sybase datawindow .net

Sybase DataWindow .NET John Strano [email protected] Technology Evangelist Sybase, Inc.

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Sybase DataWindow .NET

John [email protected] EvangelistSybase, Inc.

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Overview of DataWindow .NET Windows Forms Demonstration Web Forms Demonstration Q&A Session

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Introducing DataWindow .NET

One component for data access and reporting Greatly reduces the amount of code you need to

write in a .NET application Intuitive graphical user interface allows developers to

be productive immediately Patented technology backed up by award-winning

customer support Supports Microsoft® Windows forms, Web forms, and

Microsoft® Windows Mobile-based® Tablet PC applications

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DataWindow .NET

Award NominationAward Nomination

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What is DataWindow .NET?

DataWindow .NET consists of: A Component that plugs into your .NET development

environment A DataWindow Designer that allows you to graphically

create your data presentation layer A Database Administration Tool to access and graphically

display database information Database drivers to access your RDBMS of choice

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What is DataWindow .NET?

At runtime DataWindow .NET consists of: Data entry interfaces Reports Engine that tracks user modifications and dynamically

generates INSERTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs

…all from one tool.

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Database Support

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Introducing DataWindow .NET

Presentation Styles

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Presentation Styles

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Report Styles

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Freeform Style DataWindow

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Tabular Style DataWindow

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Grid Style DataWindow

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Graph Style DataWindow

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Label Style DataWindow

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N-Up Style DataWindow

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Group Report Style DataWindow

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Nested Report Style DataWindow

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Composite Report Style DataWindow

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Cross Tab Style DataWindow

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Introducing DataWindow .NET

Additional Features

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Drop Down DataWindows

Think of them as enhanced Combo BoxesThink of them as enhanced Combo Boxes

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DataWindow Validation Rules

Validation rule files

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Over 1000 properties that can be accessed and manipulated at both design time and runtime

Approximately 200 methods to access and control data and the DataWindow

Lots of events for even greater control ItemChanged, ItemError, SQLPreview,

RowFocusChanged, etc.

DataWindow .NETMore Information

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DataWindow .NETMore Information

Edit Masks and formatting Computed Fields for client-side processing Supports SQL, stored procedures and external data

sources Easy printing of DataWindows ( dwc.Print() ) Dynamic creation of DataWindows at runtime And much more!

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Reduce CodeExample: Setting the Autosize Height on a Row

public void AutoSizeGrid() { // DataGrid should be bound to a DataTable for this part to // work. int numRows = ((DataTable)gridTasks.DataSource).Rows.Count; Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(gridTasks.Handle); StringFormat sf = new StringFormat(StringFormat.GenericTypographic); SizeF size;

// Since DataGridRows[] is not exposed directly by the DataGrid // we use reflection to hack internally to it.. There is actually // a method get_DataGridRows that returns the collection of rows // that is what we are doing here, and casting it to a System.Array MethodInfo mi = gridTasks.GetType().GetMethod("get_DataGridRows", BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);

System.Array dgra = (System.Array)mi.Invoke(gridTasks,null);

// Convert this to an ArrayList, little bit easier to deal with // that way, plus we can strip out the newrow row. ArrayList DataGridRows = new ArrayList(); foreach (object dgrr in dgra) { if (dgrr.ToString().EndsWith("DataGridRelationshipRow")==true) DataGridRows.Add(dgrr); }

// Now loop through all the rows in the grid for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { // Here we are telling it that the column width is set to // 400.. so size will contain the Height it needs to be. size = g.MeasureString(gridTasks[i,1].ToString(),gridTasks.Font,400,sf); int h = Convert.ToInt32(size.Height); // Little extra cellpadding space h = h + 8;

// Now we pick that row out of the DataGridRows[] Array // that we have and set its Height property to what we // think it should be. PropertyInfo pi = DataGridRows[i].GetType().GetProperty("Height"); pi.SetValue(DataGridRows[i],h,null);

// I have read here that after you set the Height in this manner that you should // Call the DataGrid Invalidate() method, but I haven't seen any prob with not calling it..


g.Dispose(); }



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Reduce CodeExample: Setting a Column Style to Checkbox

// code assumes you have a DataSet named myDataSet, a table named "EastCoastSales" and a DataGrid myDataGrid //STEP 1: Create a DataTable style object and set properties if required.      DataGridTableStyle ts1 = new DataGridTableStyle();

     //specify the table from dataset (required step)      ts1.MappingName = "EastCoastSales";            // Set other properties (optional step)      ts1.AlternatingBackColor = Color.LightBlue;

//STEP 2: Create a string column and add it to the tablestyle      DataGridColumnStyle TextCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();      TextCol.MappingName = "custName"; //from dataset table      TextCol.HeaderText = "Customer Name";      TextCol.Width = 250;      ts1.GridColumnStyles.Add(TextCol);

//STEP 3: Create an int column style and add it to the tablestyle      //this requires setting the format for the column through its property descriptor      PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = this.BindingContext            [myDataSet, "EastCoastSales"].GetItemProperties();

     //now created a formated column using the pdc      DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn csIDInt =            new DataGridDigitsTextBoxColumn(pdc["CustID"], "i", true);      csIDInt.MappingName = "CustID";      csIDInt.HeaderText = "CustID";      csIDInt.Width = 100;      ts1.GridColumnStyles.Add(csIDInt);

//STEP 4: Add the checkbox      DataGridColumnStyle boolCol = new DataGridBoolColumn();      boolCol.MappingName = "Current";      boolCol.HeaderText = "Info Current";

//uncomment this line to get a two-state checkbox      //((DataGridBoolColumn)boolCol).AllowNull = false;

     boolCol.Width = 150;      ts1.GridColumnStyles.Add(boolCol);

//STEP 5: Add the tablestyle to your datagrid's tablestlye collection      myDataGrid.TableStyles.Add(ts1);



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Reduce CodeExample: Adding a Combo Box

     // Step 1. Derive a custom column style from DataGridTextBoxColumn      //     a) add a ComboBox member      // b) track when the combobox has focus in Enter and Leave events      // c) override Edit to allow the ComboBox to replace the TextBox      // d) override Commit to save the changed data

     // Step 2 - Use the combo column style      // Add 1 col with combo style      DataGridComboBoxColumn ComboTextCol = new DataGridComboBoxColumn();      ComboTextCol.MappingName = "custCity";      ComboTextCol.HeaderText = "Customer Address";      ComboTextCol.Width = 100;      ts1.GridColumnStyles.Add(ComboTextCol);

     // Step 3 - Additional setup for Combo style      // a) make the row height a little larger to handle minimum combo height      ts1.PreferredRowHeight = ComboTextCol.ColumnComboBox.Height + 3;      // b) Populate the combobox somehow. It is a normal combobox, so whatever...      ComboTextCol.ColumnComboBox.Items.Clear();      ComboTextCol.ColumnComboBox.Items.Add("Chicago");      ComboTextCol.ColumnComboBox.Items.Add("Corvallis");      ComboTextCol.ColumnComboBox.Items.Add("Denver");      ComboTextCol.ColumnComboBox.Items.Add("Great Falls");      ComboTextCol.ColumnComboBox.Items.Add("Kansas City");      ComboTextCol.ColumnComboBox.Items.Add("Los Angeles");      ComboTextCol.ColumnComboBox.Items.Add("Raleigh");      ComboTextCol.ColumnComboBox.Items.Add("Washington");

     // c) set the dropdown style of the combo...      ComboTextCol.ColumnComboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;

DataGridDataGrid DataWindowDataWindow

Note: For data from a database even more code would be required!Note: For data from a database even more code would be required!

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Demonstration OneWindows Forms

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Demonstration TwoWeb Forms

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Demonstration “Planner”

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Session Summary

Provided an overview of DataWindow .NET features

Demonstrated how DataWindow .NET can be used in .NET Windows Forms applications

Demonstrated how DataWindow .NET can be used in ASP.NET applications

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Roadmap for DataWindow .NET

DataWindow .NET 1.5 WebForms and ASP .NET Direct access to DataWindow object properties using the

DataWindow .NET object model Ink Edit and Ink Picture Controls General availability April 8, 2005

DataWindow .NET 2.0 Support for .NET Datasets and DataTables Additional ADO .NET support Integrate DataWindow Designer into the Microsoft® Visual Studio® IDE Support for Microsoft® .NET Framework 2.0 and ASP .NET 2.0 Release planned for late 2005

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DataWindow .NETResources

Newsgroup: –


Code Examples:

Product Information and Evaluation Copy:

Replay of MSDN live webcast:

DataWindow .NET 1.5 Evaluation Download

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Questions and Answers


[email protected]