swegepr gnewi-bsnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1928-02-17/ed-1/seq-8.pdfsop of mr. and...

The 1'oiintlliit.loii uml by-lnw.'t of the V OID . ** J M I - II ' M J!i'|)ilbl!i'iili Club wriv iliselissi'd nt tin" tnei'lliiK VVi'iliii 'sdny night whicli wns iiUi'iuleil liy ill) nii'iu- hers, ll wus voted to ini*i>t the first Wi'ilni'Hiliiy nl" oui'h niontli in Fruti'r- nlty Hull. ¦loll )) (lot-dun ul ' iMllll ' ainl Sll'i'i t brtike a hum* in his I' nol Jiul utility nitirnlng when lie fell from :i liiiildlug wlilcli he wns ei' i 'i'ling fur l /j- 'iniiii Tor- i'i*ll In Knst PnU'liog-lli-. Hurry C. IMnl . -y of tin* l. ilnml Hills Country Club has ivliirnotl from the .Seminole Club , ni'ttr I' eiisueola , Flu., wlit'l'ii he has . "Jiellt llli; Jinst several Wecla - ,1. I\lins OlmrloUe Mistier , who wus in- jured when tlii> Cannon Dull exiui'ss bit Uu' car in wh i cli she was si passen- ger just liefore Ohrislinus, li«-r uncle. aJnciih Mistier , In'lii:. Itilleil in tin- nc- I'uli-'iiti Ims I'olui-ni'il to her ilulies in Una office of llerlicrt F. Austin. M rs. Ciiriillni' Cole , Mrs . I,. A. Si'ltr., IMl'Ha .1. 0. Hnhn uilil A, VV. I' nge were thu winners of Uin prizes at llm largely •ilti . -niled bridge parly given liy the ¦Su- ramin Club In aVHiuls ' Hotel Wi'dtii'S- dny evening. , Miss Gladys P.useli Is tintbrgoiim - t' - ' eii t nient nt Unger 's hospital. Postmaster Hurry T. Weoks iof I yesteriluy for Wuiililiigton oil n busi- ness trip of a few days. J'inii'S It. Smith of the .J II. li, Spi;- (. lultlt!!: Compiiny hut: itdurneii fi'mia a business trip to Pliihi'lnlnhiit. Dr. A. II. Ti*rr;. ' u 1 ' Hose Aveiiiu* vus one of the 1-onimia.t.'.; in cl.arge if the Lonjr Isl. 'ind f!' 'ii. - . *i* held tit Pulni Poueh Wetlnnsdny evening lnrgely uttondoil liy people from this section who nre winte r ine- .n Floriihi . Miss.Marie Mcyevs 'if South 0.r.i n Avenue was the yttust of honor at a ¦ .Valentine Buy .surprise purty Tuesday evening. Among (hose win* were pres- ent were Mr. anil Mrs. Cliff Cox , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geertieniii , Anthony Palermo , Fonco Scmibella , John ficidy, Louise Palermo am ' sevc-rn l out a . of town guests. Mrs. Harry Soper of Hast Main Street t'litortnineil the Tuesday Eve- ning Pedro club at her home. The Lenten season will begin with Ash Wednesday, nex t week. Faster fulls on April 8. There was another unusually Itigii tide in the bay Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, and durinp: Wed- nesday the southwest wind kicked up the heavy sea over the docks. ;. John Cornwall ef Lak<iwood Street , who' has been seriously ill , is no-w con- v:i * -»cei)t . ¦ ' .-- ¦ Mrs. Walter Itobinson of Waverly Avenue is entertaining theVFriilay atf ternoon pedro club at her 'hbrhe today. Dr. S. J. Hoilkiu of Cedarh u rst , a sop of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hotlkir, of West Main Street , recentl y married •Miss Ruth Perlstein of Urooklyn and they are now on their-way to Vienna , aboard the S. S. Lapland , where Dr. Hodlain will study for it year. y Cards and letters have been re- ceived- from Mr. and Mrs. Sanm.?l Ja- coby who are staying at the George "Washington Hotel in Miami Beach. Miss Sarah Muller of Jayne Avenue l eft Saturday for Miami where she will spend thc* remainder of the win-, ter. V . . . . The Young People' s Society of the Emanuel Lutheran Churcii hail the Young People' s Society of St. John ' s Lutheran Church of Sayvillle as their guests on Tuesday evening at a val- entine aiid bunco pa rty. In spite of the stormy night about (15 young peo- ple attended and enjoyed the evening immensely. The party was in charge of Miss . Grace Parmaley antl Miss Katherine Ohlmann . Mrs. Gray- of Church Street re- turned to her home on Friday after spending a week with her sister , Mrs. Henrietta Dare of Cora m , who is in critical condition. Mrs. G. -V. Hurd has closed her tea 3 - oonis ar. 112 Carman Street. At the Emanuel Lutheran church Sunday there wil) be German service at 9:30 a. m., English service at 10 : .SO. Sunday-school at 11:30; evening ser- vice at 7:30. Beginning with Ash- Wedn--tlay, February 22, Lenten ser- vices wil Ibe held every Wednesday evening at 7:45. The pastor -will prea' . 'h on Ash-Wednesday. Thc Rev. Albert Beyer of St. John ' s Lutheran Church , Sayvillo, will preach on Wed- nesday evening, FebVuary 29 , the Rev. Carl Gernannt of Holy Trinity Church , Islip, will preach on Wednesday, March 7, the home pastor on March 1-1 , the Rev. Beyer on March 21, the Rev. Gernannt on March 28. On Good Friday, April li , there will be German service with communion at 10:30 ami English service with communion at 7:45. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all: Hermann Zoller , pastor. Thbi'i' Is un Interi'slliig' 1 display of itljissi'.s di'sign cd for usi* In liidusti'iiil plnnls In the window of Ilr. M, II. Ilobhison. Thi'iv are glasses that hnve snved Hiniio iuie from sui'loun eye Injury ur totnl blindness , nnil endi iviii* tells ils own story, Om* pnli* Ims iiuilli 'ii mi'tal I'liuglii M: lo It Unit wns splushfil whlli* the puildli'i' wus tit work , und another hns a stone Imbed - ilc.l in the glass. iallSH (iiiin* Werner , ora l liyglniilM l In Ihe dental offices of Overton. Hob* bins und Overton , has ndui'iied after s]ji*ndlng n few days in New York, ' The Cl. ti. G. Club was unturtuine-l Weiliiendny evening' by Miss Rlnl<* Johnson at her, ; home on (JI UUT M .Street, The story of the life of Paul will be n*lven in pictorial form nl the Meth- odist Church Sundny ' night by the pns- ti.r , thi' llev. N. A. Hull. The Lutheran Youn-r People ' s .So- ciety huve IIITIIIII - . II nntl prepared a line oliU'i'tainmont whi. 'h will be given on Monthly , evening, Fghriuu y HO in tlie biisi'inent of the chui' . -li. A gnoil prof-miii of several plays : "Who is the Unas " , Mr. Hrigg ' s Sick with the gnlpjic , " and "Please Pass the Creiim " , interspersed with musical numbers and orchestral accompaniment. Re- freshments will be served, Mrs. John Tlnirher of Lee Avenue entertained the "Wednesday afternoon | britlgx' club ut her homo tills week, j Mrs. Georg e Overton mul Ai rs. Rob- ; ort Van Tuyl will he the hostesses ati the meeting of the Sorosis Wednesday* afternoon. . ' Miss lOlsie Tiotje , a stud out at New Pnltit Normal School , returned lo her studies Momlny nfter u few days ut her home. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Bryan of Av- ery Avenue returned loduy after a few days' visit with relatives in Brook- lyn. Mrs. Frank Call is seriously ill nt Unger ' s hospital, The card party given hy the Wo- men ' s Democratic Club of Brookhave n town in Fraternity Hall Tuesday nigh t drew a large crowd untl 22 tables wero in play. The Dorothea Rehekuh Lodge wil! hold nn old fashioned dunce in Frater- nity Hall Monday evening. A ilnuf-Jiter was born Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. John Gauthicr al Un- ger' s hospital. The Hev. Louis H. Johnston will re- turn tomorrow from Syracuse where he was attending the .state convention of Congregational minister*!. The Southside Lodge of Masons will go to East Islip to night where it will take part with , Meridian Lodge of Islip in prcsening a Bible to the East Islip high school. ' ' . . ¦ A marriage license has been issued to William 3. Newham of 58 Notting- ham Avenue ancl Mary Catherine Lemihan of 81 Jennings Avenue. The Misses Hattie and Libby Co- hen of River Avenue entertained a large group of friends at a bridge party at their home Tuesday evening. Mrs, William Xeller underwent an operation in the Nassau County Hos- pital at Mineola Wednesday, FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST ' First Church of Christ, Scientist , Patchogue is .a branch of The Mother Church , The First Church of Christ , Scientist , in Boston , Mass. Sunday services 10:30 a. m, and 8:00 p. m. in the Mills . Building. Subject for Sunday, February 19: "Mind. " Sunday School at 11:46 a. m. Testimonial meeting every "Wednes- day evening at 8:15. Reading Room open week days from 1 to 5 p. m. The public Is cordially invited to at- tend thc services and to use the Read- ing Room.—Adv. Mrs. Mnry D UIUM * I S I'l'ilicnlly il wllli piir'tiinuiiij i ul Unner ' s luinpltiil, JVIISM ItOSI! laicllI 'llStl'Ill llllS I'l'tlll-lll'l to her home on Aculeiny .Street nf ter n few days spent In Now York. Mlsn ilt'iineUi . . Hrinidt of aliiyiu Avenue cntcrtiil/ieil nt a luncheon JIIII theittiv imrly Siilunliiy nfti'i'iionii , HENRY ROTI1E Henry Itolln . . , who was In the piuil- Iry business nt Meilford , having bi* Itonil* for the putt! few yenrn on I lie .Stale rood , died Tuesday afternoon , nfter n long Illness. The roimiins . WIT laken to Astoria to remain ut the Ma* mniic Tunijilu , where he wan at one time muster of tin; order , fiil.l the fun- era l will be held tomorrow. Hu leaves Ills widow, Anna Itolltr . . , tivu daughters , Gertrude Hothe nnd Mnry Uiiinm , two step-sons , Itlehurd tm.l (li'org- .. Pewson , anil six •rnmilchil- dre n , Muriel , Gustav , Hdwiird and •Vortnu ftttmin* Raymond mid Georj-v l'ewson , Jr. OBITUARIES JAMES W. FARRELL James W. Farrell , 47 years old , son of thn late Willium uiul Catherine Farrell , «hi!«l ut his home on Division Avenue , Hlue Point , last nigh t after a lingering- illness. He was u native of Pennsylvania anil Iiutl lived in Hliio Point for tlio past 30 ymirs and had been employed as n lace weaver in tht* Patchoguo Plymouth Mills for about 25 years, . He leaves a daughter, Mrsi' . Doris Kyro of New Haven , two brothers , Lawrence of Ohio anil John of Brook- lyn and a sister , Mrs. Mary Cnr- nilchael of lllue Point. He was a member of the Patcliogue. Lodge of Elks , which will hold services at 8 o' clock Sunday nig-ht. Tho funeral will be held Monday morning at 9:30 at the R. C. Church of Our Lady qf the Snow , tlie Rev. Charles Roh r of- ficiating, with burinl in the Cath olic Cemetery in Patchogue. KARL KATZENaVIAYER Karl Katzenmayer , 70 years old , of 31 Washington Avenue , died suddenly ,-jsterday morning at his home. He had aparently been in exeallent health. When his wife failed to note his pres- *nce far a time , she looked around and found him dead in his bedroom. He eaves four daughters, Mrs. - F " . Rob- srts of Blue Point , Mrs. George Os- canip of Canandai gua , Mrs..Roy Gib- son and Mrs , . -John Karle iof Roch- istcr, . and . one son , - Katl ' , Jr., of Riverhead. Thc funeral , wiU take jilaee Sunday afternoo n at the home at 2:30 o' clock , the Rev. Her- man Zoller of Emanuel Lutheran church officiating, with burial in Ce- dar Grove Cemetery. OLD FASHIONED DANCE Monalay evening, Feb-ucry 20, l»y Dorothea BetaAnh Lodge, Fraternity Hall. , Tickets SOc. -Adv. - ¦ , . CARD OF THANKS "We wish to cicprcais our deepest gratitude and 'appreclatiain to all our dear friend*, and relatli-cs -who hnve lawn -o kind antl . thbtiffht- ill during our reccnl liereavement. . Mr. and Mm. Theodo re Ciloverl—Aalv. er^«^<rw*7>^<r_w?(r*'»^-^ <rw^***6*wr?><r</!iW ^ g Personal, Social and Local Items of Interest. . $* PERSONAL Investment Service BANK AND INSURANCE STOCKS For Capital Appreciation BONDS AND PREFERRED STOCK For Income Return Inquiries Invited Swezey, Topliffe & Co., Inc. 42 Broadway, New York Patchogue Office: Mills Building Telephone ltfil i V , ., - liii iimiiiiiiaiitii i ,iaiiiitiiiitiiiiiiti. (>iiii itaiitiiiia j iij i)aj), .fii.tii.aa ,ii(iaiaaaf „,mi,aM I Gallo Shoe Store , Inc. | | 98 South Ocean Ave* . | 1 Opp. P. O. Patcliog-e , N. Y. 1 5 ' 5 "Home of Good | | Shoes" ! = 5 | After several years of effort | | in finding what is lhe best in I 1 footwear , wc are sure we can 1 | serve you with merchandise from | | some of the best manufacturers. | The | Deauville ; Sandals | arc a -ample of the best imports- | 1 lions. WE NOW HAVE THEM | 1 IN WHITE. Thoy are cool , § | comfortable and stylish and es- | | pecially appropriate (or dress or | I other occasions. We can show 1 | them to you in all cizet at an 5 | incomparable price. | niiiiiaiiiliiiaiaatiiaiiiaiitiiiiiiiiliiiiiii.iiiaitimliiiitillil.aiiiaiiitliliiiii.iiiiiiiiiifiiiir 1(a ) . ItiaV, W.'-lU'll Nl'.V*a|lll|aa *l lllllutl.l "Nil llinll I'VI'l" Wlllll llllll .T till * litinl.'ii nt iniliiy. II la. win n In* I niii'i'iiw **. latii ' ili 'ii In iiitdi*il HIM I It fn.'iii'! inrire llm II inn* cull I. .'ill' , I,lve, llleil , Inllll y, ll lll l loma.I'lliW will iilivnyn la. * I H ' III ' II IIII ' ." CHESTNUT TIME Tin* Fi'i'iii'li peiipti' cxei. 'l In I he pi'i'ii* unit Imi , nf Ihi' ilelluliirill roul'i'i'lluu ciilli'il inuri'iins ni s ei's. Tltl' . V 11 I'I! Illlllli - li . v II very simple |ii ess llliilieli mid hull II qlinrl nf <lu-sinuls llll li'iiili'r. llicii driilii nud plin-e In n sluil low Ini) li'ri'il pliil- Inr , rfiiily In hnve I he I'liniHi'*! sirup* pun ri*il on i ln'iii. Hull one iit ititiil nf fuiKiir iiiiil.iini'-liisii'ili piin nf w-iiii'i lllllll It llll'l'lllls I' l'u'll Hu 1 spiinii. Ula no) . ilJr. t' niil inn! ivhlie . illll u-i ' ii 'iii lnnil ' iivcr ihe nuts nml lei litem smntl Ill 11 H'lll'lll pllll'l' fail' lllll'I . V-slN llll-KI 'S. llii'ii I'l'iiinve Ibe mil s. Hnve rmuly n sirup nimli. like lli«> llrsi with -ini' I' mirlli HMispniiiil ' iil ul' cri'iim nf liu'liu ndiU'd. L' .ull linnl . f<u' seven iiiliitites witlimit . Nliti'tti* . Tnke froiii lhe lieiii nud ill-op HIP ; nuts Itiln ll, plueo (.vet Hie lire uml brim: tli o sirup io u lanll Ilirn.nlIr ci'i'i'fuily : J-VI IIL mil lho i-uls nud itriitn . ihtinia - V. ' -ir ' n ' dry ilu.y . jire reud . v lo |i/i('!. *a mViiy. Chestnut O-l-d. —f ' .lunch " ehpsin ills lay putlliii; Jliciii lnli » n hot pun, i-llt- llnji enelii Ihcii wheri ihey pup open ri'nmve lhe shell nnd shins. I' milt nu HI lender In ii llllll* Innlh , tlirn sl ice or cut In to stuutl pieces uiul ' serve on li'lliici' wllli ri ;K'' .'d ' drowlii'i. . - Chestnut Ptiddlnq. —lllnueh u pint nl i. 'liesHlllls. .liill ' ve llieni mul riml; niilll (eiulor In n ciiplul '•( udlk . leilinj . * llieni simmer .mull . '-ofi . r' H'ss lliron- . Ii II sieve, iuiil uiie- l' iuii'tli (iliit nf . supn r. n lillie sail , nnedinir tensiniiiuful or v-n* nlllii nnil ii ursitln;: of niitini** . I' e-sl lhe yolks nml whiles; cr lliree PJ. - . .S si'piiralcly. ivtld thp " . vull.s it. the elio* -!* mil iiulp; rllr well, llii'ii fnlil In tlie sillily lieati'U v. -'-lt -s ; pm into n pw d* dine .dlsli nnd luil. 'c (Ifleciu uiintite-s. XPI 'VP hot or cold. Boiled Chestnuts aa Vegetable H** move I hp shells nnd I iliinc ' h the nuts In I III IIM I * . ¦ initer. luilliiiK for n fe-iv inlniilrs. llii'ii dro p lliem Inlo eolil wn- . ler and rnli off Hip sUlns. Drop ilte nuts iiito suited, hnillng -water nnd] cool; them niilil lender ennu*.li to li-e plerewl wltli !i-fi)ik—ahout fort y ini™- ules. Dntin' njid put nvor hot . water to- keep warm. Prepare lhe sniiet-* , elfher n rich , white sauce or llolluui. - alse. ¦ V " •' * , *. ' ,, ¦ , - : ¦ ¦:. . - liuluV iWmW vrtdL %epj cm A Dopin-tment of Il.lpftilu.ii for All AutoiiKibili* Owners Still Remedy for Skill s I'liiuiili'cd bruki'S urn one of tlie west preventives for .sklddine;. The motorist who decides lo lnnvo this tuslt to the st'ivko slutioli slioilld si'li't't n ii •stnlillshnieiit Hint has unu of Ihu nu- tneroiis ileceleromotniH or other di'vi- •i. 's thut assure tieciiriitL* nieiisureiiient if lii'iikliift force us divided between .lie Colli" wheels. It is fur inure t!t)' ec- ,' tve thnn the old mrthoil uf trial unci •rent' whicli still prevails in many jiln- ¦es. Siivcs the Finish , Too Ki't'piiiK the unli-free * - !. ' solution i'i>- ilenishcd does more tha n proleet lln» •oolina- syslem , piirliculni'ly If alco- hol Is the substance used, lt iiltt o menus iirolrclliiii for the l:K-f|iti' i' fin- ish. Here is how It works out. An Inndd'Uiilo solution ivaiiU** In freo/. * lup;. Dui'lu-" (In* HiuwIiiH' nut |iroccw, ll Is iii'cenHtii'S' to remove Uu> rutllii - tor uiip. When (Ills In ilono , Uie con- tents of Hit! systi'in spurt out , splul- len ' ii/' , * tlie hood nml other pnrln of HIP wil*. The ulctiliol In this effusion In ilnimii-liiff uny lii(!i|iiur finish. Don ' t Move Wiper Blntle. If (he wiiidslilelil bfcontt's eoiitnt l with frost or Ice und an nttompt Hindi . , to Ht'i'ii iii* It t'lt'ui' , It is most important thai the eloclric wiper blade should not bo moved hy Imntl. Such a movement will break the pinluii timl iteui' in lhe I IOUK I IIIC . This Is not trim , nf i'oi.rse , in thi. I'lisfMi f n,,. vu lyjip of eh' . -iiicr. " nl (Ooiiyrle-hl I!>M| Money Savers For Motorists MAUDE E. JONES . DRESS SHOPPE / ¦ Divisio n Avenue, Roe Park BLUE ^ POINT, N. Y. Phone Blue Point 1515-J Formerly With Swezey & Newins, Inc. Open Monday.and Thursday Evenings ¦ W : " "| |] NO NEED ¦ | ftlm ft jflfB -ffi to take your famiiy out evevy ni ght I -1-B^8JMi\lf8rl for entertainment. A good radio set l_wll ^l ilr wi " k™ n 8 t " ie worW's best tight to ' |rTti---[-I': _»«--.i' -L.teJ your fireside. - RCA-iMdiola UADI IV Til l WAf.lt! Of fc K O I Ot t* OH % ATWATER KENT—KELLOGG PIANOS SHEET MUSIC—MUSIC ROLLS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS "It' s The Service That Counts" Smith & Lull Corp. Bay Shore MAIN STREET - Patchogue Tel. 420 Tel. 550 Represented by Mr. Roscoe Moore Hawkins Cigar Store Mr. Herbert Hulic Blue Point Bell port Bellport WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY DANCE Pnlcliosiio MJ K I I S CIKWI Gyin FEBRUARY 22 Urulor Au-picen n f AMERIC\N LEGION AND AUXILIAHY Mimic bv th- l- ' nniiiin- BLU E HOOSIERS ORCHESTRA Atlnilmlon 75 Ccnii ^NOOISH APPAREL f M ESP-CIALLY ADAPTED FOR ill I MATERNITY! II DIFFERS IM M0 WAY FROM ^"igfc l | | PREVAILING MOOES-ANO 5 ?WJj| 11 CAM OE WORN AGAIN 1 >?MS II V/HEK FIGURE RETURNS U^mSS \\\ TO NORMAL BC-ffiHS III 'Via-ianvyj ll Lane Brvanl III llli i w. **ih st. NEW YOBK I IUI 15 IIANDV'II PL. DftOOK LYN VJ ^ g - mil -~ l } \. eeb Children _T Healthy .With MILK Robinson' s Dairy 60 'Wnshington Avenue Tel. Patchogue 8S1-W Sweg epr g New i -Bs _»& J0HMJ.VAN PEIX"^ IN OUR February Furniture Sale BOUGHT TO SELL FOR $235.00 in aii i --IIII ---III—iii -wBii —im-i . i - ij-ii . iif i iMii - i i ii - n-in .w-r"~~ JM-ri n i i— i ~' r ' —" " "* M * lt ^' Extension Tables , 5 Side Chairs and Arm Chair , Buffet , China Cabinet and Server, in Combination Walnut and Gum Wood Vl/iT-CUl? B€€TH A.T THE* . ' . 'lNDIJ_rn_IAL EXPClTITiCN -- rEEI_ IJa4l5y 2C TC 2<5 ¦ NCLUJTVC -^ttn_ i*iiiiirt , it*jitiiiii'itif<«**iiifMi'' >ij. iiijiiiiiiiitiiiiiiMj.uiiijrir-iij«i< II iiit.jtitijiiiii-iitiiiiviii.iiiiiiiiitfiiri-iiitii -siia.jiiiiii iiiftiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiti iiiiiijin:iiiiuiuiiiiiii<iiiiiiit I E. L. JOHNSON I i i I SI East Main Street, Patchogue | I Af ter Ap-ril 1st W«*> Will Be in Our Studios on Sacoitd Floor of | | Patchogue Theatre Building ' | I •*—-f}HCfR) GR^PHS-^ I | J. $U&<? Forsve? 1 ~ - 3 ¦riiiiiiittiti iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiH iiHiiii nun iiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii i iiiiuumuuituunuiua(Hwumuiituuiwiit»im»i.uiumitMuiu iutiuimu

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The 1'oiintlliit.loii uml by-lnw.'t of theV OID .** JM I - II 'M J!i ' |)ilbl!i 'iili Club wriviliselissi'd nt tin" tnei ' l l i i K VVi 'iliii ' sdnynight whicli wns iiUi 'iuleil liy ill) ni i 'iu-hers, ll wus voted to ini*i>t the firstWi 'ilni 'Hiliiy nl" oui'h n iontli in Fruti 'r-nlty Hull.

¦loll )) (lot-dun ul ' i M l l l l 'ainl Sll'i'i tbrtike a hum * in his I'nol Jiul ut i l i tynitirnlng when lie fell from :i l i i i i ldlugwlilcli he wns ei' i 'i 'ling fur l /j -'iniiii Tor-i'i*ll In Knst PnU'liog-lli-.

Hurry C. IMnl .-y of tin* l.ilnml HillsCountry Club has ivliirnotl from the.Seminole Club , ni'ttr I'eiisueola , Flu.,wlit 'l'ii he has ."Jiellt llli ; Jinst severalWecla-,1.

I\lins OlmrloUe Mistier , who wus in-jured when tli i> Cannon Dull exiui'ssbit Uu' car in wh icli she was si passen-ger just liefore Ohrislinus, li«-r uncle.aJnciih Mistier , In'lii:. Itil leil in tin- nc-I'ul i-'iiti Ims I'olui -ni 'il to her ilulies inUna office of llerlicrt F. Austin.

M rs. Ciiriillni ' Cole , Mrs . I,. A. Si'ltr.,IMl'Ha .1. 0. Hnhn uilil A, VV. I'nge werethu winners of Uin prizes at llm largely•ilti .-niled bridge parly given liy the ¦Su-ramin Club In aVHiuls' Hotel Wi'dtii'S-dny evening. ,

Miss Gladys P.useli Is tintbrgoiim -t'-'eii t nient nt Unger 's hospital.

Postmaster Hurry T. Weoks iof Iyesteriluy for Wuiililiigton oil n busi-ness t r ip of a few days.

J'inii'S It. Smith of the .J II. li, Spi;-(. lultlt!!: Compiiny hut: itdurneii fi'mia abusiness trip to Pliihi ' ln lnhiit .

Dr. A. II. Ti*rr;.' u 1' Hose Aveiiiu*vus one of the 1-onimia.t.'.; in cl.argei f the Lonjr Isl.'ind f!' 'ii. -.*i* held titPulni Poueh Wetlnnsdny eveninglnrgely uttondoil liy people from thissection who nre winte r ine- .n Floriihi .

Miss.Marie Mcyevs 'if South 0.r.i nAvenue was the yttust of honor at a

¦.Valentine Buy .surprise purty Tuesdayevening. Among (hose win* were pres-ent were Mr. anil Mrs. Cl i f f Cox , Mr.and Mrs. Henry Geertieniii, AnthonyPalermo, Fonco Scmibella , Johnficidy, Louise Palermo am' sevc-rnl out

a. of town guests.Mrs. Harry Soper of Hast Main

Street t'litortnineil the Tuesday Eve-ning Pedro club at her home.

The Lenten season will begin withAsh Wednesday, nex t week. Fasterfulls on April 8.

There was another unusually Itigiitide in the bay Tuesday night andWednesday morning, and durinp: Wed-nesday the southwest wind kicked upthe heavy sea over the docks.;. John Cornwall ef Lak<iwood Street ,who' has been seriously ill , is no-w con-v:i * -»cei)t .¦'.--¦ Mrs. Walter Itobinson of WaverlyAvenue is entertaining theVFriilay atfternoon pedro club at her 'hbrhe today.

Dr. S. J. Hoilkiu of Cedarh urst , asop of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hotlkir, ofWest Main Street , recently married•Miss Ruth Perlstein of Urooklyn andthey are now on their-way to Vienna ,aboard the S. S. Lapland , where Dr.Hodlain will study for it year.y Cards and letters have been re-ceived- from Mr. and Mrs. Sanm.?l Ja-coby who are staying at the George"Washington Hotel in Miami Beach.

Miss Sarah Muller of Jayne Avenueleft Saturday for Miami where shewill spend thc* remainder of the win-,ter. V . . . .

The Young People's Society of theEmanuel Lutheran Churcii hail theYoung People's Society of St. John'sLutheran Church of Sayvillle as theirguests on Tuesday evening at a val-entine aiid bunco party. In spite ofthe stormy night about (15 young peo-ple attended and enjoyed the eveningimmensely. The party was in chargeof Miss . Grace Parmaley antl MissKatherine Ohlmann.

Mrs. Gray- of Church Street re-turned to her home on Friday afterspending a week with her sister , Mrs.Henrietta Dare of Cora m, who is incritical condition.

Mrs. G.-V. Hurd has closed her tea3-oonis ar. 112 Carman Street.

At the Emanuel Lutheran churchSunday there wil) be German serviceat 9:30 a. m., English service at 10 :.SO.Sunday-school at 11:30; evening ser-vice at 7:30. Beginning with Ash-Wedn--tlay, February 22, Lenten ser-vices wil Ibe held every Wednesdayevening at 7:45. The pastor -willprea'.'h on Ash-Wednesday. Thc Rev.Albert Beyer of St. John 's LutheranChurch, Sayvillo, will preach on Wed-nesday evening, FebVuary 29, the Rev.Carl Gernannt of Holy Trinity Church ,Islip, will preach on Wednesday,March 7, the home pastor on March1-1, the Rev. Beyer on March 21, theRev. Gernannt on March 28. On GoodFriday, April li, there will be Germanservice with communion at 10:30 amiEnglish service with communion at7:45. A cordial invitation is extend-ed to all: Hermann Zoller , pastor.

Thbi 'i' Is un Interi 'slliig' 1 display ofitlj issi'.s di'sign cd for usi* In liidusti'iiilplnnls In the window of Ilr. M, II.Ilobhison. Thi'iv are glasses thathnve snved Hiniio iuie from sui'loun eyeInjury ur totnl blindness , nnil endiiviii* tells ils own story, Om* pnli* Imsiiuilli ' i i mi'tal I'liuglii M: lo It Unit wnssplushfil whll i * th e puildli 'i ' wus titwork , und another hns a stone Imbed -ilc.l in the glass.

iallSH (iiiin* Werner, ora l liyglniilM lIn Ihe dental offices of Overton. Hob*bins und Overton , has ndui'iied af ters]j i*ndlng n few days in New York, '

The Cl. ti. G. Club was unturtuine-lWeiliiendny evening' by Miss Rlnl<*Johnson at her , ; home on (JI UUT M.Street,

The story of the l ife of Paul willbe n*lven in pictorial form nl the Meth-odist Church Sundny ' night by the pns-ti.r , thi' llev. N. A. Hull.

The Lutheran Youn-r People's .So-ciety huve IIITIIII I -.II nntl prepared aline oliU'i'tainmont whi.'h will be givenon Monthly , evening, Fghriuu y HO intlie biisi 'inent of the chui'.-li. A gnoilprof-miii of several plays : "Who is theUnas", Mr. Hrigg 's Sick with thegnlpjic ," and "Please Pass the Creiim",interspersed with musical numbersand orchestral accompaniment. Re-freshments will be served,

Mrs. John Tlnirher of Lee Avenueentertained the "Wednesday afternoon |britlgx' club ut her homo tills week, j

Mrs. Georg e Overton mul Ai rs. Rob- ;ort Van Tuyl will he the hostesses at ithe meeting of the Sorosis Wednesday*afternoon. .'

Miss lOlsie Tiotje, a stud out at NewPnltit Normal School , returned lo herstudies Momlny nfter u few days uther home.

Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Bryan of Av-ery Avenue returned loduy after a fewdays' visit with relatives in Brook-lyn.

Mrs. Frank Call is seriously ill ntUnger's hospital,

The card party given hy the Wo-men 's Democratic Club of Brookhave ntown in Fraternity Hall Tuesday nigh tdrew a large crowd untl 22 tables weroin play.

The Dorothea Rehekuh Lodge wil!hold nn old fashioned dunce in Frater-nity Hall Monday evening.

A ilnuf-Jiter was born Wednesdayto Mr. and Mrs. John Gauthicr al Un-ger's hospital.

The Hev. Louis H. Johnston will re-turn tomorrow from Syracuse wherehe was attending the .state conventionof Congregational minister*!.

The Southside Lodge of Masons willgo to East Islip tonight where it willtake part with , Meridian Lodge of Islipin prcsening a Bible to the East Isliphigh school. ' ' . . ¦

A marriage license has been issuedto William 3. Newham of 58 Notting-ham Avenue ancl Mary CatherineLemihan of 81 Jennings Avenue.

The Misses Hattie and Libby Co-hen of River Avenue entertained alarge group of friends at a bridgeparty at their home Tuesday evening.

Mrs, William Xeller underwent anoperation in the Nassau County Hos-pital at Mineola Wednesday,


First Church of Christ, Scientist,Patchogue is .a branch of The MotherChurch, The First Church of Christ,Scientist, in Boston , Mass.

Sunday services 10:30 a. m, and8:00 p. m. in the Mills .Building.

Subject for Sunday, February 19:"Mind."

Sunday School at 11:46 a. m.Testimonial meeting every "Wednes-

day evening at 8:15.Reading Room open week days from

1 to 5 p. m.The public Is cordially invited to at-

tend thc services and to use the Read-ing Room.—Adv.

Mrs. Mnry D U IUM * I S I'l'ilicnlly ilwllli piir 'tiinuiiij i ul Unner 's luinpltiil ,

JVIISM ItOSI! laicllI ' llStl ' Ill llllS I'l 'tlll -l ll 'lto her home on Aculeiny .Street nfter n few days spent In Now York.

Mlsn ilt'iineUi .. Hrinidt of aliiyiuAvenue cntcrtiil/ieil nt a luncheon JIIIItheittiv imrly Siilunliiy nfti 'i ' i ionii ,

HENRY ROTI1EHenry Itolln .., who was In the piuil-

Iry business nt Meilford , having bi*Itonil* for the putt! few yenrn on I lie.Stale rood , died Tuesday afternoon ,nfter n long Illness. The roimiins . WITlaken to Astoria to remain ut the Ma*mniic Tunijilu , where he wan at onetime muster of tin ; order , fiil.l the fun -era l will be held tomorrow. Huleaves Ills widow, Anna Itolltr .., tivudaughters, Gertrude Hothe nnd MnryUiiinm , two step-sons, Itlehurd tm.l(li 'org-.. Pewson , anil six •rnmilchil-dre n , Muriel , Gustav , Hdwiird and•Vortnu ftttmin* Raymond mid Georj-vl'ewson , Jr.


JAMES W. FARRELLJames W. Farrell , 47 years old, son

of thn late Willium uiul CatherineFarrell , «hi!«l ut his home on DivisionAvenue , Hlue Point , last nigh t after alingering- illness. He was u native ofPennsylvania anil Iiutl lived in HliioPoint for tlio past 30 ymirs and hadbeen employed as n lace weaver intht* Patchoguo Plymouth Mills forabout 25 years, .

He leaves a daughter, Mrsi'. DorisKyro of New Haven , two brothers,Lawrence of Ohio anil John of Brook-lyn and a sister , Mrs. Mary Cnr-nilchael of lllue Point. He was amember of the Patcliogue. Lodge ofElks, which will hold services at 8o'clock Sunday nig-ht. Tho funeralwill be held Monday morning at 9:30at the R. C. Church of Our Lady qfthe Snow, tlie Rev. Charles Rohr of-ficiating, with burinl in the CatholicCemetery in Patchogue.

KARL KATZENaVIAYERKarl Katzenmayer, 70 years old , of

31 Washington Avenue, died suddenly,-jsterday morning at his home. Hehad aparently been in exeallent health.When his wife failed to note his pres-*nce far a time , she looked around andfound him dead in his bedroom. Heeaves four daughters, Mrs.- F". Rob-srts of Blue Point, Mrs. George Os-canip of Canandaigua, Mrs..Roy Gib-son and Mrs,. -John Karle iof Roch-istcr, . and . one son, - Katl', Jr., ofRiverhead. Thc funeral ,wiU takejilaee Sunday afternoon at thehome at 2:30 o'clock, the Rev. Her-man Zoller of Emanuel Lutheranchurch officiating, with burial in Ce-dar Grove Cemetery.

OLD FASHIONED DANCEMonalay evening, Feb-ucry 20, l»y DorotheaBetaAnh Lodge, Fraternity Hall. , Tickets SOc.-Adv. - ¦ , • .

• CARD OF THANKS"We wish to cicprcais our deepest gratitude

and 'appreclatiain to all our dear friend*, andrelatli-cs -who hnve lawn -o kind antl .thbtiffht-ill during our reccnl liereavement. .

Mr. and Mm. Theodo re Ciloverl—Aalv.

er «̂ <̂rw*7> <̂r_w?(r*'» -̂ ̂ <rw^***6*wr?><r</!iW ^

g Personal, Social and Local Items of Interest. . $*

PERSONALInvestment Service


For Capital Appreciation


For Income Return

Inquiries InvitedSwezey, Topliffe & Co.,

Inc.42 Broadway, New York

Patchogue Office:Mills Building Telephone l t f i l

i V , ., -

liii iimiiiiiiaiitii i ,iaiiiitiiiitiiiiiiti. (>iiii itaiitiiiia j iij i)aj), .fii.tii.aa ,ii(iaiaaaf„,mi,aM

I Gallo Shoe Store, Inc. || 98 South Ocean Ave*. |

1 Opp. P. O. Patcliog-e, N. Y. 15 ' 5

"Home of Good |

| Shoes" != 5| After several years of effort || in finding what is lhe best in I1 footwear , wc are sure we can 1| serve you with merchandise from || some of the best manufacturers. |

The| Deauville ;

Sandals| arc a -ample of the best imports- |1 lions. WE NOW HAVE THEM |1 IN WHITE. Thoy are cool, §| comfortable and stylish and es- || pecially appropriate (or dress or |I other occasions. We can show 1| them to you in all cizet at an 5| incomparable price. |


1(a ). ItiaV, W. '-lU'll Nl ' .V *a|lll|aa *l lllllutl.l"Nil llinll I'VI 'l " Wlllll llllll .T till *

litinl. ' ii nt inilii y. II la. win n In *I niii 'i 'iiw **. latii ' i l i ' i i In iiitdi*il H IM I Itfn.'iii'! inrire llm II inn* cull I. .'ill',I,lve, llleil , Inllll y, ll lll l loma.I 'lliWwil l i i l ivnyn la. * I H'III 'II I III ' ."


Tin* Fi'i'iii 'li peiipti ' cxei.'l In I he pi'i'ii*unit Imi , nf Ihi ' i le l lul i i r i l l roul'i ' i ' l luu

ciilli 'il inuri'iins ni sei's.Tltl' .V 11 I'I! Illlllli - l i .v IIvery simple |ii essll l i i l ie l i mid hull II qlinrlnf < lu - s inu l s l l l l li 'iiili 'r.llicii driilii nud plin-e Inn sluil low Ini) li'ri 'il pliil-Inr , rfiiily In hnve I heI'liniHi '*! sirup* p u n ri *ilon i ln ' iii. Hull one iit ititiil

nf fuiKiir iiiiil.iini'-liisii'ili piin nf w-iiii'il l l l l l l I t llll 'l 'lllls I'l'u 'll Hu 1 spiinii. Ulano) .ilJr. t' niil inn! ivhlie .illll u-i'ii 'iiilnni l ' iivcr ihe nu t s n m l lei l i tem smntlIll 11 H'lll'lll pllll ' l' fail' l l l l l ' I .V-slN llll-KI 'S.llii 'ii I'l 'iiinve Ibe mil s. Hnve rmuly nsirup nimli . l ike lli«> llrsi wi th -ini 'I'mirlli HMispniiiil ' iil ul ' cri'iim nf liu'liundiU'd. L'.ull linnl . f<u' seven iiiliititeswit l imit . Nliti'tti*.. Tnke froiii lhe lieiiinud ill-op HIP ; nuts Itiln ll, plueo (.vetHie lire uml brim: tl i o sirup io u lanllI l i rn .nlIr ci'i 'i'fuily : J-VI IIL mil lho i-ulsnud itri i tn . ihtinia - V.' -ir 'n' dry ilu .y . j irereud.v lo |i/i('!.*a mViiy.

Chestnut O-l-d. —f '.lunch " ehp sin illslay putlliii; Jliciii l n l i » n hot pun , i-llt-llnji enelii Ihcii wheri ihey pup openri'nmve lhe shell nnd shins. I'milt nuHI lender In ii l l l l l l* Innlh , tlirn sl iceor cut In to stuutl pieces uiul 'serve onli'lliici' wllli ri ;K'' .'d 'drowlii'i. . -

Chestnut Ptiddln q.—lllnueh u pint nli.'liesHlllls. .liill 've llieni mul riml; niilll(eiulor In n ciiplul '•( ud lk . leilinj .* llienisimmer .mull .'-ofi . r 'H'ss lliron- .Ii IIsieve, iuiil uiie- l'iuii 'tli (iliit nf .supn r. nli l l ie sail , nnedinir tensinii iuful or v-n*nll lii nnil ii ursitln;: of niitini**.. I'e-sllhe yolks nml whiles; cr lliree PJ.-..Ssi'piiralcly. ivtld thp ".vull.s it. the elio*-!*mil iiulp; r l l r well, llii 'ii fnlil In tliesillily lieati 'U v.-'-lt -s ; pm into n pw d*dine .dlsli nnd luil.'c (Ifleciu uiintite-s.X PI 'VP hot or cold.

Boiled Chestnuts aa Vegetable H**move I hp shells nnd I iliinc 'h the nutsIn I III IIM I *. ¦ initer. lui l l i i iK for n fe-ivinlniilrs. llii 'ii dro p lliem Inlo eolil wn- .ler and rnli off Hip sUlns. Drop iltenuts iiito suited, hnillng -water n n d ]cool; them niilil lender ennu*.li to li-eplerewl wltli !i-fi)ik—ahout fort y ini ™-ules. Dntin' njid put nvor hot .waterto- keep warm. Prepare lhe sniiet-*,elfher n rich , white sauce or llolluui.-alse. ¦ V "•'* , *. ',, • ¦,- : ¦ ¦: . . -

liuluV iWmW vrtdL

%epj cmA Dopin -tment of Il.lpftilu.ii for

All AutoiiKibili* Owners

Still Remedy for Skill sI 'li iuiili 'cd bruki'S urn one of tlie

west preventives for .sklddine;. Themotorist who decides lo lnnvo this tusltto the st 'ivko slutioli slioilld si'li't't n ii•stnlillshnieiit Hint has unu of Ihu nu-tneroiis ileceleromotniH or other di'vi-•i.'s thut assure tieciiriitL* nieiisureiiientif lii'iiklii ft force us divided between.lie Colli" wheels. It is fur inure t!t)'ec-,'tve thnn the old mrthoil uf trial unci•rent' whicli still prevails in many jiln-¦es.

Siivcs the Finish , TooKi 't 'piii K the unli-fre e *-!.' solution i'i>-

ilenishcd does more tha n proleet lln»•oolina- syslem, piirliculni'ly If alco-

hol Is the substance used, lt iiltt omenus iirolrclliiii for the l:K-f|iti' i' fin-ish. Here is how It works out. AnInndd'Uiilo solution ivaiiU** In freo/.*lup;. Dui'lu -" (In* HiuwIii H ' nut |iroccw,ll Is iii'cenHtii'S' to remove Uu> rutllii -tor uiip. When (Ills In ilono , Uie con-tents of Hit! systi'in spurt out , splul-len'ii/',* tlie hood nml other pnrln of HIPwil*. The ulctili ol In this effusion Inilnimii-liiff l» uny lii( !i|iiur finish.

Don't Move Wiper Blntle .If (he wiiidslilelil bfcontt's eoiitnt l

with frost or Ice und an nttompt l«Hindi ., to Ht'i'ii iii* It t'lt'ui', It is mostimportant thai the eloclric wiper bladeshould not bo moved hy Imntl. Sucha movement will break the pinluii timliteui' in lhe I IOUK I IIIC . This Is not trim ,

nf i'oi.rse, in thi . I'lisfMi f n,,. vulyjip of eh'.-iiicr. "nl

(Ooiiyrle-hl I!>M|Money SaversFor Motorists


/ ¦

Division Avenue, Roe ParkBLUE^ POINT, N. Y.

Phone Blue Point 1515-JFormerly With

Swezey & Newins, Inc.Open Monday.and Thursday Evenings

¦ W :"

"||] NO NEED ¦ |ftlm ft jflfB-ffi to take your famiiy out evevy night I-1-B 8̂JMi\lf8rl

for entertainment. A good radio setl_wll l̂ilr wi" k™n8 t"ie worW's best tight to

' |rTti---[-I':_»«--.i'-L.teJ your fireside. -

RCA-iMdiolaUADI IV Til l W A f . l t ! Of fc K O I Ot t* OH %




"It's The Service That Counts"

Smith & Lull Corp.Bay Shore MAIN STREET - PatchogueTel. 420 Tel. 550

Represented byMr. Roscoe Moore Hawkins Cigar Store Mr. Herbert Hulic

Blue Point Bellport Bellport


FEBRUARY 22Urulor Au-picen n f


Mimic bv th- l-'nniiiin-BLUE HOOSIERS

ORCHESTRAAtlnilmlon 75 Ccnii



llli i w. **ih st. NEW YOBK IIUI 15 IIANDV'II PL. DftOOK LYN VJ^g- mil -~ l

}\.eeb Children_T Healthy .With

M I L KRobinson's Dairy

60 'Wnshington AvenueTel. Patchogue 8S1-W

Swegepr gNewi-Bs _»&J0HMJ.VAN PEIX"^


February Furniture Sale

BOUGHT TO SELL FOR $235.00in aii i --IIII ---III—iii -wBii — im-i .i-ij-ii.iif iiMii -ii i — ii -n-in .w-r"~~ JM-ri n i i— i~' r ' — " — " "*M*lt '̂

Extension Tables, 5 Side Chairs and Arm Chair, Buffet, China Cabinet and Server, inCombination Walnut and Gum Wood

Vl/iT-CUl? B€€THA.T THE*

• . ' . 'lNDIJ_rn_IAL EXPClTITiCN--rEEI_ IJa4l5y 2C TC 2<5 ¦NCLUJTVC

- t̂tn_ i*iiiiirt,it*jitiiiii'itif<«** iiifMi''>ij. iiijiiiiiiiitiiiiiiMj. uiiijrir-iij«i< II iiit.jtitijiiiii-iitiiiiviii.iiiiiiiiitfiiri-iiitii-siia.jiiiiii iiiftiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiti iiiiiijin:iiiiuiuiiiiiii<iiiiiiit

I E. L. JOHNSON Ii iI SI East Main Street, Patchogue |I Af te r Ap-ril 1st W«*> Will Be in Our Studios on Sacoitd Floor of || Patchogue Theatre Building ' |

I •*—-f}HCfR)GR^PHS-^ I| J. $U&<? Forsve? 1~ - 3

¦riiiiiiittiti iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiH iiHiiii nun iiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii i iiiiuumuuituunuiua(Hwumuiituuiwiit»im»i.uiumitMuiu iutiuimu