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'Suvat' was originally a nmenoic designed by high school teachers to allow their students to remember all the variables required in an average Newtonian physics or Mechanics class. Azadidome uses the Suvat variables in order to help us define productivity and differentiate it from efficiency. This is a brochure. We chose the Suvat system as it allows us to easily remember and it builds on concepts which we as Azadidome are aware of. If you will like to tweak the Suvat system or comment it, we would encourage you to do.


  • Enhanced work Musing Friday, July the 24th of 2015


    SUVAT Result matters more than effort


    You may have seen that earlier we released the DESPERATE system which focuses more on how could we reduce the time spent on useless activities which do not allow us to be productive and/or efficient on our particular tasks. However, one thing that the DESPERATE system does not address is the criteria for productivity. For productivity and eciency are two completely dierent things. However, they are frequently intermixed with each other. We have applied a concept called Suvat from High School Mechanics, to allow us to understand, productivity. From the misconceptions present in my high school students on the SUVAT model we will be able to understand the common misconceptions present in most people between eciency and productivity.

  • Enhanced work Musing Friday, July the 24th of 2015

    Origins of SUVAT Suvat is a mnemonics or acronym present in most high school physics and mechanics courses. The main purpose of Suvat is to allow high school students to memorise all of the variables present in high school physics class. Due to this, it is very easy for us to high school students to apply formulas and to think less during exams.

    Justification of the use of SUVAT A lot of socialists acquire skills to be more ecient. The most common one may be speed-reading. However, they may be unable to acquire the necessary information required from a particular reading. Hence, they are really unproductive. Or they are unable to Or they are not really maximising that value of time which they spent on speed-reading. The suvat system is directly to movement which allows people to understand productivity and eciency in more real life terms rather than metaphysical or psychological terms. This may allow for a more widespread and easier understanding of the skills that they need to have and what they should use. But in order to think with such level of precision, you need to have a system. Azadidome uses the SUVAT system to help us understand the dierence between eeciency and productivity.


  • Enhanced work Musing Friday, July the 24th of 2015

    Expansion of SUVAT S-Displacement

    U-Initial Velocity

    V-Final Velocity



    Meaning of Displacement Displacement is the dierence in position from your original point. For example, if you travel from Beijing to Tokyo, the dierence between the positions of Beijing to Tokyo is the displacement that you have travelled from Beijing to Tokyo. Displacement is calculated by drawing the shortest straight line from the original position to your final position.

    Similarly, the easiest way to check if you have been productive for a particular task is to get yourself a goal. For example, completing a book and remembering 10 quotes from the book for a pamphlet addressing the flaws of Bhimrao . At the end of the hour or whatever time you set yourself up to complete a certain task, check how many pages of the book have your read. Do you think you have read enough in that time? Check if you have 10 quotes, why or why not. Do the quotes allow you to address the flaws of Bhimrao. The more specific your goal the more chances are there for you to understand the specifics of your task. Due to this, it may be easier to spend


  • Enhanced work Musing Friday, July the 24th of 2015

    your time and energy within your designated time say 1 hour on productive sub-tasks. Maybe your should speed read some chapters and maybe you should slow down on other chapters. It is important to be serious about moving forward if you are are a revolutionary.

    Another thing to note, is that you always need a reference point just like when we calculate displacement. This is especially valid as a lot of tasks are too long too complete in just one sitting or one time period. Hence, it is important to remember where you left o at the end of a particular task and keep that in mind for the next sitting. For example, some books may be very long to read in 1 hour. If it is say Tuesday, you may have read the book and collected 3 out of 10 quotes. On the next day Wednesday, in order to provide yourself with motivation you may want to tell yourself that you have 7 more quotes to go. This might encourage you to boost your willpower and hence you might want to collect 5 quotes on that day. You might do this to remind yourself how much displacement you made so far. However, if you want to trick your mind into finding more than 10 quotes, than you might take a piece of paper and cover your other quotes and hence allow work from 1 again.


  • Enhanced work Musing Friday, July the 24th of 2015

    A lot of physics students seem to confuse displacement and distance in exams. In similar way, a lot of people confuse living and existing in real life. Living is according to Seneca when you are being productive towards your goal or you are making progress towards your goal. Lets take the quotation example for now but this pretty much applies for other things too. When you are living is when you collect the quotes. If at Tuesday, you have had 1 hour in a day to complete your goal. Than you have spent 1/24 hours in a day in order complete the goal. That is ok if you other goals that important to you and you dedicated the rest of the 23/24 hours to that goal. However, if you have no other goal than you only spent 1/24 in a productive manner. If the rest 23/24 are goal-oriented however the other goals dont allow you to progress in life than you spent 1/24 of your day productively. However, if you have read a book and even got quotations and even more make a pamphlet and the pamphlet doesnt teach you anything or serves any meaningful purpose to a comrade, we could say that you have got a lot of distance. Or you seem to place a lot of eorts however your eorts had no result.


  • Enhanced work Musing Friday, July the 24th of 2015

    Meaning of Initial Velocity and Final Velocity

    Initial Velocity is the velocity with which an object moves at the beginning of a time. Final velocity is the velocity with which an object moves at the beginning of a time.

    Usually, people want to read books and articles because it provides them with it provides great insight. However, they dont do anything with that insight. This can be seen mostly by semi-proliterians or known by most corporations as employees. A lot of semi-proliterians are known to purchase books and talk about it with others and even mention or memorise quotes form self-help books such as 7 Habits of Eective People, however besides repeating certain quotes or concepts to other people like they are parrots they dont really want to change. So although they took 10 years or so re-reading a certain book. They are not able to apply the concepts in real life and use them to be better people. Tai Lopez refers to this syndrome as the insight addiction.

    This is already occurring within the revolutionary intellectual body. A lot of intellectuals are interested in good advice and ideas. They are better than the semi-proliterians as they tend to release reports and books upon this advice. However, they could do better by leveraging themselves or using facts and advice. A lot of the capitalistic class in the world use the


  • Enhanced work Musing Friday, July the 24th of 2015

    advice and facts provided through books and articles to conduct self-experiments. One such a person Tai Lopez uses the concept of thought-leverage which basically means your ideas to conduct timed experiments on yourself first. If the results are good try persuading other people to do it. Or if you want to do it a little bit more social science style ask other other people to do it with you.

    You can tell if a system or a book is helpful to you if it allows you to increase your velocity or allows you to make more displacement in a smaller time period. In productive terms, if such a system allows you to complete more percentage of a task at a constant time. For example, a note-taking system will be eective if it allows you to take better quality notes in 1 hour. Another way to test if a system allows you to be productive is that it allows you to speed up your logical thinking. Maybe you should the try the P-e-e system or Monroes persuasion sequence.

    However, as with distance and displacement there tends to be a small confusion between speed and velocity. The formula for speed is the distance travelled by a certain object in a certain time period. This is dierent from velocity as velocity is the total displacement per unit time.

    For example, if you use a P-e-e system than it may allow you to finish writing a manifesto quickly however it may not necessarily have the elements which make it a good manifesto


  • Enhanced work Musing Friday, July the 24th of 2015

    or allow you to creatively work through the manifesto. Hence, you may need to look for another system, optimize the system which your are using or just create a new one like we did with out desperate or suvat

    Meaning of Acceleration and Time

    Acceleration is the change in velocity per change in time. If you have increased your productivity by reading a book or pamphlet or a brochure than you have accelerated. However, note that for acceleration to occur there needs to a change time. What does this mean for you? This basically means that in order to increase your velocity, you need to invest or spend some time. You cant accelerate in no time or 0 time. If you do physics or maths you will know that such a result gives you infinite. If you havent studied physics or maths, what I practically mean is that it is impossible to spent 0 time or no time in order to improve. Usually, if you want to improve your productivity or eciency you need spend some time. Whether it is 1 hour or 2 hours.

    It is true however that acceleration is inverse to time. Hence, the less time in your scheduled time you spend on procrastination or useless tasks or dedicated to thinking about other things the less time you may spent. Hence, the quicker you acceleration becomes. Due to this, your productivity will increase much more quickly if you do not procrastinate.


  • Enhanced work Musing Friday, July the 24th of 2015

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