sybeline oracles revelation

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  • 7/27/2019 Sybeline Oracles Revelation


    Sibyl Oracles (Mysteries of Osiris and Isis) - Bible Origins in

    Ancient Egypt!

    June 2, 2011

    Blog written by Alberta Parish

    The Book of Revelation, last book in the New Testament, has been accepted

    as the divine revelation of Jesus Christ for almost two thousand years. But

    what if I told you the Book of Revelation is not the divine revelation of

    Jesus, but instead the divine revelation of Osiris and Isis because the Book

    of Revelation is a forgery from the Sibylline Oracles, which were also called

    the Mysteries of Osiris and Isis? In the ancient Roman world, the Sibylline

    Oracles were known as the Mysteries of Osiris and Isis. A corrupted versionis what is inside the King James Bible. The Sibylline Oracles had been forged

    and corrupted by the Roman aristocracy in order to create the myths

    surrounding the divinity of Jesus and the end of the world. What is written

    in the corrupted version of the Sibylline Oracles, which is known today as

    the Book of Revelation is a myth surrounding the End Times. The Sibylline

    Oracles make reference to the End of the Age, and NOT the end of the


    The story of Osiris and Isis is they were gods having been created from the

    elements of heaven and earth, which in the Egyptian mystery systemrepresented the goddess called Geb (Earth) and the god called Nut (Sky).

    Geb and Nut were the first children of Amen-Ra, the sun god in ancient

    Kemet. When you read the Book of Revelation and then compare it to the

    Mysteries of Osiris and Isis, you see striking similarities immediately. The

    Sibyl Oracles were forged from the Mysteries of Osiris and Isis, and the

    Book of Revelation was forged from the Sibyl Oracles. But the original

    source were the Mysteries of Osiris and Isis, who actually were the first

    rulers of ancient Kemet before human kings began to reign. It is not

    impossible that gods once ruled ancient Egypt. Even the Sumerian textsindicate that the Annunaki (these were the ones whom the ancient

    Sumerians identified as being sky gods) came down from the heavens and

    colonized the planet Earth approximately 450,000 years ago. According to

    Sumerian texts, the Annunaki had genetically engineered H*** Sapiens by

    mixing their DNA with that of the existing humans that were on the planet

    at the time. The Annunaki had also cohabitated with human women and

  • 7/27/2019 Sybeline Oracles Revelation


    produced offspring. The story of the first god and goddess, Asar and Auset,

    which are the Kemetic names of Osiris and Isis predates any other gods and

    goddesses in the history of the planet Earth. Many gods and goddesses

    worshipped in the ancient world are carbon copies of Asar and Auset, and

    also their child Horus. Jesus is a carbon copy of Osiris and Horus. Zeus is acarbon copy of Osiris and Horus. Krishna is a type of Christ that lived

    hundreds of years before the mythical Jesus of the Gospels. Even the divine

    worship of Caesar, who was elevated to a major god in the Roman pantheon

    after his murder in 44 B.C.E., serves as a precursor to the nonhistorical life

    of Jesus as well as the crucifixion story. Like Caesar was resurrected as a

    god upon a Roman cross in his funeral procession, so was the Jesus of the

    Gospels who was elevated upon a Roman cross. Jesus was Caesar! There is no

    valid historical account of Jesus Christ outside the Four Gospels, because he

    never existed!

    Tony Bushby, author of The Forged Origins of the New Testament wrote,

    "Up until the First Council of Nicaea, the Roman aristocracy primarily

    worshipped two Greek gods -Apollo and Zeus- but the great bulk of common

    people idolized either Julius Caesar or Mithras (the Romanized version of

    the Persian deity Mithra). Caesar was deified by the Roman Senate after his

    death (15 March 44 BC) and subsequently venerated as "the Divine Julius".

    The word "Savior" was affixed to his name, its literal meaning being "one

    who sows the seed", i.e., he was a phallic god.

    Julius Caesar was hailed as, "God made manifest and universal Savior of

    human life", and his successor Augustus was called the "ancestral God and

    Savior of the whole human race"

    (Man and his Gods, Homer Smith, Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1952).

    Emperor Nero (54-68), whose original name was Lucius Domitius

    Ahenobarbus (37-68), was immortalized on his coins as the "Savior of

    mankind" (ibid.). The Divine Julius as Roman Savior and "Father of the

    Empire" was considered "God" among the Roman rabble for more than 300

    years. He was the deity in some Western presbyters' texts, but was not

    recognized in Eastern or Oriental writings.

    Constantine's intention at Nicaea was to create an entirely new god for his

    empire who would unite all religious factions under one deity. Presbyters

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    were asked to debate and decide who their new god would be. Delegates

    argued among themselves, expressing personal motives for inclusion of

    particular writings that promoted the finer traits of their own special deity.

    Throughout the meeting, howling factions were immersed in heated debates,

    and the names of 53 gods were tabled for discussion.

    At the end of that time, Constantine returned to the gathering to discover

    that the presbyters had not agreed on a new deity but had balloted down to

    a shortlist of five prospects:

    i. Caesar

    ii. Krishna

    iii. Mithra

    iv. Horusv. Zeus

    (Historia Ecclesiastica, Eusebius, c. 325).

    Constantine was the ruling spirit at Nicaea and he ultimately decided upon a

    new god for them. To involve British factions, he ruled that the name of the

    great Druid god, Hesus, be joined with the Eastern Savior-god, Krishna

    (Krishna is Sanskrit for Christ), and thus Hesus Krishna would be the official

    name of the new Roman god."

    It has long been a known fact that there were many Christian forgersthroughout the early history of the Church. Christianity is based on lies and

    deception. There's nothing authentic about Christianity or the Bible.

    Tony Bushby wrote, "The resurrection verses in today's Gospels of Mark are

    universally acknowledged as forgeries and the Church agrees, saying,

    "the conclusion of Mark is admittedly not genuine ... almost the entire


    is a later compilation"(Encyclopaedia Biblica, vol. ii, p. 1880, vol. iii, pp. 1767, 1781; also, Catholic

    Encyclopedia, vol. iii, under the heading "The Evidence of its Spuriousness";

    Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. iii, pp. 274-9 under heading "Canons").

    Undaunted, however, the Church accepted the forgery into its dogma and

    made it the basis of Christianity."