synonyms and near synonyms in dictionaries of the english

Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English Language Darija Omrčen Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia

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Page 1: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English

Synonyms and Near

Synonyms in Dictionaries of

the English Language

Darija Omrčen

Faculty of Kinesiology, University

of Zagreb, Croatia

Page 2: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


Synonymy, antonymy, polysemy, etc. are

the key relationships in the mental

lexicon of people. That is the reason

why many dictionaries list synonyms,

and sometimes also antonyms, of


Page 3: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


- are not always in agreement as regards the

choice of synonyms for a certain word

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- to analyse the degree of concurrence in

the connotation of a certain word

Page 5: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


- tries to avoid both synonymy and near


- still, there are cases when synonymy is


Page 6: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English

7 words/terms/lexemes in

11 general and 1 technical dictionary –

all monolingual

- recreation,

- fitness,

- leisure,

- health,

- well-being,

- wellness and

- sport

Page 7: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


How accurately dictionaries - in the case of

this analysis mostly general ones -

describe a certain concept by listing

possible synonyms and near synonyms of

their names.

Page 8: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


Whether there are any semantic links

between the analysed terms, and how

much attention do certain dictionaries pay

to listing the synonyms of certain words.

Page 9: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


To compare the two segments:

1 dictionaries published before the year 1995

2 dictionaries published after the year 1995

- the dependent variables:

1 sum of synonyms of all seven words

2 sum of synonyms of each word

for each of the 12 dictionaries in the sample

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- Frequency distributions per item per dictionary

- Chi-square tests of differences

Page 11: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


R EC R EATIO N0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4

R 1

R 2

R 3

R 4

R 5

R 6

R 7

R 8

R 9

R 1 0

R 1 1

R 1 2

Number of synonyms for the word recreation

per dictionary.

Page 12: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


Number of synonyms for the word fitness

per dictionary.

F ITN ESS0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 2 0 2 2 2 4 2 6

R 1

R 2

R 3

R 4

R 5

R 6

R 7

R 8

R 9

R 1 0

R 1 1

R 1 2

Page 13: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


Number of synonyms for the word leisure

per dictionary.

L EISU R E0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6

R 1

R 2

R 3

R 4

R 5

R 6

R 7

R 8

R 9

R 1 0

R 1 1

R 1 2

Page 14: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


Number of synonyms for the word health

per dictionary.

H EAL TH0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6

R 1

R 2

R 3

R 4

R 5

R 6

R 7

R 8

R 9

R 1 0

R 1 1

R 1 2

Page 15: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


Number of synonyms for the word well-being

per dictionary.

W EL L - BEIN G0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8

R 1

R 2

R 3

R 4

R 5

R 6

R 7

R 8

R 9

R 1 0

R 1 1

R 1 2

Page 16: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


Number of synonyms for the word wellness

per dictionary.

W EL L N ESS0 ,0 0 ,2 0 ,4 0 ,6 0 ,8 1 ,0 1 ,2 1 ,4 1 ,6 1 ,8 2 ,0 2 ,2

R 1

R 2

R 3

R 4

R 5

R 6

R 7

R 8

R 9

R 1 0

R 1 1

R 1 2

Page 17: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


Number of synonyms for the word sport

per dictionary.

SPO R T0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8

R 1

R 2

R 3

R 4

R 5

R 6

R 7

R 8

R 9

R 1 0

R 1 1

R 1 2

Page 18: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


- chi-square test - between the segments the

set of dictionaries published before the

year 1995 and the set of dictionaries

published after the year 1995 – sum of

synonyms of all seven words per

dictionary - did not show any significant

differences between them (χ2=12.00;

df=11; p=0.36)

Page 19: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


- chi-square test - between the segments

the set of dictionaries published before the

year 1995 and the set of dictionaries

published after the year 1995 – sum of

synonyms per each word per dictionary –

yielded only one significant difference:

the word wellness (χ2=6.00; df=2; p=0.05)

Page 20: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


“… a structured, goal-oriented, competitive, contest-based, ludic physical activity” (McPherson et al., 1989)

- the synonyms that can be found in dictionaries for the word sport – such as amusement relaxation, game, etc. – are most frequently connected with the original meaning of the word sport – jest and fun

Page 21: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


The R8 dictionary, as a dictionary that offers on

the whole the largest number of synonyms

and near synonyms for all analysed

words/terms - lists the word sport as a

synonym for recreation, thus probably

connoting the fact that physical recreation

implies sporting activity and physical exercise

participation as one form of recreation in


Page 22: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English

Oxford Dictionary of Sports

Science and Medicine (M. Kent,


- The term recreation is interpreted as active

leisure which is very similar to the concept of

physical recreation in kinesiology, and which

Kent terms physical recreation.

- In the term active leisure the attribute active

implies physical activity.

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Lists the words general condition, physical

condition, fitness, but also well-being as

synonyms of the word health.

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This means that the word fitness is also found

among the synonyms for health and it is used,

both in general language and in the context of

sport, in the meaning condition or


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Fitness as a concept can be considered

within the context of competitive sport

(which is then regarded as performance-

related fitness), but also within the context

of health (i.e. health-related fitness).

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Listed as many as 14 synonyms and near

synonyms for the term well-being, and no

synonyms for the word wellness.

the publication year - 1995 – of the R6

dictionary - too early year for including the

entry wellness into the English language

lexicon as regards the formation of the

concept of wellness in general (1970s)

Page 27: Synonyms and Near Synonyms in Dictionaries of the English


The term well-being is better known to more

people and they probably frequently connect

it with the concepts of recreation and health,

maybe also sport in that part of the meaning

in which sport is regarded as a healthy


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It is possible that the concept of well-being

is linked to the concept of wellness in the

mental lexicon of people.

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Wellness, as well as fitness, implies good

condition, both physical and mental.

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The words/terms recreation, fitness, leisure,

health, well-being, wellness and sport are


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Some of the analysed terms can be arranged as synonyms either by the superordinate field or by the subfield they belong to:

- fitness, from technical kinesiological point of view, can belong to a superordinate field of health, but also to the subfield physical preparation of athletes

- well-being/wellness also belongs to the superordinate field of health and the subfield recreation or leisure