survey tools - baylor universitypopular survey tools include: surveymonkey qualtrics survey gizmo...

Nonprofit Technology Cooperation Last Updated: 4/23/2014 Survey Tools 1 Survey Tools What are Survey Tools? Survey tools are online tools sent to your audience typically to acquire their feedback on issues important to your organization. Most survey tools capture information from your audience and provide the information to you on various formats such as in emails and/or excel files. Why should Nonprofit Organizations use Survey Tools? Survey tools can help nonprofit organizations with Marketing and market research Event planning Gathering feedback Strategic planning Volunteer management Board governance You can send surveys to measure donor satisfaction towards an event or volunteer satisfaction towards a training workshop, measure effectiveness of an email or fundraising campaign, or see what motivates your donors to get involved. You can use surveys to answer any types of questions you have about your donors, volunteers, employees, and board of directors. Popular survey tools include: SurveyMonkey Qualtrics Survey Gizmo PollDaddy Question Pro Zoomerang Google Form To read more about how survey tools can help your organization, refer to this article: Nonprofit Surveys, Work Smarter & Drive Breakthrough Results. For this document, we will use SurveyMonkey, because it is free, popular, and easy to use.

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Page 1: Survey Tools - Baylor UniversityPopular survey tools include: SurveyMonkey Qualtrics Survey Gizmo PollDaddy Question Pro Zoomerang Google Form To read more about how survey tools can

Nonprofit Technology Cooperation

Last Updated: 4/23/2014 Survey Tools 1

Survey Tools

What are Survey Tools? Survey tools are online tools sent to your audience typically to acquire their feedback on issues important to your organization. Most survey tools capture information from your audience and provide the information to you on various formats such as in emails and/or excel files.

Why should Nonprofit Organizations use Survey Tools? Survey tools can help nonprofit organizations with

Marketing and market research

Event planning

Gathering feedback

Strategic planning

Volunteer management

Board governance You can send surveys to measure donor satisfaction towards an event or volunteer satisfaction towards a training workshop, measure effectiveness of an email or fundraising campaign, or see what motivates your donors to get involved. You can use surveys to answer any types of questions you have about your donors, volunteers, employees, and board of directors. Popular survey tools include:



Survey Gizmo


Question Pro


Google Form

To read more about how survey tools can help your organization, refer to this article: Nonprofit Surveys, Work Smarter & Drive Breakthrough Results. For this document, we will use SurveyMonkey, because it is free, popular, and easy to use.

Page 2: Survey Tools - Baylor UniversityPopular survey tools include: SurveyMonkey Qualtrics Survey Gizmo PollDaddy Question Pro Zoomerang Google Form To read more about how survey tools can

Nonprofit Technology Cooperation

Last Updated: 4/23/2014 Survey Tools 2

Creating a Survey 1. If you do not have a SurveyMonkey account, go to to create an

account. You can sign up using your email or with your existing Google or Facebook account. 2. Log into your SurveyMonkey account. On the home page, choose +Create Survey on the top

right corner, bottom left corner, or on the home page.

Page 3: Survey Tools - Baylor UniversityPopular survey tools include: SurveyMonkey Qualtrics Survey Gizmo PollDaddy Question Pro Zoomerang Google Form To read more about how survey tools can

Nonprofit Technology Cooperation

Last Updated: 4/23/2014 Survey Tools 3

3. Choose Create a New Survey. Name the survey, and then choose a category. It does not matter which category you pick, but it will give SurveyMonkey the option to provide you with sample question. In the example below, we named the survey “Career Development Feedback” and picked the Non-Profit category. Choose Continue >> to go the next step.

4. This is the survey design page, where you can edit your survey. We will choose +Add Question to

get started.

Page 4: Survey Tools - Baylor UniversityPopular survey tools include: SurveyMonkey Qualtrics Survey Gizmo PollDaddy Question Pro Zoomerang Google Form To read more about how survey tools can

Nonprofit Technology Cooperation

Last Updated: 4/23/2014 Survey Tools 4

5. In the textbox under Question Text, enter your desired question. Under Question Type, we will first choose Multiple Choice (Only One Answer). This type of question is usually helpful for collecting demographic data such as age range and ethnicity or a question where you want to limit the response to only one choice. We will choose Display Choices as Buttons (1 column) under Pick display format, so all answer choices will appear on one column. Type in your desired answer choices under Answer Choices. Once finished, choose Save & Close. This will bring you back to the Design Survey page where you can preview the question you just created.

6. You may scroll down from the previous page to see more survey options for each survey question. “Add “Other” or a comment field” can be used for questions where we cannot provide sufficient answer choices or where you want the respondent to supply additional information. “Require an answer to this question” can be checked if the survey question is important for your organization. “Randomize, flip or sort choices” allow you to randomize answer choices to decrease the chance of response bias. This choice is helpful if you have many subjective answer choices for certain questions. To keep the survey simple, we will not use these options.

Page 5: Survey Tools - Baylor UniversityPopular survey tools include: SurveyMonkey Qualtrics Survey Gizmo PollDaddy Question Pro Zoomerang Google Form To read more about how survey tools can

Nonprofit Technology Cooperation

Last Updated: 4/23/2014 Survey Tools 5

7. After you have finished, you will see what the survey looks like. You can edit, add question logic,

move, copy, or delete the question by clicking on desired options. Add logic allows you to

redirect your respondents to another page of survey questions based on response to a specific

question. For example, if you ask, “Did you attend the career development seminar?” If the

respondent answered “yes,” you will direct him to the next question. If the respondent

answered “no,” the survey will end. Unfortunately, this feature is only available in the upgraded

(i.e. paid) version of SurveyMonkey.

8. To create additional questions, repeat steps 4 – 6. Once you have added all the questions for the

survey, you can preview it by clicking Preview Survey. Once you are satisfied, choose Send

Survey >>.

Page 6: Survey Tools - Baylor UniversityPopular survey tools include: SurveyMonkey Qualtrics Survey Gizmo PollDaddy Question Pro Zoomerang Google Form To read more about how survey tools can

Nonprofit Technology Cooperation

Last Updated: 4/23/2014 Survey Tools 6

9. You will see a link to your survey, and many different ways in which you can share this survey

with your desired audience. SurveyMonkey provides a description of each method as shown


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Nonprofit Technology Cooperation

Last Updated: 4/23/2014 Survey Tools 7

Additional Question Types In the previous example, we created a simple multiple choice question. SurveyMoney has the option to

create many other different types of questions for your survey. Having more than one type of question

gives you the flexibility to form different type of questions that are important for your organization.

In the next examples, we will add two open-ended questions and matrix table question to our previously

created survey. An open-ended question is where respondents can type their response in a

comment/essay box. This type of question is useful when you may not know the possible responses in

advance or if you want to elicit information not covered in the survey. Matrix table has rows and

columns. Rows are the different questions and columns are ratings for each question. This type of

question is useful to determine satisfaction or agreement for certain key information you want to know

from respondents.

1. We will ask our respondents an open-ended question about their suggestions for future

seminars, and respondents will provide their own answer. Choose +Add Question from the

Design Survey page, and then choose Comment/Essay Box as the question type. Type in

your desired question in the textbox under Question Text. You may keep adding questions

without going back to the Design Survey page by choosing Save & Add Next Question > or

choose Save & Close to go back to the Design Survey page. We will choose Save & Add Next

Question >

Page 8: Survey Tools - Baylor UniversityPopular survey tools include: SurveyMonkey Qualtrics Survey Gizmo PollDaddy Question Pro Zoomerang Google Form To read more about how survey tools can

Nonprofit Technology Cooperation

Last Updated: 4/23/2014 Survey Tools 8

2. You may also add open-ended questions using Single Textbox for short answer responses.

Type your question and choose Single Textbox and choose Save & Add Next Question.

3. This next question we are creating is a matrix table to measure satisfaction of the career development seminar. Type the question in the textbox under Question Text, and choose Matrix of Choices (Only One Answer Per Row). Under Row Choices, enter in the attributes you want to measure. Under Column Choices, enter in the ratings for each attributes. When finished, we will choose Save & Close to return to the Design Survey page.

Page 9: Survey Tools - Baylor UniversityPopular survey tools include: SurveyMonkey Qualtrics Survey Gizmo PollDaddy Question Pro Zoomerang Google Form To read more about how survey tools can

Nonprofit Technology Cooperation

Last Updated: 4/23/2014 Survey Tools 9

Organizing Questions Before sending out the survey, we want to make sure it looks professional, orderly, and all the

questions are in the correct sequence. To achieve this, we will use features provided SurveyMonkey to

organize the survey.

1. Once you go back to the Design Survey page, you will see all four questions. If you choose Preview Survey, you will see all four questions appear on the same page. To better organize the survey, we will move the fourth question to another page. To do this, we will choose + Add Page below the questions.

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Nonprofit Technology Cooperation

Last Updated: 4/23/2014 Survey Tools 10

2. Choose “Move” above question 2 (next to Q2), and then choose “Move Question Here”

under page 2. When you preview the survey, Q2 will be on the second page.

3. Once you have finalized your survey, SurveyMonkey will automatically save the changes you

have made. If you have previously distributed your survey link, there is no need to re-distribute it; your respondents will be able to view the updated version of the survey if they have not already completed the survey. But, in order to collect correct information, finalize all updates to your survey before distributing it.

Collecting and Analyzing Survey Results To collect survey results, simply distribute your survey with the link provided by SurveyMonkey. (Refer back to number 9 under Creating a Survey section.) Data are collected in real-time, so as soon as someone completes a survey, you will be able to see the results immediately.

1. From the home page, you can see how many people took your survey. To analyze the results, choose the bar chart next to the survey you want to analyze to view collected data for that survey.

Page 11: Survey Tools - Baylor UniversityPopular survey tools include: SurveyMonkey Qualtrics Survey Gizmo PollDaddy Question Pro Zoomerang Google Form To read more about how survey tools can

Nonprofit Technology Cooperation

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2. On the Analyze Results page for your survey, you will see results for all the survey questions. Without doing any analysis, SurveyMonkey shows you bar charts and tables that tells you how many people answered each choice in each question. There are many tools you can use to analyze data. By choosing Get Started on the right side, SurveyMonkey will explain the different tools.

3. You may export the data in different formats such as Excel, PDF, and SPSS, but you will need to upgrade your SurveyMonkey account to the paid version. An advantage to exporting data is that you can view results offline in tools like Excel and easily share results with other members of your organization.

Further Analysis SurveyMonkey does allow you to analyze some data without upgrading your account. You can filter data

based on which questions are important for your organization, compare results of two different

questions, and view individual respondent’s results. Refer to number 2 in the previous section to access

the Getting Started feature of SurveyMonkey.