syllabus, gsd, reed, mah

FLUX CITY GSD1212 Landscape Architecture Design IV Chris Reed, coordinator; Gary Hilderbrand, David Mah, Miho Mazereeuw Spring 2011 Tu/Th 12:30-6:00 This studio focuses on the development of urban form as driven by ecology and environmental dynamics—a landscape-based urbanism. The studio will introduce methods and representational techniques for describing urban form and the dynamic underlying and adapted ecologies that might be invoked to shape urban infrastructure and the urban fabric. Representational strategies begin with mapping and diagramming larger ecological processes and dynamics on an urban brownfield site, and then focus on the description of local and regional infrastructures, building form and fabric, and the various dynamic relationships between the city and its reconstituted riverine setting. In so doing, we will be developing fully rounded landscape urbanist strategies, conceived in relation to the broader ecological, environmental, infrastructural, and social-cultural processes and systems that constitute them. While the proposals developed for the urban fabric will be specific and concrete, they will rely on principles that are flexible, dynamic, and adaptive—able to accommodate and respond to varying inputs over time. We will support this agenda with targeted research and urban design studies at multiple scales and in multiple formats, which will accumulate over the semester and which will be calibrated with one another. Most broadly, we will address fundamental questions of what it means to be urban, actively engaged within an environmental context. FLUX Most traditional Western cities are founded on principles of stability and permanence: where change or uncertainty are present—often in the form of rich and complex landscape systems—they are typically erased, filled, leveled, denuded, marginalized, and/or stabilized. This studio will take a different approach to city-making—or, in this case, to urban renovation: we will assume change is the norm. In doing so, we will build on ecologists’ reconceptualization of their field over the past quarter-century, in which ecology has moved from a classical Newtonian concern with stability, certainty, and order in favor of more contemporary understandings of dynamic, systemic change. With this reconceptualization comes the related phenomena of adaptability, resilience, and flexibility—phenomena applicable not only to ecological systems (whether native or adapted), but also applicable to city-system, infrastructure, and city-building writ large. In this sense, then, we will move away from traditions of master-planning, which value the comprehensive and fixed vision, in favor of more dynamic and responsive frameworks for small- and large-scale civic change. We will also explore multiple development scenarios (deployments) over time—rather than a singular and totalizing plan; these scenarios will operate according to set a rules or parameters, but will be programmed to respond to a range of differing inputs across time. In this way, our proposals can aspire to a level of resiliency with regard to long-term environmental, social, political, and economic shifts—and therefore be made truly sustainable over the long term.

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FLUX CITY GSD1212 Landscape Architecture Design IV Chris Reed, coordinator; Gary Hilderbrand, David Mah, Miho Mazereeuw Spring 2011 Tu/Th 12:30-6:00  This studio focuses on the development of urban form as driven by ecology and environmental dynamics—a landscape-based urbanism. The studio will introduce methods and representational techniques for describing urban form and the dynamic underlying and adapted ecologies that might be invoked to shape urban infrastructure and the urban fabric. Representational strategies begin with mapping and diagramming larger ecological processes and dynamics on an urban brownfield site, and then focus on the description of local and regional infrastructures, building form and fabric, and the various dynamic relationships between the city and its reconstituted riverine setting. In so doing, we will be developing fully rounded landscape urbanist strategies, conceived in relation to the broader ecological, environmental, infrastructural, and social-cultural processes and systems that constitute them. While the proposals developed for the urban fabric will be specific and concrete, they will rely on principles that are flexible, dynamic, and adaptive—able to accommodate and respond to varying inputs over time. We will support this agenda with targeted research and urban design studies at multiple scales and in multiple formats, which will accumulate over the semester and which will be calibrated with one another. Most broadly, we will address fundamental questions of what it means to be urban, actively engaged within an environmental context. FLUX Most traditional Western cities are founded on principles of stability and permanence: where change or uncertainty are present—often in the form of rich and complex landscape systems—they are typically erased, filled, leveled, denuded, marginalized, and/or stabilized. This studio will take a different approach to city-making—or, in this case, to urban renovation: we will assume change is the norm. In doing so, we will build on ecologists’ reconceptualization of their field over the past quarter-century, in which ecology has moved from a classical Newtonian concern with stability, certainty, and order in favor of more contemporary understandings of dynamic, systemic change. With this reconceptualization comes the related phenomena of adaptability, resilience, and flexibility—phenomena applicable not only to ecological systems (whether native or adapted), but also applicable to city-system, infrastructure, and city-building writ large. In this sense, then, we will move away from traditions of master-planning, which value the comprehensive and fixed vision, in favor of more dynamic and responsive frameworks for small- and large-scale civic change. We will also explore multiple development scenarios (deployments) over time—rather than a singular and totalizing plan; these scenarios will operate according to set a rules or parameters, but will be programmed to respond to a range of differing inputs across time. In this way, our proposals can aspire to a level of resiliency with regard to long-term environmental, social, political, and economic shifts—and therefore be made truly sustainable over the long term.

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FORMAT The studio is organized into 4 major topics / components, which collectively address issues of ecology, infrastructure, site, and building form. Topics and exercises will accumulate over the semester; by the end, your work for the semester will essentially describe one multi-layered, multi-scalar proposal for the various components and systems that constitute urban form and fabric. Two workshops will focus on the development of new software skills and strategies that will help to inform the work at hand; the emphasis will be on describing conditions and relationships (parameters) and the multiple ways elements can be assembled, as well as expressing dynamics and flexibility. A collaborative workshop with students in the fourth-semester architecture core studio will allow for cross-disciplinary collaboration on topics of mutual interest. Work will be analytical in nature, describing the various codes and systems that have given rise to a series of touchstone projects. Students and faculty from both departments will work together, allowing the disciplinary perspectives each bring to inform one another. A series of lectures and tutorials by designers, engineers, and ecologists will punctuate the semester. These are designed to bring broad disciplinary knowledge to bear on project proposals, and to give students opportunities to work directly, in tutorial format, with visiting professionals. Precedents and case studies have been selected to reinforce studio themes; collectively, they represent the best examples of work at a similar scale and that engage topics central to the studio. For most of these, they are as important for the ways in which the proposals have been drawn as they are for these ways in which their embedded ideas have been realized. TOOLS Drawing, including three-and four-dimensional modeling, will be primary tools for exploration and communication. To the extent possible, we will work analogously with the various media we engage. This means our work will privilege change and dynamism; we will operationalize design strategies; and we will work at multiple scales simultaneously. Parametrics, scripting, and dynamic modeling will be utilized extensively, though more typical illustrative and operational sections, mappings, and illustrative views will also be in play. We will review and introduce a range of design software, including Rhino, Aquaveo, Grasshopper, and Paracloud. SITE Willets Point, Flushing, + the Flushing River, Queens, New York All drawing and design studies will utilize the same site, an urbanized river / river mouth and adjacent lands on the margins of the Flushing and Corona neighborhoods in Queens, New York. It is a series of industrialized and contaminated properties on the fringes of some vibrant, ethnically diverse communities; adjacent to the New York Mets’ home, CitiField, the US Tennis Center, and Flushing Park, the former home to two World’s Fairs; and pierced by extensive transportation infrastructure that connects the boroughs of New York City to Long Island and New England, and all to nearby LaGuardia Airport. It is one of the Bloomberg administration’s focus redevelopment projects, and it is a site where densification seems inevitable. The site is subject to high water tables, to seasonal variations in river flow, and to daily tidal fluctuation; and it is vulnerable to potential sea level rise over the coming decades. The Flushing River is a tidal estuary but in its current condition does not realize its potential for ecological productivity. As a glaciated landscape, it is part of a regional geology that extends from Pennsylvania and New Jersey across Long Island to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, off the coast of Massachusetts. As part of the northeast flyway, it is caught up in ecological systems that extend south to Florida, the Caribbean, and Central/South America.

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Importantly, the site is not large enough to simply restore a native marsh and floodplain; even if this was possible, the site’s urbanized surroundings, contaminated soils and groundwater, and inputs from storm water runoff and CSO effluent would not allow it. Local and regional infrastructures—roads, bridges, highways, subway lines, and commuter rail tracks—are threaded through the site, creating single-minded barriers to social and ecological flows. All of this is to be reconsidered, all of this is up for grabs.

STUDIO OUTLINE Each workshop and topic will be 1-3 weeks in length and will conclude with a pin-up. Exercises will accumulate over the semester and will be reviewed en suite at midterm and at end of term. Individual briefs for each exercise will be distributed over the course of the semester.

J-term workshop: Parametric surfaces, dynamic flow modeling David Mah / GSD, asensio_mah This workshop will review principles of three-dimensional modeling techniques of surfaces and forms, using a set of parameters that can be assembled and deployed according to a set of discrete rules or operations. Students will then be introduced to dynamic flow modeling software, like that used by hydraulic engineers, to test flow scenarios; the goal is to have students become comfortable using the basic tools for modeling dynamic conditions. Software will include a review of Rhino and Grasshopper, and introduction of Aquaveo.

01 Dynamic + adapted ecologies (weeks 1-3) We will begin by studying the underlying and adapted ecologies that could come to shape our urban proposals. To this end, this first module of the studio will introduce relationships between large-scale urban ecologies of the river, succession dynamics, and the specific physical and spatial parameters that will support ecological re-establishment. Focus will be the overall site and its connections to larger-scale ecological networks. Studies will be both analytic and projective in nature, and will emphasize the dynamic nature of the various denuded,

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altered, and adapted ecologies at work, or potentially at work. Topics of study will include continental and regional geologies and ecologies; seasonal flooding scenarios associated with the Flushing River; tidal fluctuation; stormwater runoff; the high water table; potential sea level rise; underlying contaminants; plant and wildlife habitat parameters and networks; and the various armored and porous surfaces that might give rise to a new set of distinctly urbanized yet open-ended, adaptive processes. Emphasis will be placed on the physical and “operational” parameters (size, shape, adjacency, connection, catalyst) that can be utilized to seed dynamics and succession.

Collaborative workshop: code, flux, + the city (weeks 3-4) Given the interdisciplinary nature of large-scale work on urban projects in especially fluid environmental settings, we will engage with the architecture department’s fourth semester core studio in a collaborative workshop around the topics of urban and architectural code and ecological flux. (The architecture core studio will be utilizing a portion of the same site in Queens.) Studies will build on the independent work of each department’s studio over the first few weeks, and will use a series of specifically focused precedent projects as vehicles for collaborative analysis and scale comparison. Interdisciplinary teams of architecture and landscape architecture students and faculty will also touch on potential re-formulations of the codes and rules that govern the precedents’ ecological frameworks and build form.

02 Site samplings (weeks 4-5) A trip will be organized to visit the site. Prior to leaving, students should develop an agenda as to which parts of the site, and which issues about the site, are most critical. As a group, we will have an opportunity to experience the site from a bus along the highways and streets, and on foot along the river and in the various urban fabrics on and adjacent to the site. Students should also ride the subway lines that pass through the site, and even the commuter rail line, if possible. Students will follow up with specific drawing exercises on site intended to test and verify orientation studies, and to catalog materiality and flows along and across site transects. Each student should also compile a personal journal of photographs and sketches that emphasize one’s dynamic experience of the site from the various infrastructural corridors that move through it. 03 Hybrid infrastructures / Dynamic urban frameworks (weeks 5-7) With an understanding of underlying and potential ecologies in hand, and a sense of the various scales of the site in play, students will engage in an extended study of the various infrastructures that shape urban fabrics: sidewalks, roads, urban spaces, rail, subways, highways, airports, sewers, storm water systems, energy generation and transmission systems, sport fields, etc. A portion of the work will be devoted to modifying or re-figuring a number of infrastructural corridors that exist, or to which connections will be made. But an equal portion of the work will be devoted to the development of various new infrastructure typologies—infrastructures that carry ecological and social agendas as well. Work will extend across the larger site and will emphasize regional connections; it will also deal with the various roles of “soft” engineering strategies that allow for environmental dynamics to play out in constructed urban environments. Emphasis will be on the inherent rules of each infrastructural or ecological system, as well as testing of various deployment strategies to create robust but responsive urban-ecological frameworks for a new kind of city fabric. Exercises will introduce the full range of tools used to scale and design the public realm, including edge and interior public spaces, and corridors for people, vehicles, recreation, and stormwater. Street and public space typology sections, orientation studies, sizing parameters, soil and infiltration requirements, and typical urban elements will all be addressed. -Midreview- (week 7) -Spring Break- (week 8) A short assignment will be developed and distributed at the end of midreview.

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Mid-semester Workshop: Relational Urbanism (weeks 9-10) Eduardo Rico + Enriqueta Llabres / AA, Berlage Institute, Relational Urbanism This workshop will introduce design methodologies linking contemporary parametric software to views of collective form in urbanism. Students will be introduced to the fabrication typological variability linked to wider urban dynamics, temporal logics and a large scale management of metropolitan form, but studies will be focused on their realization at the neighborhood and block/building scale. Here, we will take advantage of the ability to encode variation and variability with a digital tool that can simultaneously establish overall continuity and seriality. Outcomes will challenge traditional documentation techniques, prioritizing the understanding of relationships and allowing the final formalization to be defined from architectural decisions thought at the local scale. Paracloud and Grasshopper software packages will be utilized.

04A Elaboration of urban form (weeks 10-12) This module will continue the work of the workshop; exercises will elaborate parametric building and block models and will refine the proposed parameters for urban and building form, including sizing, setback, and orientations. Focus will remain at the multi-block scale—as a way to study the potentials of strategic urban intervention without resorting to totalizing, prescriptive master-planning. Work will include multi-block massing, setbacks, building heights, FARs, alternate densities, environmental orientations (light, sun, wind, etc.), edges, and sectional variation; all will be studied as conditions of or parameters for a robust urban fabric. Students will also utilize some of the typical tools of urban designers, including composite building + landscape detail sections, yield capacities and distribution, and three- and four-dimensional vignettes and variations.

04B Deployments / scenarios / the dynamic city (weeks 12-14) The final weeks of the semester will focus on the refinement of various interfaces between ecological, infrastructural, and building components at multiple scales. Emphasis will be on setting up a range of adjacencies between the ecological-infrastructural frameworks established in the first half of the semester, and the building block typologies established in the second half. Also, flexibility will be key in testing deployment scenarios on a portion of the larger site: deployments that respond to different potential inputs (sea level rise, economic upturns and downturns, the privileging of one set of contributing factors over others, etc.) will demonstrate the longer-term viability of build-out strategies relative to conditions and dynamics beyond our control. Assembles, interfaces, and alternate future scenarios will be critical for depicting the city in flux--intensely engaged in social and ecological currents, operating at multiple scales of time and space. -Final Review- All work to be handed in and pinned up at 10p the night prior to final review. Architecture 4th semester core studio reviews will be the day before ours, on Wednesday 27 April;

you are encouraged to listen in on a few of them over the course of the day, as there will be many issues in common.

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STUDIO SCHEDULE subject to change J-Term workshop F 14, M 17, Tu 18, Th 20 January Review of workshop Th 20 January Studio Introduction, Part 1 Tu 25 January Adaptation, Succession, Resilience Th 27 January Lecture + tutorial by Nina-Marie Lister, ecologist + environmental planner Review of Part 1 Tu 8 February Workshop with architecture Th 10 – Th 17 February Review of Workshop Th 17 February Introduction of Part 2, Studio Selections Th 17 February Site Visit to New York Su 20 February Introduction of Part 3 Th 24 February Life/Support: Urban Forest Canopy Tu 1 March Lecture by Gary Hilderbrand, landscape architect Midreview of Parts 1-3 Th 10 March -spring break- -short assignment tbd- week of 13 March Parametric Urbanism workshop Tu 22 – Tu 29 March Models, Cities and Systemic Utopias W 23 March School lecture by Eduardo Rico, civil engineer Review of workshop Tu 29 March Introduction of Part 4 Tu 29 March Urban cases pin-up Th 31 March Environmental Parametrics Tu 5 April 3:45p Tutorial by Christoph Reinhart, assoc. prof. of environmental technology Review of Part 4 Tu 12 April Introduction of Part 5 Tu 12 April Urban Hydrologies + Ecologies Th 14 April Talk + tutorial by Tim Dekker, environmental and water resources engineer, and Steven Apfelbaum, ecologist Final Review materials submitted and hung Tu 26 April 10p Final Review of Parts 1-5 Th 28 April

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Digital workshops will be held every Thursday evening during the semester, except during midreview and final review weeks. They will be held in room 516 at Gund Hall, from 7-9p. Workshop topics will be announced in advance, and will be coordinated with ongoing studio work. Workshop attendance is not required but is highly encouraged. David Mah will oversee workshop tutorial content; workshops will be run by TA Charlie Howe. Please use the workshops as a vehicle for refreshing your skills, learning new ones, and honing.


Students will work in small groups for the first couple of weeks; faculty will rotate, so that everyone has an opportunity to work with each member of the studio faculty. During the collaboration with the architecture department, small groups of landscape architects and architects will work with faculty teams from each department.

The remainder of the semester will consist of individual student work, under the guidance of a single studio faculty member. At this point in the semester, immediately following the collaborative workshop with the architecture department, each studio faculty member will present their background design interests to the students, and will talk about their own perspectives on the studio brief: the ways they are thinking about the project at hand, and the distinct perspectives they might bring to the table. Students will then be allowed to express a preference for which faculty member with whom they wish to work, in rank order 1 through 3. With these preferences, the studio coordinator will work with the Dean of Students, Laura Snowden, to make studio / faculty assignments. It is important to understand that this is not a random lottery, like the option studio and electives lottery: it is simply a vehicle for students to express their preferences for faculty members. These preferences will then be overlaid with program affiliations (MLA I vs. MLA I AP) and grade point averages to ensure an even distribution of students across each teaching group.

Course iSites will be the primary vehicle for disseminating information; be sure you have access, and check regularly for information and updates.

Mobile phones, texting, and/or extraneous email will not be allowed or tolerated in class, except in emergencies.

Site field trip to New York will take place on the weekend of 19/20 February; details will follow.

Grading will consist of J-term performance (5%); work to midreview (20%); mid-semester workshop performance (5%); work to final review (60%); and attendance and participation (10%).

Attendance is mandatory. More than two unjustified absences from studio will result in the student being asked to withdraw from the studio. All students should attend reviews for all members of your studio group unless otherwise instructed.

Teaching assistants for the studio are Kelly Fleming, Charlie Howe, and Fiona Luhrmann. They will be available for technical assistance over the course of the semester, and will be responsible for organizing and distributing studio base files. We will post regular consultation hours for each of them during the course of the semester, but please realize that they are all carrying full student workloads, too.

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CASE STUDY + PRECEDENT PROJECTS Case studies of exemplary historical and contemporary projects that derive urban form from ecological or landscape frameworks (or are simply good touchstones) will be presented, both in terms of the various representational techniques used in their design process and in terms of how they were realized. All students to keep a personal digital notebook of all precedent work, at equivalent scales. Precedent projects Buckthorn City proposal, Coast of Holland / West 8 Longgang Town Center, Shenzhen, China / Groundlab, Plasma Studio, Lower Don Lands, Toronto / Stoss et. al. Emerald Necklace, Muddy River, + Fens, Boston / Olmsted North Delaware Riverfront / Field Operations et. al. Lafayette Park, Detroit / Mies van der Rohe TGV and Urban Forest Projects / Michel Desvigne Ville Nouvelle Melun Senart, France / OMA, Rem Koolhaas Borneo-Sporenburg, Amsterdam / West 8 IJburg, Amsterdam (2006-2012) BedZED (Beddington Zero Energy Development), Sutton UK / BioRegional, Bill Dunster Architects, the Peabody

Trust, Arup Hammarby Sjostad, Stockholm East River Esplanade / SHoP et. al. Reference projects Early green infrastructures Buffalo Park System, Buffalo / Olmsted, Vaux Grand Rounds, Minneapolis / Cleveland and others Dispersed density / landscape urbanism referents Hilberseimer’s New Regional Pattern Brasilia, Brazil / Lucia Costa Broadacre City, North America / Frank Lloyd Wright Ecology- and landscape-based urbanisms Lower Don Lands, Toronto / MVVA Greenwich Peninsula, London (1997-2000) / Richard Rogers, Desvigne + Dalnoky Taichung Gateway, Taiwan / Stan Allen et. al. Zorrotzaurre Peninsula, Bilbao / Zaha Hadid + GrossMax Dynamic ecologies Parc Downsview Park, Toronto / All finalist competition entries Freshkills Park, New York / Field Operations and Mathur-da Cunha entries, FO scheme Red Ribbon Tange River Park, China / Turenscape Ephemeral Fields, West Flanders / Stoss Code-based urbanism Functionmixer / MVRDV (scripting software initiative for urban design) High Line District Zoning, New York (focus on development, zoning, urban fabric)/ Friends of the High Line,

James Corner Field Operations, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, HR&A real estate Infrastructure Lille Masterplan, France (1994) / OMA Casey Trees Washington DC Green Infrastructure Minneapolis Riverfront, Minnesota / Stoss Sustainable city Forum Vaubin, Freiburg, Germany Masdar Eco-city, UAE / Foster et. al. Port development Hafen-City / Old Port, Hamburg / EMBT, Beth Galí + BB + GG arquitectes, BHF Landschaftsarchitekten, WES &

Partner Landschaftsarchitekten, HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, Kees Christiaanse / ASTOC

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BIBLIOGRAPHY / URBANISM + DESIGN + THEORY Adriaan Gueze / West 8 Landscape Architecture. (Rotterdam: Uitgeverij 010 Publishers, 1995). Allen, Stan. Points + Lines: Diagrams for the City (New York, NY: Princeton Architectural Press, 1999). See especially: “Field Conditions.” 90-103. “Infrastructural Urbanism.” 46-89. Almy, Dean, ed. On Landscape Urbanism: Center 14. (Center for American Architecture and Design, The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture, 2007.) Bélanger, Pierre. “Landscape as Infrastructure”, Landscape Journal 28 (Spring 2009): 79-95. Bélanger, Pierre and Angela Iarocci. “Foodshed: The Global Infrastructure of the Ontario Food Terminal” in TRASH edited by John Knechtel (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007): 116-138. Berger, Alan. Systemic Design Can Change the World. (Amsterdam: SUN Publishers, 2009). Corner, James, ed. Recovering Landscape: Essays in Contemporary Landscape Architecture. (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1999). See especially:

Corner, James, “Eidetic Operations & New Landscapes.” 153-170. Berrizbeitia, Anita. "The Amsterdam Bos: The Modern Public Park and the Construction of Collective Experience." 186-203. Wall, Alex. “Programming the Urban Surface.” 233-250.

Corner, James, and Alex S. MacLean. Taking Measures Across the American Landscape. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996). Czerniak, Julia, ed. CASE: Downsview Park Toronto. (Munich: Prestel Publishers / Harvard Design School, 2002). See especially: Hill, Kristina. "Urban Design and Biodiversity." Daskalakis, Georgia, Charles Waldheim, Jason Young, eds. Stalking Detroit. (Barcelona: ACTAR. 2001). Desvigne & Dalnoky. The Return of Landscape. (New York: Whitney Library of Design, 1997). Easterling, Keller. Organization Space: Landscapes, Houses and Highways in America (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999) Graham, Stephen and Simon Marvin. Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructure, Technological Mobilities, and the Urban Condition (London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis. 2001). Kwinter, Sanford and Daniela Fabricius. “The American City / Urbanism: An Archivist’s Art?” in Mutations, edited by Rem Koolhaas, Stefano Boeri (Barcelona: ACTAR, 2001): 484-507. Kwinter, Sanford. Far from Equilibrium: Essays on Technology and Design Culture edited by Cynthia Davidson (Barcelona: Actar, 2008). See especially: “Wildness (Prolegomena to a New Urbanism).” 186-193.

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Institute for Landscape Architecture / ETH Zurich. Landscape Architecture In Mutation. Zurich: gta Verlag. 2005). See especially:

Picon, Antoine, “Constructing Landscape by Engineering Water.” 98-115. Waldheim, Charles, “Urbanism, Landscape, and the Emergent Aerial Subject.” 116-135.

Lerup, Lars. After the City (Cambridge: MIT Press. 2000). Lister, Nina-Marie. “Sustainable Large Parks: Ecological Design, or Designer Ecology?” in Large Parks edited by Julia Czerniak and George Hargreaves (New York, NY: Princeton Architectural Press, 2007): 34-57. Lucan, Jacques. OMA – Rem Koolhaas: Architecture 1970-1990. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1991. Mathur, Anuradha, and Dilip da Cunha. Mississippi Floods: Designing a Shifting Landscape. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2001. Mathur, Anuradha, and Dilip da Cunha. SOAK: Mumbai in an Estuary. (New Delhi: Rupa and Company, 2009). Middleton, Robin. ed. The Idea of the City. (London: Architectural Association, 1996.) Mostafavi, Mohsen and Gareth Doherty, eds. Ecological Urbanism (Baden, Switzerland: Lars Muller Publishers, 2010). See especially:

Mostafavi, Mohsen. “Why Ecological Urbanism? Why Now?” 12-53. Waldheim, Charles. “Weak Work: Andrea Branzi’s ‘Weak Metropolis’ and the Projective Potential of an ‘Ecological Urbanism’.” 114-121. Yu, Kongjian. “The Big-Foot Revolution.” 282-291. Bélanger, Pierre. “Redefining Infrastructure.” 332-349. Reed, Chris. “The Agency of Ecology.” 324-329. Felson, Alexander J. and Linda Pollack. “Situating Urban Ecological Experiments in Public Space.” 356-363. Frederickson, Kristin, and Gary Hildebrand. “Half a Million Trees: Prototyping Sites and Systems for Sustainable Cities.” 504-505. Picon, Antoine. “Nature, Infrastructures, and the Urban Condition.” 520-521. Lister, Nina-Marie. “Insurgent Ecologies: (Re)Claiming Ground in Landscape and Urbanism.” 536-547. Thierfelder, Anja and Matthias Schuler. “In Situ: Site Specificity in Sustainable Architecture.” 590-597. Cucinella, Mario. “Progetto Bioclimatico.” 598-599. Abalos, Inaki. “Verticalism (The Future of the Skyscraper).” 610-611.

Mostafavi, Mohsen and Ciro Najle, eds. Landscape Urbanism: A Manual for the Machinic Landscape (London: Architectural Association. 2003). Corner, James. “Landscape Urbanism.” 58-63.

Davoine, Gilles. “In Conversation with Michel Desvigne: Intermediate Landscapes.” 82-89. Mertins, Detlef. “landscapeurbanismhappensintime.” 135-141.

MVRDV. FARMAX: Excursions on Density. (Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 1998.)

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Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rem Koolhaas, and Bruce Mau. S, M, L, XL. (New York: The Monticelli Press, 1995). Sarkis, Hashim, ed. CASE: Le Corbusier’s Venice Hospital. (Munich: PRESTEL/Harvard Design School, 2001). See especially

Le Corbusier, “Rapport Technique.” 36-47. Smithson, Alison, “How to Recognize and Read Mat-Building.” 90-103. Hyde, Timothy, “How to Construct an Architectural Genealogy.” 104-117. Allen, Stan, “Mat Urbanism: The Thick 2D.” 118-126.

StossLU. (Seoul: C3 Publishing, 2007). Topos 71: Landscape Urbanism. Callwey. Volume 71: 2010. See especially: Waldheim, Charles. “On Landscape, Ecology and Other Modifiers to Urbanism.” 20-24. Palmboom, Frits. “Landscape Urbanism: Conflation or Coalition?” 43-49. Yu, Kongjian. “Five Traditions for Landscape Urbanism Thinking.” 58-63. Tschumi, Bernard. Event Cities (Praxis). (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1994). UFO 1_Urbanism Fascicles OSA. Water Urbanisms. Bruno De Meulder and Kelly Shannon, eds. (Amsterdam: SUN, 2008). Varnelis, Kazys. The Infrastructural City: Networked Ecologies in Los Angeles. (Barcelona: Actar, 2009). See especially:

Fletcher, David. “Los Angeles River Watershed: Flood Control Freakology,” 34-51. Waldheim, Charles. CASE: Lafayette Park. (Munich: Prestel Publishers / Harvard Design School, 2004). Waldheim, Charles. The Landscape Urbanism Reader (New York, NY: Princeton Architectural Press, 2006). See especially:

Corner, James, “Terra Fluxus.” 21-34. Waldheim, Charles, “Landscape as Urbanism.” 35-54. Reed, Chris, “Public Works Practice.” 267-285. Tatom, Jacqueline, “Urban Highways and the Reluctant Public Realm.” 179-196.

Waldheim, Charles and Alan Berger. “Logistics Landscape” in Landscape Journal Vol.27 No.2 (2008): 219-246. West 8. (Milan: Skira, 2000). Wolff, Jane. Delta Primer: A Field Guide to the California Delta (San Francisco, CA: William Stout Publishers, 2003). 306090 09: Regarding Public Space. Princeton Architectural Press. 2005. See especially LAN 3016H, University of Toronto. “Public Park: The Fifth Model.” 10-19. Chris Reed. “Performance Practices.” 267-285. Charles Waldheim. “Post-Fordist Public Works.” 114-125.

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Allen, John R. L., and Kenneth Pye. Saltmarshes: Morphodynamics, Conservation, and Engineering significance. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991). Bird, E. C. F. Coastal Geomorphology: An Introduction. (New York: John Wiley, 2000). Cook, Robert E. “Do Landscapes Learn? Ecology’s ‘New Paradigm’ and Design in Landscape Architecture.” Inaugural Ian L. McHarg Lecture. March 22, 1999. Clowes, Alan, and Peter Comfort. Process and Landform: An Outline of Conceptual Geomorphology (Essex, England: Oliver & Boyd, 1987). Craul, Phillip J. Urban Soil in Landscape Design. (New York : Wiley, 1992). Craul, Phillip J. Urban Soils : Applications and Practices. ( New York : Wiley, 1999). Craul, Timothy A. Soil Design Protocols for Landscape Architects and Contractors. (Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley, 2006). Day, John W. Estuarine Ecology. (New York: Wiley, 1989). Del Tredici, Peter. “Brave New Ecology”, Landscape Architecture 96 (February, 2006): 46-52. Del Tredici, Peter. Wild Urban Plants of the Northeast: A Field Guide (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2010). Dion, Thomas R. Land Development for Civil Engineers. (New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1993). Forman, Richard T.T. and Michel Godron, eds. Landscape Ecology. (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1986). Forman, Richard T.T. Land Mosaics: The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions (Cambridge Press. Cambridge, UK. 1995). France, Robert. Wetland Design: Principles and Practices for Landscape Architects and Land-Use Planners. New York: W.W. Norton, 2003). Hill, Kristina. “Urban Ecological Design and Urban Ecology: An Assessment of the State of Current Knowledge and a Suggested Research Agenda.” in Cities of the Future: Towards Integrated Water and Landscape Management. Edited by V. Novotny and P. Brown. (IWA Publishers, 2007). Hill, Kristina. “Shifting Sites” in Site Matters edited by C. Burns and A. Kahn (Routledge, 2004). Hobbie, John E. Estuarine Science : A Synthetic Approach to Research and Practice. (Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2000). Holling, C.S. Adaptive Environmental Assessment and Management (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis: New York, 1978). Holling, C.S. “Resilience and Stability of Ecological Systems” in Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics Vol. 4 (November 1973): 1-23.

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Innovative Technologies website, US Environmental Protection Agency: See especially the “Brownfields / Roadmap to Redevelopment” and “Technology Descriptions” sections.

Kangas, Patrick. Ecological Engineering: Principles and Practice. (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2003). Kirkwood, Niall, ed. Manufactured Sites: Rethinking the Post-Industrial Landscape. ( London: Spon Press / Taylor & Francis Group. 2001). See especially

Eric Carman, “From laboratory to landscape: a case history and possible future direction for phyto-enhanced soil bioremediation.” 43-50. Steven Rock, “Phytoremediation: integrating art + engineering through planting.” 52-59. Wendi Goldsmith, “Science, engineering, and the art of restoration: two case studies in wetland construction.” 166-176.

Leopold, Luna B., M. Gordon Wolman, and John P. Miller. Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology. (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1964). Lister, Nina-Marie. “Sustainable Large Parks: Ecological Design, or Designer Ecology?” in Large Parks edited by Julia Czerniak and George Hargreaves (New York, NY: Princeton Architectural Press, 2007): 34-57. Lister, Nina-Marie. “Ecological Design for Industrial Ecology: Opportunities for Re(dis)covery” in Linking Industry and Ecology: A Question of Design edited by R. Coté, J. Tansey and A. Dale (UBC Press, 2005): 15-28. Lister, Nina-Marie. “Celebrating Diversity: Adaptive Planning and Biodiversity” in Biodiversity In Canada: Ecology, Ideas and Action by J.J. Kay (Broadview Press, 2000): 189-218. Margolis, Liat and Alexander Robinson. Living Systems: Innovative Materials and Technologies for Landscape Architects. (Basel: Birkhauser, 2007). Margulis, Lynn and Dorion Sagan. Microcosmos: Four Billion Years of Evolution from Our Microbial Ancestors (HarperCollins Press, 1987). Meyer, Stephen M. The End of the Wild. (Cambridge: Boston Review of Books, The MIT Press, 2006).

Mitsch, William J., and Sven Erik Jørgensen. Ecological Engineering and Ecosystem Restoration. (New York: Wiley, 2003).

Morgan, R. P. C., and R. J. Rickson. 1995. Slope stabilization and erosion control: A bioengineering approach. London; New York: Taylor & Francis. Shibata, Toshio. Landscape. (Tucson: Nazraeli Press, 1996). Suthersan, Suthan S. Natural and Enhanced Remediation Systems. New York: Lewis publishers + Arcadis, 2002). Weinstein, Michael P., and Daniel A. Kreeger. Concepts and Controversies in Tidal Marsh Ecology. (Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic. 2000). Please also consult syllabus for GSD6242 for additional references.