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LAWYER’S GUIDE TO Software, App & Video Game Legal Issues WED, SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 NOON- 1PM

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Lawyers guide to Software, app & video game development laW

LAWYERS GUIDE TO Software, App & Video Game Legal Issues WED, SEPTEMBER 14, 2016NOON- 1PM


Entrepreneur & Founder/CEOTechnology Attorney & Managing PartnerAdjunct Professor of Law

[email protected]

IntroductionCompared to other types of venturesLots of similaritiesIP-based offers unique opportunities and risk

Software App & Video Game EntrepreneursSAVaGEs

Formation and FundingEntity StructureChoicesStateEntity TypeLLC, Inc., GP, sole prop.Tax Considerations

Common PitfallsSo-and-so says I need to be a DE corpNot completing the process

Formation and FundingFunding Self Equity DebtRoyalty

Common pitfalls Not properly documentedLoss of controlGetting value (& Valuations)

SAVaGE Development DIY (including co-owners)EmployeesContractors

Common pitfallsOutsource (outside US)Failure to secure IPClear benchmarks

Ill put in Icons when Youre done. Or who knows you may change the layout6

Only large high-tech companies have IP- EVERY business has IP Assets - A significant amount of innovation comes from individual inventors & small and medium enterprises

Securing your IP rights in the US will give you protection in other countries as wellIn most cases, US IP rights mean nothing outside US

IP law protects ideas Law protects the tangible manifestations of ideas

Intellectual Property

Common IP Myths

I. S.U.E. IP Protection StrategyIdentify SecureDirect IndirectUseEnforce

TrademarksAny name, symbol, figure, letter, word, or mark adopted and used by a business to designate its goods/services and to distinguish them from those of othersCommon law rights automatic, but USPTO registration grants broader rightsInitial term 6 years, but can be renewed indefinitelyCan file multi-international but must prosecute separately.Convention gives 6 months to claim priority.


A service mark is the same as a trademark, except that it identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than a product.

There are generally three types of certification marks. First, there are certification marks that certify that goods or services originate in a specific geographic regionCOGNAC (knyak) for distilled brandy from a region in FranceSecond, there are certification marks that certify that the goods or services meet certain standards in relation to quality, materials, or mode of manufacture (e.g., approval by Underwriters Laboratories). CELANESE certifies plastic toys meeting certifiers safety standardsThird, certification marks may certify that the work or labor on the products or services was performed by a member of a union or other organization, or that the performer meets certain standards.

There are two characteristics that differentiate certification marks from trademarks or service marks. First, a certification mark is not used by its owner and, second, a certification mark does not indicate commercial source or distinguish the goods or services of one person from those of another person.

Trade dress originally included only the packaging or dressing of a product, but in recent years has been expanded to encompass the design of a product. It is usually defined as the total image and overall appearance of a product, or the totality of the elements, and may include features such as size, shape, color or color combinations, texture, graphics. Two Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc., 505 U.S. 763, 764 n.1, 23 USPQ2d 1081, 1082 n.1 (1992).

Patent- the exclusive right to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention.- Can only come from the US govt.- Must meet statutory requirementsnovel, useful, non-obvious, etc.- Expire after 20 years from filing NO renewal(Design patents 14yrs. From issue)PCT allows for foreign filing/priority but must prosecute each countryTypes of IP

Trade Secrets- Secrets secrets kept from the world that relate to how to manufacture, use, or sell something (i.e., give a competitive advantage)- No registration required - Does not expire- Must be protected (e.g., limited access, NDAs, etc.)Types of IP

Copyright- exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etcCan last long time:Authors life + 70 yearsUp to 120 years for work for hire

Under Berne Convention, this is the one type of US IP right that gets automatic protection in other countriesDont need registration, but registration gives additional rights/benefits

Types of IP

Even though registration is not a requirement for protection, the copyright law provides several inducements or advantages to encourage copyright owners to make registration. Among these advantages are the following: Registration establishes a public record of the copyright claim. Before an infringement suit may be filed in court, registration is necessary for works of U.S. origin. If made before or within five years of publication, registration will establish prima facie evidence in court of the validity of the copyright and of the facts stated in the certificate. If registration is made within three months after publication of the work or prior to an infringement of the work, statutory damages and attorneys fees will be available to the copyright owner in court actions. Otherwise, only an award of actual damages and profits is available to the copyright owner. Registration allows the owner of the copyright to record the registration with the U.S. Customs Service for protection against the importation of infringing copies.

Intellectual Property - Software

GUI = graphic user interface13

Intellectual Property - Apps

Intellectual Property - Games

NDAs/Confidentiality AgreementsPartner/JV AgreementsAssignments/TransfersEmployment/Contractor AgreementsWork for Hire and development agreements

SECURING IP Rights - Directly

Direct IP protection refers to using contracts and individual relationships to protect IP rightsThis allows IP owners to define the scope of their IP rights and identify when an infringement occursThe key limitation is that IP owners can only enforce their IP rights only against those with whom they have contractual relationships

State & Federal U.S.TM, SM, trade dress USPTO/StatePatents USPTO Copyrights US Library of Congress Trade Secrets (no registration)

International Treaties: WIPO/PCT (Patent); Madrid Protocol (TMs)Berne Convention (Copyright)Foreign GovtsSECURING IP Rights - Indirectly

Indirect IP protection involves taking advantage of government registration protections to secure IP rights against a much broader group of would-be infringersDue to the broad scope of protection, a key limitation of indirect IP protection is that it is difficult to spot infringement, particularly when the infringing activity is isolated or remote

No cookie-cutterType of agreement will depend on type of IP, value, etc.Often start with prior agreements, but each transaction will need to be evaluated individuallyEULA/TermsUSING IP Assets

Licensing & Assignment

Investigating claims/potential infringementDrafting letters of inquiry & Cease & desist lettersNegotiating settlements & consent agreementsProsecuting & defending infringement lawsuits


Burden of policing and enforcing IP rights rests with owners of the IP

eCommerceTerms of Use/EULAWarranties Limits of LiabilityDMCA PoliciesIP ownership Limits of license/grounds for terminationPrivacy PoliciesGoverned by an array of state, local, foreign lawsSpecial rules may apply (HIPAA, PCI, etc.)

Common PitfallsCut and PasteNot following PP terms

Other AgreementsSLAsSaaSMSAsAdvertisingPublisherDistributor/ResellerMerchandisingCharacter/content licenses

International IP protection

Use of Open source code

US trade laws

Tax issues

Special Issues

ExitSelling the company / AssetsHousekeepingDue Diligence

Common PitfallsIP ownershipLT employment agreementsContingent Liability

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