synergize what does synergize mean? synergizing means that you work together. it means you get along...


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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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  • Synergize
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  • What Does Synergize Mean? Synergizing means that you work together. It means you get along well with other people. It means you know that everyone has strengths, or things they are good at, and you value them and learn from them.
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  • Why Do We Synergize? We synergize with each other because it s better together. Lots of things are better together! Look at this jar of peanut butter. Would you want to eat it for lunch?
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  • Why Do We Synergize? Probably not. Would you like to eat a jar of jam for lunch?
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  • Why Do We Synergize? You probably wouldn t want to eat that either! But even though you wouldn t like them alone, you d probably like it if we put them together on bread! Together is better!
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  • We all have strengths and weaknesses. Strengths are things we are good at. Weaknesses are things that are hard for us. It s better to work together because then we can use everyone s strengths, instead of just our own.
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  • For instance, lets say you and your friend want to put on a puppet show for the class. You are good at making sock puppets. But you have a hard time coming up with stories for the puppet show. Your friend is good at coming up with stories for the puppet show. But she has a hard time making sock puppets.
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  • If you did the puppet show all by yourself, youd have a lot of sock puppets, but you wouldnt have a show for them to perform.
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  • If your friend did the puppet show all by herself, shed have a great story for the show, but no sock puppets to perform it!
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  • But if you work together you can use BOTH of your strengths. This way you can have sock puppets AND a good play for them to perform. Together is better!
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  • Listen to this story and watch what happens when you synergize. The teacher gave each student in the class one color of paint and asked them to paint as many different kinds of fruit as they could on their papers. She said they could have extra recess if at least one student could paint 10 different kinds of fruit.
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  • The teacher gave Isaac yellow. He painted lemons and bananas. He tried to think of more than 2 kinds of fruit, but couldnt. She gave Sophia red. She painted apples, cherries, cranberries and strawberries. She painted 4 different kinds, but it still wasnt enough for extra recess. She gave Katie blue. The only blue fruit she could think of was blueberries, so she painted a paper full of blueberries.
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  • The students couldnt come up with enough fruits, but they really wanted that extra recess. Sophia had an idea! She asked Isaac and Katie if they would share their paint colors. They agreed and they were each able to make lemons, bananas, cherries, apples, strawberries, and blueberries. But it still wasnt quite enough. They needed 3 more kinds of fruit.
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  • Can you think of what they could they do to draw 3 more kinds of fruits? Isaac had an idea! He knew they needed to work together and synergize. They needed to share what they had to make something even better. They could mix their colors together and make even more than they had alone. They mixed red and blue and made purple. Now they could paint grapes! They mixed blue and yellow and made green. Now they could paint pears! They mixed yellow and red and made orange. Now they could paint oranges! Together they were able to make 10 different kinds of fruit and they earned an extra recess!
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  • Let s Practice Synergizing! Synergizing helped the students get an extra recess! Now its time for you to practice working together and synergizing. For the next exercise, youll need a partner. Pick someone next to you and decide who is partner 1 and who is partner 2. Make sure you follow directions! Youll need to work together in order to solve the problems.
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  • Partner 2, close your eyes.Partner 1, read this word silently. Snow
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  • Partner 1, close your eyes. Partner 2, read this word silently. Ball
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  • Both partners open your eyes. Each of you read a different word. Youll need to synergize and put your words together to find out which picture to click below. What word do you get when you put your words together? Snowball Football Snowman Good job synergizing! When you put SNOW and BALL together you get SNOWBALL!
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  • Partner 2, close your eyes.Partner 1, read this word silently. Lets try another! Tooth
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  • Partner 1, close your eyes. Partner 2, read this word silently. Brush
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  • Both partners open your eyes. Remember, you need to synergize and put your words together to find out which picture to click below. What word do you get when you put your words together? Toothbrush Toothpaste Paintbrush Good job synergizing! When you put TOOTH and BRUSH together you get TOOTHBRUSH!
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  • Partner 2, close your eyes.Partner 1, read this word silently. Lets try another! Butter
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  • Partner 1, close your eyes. Partner 2, read this word silently. Fly
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  • Both partners open your eyes. Remember, you need to synergize and put your words together to find out which picture to click below. What word do you get when you put your words together? Butterfly Buttercup Dragonfly Good job synergizing! When you put BUTTER and FLY together you get BUTTERFLY!
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  • Partner 2, close your eyes.Partner 1, read this word silently. Lets try another! Cup
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  • Partner 1, close your eyes. Partner 2, read this word silently. Cake
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  • Both partners open your eyes. Remember, you need to synergize and put your words together to find out which picture to click below. What word do you get when you put your words together? Cupcake Teacup Pancake Good job synergizing! When you put CUP and CAKE together you get CUPCAKE!
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  • Your Turn! Good job synergizing with your partner to find the words! Lets practice some more! You and your partner will each get a paper with different puzzle pieces. First cut out the puzzle pieces carefully and then synergize to complete the puzzle! Good luck, and remember together is better!
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  • Created by Eve Coates 2014 Eve Coates. All rights reserved. Purchase of this unit entitles the purchaser the right to use the product for personal classroom use only. Sharing or duplication for colleagues, schools, school systems, websites, or for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden without written permission from the publisher. You may also like: Save money by purchasing this 7 PowerPoint Bundle!