sy. no. 310/p varikunta village sakn mandal ysr...

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry In a GOVT. LAND OF 10.00 Ha. Sy. No. 310/P Varikunta Village SAKN Mandal YSR District Andhra Pradesh By Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy S/o. Sri. Satyanarayana Reddy D. No. 3-2 of Varikunta Village SAKN Mandal Y.S.R. District, Andhra Pradesh

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Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry

In a GOVT. LAND OF 10.00 Ha.

Sy. No. 310/P Varikunta Village SAKN Mandal

YSR District Andhra Pradesh


Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy S/o. Sri. Satyanarayana Reddy D. No. 3-2 of Varikunta Village

SAKN Mandal Y.S.R. District, Andhra Pradesh


Chapter No.

Chapter Title Page No.

1 Introduction E-01

2 Project Details E-04

3 Environmental Conditions E-07

4 Environmental Management Plan E-09

5 Disaster Management Plan E-20

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District




Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy is proposing a Road Metal and Building Stone quarry in a

Govt. land of 10.00 Ha. area, in Sy. No. 310/P of Varikunta Village, SAKN Mandal,

Y.S.R. district, Andhra Pradesh. It is proposed to mine about 19479 (Avg.) CuM per

Annum of Road Metal and Building Stone from the mine, for the present plan period of

Five (05) years.

In accordance with the Gazette Notification No. S.O.1533, dated 14 Sep 2006 (incl. it’s

amendments from time to time.), issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forests &

Climate Change (MOEFCC), Government of India, Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy, has

submitted the Form-I along with Pre-Feasibility Report, Approved Mining Plan (by

Dept. of Mines & Geology, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh), Land Documents, etc. to State

Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Andhra Pradesh for issuing

Environmental Clearance for the above mining activity.

Further to the above, Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy has prepared an Environmental

Management Plan (EMP) for the above Road Metal and Building Stone quarry and

intends to submit to SEIAA, for issuance of Environmental Clearance.


The above Road Metal and Building Stone Mine, is part of a Govt. land bearing Sy. No.

543, in an extent of 10.00 Ha. The above land, belongs to Varikunta Village, SAKN &

Y.S.R. District, Andhra Pradesh

1.3 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PROJECT The present project of Road Metal and Building Stone Quarrying in a Govt. Land

having an extent of 10.00 Ha. with a capacity of 19479 (Avg.) CuM per Annum, has the

main advantage of availability of the rocky terrain. The location of the quarry is near to

Varikunta village in SAKN Mandal & Y.S.R. District. It has got a good connectivity to

SAKN, from where it can lead to other important places of the state. Further the

Proponent has chosen to adopt semi mechanized quarrying, an already proven

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


environment friendly process, which will be a safe bet on the investment as well as the

returns on the investment, with due care for environmental protection & pollution


1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE & LEGISLATIVE BACKGROUND As per the Office Memorandum No. L-11011/47/2011-IA.II(M) dated 18th May 2012

issued by Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF), Govt. of India and the EIA

Notification of the MoEF dated 14.09.2006 (incl. its amendments), any new Mining or

Quarrying activity shall not be undertaken in any part of India unless it is accorded

environmental clearance by the concerned State Environmental Impact Assessment

Authority (SEIAA), in accordance with the procedures specified in this Notification. As

per the procedure, all quarries or mining proposals, in any part of India or expansion or

modernization of any existing mine/ quarry, shall apply in prescribed Form, along

with necessary documentation like Pre-Feasibility Report, Approved Mining Plan,

Location Map, Land documents, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) etc..

Accordingly, this EMP for the proposed mining activities of Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

has been prepared for the perusal of SEIAA/ SEAC.

1.5 EMP FORMAT The present report is based on compilation of the secondary data available for the

proposed project site & its surroundings, a description of the production process,

preparation of environment management plan and disaster management plan. The

contents of the report have been organized in following Five (05) chapters:

Chapter-1 - Introduction

This chapter provides background information of the project, brief description of the

area, significance of the project and format of the report.

Chapter-2: Project Details

This chapter deals with the proposed mine location, machinery used for mining,

infrastructure requirements etc.

Chapter-3:Environmental Conditions

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


In this chapter, the climatological conditions of the proposed area, based on secondary

information, are presented.

Chapter-4: Environment Management Plan (EMP)

This chapter provides environment management plan aimed at minimizing the adverse

environmental impacts due to proposed activity. The impacts along with the

mitigative/ control measures are elaborated. The Monitoring programme of various

environmental attributes is also be included.

Chapter-5: Risk Assessment and Disaster Management Plan

This chapter deals with possible hazards associated with the proposed activity. This

also includes mitigation measures and occupational health & safety plan.

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District




Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy is proposing for a Road Metal and Building Stone quarry

lease for extraction of Road Metal and Building Stone to cater to the demands of market

in a Govt. Land of 10.00 Ha. area, in Sy. No. 310/P of Varikunta Village, SAKN Mandal,

Y.S.R. district, Andhra Pradesh. It is proposed to quarry, with an annual production

rate of 20,001 (max.) Tons per annum, with latest and state-of-the-art quarrying



v The geographical details of the mine site are as under:

GCP Latitude Longitude 1 N 15° 03’ 44.5” E 78° 52’ 22.1” 2 N 15° 03’ 43.8” E 78° 52’ 15.0” 3 N 15° 03’ 58.8” E 78° 52’ 11.3” 4 N 15° 03’ 00.7” E 78° 52’ 17.7” 5 N 15° 03’ 59.8” E 78° 52’ 17.9” 6 N 15° 03’ 57.6” E 78° 52’ 18.6” 7 N 15° 03’ 57.0” E 78° 52’ 19.1” 8 N 15° 03’ 49.3” E 78° 52’ 20.4” 9 N 15° 03’ 44.5” E 78° 52’ 22.1”

v Details of the surrounding environmental features are given under Chapter-3


2.3.1 Cost of the Project:

The total cost of the Road Metal and Building Stone quarrying activity is estimated as

Rs. 50.00 Lakhs, of which approx. Rs. 5-10 Lakhs is towards the pollution control and

environmental management. Most of the mechanical equipment are outsourced.

2.3.2 Raw Materials Requirement

The proposed activity itself is quarrying of Road Metal and Building Stone, which will

be the raw material for subsequent activities. Hence, there is no requirement of any

other raw materials.

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


2.3.3 Description of the Process:

In the above mentioned Govt. Land (Sy. No. 310/P of Varikunta Village, SAKN

Mandal & Y.S.R. District, Andhra Pradesh State), mining of Road Metal and Building

Stone is being proposed by semi-mechanized open cast mining by using compressor

operated jack hammer drills, excavators, tippers etc. As the rock is exposed to open sky,

open cast quarrying, with controlled blasting will be sufficient.

To achieve the required level of Road Metal and Building Stone production, it requires

2 Tractor mounted compressor, 2 Excavator / JCB, 1 Drilling machine, 5 Tippers, 2

Loaders & 2 Water Tanker etc. Transportation of Mined material will be made through

hired trucks to the dispatching points. The flow diagram of various activities involved

in the quarrying of Road Metal and Building Stone is shown below:

Drilling & Dislodging: The Drilling is carried out in the Quarry by means of

pneumatic methods for development of the quarry and for production of Road Metal

and Building Stone material. 115 mm dia. Holes are drilled out to required depth for

production and development with a number of holes depending on the spacing and

burden. These holes will be filled with Gun Powder (mild blasting agent) and

controlled blasting will be carried-out to dislodge the stone to the required quantity.

Loading: Loading will be done by using a front end loader by skilled laborers into the


Transport: Transportation of the product within the quarry area will be done by using

tractors, tippers etc. The quarry waste and other over burden will be transported to the

waste dumping yard by using trucks/ tippers. Transportation is carried out by hired




Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


2.3.4 Water requirement

Water may be utilized for drilling during quarrying. Water will also be required to

meet the drinking and sanitation needs of employees and visitors and for dust

suppression along the haulage road. The estimated water requirement for the proposed

quarry will be about 480 liters/day for drinking and sanitation requirements and about

3,000 litres/day for other purposes like drilling, dust suppression etc., which will be

met from tankers purchased locally.

2.3.5 Power

Most of the quarrying machineries are driven with diesel. Hence, there is no

requirement of any electric power, except for lighting.

2.3.6 Manpower

The total manpower requirement during the operational phase of the above quarry will

be 25 personnel including personnel at all levels. Local people will be employed to the

maximum extent possible for skilled and unskilled categories.

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District



3.1 General:

The above Road Metal and Building Stone quarry site is a part of the Govt. Land,

bearing Sy. No. 310/P of Varikunta Village, SAKN Mandal & Y.S.R. District, Andhra

Pradesh State. The total extent of the quarry is about 10.00 Ha.

3.2 Meteorological Information

The temperatures are highest on average in May, at around 32.0°C. The lowest average

temperatures in the year occur in December, when it is around 22.8°C. The South West

Monsoon and North East Monsoon are the major sources of rainfall for the district. On

average the district receives 438.0 mm of rainfall through the South West Monsoon

(From June to September) and 396.0 mm from North East Monsoon (From October to

December). The least amount of rainfall occurs in January. The average in this month is

6 mm. The greatest amount of precipitation occurs in October, with an average of 162

mm. The climate history of Y.S.R. is summarized in the table below:

Climatological Conditions














Temperature (in oC) Record High 32 32 35 35 38 37 35 34 32 32 31 30

Average High

30 30 31 31 32 27 25 25 27 29 28 28

Average Low 14 15 18 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 16 15

Record Low 7 9 10 13 16 14 12 11 8 11 9 8

Precipi-tation (in mm)

6 8 10 48 72 154 140 141 123 162 27 8

Average Rainy Days

0 0 1 3 4 16 22 21 12 7 2 1

Humidity 50 44 45 52 63 81 87 89 83 74 61 54


Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


3.3 Surrounding Environmental Features:

Sl. No.

Particulars Details

1 Climatic Conditions • Annual Max. Temp: • Annual Min. Temp: • Annual Total Rainfall:

32o C 7o C 834 mm (Y.S.R. District)

2 Nearest Human Habitation Varikunta– 2.5 Km towards E 3 Nearest Major railway station Y.S.R. – 84 Km 4 Nearest Town SAKN Mandal– 50 Km 5 Nearby Water Bodies

Mvlabandala Vagu Canal Gangarapalle Lake Narsapuraam Lake Ridugupalle Lake Akkisiddhupalle Lake Nallagondupalle Lake Vaddamanu Kere Bokkaneru River Rangasamudra Lake

0.3 Km N-NW 2.75 Km SE 5.45 Km E 9.7 Km E 11.25 Km E 9.55 Km ENE 10.25 Km SE 7.8 Km S-SE 13.6 Km SE

6 Other Features Rocky boulders, rocky knobs, sheet rocks etc. 7 Forest Areas Kottakota Dasri Palle RF

Chennupalle RF Kalassapade RF

2.2 Km NW 10.2 Km NE 10.75 Km NE

8 Historical places None within 10 km 9 Defense Installations None within 10 km 10 Critically Polluted Areas None within 10 km


Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


4.1 General:

Extracting Road Metal and Building Stone from the earth is an arduous endeavor that

affects the local ecosystem and community on a number of levels. In particular, quarry

operations modify the landscape and topography, and require significant quantities of

water and energy. Additionally, potential occupational health and safety risks exist for

quarry employees and local residents may experience noise and vibrations. The Road

Metal and Building Stone quarrying activities, can have several environmental impacts

such as effects of blasts, vibrations, stone missiles, loosening of earth thereby increasing

the chances of landslides and siltation rates, aesthetics etc. Also, activities like blasting,

cutting, and truck traffic contribute to noise, vibration, and dust problems for local

residents. Responsible site maintenance, however, can make a remarkable difference in

the magnitude of these impacts as well as the financial burdens that may be attached to


The mining development in the study area needs to be intertwined with judicious

utilization of natural resources within the limits of permissible assimilative capacity.

The assimilative capacity of the study area is the maximum amount of pollution load

that can be discharged in the environment without affecting the designated use and is

governed by dilution, dispersion and removal due to natural physico-chemical and

biological processes. The Environment Management Plan (EMP) is required to ensure

sustainable development in the study area.

For attaining the desired objective of good environmental quality in the quarry area,

several management strategies in different phases are proposed and evaluated.

Ø Planned improvements including additional control measures

Ø Measures to alleviate problems affecting villages near mining area

Ø Planning for the closure of mines

This section discusses the management plan for mitigation/abatement of impacts and

enhancement of beneficial impacts due to mining. The Environmental Management

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


Plan (EMP) has been designed within the framework of various Indian legislative and

regulatory requirements on environmental and socio-economic aspects.

Environmental problems in Road Metal and Building Stone quarrying are similar to

any opencast mining operations. The general degradation of land due to unscientific

and selective mining is a common feature. The Environmental Management Plan is

presented in three parts, viz.,

Ø EMP before the Start/Re-start of quarrying activity,

Ø EMP during the operation of the quarry and

Ø EMP at the closure stage of the Quarry

The proposed environmental protection measures, at each of the above stages to meet

the stipulated norms are detailed below:

4.2 Environmental Management Plan before the Start/Re-Start of Quarrying Activity:

Before start/re-start of the proposed quarrying activity, it is suggested to initiate the

following activities, as a pre-cautionary measure for safeguarding the various aspects

of the environment.

4.2.1 Land Environment Management:

It is necessary that while preparing the quarry working layout, optimum land area

should be considered, with requirements for material movement logistics and also

leaving the buffer/ safety zone, as per the legislative requirements. There is a scope for

beautification of the land area within the quarry premises by planting trees, to improve

the aesthetics of the area and also to reduce the pollution outside the activity area.

These aspects are taken due care while preparing the Quarry Plan, which is approved

by the Concerned Government Department i.e. Department of Mines & Geology,

Government of Andhra Pradesh.

4.2.2 Green Belt Development:

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


Plants act as natural sink for variety of air pollutants. These can help to reduce the

pollutant level in the air environment. Locally suitable species shall be selected for

developing the greenery in the quarry area, wherever possible.

4.2.3 Water Environment Management:

During the pre-quarrying stage, adequate arrangements shall be made for meeting the

water requirements of the proposed activity, by way of identifying a suitable and

reliable source of water and also constructing a septic tank with soak pit in the nearby

area, for the usage of the quarry workers.

For the storm water management, all above ground quarries shall be provided with

garland drain with a check-dam to prevent the washing away of silt. This drain shall be

cleaned periodically (at least once in a year). In case of below-ground quarries, suitable

arrangements (in the form of dewatering pumps, DG set etc.) shall be made to dewater

the accumulated water in the quarry pit.

4.2.4 Air Environment Management:

The proposed quarrying activity doesn’t require elaborative air pollution control

measures, at the pre-quarrying stage. However greenery development will be a

positive step towards the air environment management.

4.2.5 Site Security:

Adequate security arrangements shall be made to ensure that the local inhabitants and

the stray cattle are not exposed to the potentials hazards of the quarrying activities.

Fencing will be done, before starting the Quarrying Activity, along the lease boundary

with barbed wire, planting with Euphorbia and Curcus cuttings, to restrict the entry of

unauthorized persons and other animals into quarry area

4.2.6 Noise Emission Control:

The proposed quarrying activity doesn’t require elaborative noise control measures, at

the pre-quarrying stage, which can be taken care during the operation of the quarry.

4.3 Environmental Management Plan During the Operational Phase of the Quarry:

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


During the operational stage of any quarry, it is expected to cause certain pollution on

various aspects of the environment. To mitigate such problems, the proposed

environmental protection measures are given below:

4.3.1 Air Quality Management

Generally Road Metal and Building Stone quarrying is expected to cause air pollution

leading to breathing problems. Activities like blasting and movement of vehicles

generate dust and aggravate air pollution in addition to noise pollution. Since the

proposed Road Metal and Building Stone quarrying activity is semi-mechanized with

the usage of air compressors, jack hammers etc., and controlled blasting, the air

pollution is minimized to acceptable limits by strictly following the guidelines like

using wet drilling, proper maintenance schedules, wrapping the drills with mufflers

etc.. However, movement of heavy machinery and trucks using diesel are expected to

cause air pollution and noise pollution. The following measures are proposed to reduce

the impact of these, to the extent possible:

Ø Frequent watering of the haulage road to prevent dust emission due to the

movement of machinery and vehicles

Ø All haulage roads shall be maintained regularly.

Ø Vehicles moving in the activity area shall comply with the prescribed emission

norms to reduce the CO & NOx concentrations

Ø Proper preventive maintenance to reduce emissions

Ø Unnecessary idling of the vehicles and machinery will be completely avoided.

In addition to the above, from the point of view of maintenance of an acceptable

ambient air quality in the region, it is desirable that air quality should be monitored on

a regular basis to check the compliance with the standards prescribed by CPCB and in

cases of non-compliance, appropriate Mitigative measures shall be adopted.

4.3.2 Noise Pollution Control

Since it is a new mine, major noise sources which are likely to be witnessed during

operational phase are of mine machineries and equipment, and movement of vehicles,

DG Sets etc. Noise generation may be for an instant, intermittent or continuous periods,

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


with low to high decibels. Periodic inspection and checks of the risk prone areas and

equipment have to be conducted. The following measures shall be undertaken:

Ø Acoustic enclosures, hoods, etc. shall be provided in noise generating areas to the

extent possible so that the sound levels in working areas are restricted below 80 dB

(A) for 8 hours duty. This shall be regulated before engaging the equipment or

purchase of the same.

Ø Provisions of rotation of workers to minimize exposure time as well as provision of

earmuffs to workers exposed to high noise areas are also envisaged.

Ø Green belt development shall be undertaken around the lease area to minimize

propagation of noise.

Ø Use of sharp drilling bits, delivery of compressed air at optimal pressure and

proper maintenance of compressor, drilling machine, jackhammers and tipper


Ø The ambient noise level monitoring shall be carried out in and around the

proposed mine, at regular intervals.

Ø The equipments and machines should be maintained properly. Particular attention

should be given to the silencers and mufflers. Ear muffs or other protective devices

should be provided to the staff working in high noise prone areas.

Ø Unnecessary idling of vehicles and mining equipment shall be avoided.

4.3.3 Water Pollution Control Measures

Generally, Road Metal and Building Stone quarrying activities are not expected to

cause any major water pollution, unlike other mining activities. However, as a

proactive measure, the following activities will be initiated, as explained in 4.2.3 above:

Ø The rainwater accumulating in the work area will be collected and will be

drained-out to the downstream properly with guide drains, so that it can be

used by the downstream fields for their agriculture and allied purposes.

Ø To avoid soil erosion, rain water entering into the mine pit, carry-over of the

material with rain water, suitable garland drains will be provided all along the

active mine area.

4.3.4 Solid Waste Management

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


The solid waste that is likely to be generated from the proposed activity will be mainly

from the drilling process. This will be in the form of flakes of irregular shape and

quarry dust. This will be collected and broken into pieces and can be sold as aggregates

for civil works, because of its hard nature. Quarry dust can be used for road

construction and filling of low-lying areas etc.

4.3.5 Plantation Programme

Under plantation programme, it is suggested to develop green belt all along approach

road to the quarry lease, along the boundary of mine lease area and in the vacant spots,

to the extent possible. The implementation of the development of green belt around the

activity area will be of paramount importance as it will not only add up as an aesthetic

feature, but also act as a pollution sink. But space limitation will be a major constraint,

because of the fact that major portion of the area will be hard rock, where tree

plantation is not possible. However, the following facts shall be considered for

greenbelt development, in the vacant spots, wherever it is possible to take-up the

plantation works:

Ø The species to be grown in the areas should be dust tolerant and fast growing

species so that a permanent green belt is created.

Ø Apart from the green belts and aesthetic plantation for eliminating fugitive

emissions and noise control, all other massive plantation efforts shall be decided

and executed with the assistance and co-operation of the local community.

Ø The plantation of any of the above or combination of the above will be decided

in consultation with the local forest authorities and community. In this area

regular watering is required to improve the survival rate.

Ø However, the practice of afforestation programme and other control measures

shall bring greenery to the area and also the vegetation of mixed species and

availability of green cover shall prompt the migration of birds and wild life from

surrounding places.

Plants Species to be planted in the Surrounding Areas:

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


1. Thespesia pinnata ( Indian tulip tree) 2. Michelia champaca (Champak) 3. Ficus religiosa (Peepul tree) 4. Azadirachta indica (Neem tree) 5. Pongamia pinnata (Indian Beech tree) 6. Hardwickia binata (Anjan tree) 7. Ficus benghalensis (Banyan tree)

& other local timber and bio-fuel yielding species. 4.3.6 Storage and Preservation of Topsoil

There is little soil cover occurring, as the area is exposed with Road Metal and Building

Stone. Wherever the topsoil generated, shall be collected and stacked separately for use

in afforestation.

4.4 Environmental Management Plan During the Closure Stage of the Quarry:

The intent of mine closure and rehabilitation is to return the land to as close as is

reasonably possible to its pre-disturbance condition, suitable for use by Traditional

Owners and as habitat for flora and fauna. The Quarry Closure is divided into two

stages viz. Progressive Closure Plan and Final Closure Plan. Generally, the Progressive

Closure Plan will be the part of the approved quarry plan and hence not elaborated

here. Final decommissioning and rehabilitation activities associated with the quarry

closure include the following:

Ø Removal of all infrastructure no longer required at the site. Ø Final site tidy up. Ø Ongoing monitoring and assessment of post-closure rehabilitation.

The proposed process for the final decommissioning for each of the domains is

discussed below. This is a conceptual process at this stage; it will be refined during

closure planning during the life of the quarry.

4.4.1 Site Infrastructure

In general the process for final decommissioning of site infrastructure will be as


Ø Infrastructure will be removed from site and sold.

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


Ø Concrete pads will be broken up and either disposed of on site, used as clean

landfill in areas of existing disturbance where the landform is amenable to filing,

or transported off site for disposal in an appropriate clean fill facility.

Ø Topsoil will be spread.

Ø The area will be ripped and seeded.

4.4.2 Office, Rest Shelter and Stores Area

The sheds installed for locating the office, spares parts storage, rest shelter for

employees etc. will be handed over to the local people, for using as an accommodation

for the farmers who will be cultivating the surrounding land.

4.4.3 Hard Rock Pits

These pits will be progressively backfilled and rehabilitated after the year of

completion. The end land use for the completely backfilled pit areas will be a modified

landform with landscape function and vegetation that is resilient, self-sustaining and

comparable to surrounding area. For those not completely backfilled, a void will

remain, it is unlikely that over time these will fill and become permanent water bodies.

4.4.4 Waste Rock Storages

The foremost rehabilitation outcome for the waste rock storages will be to ensure that

the final landform will be stable (physically and chemically). Other desired outcomes

for the waste rock storage areas will be that their landscape function and vegetation is

resilient, self-sustaining and comparable to the surrounding areas.

4.4.5 Access & Haul Roads

The main site access road and haulage road will be left in place, for usage by the

surrounding land owners. This will ensure access to the site for post closure monitoring


4.5 Infrastructure for Environmental Protection

The proposed activity will be under Administrative Control of Quarry Manager, who

will be the overall in-charge for the safety and environmental issues of the activity. It is

proposed to outsource the following activities to specialized agencies:

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


Ø Collect the information from regular monitoring and create data-base.

Ø Prepare monthly statement

Ø Greenbelt development and it’s maintenance.

Ø Liaison with regulatory authorities like Andhra Pradesh State Pollution Control

Board (APSPCB) and other concerned govt. departments on environmental


Ø Monitoring of various environmental parameters (by any MoEF approved lab).

4.6 Implementation of EMP & Monitoring Programme

The environment management plan is detailed on the basis of impact assessment.

Control and mitigation measures for the adverse impacts envisaged. The mitigation

measures suggested above will be implemented so as to reduce the impact on

environment due to the operations of the proposed plant. In order to facilitate easy

implementation, mitigation measures are phased as per the priority implementation.

The priority of the implementation schedule is given below:

Implementation Schedule

Sl. No

Recommendations Time Requirement Implementation schedule Immediate Progressive


Air pollution control measures

On-going work along with Quarrying

√ -

2. Water pollution control measures

Before commencing the Quarrying Activity

√ -

3. Noise control measures On-going work along with Quarrying

√ -

4. Ecological preservation and up gradation

Stage wise implementation

- √

4.7 Monitoring Strategy

As the major environmental attributes have been confined to the project area alone,

implementations of the proposed control measures and monitoring thereof will be

undertaken on the regional basis. The Road Metal and Building Stone will ensure the

implementation of the measures within the mine area and carryout efficient

monitoring. Also, the monitoring of various environmental parameters is necessary,

which is a part and parcel of the environmental protection measures. The proponent

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy, is committed to implement the monitoring programme, as

per the recommendations of the State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority

(SEIAA)/ Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB). In order to implement

the measures suggested for mitigating the adverse impacts on the environment, it is

suggested to monitor the environmental parameters regularly.

4.8 Best Practices in Road Metal and Building Stone Quarrying:

The best practices outlined in this document bring a multitude of advantages to a stone

quarry. These include:

ü Reduction in cleanup costs: Proactive site maintenance over the life of the quarry

reduces the time and money spent on site cleanup when the quarry closes;

reclaiming a well-maintained site is less laborious than restoring one with a poor

preservation plan.

ü Reduction in fuel costs: Reducing machine idling durations, maintaining

infrastructure, and optimizing haul distances reduce fuel consumption and thus


ü Avoidance of regulatory penalties: Site organization and proactive hazard

management mitigates potential for occupational exposure and regulatory fees.

ü Increase in employee safety & morale: Employees that feel safe at work are more

likely to make a greater personal investment in the company.

ü Generation of revenue: Site maintenance, interim restoration, and final

rehabilitation can increase land value for future leasing and/or sale.

Additionally, overburden and quarry dust may be sold for use in road

construction and agricultural applications

ü Increased efficiency: A clean and well-organized quarry site can increase

production efficiency by ensuring open paths and roadways, reducing debris,

and increasing the safety of employees.

ü Enhancement of company reputation: Adequate maintenance and rehabilitation

practices can result in greater community acceptance of the quarry and respect

for the company. A company with a reputation for being socially responsible is

likely to retain current customers and attract new ones.

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District



5.1 General Any of the industrial or mining activities have their associated hazards. If these are

handled properly, there will not be any unwanted damage to life and property.

However, the proposed activity doesn’t involve any hazardous operations and the

magnitude of the operations is also very small. The proposed project is an opencast

mining project. The hazards associated with the proposed activity along with the

mitigation measures, are summarized below:

Hazards Identified Applicability/ Mitigation Measures Roof fall inside the mine v Not applicable for open cast mining Flooding of Rain Water v Escape Routes will be provided to prevent inundation

of storm water v Garland drains with check dam will be provided

Surface Fire v Fire Extinguishers v Sand Buckets v Fire Check line v Fire watchers during summer

Explosives/ Blasting v Controlled Blasting will be carried-out by authorized expert agencies only

Radioactive hazard v Not Anticipated Failure of Pit Slopes v Proper design of bench width and height restrictions. Failure of waste dumps v Restriction of dump height

v Proper slope with plantation Failure of mine benches v Not anticipated, due to the fact that Road Metal and

Building Stone is a hard rocky mineral Dust v Using water during the drilling operation

v Proper PPE to the workers in the drilling area v Water Sprinkling on Haulage Roads

Noise v Regular maintenance of all equipment v Unnecessary idling of vehicles/ eqpt. not allowed

Transport vehicles v Loading according to the vehicle capacity v All vehicles shall have rear view mirrors v Regular checking of brakes to avoid failures

General Safety Measures v No entry for any unauthorized persons v Quarrying as per Approved Plans only v All statutory requirements will be complied with

5.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

The following PPE will be provided to the persons working in the quarry area:

Sri. D. Govardhan Reddy

Environmental Management Plan For the Proposed Road Metal & Building Stone Quarry in YSR District


v Steel-Shoed Industrial Safety Shoes

v Safety Helmet

5.3 Disaster Management Plan

The complete mining operation is carried out under the management control and

direction of a qualified manager. The DGMS have been issuing a number of standing

orders, model standing orders and circulars to be followed by the mine management in

case of disaster, if any. However, following natural/industrial hazards may occur

during normal operation.

v Inundation of mine pit due to flood/excessive rains;

v Slope failures of pit & dump

v Accident due to explosives;

v Accident due to transport & other equipment; and

v Sabotage in case of magazine.

To take care of these hazard, the control measures proposed are given above. The

management is able to deal with the situation efficiently to reduce confusion keeping in

view of the likely sources of danger in the mine.

5.4 Occupational Health & Safety Measures To Control Dust Inhalation All the necessary precautions would be adopted to prevent dust generation at site and

to be dispersed in the outside environment. However, for the safety of workers at site,

engaged at strategic locations/dust generation points like loading and unloading

points, dust masks would be provided. Dust masks would prevent inhalation of RPM

thereby reducing the risk of lung diseases and other respiratory disorders. Regular

health monitoring of workers will be carried out.

5.5 Health and Safety Monitoring Plan:

All the potential occupational hazardous work places would be monitored regularly.

The health of employees working in these areas would be monitored once in two years

for early detection of any ailment due to exposure to plant operation.

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