susan atkins tells of slaying orgy (dec. 20, 1969)-1

8/9/2019 Susan Atkins Tells of Slaying Orgy (Dec. 20, 1969)-1 1/1 WINNIPEG FREE PRESS,SATURDAY, SUSANATKINS THIS OF SLA YING ORGY How Do I Feel? ...I Feel Dead! World Copyright 1969 by Susan Atkins and Lawrence Schiller. AM Rights Reserved. Publication with- out written permission prohibited.) By SUSAN ATKINS One day alittle ma n camein with a guitar an d started singingfor a groupof us inthat to target practice with out on th e ranch. I know it was a heavy gun. Like a western gu n. I don't see a picture in my mind right now. We drove up to the house, turned the car around and parked itbetween th e gate an d Md here." So I took out my knife and I went in andstood by Abigail Folger's bed, and said: "Go out them ° Ut Then She began be ^»>S me to : "Tex, I can't kill her. I'vegot let he r go so she could have her j her arms. You doit. baby and wow I realized she wa s pregnant. A flash in the midst of allthat!.' ,, i. . r *, , • iivuii. .-viju again, aim dgajl the hying t room. D on t as k j Katie wa s calling for me to! I threw another towel Katie couldn't kili her either. So Tex stabbed her — in the [heart. And again, an d again. an y questions." I went into SliaronTate's room an d told her and the man place wherewe were living, in I a neighbor's house. We got out I o go out in the livingroom Haight-Ashburyin San Fran-1 of th ?, car and got the boltcut- cisco. And as he saing, the song that hit me hardest was The Shadow of Your Smile. Even before I saw him, while I was still in the kitchen, his voice just hypnotized me mes- merized me.. Then when I saw him, I fell absolutely inlove ter. Tex climbed up the tele- phone pole and snipped two wires, hoping that they were telephone wires. I guess they were. Th e lights in the house stayed on . Then we got bnck in thecar, drove down the hill and parked " car at thebase of the hUI, with him. I found o ut later his,, . . . . . . name was Charles Manson. But| buta , ll . ttle . wa J' s he had other names, too, and so would nt look ivouldI. "P so it guess the three of went along so easily because they were pretty much terrified by what wa s going on . After that everything just go t wild. I'm not sure of the order help her because Abigail w as bigger than Katie, and Katie ha d long hair which she was pulling. So I called to Tex to do something. Te x came back into the house an d reached up to stab Folger, over Sharon's head. I think it could have fallen over Jay Sebring's head. too. I didn't even look — I just threw it. B ut Sharon Tate wa s lying write on the door by Tex was So I proceeded to take my hand an d write "Pig" with th e towel, and I threw th e towel back into the house, and ran outside.I was thelast to leave the house. I ran to thefront gate. Te x an d Katie already were stand- ing on the other side. Then, the in which it all happened. I can said: an d she looked at him and curled up near thecouch, and | next thing I knew, I hi s and her heads probably standing there, too. were close together. We walked toward the car He gave me nothing but love, complete love, gave me the answers to all myquestions I've ever had in my mind. This whole world and everybo dy and everything in it has been God's game, an d that gameis just about to come to an end. Judgment Day for every human being on the face of the earth is coming. But that night I met Charlie in that house on Lime Streets, I had no idea I would' be there when God's game ended for Sharon Tate, with me holding her in myarms. An w when it was all over, I didn't want to go back in that house, bu t something made me go. I went over to Sharon Tate, an d I flashed, wow, there's a living being in there. I wanted to, but Icouldn't bring myself to cut her open an d take the there in the neighborhood. We walked up the hill to that We didn't touch thegate be - cause we didn't knowif it was electrified or not. Whether there wa s an alarm system that we did'nt want to set off. We saw a fence up a slope from th e roadway, and we decided to try that. Well,we climbed up the hill and there was a place where we could climb over the fence. Over Fence So we went over the fence, the four of us. And all of a sudden we saw a light coming ou t along th e driveway inside th e grounds. We knew it was a car . Te x told us to laydownand bestill. So we all just did exactly what he said.Just laid down and kept quiet. only see it in flashes. Bu t it seems that Tex tied the three of them Sebring, Sharon and Miss Folger together. W ound th e rope around and around them, then threw it over a beam so I could pull it tight. A nd then, the way it flashes now, it was all panic. Te x Shot Hi m "You've got me. I give up." Bu t he stabbed he r anyway, an d sh e fell to the floor. fthink he stabbedher in thestomach because I saw her grab down there. Then Tex went back outside, because the other man w as on "Get out," Te x yelled. Just like that. How longwere we in there? Time? Whoknows time? Five minutes: Twenty minutes: Time has no meaning. (Police esti- mate theslayers spent ab out 25 minutes inside the man sion. After Tex yelled, we, Katie an d I, went runningoutside , but we couldn't se e Linda. We thought she had disappeared. We didn't know where she was. We called forher. But not too loudly. Charlie — I guess through Tex — had instructed us to go to the neighbors' house and do the same thing, what we had looking fo r Linda because we ; ]c ft . lone in th e place we had just th e lawn, still running calling fo r help, an d an d Te x '•What'sgoing on?" Ja y Seb-i him. , proceeded to continue killing baby. I knew it was living, I i And . J ust as ih e car drove into -- - -- our sight — I couldn't actually sec what happened but I heard Te x say: "Stop. Halt." Then Tex had a gun on this youngboy (Steven Parent), an d 1heardthe boysay: "Please, don't hurt me. I won'tsay anything." Then the gunwent of f four times, and Tex came back and said: "Come on." An d we proceeded to go, but Linda 1 hardly knew. She'd i th e >' oun g boy who was killed in knewit wouldn't live . . . That night that C harlie in- structed us to go to Sharon's, we were still living up at the Spahn ranch in Chatsworth. We hadn' moved out to Death Valley yet. Charlieinstructedme and Tex (CharlesWatson),a girl by th e name of Linda (Kasabian) an d Katie —that's Patricia Kren- winkel. Hardly Knew He r ring said, and proceeded to advance onTex. I don't know how he got loose. And Texshot him. and he fell on the floor. I | think hefell on his side, because I saw him lying on his side. An d then Sharon went through a few "changes," quite a few "changes." f mean, her facial expressions. Wow! "Oh, my God, no," sh e said. Miss Folgerdidn't say anything. Sh e just stood there,just stood there. The man on the couch — I hadn't done a very good job of tying him up with that towel I found in thebathroom— and he kept workingto get it loose. EvidentlyI wantedthe man to I still must have had the headlockon Sharon when Te x came back. And he told me it looked like she wanted to sit down. So I took he r over and sat down on the couch. She said: "All I wantto do ishave my baby." I knewI had to say something to he r before she got hysterical. Ar.d while I was talking to her, I knew everything I was saying I was saying to myself. I wasn't talking to her, bu t myself. "Woman, I have no mercy for you," I told her, an d that wa s myself talking only to me. Then the Folger girl started couldn't see her, but we didn't yell too loud for fear of being heard by neighbors. When Tex came out, I said: "Tex, do you have my knife?" He said no. I asked Katie: "Do you have my knife?" She said no, and the paranoia go t big, and Itried to shushit by saying to myself: "Linda must have my knife. I think I gaveit toher." Then Te x ordered m e: "Sadie. (She was sometimes known to members of the group as Sadie Glutz) Go back and write somethingon the door." I didn't want to go backinto that house.I didn't want to go back, but something made m e. I got the towe l that I had tied th e man's hands with, and I wentover to Sharon Tate. And I flashed. Wow, there'sa only been at theranch a little while, and I never di d find ou t he r last name. But names mean nothing. We change them, just like we change who we are from one day to another. We change our expressions, our clothes. If you don't change, you'renothing. Katie has gotlong, beautiful, thick brown hair, an d it comes down almost to her waist . . .the middle of her back, and it just covers he r whole head. She's go t blue eyes, pretty blue eyes, very attractive, an d large ears. Sh e has hair growing down her neck, and very hairy arms and legs. full. Bu t Katie's very grace- Well, Charlie instructed us to go to this particular house and gave us a car, a 1958 or '59 Chevy, and told us to ge t tw o changes of clothes, basically black. We had been buying black ' clothes for what we call creepy the car — his death, I felt very ba d about it when I saw it had happened. An d all of asuddenI foundI wa s at the front door . . . well, there's a windowright next to it. Tex, he lifted up and opened the window,climbed inside an d went around an d opened th e front door. We had noidea ho w many peoplewere in the house. Whe n we go t into the living room, there was a man (Wociech Trykowski) sleeping on the couch. The back o f his head wa s facing me. He had on a kind of a "mod" outfit; th e pants fitted low. Te x wentup to thecouch an d the manwoke up , thinking — I guess — that it was a friend of his. He said: crawlies. We'd go around and ereepy-crawliepeople's houses. We wouldnt take anything. Just for theexperience of gettingthe fear an d bringing ourselves ou t of it. Acturallly, he instructedus in th e details through Tex. He just told me to doeverything Te x said to do. Charlie had control over everybody, bu t usually, in fact all the time, he said, "You people arc not my people. Y ou belongto yourselves and you do what you want to do." I neverquestionedwhat Char- lie said.I just did it. And he instructedus to get "What time is t?" An d Tex stood in front with : the gun and said: "Don't move or you're dead." Then Tex motioned for us to come an d stand behind the couch. Just Katie and I had gone in. Weleft Lindaoutside to listen for sounds. It surprised me that nobody heard the gunshots that killed the young boy. B ut they weren't that loud. It was aquiet gun. And, anyway, Tex told me to go down the hall and check th e other rooms. So I went downthe hall an d found a bedroom. I went in, and this girl (Abigail Folger) pu t down the book she was reading, an d looked at me. I smiled and waved. I knewthey "turned on," us t ge t away. I don't know11 staggeringoutside, and Tex and living being in there. I wanted guess I was thinking that| Katle went a , fter hc r - B " t I'm to, but I couldn't bringmyself ' ' t o cut her open and take th e baby, I knew it was living, I knewit wouldn't live. . . I could hear th e blood inside he r body gurgling.It wasn't a very pretty sound. I know no w that's called the death rattle. A nd I readhed down and turned my head away fromher. Then I touched her chest with the clothes and our knives, an d : Cokingat the house. They hide such an d such, and the four of : n from society, bu t just looking us got in the car and started ; at them ' l knew they used nar- cotics. I guess sh e thoughtI was a friend. So, then, 1 looked in the other bedroom and saw Sharon Tate an d th e younger man, the shorter m an — Jay Sebring. Sh e wa s in a see-throughshortie nightgown,wearing a kind of halter underneath it. Just Talking But theywere just talking and didn't see me. going to this place. Then Te x explained th e situ- ation to us, but honestly, I had no knowledgeof what wa s hap- pening untilwe gotthere. Tex told me that he and Charlie had beer, up tothat house before — that's wh y they chose the house. Te x toid me the house used to belong to Mr. Melcher. That's Terry Melcher Doris Day'sson. Bu t he said that Mr. Melcher didn't live there an y more. But the reason Charlie pickedj room and told Tex: th e house was to instill fear into ''There's three Terry Melcher because Terry there." ht'd given his word on a few;' And so hetold me to golook things and never came throughj for the bathroom and get a towel and tie up the man on the couch. I couldn't find it at firsl, but I finally did. It was a big house. I came back out to the living more in with them. So Charlie wanted to put some fear into him, let him know that vdiat Charlie said was the way it is. Blew Mind I had no idea who lived in the house when we were driving uhere, not when we got there, an d no t after it was all over. I ; there don't subconsciously. I wasn't think- in g co sciouslyat all. But Tex said to him again: "Where's your money?" Then Sharon orAbigail, I can't pet a picture of which new, said: "My m oney's in my wallet." Tex instructed me to go get it j out of her wallet. And I untied her and she led me back to the bedroom, and I told her: "You get it out." Sh e handed me $ 72 or $73, and said that's all she had, an d asked: "Do you want my credit cards?" I said no . Then I proceededto lead he r back into th e living room and tied her back up and pu t the rope back over th e beam. One of the ladiescried: "What are you going to do w i t hus?" Te x said: "Youre all goingto die." This caused immediate panic. An d Tex ordered me to kill the big man on the couch. Well, I went over to him and I raised my knife— and I hesitated. And, as I hesitated, he reached up and g r a b be d my hair and started pulling my hair. So I had to fight for my life, as far as I wasconcerned. We fell against a chair that wa s next to the couch. He was fightingand I was kicking him. I was all of a sudden fighting for mylife. Wow! Self-Defence Then I proceededto stab him five or six times in the leg — but I would say it was inself- defence. I luckily enough had th e knife in my hand, because the man was big and with on e whack, he could have — wow.- A nd then while this wa s going on, Abigail wa s getting lose an d fighting with Katie: an d Linda, we found out later, heard sonic noise an d went back down an d sat in th e car, so we had no watch for the outside. Well, as this wenton, all this confusion, I just don't remem- be r what happened. Except — I remember seeing the man I had stabbed, trying to go outside. He was yelling — he was yelling for hi s life. I was ha nging onto him, I think, and I yelled: "Tex, help me. Do some- thin.?." Then, in the excitement. Tex must have shot him in the back, as he wa s runningout, then followed him and hit him over the head with th e butt of the gun. It broke the- gu n handle an d th e gu n wouldn't work an y more. So he began stabbing H ie man. While he was stabbing, th e m;m was still screaming. I' m no one heard any- i.ot sure that Katie went outside, either. I just stayed there with Sharon,she was soquiet, an d Te x came back in and said: "Kill her." Just like that,he said: "Kill her." Then Katie, like an echo, said: "Kill her." I reached to grab hold of j the towel to get sonVe blood Sharon's arms but I didn't - and I proceeded to go to the want to kill her. I held onto he r door, and the only thing I arms,and said: remember being instructed to Here ' s Cast In Drama We went to push the button that opens the neighbors' gate. Tex pushed the button, but I don't think he used his fingers.I think he used his arm or something. I just can't tell why we didn'tgo through withit. I can't see it now, can't flash it into mymind. But we-picked up our clothes which we had stashed by the g;>te we knelt down an d picked up our second change of clothes. Then we walked down to where the car was, walked not tooconspicuous. An d when we got to the car there was Linda in it already, with her second clothes. She had begun to start the car, and Tex told her to getover. He said, excuse the expression: "What the — do you think you'redoing?" We all got into th e car, an d there was nothing but just . . . exhaustion. Changed Clothes An d we all had blood on us. SUSAN ATKINS go t iii. the oldwoman still was I went into what I call th e jabbering away to the old , trailer, ah area located next to ma " : Hie Spahn house, an d there w as Take down their license , this littleTV inthere, number." | i turned on thenews an d that But the old man said he didn't So we changed ou r clothes in have anything to write it down ' one. No t 'til th e next da y when yo u want?Who areyou?" it came over TV . When I saw Ih e faces again it blew m y j surprised I was shaking so bad I thing, couldn't tie his hands. But I got | The man waspretty much the towel around, even though I ; hrlf dead on the porch that's where all the blond was, I imagine—before he ever got to the lawn. Well, Sharon wa s starting to ge t loosefrom th e rope, an d th e Folger girl already had broken loose and was fighting with Katie. I was just standing there watching. There wasn't much couldn't pull ittight. A nd he wasjust — he was just so petrified he just laid down an d didn't sav a word. " What d ° y ° U want? . , An d Te x said: "I'm th e devil. I 'm here to do mmd - -: the devil'sbusiness. We want all; i could°do because'TcouTdn'i As ue drove Te x began ex-j>our money. Where's your find mv knife forTw^h S H et " UP f° f M 6 , h ° USe ! moncy? " T cou ' dn ' t find il "hen «-e left fo i us We had a set of bolt cut- He said: ; so I figuredthat I had lost it in f"urVach%Tof ndT ^ ad ! , " M> ' m ° ney ' S " he Wa " et ° n i lh e ^ w h i c h^t^eV 'a knife I' m not Tr i, *, , V ' th e dcsk "'" P aranoia ">to me as we left. -u n Te x had u/s Ph 6 •'•' th ° , T" ' Old " e g ° over and ! Bllt an >' wa >" . I ™nt over and *un lex na d was Charlies or .look at th e desk, an d 1 said: go t Sharon and put her in a "lex. it's no t there." lieadlock. She didn't fight me. I And then Texsaid: ! us t held her. At times it Go in and ge t the other i seemed so easv. ": ^ I know Is that «"•? ^as used in previous killings and that il was the gun he used (World Copyright1969 by Susan Atkins and Lawrence Schiller. A ll Bights Reserved. Pub- lication Without Written Permission Prohibited) These are the principals involved in the story related here by Susan Atkins. CHARLES 31. MANSOX, 35 — Fierce-eyed pied- piper of an occult hippie tribe connected with the slaughter last August of actress Sharon Tate and six others. Born out of wedlock and the product of a wretched childhood, he has spent most of his life in reformatory, prison or jail. Members of the nomadic clan he began gathering around him upon his release from a California penitentiary almost three years ago speak of him as "Jesus," "God" and "satan," and slavishly do his bidding. He is under indictment for the TateandLaB iancamurders. CHARLES (TEX) WATSON, 24 — A former high school honor student and star athlete now in jail to McKinney, Texas. He is under indictment for the mur- ders, but is resisting extradition to Los Angeles. PATRICIA KRENWINKEL, 21 — An attractive brunette whose mother and father are divorced. She got involved with th e Manson cult in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury District not long after graduating from a Los Angeles high school three years ago. Her father is an insurance agent in the Los Angeles suburb of Inglewood. He r mother resides in Alabama where Miss Krenwinkcl was seized. Jailed in Mobile, Alabama, she, too, is resisting extradition and is under indictment for the murders. She was known to cult members as "Katie." LINDA KASABIAN, 20 — Also the product of a broken home. She spent an unhappy New England childhood under the wing of her stepfather and then dropped out of high school at 16 to marry. That union soured in just a few months. A second marriage led her to California and, after separation from hc r husband, brought her into contact with th e Manson band. No w five months pregnant, she was seized in her hometown of Milford, Ne w Hampshire, an d voluntarily returned to Los AngeJes where she is under indictment for the murders. SHARON TATE, 2(i B eautiful blonde film actress who died in the August 9 murder orgy at the Benedict Canyon estate which she and her husband, Polish film director Koman Polanski, had rented sev- eral months earlier. Th e film-maker was in London at the time. She was 8'i months pregnant when slain. ABIGAIL (GIBBV) FOLGER, 26 — Heiress to th e Folger coffee fortune, jet-setter and Miss Tate's house guest. JA Y SEBRING, 35 — Once Miss Tate's fiance, he later became a close friend of the actress' director husband. A Hollywood hair stylist, he was credited with launching th e trend tov/ard hair styling for men. WOCIECH (VOI1YCK) FRYKOWSKI, 37 — Po- lish playboy who was Miss Folger's lover. A boyhood friend of Polanski, he assisted th e famed director during his early film-making. STEVE PARENT, 18 — A resident of theundistin- guished Lo s Angeles suburb of El Monte, who exper- ienced the misfortune of visiting the young caretaker of th e Tate-Polanski estate the night of the butchery. j LENO, 44, AND ROSEMARY LABIANCA, 38 — He was a wealthy supermarket owner; she was his wife. They were slain one night after the Tate murders in their home in a fashionable mid-Los Angeles neigh- borhood. th e car as we were dr iving. 1 wa s in the rightrear seat, and Tex was driving. We went for arideto look for a place to dump th e bloody black clothes. We drove along a steep embankment. I've got a picture in my mind and all it shows me is the side of a mountainand a road. I just sat in the backseat, slumped down. i I don't remember where we were — and I didn't pay any attention. Linda had all the weapons all but my knife — up in th e front seat, and Texasked: "Does anyb ody have a white Tex got in the car and started it, and the man came up and reached in to take th e keys, evidently knowingsomething suspicious was going on. Te x flooded th e motor, bu t then got it going, put it in low an d took off. Practically broke was thefirst thing that hit. I went wild,and. quick-like, ran out and got Katie an d told her to come watch t e l e v i si o n with me, it was on the news. I called Lindain and Icalled Te x in and I called Clem in , because Clem knew about it — he had been in the bimkhouse when we got back. Charlie wasn't awake. the oldman's hand, from what I j We watched th e newscast, an d rc-iilfl tpll n 1.I..J _ .• !,_i.,. . ould tell. it kind of — it really helpedme to know that the people were as important as they were. It The idea was that we would throw the rag out the road side of th e car, while we were throwing the stuff out the | window down the embankment. Then, if anybody came by , they'd just be distracted by that white rag and notnotice th e stuff going down th e embank- ment. Oh , vvhee-ee-ee. I can't re - memberif anyonehad a white rag or not. But we stopped, and Linda got out of thecar, I'm sure of that, and threw all the clothes, all drippy with blood, and Tex's i gun and the knives — as far as I she could over the side of the embankment, down a ravine, I guessyou'dcall it. I don't know ho w long it took. Or where we drove then. Or for ho w long after that.I have no idea. We drove around quite a bit. I wasn't paying any atten- tion. I wasjust stunned. But we continued to drive until we got down to a residential area I know it w;is close to Sunset Boulevard. Wn flipped down a couple of side streets to look for a dark hnusc and we found one. Strange House just Hashed, wow, that w as {re'alfy "blew my mind, a strange house to pick, out ofi And all ofus watching made all the houses — and then w e! a fe w comments, like well, drove down the road and made , the Soul (Charlie) really picked a couple of turns and stopped at a good one this time. a gas station. j ust happened to have been The purpose was — we were Sharon Tate, a movie actress, almostout ofgas. We bought some gas, and the three of us girls took turns going into the bathroom, check- ing for blood spots and making an d it happened to have made nation-wide and w o r 1 d -w i d e news which we had noknow- ledge that that's what it would do . sure we were clean. Tex did the There was a comment made sa e - | by one of us that what had But as we drove off, and all i happenedhad served its pur- th e way out to theranch, 11 pose. noticed there wa s blood on the j That was toinstil fearin Man car, and I hoped nobody had!himself, Man. th e Establish- ment. That's what it was done for. seen it. When we got back to the ranch, I went in the kitchenof our hangout (an abandoned Western movie set), and got a rag an d proceeded to wipe down the whole car for blood. I didn't know where it was, really, but I knew if there wa s I'd seen, . , ,' ould be on the steering wheel,Iand {lashes . It To instil fear to cause paranoia. To also show the black man how to go about takingover whiteman. Then I just put what had happened out of my mind, the best I could. But I couldn't. I had nothing but , . on the door handles as I just accepted it , and sat and nd w ^/ „. ,. I watched the pictures in my Then Charlie came up, and! n] j n d said: i "What arc you doing homeso ' r l , tr ' ed l appea ,! norm u al ' and early?" i d ld mv work on ' h e ranch. ButI We'girls went downto what ! U ' OU ! d J°°, k at Kati<? ' and Katie we call the bunkhouseand wenti , WOUld ook at nic> and we bo(h " " " " * - " » l . - nn u t ! l ! l f uc i \ 1 n » * - n - t 4 1 : . . . * wa s We got out of the car, walked I and we all sat back. | up the street, and we found a i I almost passed out. It \vas big house. We were looking fo r '" " a place to wash the blood off ou r hands an d faces. All I remember is that the big house had a lot of shrubbery around it,around the front. We began lookingfor the water hose, andwhen we found it, we knew that was the utmost thing soon ' in (1L "' minds ' thal wc couldn't along came Charlie" and Tex,'' P " L il out of our minds ~ il was in, and there (Nancy Pittman). Pretty rightthere. A nd I' d look at Charlie, an d _______ _„.. ,.„„ , like I wasn't there. It waslike a i Ie ' d wir!k af mc ancl S ve seance. ; reassurancethat everything wa s thorp, trying toi 0 '™ 5 '' was soing to be all right. to v.'hat Charlie fs ' 0( - tnal llc saici il aloud.He wa s saying, and I just couldn't ' (Jid "' t navc to sa y it — I just handle it. I laid back on th e I cl1 il ' Tilal ' s the way Charlie floor. And Ifelt as though I was wss - He did 'i't need to speak, he beingkilled. , Just came on. I was sittin pay attention turned it on , went right ou t into 1 A nd Charlie an d Tex told me ! Te x seemed hi s normal self „,„ ,»—» „„., .,., . . that j wou , d b<; kijled .f r just as happy an(] go ]ucky as betrayedtheir trust.Charlie,he could be. But everybody on the told me many times: "Sadie, ranch w as pretty quiet. Every- you've been wjth me tw o years body on the ranch — and there now. For a long time. If you might have been 25 or 30 of us, ever decide to leave, I'll take ! though people came and w ent — you and hang you upside down, knrw by ihen there ha d been an d slit your throat and use the street and proceeded to wash ourselves off. Ho w about (hat? Right therein the street. All this happen ed sponta- neously. We didn't plan any of it. It was all spontaenouii. Then, all of a sudden, we heard anold man and an old woman coming out, out of the you house. ! else. "Whatare youpeople doing?" they yelled. Andthey wenton like that blah,blah,blah. The old w om an b eg an screeching: "M y housemanbe- longs to the Sheriff's Reserve, an d I'm going to have him repor t t h is . Wha t are you doing?" Tex just looked at the old kill inx. i^ari example for everybody! But they didn't knowwho had done it. .1 made no difference t o, T1 _ . had ^ ^ ^ ^ we had gone out the before. B ut everybody me . Charlie was me, and I was I Charlie, and all of us were one at the ranch. A nd when we got back from Sharon's that night, he just acted as though it never hap- pened. Charlie is the type that lives fo r each second, an d pays, no mind to what may happen' Tnat m S nl -we al l got together, tw o seconds later. Thai's how; smokcd some grass an d sang cause most of them knew that night . .. went through the day pretty normal, took careof things thathad to be taken care of at the ranch. muchhe is with it . N ° tltl " Z semesongs. An d then it started al l over, forget — but I believe that man and oldwoman. He just looked at them an d smiled, an d then he said, cool as you please wow — so cool: '•We'rejust gettinga drink of what happened"at S^r on's^d chtngcT'oV dottes"an" a ater. borrywe disturbedyou." 1 went in an d slept for a while, ?n d we were goto" to do it think 1 made love again. (Gary Tufts). I' m Only ft is time, he said, we water The old your ca r S n - bo Charliesaid nothing about night Charlietold me to get two man said, " Is that j but first f down the street i with Clem . no t sure who I made love wilh were *"*> ^ to do it r -lit He said real low to us,"Okay, I And when I wckc up it iust girls, get in the car," an d we' 1 "' double-fastwalked to the car. Th e old man and woman kept walkingbehindus, andwhen we hit me. I wanted to go und look at the televisionnews reports because j I knew it would be in Ih e news. was go He ; sighed, and he said: They "Do you have remorse?" —Con//nu Please Se c SL'SANPage13

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Page 1: Susan Atkins Tells of Slaying Orgy (Dec. 20, 1969)-1

8/9/2019 Susan Atkins Tells of Slaying Orgy (Dec. 20, 1969)-1 1/1



H o w D o I F e e l ? ...I F e e l D e a d !World Copyright 1969 by Susan

Atkins and Lawrence Schiller. AMRights Reserved. Publication with-out written permission prohibited.)


One day alittle ma n c a m einwith a guitar an d startedsingingfor a groupof us intha t

to target practice without onth e r a n c h .

I know i t was a h e a v y gun.Like a western gu n. I don't seea picture in my mind rightn o w .

W e drove up to the house ,turned the car around andparked i tbetweenth e gate an d


So I took out my knife and Iwent in andstood by Abiga i lFolger'sbed, and said: "Go out

them ° Ut Then She began be ^»>S me to : "Tex, I can't killher. I 'vegotlet he r go so she couldh a v eher j hera r m s .You do and wow I realized shewa s pregnant . A flash in themidst of alltha t ! . '

,, i. . r *, , • iivuii. .-viju again, aim dgajl

the hyingt room. D on tas k j Kat ie wa s calling for me to! I th rew another towel

Katie couldn't kili her either.So Tex stabbed her — in the

[hear t . Andaga in ,an d aga in .an y ques t ions ."

I went into SliaronTate ' sroom an d told her and the man

place wherewe were living,in I a neighbor's house.We got out I o go out in thel i v ingroomHaight-Ashbury in San Fran-1 of th ?, car and got the boltcut-cisco. And as he saing, the songtha t h i t me hardes t was TheShadow ofYour Smile. Evenbefore I saw h im,while I wasstill in the kitchen, his voicejust hypnotized me —mes-merized me.. Then when I sawh i m , I fell absolutely inlove

ter. Tex climbed up the tele-phone pole and snipped twowires, hoping thatthey weretelephone wires.I guess theywere. Th e lights in the housestayed on .

Then we gotb n c k in thecar,drove down the hill and parked" car at thebase of the h U I ,with him. I found o ut later h i s , , . .....

n a m e was Char les Manson .B u t | b u t a , ll . ttle . wa J' s

he had other names , too ,and so would nt look


"P so it

guess the th ree ofwent a long so eas i ly becausethey were pre t ty much te r r i fiedby w h a twa s goingon .

Af te r tha t every th ing jus tgo twild. I 'm no tsure of the order

he lp her becauseAbiga i l w asbigger than Kat ie , and Kat ieha d long hair which she was

pulling.So I called to Tex to dosomething.

Te x came back in tothe housean d reached up to s tabFolger,

overSharon's head. I think it couldhave fallen over Jay Sebr ing ' shead. too.I didn't even look— I

just threw it.B ut Sharon Tate wa s lying

wri te on the door by Tex was

So I proceeded to take myhand an d write "Pig" with th etowel, and I threw th e towelback into the house, and ranouts ide .I was thelast to leavethe house .

I ran to thef ron t gate . Te xan d Katie already were stand-ing on theother side. Then, the

in which it all happened. I cansaid:an d she looked at him and

curled up near thecouch , and |next thing I k n e w, Ihi s and her heads probably s tanding there , too .were close together. We walke d toward the car

He gave me nothing but love,complete love, gave me theanswers to all myquestionsI'veever had in my mind. Thiswhole world and everybo dy andeverything in it has been God'sg a m e , an d tha t game is jus tabout to come to anend.Judgment Day fo re v e ry h u m a nbeing on the face of theearth iscoming.

But that night I met Charliein tha t house on Lime Streets, Ihad no idea Iwould' be therewhen God's game ended forSharon Tate, with me holdingher in myarms.

An w when it was all over, Ididn't want to goback in thathouse ,bu t something mademego. I went over to Sharon Tate ,an d I flashed, wow,there's aliving being in there. I wantedto, but I couldn't bring myse l fto cut her open an d take the

there in the neighborhood.W e walked up thehill to tha t

W e didn't touch thegate be -cause we didn ' tk n o wif it waselectrified ornot. Whethertherewa s an a la rm system that wedid 'n t want to set off.

W e saw a fence up a slopef rom th e r o a d w a y, and wedecided to try that. Well,wec l imbed up the hill andtherewas a place where we couldclimb over the fence.

Over FenceSo we went over the fence ,

the four of us. And all of asudden we saw a light comingou t a long th e dr iveway insideth e grounds.

We knew it was a car. Te xtold us to laydown and bestill.So we alljus t did exactly whathe said.Just laid down andkeptquiet.

only see it inf lashes .Bu t it seems that Tex tied the

three of them — Sebring,Sharon and Miss Folger —toge ther. W oundth e r o p earound and around them, thenthrew it over a beam so I couldpull it tight.

A nd then, the way it f lashesn o w , i t was allpanic .

Te x Shot Hi m

"You 've go t me. I giveup."

Bu t he stabbed he r a n y w a y,an d sh e fell to the floor. fthinkhe s tabbed her in thes tomachbecause I saw her grab downthere .

Then Tex went back outside,because theother man w as on

"Get out," Te x ye l l ed . Jus tl ike tha t .

How longwere we in there?Ti m e ? W h oknows t ime? F iveminutes :Twenty minutes : Timehas no meaning. (Police esti-mate thes layersspent ab out 25minutes inside the man sion.

A f t e r Tex yelled, we,Kat iean d I, went runn ingoutside

,but we couldn'tse e Linda . Wet h o u g h t she had disappeared.W e didn ' t know where shewas.W e called forher. But not tooloudly.

Char l i e — I guess th roughTex — had instructed us to goto the neighbors' houseand dothe same th ing , what we had

looking fo r Linda becausewe ; ]cft .lone in th e place we had just

th e lawn, still runningca l l ing fo r help, an d

an dTe x

' •What ' sgoing on?" Ja y Seb- ih i m ., proceeded to con t inue killing

baby. I knew it was living, I i And . J ust as ihe car drove into-- - -- our sight — I couldn't actually

sec what happened — but Iheard Te x say:

"Stop. Halt."Then Tex had a gun onthis

youngboy (S tevenParent ) ,an d1 heard the boysay:

"Please, don't hurt m e . Iwon ' tsay anyth ing ."

Then the gunw e n t of f fourt imes , and Tex came back andsaid:

"Comeon."An d we proceededto go, but

Linda 1 hard ly knew. She 'di th e >' oun g boy who was killed in

k n e wit wouldn ' tlive . . .That night that C harlie in-

structed us to go to Sharon's,we were still l iving up at theSpahn ranchin Cha tswor th . Wehadn ' moved out to D e a t hValley yet.

Char l i einstructedme and Tex(Char lesWatson) ,a girl byth en a m e of Linda (Kasabian)an dKat ie — that's Patricia Kren-winkel.

Hardly Knew He r

ring sa id , and proceeded toadvance onTex. I don ' t knowhow he gotloose. And Texshoth i m . and he fell on the floor. I

| think hefell on his side, becauseI saw him lying on his side.

An d then Sharon went througha few "changes ,"quite a few"changes." f mean, her fac ia lexpressions.Wo w !

"Oh, m y God, no," sh e said.Miss Folgerdidn ' t say anyth ing .Sh e jus t stood there,just stoodthere .

The man on the couch — Ihadn't done a very good job oftying him up with tha t towel Ifound in thebathroom— and hekept workingto get it loose.Eviden t lyI w a n t e dthe man to

I still must have had theheadlockon Sharon whenTe xcame back. And he told me itlooked like she wanted to sitdown.

So I took he r over and sa tdown on the couch. Shesa id :"All I w a n t to do is h a v e m ybaby."

I knew I had to saysomething

to he r beforeshe got hysterical.Ar.d while I was talking to her,I knew everythingI was say ing— I was saying to mysel f . Iwasn't talking to her, bu tmyself.

"Woman, I have no mercy foryou," I told her, an d that wa smyself talking onlyto me.

Then the Folger girl started

couldn't seeher, but we d idn ' tyell too loud for fear of beingheard by neighbors .

W h e n Tex cameout, I said:"Tex, do you have my knife?"He said no. I asked Katie:"Do you have my kni fe?"She said no, and the paranoia

go t big, and I tried to shush itby saying to myself: "Lindamust have my knife. I think Igaveit toher."

Then Te x ordered m e:"Sadie. (She was somet imes

known to members of the groupas Sadie Glutz) Go back andwrite somethingon the door."

I didn ' t wantto go backintothat house.I didn't wantto goback , but someth ing madem e.

I got the towe l that I had tiedth e man ' s hands wi th ,and Iw e n tover to Sharon Tate.

And I flashed.Wow, there ' sa

only been at theranch a littlewhile, and I never di d find ou the r las t name. But names meannoth ing .We change them, jus tlike we change who we arefrom one day toanother. W echange our expressions, ourclothes. If you don ' t change ,you ' renothing.Katie has go tlong, beautiful,th ick brown hai r, an d it comesdown almost to her waist . . .themiddle of her back, and it justcovers he r whole head. She ' sgo t blue eyes, pretty blue eyes,very a t t rac tive ,an d large ears.Sh e has hair growing down herneck , and very ha i ry arms andlegs.full .

Bu t Katie's very grace-

Well, Charlie instructedus togo to this particular house andgave us a car, a 1958 or '59Chevy, and told us toge t tw ochanges of clothes, basicallyblack.

We had been buying black'clothes for what we call creepy

the car — his death, Ifelt veryba d about it when I saw it hadhappened .

An d all of a sudden I found Iwa s at the f ron tdoor . . . well,there's a window right next toit.

Tex, he lifted up and opened

the window,climbed inside an dw e n t around an d opened th efront door.

W e had no idea ho w m a n ypeoplewere in the house. Whe nwe go t into the living room,there was a man (WociechTrykowski ) sleeping on thecouch. The back o f hishead wa sfac ing me. He had on a kind ofa "mod" outfit; th e pants fittedl o w.

Te x went up to thecouch an dthe manwoke up , thinking — Iguess — that it was a friend ofhis. He said :

crawlies. We'd go around andereepy-crawliepeople's houses.W e wouldnt take anything.Justfor theexperience of gettingthefear an d bringing ourselvesou tof it.

Acturallly, heinstructedus inth e details throughTex. H e jus ttold me to doeverything Te xsaid to do. Charlie had controlover everybody,bu t usually, infac t all the time, he said, "Youpeople arc not mypeople.Y oubelongto yourse lvesand you dow h a tyou want to do."

I neverquestionedw h a t Char-lie sa id .I just did it.

And he ins t ruc tedus to get

"What timeis t?"An d Tex stood in front with

: the gun andsaid:"Don ' tmove or you ' re dead ."Then Tex motioned for us to

come an d stand behind thecouch. Just Katie and I hadgone in. Weleft Lindaoutsidetolisten for sounds. It surprisedm e that nobody heard thegunshots that killed theyoungboy. B ut they weren ' t tha tloud.It was aquiet gun.

A n d , anyway, Tex told me togo down the hall andcheck th eo therrooms.

So I went downthe hall an dfound a bedroom. I went in, andt h i s girl (AbigailFolger) pu tdown the book she was reading,an d looked at me. I smiled andwaved .

I k n e w t h e y " turnedon," us t

ge t a w a y. I don't know— 11 staggeringoutside,and Tex and living beingin there . I w a n t e dguess I was th ink ing t h a t| Katle went a , fter hcr - B "t I'm to, but I couldn ' t b r ingmyse l f

' ' t o cu t her open and taketh ebaby, I knew it was living, Iknew it wouldn't l ive.. .

I could h e a r th e blood insidehe r body gurg l ing . It wasn ' t avery pre t ty sound.I k n o wno wthat 's called the deathra t t le .

A nd I readhed down andtu rned my head awayf romher.Then I touched her chest with

the clothes and ourkn ives ,an d : Cokingat the house. They hidesuch an d such , and the four of : n from society,bu t just lookingus got in the car and started ; at them ' l knew they used nar-

cotics. I guess sh e thought Iwas a f r i end .

So, then, 1 looked in the otherbedroom and saw SharonTatean d th e younger man, theshorter m an — JaySebring.Sh ewa s in a see-throughshortienigh tgown,wear ing a kind ofhal te r unde rnea th i t.

Just TalkingBut theywere jus tt a lk ing and

didn ' tsee me.

going to this place.Then Te x explained th e situ-

a t ion to us, but honestly, I hadno knowledgeof w h a t wa s hap-pening untilwe gotthere .

Tex told me tha t he andChar l i e had beer, up tot h a thouse before —tha t ' s wh y theychose the house.Te x toid methe house used to belong to Mr.Melcher. That's Terry MelcherDoris Day'sson. Bu t he saidtha t Mr. Melcher d idn ' tl ivethere an y more .

But the reason Char l i epickedj room and told Tex:th e house was toinsti l lf e a r into ' 'There ' s t h r e eTerry Me lcher because Ter ry there . "ht 'd given his word on a f e w ; ' And so hetold me to golookth ings and never cam eth roughj for the ba throom and ge t a

t owe land t i e up the man on thecouch. I couldn ' t find it at

firsl , but I finally did. It was abig house.

I came back outto the living

more in

with them.So Charlie wanted to put some

fear into him, let him know thatvdiat Charlie said was the wayit is.

Blew MindI had no idea whol ived in the

house when we weredr iv inguhere , not when we got there,an d no t a f t e r it was all over.I ; theredon ' t

subconsc ious ly.I wasn ' t t h ink-in g co sciouslyat all .

But Tex said to him a g a i n :"Where ' s your money?"Then Sharon orAbiga i l , I

c a n ' t pet a picture of whichnew, sa id :

"My m oney ' s in my wal le t . "Tex instructedme to go get it j

out of her wallet. And I untiedher and she led me back to thebedroom,and I told her:

"You get it out."Sh e handedme $ 72 or $73, and

said that's all she had, an da s k e d :

"Do you w a n t m y creditcards?"

I said no . Then I proceededtolead he r back into th e livingroom and tied her back up andpu t the rope back over th eb e a m .

One of theladiescr ied:"Wha t are yo u going to do

withus?"Te x said:"Youre all goingto die."This caused immediate panic.

An d Tex ordered me to kill thebig man on the couch.Well , Iw e n t over to h im and I ra i sedmy kn i fe— and Ihesitated.

A n d , as I hesitated, hereached up and grabbed myhai r and started pulling myhair. So I had to fight for myl ife, as fa r as I wasconcerned.

W e fell agains t a chair thatwa s next to the couch. He wasfightingand I waskicking him.I was all of a sudden fightingfor mylife. Wow!

Self-DefenceThen I proceeded to stab him

five or six times in the leg —but I would say it was inself-defence . I luckily enough had

th e kn i f e in my hand, becausethe man was b ig andwith on ewhack , he could have— wow.-

A nd then whi le this wa s goingon , Abiga i l wa s getting losean d f igh t ing with Kat ie : an dLinda , wefound out l a te r,h e a r dson ic noise an d went backdownan d sat in th e c a r, so we had nowatch fo r theoutside.

Wel l , as this went on, all thisconfusion, I jus t don ' t remem-be r what happened . Except— Iremember see ing the man I hads tabbed , trying to go outside.He was yelling — he wasye l l ingfor hi s life.

I was ha nging onto h im, It h ink , and I yelled:

"Tex , he lp me. Do some-thin.?."

Then , in the exc i tement . Texm u s t have shothim in theb a c k ,as he wa s r u n n i n g out, thenfollowed him and hit himo v e rthe head wi th th e but t of theg u n . It broke t he - gu n hand lean d th e gu n wouldn ' t work an ymore . So he began s tabbingH iem a n .

Whi le he was s tabbing , th e

m;m was sti l l screaming . I' mno one h e a r d any-

i.ot sure tha t Kat ie wentoutside,either.

I jus t s tayed there withSharon , she was soquie t , an dTe x came back in and sa id :

"Kill her." Jus t like that,hesa id : "Killher."

Then Katie, like an echo,sa id :

"Killher."I reached to grab hold of j the towel to get sonVe blood

Sharon's arms but I didn ' t- and I proceeded to go to thew a n t to kill her. I held ontohe r door, and the only thing Ia r m s ,and sa id : remember be ing ins t ruc tedto

Here's CastIn Drama

W e w e n t to push the buttont h a t opens the neighbors' gate.Tex pushed the but ton , but Idon't thinkhe used hisfingers.Ith ink he used his arm orsomething. I just can't tell whywe didn ' t go through withit. Ican't see it now,can ' t flash itin to mymind.

But we-p ickedup our clotheswhich we had stashed by theg ; > t e — we knelt down an dpicked up our second changeofclothes. Then we walked downto where the car was, walkednot tooconspicuous.

An d when we got to the carthere was Linda in it already,with her second clothes. She hadbegun to start the car, and Textold her to getover. He said,excuse the express ion:

"What the — do you thinkyou ' redoing?"

W e all got into th e car, an dthere was nothingbut just . . .exhaus t ion .

Changed ClothesAn d we all had blood on us.


go t iii. the oldw o m a n still was I went into w h a t I call th ejabber ing a w a y to the old, t ra i le r, ah area loca ted next toma " : Hie Spahn house ,an d there w as

Take down their l icense, this l i t t leTV inthere ,n u m b e r. " | i tu rnedon then e w s an d tha t

But the old mansaid he d idn ' tSo we changed ou r clothes in have any th ing to wri te it down


o n e . No t 'til th e n e x t da y when yo u w a n t ?Who arey o u ? "it came overTV . When I sawIh e f aces aga in— i t b lew m y j

surpr i sedI was shaking so bad It h ing ,

couldn ' tt i e h i s hands . But I go t| T h e m a n w a spre t ty m u c hthe towel around, even thoughI ; hr l f dead on the porch — tha t ' s

where a l l the blond was, Iimagine—before heever got tothe l awn.

Wel l , Sharon wa s s ta r t ing toge t loosefrom th e rope, an d th eFolger girl already had brokenloose and was f igh t ing withKat ie . I was jus t s tanding therew a t c h i n g .There wasn ' t much

couldn ' tpull ittight.A nd he wasjus t— he was jus t

so petrified he just laid downan d didn ' t sav a word .

" What d ° y° U want?

. ,An d Te x sa id :"I 'm th e dev i l . I 'm here to do

mmd - - : t he dev i l ' sbus iness .We w a n ta l l ; i could°do b e c a u s e ' TcouTdn'iA s ue drove Te x began e x - j > o u r m o n e y. Where ' s yourf i n d m v k n i f e

f o r Tw ^ h SHet"UPf°

f M 6 ,h ° USe ! moncy? " T cou ' dn ' t find il " h e n «-e l e f tfo i us We had a set ofbolt cut- He sa id : ; so I figured tha t I had lost it in

f"urVach%Tof ndT ^ ad ! , " M> ' m ° ney ' S " he Wa " et ° n i lh e ^ which t eV 'akn i fe I' m not Tr i, *, , V ' th e dcsk "'" P aranoia ">to me as we l e f t .-u n Te x had u/s Ph 6 •'•' th ° , T" 'Old " e '° g ° over and ! Bllt an>'wa>" . I ™ n t o v e rand*un lex na d was Char l i es o r. look at th e desk ,an d 1 sa id : go t Sharon and put her in a

" l e x . i t 's no t there . " l ieadlock. She didn'tfight me. IA n dt hen Texsa id : ! us t he ld her. A t t imes it

Go in and ge t t he o the ri s e e m e dso easv.

": ^ I know Is that « " • ?^as used in previous kill ingsand that il was the gun he used

(World Copyright 1969 by Susan Atkins andLawrence Schiller. A ll Bights Reserved. Pub-

lication Without Written Permission Prohibited)These are the principals involved in the story

related here by Susan Atkins.

CHARLES 31. MANSOX, 35 — Fierce-eyed pied-piper of an occult hippie tribe connected with theslaughter last August of actress Sharon Tate and sixothers. Born out of wedlock and the product of awretched childhood, he has spent most of his l ife inreformatory, prison or jail . Members of the nomadicclan he began gathering around him upon his releasefrom a California penitentiary almost three years agospeak of him as "Jesus," "God" and "satan," andslavishly do his bidding. He is under indictment for theTate and La B ianca murders.

CHARLES (TEX) WATSON, 24 — A former highschool honor student and star athlete now in jail toMcKinney, Texas. He is under indictment for the mur-ders, but is resisting extradition to Los Angeles.

PATRICIA KRENWINKEL, 21 — An attractivebrune t te whose mother and father are divorced. She gotinvolved with th e Manson cult in San Francisco'sHaight-Ashbury District not long a f t e r graduatingfrom a Los Angeles high school three years ago. Herfa ther is an insurance agent in the Los Ange les suburbof Inglewood. He r mother resides in Alabama whereMiss Krenwinkc l was seized. Jailed in Mobile, Alabama,she, too, is resisting extradition and i s under ind ic tmen tfor the murders. She was known to cult members as"Katie."

LINDA K A S A B I A N , 20 — Also the product of abroken home. She spent an unhappy New Englandchildhood under the wing of her stepfather and thendropped out of high school at 16 to marry. Tha t unionsoured in just a few months . A second marriage led herto California and, after separation from hc r husband,brought he r into contact with th e Manson band. No wfive months pregnant, she was seized in her hometownof Milford, Ne w Hampshire, an d voluntarily returned toLos AngeJes where she is under indictment fo r themurders.

SHARON TATE, 2(i — B eau t i fu l b londe f i lmactress who died in the August 9 murder orgy at theBenedict Canyon estate which she and her husband,Polish f i lm director Koman Polanski, had rented sev-era l months earlier. Th e f i lm-maker was in London atthe t ime. She was 8'i months p regnan t when slain.

A B I G A I L (GIBBV) FOLGER, 26 — Heiress toth e Folger coffee fortune, jet-setter and Miss Tate'shouse guest.

JA Y SEBRING, 35 — Once Miss Tate's fiance, helater became a close friend of the actress' directorhusband. A Hol lywood ha i r stylist, he was credited wi thlaunching th e trend tov/ard hair s ty l ing fo r men.

WOCIECH (VOI1YCK) FRYKOWSKI , 37 — Po-l ish playboy who was Miss Folger's lover. A boyhoodf r i end of Po lansk i , he ass i s ted th e famed d i rec to rdur ing his early f i lm-making .

STEVE PARENT, 18 — A resident o f the u n d i s t i n -gu i shed Lo s Angeles suburb of El Monte, who exper-ienced the mis fo r tune of v i s i t ing the young caretaker ofth e Tate -Po lansk i estate the night of the butchery. j

LENO, 44, AND ROSEMARY LABIANCA, 38 —He was a wealthy supermarke t owner ; she was hiswife . They were slain one night a f t e r the Tate murdersin the i r home in a fashionable mid-Los Angeles ne igh-borhood.

th e car as we were dr iving. 1wa s in the rightr e a r seat, andTex was dr iv ing .

W e went for aride to look fora place to d u m p th e bloodyblack clothes. We drove along as teep embankment .I've got apicture in my mind and all i tshows me is the side of amounta inand a road. I jus t satin the backseat, slumped down.

i I don't r e m e m b e r where wewere — and Ididn ' t pay anya t ten t ion .

Linda had all theweapons—all but my knife — up in th ef ron tsea t ,and Texasked:

"Does anyb ody have a white

Tex got in the car and startedi t , and the man came up andreached in to t ake th e keys ,ev ident ly knowingsometh ingsuspiciouswas going on.

Te x flooded th e motor, bu tt h e n got it going, put it in lowan d took off. Practically broke

was thefirst thing that hit.I went wi ld ,and. quick- l ike ,

ran out and gotKat ie an d toldher to come watch televisionwith me, i t was on the news . Icalled Lindain and Icalled Te xin and I called Clemin , becauseClem k n e w a b o u ti t — he hadbeen in the bimkhousewhen wegot back.

Char l i ewasn ' t awake .the oldman 's hand ,f rom w h a tI j Wewatchedth e newscas t ,an dr c - i i l f lt p l l n 1.I..J _ .• ! , _ i . , . .ould tell . it kind of — it really helpedme

to know that the people were asimpor tan t as they were. It

The idea wastha t we wouldth row the rag out theroad sideo f th e car, whi le we werethrowing the stuff out the

| window downthe e m b a n k m e n t .Then , if anybody c a m e by ,they'd just be distracted bytha twhi te rag and notnotice th estuff going downth e e m b a n k -ment .

Oh , vvhee-ee-ee. I can ' t re -m e m b e rif anyonehad a whiterag or not.

But we stopped, and Linda gotout of thecar, I'm sure of that,and threw all the clothes, alldrippy with blood, andTex's

i gun and theknives — as far asI she could — over the side of theembankment , downa ravine, Iguessyou'd call it.

I don't knowho w long it took.Or where we drove then. Or forho w long after that.I have noidea . We drove a round qui te ab i t . I wasn ' t pay ing any a t ten-t ion. I wasjus t s tunned .

But we con t inued to dr iveu n t i l we go t down to ares iden t i a l a r e a — I know itw;is close to Sunse t Boulevard .W n f l i p p e ddown a coup le ofside s t ree t s to look for a d a r khnusc and wef o u n done .

Strange Housejus t Hashed ,wow, thatw as {re'alfy"blew my mind,a strange houseto pick , out ofi And all ofus watching made

all the houses — and then w e! a fe w comments , l ike— well,d rove down the road and made

,the Soul (Charlie)really picked

a couple of turns and stopped at a good onethis t ime .a gas station. j ust happened to have been

The purpose was — we were SharonTate , a movie actress,a lmos tout ofgas.

W e bought somegas, and theth ree of us girls took turnsgoing into the bathroom, check-ing for bloodspots a n d m a k i n g

an d i t happened to have madena t ion-wideand w o r 1 d -w i d en e w s which we had noknow-ledge tha t tha t ' s whati t woulddo .

sure we were clean.Tex did the There was a c o m m e n t m a d esa ™ e- | by one of us tha t w h a t had

But as we drove off ,and all ih a p p e n e dhad served its pur-th e way out to ther a n c h , 1 1pose.noticed therewa s blood on the j T h a t was toinstil fearin Mancar, and I hoped nobodyh a d !himself, Man. th e Estab l i sh -

m e n t .That's what it was donefor.

seen it .When we go tback to the

ranch , I went in the kitchenofour hangout (an abandonedWestern movieset), and got arag an d proceeded to wipe downthe whole car for blood.

I didn't know whereit was,really, but I knew if there wa s

I'd seen,. , , 'ould be on the s teer ingwheel,I and {lashes . It

To instil fear — to causep a r a n o i a . To also show theblack man how to go aboutt ak ingover whi tem a n .

Then I just put what hadhappened ou t o f mymind, thebest I could. But I couldn't. I

had noth ing but, .

on the door handles as I just accepted it , and sat andndw ^/ „. ,. I watched the pictures in m y

Then Char l ie came up ,a n d !n] j n dsa id : i

" W h a tarc you do ing h o m eso ' rl , tr ' ed l appea ,! norm

ual ' and

e a r l y ? " i dld mv work on ' h e ranch . But IWe ' g i r l s went downto w h a t! U'OU!d J°°,k at Kati<? ' and Katie

we ca l l the bunkhouseand w e n ti ,W O U l d ook at nic> and we bo(h' """ "*-"» l.-n nu t!l!lf uc i\1n »*- m n-t 41:.. .*

wa s

We got out of thecar, walkedI and we all satb a c k .| up the street, and we found a i I almost passed out. It \ vasbig house . We werelooking fo r '" "a place to wash the blood offou r h a n d san d faces .

A l lI r e m e m b e ris that the bighouse had a lot ofshrubberyaround i t ,around the front. W ebegan lookingfor the w a t e rhose, andwhen we found it , we

k n e w t h a t was theutmost th ingsoon ' in (1L"' minds ' thal wc couldn ' t

a long c a m e Char l i e" and Tex, ' ' P " L il out of our minds ~ il was

in, and there( N a n c y P i t t m a n ) .Pre t ty

r igh tthere .A nd I' d look at Char l i e , an d_______ _ „ . . „ , . „„ ,

l ike I wasn ' t there .I t waslike a i Ie ' d wir!k af mc ancl S ve

seance . ; reassurancet h a t e v e r y t h i n gwa sthorp , t ry ing to i0 '™ 5 '' was soing to be a l l r igh t .

to v.'hat Charlie fs'0(- tnal llc saici il a loud .Hewa s say ing , a n d I jus t cou ldn ' t '(Jid "' t navc to sa y i t — I j u s th a n d l e it. I laid back on th e I cl1 il ' Tilal ' s the way Charliefloor. A n d Ifelt as though I was wss - He did 'i't need to speak , hebeingk i l l ed . , Just c a m eon.

I was sit t inpay a t t en t ion

turned it on , went rightou t i n to1 A nd Char l iean d Tex told m e ! Te x seemed hi s normal se l f„,„ ,»—» „„., .,., .. that j wou , d b<; kijled .f r just as happy an(] go ]ucky as

be t rayed their trust.Char l i e ,he could be . Buteverybodyon thetold me m a n y t imes : "Sadie , ranchw as pre t ty quie t . Every-you 've been w j t h m e tw o years bodyon the r a n c h— and theren o w . For a l ong t i m e . If you m i g h t h a v e been 25 or 30 of us,ever dec ide to l eave , I'll t a k e! t hough peoplecame and w ent —you and hang you ups ide down,k n r w by ihen t h e r e ha d beenan d s l i t your th roa tand use

the s t ree t and proceeded towash ourselves o f f . Ho w about(ha t? Right therein the street.

A l l th i s happen ed sponta-neous ly.We d idn ' t p l an any o fi t . It was allspontaenouii.

Then, all of a sudden, weheard an old man and an o ldw o m a n coming out ,out of the

y o u

house . !else." W h a tare youpeople do ing?"

t h e y ye l led . Andthey wentonlike tha t — blah ,blah ,blah .T h e old w o m a n b eg an

screeching:"M y houseman be-l ongs to the Sheriff 's Reserve,an d I 'm going to have himrepor t this. Wha t are youdoing?"

Tex just looked at the old

k i l lin x.

i^ari e x a m p l e fo r everybody! Butthey didn ' t knowwho haddone it.

.1 m a d e no d i ffe rencet o, T1 _. had^ ^^ ^

we had gone out thebefo re . B ut everybody

me . Char l iewas me, and I was ICharlie, and all of us were oneat the ranch .

A nd w h e n we got b a c k fromSharon ' s tha t n igh t , he jus tacted as though it neverhap-pened . Char l ie i s the type tha tlives fo r each second,an d p a y s ,no mind to what mayh a p p e n ' Tnat mSnl - w e al l got toge ther,tw o seconds later. Thai 'show; s m o k c d some grass an d sang

cause mos t o f them knew tha tn ight

. ... w e n tth rough the daypre t ty normal ,took careof things thathad tobe taken care of at theranch .

m u c hhe iswith it .

N ° tltl "Z

s e m e songs.An d then it started al l over,

forget — but I believe tha t

man and o ldw o m a n .H e jus tlooked at them an d smi led ,an dt hen he sa id , cool as you please— wow — socool:

' • We ' r ejus t ge t t inga dr ink of what happened"a tS ron's d chtngcT'oVdottes"an" a™

a te r. bor ry we d i s tu rbedyou." 1 w e n t in an d slept for a while, ?n d we were goto" to do itt h ink 1 m a d e love a g a i n .(Gary T u f t s ) .I' m Only ft is t ime , he sa id , w e

w a t e rThe old

y o u r ca r•

S n -bo Char l i esaid no th ing about n i g h tChar l ietold me to get two

m a n sa id , " Is t h a t j b u t first fdown the s t ree ti with Clem .

no t sure who I m a d e love wilh were*"*> ^

to do it r -lit

He said rea l low to us," O k a y,I And when Iwckc up it iu s tgirls, get in thecar," an d we' 1 "'doub le - fas twalked to thecar.

Th e old man andw o m a n k e p twalk ingbehindus, andw h e n we

hit me.I wanted to go u n dlook at the

televisionn e w s repor tsb e c a u s ejI knew itwould be in Ih e news .

was goHe

; s ighed ,and he sa id :They

"Do you haver e m o r s e ? "— C o n / / n u

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