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Confronting the second deep transition through the historical imagination Article (Accepted Version) Schot, Johan (2016) Confronting the second deep transition through the historical imagination. Technology and Culture, 57 (2). pp. 445-456. ISSN 0040-165X This version is available from Sussex Research Online: This document is made available in accordance with publisher policies and may differ from the published version or from the version of record. If you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher’s version. Please see the URL above for details on accessing the published version. Copyright and reuse: Sussex Research Online is a digital repository of the research output of the University. Copyright and all moral rights to the version of the paper presented here belong to the individual author(s) and/or other copyright owners. To the extent reasonable and practicable, the material made available in SRO has been checked for eligibility before being made available. Copies of full text items generally can be reproduced, displayed or performed and given to third parties in any format or medium for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge, provided that the authors, title and full bibliographic details are credited, a hyperlink and/or URL is given for the original metadata page and the content is not changed in any way.

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Confronting the second deep transition through the historical imagination

Article (Accepted Version)

Schot, Johan (2016) Confronting the second deep transition through the historical imagination. Technology and Culture, 57 (2). pp. 445-456. ISSN 0040-165X

This version is available from Sussex Research Online:

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Confronting the Second Deep Transition

through the Historical Imagination1

Johan Schot

Professor of History of Technology and Sustainability Transitions & Director of the Science Policy

Research Unit at the University of Sussex

Leonardo da Vinci Address, published in Technology and Culture, volume 57, no 2, April

2016, pp. 445-456

I have travelled many disciplines. From history of technology, science and technology

studies, transport history, Dutch history, history of Europe, a bit of global history, sustainable

development studies, to mobility studies, I also worked with policy-makers and other

stakeholders in fields such as innovation policy, technology assessment, and greening of

industry. Yet my home is history, in particular history of technology, and the Society for the

History of Technology provides the space where I can meet friends driven by a similar love

for the history of technology. I feel therefore privileged and honoured to be awarded the

Leonardo da Vinci medal. It feels like a recognition from my soul mates, which is important

precisely because I so often travel far away from my roots, and then wonder whether

historians of technology would still accept me when I come back.

Why is history of technology my home? The short answer is that I value the historical

imagination beyond anything else. As I will argue below, it is this imagination that is

crucially important for many actors in the world confronting the next Deep Transition.2 Here

I am building on the notion of the Great Transformation a phrase made famous by Karl


History allows me to travel through time and space, to new worlds and to enjoy often

amazing experiences. There is no greater pleasure than sitting in an archive and opening up

boxes which have not been opened for a long time, reading minutes, letters and other

documents, and then using these sources to construct an interpretation, and narrative.

However, for me, history is never only about recovering the past; it is a looking glass which

makes us understand the present and the future. This is not only the case because the

1 I would like to thank Phil Johnstone for his critical reading of the final version of text just

before is submission and Laur Kanger for working with me on the Deep Transition idea. 2 The notion of historical imagination is inspired by the book The Sociological Imagination,

written by C. Wright Mills, as well as by various work on the theory of history, such as

Evans, Defence of History, and Gaddis, Landscape of History. The sociological imagination

is the ability to grasp what is going on in the world and relate this to individual agency. 3 Polanyi, Great Transformation.

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questions we ask are fuelled by contemporary concerns, but also because through history we

get a better understanding of these concerns and ultimately of ourselves. This is the first

feature of the historical imagination.

History is not only a looking glass; it is also a set of scenarios. It teaches us the path-

dependencies which shape who were are today, roads not taken, and hidden alternatives,

which still might have a future, never in a similar way as they have may have in the past, yet

in an unmistakable way may shape what is yet to come. History provides access to

experiences, and it shows us alternative scenarios. This is the second feature of the historical


History not only opens up, it can also produce bias. It may blind policy makers and other

actors to certain options because a specific way of understanding history has become

embedded in the way people, and organizations think about the options they have. In this

way, history is a prison, and certain options are closed because actors believe history has

proven they have no future. It is this for this reason that understanding history is more

powerful than we often think! It will challenge ways of acting in the world, and opens up new

ways of thinking about the future. This is a third feature of the historical imagination.

Now I come to the main point of my address. I would like to use this Leonardo da Vinci

address to make a plea to historians of technology to use the historical imagination to engage

more with the huge challenges our world is facing. These are recently captured by the United

Nations in seventeen sustainable development goals ranging from zero hunger, good health

and well-being, quality of education, no poverty, responsible production and consumption,

peace and justice and more.4 These goals contain a double challenge, reducing inequality and

well nurturing climate compatible development for all countries in the world. The goals also

express that the current financial and economic crisis should not be our main concern, but

what comes next among others a series of connected crises in food supply, water provision,

mobility services, energy security, healthcare justice, waste management, resource scarcity,

migration and climate change. And, of course, existing and historic patterns of inequality,

injustice, conflict, war, and environmental degradation already constitute an on-going


Technology is a crucial site in producing and confronting these crises and imperatives.

Technology does not refer so much to individual products and processes, but to socio-

technical systems which is a configuration of products, processes, services and

infrastructures, regulations, skills, preferences, expectations, and actors (e.g. producers,

suppliers, policy-makers, users) that fulfils societal needs such as energy, food or mobility

provision. These elements are aligned and fine-tuned to each other, making it a system.6 We

4 See (visited

March 6, 2016). 5 The Tensions of Europe Network is developing a new research agenda which addresses

many of these concerns, see Vleuten, Technology and the Making of Europe's Grand

Challenges. 6 For an elaboration see Grin et al, Transitions to Sustainable Development.

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historians of technology should challenge the view that there are no real alternatives to the

currently dominant unsustainable energy, mobility, food, water, healthcare and other

sociotechnical systems whose guiding routines are focused on intensive use of fossil fuels

and other natural resources, waste production, mass production, mass consumption,

mechanization, labor productivity. This is unsustainable because the costs and benefits are

distributed in a highly unequal way and their so called externalities, for example global

warming, threaten the future of our planet. For sure, if we continue to cling to an ideology

fuelled by a belief in the power of the market and innovation to solve all problems, we will

not be able to stop climate change and we will make ordinary people pay for the costs. As a

society we need alternatives to these sociotechnical systems that have reached the limits of

their capacity to adapt. We need to provide these alternatives, without giving up democratic

ideals and giving in to a technocratic super State.

Could it be true that we as historians of technology can have significant impact in the

collective search for alternatives? My answer is affirmative. Using the historical imagination,

we can help the world to understand the current situation; we can challenge the way various

actors think about the past, and the way they think about path-dependencies, and alternative

scenarios, and by doing so opening up a new understanding of the present and the future. We

can only do this when we are prepared to engage with the current world and its problems and

come out of our comfort zone. I believe we might need to re-invent how we practice history

of technology. What is this about? It is about the need for deep collaboration with other

disciplines, not only the social sciences and humanities but also the sciences and engineering.

It is also about engaging with the stakeholders of our research, business, the policy-world and

civil society, not after our research is finished, but early on in an interactive way. Finally it is

about addressing head on what C. Wright Mills has called the troubles of our time.7

The question about the social impact of human action brought me to history of technology.

As a history student, I was interested in the big questions of history. One of them was the

perennial question whether history is made by individual human action or shaped by

structural forces. I was looking for a pivotal case-study to explore this rather broad question.

Reading the work of Jacques Ellul and Lewis Mumford, and becoming inspired by the social

constructivist work of Trevor Pinch and Wiebe Bijker, I decided to use history of technology

as a case study.8 It is a case study I never left.

Of course, to do in-depth empirical research, I had to find a concrete entry point. I decided to

focus on farmers in Zeeland, a province in The Netherlands, who had to respond to what was

presented to them as a new industrial technology. Modernizers told them there was no

alternative. I zoomed in on the growing and manufacturing of madder, which is a natural red

dye embedded in a root cultivated by farmers. The Dutch had been the industry leaders for

several centuries but during the nineteenth century were confronted with a new type of

madder product developed by French competitors. They had industrialized production. The

7 Mills, Sociological Imagination, 9-14. 8 Ellul, Technological Society; Mumford, Technics and Civilization; Pinch and Bijker, "The

Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts.”

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Dutch farmers responded not by switching to the new industrial production mode, but by

upgrading their decentralized way of producing madder. They did not believe that the new

industrial option would deliver positive results. On the contrary they argued that innovating

their own craft based tradition would produce higher quality madder, a fairer distribution of

income and eventually would make it possible to preserve a strong market position, and it


This case study became a building block for a larger historical argument about the origins and

nature of Dutch Industrialization. In the early modern period the Dutch Republic had claimed

a leading position based on technological leadership but they lost this position and the United

Kingdom became the birthplace of the industrial revolution, so the story goes. Based on the

madder case, I challenged this view by arguing that the Dutch followed their own

industrialization path, with was different, based on a form of merchant capitalism married to

smaller-scale production, but it was not backward. On the contrary, it was forward looking,

presenting an alternative industrialization model.10

Later on with colleagues at the University of Twente, led by Arie Rip, we developed a new

innovation theory which takes up the idea of concurrent development paths, but also provides

a way of thinking about dynamics of radical socio-technical change. This theory is currently

known as the multi-level perspective, but beforehand we advanced it as a quasi-evolutionary

theory of technical change.11 It is a bridge between evolutionary theories of technical change,

insights from constructivist’s scholars and historians of technology. This work on the multi-

level perspective was a major input into the development of a new field called Sustainability


This is not the place to elaborate on it, but the basic insight of the multi-level perspective is

that human action is not driven by rational choice, vested interest or perception. Human

action is driven by routines or rule sets which are embedded in sociotechnical systems and

therefore highly resilient and adaptive. These rules provide a certain world view which make

people prefer certain technological options above others. Yet while certain technological

options, and the social relations which come with it, are dominant, there are always niches

where alternative forms of behaviour and technology thrive. They might become a threat to

the dominant sociotechnical rule-sets and systems. On top of that, external shocks and trends,

called sociotechnical landscape, are important since they might create challenges which

cannot be solved within dominant regimes and create windows of opportunity for niches to

grow. Change or transitions of sociotechnical systems comes about through the interplay

between regimes, niches and landscape factors. It always involves political struggle, crisis

9 Schot, “Technology in Decline.” 10 Schot, “The Usefulness of Evolutionary Models.” Lintsen et al, Geschiedenis van de

Techniek in Nederland. 11 Rip, “A quasi-evolutionary model”; Geels, Frank W. “Technological Transitions”; Driel

and Schot. “Radical Innovation as a Multilevel Process”. 12 For a discussion of the field and its origins see Smith, Voß, and Grin, “Innovation Studies

and Sustainability Transitions.” See also John Grin, Jan Rotmans, Johan Schot, Transitions to

Sustainable Development.

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and political conflict, and to explain the outcome of these struggles is the core objective of

the multi-level perspective. This perspective has not only been instrumental in developing the

field of Sustainability Transitions, but also helped define a large-scale collective research

programme on “Technology and the Making of the Netherlands: The Age of Contested

Modernization”, better known in the corridors of Dutch universities as TIN-20.13 The multi-

level perspective made it possible to integrate technology into a larger story about Dutch


Coming years, building on these insights, together with colleagues at the Science Policy

Research Unit (called SPRU) and from elsewhere, using the historical imagination, we will

be working on what we will call the First and Second Deep Transition using the historical

imagination. Deep refers to a coordinated change of many socio-technical systems in a

similar direction. The main idea is that this coordination is provided by a meta-routine which

shapes the individual routines of each separate socio-technical system. The concept of Deep

Transition is similar to the concept of Great Transformation, but with a focus on the role of

innovation in modernization and on socio-technical system change. For Polanyi

transformation had unfolded itself through a double movement: on the one hand the creation

of the market and on the other hand the establishment of a strong state to protect people

against the dangers of the free market. This double movement is also visible in the way

modern societies manage innovation processes, which is not discussed by Polanyi. Let me

explain what I mean by this. Modernization was accompanied by the emergence of a set of

institutions which rewarded innovation, and disconnected innovation from its impacts. In a

modern (or capitalist) system, promoters of innovation are not responsible for its wider

impacts on employment, the quality of a society and/or the natural environment. In other

words, modernization nurtured the development of a specific modernist practice of science

and technology politics in which science and technology should be stimulated as much as

possible. They are seen as value-free tools to bring progress, material wealth, health, and a

better life.14 Modernization (and Capitalism) turned science and technology into the Holy

Grail, the lever of riches citing Joel Mokyr, the harbinger of progress and the measure of man

citing Michael Adas.15

In the early modern period this unconstrained freedom for science and technology did not

exist. Technological change was embedded in religious and social institutions, in a moral

economy and always from the start assessed against social norms. This assessment took place

in guilds, for example, but also through protest, and eventually could also lead to machine

breaking, which was a legitimate practice to influence technological choice. This does not

mean that guilds or for that matter machine breakers were against innovation. They were

against specific innovations which would do harm to their values, the society and their vision

of the future. They wanted to open up spaces for discussing technological choice and

13 Schot et al. eds., Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw. Schot, Lintsen and Rip. eds.

Technology and the Making of the Netherlands. 14 For this argument see Rip et al, Managing Technology in Society; Schot, 'The Contested

Rise of a Modernist Technology Politics’. 15 Mokyr, Lever of Riches; and Adas, Machines as the Measure of Men

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redirecting innovation.16 During the First Great Transformation or as I prefer to say the First

Deep Transition the responsibility for the negative impacts of innovation was transferred to

the nation-states. They had to provide regulation and arrange the distribution of wealth and

income through taxation.

However the combination of promotion of innovation and economic growth and regulation of

negative impacts does not seem to be able anymore to address the problems of a world in

transition: poverty, inequality, climate change and many others succinctly captured by UN

sustainable development goals. This institutional failure is at the heart of the crisis of

capitalism. And it is for this reason science and technology are central to the needed Deep

Transition, not because they can fix problems, but because the emergence and

institutionalizing of a new way of embedding science and technology in society could help to

shape a new form of inclusive development. Inclusive because more actors and factors will

be included in the assessment and development of one of the central motors of capitalism:


Since it is still early days for the Second Deep Transition, it is hard to characterize, but let me

try to do this by providing two opposing future scenarios: a brutal Deep Transition and a

more inclusive one. Brutal transitions will generate economic growth driven by innovation,

but outcomes are a very unequal distribution of wealth, unequal access to opportunities and

uneven quality of life, and an unequal exposure to pollution and the effects of climate change.

These effects were mainly unequally distributed between North and South, but instead will

now also produce ruptures within the North. Inequality is on the move, and is becoming

transnational. The state is called upon to safeguard a fairer distribution, but is not able to

deliver since its power is eroded by many developments, including the emergence of

megacities and new technocratic supranational structures and interdependencies. In this

scenario, capitalism becomes unrestrained again, which has the potential to undermine the

social, political and ecological conditions on which it is built, leading to economic

depressions, war and natural disasters. The costs of which will be highly unevenly

distributed, but revolution is contained by technocratic structures and by force.

Inclusive transitions will also generate economic growth driven by innovation, but a different

type of growth, one which prevents the generation of huge inequalities. In this type of

transformation we do not expect the national state to redistribute ex-post some of the benefits

of economic growth. Instead distribution issues are dealt with ex-ante, through a process of

inclusive innovation which does not generate such huge distribution issues anymore. The

State does not disappear in this scenario, it will only be reconfigured. It will not so focus on

promotion of Research and Development and regulation of externalities, but on enabling

transformative change. The ambition will to deliver a new type of inclusive modernization

building on the creativity of entrepreneurs and civil society.

I want to emphasize that I am not negative about the accomplishments of modernization and

capitalism. Let’s not forget they provided growth with benefits for many and it led to the

16 See Schot, 'The Contested Rise of a Modernist Technology Politics’.

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welfare state (but only in the West). It also led to democratisation of mobility, both socially

and geographically, but also politically. It inspired the creation of nation states which was

once a liberating project. It produced citizens and led to the inclusion of people, both man and

women, in a democratic system. This is historically a very positive result. However,

modernization generates many new problems which cannot be solved any more by more


My invitation to historians of technology is to engage with the issues referred to by the

concept of First and Second Deep Transition not just individually but also collectively.

When I make a plea for engagement with the troubles of our time, I am also calling upon the

Society for the History of Technology as a platform where we meet and discuss our research.

I am a firm believer and practitioner of collective research projects in which advanced

researchers, as well as early career and PhD students can thrive but also form a community

working together on a shared set of issues and concerns. This brings a lot of excitement,

pleasures and excellent scholarship as the participants of the various collective projects I have

been involved in, from the Greening of Industry Network, two History of Technology in the

Netherlands programs, the Knowledge Network on System Innovation and Sustainability

Transitions program, to Tensions of Europe Network can testify. As a consequence over the

years I have worked with so many excellent and inspiring people within all these networks

and programs. I owe a lot to all of them. Here I can only mention only a few with whom I

have travelled a long time and who have supported me over many years.

First, Harry Lintsen who is the father of the birth of the Dutch history of technology in the

late 1970s and 1980s. He has been my mental coach throughout my career. I met Harry for

the first time when I was a passionate history Master student. I had started my work on

madder industry and was already reading larger implications into my single case study. At

that time Harry had begun a larger study of Dutch industrialization from the point of view of

history of technology. When I met him for the first time, I immediately questioned his

approach. Harry did not respond in a defensive way, but rather encouraged me to develop my

thinking, asked further useful and pertinent questions, and eventually invited me to join his

gang which consisted of Martijn Bakker, Ernst Homburg, Dick van Lente, Giel van Hooff,

and Geert Verbong. Collaboratively, we were writing the history of Dutch industrialization in

the nineteenth century, and Harry was our fearless leader.17 Later on when I was leading

similar large-scale collaborative research efforts, his advice helped me through difficult

moments and trade-offs involved in such endeavours. He taught me to be reflexive about my

own role.

Second, Arie Rip, my PhD supervisor and teacher. I tend to adventure into new fields, but

Arie was always ahead of me, pointing at interesting ways to go, forcing me to go deeper and

not to accept too easy answers. Arie has shaped my thinking, even to the extent it was

difficult to understand where his thinking ended and my own thinking started. Arie is a very

generous intellectual, always willing to share his ideas. I have profited from his deep insights

17 See Lintsen et al, Geschiedenis van de Techniek in Nederland.

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in a myriad of ways. He invented the multi-level perspective which became so crucially

important to my research and that of many others.18

Third, Ruth Oldenziel, whom I met for the first time at the SHOT meeting in Sacramento in

1989; my very first SHOT conference. Over the years Ruth has contributed tremendously to

my thinking by questioning its assumptions, showing its limits and opening up new

perspectives. For example, about gender, about the role of users in history, about the

importance of culture, and fundamentally how to think about technology.19 She made me

better understand what it is to be a historian of technology. During the early 1990s, we started

working together, with a larger group of Dutch scholars, on a new Dutch twentieth century

history which resulted in the so called TIN-20 book series.20 We have been working together

ever since, in particular in founding the Tensions of Europe project and shaping its

intellectual agenda, again with a large group of scholars.21 The Tensions of Europe project

led among other things to the Making Europe book series.22 Both projects were an adventure

and it had been a privilege and pleasure to have Ruth with me during both journeys from start

to finish.

Finally I would like to thank the people behind the scene, who made it possible for me and

others to do these large-scale collaborative projects.

1. The industrial Board members of the Foundation for the History of Technology, a

unique organization in our field. The Board Members often passionately helped

getting funding for projects and discuss history of technology insights.

2. The Board members of the Technical University of Eindhoven who always have

supported history of technology research and teaching at their university.

3. The staff members of the Foundation, in particular Jan Korsten, with whom I have

worked together since 1998 and without whom the Foundation would not exist and

TIN-20 and Tensions of Europe would not have been possible.

4. Last but not least all personal assistants. It would not have been possible to work on

all these networked collaborative projects without their support: Lidwien Kuipers,

Sonja Beekers, Iris Custers, and currently at the Science Policy Research Unit –

SPRU, Pip Bolton.

I am working with a new group of wonderful colleagues at SPRU on Second Deep Transition

issues. In doing this, I will seek to employ the historical imagination. Our world in transition

is facing grim, difficult and urgent problems. We are not in the position to stay complacent. A

sense of urgency is necessary without, however, nurturing fear since, as Andy Stirling one of

18 Published in Rip and Kemp, Technological change. 19 See for example Oldenziel, Making Technology Masculine; Oldenziel, and Hård.

Consumers, Tinkerers, Rebels. 20 Schot et al. eds., Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw. 21 (accessed

March 8, 2016). 22 For volumes are published as of March 2016, two others are expected in 2016. See (accessed March 8, 2016)

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my colleagues at SPRU, has argued, this closes down debate and leads to bad solutions.23

During his entire life, the founder of SPRU, Chris Freeman embraced an “Economics of

Hope" which embodies a positive view of the potential of mankind to use its resources

constructively.24 In this spirit, I would like to finish this address expressing my hope that

many more historians of technology will engage with our world in transition.


Adas, Michael. Machines as the Measure of Men: Science, Technology, and Ideologies of

Western Dominance. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1989.

Driel, Hugo van, and Johan Schot. “Radical Innovation as a Multilevel Process: Introducing

Floating Grain Elevators in the Port of Rotterdam.”' Technology and Culture 46 (2005): 51-


Ellul, Jacques. The Technological Society. New York: Knopf, 1964.

Evans, Richard. In Defence of History. Granta Books. London 1997

Freeman, Christopher. The Economics of Hope: Essays on Technical Change, Economic

Growth, and the Environment. London, Pinter Publishers, 1992.

Gaddis, John Lewis, The Landscape of History. How Historians Map the Past. New York,

Oxford University Press, 2002

Geels, Frank W. “Technological Transitions as Evolutionary Reconfiguration Processes: a

Multi-level Perspective and a Case-study. Research Policy 31 (2002) 1221-1530.

Grin, John, Jan Rotmans, Johan Schot, in collaboration with Frank Geels and Derk Loorbach,

Transitions to Sustainable Development. New Directions in the Study of Long Term

Transformative Change, New York: Routledge, 2010.

Lintsen, H.W., M.S.C. Bakker, E. Homburg, D. van Lente, J.W. Schot, G.P.J. Verbong,

Geschiedenis van de Techniek in Nederland. De Wording van een Moderne Samenleving

1800-1890. 6 vols. Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 1992-1995

Mills, C. Wright. The Sociological Imagination. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1970

(reprint; orginal published in 1959)

Mokyr, Joel. The Lever of Riches. Technological Creativity and Economic Progress, New

York and Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1990.

Mumford, Lewis. Technics and Civilization. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, Inc.,

New York, 1934

23 Stirling, Andy. ‘Towards innovation democracy’? 24 Freeman, Economics of Hope.

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Oldenziel, Ruth. Making Technology Masculine: Women, Men, and the Machine in America,

1880-1945. Amsterdam/Ann Arbor: Amsterdam University Press/Chicago University Press,


Oldenziel, Ruth and Mikael Hård. Consumers, Tinkerers, Rebels. The People Who Shaped

Europe. Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013

Pinch, Trevor J. and Wiebe E. Bijker. "The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts: Or

How the Sociology of Science and the Sociology of Technology Might Benefit Each

Other." Social Studies of Science 14 (August 1984): 399-441

Polanyi, Karl. The Great Transformation. The Political and Economic Origins of our Time.

Boston, Beacon Press, 1957.

Rip, Arie. “A Quasi-evolutionary Model of Technological Development and a Cognitive

Approach to Technology Policy.” Rivista di Studi Epistemologici en Sociali Sulla Scienza e

la Tecnologica 2 (1992): 69-103.

Rip, Arie, Tom Misa and Johan Schot.eds. Managing Technology in Society. The Approach of

Constructive Technology Assessment. London, Pinter Publisher 1995.

Rip, Arie and Kemp, René (1998) Technological change. In: S. Rayner and E.L. Malone.

Eds., Human choice and climate change. Vol. II, Resources and Technology. Battelle Press,

Columbus, OH,. 327-399.

Schot, Johan, W. “Technology in Decline: a Search for Useful Concepts. The Case of the

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the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century.” History and Technology 14 (1998): 173-200.

Schot, Johan. 'The Contested Rise of a Modernist Technology Politics', in: Thomas J. Misa,

Philip Brey and Arie Rip. eds., Modernity and Technology Cambridge, MIT Press 2003, 257-


Schot, Johan, Harry Lintsen and Arie Rip,eds. Technology and the Making of the Netherlands:

The Age of Contested Modernization. Cambridge Mass: MIT Press, 2010.

Schot, J.W., H.W. Lintsen, A. Rip, A. Albert de la Bruhèze et al. eds., Techniek in Nederland in

de Twintigste Eeuw. 7 vols. Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 1998-2003.

Smith, A., Voß, J.-P. & Grin, J. “Innovation Studies and Sustainability Transitions: The

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