syrian inp - hiast 1 7 th framework programme hiast eu-syria cooperation days – 25-26 september...

Syrian InP - HIAST 1 7 7 th th Framework Programme Framework Programme HIAST HIAST EU-Syria Cooperation Days – 25-26 September 2010 Syrian InP –HIAST 6 th TEMPUS National Information Day – Aleppo – 12 December 2010 Syrian InP –HIAST 6 th TEMPUS National Information Day – Aleppo – 12 December 2010 HIAST HIAST Seventh Framework Programme Seventh Framework Programme FP7 FP7 Dr. Iyad SEYD DARWISH Syrian Information Point Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology

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Seventh Framework ProgrammeSeventh Framework ProgrammeFP7FP7

Dr. Iyad SEYD DARWISHSyrian Information Point

Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology

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FP7 at a GlanceFP7 at a Glance

EU’s main funding tool for supporting research and

technological development

Period: 2007-2013

Total budget of over € 50 Billion

Supports research in selected priority areas

An important element in realising the Lisbon Agenda for growth

and competitiveness

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FP7 StructureFP7 Structure


2. Ideas – Frontier Research

4. Capacities – Research Capacity

3. People – Marie Curie Actions

1. Cooperation – Collaborative research

JRC non-nuclear research

Euratom direct actions – JRC nuclear research

Euratom indirect actions – nuclear fusion and fission research

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Budget (millions of Euros)Budget (millions of Euros)

Ideas, 7 510

Capacities, 4 097

People, 4 750

JRC (EC), 1 751

Cooperation, 32 413

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1. Cooperation programme1. Cooperation programme

European priority-driven and top-down research, implemented

through 10 thematic areas


International Cooperation integrated at thematic level

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Collaborative Research ProjectsCollaborative Research Projects

Support to research projects carried out by consortia with participants

from different countries, aiming at developing new knowledge, new

technology, products or common resources for research

The size, scope and internal organisation of projects can vary from field

to field and from topic to topic.

Projects can range from small or medium-scale focused research

actions to larger integrating projects which mobilise a significant

volume of resources for achieving a defined objective.

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Cooperation – Collaborative ResearchCooperation – Collaborative Research

Budget (M €)1. Health……………......................................................... 6 1002. Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology.. 1 9353. Information and communication technologies……… 9 0504. Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials

and new production technologies…………………….. 3 4755. Energy……………………………………………………… 2 3506. Environment (including climate change)……………. 1 8907. Transport (including aeronautics)……………………. 4 1608. Socio-economic sciences and the humanities……... 6239. Space ……………………………………………………… 1 43010. Security…………………………………………………...... 1 400 TOTAL 32 413

Euratom for nuclear research and training activities. 2 751

Ten themes

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Cooperation – collaborative researchCooperation – collaborative research

Workprogrammes implemented on annual basis by:

Call for proposals

Commission-specified topics

Commission-specified project types

Evaluation procedure could differ (one or two-step)

Could also specify estimated budget, size and composition

of consortium (types and locations of partners)

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International Cooperation in the International Cooperation in the Specific Programme ‘Cooperation’ (i)Specific Programme ‘Cooperation’ (i)

All themes open to third countries

Minimum 3 different EU Member State (MS) or Associated countries (AC)

Beyond this minimum, all 3rd countries can participate International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) would generally

be funded Industrialised countries funded only if indispensable for the project Targeted calls possible

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International Cooperation in the International Cooperation in the Specific Programme ‘Cooperation’ (ii)Specific Programme ‘Cooperation’ (ii)

In addition: In addition: Specific International Cooperation

Actions linked to the 10 themes

Calls for proposals dedicated to ICPC in each Theme (see

relevant workprogramme)

Minimum 4 participants from different countries: 2 ICPC +

2 MS or AC

ICPC participants would always be funded

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Funding schemes of FP7 Funding schemes of FP7

Collaborative Research Project (large-scale integrating


Collaborative Research Project (small or medium-scale

focused project)

Network of Excellence (NoE)

Coordination and Support Action

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2. Ideas programme2. Ideas programme

Activities and Principles

Support for individual teams

Host organisation to be located in the European Union (or Associated State)

All fields of science and scholarship are eligible

Investigator-driven, bottom-up Excellence is the only criterion

Principal investigator/team + research project Investment in research talent

Flexible grants, under the control of the Principal Investigator

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3. Capacities Programme (i)3. Capacities Programme (i)

Objectives Enhance research and innovation capacities in Europe

Research infrastructures, SMEs Promote the development of regional research-driven clusters Unlock and develop the research potential in the EU’s ‘convergence

regions’ and outermost regions

In essence: the Capacities Programme will not promote actual collaborative research activities but will complement the Cooperation


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Capacities : Areas and budget (ii)Capacities : Areas and budget (ii)

Research Infrastructures

Research for the benefit of SMEs

Regions of Knowledge

Research Potential for Convergence Regions

Science in Society

Coherent development of research policies

Activities of International Cooperation

1 715 M€

1 336 M€

126 M€

340 M€

330 M€

70 M€

180 M€

Total 4097 M€

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4. People Programme4. People Programme

Overall scope

Human resource development in R&D in Europe

Numerous, well-trained, motivated researchers

Attract students to research careers

Attract researchers to Europe

Skills and sustainable career development

Continuity of previous Framework programme, Appropriate gender balance

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People Programme – Marie Curie ActionsPeople Programme – Marie Curie Actions

. Initial training of researchersMarie Curie Networks

Initial training of researchersMarie Curie Networks

Life-long training and career developmentIndividual Fellowships

Co-financing of regional / national / international programmes

Life-long training and career developmentIndividual Fellowships

Co-financing of regional / national / international programmes

Industry-academia pathways and partnershipsIndustry-Academia Knowledge-sharing Scheme

Industry-academia pathways and partnershipsIndustry-Academia Knowledge-sharing Scheme

International dimensionOutgoing & Incoming* International Fellowships; International Cooperation

Scheme; Reintegration grants; Support to researcher ‘diasporas’

International dimensionOutgoing & Incoming* International Fellowships; International Cooperation

Scheme; Reintegration grants; Support to researcher ‘diasporas’

Specific actionsMobility and career enhancement actions; Excellence awards

Specific actionsMobility and career enhancement actions; Excellence awards

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Work Programme: Implementation of the Specific Programme,

Priorities, Objectives, Policies.

Call for Proposal: Specific programme, Topics, Projects,

Funding Schemes, Budget, Deadline.

Preparation: Idea, Partner search, Consortium formation,

Proposal writing

Submission: EPSS, Deadline.

Evaluation: Eligible, Success, Reject.


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Further informationFurther information

For more information on the key programmes of FP7

see the homepage of the CORDIS information site for

FP7 at:

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New Calls for ProposalNew Calls for Proposal

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FFP7-INCO-2011-6 P7-INCO-2011-6 (i)(i)

Reinforcing Cooperation with Europe’s neighbours in the context of the ERA

CapacitiesInternational cooperation (INCO)

Coordination and Support Action

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FFP7-INCO-2011-6 (ii)P7-INCO-2011-6 (ii)Purpose:

Co-ordination (or networking) actions Coordinating research activities and policies.

Support actions Contributing to the implementation of the Framework Programmes and the preparation of

future Community research and technological development policy. Development of synergies with other policies. Stimulating, encouraging and facilitating the participation of SMEs, civil society

organisations and their networks, small research teams and newly developed or remote research centres in the activities of the thematic areas of the Cooperation programme.

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FFP7-INCO-2011-6 (iii)P7-INCO-2011-6 (iii)Participation:

Co-ordination (or networking) actions At least three ‘legal entities’ established in different EU Member States or Associated

countries. The entities must be independent of each other. Support actions The minimum condition shall be the participation of one legal entity. Target audience Research organisations; universities; industry including SME's.

Size and resources:

Co-ordination (or networking) actions: Typically two to four years Support actions: Typically from some months to four years

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FFP7-INCO-2011-6 (iv)P7-INCO-2011-6 (iv)

Funded activities: Action plan based on coherent set of measures for: Co-ordination (or networking) actions Organisation of events – including conferences, meetings, workshops or seminars. Studies, exchanges of personnel. Exchange and dissemination of good practices Definition, organisation and management of joint or common initiatives.

Support actions Monitoring and assessment; conferences; seminars; workshops; working or expert groups or

individual expert appointment letters Studies; fact finding; monitoring; strategy development. High level scientific awards and competitions. Operational support; data access and dissemination, Information and communication activities; management activities. Specific services activities related to research infrastructures, such as for example

transnational access; preparatory technical work, including feasibility studies for the development of new infrastructures, contribution to the construction of new infrastructures.

Cooperation with other European research schemes; or a combination of these.

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FFP7-INCO-2011-6 (v)P7-INCO-2011-6 (v)

Call data:

Date of publication: 30 July 2009 Deadline: 15 March 2011, at 17.00 h Brussels local time Indicative Budget: EUR 15 million Project size and duration: up to 36 months and 1 million € community contribution

Particular requirements for participation: At least one independent entity from a

Mediterranean Partner Country: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan,

Palestinian-administered Areas, Lebanon, Syria.

Funding scheme: Coordination and Support Action

More info:

1) Less than 75 % of EU25 average GDP or outermost territories according to article 299§2 of the EC treaty

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National structure implemented in: Member States

Associated States

Third Countries

Main provider of advice and individual assistance

concerning the participation in FP7 activities

Appointed for each of the areas of FP7

National Contact Point (NCP)National Contact Point (NCP)

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Structures similar to the NCP created in some

Mediterranean countries

Established by the European projects: EuroMEDANet

and EuroMEDANet-2 in order to: Provide information on the opportunities and modalities for

participation in the Sixth and Seventh Framework

Programmes FP6 & FP7

Assists potential participants and contractors on ongoing


Information Point or MED-NCPInformation Point or MED-NCP

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Disseminating of information on EU R&D programmes. Awareness-raising for FP7 objectives and for other R&D

European programmes Organisation of promotional activities (info-days, seminars,

conference) Distribution of documentation (forms, guidelines, manuals etc.) Guidance on choosing thematic priorities and instruments Advice on administrative procedures and contractual issues Training and assistance on proposal writing Assistance in partner search Supporting the submission of high quality proposals

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National structures: Architecture, actors, and services differ according to national

traditions, working methodologies, research landscapes and funding schemes.

Close to local R&D establishments and better knowledge about their interests, resources, and infrastructures.

Regional and European Networking Mediterranean networking:

• Information Points in most Mediterranean countries: Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Palestinian authorities, and Syria


• National Contact Points (NCPs) established in the European Union Member and Associate States.


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Established in September 2005

Administrated by the Higher Institute for Applied

Sciences and Technology (HIAST): High educational establishment in technology

Close to technological research and development activities.

Involved in many national and international projects

Technical and administrative infrastructures

Financed by the EU projects and HIAST

Interest for all areas with special interest on ICT

Syrian Information PointSyrian Information Point

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For more information about Syrian Information Point

please contact:

Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology

Dr. Iyad Seyd Darwish

Telefax: 5123819

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