Musical Publications, Litolff.s Cheap ClassicalMusic, Bitchcock'sDime and Half Dime Music.

M'VSW BOOKS of every description, fot Sunday, Public and Prlvatt Schools

Planos,Orjrans and Melodeona Tuned byan expeiienced Tanerirom New York

Frisbie &> Fi cher's< t General Music Store.Masonic Hail, NeW Brurfswlck, N.J.

For the coming season we-haye again made special arrangements nhlcli, together1th Btrlcj attention to our bualnesa and our practice to BUY FOR GASH, will give

our customers fill) assurance tbat wo bave looked to Ibdr JnUrest as well as ours, andwill be enabled to nell them LOWER than an other ]iou»e In jhta city

Look Here! LookHerfc!COFFEES, direct from (be Importers, at is, 80, 35, 88 cents per Ib. >i

TEAS, by the Invoice price, atko, SO, 00, TO, 80 cents, beet

Blew Valencia Raisins, 12i Cts Ib.Currants 9c. per Ib. Best Citroti 35c. lb\

O4NNBI> GOOb8, under special rrangements, lover than ever _*-Cbofteitnew French PRUNES at 14 cents per Ib

al manufacturers' prices . '

UITTER, BIHTJER, BUTTER.llaadq nrtors for. bestOraoge-County Bntltr, nt wliolcBnie nnd retail Being tlio directagents lor tbewjlalrles we will sell at lint cost, thereby malting only a small commissionfrom i o producer. We are also dealers In

WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARSWliolesjile and Xlntall,

Come to Ibis old and rellaWo Firm, and Batisfy vourstlf as to oar Roods ' No'lil-luceinont except 0HE JjOW, PBIOE foniio beef 51 Groceries. ' ' "3

WElNSTOCK & KAUFJVOLNN,Wo. 193 Buvnet Street, " '




J. S. & E. STEWARTS,TSTO. 4 KJE1VO- B L O ' C t t i

Eur-Trimming-for- Ladies^-Saqques.—

(rent's Furnishing Goods, Shirts, Umbrellas, Gloves,Etc Agents lor

Singer Improve^ Sewing MadMnWfor all Sewing Machines.


Dissolution of Partnership.*.^u ^ _ _ _ _ _

— T U B firm tjcreloforo existing under the uaino of FRANKENSTEIN 4'SICUELhas this day been dissolved By mutual consent An early settlement of all accounts duetbe firm is respectfully requested, and. all claims against ilio firm sbould likewise bo pre-•anted for payment ( ,

The bUslttcm of ILel e firm will be

Goatinuedb y the undersigned, wbo, thankful for the liberal abara .0 / mtrooajB/oxlondeO to thishouse lidrotoforof ubjwa to bo ub)o to merit a bontlnuatlon of favor.


MAIER SICHEL,« .Jb., 11, Peace Street, ;mfrB

JaweltyaiaMWartanKiL rjMttnogd D B A t * h o r l n a i l e d / vii) ijf * J U ; u ul w

PliipfidUl 81dg«-»t on«(»c)irr>» notlcofer»om restatDUittftjof'tbV city can order

fooda made add tike tUnd a » o j the same dayrtW«Hy il ir-l .1 vn/1 i l n i t T ' K ^

ioi Air Fumftoo«,'B*b>«"kdaiBftltimore llett

A largi~«nd c«mp1q]«:atoc ,o( FtltNlTURE contuntiy'on band., I-wanld nispeot-

folly invite Attention to my Btook of r

Headquarters fpi* Ho" iday & Wedding'Presents^

Vbofhees cSrVahSnooessors to

IVATCHM AK-E-R S^A N a J E W I L E R S.Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelrv, Silver and Plated Ware,



FIRST AGAIN!Opening for the Winter Trade.


STILL at the FRONTOysters in Every Style.





Civil Enginee.r(Reiley <fc QHmatead'a Building)

Dk D. Williamson,



New Brunswick aan\ UGBSWU8 BATFIELD,



Ofllcc, }4l George street, Orovtrt Building,I \»«n-lr


upline and topographical mapi l'lana f uralahod foilying out aadoraainliuinggi '' "'

rnylJ l y JOHN niLLtIOU8fe

Mrs.COCO 0 0 0 0

O 0 00 0 0

o oo • • ' • : o

o oo o

i ° °CO 0CO 0

cccc OooO

J{RRRR •R R« RR • BTt 'BRKKRR —H -K , BR, BR B ,B a








i IiL•LLh


ftispmtfullyinfomuhw nunurout'CuatotiierTmBlfie pUbtii^ngeneral thatthe has receittfy Jltled vp, m addition to her commodious

, . : - ; "•: i s / .

adies' and G^tlemen's lU-freshnjent, rBflpms,.. THREE LARCE°RObMS,

broil tha Ant-eltM L10a«lowed rates

AM 1. ,For 4»i«s of silllag and ratos s i pauage, or

sending money to thu Old Cuuutry, apply to

^ S f wl\ich areefody a private entrance, thtu obmaung t/ur necenaili/ of pasmng throughhe main &aloon

She hoi ttdurcd the jerMcethf a Flli&I'CLASS BAKES and OBNAtfENTEBof FANOYCAKE. , * > ( ) ^ , yA ",*.




| >.l . Hi,, I I I ' . ' I >


jargo and yfrled ^M^rtment of iity ofu

urs, Satohels; Trunks,i CanesUnibre;i»f tovorinJ, repalrodjind iflaJa to

a s PEAOE ST.', BMrAlbimy.iNaw BruoswiotJ l n d b Id d W t a h Q k k


England,1 Irelad,

and Scotland.

DEAF TrSiapueflforjei anil u|>wsr.<I>, p» alls many partEngland,. Ircuod sud Scotland, AlftQ s \

f —

Passage Tickets to


George",arid CAurcJt^ Streets,

>eaMlit..-jil(RWIBItUN&WI01C I

NOTA BE«E.1/ I 1-. I , ! in r a I t


WATGHEStKBEKGH CL0UK8 >, ,' uusibiu BOXES i«aLRlf4 iffi


, t i ; O B B E RAll workiirtctftSu1 pfonifittr-»»d la a work

( TTJJI ijPiir;nipunCN to liU) rVlndi tliit1 till'lla* •''

, TIME O^1 OLOSIJJO-Nev York] Mortb. Eut aud IS eat 10 i m , 13t

i 1 Md 8 t> inTreutou, rliUndDlubU, O u t l a w * »nd till Bout

6 9 IS a m and 4 W u mMlddlablllb Uliufone, BsrHuitn. <Jrl«8»U!<r_

Bluneoborg, Btoofiborgli, UojKra»U Wooilvflle >u<Peuiiliifftou, a 80 p m

iWdtl?iar«r H 4 » pMilllowii, i t > mPrinceton, llordentown, BurUuslon. Cauideu BU<:nsukUu Park, s a. m.Furoigu l t fat i i JfO t l 8 p m

E UK fyNew York, Nqrtb Eaat aud Wejt 7, 9 I S 11

Iii6ai]d7piu , ^

JenejrOlty Newark, EUiiUUi aud Babwar Ne:Jer»oy way 8 a, uuaud 0 u lui

Pbllidlbla UalUibore, W<j»uid7

lbiladolpujaandtbe We«W 1 1 1 d 7 p m

t I

, Waalilnston and Sontb<j»uid7]>olpujaandtbe We«t aud Calndflu aud Am

1,11 a m and 7 p mftiddlebian. lUUatone, IbrlUujun Origmtown,

Ulattouuuig, BUiutaburgb, liopuwull, WooiKllls aui1 Luuingtou 1015 » m

biladolboy Way1,1


Efoutli lUver, 10 IS a mFraiikllii Park 11 a IDMllltovnl 10 a inLontigu 1) • in. aud T pi mMoiimoutU JUULUOU, KIiiHitou-juid Ilocky H1U, 1

• in aud T i> n 'JOHEI a V PI8HKH H> kf



Lord & Taylor1 U M N G PUKCHABKDTHP !


Black'Oashmere Silks,WILD ObFXB ON AND AFTi.lt KOV 8,


(100niiU4LllIK AT 67 12o »nj »IAl«u COIOItFD BILE?aril lad | 1 !

Ladies' Snits'aiKl Over Dressei?.0V1K DM.88I $ JH ALI

^ IbAUINU IOlULA'tMAlkltlAL Al $9111 DO tW t i l CO «I8 (14 (16, tl -till 0

l , ^ H A M E B r O A N\ f ALICINO JACKJlia at t f T W r t i l , « l i , tl< HO•soAli/l FU^LINhDoiid i LK TKIMMLD CLOAKS

Seal Sacques at $100 and $110J1LA0E BILK BDITS AT IM>, «(K) s6d ttO. •1IIAOK.BILK DI1ESS WHU UlMLLo IIAIlt

OVhlt DKEdS |C 1OLTHLBUIT8AMI •WITH BLACK OABEMtEl. O\EI!HW , J551O1 T i l t h M rCAMlLTJUAIItSUltiJ, comiiltU., and


Also, MlSril-9 inilllOifl Still's Irani two yearold U[ ward, al cqufily luvr | rleos

AH the FuhloMbl. etyleiand Shades b



S&AWL8:h nr.f VT VAI n n BHOSI A II OOO INI^A ro

A »i W11A1"



.fo^Ac^SvolrW KID J>UTto:I


LIOHT WAEaOVEBBHOI-S !lt-«r<fal raridtyniado npriualy for tbll lioMe, AFTTOl>OiAIi


UUUUB and JIOAlhStlJOri M {.OWJbJt -I'IMlhl, 1A4N KV1B


broa*r«y, cor. 30th Street,-Nil,ijtAy ono block weal of Funrtb aVonutf

tirand Street, cor. Cliry&tle, N.Ono bloff oaal of fioviiy I

LEIPZIGER HALLNo. 23] Peace Street, i




Newark Lager Beer on Draught:A N D OOOI..

,.'RBELUNCtt.from » In U 6'dock «; mi.flJUOUSOi U i i l QUALITYCconataiitlj-oji

baud — — auBO 1

; CONSTABLE & ca ;Broadway, cor, 19th St., J, ¥,,

HII««tl,fortLo(em»lii!ler«fftbS<«Mii, the bhUnooflliilnlotk at |

Dress Q-oodsr \} ii

•Islil and Striped Mbud Oooda at 85 suits, worlll <0Do j du do &0^85 •« . fio&GOCiilclKirbockLra at 40 ccota Worth 00 conta

Lainil a Hair, boow yialto and othtf a j icheap

K io Silks aA twlkved to bo l ie grualeitOIferod

In ill tlio Sew BhJdea, Idl «Igh«i |irlfr> 'i


AmoW, Co^taWa «S; Co.'oela SmdB

H y

m J> i< 1 iALao:«.e' 1 I K .1

I1IIAIN,FLOU(1,FEEDu»i)i gtD[h,si


OPtNSITBHEOONRTEBMNOV 22*Pupil diar^ed frotn titn* of tiritrauce to eud

«f tba jear ' Toung Indies wbo di ilrc selectedstudies niay'uuteruuy ol the cluaseit.

no83> '


itl rebuilll) libr ibstructlua In M.OCI1TIONand STUDY OP BIUKFSPEAKF to da»»»?and private pupils, on MONDvy, SII'T 'A

Addrus f Q, Iipx Eoo, or Lull nt No 04UuriWu strteg sU78mdus

BcUuriWun No


KIlOTjpJi(#ll««»>y«iWU Uiat •pullaWJon irtU U^ « madeiotboiiezt Leglalature for tlie reductlouor tba • i t o y o t tile pmaeouor of Wddleux ootmly


N01 ICE la iiereby g^veu tbat apvUcattaa f iUuiadp to tb« u » t LegUfiture'Tc? u

letltlrliiff railroad coinpanlea TtTlnt* tbzvil„ —^pantea vaaaUv UuvilaUMlddleiMix oounti That RUK peraons run orer,klljud or Injnrod that theaalf railroad oompaulwuiltat boar all GzpcnBtia and the county- of Jrtldd4e*exedlluct ull tbtt xpenaef of injury or burial

i.uJ0-<t,w6w T • 1 ,

JV] p i ICb la li»reV glvm Uiat an -nipUiatlw will1 1 bo AiaQd to thb nffti aeuldo vt the Leta*!**!"*01 Ilia Blue or Neir Jcmoj to aulboriae the Board olLliuBLu'yiijLLuldaiii ut tllll liOULty of MllldHlaliX to"bur Uie tiruMut toll bridge or buluS . Dtw oaa OYvtUoithJU\sr at Vaaliligtou

ttannlugtou South River N 3, No» 54 1874.

SCHOOL.RaTgers College Grammar Schoo

BUSINIS8 OL BSICAL, BCIKNTIHCuplls reoohed at any tlinej

E.V ABEAIlAil UIOMIHON, A U,$i.ctoiP«r » T JiKlLhY, Auoclat Hector

j lydayet.9 ' T


flho undomlgncd tAkes ptpasureiu announcing the fart that ho lit!tio\r on ti&nd tbe Impost and Ijmtuttfclf or Turkejfi, Clilckuis sudDpcka io bo found In tiili citj

HousokQQpcrs tiro1 re^utftod tocall oiui Hue bla liumunsu dmpluyof tliDHo ntCLBHiriea

lie has made arrangements tokeep np Ills atook: until after JhtHolldn 9, And his prices w\ I be solow thAL all uab byy

Dou ^ bo afraid of tbe rueli, u- iiU t-orpa af uiuistanU n ill pj uiupt

1 attend to all order*


SO Hiraxm. (Street*BUO&BB, 8PIOBB,


WUolosalo and Rctul]


B. E I S I G & CO218 SIXTH fA\ENUEi » . V»


. ,

iotE« itntaaoMHAIBajanaotlierHolldMit 1 rlccB to Billt tlu) tlmca. AU gooda uuirkna

A liberal dlBuouut to Tuira mid Hiuiditi SLhqobcQA. iinlft I

EtMOIY IS WEALTH.Wbcelcr Jt \V Uaon's w i n g Alacbiiics,fit tbu iHtutiliBbcd HPt.w, fire b^ fur ttiLUlOHt FLOSQ IIOAL Uild T1LUL\ CULAP.

« b j ni^Boa of their Rhptrlorll ih alldisfriiblo otiulliiflfl, and nton>o%or uromallo, Bold tlld w&rrlnttid by u respooubla Company of loiigfiml e»luljliBliL[l n '

Wkeoler & Wilnoji Manufg Co

,QFFIPB 64 dHqftOH ST.

KAY,, Agent:Theo. Diesenreiter's

r urmturte , StoraAnd first oldts Vp'hoUfering Ealttbltsh-g

corner o/

AOANV i (JEOtiGE STREETS,K run«vrtol[( N , J . ,

(iqTilni«diilJioo»aqorcr»;nia<leil Mat-

•drnlshca^ All kindJ ot Upl/6Mffilng)doi(<rb\

SollcltluK Tour patronage, I >m, Tcry reipiotfullyToiiVa. f (



I ' I

Slaughter, of HigLPricesI 111 I

nAt tba ab' d H t

t f r ic,jylll 1)0

PgrtbiJ Hdnsp 1 8 io«*J , , K 1116' fat Ib''" Slrldltl Bttak ." , . . J . i l lBe I"

Bound Steak - ' , . . . ; - . 'lUt " . >Roast licet . . . ] Q a o d l 3 p L '{, \Mmtrn^ blud quarttra . . luc *'pulton tore o,uart=ri. . . , . , | O l l | « ( , „

jJalLa.odKjuunlqppurjot«o)r . 1 ) / • -1 > i l

ISRHOB: ,1 • n*'n< nil ilAiilbailw

Pitted Kortimbor !H,*A D, 18?»> no?i) aw

_ ,,iiiutetbo amount of toll wUlfih slutll JMTor \ uwiug over brfdgia In tUii Utato


General Engravert AMD

Ntoncil Cutter.Aim Pealer In Ilauk, .Kublwr and Btw| Stwspa. Tat

following- arlldiii) Li irravpd ill flnl-el&sa livid Hlfvei-wan Duur Platib Wkddlng-aod MMtluv 0anUOoQla1'luW, Uoo Bkncll« ror Linen,ami Inscription PlaUlol allklildt. Wood hnKi.vlof and JovniIr>IBqiaWDfiloaa^iflcalolsuunlor ,

EiniBAI.1., 39 DBNMIS «*l*4iBT,•fljw Bruu wick beftftu



bORS, Etc,, Etp., kNO. 4 3 NdllaBOM BTRBBT.

Order1* promptly attciidod to 1 roylT \j

Josten,& Schrrrledeke,TAILORS.

NO. 32 At,BAinr{>Tȣ^T.A n dsh supply or InJported Woihs, Casai-

mores, 01c, ou limit Wblpll will be rn«4e up la4bu lutcHt st>4i. 8courtu^, Glfaulujf and Re-pairing will be csrriLd on as beretolwe

Geiitlemoii'u'owu Material out. aad-, m^da, to.er L myll I f



Ocorgo strtot, aud ut uiy

Realda-noa, 23 Albany Strati) ^

»ill be promptly uttcvdoil toHi.ll Ii wlimiluft


Tollor and ^xcelslorCleaner

ABBOrtmoot of Second hand OlotnlaiKeck Ues,'Collara, Kto, gto "

3*ijDenn1« street. '.'One Door Uop oornor «l Qlrap atratt.



lencca JJcaot awl Pa^uUi. All work noit-I> uoue and warranted,

Addrcs N S M., New BrunswlckP 0 . c

A Te-wr ProprietorCOJT DENNIS1and HillAirh'S'. '

The OYSTER nndDININGSALOONhill bo conttnnbd I fqilorn of &\i Xm&*I r«Sl s Lager ou draught Joardlax and \jaig-

Titus' Express* andPassenger Ob.'. *

PaMinge'ii or Ba^atu tihii (brlfany par01 the OUT, atiBlioxidoitoe^ 1

Also, llagguge checked (0 all points.

Office—26 somerset Streetsnoll-Jv ^ 1 j

F.Steam_Dyer &

NO OS. 1 I X

I> I I I

) |. J

The New Jersey Fxpre1 > 11 ' <r 1

hare TbmoTod ttielr dOloo frdm the oaraer olC burah 4intli Dennu) at reeta to



The Havana Five-Oent Gig iv (;,

mauufaoturpd at g %i Hiovm rtn»»,i and »lltbfr Wrjil^of Cigars, domcBUc,and. I

11 Jl j / D 1 n 1 J I

USE,' ELIZABETH.t' 11 ! i l l ^ j [ M I

HJ \ ' / I ' 'I 1 i II I f 11 ^This houso Las bcon entirely re.noTatadiftli&>

efurul bul, It goutalne 75 rooms. Xbe HilaflHooff contain. (l/oltltAt ImprbWtaDics,

flaruBsaiypllodj nlthi thu caolmsthntnM.'t

, | , ...m


Orders reoelyod at Dntt, IS Ohuroi'i .jORtjWjMlillwuDltrMttwni toorlTt! promp.Mt-

g rtnveyed fd any'p»Httftb» ilty"'culleiflor bjl«atloiionler»a» aootojj i.n 1^ T JAB^HJjd»t»t)^anjW.r•: .^ j * . .1 1 1 V j . T V*ifj ill 1 If | | T rTTTr .T

TO THE POOR!•flio pi/cr1

Ing theurji J< !. 1 1,, Z 111 nf

I' 1 ill i i o ' l v i l l t i i iMihiifa^mq

OII!KB,( fmi, pftA'srriW itea cross , ^

Page 2: t AM D FIRST AGAIN! · \\~Y •' ', ,N/f,)THUR^pA[i(;giEy^NG, PRICE THREE CENTS. BUUJN8W1CK POST OFFICE urnm flouits FUOM 7Mrs A,- H T. ParksO 8 r.' Semiaaxy CELLING BAYS FEQM 9 TO


• WBEKI.T—Invariably in advance, » 1.60 a

yeaj. Oluba of tea or ever, $1.25 each,

with a copy for the getter op of the club.The rate to subscriber* residing outside thecounly:la tl.7<Tper annum. '

Bin.*—Fifteen cents'sweek, -whsa»erT«d*by carrier, or *T.O0 a year,"Tn adyaace,'when seat'by mall..

• Communications, of whatever .nature,must be addressed to

A. £.«OBDO1.

hirty (rapport. It will be; Inflexiblyop-posed, «s it alway» haabwo, to any " ThWTermi" plans or proposalt,aa matter bywhom they may be started, j,

In;other words the Time* will not lendilnolf to secnring for Grant lib nomination,but, If nominated, il wiU support the partywith him at its bead.

This Is to us one of t h e moetsigniflcantsigns of the progress of the third-termmovement within the .Republican party—and one of the most diicouragiug.

BiNATon JOHNSTON has been nemlnatedfornKleotlon-hy the Democrat" of the Vir-ginia Legislature.



tho, population of . that. Stale to be 4,704,-205. This Is greater tu»n either of thekingdoms I of Denmark, Holland, Norway,Hwcdeo, Portugal, Wurtemburg ot Qreec».Greater than either Bolivia, Chili, Ecuador,Saiony.jTMorocco, New Granada, Persia,Peru, Switzerland or Venezuela. Almostas large a\ oither Belgium, Egypt or Ba-varia., Half as much as M£X)co. o Thereare nlae countieMu New York, o'acb con-taining over 100,000 population. Twenty-two counties contain more than 60,000 populatlon each.' Of voters in the State, 748,-078 are natives, 895,245 naturalized. .Threecounties contain more naturalized than na-tive voters (ISrle, New York and Kings).Nineteen counties contain over 15,000 voterseach; 37 counties contain over 10,000votera each.

C o o g r e n o .WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.

SKNATB.—Mr. Morton offered a resolulion of inquiry regarding the recent electionla the State • of SliaslKiippl. The Sonater Isterrified at the supposed condition of af-•fairs. '

Mr. Stevenson offered a fsolution, whichwaa debated and .withdrawn,, callingfoi-Information hi regard to the wHskyTflSIB-ln

W ' >~

The Archbishop of Cologne has left that

l t * ' ' • • ' ' * . .

The steamer L'Amerique is supposeotohave been seen off (Jape Bt. Vincent.

It it reported that M. Eeon Say, the'rench Minister of Finance, has resigned.

Ex Deputy Collector Hill has been foundujlty in file whisky trialB at Indianapolis.

Mr. John Y. Foster has suddenly acquirednational reputation aa.au unartful dodger.The murdered woman in Jiast New York

as been identified; her supposed, murderer'as arrested.

William Crooshest, a builder, of Jersey7lty, has disappeared, leaviug debts to a:pnslderable amount. '

Thur'low Weed eiplalos that hla connec-ion with an attempted compromise of thelog suits .bas been exaggerated.

Specials nay that the return!* from theFourth District of Tennessee render it cer-.ainthat Riddle (Dem.) is elected to Con-ress, i

The Hon. R. H. Marr has been appointediy Gov. McEnery United States Senatorrom Louisiana.in place of Gen. W. L. Mc-


the West. <>~


In the' of the thirdtertu move-ment the New York Times has "alwaysbeen regarded as a bulwark wbicb broke all'the advances of tbe Administration towardthe honest masses of the Republican parly.That paper liaa been tho freest of aoy " or-gan " In Us criticism of Ornnt aud blaAdministration, incurred Grant's eninlly tosuch an extent that the editors, wero de-nouueed and ridiculed ia bis organ, tbeWashington Republican, and a new paperwas started In New York'to kill tbo times.Just after tbo late eluctiou it ciimo out with

' a bold nourish, saying that never under buycircumstances would it support Grant for athird time. Tho'masses of tho Republicanpan; applauded this sentiment, and it was

as a heavy blow at tbe prctonsloaBof Grant. Furthermore, wbeh Grantbroached.tho Bchool question as the hobbyon which be should ride into office theTimes simply ignored -Mm, and it and noteven a summary of bia message, n«r the lateexposure In the Foater-Blaino letter, hasforced, it to >any mention, much less ap.proral, of Grant's third-term policy. This

^Independence won tbe respoct of honestmen; and tbey certainly have a right tofear thai Grant U plotting for this Iniqui-tous result, and that ho will bo supportedby the party if be succeeds, if tbe T i m e sshows signs of weakening, and' la iccllugaround for a chance to support him.

-' We need not Bay we wero surprised tosee unnrislakabto slgnB of this on the partof the Times, and we happen to itnow thatseveral of tbe politicians of the Republicanparty were a little discounted by tbe sjkgc-tacle. In tbe issue of the 4th iout. theTimes bad a feeler, ou Predtdent-making.Tbe Times ' goes on to lament that tbewicked Democratic House of Representa-tives will not bo a good" House. It willattend very little to the business of legisla-tion, the Senate being Republican, but willdevote Itself to making capital for the nextcampaign. It will play with tbe enrrencyquestion, it will coquet, with Tom Scottand his subsidy, It Will flirt with Jay Gouldand Pacific Mail—altogether the article Isquite a characteristic .acoTd on the un regen~eracy of Its ancient onomy, the Democraticparty. Then It puts out this feeler forGrant: ,.'..!_•

Tbe first 'result of all this must be thetory thing which the Democrats profess to

- ' bo uoflt anxious to avoid—namely, the re-vival of third-term ideas. We do not saythat Gen. Grant himself will enter Into, oroven lndlrectly^encourage, any'schemes hav-ing tbia end in view j but tbey will bomuch talked of in. one direction andanother, rifad tbe more obstinately the Dem-ocrats make headway toward Infla*tlon and repudiation, tho less obnoxious tothe pcoplo will the' third-term Idea grad-ually become. Tbe Democrats, in short,seem bent upon playing loto Gen. Grant'shaada/-arid as they have to deal with a man

^who makes very fewmhitaltes (outside ofh!i appointments), and has personalty—aswe final; believe—nothing on earth to fearfrom "exposures" and "Investigations,"and who, moreover, is Btlll far more popu-lar with the masses ' of the people thanmost journalists or politicians realize—asthis la the situation of affairs, tbe end ofttrasessMn la likely to find Gea: Grant muchstronger.than tbe beginning." A great fl*nanclal danger Will menace tho country,and ooe rood out o( It will be distinctlyvisible, and people will be Inclined to takethat road and save ibemsolves all furtherbother, Tuat is very likely, to be thetendency In or about May and June, 1870,and If It Is, we shall have tlie third termupon U9 In a way that seemed very improb-able a year ago.

Tbe Times goei oa to say that It grievesthat this U s o ; it is opposed to a thirdterm,-but it comes down from Its highhomo In these unmistakable terms:

" It would be a lamentable event In the.tbe history of the United mates; and yet

repudiation, tbe loss of national credit,coinmertlal ruin and dishonor, would beworse.",.

Here we bare a distinct admission-thatIn tbe event ot the Democratic party plat-form not •ulting it It will support Grant(or a third term. Nay more ; that Grantvrlll certnluly bo the candidate and receivethe r i m e s ' support If tbe 'Democratic plat-form were opposed to Us sense of reason.

Anybody can , rreod lb«_ story betweenthese lines wltbnut^ny difficulty. Grunt IsnoHbo'oaijj niim Vliiican'Bive*.tbo country

e West. , ,HOUSE.—Mr. Hale offered a vague an

buncombe resolution "relative to tbe returnof specie payment. Referred after rshortdebate. •

-A bill was introduced lo repeal the bankruptcy act.

Mr. Hamilton of New Jersey offeredresolution in • reference to t h e " surplusrevenue. '" ~

Mr. Randalioffore<r-rblll to remove political disabilities Imposed and remaining orany person by virtue of the third section olthe fourteenth article of the amendments t(tho Constitution, such persons .when electe

appointed-to any office under the UnitedStates to take the modified1 oath. Afteibrief debalo made the special order foinext Tuesday.

Mr. Holman (Democrat of Indiana) olfered the following:

Resolved, That in the'judgment of thHouse, iq the present condition of the flnandial affairs of the Government, no BubBldies, In money, bonds, public lands,. Indorsements, or by pledge of tbe publlicredit, should be. granted by Congress tiassociations or corporations engaued oiproposing to engage In public or private erterprlses, and that all appropriations, froithe public treasury ought to be limited ithis lime to such amounts ouly OB shall biimperatively demanded by the public service.




Interest commences tho FJB8T or EVERTMONTH. \ -

Intereit credited on the l i t 'day of Januaryand July of each year. . - .

1*. Ol7NHA»I. .Tr«aa. .

The resolution was adopted by a. Vote <yeas, 223; naysj 3». AH the membefrom this'Slate, Messrs. Slnnickson, Dobbins, ROSB, Hamilton, Cutler, Teiiee, HOTdeaburgh, voted yea.

Mr. Springer (Democrat of IWprila) olfcred the iollowiug auli-tbird-tcrm reaolition:

Resolved, That In, the opinion of thHousu the precedent • ealablisded by WastIngton and other Presidents of tbu UniteStates in retiring from the Presideutiaoffice after their second term, has becomeby universal concurrcBeerd-pnrrot our Republican systemany departure froitorn would bo nuwise, unpatriotic andfraught with peril to our free Institution

Adopted, yeas 2J3, nays 17. Dobhinii ofthis State dodged ; tbe other New Jerseymembers voted yea. Blalne. of Maine de-clined tovoto. The nays, all Republicans,.were Messrs. Bradley, Denison, HaraUon,Hoge, Hubbell, Hyman, Lynch, Mac-Dougall, Nash, Page, Pluisled, Pratt, Wal-lace of South Carolina,. Wales, White, Whit-ing, Wells of Mississippi.

Mr, Coalfield introduced a resolution pro-viding that Cabinet officers be provided withseats on the floor of tbe House.

Mr. Anderson (Republican of Illinois) In-troduced a resolution Instructing the Com-mittee ou Bankingaud Currency to reporta bill repealing the National Banking law,and substituting for national bank currencya national paper ihonoy Issued directlyfrom tho Treasury ftfl legal tender for alldebts, Including dutlea on Imports, and tobe Interchangeable for regKtered bondsbearing 8.65 per cent, interest.

It Is reported that Tweed Is at Montreal,and hiding In a house on Uniou avenue.Mr. Tellier of the New York Merchauts'Detective Agency la looking for the fugitive.

The challenge of E. H. Baldwin, to match.Rutherford against Springbok to run a four-alllo heat race for $2,600, has been acceptediy McDaniela. The race takes place | at

Jerome Park.Plimly and Gilligau of Hudson county,

the convicted judges of election, in. theSecond District, were on-Wednesday takento the penitentiary to serve a sentence ofsir months, each.

The meadows in the northern and westernportions of Hudson county have been burn-ing for two days, the graa3 having I«eu seton fire by sparks from a locomotive

Wednesday morning a Bfln of John Ven-net, age Ifl,- was killed near Dover ou anore train. Ho got on to ride to the depot,and In attempting to get off was thrownuuder the wheels and shockingly mangled.His remains where scattered along the trackfor several yards.

A Concord special BayB* that a, deficiencyof at least If 80,000 huB been discovered iutho college accounts of the late Treasurerof Dartmouth College und President of theDartmouth Savings Bank, Dauiel Blalsdell,who died last August. The family of thedeceased have pluced alt their properly atthe disposal of the college . to make goodtbe loss. "; ~,

Sayings BankNo. 131 GEORGE atBEET,

NEW BRUNSWICK. N- J-/Open Dally during business limirs, awl ou

.Monday aad Baturqay erootngs Irom 1 to 8o ' c lock . i " • - .

Deposits recelrod from ton cents to thouBanda of dollant. InlcrinUillowud on UepoBlts-from-th*

First of hvirj Month.Interest credited on the FIRST days ol

JANUAItY and JULY. ^ABTHUK O. Oal^BY, Treasurer.







1-Voiu C u b a .HAVINA, Dec. 9. •=—It la deomed cdrtaiu

that Captulu Geileral YttlomsL'da baa eeolbis resiguotioii to Spain, mid thai Gnu'. Ce-ball09 ^vill take hia pluee. Valma&oda hmbad several lultmudci-sliutdmtfa with Seuor#ubi, ttbe Royal Commi^iuuer, owing totbo deifalcntioufi dificoytred iu Ibu accouutsof ohe of ValmaacdaJaBtttfi;. Tt is miiil thatValmaseda refused to beliovu liis officer'sguilt, und defeuded biui agaiuBl Kubi. Thelatler accordiugly wrote to ftpniu, jjlfingthe true state of uffuira, aud tbe bouio (!ov:

ernniunt biuled to Vatmaaeda tliat bis res-nation would be accepted. Honor Habius discovered scytirnl frauds, and bus bad

officials dismissed. Vuhnnficd'a'Con-B tbe Royal Coinmisbiouer tootixucllug

ml scrupulous. ——: .-T u u i n o a t iutereating iueurrecliouary newstbat a battle .was fought Iti-Culimele, iu

le district o l Colon, between the Spanish•ooi)8 aud Maximo Goi\iez'B bond, aided byuigul lVOn wb'icb tbe Hpauisu troops weremted wi th uoavy losses. N o t a word ofiiB-batlle bft&'been publiBbed in the" news-

iapers, but an account of i t . has comeirougu a trustworthy source. (

DIED.HANI)8LPH—On .Tuesday, D«o. 14, Alexander IV

Randolph, aged 41 years.

O - T h e r.latlYflasnd frleada of.Uio family are reapeot-fullr lnvitted te att«ad tbe funeral, without [urtbiraotlce, on Frldaj afteraooo, Dee. 17, from tbe reii.deuce, of bis father, lo lt ir lUa towmlllp, a t UOo'clock, and from tbe chai>el at Fiaeatawaytowu/2.80 o'clock. ' . St'

Jb^or r*»ale.

An Oriental Heater,•early new, having boeu In uae but a flborlti • • . •time.

Inquire at this office.

olidav Presents.yew Stock JiistRARE BARGAINS]ead on andjfou Will See!PETER WARD,


Cheap Cash Store,NO 13 QKUROH BTHBBT, :

i>n particular p-tuiumre m directing attention[a present block of New Uooda. Tiicfle

oodfl are all uttered at [trices seldom equaled;


000 l>l#wfl of 8KA.L BKGWN- 1M.&1D Drees UI>»di,tbe wont desirable Ibade*. al lfjf, worth 117 1 i eta

At 2 O'clock P.

Masonic Hall Room

And coattniiinif through the uftoruouna and

eveulugs of '

Thursday, Friday and Saturday

DEO. 10, 17 and IS.

Admission Ten Cls$1OOO R E W A R D

WberefiJ It !D0NHAM

a that Dr. CHARLESanil murdered on the

ulgbt-gf Tbursd<y, December B, 1876, iof Ono Tnptisard Dollars ($1,000) will be paidfor flucb information aa will Becure tbo arreataud conviction of the perpetrator of tho crime,

dol6-lm • - ". 1.EW18 STOUT.

Tbo indictment of HoUoway, PoBtmnatcrat IndianapoliB aod brolber-in-l»wof SenatorMorton, for complicity intbewhiaky frauds,baving been anoounccd as imminent, BcnaiorMorton proclaime his intention of OeclariDHbis unalterable hostility to tbo doctrine ofsecession. Should his brother-in-law bocon-yicied, wo dare say tbo Senator would go sofar as to call for au amendment to the Con-stitution denouncing tbe citsnip'act, and re-affirming, tbe principles of tbe Declarationof Independence. If these prosecutions arekopt up long enough and " ring " In broth-ers-in-law, enough we shall bare tbe wholeRepublican party- united on a platform com-mitting It fearlessly to the doctrine of grav-itation, and to a religious faith in the pro-cession of the equinoxes.— World.~~

St. James' Church, Chicago, which wasleft without a pastor by : the remorarofArthur jjrobka to New York, and In whoa*restlbule stands a monument to tbe youngmen of tho parish who fell fighting for theUnion, baa just taken as Its rector ROT. Dr.Harris from Now Orleans, who,during thowar was an officer in the' Confederate ser;rlco and afterward took orders. On theother band, Trinity Church, Ndw prlejns,formerly Bishop Polks' parlab, has justcalled Rev. Dr. Thompson of Chicago, whoduring the war was one of the most out-lp^te"n~pSloH~'HeTiTrrBoiiK~WS''BpIscop"aT


l p ^ t e n p S l T K pclergy in tbo North-west.—Interior.

A' large body of idle men collected atMontreal Wednesday and demanded workfrom the authorities. Tbe Mayor toldthem a meeting would bo held to dovlBeineans for aiding then. Their demand Iswork or bread. To-day over 860" peisohssurrounded the City Ball' anci called loudly

r the Mayor, who appeared and-dellrered_ brief address,'during whidh Tie assuredihem he would ask tho Council to do all Itcould to provide them with1 wflrk. rlh'emen * seemed ' discontented and said ' theycould not wait long. : A communejias beenformed and trouble 1B apprehended. '

' > On Monday nights beautifulyouuilady,a member qt a distinguished Creole familygot Into a Barormc-strcet car with herfriends. When the car had arrived nearFerdldo street tbe driver noticed that a manwho was seated deitjto the'young laay wa«Gutting largo ploees .froni'UieLBilk. dressMhlch she wore. He sounded his whistle,snd at that moment the mall severed with askillful stroke a long tress of {the lady'sluxuriant black. hair, a.nd attempted toto escape, but was caught by a policeman.—JV. O.'IHoayune.

" O wonrlsouiu condition of humanity V

How many wretcbed-bomes in our land I[{W many heart-broken invulids 1 Lifo'itb many Bi uiflen a mere oucrous exint-nce. All ure Biibject to disease, but whenicalth Is rcmovi'il tlio hopo is nearly' goneput. Sicltnraa IB usually incurred throujibxposuro or cnri;lesauesa. Enpeciully isbis true with those desertses peculiar tovoman. Though her own-imprudence uudoily tihe is mitde to drag out a miserableixlstencc—it Bourcc of annoyance and

2ty| to. her frieutls, aud anything but alomfort.aud pleasuro to herself. Ejpoaureo Iho cold at times when' Bbe should be

it prudent, and overtaxing her bodywith laborious employment, are both fruit-ful causes of many of the maladies from

b|ch ebe suffers. Gradually the bloomeaves bcr cbceks, her lips urow ashy white,ler vivacity departs, sho continually oxperi-suces a baling ot. wear.iness and, generallanguor, and altogether presents a ghostlyippcarance. What does she need t Shouldiho take some stimulating drug,, which will

the time make he "feel better," orloea ber entire system demand reparation ?She requires something which not onlyrill restore to health the diseased organ,nit will tone and luvluorate the system.

Dr. Plerce'a Favorite Prescriptlqn will dothis. It imparts Btronglh to tbe "diseasedparts, brlngR.buek tbe glow of health, nndrestores comfort whero previously there

'as only'suffering. ' '.Every luvalid lady^bould send for " Tho

People's Common HonBe. Medical Adviser,"it wbicb over fifty pages are devoted to Iho:onBideratlon of those diBeascs- peculiar tovomon. It will be sent, post-paid, lo any

address, for $1.50. Address, H. V. Plercsk.M, p . , .Wiirld's Disponsaryj Buflalo, Ni Y.

gents wsntedtoBeil tblfi valuable'wdrkV"

Sujippslog; tbo Democratic party should do the Idiotic thing theTimes suggests (which It will aqt), li Grant

: Mr. James TV Fields visited Pomerdy, theboy-murderer, in bis jaU'reeently, .andlearned from him that be had been "a greatreader of hlood-atid.ibunder storlns. tiehad road 60 d lao nouels, all abont acalpintiand otheRbloody performances, and lie hndno doubt these bonks had put the horriblethoiiRlns Into his mlad which led to hismurderous acts.

auch a struggle would ve the third partywhich shpuld bolt from jthe QraDt coaven-tlon' tei' the' repudiation: convention—Iheparty composed of the best medjgf the twoparties with tome suoh man as SenatorBayard or Qov. Tilden at IU head. Wouldthe M»M» support that I-• No. FoVi fewd»yi «fterwardi/ Ib Its p'roBpootus, II n a k «^ slp)ilcant annpuncemonL Ilmlnr i ln

y / p p , «^ slgp)ilcant annpuncemonL Ilmlnr, i ln

The Albany Arqus »sys tii t MIM KaleNojes of .LanflrigpurgJs In,a crit|pal-ci»n-dltlon from poison, arising from Usalnr hoideceased niece on Sunday, who died'o-dlphtberia.1 Tbo young lady bad a sllgusoro on! her llp:et }ho t)fao. 'A ?wellln(commebced in her lip, Which soon exteadecto tho nose, and it IB foared tho difficultywill leach the brain.

Had of "Presldeotttl Oaarass"Th»3<m<(» will staed nnulV by tbepubllcan party l'i. •" •R.publlcan party l

In the FiMtdMlUl'AuraM.tfct Time*

Minnesota bas been' mending its fJonsUtu-lion. One 'of tbo anietii|mont« protl(lcstbat^Dy H0U40U of:21 yeaf iwtagoand on-

offioen of schools, or any meajure rolstiritflKbooUi or they m a / b B l l l b l t *

Information Wanted,Tbo subscriber requestBtbat tlitj poraou who

called at Iku offlco ol tbe late Dr. Cbarles Dim-Uam, between the hpurs of six aod niiWo'cliick

Thursday evening last, December 9, H16r

will at ouce cotnmunleaie with him.

Au; persou knowlug of auy faeta conuectcdwith Ihe disappearance or death of l)r. Dun*ham is requested to oall lit my oHlce, or tocommunicate with me forthwith.




" Literature as an Art.'Friday Evening Dee. 17.

A. Jt*ri».cticia.l lcan have &n excellent Farm to work ou sbarcB;threotiiUeH^ffyiii this clty~;"cuurcbos7yi»OHt-ofllce aud schools convenient. — .

Alsa about 20 acres near the abovo, with thenutbuildlugs, tiiul sU rooms of dwclHug, ouUUBC. The remainder reserved by the owner.

J ould ttocept hid lx)ard In part payment,rent AUdrejia VAIOIKK at thl qfliceof th


ept hid x)ard In part payment,rent. AUdrejia VAIOIKK, at thla qflice.


Tlio'unuual iiieutiug of the etockholfJers oftbU Iiauk for the elycUon ., of Di-re i: to ni * fur. tbe ensuing' year will behufil at tltelr-bankiiiK liuuso on TUESDAY,JANUAUV 11187H P l l ill t 11JANUAUV 11,187H.ui and cltrrju ut 1- iu.

delu-lwdliw .

Polls will open at 11

C. 8..HILL, Ca-hier.


An Experienced Child's Nurse.

Apply atGEN. J. B. McINTOSUIB.

Ltviogaton arenue, Now Brunuwlc^.

f C o u n c i l , N o . IO, O . U . A . M. A regular mooting of thlCouncil will bo held At tlioirCouncil Ghunbort No. 184 Neil-son street, no THURSDAYEVENING, Dec. 16, at V.50o'clock.1 Vlsltibg biothron iojourningin tho-citr an woloomed.

f attendance Is par


as, so AND 75 CTB

scuta al WtlllV, without Bitdull-lit



• A N D '

Insurance BrokeroonmniaaionsRor DDEDB

for New York and Penn»ytvani», and NOTARPUBLIC.

No. 156 George Street

New Music StoreMrs. Garland

wishes to anuouueo tbat sbo has opuiir'd aMuaic Store ut - .


For the sale of • 'r

Pianos, Organs^ SheeMusic and Books,

Mnslcal ruslrumontB, Trlnimlnga, Et

PIANOS and ORGANS for aale on iinitjnls arid for RENT.', ".

K.-H.:LIPFIwbQ,TT) B- B.

C I T I I X K M i t .

Men's bcayy ovcrcoals, $4.50, at SI. D.lnceut & Co.'s.', , ' , , . •

Tbe best collar over made IB the Elm-ootl. It' ills better uud look* better thau

iny other. For sale at Mrs. F. Walllug's,No. 165 Neluion street, between Patoreonand t'hurcb Btreets. jyl9-0ui •

T U B latest styles of New Year cards at'BE TIMES oftlre. -

Hegoman &. Oo.,'druglilBts. New York,Qre Introducing Into this coUutry Epftluy'scelebrated Medicated Whisky, for tho curepi consumption and all pulmonary .diseases,ice odvertiseinei . Bold by all druggists.

Commissioners' Sale

REAL ESTATE.Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court

or tbe county of Middlesex, mode on the oUbthday ot September, A. D. Iti74, theBubacriborrJ,commtBsiouijrd iu partttloD. Will soil at publicv o u d u e , o n •• . • • : •

TUEdDAY, 5th dftj-of OCTOBER,A. D. 1875, at iwo o'clock p. m., at the Court,noilrJ6:iiiNoW"BruuBwict, In'the-said county,all luoiluuiland real estate whereof Ambrose!Bui alloy lately died seised,1 situated In thwtowuflhip of Piacatt^way, county of Mtddltsau*and Btaio of New Joraey, desenbed us folluwe:

Lot No. JJ,abbui one mile Irom Aewr Marltet,on tho roadleading from EariiA line to NawBrunswiclc, and ftdjouilngland oT Isaac Smulloyaud Peter Clarlcsun, buiog a lotoi ti lo-lmttcroa ot land on tho road loading fromBmallcj's house to. Puter CUrlcnoii'd, abuut out-mllo from tbe HoinoHtcad above described -

Lot l*o. 8, contuinmtf 4 4-100 acrea, moroorless being oil the aforesaid road.

Lot No- 4. obntalultfgV7 11-iW UcreB. adjoinlg lands now or late Peter ClarkBon'B.Lot. No ,6 danUina,about v acres ot land ad

iolning Lot No. 4, described,, . . • , : , .Lota Npe.A 8, 4'aDd 6, abose-ineatinnou

beluu the premises conveyed to duld Ambroat;Hmafiey, decea?ed, b . deed ot Uaao jtmMtj

i1 per bottle.

y ggoc21-3mdaw

Nature's Halsiui), for all complaints of 1^olunes, tbe throat and tbo. broncdilal tuhoB.la ** Hate'd'Honey of Horoliound arid Tar."Coughs'and colds vaQtsU as It by magic un-der iiBBobtblugl'UcalIug'ppcra(lop. fciold byalldruirgists.- Plke'a TootbflcliQ Drops euro la 1 min-

ute. . -' '•' • i]oil|F-4w

Buckskin mlts and buckskin aud caad-merb gloves, cheap, at JI. p . Vincent &

1 MtitohiiN+4 iiild 'btliera ' UBd -

would do oll to OXHUIIQO our piiccs.

Olilldrun's nulls Una overcoats, belowcost; nt Hi D. Vluteht Sf Co.,'i >

by dril S,

toand wife, dated April 8,1869, recorded In Mildloflex Clerk's olnceV In'Book llfl'ofX^cdn,jaae'ltili aiid'ijqt yo.ol,faboy1d1mentipuea,ring tbe same promlaos^conreyed to satdAmbrose Buialley uytwo 'daeds of isaac Vm

recorded i» said tlerJE'a pffloe. in .Bpolf 78 olUeeds, page' ,08; jedund ^ated iJeceuiber Ib,1856, receded in % t 76, p ^ e f '

CoudtU6n(tDated Juf

< known ou day Of aWla.',» i , i S t e . ' •-•. t ' _ t . •AB11AHAM 91IALLBY,LEWId A-f tJl«f«GATK, * * ,

" DAVID A. 8TOKER,Ba8-lld4tw . CpmmisslonerB,Tbe salo uadLT the dbore stated order staud

adloumed to TUKSffAYjOCTOBEK ill, UV6at two o'oluck ]>. m;, at< tbo Court Hound* Iuthe city of Now Brunswick, New Jtrsoy,- Mew Urunswiok, Oot. 6i 1M6. i ,


. DAVIU A. gTOURB,.oc7-!lti» ' Oommlaalonori.The auovo Bale stands adlourliHrJ -


LESSOSa givenGARLAND. ,' . •

riano by ALFItEDocT-3m



Fall Styles now ready. -Specialty of Btratgh'cuing and Heading Combings by thu namuthod. making them cqutfl td^ut hair.

>dn manufactured on the pretni&ett,-

The undursliOied HAS KKMOVKI) L,!a

BAILERSKrom 160 Unmet Btroet lo

B Bayard St.,NSAB i

GEO. KINGdutO-lm

TO RENT, FOf H i t , WANT!, 'Tfc


STORt? of Prof. OAUCANO;

No. 24 Albany street. Foi locatiou aud adap-tatlou t<rt^u burilupBH th s in the bent inuuicutore in We city. Apply to

o-/y.Jm H. 8A"KDER8ON.


ALi 'ACib , UUck, itfc, wurtb 4Dc, fiml .oid ,here at the latter fag uri».

ABUMKBifS, niack, 41. 50, 00, 70c nud $1—s t ry. Examine. It will well rep»y yon.

adies'. Cloth Sacgues•KAPY-MADK, In tho latest ityle, (4 and uunards.

Wo are pdllng ono or t tu

Best $1.00 Kid Gloves> ¥KT 1STKODUCKI> IN TUI8 01TY. •



; 80 Share) .State-Bank New Brunswick(M '• -ConHoUdated Fruit JurStouk

! 20 " New Brunswick Rubber Co.$but) Bond Monlulair H. R of N.J., \st.,*50O •• Chesapeaki and Ohio, 1st.*1000 " ; St. Joseph ii Denvtr Vittj,\st.

. Ajiply to


New Brunawick, Nov. 10. daw2w

LOTS FORTS ALE.and the village o

.Will be Bold'eboai.

-r cash, or ezchaoged fur ot^ier real or per

iual property.' i*Also a LOT on French street.

v ; Applj to

SdwinElberson & Oo.Corner of Qsorge and Church Street?


REAL ESTATE.In tue matter_or tho application ol Jolm \V.

Jauipbrll, EJwuril (t. Campbell, Mi» .11 K.Cauipbi3ll,Ouardlaii olOeyrgeiJ. Campbell,

luluor, Mar/ K. Camit'.ell, il tniuor, and "Jt-'n-c tj. Oanijtbell, a mliiur, Hiid Buaau it. Ca*tnl>*ill, widow; 00 order to sell:PurBuunt to an ortfljr of the Orphan*' Court

I tho-euuiitVorMi«dH!»¥X,Jiiado ou the 21«tlay of Oitobw A. 1). 1B75, the Bubscrlbers, ',oimiiI»BionCi» 11, I'uuiHon, will sell ut nubile'uudue, on • . •

SATURDAY, JAN. 8, 1876,•t 21 o'clock p.'m , at tl i . City Hotel, In tha el'yif- N«w Bruuowlck, the (ollowlng-dc»cribed'eat eBtate, situate in thu-couuty of Mldilleuexind btate of New Jersey, whereof David IV

*1r« anil OenU' Uulnrvruat In 8ro>s Buriirlslngty luw.bTB nlid 1'ANTri.Wo up. Lndlt'Ser., 4i,-A0, m,'.be up. Gentl' Ve.t) 6»l T

Lrullo.1, Chlld*1r« anil OenU' Uulnrvrurarlny-ftt prices l l t l

ClilKlWff V K b B/(•it and Drawer.,

'J I OU l , 4"\ W, 6 l . ]L«JI«'cOltoET- up. :I.adl-'.'nnd danl HA. i JKEKCUIEFJ , wmautui.

nil linen, 10 W l ^ - . . . .- 'InfaatV J£o r < a, O l o I u and Fancy Prei-floa.'L«rfo itdot . L . u t t ' WBAPi'KJtfl or ovwy lin.l


;1KQS, 1STCJ., EXOUED1NOLY UUKA1*., all fa La*, o r j , g l i t n fftway at Uc yard


Special Announcement.GOODITEWS

To'iho«e w)jp wish to E*-*1 *1|(; moat lor theirtnopey*. • • ' .. - . j . / . i • • . . ..

THE HOLIDAYSure ut hiiiid, uud .. {

JAMES McMAHONIs on liutid with a apleirdld btoclc U"

for the Holiday Trade, •irnvked down' beloi^«w York prices, to suit the times. Thoahariug money to iut'cst;.vr!ll llnd It tu thuh' inturcBt to give ua"a cull.

Our enormous stock o^flno DRE3S GOUHS1B above comparison "to" uny othfer v»lablifil.-nieub, In regard to vtiriety ot/ftyk'S.uud prices.Call and examiire. ' "

We have also iust received IU ca^ea of beau.iful FIAAI&Q, which we are selling for ltic.worth 8oc. • • . : : • " " !:

Our Black Goods Deparimeu8 complete. Vou caiiuot fall to pleaso your'l e l l l i i i t . - . ; • > • • . • •'•-


Shawls! Shawls! Shfiwfs'' for tlie mllH'o'n, from libc upwurda. -A full stock of Uloiikt'ts, FluunuU, Cloths

Caiif»mcrcii,'DoiiicHtiC£, Calicos, Notiund, etcconfltautly Oli hand. ' ' ' \

The List Fell Skirt In. HIP city forlia},'?.COUSE'tHforiic, worlh-76c ,. '

The beat Tivo-Jlultoti Kids tu the e.lt,. y for «5o..

- Former price$1. ••- -




197 Burnei Street(USl)BK O U E S U ' 8 BALL).



Hiram Dennis and Sts• ' < ' t !



'•'•' SJIODDY.



, - t FKOU MEASUltK. • ;-

REPAIRlNfi ao'ue ttoatlyand t|uiokly. •?


AUA'urk (adjoining ihU city).

PRESERVE YOUR LEATHERand render your,Bootu

"WATERPROOFwith Millnr's Waturproof Blucklng.

Agency at Rust's Drug Storesdl \i


ey, vpbeli lately died «eiz^d. uud more purlic-l descriljetj ua follow*, to wit:'

All .that certain tiouBe and lot of ground,ltuale, lyiug and belujf in- the city of NewBruiiswck. county of. <.iddleau]! uud State ofNew J-roey, bcgluiiing un tlii' uonherly aideA Albuny 6lreet, ut the Boutli westerly cornerof a lot funnerlv bt-lungliijf to Co rut HUB I-.lardeiibergh. luit-lj; occupied by Mrs. Jull*udluw, in llit; alleys then^t- runuh.g westerlyluog said Albauy btreeL, 88 leet U iuuhes to ut form-rly of John Heedtir'a, uow or lat^ be-

ooglug to tbu lit'd'B of Comeliua Van Neate,deceased ; theuue along thu liop of Ib&t lot,


That my French Kid Hut.,ton Gattt r, for utyle, atock,woi;lc und wear, f

Kaht-B-BeetP. S.

3* C W B KUBJJEKS lustiu, direct from the umuu-tacturerb—great ' vuriiny.Ladlt-ri1 Nobby Mutiitur,

-Alligator and pine Gum" Siiow Eitluduis.

Mattliew MuCunnlck'a lot; tuenco easterlyalong liia line, \n al't'l wlili \yiishlugton eireet,aH 1 et b jn^'lies, more or lu^a to tho mlddla ullaid ailcv, und HUM of Mrs. LmUow's lot; tboncu'soiltlierly alon^ tbe aainu, 131 feet, four Inchesmore or ifjssTo tiie place of-beglnniiiij; beingtlie name jiruuilBvu • couvuyed to David F . .

uiiijtbcll In liin lifutiine, by i'eter Conorcr aud•vife, by •ln.-irdeid, dated May lat.-A U., IBOO,und rucoided in Book fJ3 of Deeds, page 802,etc, ,j

^d. AH ill at curtuin other Lit, piece orparctiiof land, uftutite, lyln^unil being jn die city olNew Brunswick, iu tue county of Middlesex,a* d Stale ol New Jersey, h Ing butted uudbouuded aa followw, tu wit: Beginning on thesouth side of Albany Btroet, at the northweatcorner of tho hou-e mnl lot of laud formerly

tvned mid occupied by r brahant Bluuvelt,deciiiL»i*(I; tbence ruuufng souther y along tkuiuo formerly o) the naid Abraham Ulauvelt, 10a

lii«t to tliu rear line uf iho lota fronting ouChurch street; thuiicc* westerly along tliu rearIfue uf saiil IU.IH HO fronting on Churcu atrcei,

id purallel with Albany ntrfcet aforesaid, 40 .feet, lo u lot of John Van Nulse; thuoce north-erly along ihe lint: uf tlie said John Van Nuiae,106 feet to Albany street aforesaid; thencualong said Albany atr.rt, <;ufiU:r,ly, 4u feet totlji place of bvgiiii.ttiK, being the eauie urein-IBVH L-ouvcved tu David F Campbell iu his 11ft-tiuie, by JoBejlrW. Scuit, by hiaaeed datudOctober lMh, A. D lbtjc aud recorded In Mid-dlunex County Clerk's Otlitjc, in Boole 10-1 ol"eea*, iiapf 103. etc.

Tcriiiri uiutK' known on the day of eale byKKO8KN T. B. BPADEIt,


C l

gBoots,etc.All goods pleasiuglyAll goout the

People's Boot &Shoe StoreOld Ootner,- Iliranland Dennis Stueets,; 'New Brunswick, N. J.

tt: p. HART.A. P.

Estate and Siocfc BrokerOKflOE AM) 8Al,K8nQ0M,

P«llows' H«1I, N,»ll>on"Str»«t '


Has OD band M D I ot tho

Best Property in the City1

' for inTBBtmeut.

All kinds of Goods reoelred to be uolJ at Prirate Bale or Public Auction! -

'. Ubii! Eatute arid 8tbek bought anil sold.'Money, boaued on Koasonablt ternir, - -

Ho'dommiasloa'demanded uatll nalen areconsummated..

Auction Sales'attended to ID olty or country.tiokeu and <inlt« Hold to all parts oi

tbe country. {ant-l.?lB

A. Bloodgood. Jr..v . OYSTER PLANTER,W e O L E S A L B and RBTATL F I S H and

, OVBTBR D B A I J i R ,'.' muy still bo found at tlio old stand,

Np.^3 Hiram Street,wlicraha'kj-'cpsaluU iinsortmrutol ovarjUiiuatliavcdn^ea^ut oflhe water. " l .'.Ojstors^UaVd Clams, Soft Qlams, Lobst

CrubB, Scollops and Fish of all kinds I: ' celroil dally^Irqct Iroin PripceBit Buy: dud slilppedto dealers iu all purts

of tbo State.


JOHN A. FLAGG. . . " (formerly Northrop'a), . . •-,

47OHUrTCH S T R E | T: ' NEWBKrjN8\VICK, N. J.

Plain and Fancy Calu) Bakery,


Island'FOU THANaeaivma,

It NOB. 8 uud ID nfram Btrect, at lovr' priiLarge oysters opened, fresh from Ainbqy, off

'BIS budB over/; "d&yi "'jit'So'ccnCs per quar?""'the old stand. Come ono, come all. '

Personi so desiring may have tlie wugonscrtt thret),Uutes a week to their residences to

goods sold out of liia v/dgoh wltuIIIR on It will uo wurrautcd FHESH.3


', Deo. 10.—Fi.ouit AND MKAI.—Uuckwliout flour firmer. Flour, supor-flno Htnlo mil Western,!>4.3B(5)4.06; extra

tc.,, $5(3>1S. 80; city trnjoi and fuiul-. , .Si Qa.wqbi Bouttern aktrs> ondtflmlly brands,'-$7(?B^8IS. Oorn 'riieiiMWestern, *8.2B»a.l)B. Buckwhoat Dour,* 100 tbs., »[email protected]. .

Droiteil hogs 9J'(^0!c. Butter, Btatu fir-kins, [email protected] ,pails, an®84&; Wratora"-'•'"-'""Ijaoi •» IiggS,l28V(gi!12(i. for frewi.

Wbo»t (1.42 for aliolcc nxabet-rtllWiufcw 'ti^i '


Tlio »bovo salo stands adjourned /to WEDitthssanM utmrand

doo3 ComralsBlonorB,


PJViCtisnoory o( Now JoMoy.-Botween

. _. . . »ts, anj

Tho Committee OD' Streets Will txiatl nt (lieolBce of tbe Dtroot foblmlasiouer, No. 57'AUban; street^ on MON DAT. DEU. DT, at 31>. ni.,to bear any ob|eotluna wbtcli parties Inter-ested may wlah to makei to tho rissuinment otbeiiodts for the wldeulneof lllrain alreet. .'

,11 VOORtVBBS BBOWER, .• • • . . , . • , J V / C O N O V K K , i • ^ :. , • • • i v L X M A N l O R O S K . ' •••''••

New Brnnsw(ck, No^. 23, 1870. diiloatoaTr

WICK IHIII.DINI) AND LOAN AS80UIATION OFNEW HIIUMSW10K, N. J., 0omi> alauta. amiKLIZIBKTB JIAUJili oj »l,. Kf^nlluiU.-KI. fa.

furic)0lur«;'-'lBa«M'N6V.J|llBfft.*-' - ~By virtue of the abov iUUKl writ, to ma dlruatod,will oxpow to Mis at ubllg.roonuo. ou

TUlfflDAY.'JANftAUY 18, 1BJ0,^ O^ In U«ol)j »|

Laf J I aw llrnniwlolr. In iaa1 "•-•-> or Now Juraqy, and

i anilJwaqy, nWB-rOl .

—iDfly «uo'M tipWiebmpni),MwlH?T»-»gr1^»*r1p« » l * iw'ut hitbd-ndrth Hdt oTTi)irn UDU [no*- MIKHI Cod)|i)«roL»lavenue], dlitant 100 (b«t at rtgbl • Hnf let from ifonnttt-eet i tbeoDO lunnlnc northerly and HMterlr jiwraJlel

ftloDf tn« Una oriottnumlwri 180 and 188 iu ib« toutn


DaUJMw.liaWiaAM HUT'



brli>ilnj[>ourPHaMng EouH,

. Ice Cream > aloon. "

OysteEaindtDiniDgitoonisDINNElRT and fcUPPHRS


Meals at all' Hours.y Btrict atttenllrm lo

mlnos and to th# wunti ;ol't[l« piiblldbe.boposto morl^ufilursoftboilpatronage, ' i

Wine arid Lager Beer

CUmmtMil Ai>»., oof. Bale^&t.

A l s o I m p o r t e d a n d D c u n M l l o O h o s s er, . . .„ . : , ; ainil ,Blogonaa, . , ; . . , . .

! Prop'r.

' ;A<ljournuii Slicrlfl'ii saYo."

IN Ohanoory 'if •!N«ir''i)or»oy/'— llolirocuTwo llouio lnsuranea Company of.New-

ark.'K^Uar.i^] UOAtUJMttknu/Uulli EWn 1*flail, administrator of Jacob L. Msrtlu. .d

ilo»u«.w»(i^'S^Si«ir ' *

PETTE & BURTON SGeneral Mnsic Store,| 2 3 Albany Street,Wliiractinbaroutitl over? articloUi tbo musl

ttMlIlO i



Haines Bros. Pianos

Masdn & Hamliu 'Organs.


W. PflTTH.


Is and llotall 'dealer In alt kinds olami Vi GETABI-Ba in ihntr season.'

furi AgeAt Jor BortU'oi wn FJ-nlt form Jlloc

: tdTJlods11 oo of cliartfB.

! |a'llvparts of th« «ity,


N O T I C E .

T1 HE Dlroi

boldon'at the Ct'Uilty^UolAotof's ofllci'and fourth Saturday* of eaeb nidntlo'olook u. in. ' ••

~' WileBii!8oiitn"atIver. ' • -.-•JAMBH III88KTT Oliaotor.

. jeMditu at two

$5 tn^ I pw (Uy. Agent* WRD'WI ' All ufkuo«' ^01 king Pflftjlo qf both HXW,

B«nd m your ad'

J^li tor work or biulni^ WnrfJ*A&!|n5r% te'ikMnwd what wt ofltar. Q, •vumoit * Oo.Pur'ludl

C(icnrpp (J. J.udlow, Proctor.Dated NuVeiiibtr I,_lb75. ' i.o&-dliiwlOt

QHKRIKKJS .SALE.—New' JerseyK J Uuiiniuiu ' Court. — AI.FKKU LEIGH autlSTEPHEN O. UANO, late imrtuuit, ett;., vs HAN-NAH !•:. UOIAJ, Dufuuaaut.—Fl. Fn. In ciute. Untud

i]itt!uibiir 14, 1H7B.Uy virtue uf tlio.abovf-fltafpj writ, to me directed,will exixjuL-'toflftiu ut ]iubliti vendue, un

- TUKHDAV, JANCAUY 4, laili,: 'J u'olooli p. in., ut Ilie HliL'rllTrt Olllte, In (liii city of

Now liruuBsvkk, Now Jcrafij-:All tbe dtifi>utluut!iLxigiit7title aiiU Interest in all

tlirU certalu trutt dr parcel of-lamlund premlstisBltu-ite. Ijhifj ivud Uim; lii'lln; ttiwimlil]) of HBLmtuwByin thu cuuuly of Middlenex and BUte of Now Jersuy:Jleglijuiog ut u iroltd un tbo north line of Ngrtbfltn-ct, dlsliiin^lKl feet west from tliu liorth west cor-i«r of Nortli ntre*;l mid Jackfiou avt'inic; ttiomiuunulUK uot^h HOU foet to tbe Boutb lino of Front

a t rwt ; tlience ruiming wtat QIOIIH tbo soutli Hue ol'Fioiitiiirflol 50 ffef-Ilicuijo rtitiiiiug BoiiLIi" 300" feetto tbo north lino of Nbrtb HII-KCI ; uud theuce run-nlii(/ eaat aloug tbu'uurlliiliiUdf.£<tirth.attcoL&Ofcettu the jilouo of tx-giunliig, botny loin deBl^ujittJ alunibcrB Hovunleun (1,), tiglitccn (1H), furty-thra*43) und fortv-fwllr (U), On jimp oY DuueUuii, wiilcliiiuj) ia tiled Iu tbe (Jlllco of thu County Clerjt. - -Together with all and Htngulnr tho rights, litertlea,

irlvilf-m-s, harcdllauiL'iJtH and appnrtonaticea tbere-

" *S.*M^ llui'AnSua,' HberilTJ. TJ. CONKKT, Attocuey.Dati'd Out '£}, 1S7!5. dc2 Olw

Middlesex Orphans' Court.tJurTRMuiE Tiui i , l3Tr>. ,

On the dpplSentlou of .!Ames Dollurt, adtnlLldtrn- •urofWIIHuin A. Wtliuurt. tloccaaed, for an orderVJ&l lantla to pay debt*.—liulo tbtbevr cauao.Tliu nnld mhnl!iislrut.or having uxhibited, on oath, a

just and truo uwtlaDt-uf tliu {turnunal t>suta of tha said ---' eased, ami of tho (It-bin, an far bo can illn-covtr Lho

\a, by which itajipeHrs tbat Oia iwraonal cotato oftbeaald doceaeod ta limulllcicut touay biadebU; tbertj-foro, on application of tbo aald LuInuntBtrator BettlDf .fyriL thai the said WUllam A. Wltimirt died a«lu<l olroal cstnto In thu County of Middlesex, and praying the 'aid of thin Court fu thtt ptuuilats:

It Is unlcryd by thu Court, That all persons Intor-itud in tho reel tteUU) vt. aald dfcoaaod do appear

bolore tbia" Court «n 'TUESDAY , tbe SKVENTUday o( DKOKMUEU, ibTa, at ten ; o'douti in thofureuoon, at tbe Court Houeorln this oounty, to ibuwcause, If any thoy havo, why tho aald real eetato oftho aald dootinww, or fo mcch thereof as shall bd lie-WHaary fur tbo payment of dubts and exp^mea jtt un-paid, •honld not bo sold • ' '

WILLIAM RKILKY»Jr-Clerk ,Dnteil Bepteml*r2'J 18T5. ooT-6tw

In Cliancory orNrw ierioy.; -.TO WILLIAM KKGBS. RICHARD W. 8.


BEL8O.N, AoKWiS IIURttT. SAMUELTOOKKK ana liHRKlET M- TOOKER, biaw i f e : „ • . - " . •*'- - - . « • • *. -J

Uy vlriue ofan'orderol the Court of Chan-cry of New Jerbey, made on the day of the

date hereof, in u cause wlieruln Jeremiah K.Van Devontor ia. compL.lnaiit aud." you andutliurs ure dcfcudiiii"n, you are required to ap-[jc'ur and jjleud, answer or demur 10 tbo bill otsuid complainant, un or before tho twenty-*sevt-nth Uny-of December next, or tbe saidbill will be tuktiu aa con|e.sacd agaipstyou,

Tho Buid bill is filed to lo eclosa* niortgagceiyeit by William Meslcrrfud wife to«arret"Q.Brukaw on ltiuds iu the towMshlp ot SouthBrunswick, dated > pril J, A. i). 1508 • and you.William Krobs, Richurd W, 8. Belaonand LVWlnIiii'Kt.aro made dcfeDdautB bocauao you holdKimuiiibrnBces ou iaid'liiudB'*iul(i*ymi7Hatiiai)lTuoker, are mado.dts/t,ndani epaueej.t tb.fttime of tiling t)uid bill you, »a appeared by therecord, wus the owner of skill Iandit, or somepart thereof, but ullonvurdti sold tho Barao, andnow hold un encumbrance on said lauds; andyou, Harriet Al. Tooker, are made dofendautDfcause yoirare the wlio of said Samuel Took-er, and at the time of Ming said bill hud an iu-clioate rluut of dower in said laudH.

SUYUA>1 4 JACKSON,Solicitors of Complainant, titlllmah's Block,

Front strwt, Platnfleld, N. J.Dated Uutobcr 20, 1S75. - oc30oaw(it


IN Chancery of New Jersey. —' BetweenCatharinu A^ Pruvost ami Abraham P.

Provost, bcr burfband. Cnuaulutnunja. audLolea P. atello nud David I). SuSWTlier bus-band, et al., Defendants—ri Fa., etc., ouforeclosure.— Uiitod Oct. r>. 187.r>.

Thu sale under the abore atattid writ' standaadjourued to": • • . . •

TUE8bAY, January 11, IB7U, 'i t 2 o'clock n. m,,,at tlio Court House, Iu the ,city of New uruiwwlck. New Jersey.

.. M M..LUPARDUS, U m , Shurill.Wootlbrtdge atrong, Solicitor of Uoiuplaiu-

auLs. , del6-td

A<IJouriic<l Shor lU'a

I N. Chancery of New Jersey. — BetweenAbraham "Bec-kman, CuinpluInaWt, and

Jumea Uurlund et UJC. et aid., Dufenduntfl. —Fl. Fa., o ic , on fortcloBure. Dated OgL. 8, .1 8 7 f t . • • • • • — • ' » •

The sale under the above stated Writ standsadjourned to

•,TUESDAY, January '11,.187U,atSo'olock p; m,( at the Court House, lii thocltT of New TJruuswicL New Jersey.

M. M. LUPARDU8. Lute SheriQ.C. T. CowcuLoven, flolioitor of ,<Joini»Ialu-

ant. ' ; . - _ , . - • ~ 1. '. i dun')-id

' Atljonrnod MlierltPs Hale.

IN Chimcory of Now JorBoy.—Botwoan Juno(.•Julick, i-urvlftug executriii iof Vindent

Utilliilt, deceased,, Complainant, and J«hu V.Couover et al.. DefeudttotB —Ki. Ka., etc., on 'forecloauro. Dated Out. (I, 1876,., Thu aalo uuder iho ubovo sttited writ slandn

TUESDAY, January U, 18ror.. :. oat 2 o'clock p in'.i at tteJCourt Ilouae, iy thocity of New BruiiBwick, New Jersey, -.• - 7 AT.M LUPARDUtf, Laftf Sborili.'"

W H I V V ^ aliUoroXC9mplaaa. .

X Uuutordoii.NewJwfloy.-T-Bolwcon -

JL M County National Bank otFfenilnBton, Complalnanta, and Jennie E.Martin et als., Deleudants.—Ft. Ku., cte., ou

D t d ^ f i 1 8 7 f cMqloaure. D^ted^ug.fi,187fcTfc*Btili>1niao(ll,p*hovfl8laiod writ stuuda

adjourned to*-1 ', • ',» « Uy" TUESDAY, January II, UiH,

Bti2q'clookp.m., at Ihe Court Upiiae, lq the0ityofNewWnswlck,NewJeiHtr. 't 7.- • /M. M. LUPARDUS, Uto Sheriff.

John T, lllnl, Hullolto'r ol Cumplaluantfl. * ' <"doio-id L ^ _ _ ^

- 4r-

i • l l o u j p o o r ^MMiKi^monf

t i o u n t y o f J H l f e j ^ ^ W t o Wl ... . . . .htlb thta dny made an iWBlgniueiit to tho aRt)rlD«f dfhl* latuto/ r«4lUHa pera^tiftl, forth eetfuat beatflt of his iroditgrf'. and that the laid~ " liut uxhlbtt thoir roiuBctlVi gUithi."

or ttlurt^ttiiou, wltb^i 'li^term of

K t B BPADKR. Awtgcee.FemUr la, 1WB.

«LttiUtii.a,t, t

Page 3: t AM D FIRST AGAIN! · \\~Y •' ', ,N/f,)THUR^pA[i(;giEy^NG, PRICE THREE CENTS. BUUJN8W1CK POST OFFICE urnm flouits FUOM 7Mrs A,- H T. ParksO 8 r.' Semiaaxy CELLING BAYS FEQM 9 TO



Temperature of the Weather,i T BUST » 80N8' DB0O 8T0UX. 7 PEAOX 8T.

UIOUUEB. 1878. U K . 13 M. 1P.M. BP.K.10 S4 28 80 31 i

J1..1. ....a u a u18 . . . 31 . U 40 38t< . . . . as st BO as

. . . . 1 8 -3T 3S - HTbunday,

HiMf Halters.• —The college examinations commence

to -morrow.—Attend the Y. M. C. A fair at the As

.sembly Room to-night. "• —Bayard Taylor lectures In the Open

House to-morrow evening.I -^Relief Council^N». 40, O. U. A. M.will hold IU usual weekly meeting thiievening, at-7.5GWclock.

—A calico sociable will be gives at Orl

Friday evening. Doc. 1£ '—If you wlsli to patronize a most laud-

able undertaking visit the fair at tlie Assembly Room this, to-morrow and Saturdayevenings.

'—Julia Fisher was arrested yesterdajafternoon In Division street by Officer Mil

: ler tor UnbIblag,,BQd was Imprisoned:Jojflye days, • • ' - . . ' • • " .

' -r,The Treasurer of the Dorcas Societyhas received $9.77 as a donation from l(iGrand'Jury of Middlesex county, per RobertGi Miller, Esq. .

—A handsome Invitation card for the an-'; . nuil ball by the Hebrew congregation

. Anshe Eiricth baa been Issued. The ballwlll.be glvou at Masonic Hall, Feb. 8,

' 1870- ' - '*• . . . -v_»In.:M, A.13. Doollttle, jnbebBlf o

the Doroas Society! has Bent a"tmter to col-( • lector Miller, acknowledging with thanks

t)io receipt.of '$9.77 from the Grand Juryof this, term. ':" • • ' • » . . -

-^The wide-awake boy was not Blow toget bis sled out last night on discoveringtbe ground white with soew, hastening; toenjoy the flrat coasting of the season bafore'the snow passed away, $ o accidents re-

" ported yet: .—Michael Murphy was detected going

'from bouse to bouse and acting In a/drunk,en and disorderly manner; He was ar-rested, by OMcer Miller and committed tojailforfive days^ . • - ' " ' : ' . "

—Ati^nleelly-dresaed driinkon man, hav--'-: log,a carpet-bag and waltiug for.tbe ;'*next

trkin,'1- at the depot yesterday afternoon,was arrestedUyBpocial Ofllcer Bufkc, andtta'e Recorder, evidently concluding, that the

Italian,' and was related-, to lhat IllustriousItalian maiden Jo whom lie gave the classi-cal title of Mary'Ann Brown, and finding

—that ^he^man:waanameless,~-klndly bestowedon him tbo name of George Brown, and

, under the shadow of: this great name of the.Brown family provided him with quarters

• in the jail for two daya. : • .

New "Leciiire XTpon a Live Issue.i, jW*-underetattd-thatOoL A, W. Jones,wiioae,eloquent, Interesting and Instructivetreatment, oil .the Kansas question hasgained for, him'BO many encomlunuv '! °yrequest, preparing a lecture on the subjectsbbnnected.^vith,>tbe public, school question,aVnpw.under discussion. This lecture Kill

- be -forthcoming after tbe holidays, and we. have' no doubt will be a* sound disquisition

^ w e l l . t n Iti Isgloasln Itspositions, which,we. are tnformcd,.wlll)bejidverse.to the dls-tributlnn of the public School fund; to the

. taxation of noo-remunerailro church prop-erty ,-, to .the'rojdiug of the Bible withoutijotB^wfJcbiUment," or^otherwise ; than as

Tother books-areread (n public schools, and- to -all -, interference of a religious or .of.'a

politlcaV character, with scholastic «|Kirse8df' inWruQtion; ,,'BUbjects Intimately luter-llnkedinono and the same Issuo | - the per-petuation under, tbe' Constitution of the

wish- thd-ColoDd Buccess, and sfiall lookforward .with inuoh, anticipation of pleasuret<i'' q!iMigiQiiiicemen.t:0fUs delivery., R. .

p Concert,iYof DlfWclors of / the Choral.:

^ ^ f ;aconcert as complete1 as they can at present.-;^ y p gearjy'ilote.' The Board ire no.wat a stand

^ i topay for the tioketo which bavo been deliv-ered to themo''Xbaut one-half ot the money

i ^ ^ ' 4 toEd


The Inqtiett.i>


The Inquest was continued at halt-pailtwo o'clock Wednesday afternoon.' Theroll of tbe jury was called, all. answeringto their names. The examination of Dr.Williamson was postponed until.the ex-

amination of Daniel Montgomery, who teatitled as lollowt:-* t . . . , -

Live In New Brunswick; am theat tbe upper lopk at the canal; waswork from i l l o'clock Thursday night toseven o'olock on Friday morning; can seeup the canal for 600 yards from my posl-Uop; weather w u cold, but DO lee lu tbeHUM, iTsuinu n ~ »/iu, -MP M> ™ .- .«« hank BbOWH me

canal; there were two "boat., rted up just- J ~ * d , h e book Is•bove the look; they tied up between nineand ten o'clock that night; did not knowat the time what boats tbey were; there wasnothing lu tbe boaVs or any one on themthat attracted -my-attentlon p learned thenext day that the boats were the RobertTtuaUs and tbe Emm* Tracy; Knew noonr

„ ' f -

knd unii(luaSy1»ea»yTleoti,'_fiiiBi-ot,themiajdtcTlbe other "Dldyou get JilstUflbjapup^ i#niwered# I got

j f i a a v Ujem b fllkeZbqatnien; no^ne w « j p ^ f ttime.; afterward I told several of my com-panions; among- tbem being Chariot Bbtop.

'Cfiarles'Bishop was oexteworn: Ant18 years old; was with-Norman-Hall pnSaturday last; saw the lien, but did nothear them say anything;' Norman loldjnewhafouVtoen said; tioy-wcre grangers tome; never saw them before «rr since; tbeman *ith brown cJoUlea on wal about fifefeet In height, '^A . ',

Clfarjeps Crnnlf ewqni.: Am 14 years old;ooua •llr/Dunham'B "wallet Friday after-

noon about half-past three o'clock, oo the> beruie " side of the bank, about eight Seel

froin*tbe water, just under tbe bankbook shown ia the

now In

on them, and saw no one on the bank;knew Dr. Dunham by slgbt; the boatslied up on the weat or " berine" bank , tbeboata laid there* until tbe next, morning,when they were locked down ; knew of ooone being hurl in that vicinity that night;beard" ncr'crles; Baw no suspicious menhanging about during tbe evening; whenthe boats ialjl-up.tbe teams were bent down

h b lDr. W.Ullam8on~wa8

one I. tbe "eame

condition aa 'When I found It; took Ithome; showed it to my mother, and shetold me to take It to the Doctor; wal teldat nine o'clock that night that Dr. Pynhauj| . K V J j | f l n n * t n a •*«%•! > %lT^ t^ £L ^^^ _ • X *

that was tbe last Um«, I -saw,him; tha|morning I saw him «t njy house; be*wastho habit of going right up 6(alrs,,butthis occasion went to the dlfflng-rooro-andpeeped through the crack very queerly; I-was astonished at tbls; be afterward wenilip etalra, and attended ,my phi|d;;in>lh<aftornoou'between four and five o'clock licame to tbe bouse, and, among otiwfe rexmarks, said be Intended to go home and

;othestables^The examination o

continued: The note Of Dr. Dunham wasfound- by me on my office desk Fridaymorning; went at once to Dr. Dunham's

ouse and found Mrs. Dunham quite* wor--ied over the absence of her husband;' wentlp to the deep lock and made inquiries, lint":ould iearn of no accident j.went to the,:anal to try and find any trace of tha Doc-ofc .butin valo; tbU was at six o'clock „ „ u l p m l u l l u o l ,

Friday evonlug, when tho alarm had be- remained about 15 minutescorns general; Saturday morning I went to u s u a i . h o u&lf 8 e u , m(J(] idDr. Dupham's office to make inquiries; the f o r a and toid me next day Icook told me of the call D v Duuhaui hadeceived Thursday night; I searched Dr.

Dunham's waste-paper basket and'on thefloor; found copies of four notes, which I(reserved. . '

They read as follbws: , . •"•--ibvr-.. No. i: '.- ," •'•'•

". , . WKDNB3DAY—8.30 P.M. •DEIR DOOIOB—I have just .been sum-

moned to a patient on. board a Boat laylrigIn the upper lev6n.j(Froin the report of themessenger the case 1ST one of severe Injuryto tbe foot, and 1 may require, some assi'st-ince. if you can command your .time forIhonext half hour or so, will-Jou pleaseleave-word where I can:-fltid:ypu In thevent of my needing a helping hand I

Tours,'in'haste, • .. '"' CHARLES DUNIUM.

-..-•'.' No. a. • • \ ; *DOOTOB—I have just been sura-

noned'tq see a patient on board t, Boataylng in the upper level; • From'tho reportif-the messenger the case li.ohe_of. Bevoreijury. • - ' _ . . . . , .

•. .; .; .-.-:, No. 3,. . . . , .DKAU DOOTOII—1 buve just b&n sum-.

joned,to see; a patient on bpard_ aBpiitlying in tbo upper level. _ .Protn the reporiF' the messenger, the case'lB'One ofsevereijiiry to'tho foot and I may .require some•sistanoe. -, - , ' ' - . '".' . , ' . "

• • ' ; • ' • • " • • • N o . i . •• ; • . • ' : : ' . : , • . ; . ;

DEAB DOOTOI!—I have . just been suin-b d i B

bad disappeared; Mr. Graff came and gotth». took, w»o ploying truant whun Ifound tbe book, John Catbcart and AbramThompson were both w|th me ( went to'theDoctor's bouse twice to give him tbe book ,cauld not find him., M

The iuquest was then adjourned to seveno'clock- Wednesday eveoldg:

Cnunty Prosecutpr Schenck, who asaisledtbe.Uorooer lu the-morning, was also pres-ent at the afternoon session.

The" jurjnneragnln~at:7.'8O "o'clock,HitRoom No. 13,-Masonic. Hall. All thejurors being- present the evidence was pro-ceeded with'as'follows: .

Maria Oreen, sworn: Live at 84'Newstreet; knew Dr. Dunbani i last saw htmOD Thursday morning-at 9.80 o'clock;' sawhim at my bouse, having went for. him toattend a case of diphtheria; aty husbandwas present part of the time; tbe Doctor

nlnutes; he appeared as.medicine the night be-

mtfnta&ftBlgbfcj^W „ - ^Dr. Morrogh recalled: Am a practi

physician, have known Dr. Duabam moretnan 20 yean; did dot visithlm.profeesloa-ally; I was one of tbe physicians presentaUbe autopsy ; I concur in the report madbv the ^physicians.. The pa^er oontakiing thi «plnli

pbyaician's as to?, tbe caWe.'of tlof pr. Dunham, fwhlch was

day, Traa ibo»n witness, woojwite.

husband paid him $1.lay to get more; my

jloaed,.to. see.' u patient outboardtying In the , . level. '


The four notes were' all • written with acad pencil, and j bad bcentbrn-upi—fpundbe pieces and put them together as well

I could, and then pasted > them bnglass.They were examined by the jury, as was

be note found by Dr. Willlaaison on theifflce desk.) Think the fact of there-beingour notes torn up showed alack qf-mentalwwer; nevej*>> beard of his laboring under,lib Idea that he had been called at some timerheu he had noV; ;never.heard tho.' Doctor,peak of Belf-deatruction except, the,!tupeo tbreatoned to throw, himself from theludow; be sometimes expressed * a 'fear,

bat. his difficulty would lead to.somerganic trouble* —r;\'.\ )-. ) n - a i : ' y -D4r. Charles Vobrheee stforh : Am a phy-

iclah, practicing, iu. this city;. have KBown\ Dunham for 25 years past pheard incut

ihetestimbBy of'DK Baldwjh.an(l;Dr.Williamson ;; I fully concur/in, their opin-IOUB ;-Baw.-Dr. Dunham tit the house.of Air.

tout j the Doctor, spoke of,hiSjBeej'ng'Bbv'-•8lchandeliers:ipBte.ad of ope; told Him itimejrom joverwork; .advised him to givep work for a time; the autopsy bears outJC idea that Itwas functional derangement

-Henry Greet], huibantl of ioat witness,swo^n Saw, Dr/;Dubham oir Thursday,Dec. 9; ' noticed nothing upuajikl abouthim* rpaltl :hjm $1", paid # { # .'him iu tliehallway; no one eUw was present at thetlme'j he put tbe-olbuoy In a book. - fTueWitness hero iminilnedrthe book and Bald itwas l|ke the one the-Doctor hauV] * Sawmoney In the^ book, currencyjn particular,papers" and money, together, as, near as Icould'tell-; tbo Doctor ' made; no remark ;he took the. book out of bis pocket"nud putit tack; gave him four quarters of a dollar.Witness" pointed nut where and- bow themoney* Was--pnt4ln;"-tho'wallet'- seemedpretty Well filled, but only saw the. edgesof the money; had tforaecoiiversationnvlfhthe Doctor:; had, a carbuncle on my .neck,which he told me;to poultlco_fnrther\\ Rentfor hlni to attend my boy j ho told us whatto get ior him. ; •. • ..'• : - '"it'

Bcnjamlu HbaglSnd recalled: Worked foithe. Dooto^n .he; Ra|ld me" lait on Nov. 1;that WAS the last money he poldiue; rookedblnLlormorc luetXhuraday night; he saidImdu't it then, but would give me it in themorning; this was about a quarter of eighto'cl ick,^bp usually paid me without asking;uiy.pecein'ljer-money, waa aotubeu dne;aakid him'fbr | 1 0 ; this was In thcsBltting'-room, back parlor; there, was no one pres-ent ; bad asked blni-on other occasions formore than this sum, even *24. and trot it; Iiwept tWomc^on*^"*-"*"^' •think, that, it was,Tkutaday mornings;swept it; tiirfw. Tuesday'ithe dirt heap.',' •.".: Chas. A. Oliver Strom: Am Chlof of Police of this .city; Mr. Oulse and I went toJ^ew York for 'the purpose' of finding theboats tied to the upper look; found one attbeThinard dock, Jersey City; Jho other at

that ho coincided with the conclusion there-in expressed, that deceased came to hisdeatb.by drowning. At the request of tinjury be gareihia reasons fpr such a cpufiltf-4on. , ' / * • / * •

He said that in telling the apjwarancesby which a person died by drowning thereis probably no one case where the evidencesju-e-eotirdy_tho.jamo_;7but there .are certainindications wlilch ebow tUems>lves'4tist aiclearly as in "cases of death by poison, and.from them we can just as surely determinewhether death took ,j>lace before br af(c£going Into the water. There are many- signon wblcb authorities differ) but oa othersigns all agree.:' Some of' tb'e'irid'loatioii*found In deceased might have resulted fioiother causes ; but tkere^wero Indications town|6h we attach grinfimportinco,, One 18;the exiatence^if frothy mucus In the lungs ;anotber.>ir what la commonly firmed'goose' flesh," which musi' "take -place

during life, and Is thorefurq,a fact of very«roat slenlScance In. showing there. waslife iu the body alter it enlered'tbo .water,as it must be product-d during life.

Water la the Btotnach Is not of mucliimportance, as-tofbp drowning a drink olwater might have been' taken;"ana'the

, p ; ( tthe- footsrbf •^Twenty^fouttti; ikreei, ;-theEmma Tracy; iho \vaa occupied by CaptainSimnwnB,- wife and a-uumber,of- children;Simmons bad been In Boston's (tlie owner)employ fofflver'nlBe years;' the'btlier boatwas occupied by Captnlu C'rpes and a maflnamed Flukes, from Trenton j . .told themwhat wq; we'rp,after, and .inquired]",If, anyone had'been injured on tbclr boats, buttbey.said ,not.; -asked'.the boatmen whorothey put tip \yhen;herelaud they said'abouttbey.said ,not.; asked.the boatmen whorthey put tip \yhen;herelaud they said'about800 ' yards 'north* o f the' upper" "lock—bin

amount of water taken into: the lungs andstomach ID drowning Is leBB than might besupposed. When a man is-drowning hemakes , a violent effyrt lo^ breathe. Thisspasmodic exertlonhlsolf causes a'couttac-tlon. of the ^ l o t t h ^ g A o u as the waterenters; a mere crumb might obstruct tbeglottis, and-that prevents inyih'lng outer! 'tbe wind-pipe. The water taken In theeffort to breathe enters the fine cells of thelungs and, mixing wltli tbo gases, producesthis mucus. The struggling to breathetherefore produces this bloody frothy mu-

K l h dtime in tbe water the vessels of the brainbecome conjested, but death could ensuebefore that might take place.• Juryman D. H,,BoJcer^f,.apljmitlon'ftas

suspended before Ui 'oQteafic&tbJne^watiBr,which would restore it, would not the sameresult you have described have been pro-

'Dii Morrogh-^Tha'slgni-"In tho, Iungawould show tbe man's efforts to breathe

just the same.' '. _''-.'.b.T. \J;',;-;';-.Juryman D. R^ Boiee^Tyhat would bj

the effectof jjblorpfqrin If applie^Jtothedeceaaod beforo ho had been thrown- Intothe water t' ; !

mid rc'qulrl c'odBld-Dr.,'MoVrogb-Jgb—4t WOJerable chloroform to produce" insensibilityin the open air,lpb<icajse:6o:mb;ch Of. ItVonldescape''; but, supposing a case of that kind,

ipwthe,drowning, Jjut''nftr or'M' chioroform

j'.nftr or'M' chioroform

glected to keepljs half of the fence inproper&epilr; and*, that he, the defendant,'waa consequently unable .to keep bis cattleoo bis own property. He admitted that blabull had gored plaintiff's mule, and also

'The counsel -for defense, maintained, in

hu) argunieDt which followed this witness'was qot, under

responsible3 for anydamage dope fay his bull to plaintiff's prop-erty wl»eij theJatter.hadmaVe such a thingpossible by reason of • bis' negligence In notkeeping' bU property properly ienced In,and he.wae not, the counBoUlalmed, entitledto,any daraagea *bate?er. f ,' '' JThe argument*|ofj plain(lff'-Was based entgef assumption t W t h e prdperly"haJ be«u


M i l KEES B


B ' BB


« SS3S




Bargains 'IT


I? * -PP

. OOOOOJ1:oooooo

OO OO<Oo oo00 OO00 OO00 * 0000 OO00 00OO 00oooooo(iOOOO

SB l ! SSB








uents of the law under the Revised Stat-utes, and'with teleview maintained the

lalntiff's rlgjrtjo recover damages resultant!rom the trespass. * ," '/TlieOpposing'j»uu6ei; Ju ..replying oc-cupied "the time until the hour of adjouru-ment.

r,.»ptesented ah»n It did atD.-A'J fair1 this

ables of the; varteus de>• well-nlfed with articles, and

the-imces are very reasonable—lower I bani ualjat, iWre-r Supper will. be..served,arb/H1^ desired, from 6 tilllO o'clock to

sight and the following evenbga. Dinner[warm) to-morrow and Saturday from 12.

We are requested to atato tb'st any con'rlbutlonB ourcitizeUB have to offer which baven»t!Jet!beenfa8iitHn wllL.be thankfully re":elved at the Hall. . .

Auy,peisons,haylng cut dowers to spare11 confer a great favor upon the ladles byincline a, contribution tb. the Assemblyo o m . ' " : ' - ' - ' " • • • • '•'• >


NewYork^ Cheap


., .;; ArPdnfteroui,Trick.'A feW oVenlngB since-.a clerk inastoro i

if. i . i j f . .~ ' ] . r i - ' - "—; T. rrtw— T ' ^ ^ v i ' Mr^**« l l U ' t * 14

little fun at" tbo expense" of a spcclarpohce-man who~uaoTbeen but recently put Ou

10^ j the" store, in .which a' "', ."' the

ioor open and concealed'himself. Not longfter-the. watchman*] came along, saw the

loor open, drew, out^hls revolver, add eniercd.. .The Bight fit the/revolver so terrifiedlio clerk that he .jumped and made theloBt'abjccVsj^aiUor nie'rcy'.' "Fortunate

tb'ere wai'no barm done, and after an:planatlon tbe clerk was permitted to uo-trtc^JIejfpAytt t/ie^Ofllper-had a revolvet iuie?hand'aud a dagger In tho other. '

• •••• •'•-An '.Engineer'Arrested.:.This afternoon Ofilcers'CaiWgan- 'and

fhile arreited. EngfneJr;,.Jj W. Hartmou,ho hadjhifrgo of engjne^p. 804,,for havig bis frei^iit train on tlie Alb'any and Frencb-reet crbtsingB, thus obstructing the tbor-

"""te;*]Tbb omcirrfdUowfea the trata


Grand ExhibitioN





Fancy Ink Stands,

Work Boxes.

and tlieref.Bfade, thei'-arrcstartmau was taken before .the Recorder

ind flped. $20 and costs. .:.He was commit-^^iajj^jdefauirof piymeut. Subse-

Sfi]j^St,.jJ.i3. Jdldlp.w, appeared beforeio Keoorder and gavo ball. The man wasleased, fo^appear foif trlarnext juufsday

had been previously, applied.CoronerKibbe^-if made i f

blow from a saud,bag would the result bedlsebfered?1 " : " ' v i ' S i

$1,000 Reward. _n .-Jtout.-l^sq.nfathor-in-Iaw of Diliiuhauil.ofterB a'rlwkri of |l,Off(l..for suchiformatlonas"mayload to the arrest and

conviction bf the murderer or diiirdbrcrs oftho deceased.. i.OSrtin.or.'vKibbo elBOvvhere-advertises forthe man who called at Df. Dunham's ouJhursday'glght, and alsd'fo/.liny infonns-


B_amaiDLJii_'Laflieji Sili: Tie?.

&ents* E u m i s M n g Goods.Gentlemen will And it to tbelr duwt ad

t t I hi


Large variety in'JUtuking; Lmenallax»andCtiffeOU(lt

irth* o f the" upper" "lock—obeit seven hud the other afeutht' lion connected: ivlthr, the; disappearance or

dh fo'clock iMhls; was a greati h h b Q l f ftejfWfc;s,uch jnf,orroa.ti6R tforeporb to him

; g ^ Wivhepj the bQtly .\yas found^ parts of the

t f i d i k d b D B t dy ^ p o

Fnotca fotind were picked upby-Dr. ' Batd-i ' J l ; flUd a d l f t f h about the appearance of tbe face of

ywin.'Jlr.; fluUd and. piyself.; part of .tf d h h

the brain; .in those casesi , —Let ypur. benign.cpnntenanccrestqpouceased, as wo oa'w"It',when ibrought Unto

tfroiu under an iish heap ;• they were frozen,


; ^bie to. those Illusions-;'jthe person ISIB the,/air,atttb(»1falr,Uyitb9 Udlea, in, the As-Room 10, freeh fromUhe wa'ter!

y ,and, wo had to take an oxe-toget them but {one piec f d i t f t h

ger of suddenly becoming insane; metD k Td d l

, gone piece was found against a fen

t i l !mbly Room every afternoon and eveningg y g ;

:. Dunham, a week ago, Tuesday and lie Dr. Morrogh—That wasp geast eidoof alley! :! Witness bere

gioko of a severe case be.had at.'. Washing-;

the glasses on which thejrtt d : ; Of ph H b r EXAMINE

•Bargains ini i i


Juryman D. R. -Boice—In the autopslsnham was In a healthy con-man, being 'drunk, wiis^ajd " ' li f t i j l h

wei«''tne're''ahy" traFes-o, g ,day";' lie waf certaiujlhebi

he witness..read fiiirfiottsbfvtho medicall i b h d l ' t fbl

y;tbii.on Thtirsilayfand camed b ribHd Vlt

mml8sibu' who mado';,llje'autopayi -as -fbl*W f l ! '•'• " • - • ' • ' • / • - " ' '•• • ' ' ' ' •=•• * - - - ! • - " • • ' ! - : ' - • •'

bi .on Ttirsilayfand camejierQ ou^Sturdayj-bavo riob-taHted Vvltji hinl, wbfiu-howaj Bf>be>; he was •*—'•'-' -- '^ ~- « > « •U)g mad bp-Salurday

AtlTOPSIB-OF DU.01UULKSHU.KUAM."'•';', •••;.«•»«'. o.'li.

TbajcaIp.lLl- •• - • " a . . , N O

U.ttttmwbitj; Somh FELT SKIRTS.Ingtp takfrthe responBibjIlfy of [giving thefiitt-concert until all of the money has.beenrcc'tiyed-'!;;-; ; • ' " : : ' ; " '':'••"" '"'';

reportedHcbonck, Lev!

told me he dumped thea uib.ve«abl« ovqr, tetaponi mtia-*.';o»lv»'rtum' jauaifeii temov«d.- papers there oh Tuesday from the office

sweepings : ' ''"" J0,000 Embossed felt Skirls at C9c, 00c.Handsomely trtame-J Felt Skirls at* I 00,

75c and %\tJaiiea, JI.;(3UIB9 sworn : : All.be had toBObBCrlptlon members who Jiave not paidfoHnelr tickets* to'dp so at once, beforenextHMopdayeveningr Deo. • 20, as tbeBoard wjll..at Ibatiimo Lold a meeti

saasaf&^w&s sajy Aasjlp corroborution of' tbo 'Chief re jevVthe rubt hemlqtlierfl w u fotud 'Qonnal;! tboT: V^trlolM otottj . ' TpiiCU-di) BOI blo«d. antage to Inspect this departmentChildren's Felt Skirts, noatly trimmed, atj

dence; there was one piece of paper whichhq!lp'u'qd;oye^ pear: tbb: fence; ':.&e!handed ',\i.4 il

Shirts at 75; 85a up.de^de.Jw^t^.Bmy i

1opnce^^ itd.bB-glysithlB-WlDter or- n%t. Those who have notpald.yet'mayi pay; to tho Treasurer, Mr.W^i. H.-FlBher, Br 'tb"'fUe .liiehiber. btlth'eChoral wboolelivcred to them their tlqljctai

4 iftilWft' J*"*- ^^1*°>f«Hegla>s ,knew, of no Jevidouce, :or,. witnesses',whichrfld h li ' dprfuld throw light on'tbe death of Dr. Dun-

ium' . : - '"'.-'I: ' ' " • ' ' '• , '"- • • " : ; , , . • • ; ' ! " lams Informed me '•Frhtty?Bvonint«iatOh<iWrai, Kent' swprp : KncwiDr.. Dutiba

^i f f I Dlivo^uursddy e.veolng aiqs;8Cl',pJc|qck, betweenjjilborson's onice.andMr! Field's offlce;V'he-was"walking j iuo'd-

-pi;- DmihiSm;' wej^iirsasyrn'iht':;

iiafll»e.ye'oihg' the scholars oi. .the-.mtsslou'school 6f'the Becond Reformed Churcb, In

' Obiaeri'Btrbet1, gathered In' the school-roomtoe'njby iiJl^itlvaiiprpviaeci by their teach-

French |V"o»oii In tvhtto' and coloredk d 8

g y JUtukng; LmeCallax»and.CtiffeI.OoUar<i(l<s*-etcr- —marked uown to 48c each

SO bone hand

Our Bkelet,on flttiug band made 40 bonoorwl at 75c; cuiraot,be towi al any 0lher

deep lo«k, about two.feet from the'watcrV d'clfHen; for thel«l&a)JI6Mtfreriid5 dls

hlBp4yjte*^d^pmes-cu«oiuited our ad-

miratlonl won our esteem and riveted1 bur

(UotSh hiamemory 'artd strive.to emulatelila'

Eiamlnatlon<Tesumed^Nptlced at;the( o s y that t h e v b M ' ; * « S a j f l

gi ,ho.-,putbi8.,eye right

' i V t t ' It was coverlid'With'ftdBt'j-'-toiSk It home4 n

(opsy,, thatiJ wa«

hat.'caused death

M mi , . , p t . , y e.aa if surp'riseuVto meet me..'K t b b 1ets ahdthb friend*-of tbe school. The

exerciaes comistod qf singiug by the school,: Henry Kent, it boy about 14 ypara of

were with me, . . . v,,. ,Tho lurj'examined the tie, but dl

ige, sworn: jkpew'the Doctor by sigllt;hadn'tBeeu bluiior a weekbr more'; feet a Our CoreetS; are al| warranled pure wbale-

bopo.' With the non est noxeltlea, ,

'of incidepU of' Ho received a y relatlrtftdnd" mingle

< urteiWvflth tUeirs up^h tne'grayetdr: our(oparted friend.

Ifour more wltncssesto'eiamlntt11-'-"1

l i 'r , 'r>-- l l • « l . ' l ' , ""'1! ''i'iiiSweeping Reductions Sweeping Beduotion?ght have ensued more

rniertJinilJhiJjj^'called forth;great entbuslasji:^ k ' a i d / o r a n g e s wcre.-'tben

i iFor the Mllllou,

[ Since .the advertisement. glT|,9g.lUe.,Ust ,pfi,. J l | l t i"'""''"

fa'6ilIy.6fUho'decoasod; anil:that,tbeb bl ihd I i faule bo published In.tbanowspapcrs i f this

jlty ;IHV.'•.•mi ; •bomee, Ibolr'faces beaming with happlnefls.TlMtiioot'bai'a niembcrshlp of about IQb,1 Every Department Departifient

,yrio i j 1 i toVn R ^ g i J e j

bald up.. AboiiV.;$2,OpO tares weredeep loek^Jibout six-o'clock;w l pantllles of water would be found In tlrt

d i i d l t h tattl/oDootor: was. ailvo .wijeajbe went,Tbe 'Treasurer of. the New,. Brunswick

fttii:;^iW:%*nu%:«si^lu'ipj \iaa on Friday:ntdlit f sbWhMBaMlIdtioh hat

NEW YOfJK' ' i i

i f i t i t iit (* i i i 1 1 1 i i i

HEAP STOREno one, with him

tdn. tk'J% Si"I., t [fij h



37 Church St ,NKW BRUNSWICK, » . J

We arerecerving^ our great IuVoiujj of

reduce stock to make Toom^for them. We

following month we shall offer Extraordi


Enormous reductioba In RlbbonB )? t >• t

8 Incu Sash Rlbbona, -2Br yaW7 Inch block gros gram Saab Ribbons, 60c

yard.0-inch Oil Bilk groB grain Saab Rlbbona,

09c. yard.7 Inch all Bilk gros grain Sash Rlbboun,

7Cc yard.8 inch all Bilk gros grain Sash Ribbons,

86c yard '

Tbe above ribbons cau lie i a d In all thenowest sbadeF, *

All silk gros gralu Ribbon , Icvery shade,at 5, 10, 10, 19 and 21c


CuiKIron'o Striped Wool Hose al i, fi, 7,and lOc.^up,'

Ckiidreu's Uuderwear of every dracrlptlon at pnceB ^hat defy competition

i r i , " i / ' ^ y ,

tadltis"Ve8U), good quality; 89ciLadles' Merino Vests, »' fashioned," al

SOc. add up. 'Youth's and Gents' Uridervests

Diawprs at 256, 35c. and up



37 Church St.,BRUNSWICK, N. J.

Holiday apods,aad we are compelled to

reduce atock^y redue]fij['prTcei,'"and for tbe

nary Inducement In vtay department

HAT S!The largest Block iu the Stale

Be I PLH Hats, evory shapo and color,it 4S cents.

Best French Felt Hats, In every Bhapt—and j.uiur, at ?s cents

























Dress Triinnmjes.Great reductions In this department.

200 pieces of finest Guipure Laces from 20c

ik Laces front 10c yanyard up' black Yal

up.GOO pieces

1000 pieces of Beaded and Plain Gimps 1every width, 10c yard up.

COO pieces of black Bilk and Bead Frlngcifrom 19c. yard up

Worsted Frlugos iu all colors

We have an immense stock of the aboveand are clbelng them out at fys than'"•"' prices.

AHOSIERY.We arq oirVrlng extraordinary Induco

ments in this department, as will bo foundou examination

i r i. J » i , > , i ,Ladies' and Gents' 1-8 IIosc and Ilpise at

8c, 9c , and extra heavy at 10c and12c aJpatr. Striped »t 10, IB, 8Ce

i u

' Just received another largo lot of WlngaIn every color at 2 c each

Two cases of Coque Plumo WUIM mevery color at 25 cents, pue case lino colored Birds at BOc. Tipi

III all colors to match.




Kid Gloves.600 dozen In hlock, 2, S and- 4 Buttons,

at $1 a pair -1,000dozen of our "Duchess," iu drab

and brown, at 75c u pair.Our "Houlovard" 2 Buttons, la overy

color, $1 pair, the btst Glove in the marketal the price.

FURS.We manufacture nil our own Furs and

can warrant every article, evtn the cheapest, to give satisfaction, In every respectNo misrepresentations. Eytry - aruclo ~marked ID plain figures. An examinationwill prove Oucprlces tUo cheapest In thoState s

Ladles' Seal Skin Caps; 76c. up.Seal Sets, Muff and Boa, at $7, $10,

$16, up I >Real Mink Bets, Muff and Boa, at t9

$10, $13, up ^French Lyu* Bets, Muff and Boa, at

$4 CO, $S and $8. rFrench Mink Sets, $6 60, $G.Children's Fmsat remarkably lowprlcosCfilldrcn's Conoy Caps at 40c «

Children's Coney Hooda incatly trimmedat 7Sc. and BOc

Children's Sets, MttflT andset


Page 4: t AM D FIRST AGAIN! · \\~Y •' ', ,N/f,)THUR^pA[i(;giEy^NG, PRICE THREE CENTS. BUUJN8W1CK POST OFFICE urnm flouits FUOM 7Mrs A,- H T. ParksO 8 r.' Semiaaxy CELLING BAYS FEQM 9 TO


NlcCrelis Bros*,;

33 Church Street. 33

• , / N — * i « ; - i > . V : , , ; ; . p t t• • Atl i iUc-^Wm. JMtuJden.' . . . . . . . . ^ , . ,18T*' Beifeen—^eo. D*jrMn. ; . . . . . . virlSfi

Burilnrtoii—Barim&i'h'Drne;..:.. JUTlOattdto^ H%. J-iSei«ie« :. ,>:, il8HCfapeMty—Wgftard i?,iear?u;ii7.:..1877

' Olmbl*l^irrtJ f«fett''I8W

GlouiSiier-Tliu. JfdBier.'....."".. .'.1879Hudson—Leon Abbett......<?. 1878Hunterfon—Frei. A .Potts. ..:„.%'Mercer—Jonathan H. Blacl&dSS £% SMlddleae*—Levi D. JarrdVdi. .V*'. 387'Monmouth—Win. H. Hendrlckson... .1870

- Morris—John Hill.. , »• • w • 1878Oo&tu—John S. ^oiiHftf,,.,,, . .*./. .1878Pasaalo^Job'nHopoM . 8.;. •.. .-„. .71877

.- Balm—J. Plummer...*...........187»Somerset—0. B. M.oore . •. 1879

' ?':.., 1877,,-.': 1879'. . . 1S79

b alwsj • guaanteed. V lpious are made to order at short nottc«vlatriug of ererj Tarletj is donind despatch, as well as In a i

a'd at reasonable figures

ibllcana-ii italic.

Ashley.'. H. Wlnant, B. N. Ferdon.

•Daniel L.,jnaU, & Mti

i—AlUen C. Acovel, Oliver C.Lund, Richard N. Herring,

Cumberland—Isaiah Yf.%c\uaan,'OeorgiW. Payne. . . - . - , , . ,- 'BttacmA.^D: 'TrU'pltS^eri; DaVld TOda,

7it. Hatxiwm.'EUmwik J>r»lu>, MareutS. Richard*,Philip W. Croat.

Gloucester—Thomas B. Lodge, 0. Moore.Hudson— Wm. A.-Lewit, Thoi J. Han-

non,J.D. Careoallen,/Ienry Brautigam,John J. Togey, ,fci'fi Brown, RudolpRabe. ajeStfiiier j7&eo6«J(. '•. ?,• -

. • BunlerdQB-t-' Jalaes . Bird, »Win.' WBwayzo.

Morcer—Euoch' H. Prake, J. HanBrewer, Bob&l '£>i HIutoMjitdri.

Middlesex—Isaiah Rotte, (Jharles A.Campbell; Dahfal Z.1 Martin.' . ,

llonmouth—.TameB.L. Rue, 0. D. Hen'l f a W y 0 6 i 6 'Morris—James C. Votmgbtood, - E. D

•Halsty, EliaaM. Skelllnirer.Ocean-

rffs,ljohn Sun-

Baleta—RiehmonWVole, Quinton Keaa

Sussex --Wm. Owen';" ' U i J h E' Union—John Egan, Motes. F,. Cory


fcnm TO TEE WEST,. On and after Bundaj, .HOY, ft, - W 5 , .B*.prsas'-TraJris feeVe ftew Brunswilk'ai (allowe:

- and OhFeago, and Columbus, Cincinnati, anwith Parlor Cars from New. If orfc to Altocm

1.08 P. M. for Plltatur«, dally ezoept Aunday.6.46 V. M.Paolflo BxpresjLds4lj,forUarrisbi

Conneets'at Philadelphia with a sleeping oarlor Erie. •"•-_. '

-' 7oF:13sIlit&or0tiWBS.1)3&fitQBz4n'd'A.M. daily excepttiunday. wlth'AawjlluIlbia'n

. o r dnd: SJeeptng: Oars, and. 1C|3O ,J - ))&,daily with new Pifllrnan1 Malabo '£

.. artaohoi,. ;•' fi •; - .'1-l;::' "''P.dr.'Newark'and New TToHt; «i(• 6.SU, 7.15, 8.06, 8.t2. 9.5a, 10.35,u.ou a., ju

' " 1S.&6, 8.00, g.41,1.60, 6.06; 6.YS 7.26 and 9.0P:U. T L B 8 A.M. forNow Yorkorfly. -<un

& teentfraaisfesaallig.buBdtoft (of the manufacture a• •" * * r descriptionIne


._ of eteitrtinent

u .exhibidescription. ->Thoy koep'

Tshknes constantly on haO(

ike iSd^hVBeitmitiriil , tbelrexaMlene?alwsj • guaranteed. Vehlclei ol all descripr

ous are made to order at short nottc«

Jcaud at reasonable figures. . . _ . _ .BLACKSMITHING Is do*., by them In all Its

praacbts kindred to their business, and ianost appiored and worf *"

BaTing engaged Mrtor tae p a s P s l i yea:ployofHrTL. Van Nu17 r feel couadent that

ferlor workmanship.*


• Wtflic NoticejiTen that, In accordance with a reso

no claim for labor, materlalor supplies far-nished Bald countyleas such'labpr.'roabeen ordered bf t n e i [ .and tbe bill audited by such

' Dir'eoio'

Stelle «to Gant,HARDWARE1 W E R C H A N T S

. Late of WBurnet Btreeti"<-^

' Nearly opposite Post Office.' , : • • ' • > • ( .

We pedpose to Inaugurate oaVsettlemmitiour now quarters by offering gre.at^nduoemealtq Dorehasere..... AUentloit ia specially called Idur large stick bf V. . l , t .,' -J-

Children's CarriagesRefrigerators!,''

--Also an-Immense-assortment of 'Honse-funlshlngQooda Vanning Implements, WhwrlKhta' and h m l l t T ; ' M J t U l t

ap37-dair->^ '••» /..--X


MJ LADIES':JHBB. J>lKitmltMiXl!,u\vlFmtTElUMINOB,BLKIOU UOllSi and flALKT8, V ' • • • - -

-I, U


By Tlrtss of an prder of tho Orphaug1 Court of thicoantT.t.fWlddlo«ii iin»de;oa,Slt4»yrpber , A. S . 18T5, t h e lubBoriber, Mloi>aUtr»tot£ Bio,, iJo lm Urttflun, decotUHul, will w l a t Piililifl Yduduo ,! " , . • ; , . - > ! :::.•: I -,- ,.l c.t :.Ui... •_. : , . ^ :

Wednesday, Bee. 29» Ai 1). 1975,ut. (:i*-.ril . i i i . tf i-ir.:..;,?-.:1. 'i.. .v---, .Iq i .;•.tth0>ourofio'ilo^1ritliol"l»irwi'liUA',


w baa s,loU line ol* " ' . . a •


S e i ' l O .• • •'•en's Furnishing Goods

The Oiistoin Dep&rtinent

•dl'alwiy. loitili. a ohoioe'sa.ctloi. ofUii -• f ' ! , 4 , . - * " ' • » ' * ".'' •*•' ' ' ' , ' ' • '

ffiost Seasonable Goods,irhloh #111 b« made np to order in ihe most »•-pri)T«d ityU. • ,

3 ^ ^

" t • .J' l *?•KB 80th OT.

wienilaid; Additions1

Jidjoorneii 8Ii>3rUPt 8ale.N Chancery of KewiT»faiy.->*!lircen Joseph

L Lockwood, Comulaloant, aod Ann ElizaJordan et al., Defendants,—JTl. Fa., elf , on:oreclosure.,.»Iuued Beptomber lc, 1876. -. The sale yfldcr the abore siawd writ standi

' . , THBSDA^, Deoerabtr S8, ltis,;.at 2 o'clock p. m., at tin Court House, la th«

• "wfirunswlck,New "M. M. LUPAKDt

at 2 o p. m., t Ccity rof^ew Brunswick, New Jorsey. .

M M LUPAKDDB, Late Shef C l



A. PKRFBOT " F I T " aUARAMTBKD.d e l o - U w l T , - ^ . . I .- ••


- j »rtfc*pub)io atlarge.ls. lnrited to

A. Wbifsbn's

Grj&tal jClothmg Store,- a*a oomiaanon BQUABO,

where Is to. be' tound the .lariost iasifluest•took and the latest stvlea of '

dB & Made to Order.. . . _ _ . , ToatSKand Soys' , at -price.that dery competition,

Great attention Is paid to I I stonier Work:'hioh is lashionably oat by tb • most

andwel nTader>r^AsgMa~jplesattt assairtnientOentlenln'sIWBionln^OtiOdaofalllrtndi.

Bpeoi 1 attention ia oalled-to the ;.-'

Ho iery. Den

4ar^retav1U70 to eatl.4fta,4aautae-ear a«*ad line stock before pnrobastng: elsewhere, an* W'onebr fair deallnca, to still maintain tbepatrenet

.fthaRobllo,salt has been herotoforr bestowed oi(noToTdfellable. ; _ . .,.„;_.•;,; IJ?},*!-


. ,J,-242; .Oomjmcrot Bqnari,..,"

NBW BBUNHVK10tTi»*J.w - ? ^


M. M LUPAKDDB, Late Sherll. Bhafer & Dnrand, Solicitor af CamBlainant.'deZ-td,, . ' , . f . - - . . :. ••

iOtle Bros1, linptoved P"UnV*l. K. P«j*itif8r El«t»-tor .(.the lanest In ta» Ualttd Stales) will power One-t o ' m e r s t o e a c h « I i o K ' ' - - ••• • ' - 1 ; ~ >': - '•

Ooods sn4 'ssuipies sent: free to sll.parts o* lbsf " ^ ' ) ! t u . , - , r , , t ! , . , , - . ! , . . , . , - i . - • . . . . , . ' , . - „ , • .

LORD& TAYLOR,Bsrwi 8>fbro.d BrTSn^w.rcor-. MA Bt., ft-'rr

: Adjourned BtaeriB'i talo. if f H Obaaenty^i N e w -Hr«ejr^B#W|epn /'X WasblDirtoD Life Insurance Goupanr, <

lalriatTtJ, and Sarah E SmHh et al.,: D e f onts.—Ei , F a , aw., on jforeolosure. Datedulr S9 ,WO. , ,: , : ,. .':':. , 'The sale under the abore* stated writ staads

adjourned term ..<;:,' i - . ; - - . - / ' , -,.:, ./rUESPATi. December 88, !««,,' ' .

at 8 o'clock p, mi, at th« Com-i/iuuse, in' theolty of New urunswick, New Jerser.

: M.M-'LuPAItDUS; late Sheriff.H. M. Luiamls,-Solicitor of Coraplalnanln,.deUta : • ' - -

Freeman & Miller(Buceesiors to Egbert FMemaaJtCe),

No. -45 North ' Sccondi Street,

Actually Making and SELUNtf, Now, Irom

,v ,, Hundred Thoissan* per Day.

to 8eveH

The Latest, Handsomest, and Bart ia... ,;, - the Country, . • • ...:,

PUL1EB, WAtiREN t& COa30WaMir Street, Now': ~

nuiubef'vrd tnake.

printed . thereon for a trifle atovp the usual prico


,- ', HsnuCieturefs sad Dealers la.

WELL-MADE, .,.[•.

"""' R J B J J I A B L B • ' • . '


Adlourned SlierlB'. Sale.ili Tin

A Borne insu'ranoa Comjianj of Newark,Nan Jersey, CkDuplaluant*, anifKberU; Hall,administrator. eto.,jOf Ja'cpb L.' Martin, deceased, ab'4 alB., Defehdantn.—Fl. 'Fa,, etc., oforeclosure. Dated Sept. 18,1676.

The sale tinder the above Btated writ Btandiadjourned to:.

5, 18V6,

atSio'cl'ock b. m., at th'e.Couri I louse , jn tincity of N e w Brunswick, New Jersey. '

• * • M . M . L U P A B D O S ; La ie BherlD.•-.McCartcr, Coult k Keen, Solicitors 61 Com-

plalnants. dr" •

In-all ibe latoii.and most lasbiooabui designs,' iDotud-iinr'the: ealebrated- GABTLAltB -and HKDJAKTAIi:styles of. Parlor, Library, ebaniber, Hall and Dlnlnlt-tBiroin'Boltes:' "' • :--:i"' .' -•. ' • _..-.

low-prioed; .Watoutg « | r t ™ *fa loprfoed .Walaut Fnrntttt^tresses can be hadirroin us as cheap as from

her Louie In th« cltr,' '. ..AnInspection ,solloltea,-i'and ail work warranted

strictly as representfd/ . - ;' , .. . ,.. l?HKE«AS4MIU.aE. '

;«fl«t8w»-.u- •'' :• • «...-• 46H.B<eoiid BtyPalla., Pa.1

Adjourned stterlS'8fNOnanoery of New Jersey.- Between MoRf1 M Swill/ aDd,al,, Complainants, and JacotB.BcnBbckanaals.,DefendiintB.-TI.Fii:,etc.,on foreoloBuro. DaKfd, July 2i), 1675.; -The sale,under Uie abqvo stated writ standiadjourilud to • ' '•

' ' ; "'-.TWESDATriDecembor ss, jaw, :alSDMlootfe m.y'at'lhe'Cblirt Bouse,'In tHiglty'of. New-Bnintwlok.'^eir Jersey.•: < ••'•• M. M.LUPAKDIJfltI.ateabirllI,A. K. .Cogswell, Solicitor of Qomplalnants.,de8-td\.. . . .-, , •'• . . - . . - .

at3oclo.okp riaif of ITeW-lirnBsirlekJ'New Jersey;

• M. Mi LUPAKDUB/LateSberm,James n . Van Cloof, tfoUcltur of Complain-

ant. . ,; ' . , - , . - . . . .- .deu-td

FDXLEE;; WAIEEBN * GOl,» 3 0 <V«««r StrBol,-'.:•-Mi KKWi VOIIK.

8 ^ 7

New York and China

AOnurned. fhcrin'* Sale.^Chancery' of 'H6W 'jferseyl— Beft«een Ii

.a. J C; Voorhees, Couiplaluant, and ' JacoliVkndervoer,. Caleb B. Vandet reer, et al.y Do-feudahts^-TFL-Fa., etc.,on.ioroolOauro. l)ate(]August 20, 1875. :• , •' 'I lie aal» under tbo'jboyo atalcd wr)t-Biamliadjourned tb V ' • ' '

' TUESDAY,-December 2B, 187£,ataVclookp ' -'^-•»'•'- •

. Adjduru«a SilerllVS S f l lc .ril'.'tlHanierrp'f Nt'w'rtredy'Jf-BetWe'en Thi

New Jersey). Com'plalnanisi'antl'Aaher 8. Huu-yon otux. jotiai.^ Defendants.-. Fi- °£a.i etc.;m foreclosure. Dated July 14, 18TS.The sale under theaboTestated writ standi

adjiiutned lit •' ' ' .TUESDAT, December 28 1875,

at 2 o'clock p.' mi, at' the Coprt1 House) 'in! th.city of'New-Brunswlok.-NewijBTSey.- . . '.

Jl. M. LUFARDUS, Lato SherlB.- G, D. W. Vroom, Solicitor of Complainants,

dca-td ' , ' ' : •

Adjourned' ShcrlU's Sale.i'lol Jerftey.''

i l

TblsloBj «na weu'eeUlilsntd nbuse.ishbw ••llinrerotllentTestoftlie. • . ; . rr:••'..•". , ~T

'•'• r mmw: ;'qi*e>i»;v; ±aeleoted hj their'own agents, InChuia'antl Japan,"

At Prices to Suit the Times. •"C0PFEE3 are steam roasted Iresb dsily, Teae

and'UMbed soldbV the^CliesI, PscKaVe'snd POund:Qugars'BQld at redners' titicos Allordurs are piutp*

IN a i c V y.

•^Kjehiii^'Trydrmiaiii^iititnlaiBtrftlbrJ etc.olsEliiA H.ForBiBQ,'deceased. Odrnplaluaniand GairetQ. iDruknwuna wife. an(l: o(UrDeftudantfl -T^Fi,, F*\ .etc , on forfiDated Saptomberf/'1876. ' . • .

The sale under the nbovp stated writ Btamadjourned to '

t t 31 o' dofiVf .'in;; at the' '.Ooart'-1 Hotiie: In ttcltv of New Brunswicfc; New Jurrtoy. ';.


IN Gbancery. of New JerBe7.~Bctw.ee0 Hira,j CiBrruttoiiHUd als^OoijiplalfiautB, aiul.J

tlmpr .Stuyt aud, alaM ntfleudanta.—Fi.," a.etc., pn foreclosure'. Dated Ah^. 1R, 1876" ~

Tbe' sale under the alioyti ilate^writ^WViidiij d '

iy virtue of the iibowtaiftdwrll, lo m« d?tt«xpou to itto i t public Tcndiie. on •

TUK8DAV. JANUABt:^ 1876,, \ ,9 o'olook p. m., «t tha BherifTi OBloe, la * « dtf D( .

aw BruDBwlolc, H*w J e r M j : - - • , . • • • - •All that certain tract or^pifflel of l»nd ftn<l prttnf^M,retoaHer iwrLlculvriy dciHf lb«»d, situate, lyjjjf Md' 'lnjr lu tbij toffn.lilu of WtW^btirtufi, in the -.count/ :•Mlddlese* andfiuwo) NewJt ' i '^J ' . " B«giuulJ4jr*t -

pout on the t o e of the Wuodbridgfl tunptlct , beingQ nortji ertt oornn'r j f land* of-AoihOtir^chroderd ihe aouth cast curoer or the 1A0UI M r t b r wn-

oyed; tbeDotfVanntiirAonta.'elKbtetjo~tl«mM «Ht,our ohalifl.ana •l?tt-.9ura fnd ahalf linkj to » Blake .a ibij lio« ofiftWroad, bfliliK the north t u t oonnr of

^ b ^ U*c«« nnb: l t « l r t t d

ve links IO a poatla the lio« ol Isijdi• loibw tand» & • " "

mfh Awrtwitdegreit w«*t, JtjxdUl»»idtfc«tftoilxmtutofa po»t In tli<* llnp 01 Antb9pr;aobodf-'iml bftflr tbe »outh west ooriief of'thelindi h t


trei'a' w«at, 4.3 tLfl llnp _ .

._, . , _ . — aouth west corner 0 .,__,ayeypi$ ihenoe JOUUI .MTMtr aerenid>gr#4»t m i

_lriy mliiuWi out , eleven cbalna ainf fllt/*oloi llokato ibe place ol beg!iiuiDs'i..«ontaUiiolfl,riK *«r«i *a4. '.Brtyf»*-V£n bundi-tMJlijftoCaa aorp of Uad, more or leu,ridbyu'nd«tJ;DtfHli«JK. wtet by rMrulclrifflai.it of

" " • - .aoulitliylaadaor AnthonySchodwr,;arnplke a1ureaat(l.J •' ' r

1 alMra^rUla rJ^bi^jway.;i*a*sloY«' a. flsjrtalan-1 •of land lyips » r U of tbe land aboTe" cftdteyttd,i ..•••---••/.i-r—11 .JJ^ lallowaj- C " "

,,,f tbe aWe, / ;

ot bg&lngjrtbe aatd pnyat*b jmftBd

lorlh WCB' ooraei , f tbe abora, ,9on«?<jaud rirnmhf tbenoe lit 'uj |-)orte«n ilegreM>Mprivate road or avenue •«rw being' opeaed . by l>unM'. Kdgor/rsui aald WoArldga turn bite to Edgftr'i-

tHattsa. On ibe L'rrtb Amboy and Woodbrldja. ijtatl-roadj thence In au eaaterly ,dlreo'lon alang tald/roador atenne fifteen f«et.to • atkkef thtsoM :»o«t}ij;foar-!Veii d?greeii vreA to tne line of lands abore cttliTayed ;and thence along the aame nortb alxty^ettbt &4tn»torty-flve minute wesi \p tbe place-ot teginalnjf j

Andalfloariffbtofway InaDdotert' " ":oa*l,or»Teiuenovr toitig upeued.by ( u u w c i JMI-lur from wbere tbe belore* i)eaorlbea piece of land ,adjoin tie «We to the PertbAinboyund Woodbridg*;Kallroad to Kogar's Station; for ibe said party,of,theBeobndpirti tbutr fiaooocuori and aatlgaa, tnd I heir -aerranUind tenants at all ttuiee Ifeely to p u t an4,TQUOSBT op root or with hora^a, oxen, oatUe, beuU ofitirden, tfagons, carts; alfllghs or otber v«blole« arear-iwres, WhaMocv(!r, lining- tboaatne premlae* andiifTita ol way this day conveyed to the' piu-ty 'of th*

•rat part by Juoea V. £d(far sod wile. by.. Aleed. bearrIng*-even dale * herewith,'the oonaldoratlon nioneyhereof belnjuntdoa part payment tor aald convey* .

TogethV wiyi «U add aldrtlar the Hgbta, ll)>ertlea,rlvllegea, here4iUnnent»an*d appurteaaaoea Uaercuatoelun)[TiiKur 111 sUiyvrlButiuutirUsfuliiKe

• • M i M. X U P Z w > U f l . UherltT,FBKUNOUUTBiul tb KlAKFATKIOJ^ DollcltOrt^

D a t e d Oct. 25, Ib16, . • . *• ' . \ d w 8tw

SHERIFFS 'BALiCt-In ."*-ot'New •Tcriioy^—Detvvwu SU3HA. B " RQJ&-

lil'SB, Coniplatuaul, and MOIUTZ PINNKIl aiidM£U3iJ\ li.PINNKR, Uis wlfiv are .DefbadatUa.-r-Fi. Y». ou foreclosure. Iaaued October !U, 1816.

Xty virtue of the above-statod Writ, to ma directed.will ex.Kmo to Bale ut public veudue, ou * ' " •

, ' TUEbDAV*. JAN.UAiiy 11, 1670,. , - . . ' . . t i •

if Qd'fitiHl [V.lu.'.atrhB SberllTB Offioe; In thedty ofSow iir\uiswlck,' ISflvr Jersey j

wBcqiouersD 10.0 — j . • All tUwie iwtt corlUii lot«,pi*««* or p»ro«lJi of land 'ti*«nA- \ v 1 ( f f » * u » t e ^ tbe city, 9/Perth Amboy, Jn the county «f,tthtyC6urt House, In th J ^ d l e s e i wd t^Weof :New Jewey, on tna «utuaid* oflhu'oroajl road ttiftt. loads pr.ranB Xrora UIB1

'faltfliwsy between Porth Auiboy - and WobUbrlJg« to 'the old road from tbe formor place to Hew Bnliw*-wlok, at KiiiSEiy's cornor. la tbo cUy«f fe t tn Amboyaforeflald. '.:..;•• - 1 '_!_- ••. Tbe flrat trafct: B«ginuliig at a itoneonUiesoutl).

side of tliatcrpsa road, at-tbe north east olorner ofland' of John. Arnold j ttienoo rnaulng easterly) along,Uieaaid.road eighteen (18) cbalni to tbe westerlyUlie of liudof onfutc uf Gage 'IDBIW ; tU#Pc» l j that •UuadoutU'fifteen (15) muiutwi-e4ut| fourte^u~(U)chains tlUrty-four (34) Huks toalargableltory^reeln- .the lUifi of Und formerly pf. Aartw Bloodgoodj nowof the AlpJiio. Ceiuotery AHuoclatioif; tbehce with thatllnosUtyinliidiiieB) degrees thirty ($Q) mlnuU* west*tdx (0) chains ninety (00) liu^n to iliB nortli went cor-ner of Und bf tbe cemetery (' tlience north' seventy* i • • .pigbt (78), degrees twenty (30) uiluuUawwt along .:he liriu of land formerly of. Eltaa Tyrrell and wffa'

*aud Ma.rtna Bldodgood ZoUrteenOi) •kaiu.v ninety*j—four (94) links to land of John Arnold; tbenoe with .Hist lint tiorth twuiity-Bli (20) <lc«ro« ten: ;<1X»> BBIUTutea esat,.*ev(*..(7) puaiua £fty-Beven (57) linka ;,thenco tiQrtti tliiriy |!») toloateB e««,' rjir '<«>'tiU«ln»td tbe'ucglnaiiiK,oontainUigtwonty-elKht (Sifl) aorea^

Tbo second trsct: Deglhning at thiJOitersMtlonof'the droll raadwltlftha.MlghwAy (row.pet.U , Amboy (to Woodbrldge.-at-a-iKMt-tbereln; and running-,thence norih'<slxty-turee (83) degrees'wutjielgLtt :(8) ., - , . (S);

loinB twenty;(2f>) link*toapoBt; thencejiortU/orty-1 (40) degroca west, two : (5) ehama flfly^me '

liuiatfl a-poBtf Uiunoe north thlrty-sU,\SC~ 'thirty (30) minutofl west, three (3) clialni eliuka to », t>ost; thenoemortli unyrBfivenXU)west, Qve (6) chains five (B)llnk« toai>o«t iatheioutUeast corner of the flrat described tract; ; th*nce<»itU! -the lino of the Bamo south three (5) degree* weat,foul>te(ix(la^-flhiaiiiSiU]ir]ty-J it]n'(34i IjnKn t 4 a h#rff#filikory free in'the lipe of lftlifl of tud Cemetery" Asi--

(7'J) degreea east, seventeen (17). chains twenty (20)llnka W tne boylnulnjyoontainlngielevetiT aurw-atiw- 'sixty-four tiuntlredlha (11 (W-100) of an acre • bounded . -north by the»forciiatd oroiw road, uait'byl'-thtyhigh-\y»y tromr, PCTtti"Amboy.-to*. >ybodUrldg«^-ioutb.-in- —-•part bj tho Cemotnry Association, and went tj th» 'first traothetfoittdeaoclbedi being tbe:smiaepremis«a,conveyod- to the said Morlts Pinner by Isaao'O.Aiikehand'wife; by'deod dated JnnoB7(l»7Oj aadir*-

o^iorkorMdde18—, in.book—

iay f ^ 1 8 ,6\m *n4 being-the name premises which jtory;.

veyed fo Said Acseu by John B. lual&e m'd "W1I-l • c t o w f the l M t l ( a

Qugars'.BQld at redners' titicos. All.ordutuallfanendSu ti: M If. MOSfi.-t & 0* ,17 J» 8 6 BV

y-and 9.l)0;P.:M.or HtooWl? 8.OS. £62 ,

5 5 1

, p r t o r s17, J», 81.61 anil 6B",Visej: strqet,-olipeslt« Washington Market. .. . . ' - . . no* SwD TUB9DAT,Beceml*ei' 21, 18T5,

'iltpfttt' lyltijVnd'beiIn tfie oou rM

a t 2 i'clock'p."!!!.; at' tbo'Co^irt' ilQOB(f,' In th( ,

B.OS, 9.US3, ».52,10.85, 11.66 A. M.;,4.60,8.06, 6.2J 7.S6, and 9.00 P. M

Ihaloe, tleceaae*!, byi8*j3i;auaT«tijfdtaiu'tha'uid

ry i4,i h 9 d f , m p t d M a a . ] & g i » a n ^ , . f , . . .AIBO a i (hat cerUiiii larm1 and plantetlon1 slinate.-

city of TeVtli Auboy, In .the comity and mate ad d

;..•.; sad all.Throat P)sea»es,-,tise1, :jC,,T,. Cowenhovea,. Solicitor of;a.B.t8.-estate In the Fourth W

wick and coanty of ]aueand the old Trendam, Esq.1, and by aimto Junes Lorioatr Graham,1888 surveyed and divided Into lots and parceU

botweeo Trentpniof Abraham o

wltb other propertde«d dated June u YflilHEES

sV TBiBD AMD BtrttB"Tor

10.48 4 t H i ( , p ; .40.80. Bunday trains, U.O0, 8.28, K.45,. 10.8

14,t5) till,'WA'ioi a).;PbillidbIBHa', Viif . i I . - - ; V i r ^ . i r I I / J <•• S „«:,

^ o t e t l A g f i 9 t : ^ 7 i . ;The sole under tbo aUuVe stated writ stands

a d l o u r n o d W ' 1 - ' " -. •' ' : '•" •'••,•-<•*•' :-': T U f e T a t ' a i : '

y ( ) y ^ )post; thenceforth (hixty-nlne (3U) degreea weatf four(4) olialtiB Bod forty-thrbe\4!l) Jiuka to j . 'pbet; these*

th l h t & (t)5) d d fift ( 1 l t(orpoun asxxs'a UALL),

fi Onr ^JOBBING OPPIGE^ftHf• <« greatouflay, IBompletolyiiorni8Ht)diliiHboSiatei'ad>tilffepaiBx

ve (t)5) d*grct*aad fifteen (16Vnilujate»._chaina: and thirty (aO)'Unlu lit 4'ptfiit Hi

t U l B l d d l d ^ t t t h

$>and ».SS P. 14. i .ip

For all Miatiioii Mereer and Bamtrset Hail• • ' r o a « i t i . V ! K ) £ ; •• • " ,,.'. . (For Fb^Vnuborc and B e l r , l i i > r e ; ' "

"'>'- W : ; ' ' l:!hFor Bordentown, Burlingtoii'andi Oanideii;

d l O « S > ^ M ! > « ;» ' . ».»,•:O.8J

gy W«!'Bsk an i r^pt jofeel oenaintbavonrtHUoe«')*ili1 tieiotthd reasdnaplei '.'

egrees ^nd thirty (fiO) mioutea east, nine.BQd flflyithne |s3) libta to a « t a « ! Ibwioe,

- ) d V d flft l.IIMI.'IU Jiitll'/.'J

In Chancery or New. Jersey.C. T. Cononhovon, ;aollotorvo( .

Eine.Stojck.••;• lAiylfeduood Prlceti i


Uamp Life anil' Sperts.. A book fora'dnil niur , 'Ild'eompeUAn.

Agenta Vaated everyVrUere! ' OlrculaM friie. -J. G. MoGtlkDY'iAi i(]O. .efl B. Serentli-0tii;FhUa>

• The DAII lT TIME8' lB1*eadJby almo8t.'oy;ery!family ilnvNew Brfbelng'regardea >«!W<fi«JeBBarj"aajAridt to the comfort.oi.ajhiouaehald.

thuncc w i t h - a a j y g ( ) ftand thirty (&O)iiiiiiute(| east, twelve U9) onalaa and

l'^T) linkjltb at take; thenM ritfrth" toTf-

2 r p ,CouipWiiiot, and HDWARD EUCKiUJW «i ui. etja).jib»rMaaou.i-Fl:ra. oa,fofa<ilosara. fjiuof_HQ,For Princeton,'8.iii Balllran and others are oVendanta, In

tltl0D,dl»etedt6tli>tnliterit>er, oae or Ibe .Masters ofaaldConrl.LjluUlJxpose to aale, at Pu!

bt'tder. on-W£DHESDA ' X Tlrfau or tho Sbote-lUtAi'wt,; to • Hit- dltfctodl will aipBSa4o sslaat pabllo T«odflo..onj;. 7:, r -—:,cirofl)ation and amnes-taatrneit, at the OlirSBtSC U l i s A j r

In tSe countyirf lSffiiiSa«SaiBla3fc.r Sew Juaearthehour ortwoo'eloekia the afternoon, the loor panels of land mentioned In the bill of oomplaln

AND EXAMINE-!"0Le»re i»w Vorx for New Bmnowiox, 7.00,

ONE MILLIONHty assortment, whloh l« as large ^New Brunswiok. I call partienlar attention

k o.onslstlng ol rP. U and IS nighV

ty of Middlesex and State of New Jorsey: Hi,-lag-onl|i0westerly line of Hellsoa slreot,' atVat Wsitat sttentT-oWliiet six laohis [71 It. $ la.'CORRUGATED

I t i w v i '!••'•! I ' laod titau of New 'j<r**r: Beglnnli); on the souside of Albanr street an<h>a~M» t id ! B

j I u c e south thlctr(l«).d«eto»:;»w(j s « -olialua aad ufty-Uiree <53) links io a post; thente-'

< r i ( U ) d t t < L l S 'Painted, Chcstnnt, y r <) p ; na »elriy<-r<rari(U)degrees vest, tinl <«|«LalnS'Oranburr, 6 47, 8 89 a. tnJA 07, 6 BT p?>m.

JaincsburK, 1 1 6 8 , 8 1 1 X 0 . ; 6 16, 8 00 p. ms

qal (aoultr. Jt la.plaaaast to lb« taste.Mahogany jSuJtos, ; •. 11• \ J ••'. • • - ' .

WBtoh Vsm sailing at_a TEBY LOW

t bare eoarfaSUr on hand

Teestaa pbatc thence south.tblrtyi^iu <3i) aearees west,ix (oycheiRE* anil seron |7) llnka to the place of tie-( ) j )[innini/, ooutolning oueTiundred and nine (109} acre*'i rUnd .bo tbwBuiaeh i t t r to fUw, ; .-.~ - •< •<..>'

by deed daud April

H.MACY&CO..Jamosburg, 1 00. ? 07Cfinburii, 7,10, ttArrive i t irfglitstowu

6 C? p. m. 'For forth

can be badFRANK T


\ljPARLGfl &V1TE&.

01 my own make, *

w#best Dtaaoer and warr«iAcUa(

IBIB. and reeerded.ln bookleeOMor Somerset oonaty,

' THE SKfiOHP LOT.>. Benton and tho road leadlug to Perth Amboj, andoutnorlrbj'tb.roaaioiatog peif ilillhlUWood-

Bltuate, Irfnt; and halnjr in the eltjr of U«w Brnas-lok, In the oountr ol lQdd i f H J

dlesox, formerly Botnerset,Lnd Huu of Hew Jersey: Beginalag om*the son:aitaldeofBoston aT0iluel."W»0a3ltrtUl**it*)nieCof a.3ot n


•et to the no

g e r .iriyUegea,,hat«UUnienlaand ;sppurt5»o«es(1ber«rinto uelouglug or In any inae appertaining...!'. .l-JilJtl .'JlX. MWMi LUI'AJIDUSJ aooril.:£nWABD Q. KEASBKY, Sodcitof. . . 'SatodOct:8t>.'18W.'-"' "' "" ' "••*?t"fr.'ff|in fltwflAfifr iW>l>ffliniT|ff''^W.Please eall and examine the.stook ol Furai-

ore/in)Oiirspaolona showrooms. ' r- . ; . jUaolO-danlr ,

'L- HKNUY ZIMMBKU4N,naim'Ta/'i) U1IA; KKtlHQ, - Dsnmlant—it

docketed JnagniimV

U nirj Jitiilly khsW tb'« «all'eo'r MliiBa'Wyer's 3«lre} i 1 oon» would b c n l l h o u t l t . : - . ; . - :Sale fop.

ii \TOU 1873 AND 1874.

p m T ,>•«. on docketed Jnagniimt."li«oM8«ptl8, lBIOJ •; Bjr »lHtu>« tbVagdwsUIM'wrlvto m« dlteotadtwilleipo»«tosaleatpobUeTBnduo,eo • • .1".. 7-

Sold by fUlDruggis tsWHERE NOW

;8 M04T\M virtue, of tthftaboya.BUt*4iwrt^ tormfl.dlr«t«J,-|

,t Will expose to tale at ptibtla vttnlub, 6aKotloe U hereby glToa that, by rirtua of a wwrtuituued by Ueury Gonlou, Eiq.f to make the tasnkid on unimproved and. imteuaoted laud, -or landuunted by persoDR not the lawful proprietor!, whore uuablo to paythelr taxy, la the towiublrj ofleu, widow of Kdwaid Bell, deeeaseil, lawuaasi

uwir, In nndtnded parts olthesald premisesi* [j.yoi, st lh« Soerirs.plHos, la the dty at

lew Brunawlck, flow terser : . 'I Uae otMIH lo«;i nleoe or (ttreel of Una sltaiH Wtf'"'isf- 8' l8rjlBuS"«i"B';fi:B'-'lf 'B;

J| 1'iif ; 1 !lM|t :l(|ii'Jiw i j- i t j fill' £ilft3 Inljlioho T. P.maratt aniT^amei Deiaarost, Jr., aanta by iht right of cpurteiy. In undivided ports oaid premise*, aa berilub*foM«Uted*• Together with tbe hereditaments and apnoes; and stub, aale will be tnade In such

the judgment of Uieiiubaarlbfir may.

'i'WILLUU I'MrtCBUOS,• : Upedsl Uastar 0 . 0 .

FIIBH 11. ALI.IX, Solicitor. .Dated October »5, IU10. v , . noW.IoO ln,90,97-5l

.nd-lho-dlJ-Trt.lKii'rt^1ATURDAY.t the bom ol me o'clock la theremiiea, teli he SUbdlng .Tkabar or. Vfw

bl M*t»ham^»y!daBi, Bui, aadibjnjilm m jUh.gLhi;r> liropt-Ktr, to . Jaioes F Lortn

j j o r.,^Tes.'^n'aXJmakos'f pathink .of Why, 1, hare irlea there, and I tellyou in these timed "frben money and work are

t i d

wentjliolUn-Wr-Tan: leasj thany

so scarce and hard to get. it at ndi every mana famny to buy shoes Cor. to

h b d hin hand who has y y . tlook arouh'l and see whtre bo can do thcbeBt,and 1 tind the little boot and shoe store 'ronndthe corner (nrxk to BJIirdJ. Grocery 1 ,V"3he

J Dir/H&p WaaVJ Thifolill tlnils,th Tt l f M '

4-dministratoi roperty Btands ad. ViT, 1«!% at th

e hour and place. .H T CI1KISTIAN, Bpeclul Collector.

10LIDAY PRESENTSoludlug the Tory TateBt sljles of Men's,oman's Misses' and p^illdren > HEALESTATE.g y

Woman's, Misses' an

Etc. (81M Ua • cai vtnnlne t• • e l f c t h b i t r t The Jail Comiultteu ui"_t|io Bonnl t l Free-

olders, *t ft*me»llng field at tho Cqurt House

'onday altornoou, Nov. 15, adopted Hie fo?-

j 4 Y

KCT4JULUUIEU, theWt %ay o/Jiecembcr,I A I u

0 iBJDlat lH^bkiAXi o'doctrfal t b V k n ^ n o o u ,h Olt H t l I the ity f N l l l k )Y 7

p we. rosolnd.all oners ofr<-ard heretofore made for tbe arrest and eoncllon of criminals or escaped prisoners, exiptln the case bf Jaroci £ Ilamllt tti nowder consideration br tli|s committee.

Cpurt,I 8apiaM«»n/»«»», M)a ' ' . '

W tile sDpUAUIbn « dlltseU Bar4enber|jKok, m i«e*aSy!trftd«le»aVl!a'jUR'*r NewTMrl lleginnmiin John street, ally (set freme ooraer of Basaart Street and John street I Iheuos

y f l l t t thI

unlng south twsnty.flril feet to ths corner or InlM. BOHtfAB.

