synopsis online reminder


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Remind Me


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Remind Me

Table of Contents

1. Title of the project.

2. Introduction and objectives of the Project.

3. Project category.

4. Analysis (DFD, ER Diagrams, Class Diagrams etc.)

5. A complete structure Which includes :

(i) Number of modules and their description to

provide an estimation of the student’s effort on

the project.

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(ii) Data Structures as per the project requirements

for all the modules.

(iii) Process Logic of each module.

(iv) Report generation.

6. Tools / Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement


7. Scope of future application.

8. Bibliography

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Title of the



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Remind Me

Introduction of Introduction of the projectthe project

Remind Me is a web based application. It provides functionality of creating and editing Remind Me is a web based application. It provides functionality of creating and editing Reminder lists, sending reminders to the specified persons through email and SMS at the Reminder lists, sending reminders to the specified persons through email and SMS at the specified time and frequency. This application can be used stand alone or can be integrated specified time and frequency. This application can be used stand alone or can be integrated with another web application or portal as a service.with another web application or portal as a service.

Remind about installment of Loan.Remind about installment of Loan.

Remind about Incurrence installment.Remind about Incurrence installment.

Remind your co-workers about the weekly status meetings.Remind your co-workers about the weekly status meetings.

Remind the sales people to send in their monthly sales projections.Remind the sales people to send in their monthly sales projections.

Remind the people on your project about an upcoming deadline.Remind the people on your project about an upcoming deadline.

Remind yourself about your anniversary.Remind yourself about your anniversary.

Remind your family about Grandma's birthday.Remind your family about Grandma's birthday.

Remind your soccer team about the upcoming game.Remind your soccer team about the upcoming game.

Remind your spouse to take out the trash.Remind your spouse to take out the trash.

Your grandmother's birthday.Your grandmother's birthday.

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A monthly client meeting.A monthly client meeting.

Your parent’s anniversary.Your parent’s anniversary.

An annual doctor’s visit.An annual doctor’s visit.

All should be easily remembered.All should be easily remembered.

All could be accidentally forgotten.All could be accidentally forgotten.

Tired of sending belated greetings and rescheduling appointments.Tired of sending belated greetings and rescheduling appointments.

Remind any type of payment fee etc.Remind any type of payment fee etc.

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Objective of theObjective of the projectproject

Just because you're traveling or haven't checked your email in a while is noJust because you're traveling or haven't checked your email in a while is no excuse to miss an important event. you can have your reminders sent to yourexcuse to miss an important event. you can have your reminders sent to your mobile phone so you'll never forget your daughter's recital, that big meeting with amobile phone so you'll never forget your daughter's recital, that big meeting with a new client, or to take your medicine. Automatically checks your current emailnew client, or to take your medicine. Automatically checks your current email account and, if there are any new messages, forwards them mobile phone. account and, if there are any new messages, forwards them mobile phone.

Remind Me:- Remind Me:- Never forget an important date using reminder service! allows you to store a complete database of ALL your important dates.Remind Me alerts you of your important dates via email notification and SMS communication.

Share Reminder:- Share Reminder:- Now you can not only store every important date in your life, but RemindMe gives

you the ability to share these reminders with other users. Create shared reminder groups with as few or as many reminders as you'd like to share. Share entire family birthday and anniversary reminders with your family! Share weekly meeting reminders with your co-workers! Share sporting schedule reminders with your teammates.

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SMS Reminder:- SMS Reminder:- If you don’t access to email No problem! Remind Me will send your reminders via

SMS right to your cell phone. On Line remind yourself and your co-workers about meetings and deadlines.

Input of theInput of the projectproject

Login page get the input of user id and Login page get the input of user id and password.password.

Create the free new user id for registerCreate the free new user id for register your self. your self.

Add new reminder.Add new reminder.

Setting of Reminder.Setting of Reminder.

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Share Reminder.Share Reminder.

Change passwordChange password

Write MailWrite Mail

Output of theOutput of the projectproject

View Reminder name, date, time View Reminder name, date, time wise.wise.

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Message Inbox.Message Inbox.



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Remind Me is a service oriented web application that

facilitate users to create their profiles, set reminders about

important events such as meeting, birthdays, anniversary etc and

notifies users through mail and SMS

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Benefits ofBenefits of proposed System proposed System

Fully works as a onlineFully works as a online

Reducing the timeReducing the time

Don’t Thinking Don’t Thinking

Centralized maintain all information.Centralized maintain all information.

Easy to Searching the information.Easy to Searching the information.

Easy to managing whole Reminder, MailEasy to managing whole Reminder, Mail

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Process Logic ofProcess Logic of ProjectProject

1.Login Page :- 1.Login Page :- To get the user id and passwordTo get the user id and password and check it’s from database if it is registered user thenand check it’s from database if it is registered user then open home page otherwise message show for registeropen home page otherwise message show for register for new user id. for new user id.

2.Register New User Id: -2.Register New User Id: - It get the user name,It get the user name, password, retype password, first name, last name, emailpassword, retype password, first name, last name, email address, date of birth, gender and country etc. It checksaddress, date of birth, gender and country etc. It checks the given user id in data base and inform it’s availabilitythe given user id in data base and inform it’s availability

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and also check the retype password and conform it’sand also check the retype password and conform it’s email id and save the form data into data id and save the form data into data base.

3. Add reminder: 3. Add reminder: - Add reminder to set any type of- Add reminder to set any type of reminder like birthday, anniversary, date, meeting,reminder like birthday, anniversary, date, meeting, lunch, dinner, party, report submission etc. It setlunch, dinner, party, report submission etc. It set reminder name, reminder comment, and event date andreminder name, reminder comment, and event date and set the setting for email or sms.set the setting for email or sms.

4.View Reminder: -4.View Reminder: - View Reminder shows allView Reminder shows all reminders which you have reminder or set in yourreminders which you have reminder or set in your profile also you can view reminder date wise, nameprofile also you can view reminder date wise, name wise, time wise etc. Also you can edit or remove yourwise, time wise etc. Also you can edit or remove your reminder.reminder.

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5.Share Reminder: -5.Share Reminder: - Share your reminder intoShare your reminder into group or your collogue id. In this functionality you cangroup or your collogue id. In this functionality you can share your important reminder with your neighbor.share your important reminder with your neighbor.

6.Change Password: -6.Change Password: - You can change yourYou can change your password as for security purpose. password as for security purpose.

7. Remove Account: -7. Remove Account: - Remove account provideRemove account provide functionality to remove your id from data base.functionality to remove your id from data base.

8. Log Out: -8. Log Out: - To provide functionality to logout yourTo provide functionality to logout your id and return to home and return to home page.

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9.Write Mail: -9.Write Mail: - You can write any mail and alsoYou can write any mail and also attach any document or image and send to yourattach any document or image and send to your destinations. destinations.

10 Mail Inbox: -10 Mail Inbox: - You can check your mail also andYou can check your mail also and attach the important files with your mail box.attach the important files with your mail box.

11. Help: -11. Help: - Provide the functionality to get helpProvide the functionality to get help about the RemindMe.about the RemindMe.

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Zero Level DFDZero Level DFD

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User Remind





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1st level DFD1st level DFD

Add Add ReminReminderder

User Remind



Send Reminder On date

DatabaseSet Reminder

Verification is ok

Request New

Take action on date


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2nd level DFD2nd level DFD

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User Login

Verify user


Write mailmail

Add New Remind


Reminder data

Login data

Process via Message/Sms

Delete the record

Verification is ok

Request for Login

Send message

Email data

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(b)(b) E-R DiagramE-R Diagram

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Responsible for

New User






Mo.Eid Mo.



Email id








Not valid user

Valid user

New Registered user

Add remind

Diff user


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(1)(1) addrem: this table is used to add reminder of this table is used to add reminder of various type like birth date, meeting date and timevarious type like birth date, meeting date and time etc.etc.

Field name Data type Constraint DescriptionIdId Varchar2Varchar2 Primary keyPrimary key Unique id Unique id

UidUid Varchar2Varchar2 Unique Unique User id User id

RemtypeRemtype NumberNumber Not nullNot null Reminder typeReminder type

RemcommRemcomm Varchar2Varchar2 Reminder Reminder comments comments

EventdateEventdate DateDate Not nullNot null Event dateEvent date

FreqFreq NumberNumber Not nullNot null Frequency of Frequency of messagemessage

RemstdateRemstdate DateDate Not nullNot null Reminder set Reminder set datedate

ChoemailChoemail Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null Choose emailChoose email

ChoesmsChoesms Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null Choose smsChoose sms

SetdateSetdate DateDate Not nullNot null Date of setting Date of setting

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(2)(2) Admin: this table will store the id,uid,remid andthis table will store the id,uid,remid and check the status check the status

Field name Data type Constraint DescriptionId Id Varchar2Varchar2 Primary keyPrimary key Unique idUnique idUid Uid Varchar2Varchar2 Unique Unique User idUser idRemidRemid NumberNumber Not nullNot null Reminder id Reminder id Date Date DateDate Not nullNot null Date of Date of

reminderreminderStatusStatus Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null Existence of Existence of

reminder idreminder id

(3)(3) Contus: this table will be stored id, name, querythis table will be stored id, name, query with date and send response according theirwith date and send response according their query.query.

Field name Data type Constraint Description

IdId Varchar2Varchar2 Primary keyPrimary key Unique id Unique id

NameName Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null NameName

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EmailEmail Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null EmailEmailQuesQues Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null Question’s asked Question’s asked

by userby userDateDate DateDate Not nullNot null Date of questionDate of questionResRes Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null Response sent to Response sent to

user user

(4)(4) Help: : this table is used to provide help to userthis table is used to provide help to user about some contentsabout some contents

Field name Data type Constraint DescriptionIdId Varchar2Varchar2 Primary keyPrimary key User idUser id

HelpHelp Varchar2Varchar2 Help for a Help for a particular particular query query

(5)(5) Login: this table is used to login in this site withthis table is used to login in this site with valid userid and password.valid userid and password.

Field name Data type Constraint DescriptionIdId Varchar2 Varchar2 Primary keyPrimary key Unique id Unique id

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UserUser Varchar2Varchar2 Not null Not null UserUserPassPass Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null Password Password ItimeItime TimeTime Not nullNot null Input timeInput timeIdateIdate DateDate Not nullNot null Input dateInput dateIPaddIPadd DateDate Not null Not null IP address IP address

(6)(6) Thread: this table will check the existence of this table will check the existence of reminder id or not, if exist then it will send an reminder id or not, if exist then it will send an email to to user.

Field name Data type Constraint DescriptionId Id Varchar2 Varchar2 Primary keyPrimary key Unique idUnique idUidUid Varchar2Varchar2 Unique id Unique id User id User id RemidRemid Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null Reminder id Reminder id

(7)(7) Users: this table is used to create userid.this table is used to create userid.

Field name Data type Constraint DescriptionIdId Varchar2Varchar2 Primary keyPrimary key Unique id Unique id UseridUserid Varchar2Varchar2 Unique Unique User idUser id

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PassPass Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null PasswordPasswordFirstnameFirstname Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null First nameFirst nameLastnameLastname Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null Last nameLast nameGenderGender Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null Male or Male or

femalefemaleDobDob DateDate Not nullNot null Date of Date of

birthdaybirthdayCountryCountry Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null Country nameCountry nameEmailEmail Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null Email Email AltermailAltermail Varchar2Varchar2 Not nullNot null Alter mailAlter mailMobnoMobno NumberNumber Mobile noMobile noTimezoneTimezone NumberNumber Time zone Time zone DateDate Date Date Creation date Creation date

of user of user

Limitation of Limitation of the Projectthe Project

Remind Me is an online application itRemind Me is an online application it hasn’t limitation but according tohasn’t limitation but according to

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requirement it gets the mobilerequirement it gets the mobile connection for sending the SMS. It has noconnection for sending the SMS. It has no limitation to sending the message onlimitation to sending the message on email id. It also set the bulk of reminderemail id. It also set the bulk of reminder time to time and send to particular targettime to time and send to particular target if the network available.if the network available.



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Processor Pentium 4Processor Pentium 4thth


Hard Disk 20GB/40GB.Hard Disk 20GB/40GB.


Operating System Operating System WindowsWindows 98/2000/XP,UNIX98/2000/XP,UNIX

Front End Front End Html/JSP.Html/JSP.

Back End Back End Oracle10g.Oracle10g.

Design Patterns Design Patterns MVC MVC..

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SECURITY SECURITY MECHANISMMECHANISMIn the software security there are two levels of security. The 1st level of security, which is provided by the FRONT END and 2nd level of security provided by the database which is being used.

- FRONT END We have implemented JavaScript for all the Client side validations. Client side JavaScript is designed to reside inside HTML document & ensure they run properly. It is object based, event driven, platform independent.

We have implemented Servlets in between which is fetching the data values given by the user and storing the input into database (into appropriate tables).Servlets use JDBC-ODBC drivers to make connection with database and store data.

- BACK END We have used Oracle as the Back end. Oracle Server provides efficient/effective solution for major database tech.

Large database and space management. Many concurrent database users. High transaction processing requirement High Availability Industry accepted standards Manageable security Portability

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LOGIN CHECKING: it refers to the only valid user with their valid user id and password can access the particular page, otherwise a proper message will be displayed to the user.

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In future we can link with different typeIn future we can link with different type of important Sites like Railways, Airwaysof important Sites like Railways, Airways and online News Updater. So you can getand online News Updater. So you can get the Railway information, Airwaysthe Railway information, Airways information and important News asinformation and important News as reminder. It also links with the sport sitereminder. It also links with the sport site for getting online information aboutfor getting online information about sportssports. .

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Scope of Future Scope of Future ApplicationApplication

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Book Name Author Name

Java-2 Complete Reference by Patrick Naughton

Java Servlet Programming by O’Reilly

Pure JavaScript by Jason Gilliam, CharltonTry, R.Allen Wyke

HTML Complete BPB publications.

Java Server Programming by Apress Publication.

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