sustainable livelihood framework sr 1227325121783906 8

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  • 8/6/2019 Sustainable Livelihood Framework Sr 1227325121783906 8


    Compiled by S.Rengasamy Madurai Institute of Social Sciences 1

    The Sustainable Livelihoods FrameworkThe Sustainable Livelihoods Framework

    ItsIts ONE WAYONE WAY of organising theof organising the complexcomplexissues surroundingissues surrounding POVERTYPOVERTY

    ItsIts NOTNOTthethe ONLY WAYONLY WAY ItItneeds to beneeds to be::

    o ModifiedModified

    o AdaptedAdaptedo MadeMade appropriateappropriate toto local circumstanceslocal circumstanceso MadeMade appropriateappropriate toto local prioritieslocal priorities

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    Compiled by S.Rengasamy Madurai Institute of Social Sciences 2

    Livelihood- DefinitionsDefinitions

    The definition used by Department of Foreign and International Development (DFID)incorporates these sentiments 'A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets (including both material

    and social resources) and activities required for a means of living. Alivelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stressesand shocks and maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets both nowand in the future, while not undermining the natural resource base'(Chambers, R. and G. Conway, 1992).

    The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) differentiates between a job

    and a livelihood, which are often used interchangeably. Jobs

    "A job connotes one particular activity or trade that is performed inexchange for payment. It is also a formal agreement, as manifested by acontract, between an employer and employee...... . A job can, however,comprise part of an overall livelihood, but does so only to complementother aspects of a livelihood portfolio.

    Livelihoods"A livelihood, on the other hand, is engagement in a number of activitieswhich, at times, neither require a formal agreement nor are limited to aparticular trade. Livelihoods may or may not involve money. Jobsinvariably do. Livelihoods are self-directing. ....

    Livelihoods are based on income derived from "jobs", but also on incomesderived from assets and entitlements. "

    "a means of living or of supporting life and meeting individual andcommunity needs"

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    Livelihood"A livelihood, on the otherhand, is engagement in anumber of activities which,at times, neither require aformal agreement nor are

    limited to a particulartrade. Livelihoods may ormay not involve money.

    Jobs invariably do.Livelihoods are self-

    directing. .... . Livelihoodsare based on incomederived from "jobs", butalso on incomes derivedfrom assets and

    entitlements. "

    Job"A job connotes oneparticular activity or tradethat is performed inexchange for payment. It

    is also a formalagreement, as manifestedby a contract, between anemployer andemployee...... . A job can,

    however, comprise part ofan overall livelihood, butdoes so only tocomplement other aspectsof a livelihood portfolio.

    Livelihood & Job

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    People-centred: beginning by understanding peoples priorities

    and livelihood strategies. Responsive and participatory: responding to the expressed

    priorities of poor people.

    Multi-level: ensuring micro-level realities inform macro-levelinstitutions and processes.

    Conducted in partnership: working with public, private andcivil society actors.

    Sustainable: environmentally, economically, institutionally, andsocially.

    Dynamic: ensuring support is flexible and process-oriented,responding to changing livelihoods.

    Holistic: reflecting the integrated nature ofpeoples lives anddiverse strategies.

    Building on strengths: while addressing vulnerabilities.

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    Compiled by S.Rengasamy Madurai Institute of Social Sciences 5

    Livelihoods AssetsLivelihoods Assets

    Financial CapitalSavings Credit/debt

    formal, informal, NGOs

    Remittances -Pensions -Wages

    Natural CapitalLand and produce

    Water & aquatic resources

    Trees and forest productsWildlife

    Wild foods & fibres


    Environmental services

    Social CapitalNetworks and connections




    Relations of trust and mutual


    Formal and informal roups

    Common rules and sanctions

    Collective representation

    Mechanisms for

    participation in decision-making


    Physical CapitalInfrastructure - transport - roads, vehicles, etc.

    secure shelter & buildings water supply & sanitation

    Energy communications

    Tools and techology - tools and equipment for productionseed, fertiliser, pesticides traditional technology

    Human CapitalHealth, Nutrition, Education, Knowledge and skills

    Capacity to work & Capacity to adapt

    The Poor

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    Asset composition of groups in non-irrigated andAsset composition of groups in non-irrigated and

    irrigated areasirrigated areas

    Small &Marginal Farmers

    Non Irrigated Area Irrigated Area

    Rural Wage Laborers

    Non Irrigated Area Irrigated Area

    Petty TradersNon Irrigated Area Irrigated Area

    Large BusinessmenNon Irrigated Area Irrigated Area

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    The Asset MixThe Asset Mix

    DDifferent householdsifferent households withwith differentdifferentaccess toaccess to livelihoodlivelihood assets/capitalassets/capital

    Livelihoods affected by:Livelihoods affected by:o diversitydiversity of assetsof assetso amount of assetsamount of assetso

    balancebalance between assetsbetween assets

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    The asset mix of aThe asset mix of a

    Human capitallabour capacity no education limited skills

    Natural capitallandless access to common property resourcesFinancial capitallow wages

    no access to creditPhysical capitalpoor water supply poor housing poor communicationsSocial capital low social status descrimination against women strong links with family & friends traditions of reciprocal exchange= an extremely reduced livelihood


    Landless femaleagricultural labourer






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    Vulnerability Context

    SHOCKS - Illness, disaster, economic, conflict, crop / livestock pests&diseases,Floods,droughts,cyclones,Deaths in the Family,Violence or civil unrestSEASONALITY- Rainfall,climate,prices, production, health, employmentTRENDS AND CHANGES- Long term trends that undermine livelihood potential: population,declining natural resource base, climate change, inflation, currency devaluation, structuralunemployment, poor governance, Environmental change,Technology, Markets andtrade, Globalisation




    The Poor






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    The Poor






    Vulnerability Context




    The Poor






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    Compiled by S.Rengasamy Madurai Institute of Social Sciences 12

    Understanding vulnerabilityUnderstanding vulnerability

    Moser characterizes vulnerability as insecurity in theMoser characterizes vulnerability as insecurity in the

    well being of individuals, households or communities inwell being of individuals, households or communities inthe face of a changing environmentthe face of a changing environment Because people move in and out of poverty the concept ofBecause people move in and out of poverty the concept of

    vulnerability better captures processes of change that povertyvulnerability better captures processes of change that poverty

    line measuresline measures

    Understanding vulnerabilityUnderstanding vulnerability

    Chambers observes that vulnerability has two sidesChambers observes that vulnerability has two sides An external side of risks, shocks and stressAn external side of risks, shocks and stress

    An internal side of defenselessness due to lack of means toAn internal side of defenselessness due to lack of means to

    cope with damaging losscope with damaging loss

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    Policies, Institutions & Processes

    PoliciesPolicies of government of different LEVELS of government

    of NGOs of interational bodies



    political, legislative & representative bodies executive agencies

    judicial bodies civil society & membership organisations NGOs law, money political parties commercial enterprises & corporations

    the rules of the game decision-making processes social norms & customs gender, caste, class


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    Policiesof government

    of different levels of government

    of NGOs

    of interational bodies

    Institutionspolitical, legislative &

    epresentative bodies -executive

    agencies -judicial bodies -civil

    society & membership

    organisations -NGOs -law,

    moneypolitical parties

    commercial enterprises &


    Processesthe rules of the game

    decision-making processes

    social norms & customs

    ender caste class lan ua e



    NSThe Poor






    Policies, Institutions & Processes

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    Compiled by S.Rengasamy Madurai Institute of Social Sciences 15

    Livelihood Strategies

    What do people do?

    Combining:Combining: the assets they can accessthe assets they can access

    Taking account of:Taking account of: the vulnerability contextthe vulnerability context

    Supported or obstructed by:Supported or obstructed by: policies, institutions and processespolicies, institutions and processes.. ........leading toleading to

    Natural-resource based. Non-NR / off-farm activities. Migration /Natural-resource based. Non-NR / off-farm activities. Migration /

    remittances.remittances. Pensions and grants.Pensions and grants. Intensification vs. diversification.Intensification vs. diversification.


    term vs. long-term.term vs. long-term.

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    Livelihood OutcomesLivelihood Outcomes

    WWhat are people seeking to achieve?hat are people seeking to achieve?

    PovertyPoverty -- a poor livelihood outcomea poor livelihood outcome:: based on a fragile or unbalanced set of livelihood assetsbased on a fragile or unbalanced set of livelihood assets unable to sustain to shocks, changes or trendsunable to sustain to shocks, changes or trends not supported, or actively obstructed by policies, institutions andnot supported, or actively obstructed by policies, institutions and

    processes thatprocesses that do not allow assets to be used as they mightdo not allow assets to be used as they might

    livehood options combined in a bad or unsustainable strategylivehood options combined in a bad or unsustainable strategyLivelihood Outcomes.Livelihood Outcomes.WWhat are people seeking to achieve?hat are people seeking to achieve?

    More sustainable use of the NR baseMore sustainable use of the NR base

    More incomeMore income

    Increased well-beingIncreased well-being

    Protect rightsProtect rights Recover dignityRecover dignity

    Reduced vulnerabilityReduced vulnerability

    Improved food securityImproved food security

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    Compiled by S.Rengasamy Madurai Institute of Social Sciences 17

    The Sustainable Livelihoods Framework




    the assets they

    can access

    Taking account




    Supported or

    obstructed by:


    institutions and


    leading to.....

    Policiesof government

    of different levels of

    governmentof NGOs

    of interational


    Institutionspolitical, legislative

    & representative

    bodies -executive

    agencies -judicial

    bodies -civil society

    & membership


    NGOs -law, money

    political parties


    enterprises &


    Processesthe rules of the


    making processes

    social norms &customs

    gender, caste,





    The Poor









    OUTCOMESPoverty - a poor

    livelihood outcome:

    based on a fragile or

    unbalanced set of

    livelihood assets

    unable to sustain to

    shocks, changes or

    trends not supported, or

    actively obstructed by

    policies, nstitutions andprocesses that do not

    allow assets to be used

    as they might

    livehood options

    combined in a bad or

    unsustainable strategy

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    -Increased well being-Reduced vulnerability-Improved food security-Use of NR base-Skill development


    - On-farm work- Off-farm work- Wage labour- Migration



    - GO / NGOsbodies- Private Sector





    Physical Financial




    Livelihood Framework

    itical Trendsternal Shocksasonality

    nd ownershipage labor dependencyought / water scarcitynd degradationf-farm jobsw technologydebtednesscial insecurityoduct prices fluctuation


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    Expanding the asset baseExpanding the asset base







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    Compiled by S.Rengasamy Madurai Institute of Social Sciences 21

    ImplicationsImplications ofofLivelihoods approachLivelihoods approach

    Livelihoods approach encourages thinking out of theLivelihoods approach encourages thinking out of the

    box imposed by conventional developmentbox imposed by conventional developmentframeworks which often identify a problem andframeworks which often identify a problem andattempt to find a solutionattempt to find a solution

    Forced to look at context & relationshipsForced to look at context & relationships

    Vulnerability (inc. environment)Vulnerability (inc. environment)

    Policies & InstitutionsPolicies & Institutions

    Development initiatives becomeDevelopment initiatives become moremore complex as acomplex as a

    result and more process focusedresult and more process focused

    Mosse notes that this identifies an important shift awayMosse notes that this identifies an important shift awayfrom the focus on project inputs and outputs and thefrom the focus on project inputs and outputs and theassumed mechanical link between themassumed mechanical link between them

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    Implications for policy and practiceImplications for policy and practice

    Scoones, Mearns and Bebbington identifyScoones, Mearns and Bebbington identify

    The need for multiple entry points to move beyond aThe need for multiple entry points to move beyond a

    homogenous community view and a narrow sectoralhomogenous community view and a narrow sectoral


    The importance of understanding institutions - mappingThe importance of understanding institutions - mapping

    the institutional matrix, linking the micro to the macro,the institutional matrix, linking the micro to the macro,

    the formal to informalthe formal to informal

    The requirement for a new style of policy appraisal The requirement for a new style of policy appraisal moving beyond universalizing prescriptions to a moremoving beyond universalizing prescriptions to a more

    context-specific approach that allows alternative, localcontext-specific approach that allows alternative, local

    perspectives to be included in the policy process.perspectives to be included in the policy process.

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    Compiled by S.Rengasamy Madurai Institute of Social Sciences 23

    Murrays assessment of livelihoods approachMurrays assessment of livelihoods approach

    Strengths Weaknesses

    It seeks to understand changing

    combinations of modes of livelihood in adynamic and historical context

    Elements of the vulnerability context such

    as macro economic trends, inflation, civilconflict and mass redundancy areunderplayed

    It explicitly advocates a creative tensionbetween different levels of analysis andemphasises the importance of micromacro linkages

    There is an implicit assumption thatpeoples assets can be expanded in ageneralised and incremental fashion

    It acknowledges the need to move beyonddiscrete and narrow sectoral perspectives urban and rural, industrial andagricultural, formal and informal andrather emphasises seeing the linkagesbetween different sectors

    Inequalities of power and conflicts ofinterest are not sufficiently acknowledged

    It requires investigation of therelationships between different activitiesthat constitute household livelihoods andin the process focuses attention on socialrelations within and between households

    The notion of participation may disguisethe fact that the enhancement of thelivelihoods of one group may underminethose of another

    The continuing vagueness of the conceptof livelihood sustainability and the criteria

    and means to measure this over time

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    Compiled by S.Rengasamy Madurai Institute of Social Sciences 24

    Social capital - issuesSocial capital - issues Much debate centers on the concept of social capital one of the key terms in the

    development lexicon and the missing link in development the glue that holdssociety together

    Concept attributed to Putnam who identified three elements of social relations Interpersonal trust, networks and shared norms

    Where these elements function well they enable people to act together moreeffectively, make decisions, formulate policy and gain access to power andresources

    Proposed that the major obstacle of economic and social development in the thirdworld is ineffective institutions

    For a discussion of social capital and associational life in S.Africa (See Tapscott:2001)

    Key critiques of Putnams approach are that it Devalues political civil society concentrates on apolitical institutions Romanticizes associational life Deterministic path dependent development you either have social capital

    or you dont. A repackaging of what social scientists have studied for years with new terms

    For Harriss and Fine, social capital equals Bankspeak, a term designed toneutralize and obscure problems and relations of power

    CounterpointsCounterpoints Hilary argues that the concept of social capital exposes the limitations ofHilary argues that the concept of social capital exposes the limitations of

    conventional economic approaches for understanding economic and socialconventional economic approaches for understanding economic and socialprocessesprocesses

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    Compiled by S.Rengasamy Madurai Institute of Social Sciences 27

    Applying an Assets / Vulnerability FrameworkApplying an Assets / Vulnerability Frameworkin urban settingin urban setting



    Governance Actions

    Which May EnhanceAssets of the Poor

    Ensuring access to landwhich is affordable by thepoor and with sufficientlysecure tenure, both for

    residential use and foreconomic activities. Effectiveenvironmental controls onwater and air pollution andwaste disposal.

    Governance Actions Which May

    Increase Vulnerability of the PoorZoning regulations and developmentstandards which prevent access by thepoor.

    Minimum plot size regulations andconstruction standards which are

    unattainable by the poor. Forced relocationand clearance of informal housing areas.

    Upgrading projects which raise servicelevels and security to the point where itbecomes attractive to higher incomegroups.

    Failing to control pollution and wastedisposal upstream of where the poorlive.

    Rent-seeking by enforcement agencieson activities in poor areas such as waste

    sorting, pollution from economic anddomestic activities.

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    Compiled by S.Rengasamy Madurai Institute of Social Sciences 28

    Applying an Assets / Vulnerability FrameworkApplying an Assets / Vulnerability Framework

    in urban settingin urban setting


    Universal, quality (primary)

    education. Ensuring equal provision

    for girls. Involving parents in the

    management of schools. Skills

    training related to real skills needs

    ofthe poor. Accessible health care

    Food/nutrition support

    programmes. Public works

    programmes that absorb surplus

    labour (& increase skills)

    Imposing fees (official and

    unofficial) for primary


    Imposing fees (official and

    unofficial) for primary healthcare.

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    Applying an Assets / Vulnerability FrameworkApplying an Assets / Vulnerability Framework

    in urban settingin urban settingFinancial

    Providing access to suitable

    housing finance (e.g. communitymortgage)

    Providing access to micro credit

    for informal businesses.

    Provision of market facilities in

    suitable locations, with provision

    for small, informal sector


    Refusing to recognise informal

    housing areas or resolvingtenure


    Regulatory controls oninformal

    sector trading.Costly and cumbersomelicensing

    requirements for traders.

    Harassment of informal sector


    Local taxes which impinge onthe


    Charges for services which are

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    Applying an Assets / Vulnerability FrameworkApplying an Assets / Vulnerability Framework

    in urban settingin urban settingPhysical

    Providing access to safe, reliable

    water supplies, includingcommunity

    provision (e.g. communal taps).

    Providing access to safesanitation

    (including community provision).

    Providing proper systems of

    wastedisposal (including community


    Providing all-weather pedestrian


    Providing vehicle access to within

    reach of area where the poor live.

    Providing drainage systems to

    prevent flooding.

    Provision of public space for

    economic and social activities in

    informal housing areas.

    Ensuring safe and reliable public


    Ensurin availabilit of electricit

    Unsafe water which requires boiling, and unreliable

    supplies which require storage, queuing, collectionat

    night. Enforcement action against illegalconnections.

    Inadequate sanitation which creates environmental

    hazards and increases vulnerability of women.

    Inadequate waste disposal which creates

    environmental hazards. Privatisation which resultsin poor areas being excluded.

    Regulation of waste collection/sorting/recycling

    which reduces income earning opportunities for

    the poor and results in rent-seeking by


    Provision of too high levels of vehicle accesswhich make areas attract to higher income

    groups. Displacement of poor households as a

    result of upgrading.

    Rent-seeking by traffic police which increase

    costs of public transport without improving


    Enforcement action against illegal connections

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    Applying an Assets / Vulnerability FrameworkApplying an Assets / Vulnerability Framework

    in urban settingin urban settingSoc




    Helping to build community

    organisations among thepoor.

    Ensuring safety / security /

    freedom from fear of crime in

    poor areas.

    Accessible, ward-basedcouncillors

    who have influence.

    Mechanisms to make decision-

    making and resource allocationmore accountable andtransparent.

    Mechanisms for participation.

    Responsive systems.

    Supporting collective action bythe

    Creating dependence on external

    agents.Forced relocation (or relocationcaused

    by pressure from higher income

    groups) which destroys informal


    Dependant relations with localpoliticians.

    Service / resource providers notsubject

    to democratic accountability.

    Exclusion of certain groups.

    Co-option of leadership of community


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    How the SL framework can support project/program planningHow the SL framework can support project/program planning


    Helps to identify groups of poor people according to their main

    livelihood sources. Recognizes that households may pursue a range of

    different livelihood strategies.


    Helps identify the principal assets needed to support different

    livelihoods. Looks beyond the normally considered assets suchas

    land, water and forest, and includes economic assets such as

    employment opportunities, and social assets such as informalsafety




    Helps identify the main sources of vulnerability associated with

    certain livelihood strategies, which are not normallyconsidered systematically in planning processes


    institutions andprocesses

    Helps to identify institutional and policy influences on poor

    peoples livelihoods. Draws attention to the issue of poorpeoples

    access to the structures and processes that can help to