surface water identification and training certification

Name Agency Certificate Number Amy Annino NCDEQ - DWR 937-0517 Tom Ascenzo NCDEQ - DWR 653-1010 Virginia Baker NCDEQ - DWR 314-0105 Kevin Barnett NCDEQ - DWR 301-0104 James Bealle NCDEQ - DWR 360-0606 Steven Beaty NCDEQ - DWR 680-1011 Steven Beaty NCDEQ - DWR 680-1011 Wes Bell NCDEQ - DWR 361-0606 Jane R Bernard NCDEQ - DWR 749-0513 Stephen Berry NCDEQ - DWR 776-1213 Ron Boone NCDEQ - DWR 483-1107 Harold Brady NCDEQ - DWR 882-0416 Robert Bullock NCDEQ - DWR 733-0912 Jennifer Burdette NCDEQ - DWR 754-0513 Jenifer Carter NCDEQ - DWR 393-0407 Amy Chapman NCDEQ - DWR 379-0606 Paul Clark NCDEQ - DWR 482-1107 Chad Coburn NCDEQ - DWR 395-0407 Patricia D'Arconte NCDEQ - DWR FEOP Amin Davis NCDEQ - DWR 672-0411 Gary Davis NCDEQ - DWR 358-0606 Samir Dumpor NCDEQ - DWR 734-0912 Thom Edgerton NCDEQ - DWR 524-0308 Tim Fox NCDEQ - DWR 715-0512 Kristie Gianopulos NCDEQ - DWR 773T-1213 Stephanie Goss NCDEQ - DWR 907-0816 Jenny Graznak NCDEQ - DWR 392-0407 Sonia Gregory Carillo NCDEQ - DWR 382-0606 Ernest Hahn NCDEQ - DWR 764-0513 Mac Haupt NCDEQ - DWR 861-1115 Mitch Hayes NCDEQ - DWR 781-1213 Justin Henderson NCDEQ - DWR 911-0816 John Hennessy NCDEQ - DWR 040-0000 Karen Higgins NCDEQ - DWR 384-0606 Tammy Hill NCDEQ - DWR 388-0407 Victor Holland NCDEQ - DWR 664-0411 Note: DWR, NCFS, or designated/delegated Local Government employees listed have successfully completed the course, are "certified" in Method 4.11, and have been granted the authority to make stream origin determinations. This list may also inadvertently include individuals who are no longer employed by the aforementioned agencies. Once leaving their employ, those individuals are no longer considered “certified”, but having successfully completed the course, have earned a training certificate. Updates to this list may be necessary to reflect current employer information and certification status. Surface Water Identification and Training Certification Course Individuals Certified in Method 4.11 Page 1 of 15 Last Updated 8/31/2017

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Name Agency Certificate Number

Amy Annino NCDEQ - DWR 937-0517

Tom Ascenzo NCDEQ - DWR 653-1010

Virginia Baker NCDEQ - DWR 314-0105

Kevin Barnett NCDEQ - DWR 301-0104

James Bealle NCDEQ - DWR 360-0606

Steven Beaty NCDEQ - DWR 680-1011

Steven Beaty NCDEQ - DWR 680-1011

Wes Bell NCDEQ - DWR 361-0606

Jane R Bernard NCDEQ - DWR 749-0513

Stephen Berry NCDEQ - DWR 776-1213

Ron Boone NCDEQ - DWR 483-1107

Harold Brady NCDEQ - DWR 882-0416

Robert Bullock NCDEQ - DWR 733-0912

Jennifer Burdette NCDEQ - DWR 754-0513

Jenifer Carter NCDEQ - DWR 393-0407

Amy Chapman NCDEQ - DWR 379-0606

Paul Clark NCDEQ - DWR 482-1107

Chad Coburn NCDEQ - DWR 395-0407

Patricia D'Arconte NCDEQ - DWR FEOP

Amin Davis NCDEQ - DWR 672-0411

Gary Davis NCDEQ - DWR 358-0606

Samir Dumpor NCDEQ - DWR 734-0912

Thom Edgerton NCDEQ - DWR 524-0308

Tim Fox NCDEQ - DWR 715-0512

Kristie Gianopulos NCDEQ - DWR 773T-1213

Stephanie Goss NCDEQ - DWR 907-0816

Jenny Graznak NCDEQ - DWR 392-0407

Sonia Gregory Carillo NCDEQ - DWR 382-0606

Ernest Hahn NCDEQ - DWR 764-0513

Mac Haupt NCDEQ - DWR 861-1115

Mitch Hayes NCDEQ - DWR 781-1213

Justin Henderson NCDEQ - DWR 911-0816

John Hennessy NCDEQ - DWR 040-0000

Karen Higgins NCDEQ - DWR 384-0606

Tammy Hill NCDEQ - DWR 388-0407

Victor Holland NCDEQ - DWR 664-0411


DWR, NCFS, or designated/delegated Local Government employees listed have successfully completed the course, are

"certified" in Method 4.11, and have been granted the authority to make stream origin determinations.

This list may also inadvertently include individuals who are no longer employed by the aforementioned agencies. Once

leaving their employ, those individuals are no longer considered “certified”, but having successfully completed the course,

have earned a training certificate.

Updates to this list may be necessary to reflect current employer information and certification status.

Surface Water Identification and Training Certification Course

Individuals Certified in Method 4.11

Page 1 of 15 Last Updated 8/31/2017

Name Agency Certificate Number

Victor Holland NCDEQ - DWR 664-0411

Victor Holland NCDEQ - DWR 664-0411

Sue Homewood NCDEQ - DWR 311-0105

Tony Honeycutt NCDEQ - DWR 794-1214

Donna Hood NCDEQ - DWR 353-0606

Alan Johnson NCDEQ - DWR 031-0000

Cyndi Karoly NCDEQ - DWR 032-0000

Amy Keyworth NCDEQ - DWR 727-0912

Andy Kiley NCDEQ - DWR 808-1214

Elizabeth Kountis NCDEQ - DWR 914-1116

Gary Kreiser NCDEQ - DWR 667-0411

Gary Kreiser NCDEQ - DWR 667-0411

Gary Kreiser NCDEQ - DWR 667-0411

Brett Laverty NCDEQ - DWR 783-1213

Michael Leggett NCDEQ - DWR 668-0411

Michael Leggett NCDEQ - DWR 668-0411

Niki Maher NCDEQ - DWR 383-0606

Robb Mairs NCDEQ - DWR 915-1116

Vanessa Manuel NCDEQ - DWR 938-0517

Ian McMillian NCDEQ - DWR 351-1005

Jamie McNees NCDEQ - DWR 784-1213

Jeff Menzel NCDEQ - DWR 714-0512

Katie Merritt NCDEQ - DWR 540-1008

Ray Milosh NCDEQ - DWR 719-0512

Patrick Mitchell NCDEQ - DWR 868-1115

Kevin Mitchell NCDEQ - DWR 867-1115

Andrew Moore NCDEQ - DWR 795-1214

Amanda Mueller NCDEQ - DWR 300-0104

Sujatha Nagulapally NCDEQ - DWR 785-1213

Andy Neal NCDEQ - DWR 939-0517

April Norton NCDEQ - DWR 912-0816

Jill Paxson NCDEQ - DWR 329-0105

Helen Perez NCDEQ - DWR 910-0816

Andrew Pitner NCDEQ - DWR 786-1213

Zan Price NCDEQ - DWR 796-1214

Don Price NCDEQ - DWR 543-1008

Chris Pullinger NCDEQ - DWR 022-0000

Chris Pullinger NCDEQ - DWR 763-0513

Steve Pusey NCDEQ - DWR 642-1010

Narayan (Raj) Rajbhandari NCDEQ - DWR 732-0912

Rob Ridings NCDEQ - DWR 023-0000

Jerry Rimmer NCDEQ - DWR 787-1213

Laura Robertson NCDEQ - DWR 844-0615

Jason Robinson NCDEQ - DWR 806-1214

Jeff Robinson NCDEQ - DWR 0913-0816

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Name Agency Certificate Number

Gregory Rubino NCDEQ - DWR 722T-0512

Marlene Salyer NCDEQ - DWR 736-0912

Marlene Salyer NCDEQ - DWR 736-0912

Anthony Scarbraugh NCDEQ - DWR 594-0310

Roberto Scheller NCDEQ - DWR 359-0606

Sarah Schwarzer NCDEQ - DWR 595-0310

Burt Simons NCDEQ - DWR 516-0308

Dwight Sipe NCDEQ - DWR 846-0615

Kent Smith NCDEQ - DWR 538-1008

R. Travis Smith NCDEQ - DWR 523-0308

George Smith NCDEQ - DWR 464-0407

Danny Smith NCDEQ - DWR 015-0000

Lon Snider NCDEQ - DWR 788-1213

Joanne Steenhuis NCDEQ - DWR 024-0000

Jonathan Stepp NCDEQ - DWR 762-0513

Matthew Stillwell NCDEQ - DWR 916-1116

Shelton Sullivan NCDEQ - DWR 321-0105

Jessica Sutton NCDEQ - DWR 611-0810

Jessica Sutton Leggett NCDEQ - DWR 611-0810

Robert Tankard NCDEQ - DWR 025-0000

Tom Tharrington NCDEQ - DWR 909-0816

Sarah Toppen NCDEQ - DWR 908-0816

Richard Trone NCDEQ - DWR 902-0416

Chad Turlington NCDEQ - DWR 324-0105

Mike Turner NCDEQ - DWR 484-1107

Ori Tuvia NCDEQ - DWR 905-0816

Scott Vinson NCDEQ - DWR 848-0615

Scott Vinson NCDEQ - DWR 735-0912

David Wainwright NCDEQ - DWR 656-1110

Shuying Wang NCDEQ - DWR 790-1213

David Wanucha NCDEQ - DWR 038-0000

Dave Wanucha NCDEQ - DWR 556-1109

Garcy Ward NCDEQ - DWR 027-0000

Ed Watson NCDEQ - DWR 906-0816

Adriene Weaver NCDEQ - DWR 596-0310

Linda Wiggs NCDEQ - DWR 542-1008

Brian Wrenn NCDEQ - DWR 317-0105

Michael Young NCDEQ - DWR 751-0513

Cheng Zhang NCDEQ - DWR 725-0512

Brad Allen NCFS 609-0310

Matthew Bishop NCFS 821-0615

Nancy Blackwood NCFS 590-0310

Gail Bledsoe NCFS 066-0000

Mark Bost NCFS 041-0000

Chad Brandon NCFS 335-0105

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Name Agency Certificate Number

Charles (Clell) Britt NCFS 883-0416

Sean Brogan NCFS 042-0000

James Caddy NCFS 658-0411

James Caddy NCFS 658-0411

Aaron Chamblee NCFS 854-1115

Craig Clarke NCFS 043-0000

Richard Cockerham NCFS 610-0310

Scotty Comer NCFS 549-1008

Jamie Dunbar NCFS 485-1107

Trent Duncan NCFS 682-1011

Nathan Gatlin NCFS 662-0411

Tom Gerow NCFS 370-0606

Cathy Gilkeson NCFS 940-0517

Jason Guidry NCFS 683-1011

Austin Harriet NCFS 759T-0513

Lisa Hartrick NCFS 364-0606

Hugh Hassell NCFS 663-0411

Laura Hendrick NCFS 634-1010

Laura Hendrick NCFS 634-1010

Greg Hicks NCFS 049-0000

Tim Howell NCFS 362-0606

Adam Huffman NCFS 051-0000

Roy Jones NCFS 793-1214

Caleb Jones NCFS 344-0105

Corey Klamut NCFS 782-1213

AJ Lang NCFS 941-0517

Aaron Levine NCFS 716-0512

Aaron Levine NCFS 716-0512

Robert Lipford NCFS 333-0105

Thomas May NCFS 942-0517

Jonathan McCall NCFS 548-1008

Keith Money NCFS 397-0407

Rob Montague NCFS 367-0606

Paul Mowrey NCFS 917-1116

Jonathan Murray NCFS 805-1214

Mike Petrunico NCFS 057-0000

Mary Beth Plummer NCFS 588-0310

Mary Beth Plummer NCFS 340-0105

Joshua Powell NCFS 897-0416

Walter Powell NCFS 332-0105

Laura Prevatte NCFS 737-0912

Justin Query NCFS 547-1008

Dennis Register NCFS 067-0000

Michael Rhodes NCFS 792-1214

Jennifer Roach NCFS 334-0105

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Name Agency Certificate Number

Robin Robertson NCFS 058-0000

Hans-Christian Rohr NCFS 365-0606

Robert Ross NCFS 717-0512

Robert Ross NCFS 717-0512

Jim Slye NCFS 635-1010

Brandon Smith NCFS 943-0517

Cabe Speary NCFS 552-1107

Sara Thompson NCFS 368-0606

Duane Truslow NCFS 546-1008

Matthew Vincett NCFS 545-1008

Philip Wallace NCFS 338-0105

Don Watson NCFS 064-0000

Eric Welker NCFS 721-0512

Brian Yeich NCFS 589-0310

Lillian Hodges Alamance County 833-0615

Jason Martin Alamance County 655-1010

Brian Collie Caswell County FEOP

Catesby Denison Caswell County 828-0615

Brian Burkhart Chatham County 884-0416

Dan LaMontagne Chatham County 711-0512

Rachael Thorn Chatham County 530-0308

Jeffrey McDermott Chatham County 865-1115

D.J. Seneres City of Archdale 509-1107

Scott Jewell City of Burlington 592-0310

Michael Layne City of Burlington 591-0310

Chester Patterson City of Burlington 870-1115

Jonathan Baker City of Durham 529-0308

Jennifer Buzun City of Durham 755-0513

Susan Gale City of Durham 350-1005

Bill Hailey City of Durham 527-0308

Taylor Hescock City of Durham 756-0513

Michael Irwin City of Durham 944-0517

Michael Oudersluys City of Durham FEOP

Ian Peterson City of Durham 945-0517

Christine Smith City of Durham 901-0416

Terri Aprile City of Greensboro 514-1107

Ian Dunn City of Greensboro 936-1116

Erik Glover City of Greensboro 513-1107

Cass Heaton City of Greensboro 801-1214

Johnnie Hill City of Greensboro 584-0310

Zachary MacKenzie City of Greensboro 946-0517

Jason Marshall City of Greensboro 508-1107

Peter Schneider City of Greensboro 551-1008

Debbie Shoffner City of Greensboro 509-1107

McKenzie Smith City of Greensboro 918-1116

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Name Agency / Company Certificate Number

Kenneth Thompson City of Greensboro 585-0310

Alex Tobergte City of Greensboro 807-1214

Rebecca Wells City of Greensboro 550-1008

Sherri Scalcione City of Greensboro 709-0512

Scott Ford City of High Point 511-1107

Terry Kuneff City of High Point 400-0407

Matthew Nooe City of High Point 512-1107

Patricia Rissler City of High Point 510-1107

Brian Sullivan City of High Point 511-1107

Todd Long City of Reidsville 587-0310

Richard Vaughn City of Reidsville 586-0310

Rich Baker City of Trinity 506-1107

Jennifer Brooks Durham County 947-0517

Michael Dupree Durham County 758-0513

Robert Stewart Durham County 919-1116

Ryan Eaves Durham County 780-1213

Shea Bolick Guilford County 507-1107

Earl Davis Guilford County 661-0411

Justin Gray Guilford County 800-1214

Theron Jackson Guilford County 686-1011

Jamey Walker Guilford County 748-0513

Matthew Williams Guilford County 713-0512

Carlos Bagley Johnston County 797-1214

Eric Bass Johnston County 745-0912

Charles Pender Jr. Johnston County 840-0615

Jonathan Beller Mecklenburg County 558-1109

Chad Broadway Mecklenburg County 853-1115

David Buetow Mecklenburg County 559-1109

David Caldwell Mecklenburg County 560-1109

Don Ceccarelli Mecklenburg County 561-1109

Robert Cloninger Mecklenburg County 777-1213

David Cornelius Mecklenburg County 562-1109

Heather Davis Mecklenburg County 563-1109

Olivia Edwards Mecklenburg County 564-1109

Ron Eubanks Mecklenburg County 857-1115

Johnny Evans Mecklenburg County 858-1115

Richard Farmer Mecklenburg County 565-1109

Dave Ferguson Mecklenburg County 566-1109

Nicholas Finelli Mecklenburg County 948-0517

Erin Hall Mecklenburg County 567-1109

William Hansen Mecklenburg County 860-1115

Alex Hattaway Mecklenburg County 568-1109

Jason Jackson Mecklenburg County 684-1011

Jason Klingler Mecklenburg County 569-1109

David Kroening Mecklenburg County 571-1109

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Name Agency / Company Certificate Number

Andrew Martin Mecklenburg County 582-1107

John McCulloch Mecklenburg County 572-1109

Trey Miller Mecklenburg County 573-1109

Jeff Mitchell Mecklenburg County 574-1109

Meredith Moore Mecklenburg County 575-1109

Erin Oliverio Mecklenburg County 576-1109

Corey Priddy Mecklenburg County 577-1109

Anthony Roux Mecklenburg County 578-1109

Rusty Rozzelle Mecklenburg County 579-1109

Heather Sorensen Mecklenburg County 580-1109

Deania Williams Mecklenburg County 581-1109

Don Beaddles Orange County 371-0606

Terry Hackett Orange County 419-0407

Ren Ivins Orange County 010-0000

Steve Kaltenbach Orange County 803-1214

Kevin R. Lindley Orange County 738-0912

Patrick Mallett Orange County 836-0615

Kenny Owens Orange County 949-0517

Wesley Poole Orange County 307-0105

Bryan Evans Pitt County FEOP

Jonas Hill Pitt County 309-0105

Bryan Jones Pitt County 459-0507

Jay Dale Randolph County 659-0411

Eric Martin Randolph County 669-0411

Lucas Carter Rockingham County 597-0310

Mike Deaton Town of Apex FEOP

Ricky Temple Town of Apex 849-0615

Randy Dodd Town of Carrboro 598-0310

Charles Brown Town of Cary 097-0302

Dan Clinton Town of Cary 599-0310

Lindsay Darden Town of Cary 583-0310

Matthew Flynn Town of Cary 095-0000

Todd Hoefler Town of Cary 600-0310

Thomas Horstman Town of Cary 072-0802

Eric Kulz Town of Cary 325T-0105

Jan Patterson Town of Cary 644-1010

Betsy Pearce Town of Cary 093-0000

Kirk Stafford Town of Cary 645-1010

Dave Almond Town of Chapel Hill 601-0310

Patricia D'Arconte Town of Chapel Hill 678-0911

Dave Milkereit Town of Chapel Hill 757-0513

Allison Weakley Town of Chapel Hill 507-1107

Tom King Town of Hillsborough 892-0416

Elizabeth Binkley Town of Kernersville 602-0310

Wendi Hartup Town of Kernersville 831-0615

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Name Agency / Company Certificate Number

Melissa Abbott Town of Morrisville 879-0416

Joshua Baird Town of Morrisville 819-0615

Rich Cappola Town of Morrisville 710-0512

James Misciagno Town of Morrisville 760-0513

Reggie Parks, Jr Town of Morrisville 724-0512

Bill Bruce Town of Oak Ridge 798-1214

Fred Royal Town of Pittsboro FEOP

Chris Anderson Town of Summerfield 604-0310

Glenn Johnson Wake County 665-0411

Shawn Springer Wake County 789-1213

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Name Agency / Company Certificate Number

Paul Gerlach AECOM 830T-0615

Teresa Andrews Alley, Williams, Carmen, and King inc. 921T-1116

Kathleen Webber Angler Environmental, a RES Company 950T-0517

Aaron Winters Appalachian District Health Dept- Watauga Co 702T-1011

Amy Yount Appalachian Voices 381T-0606

Kirsten Hunt Atkins 862T-1115

Jeremy Schmid Atkins 878T-1115

Josh Johnson AWCK 603T-0310

Kyle Smith AWCK 593T-0310

Alexander Smith Axiom Env., Inc. 627T-0810

Matt Thomas Axiom Env., Inc. 372-0606 T

Allison Keith Axiom Environmental, Inc. 951T-0517

Blake Dahlem Beaufort Co. Health Dept 741T-0912

Catherine Deininger Biocenosis Inc 510-1107 T

Jadie Andrews Boise Cascade 922T-1116

Ron Monk Brunswick County 742T-0912

Rob Crowther Carolina Ecosystems 885T-0416

Chris Hopper Carolina Ecosystems 679T-1011

Aliisa Harjuniemi Carolina Wetland Services 889T-0416

Kerry Wright Carolina Wetland Services 952T-0517

Isaac Hinson City of Charlotte 813T-1214

Jarrod Karl City of Charlotte FEOP

Erin Turner City of Charlotte 903T-0416

Jessica Batten City of Fayetteville 820T-0615

Dennis Miller City of Fayetteville 675T-0411

Byron Reeves City of Fayetteville 841T-0615

Dustin Ledford City of Gastonia 953T-0517

Aldon Cox City of Jacksonville FEOP

Amanda Boone City of New Bern 657T-0411

Matthew Cherry City of Raleigh 954T-0517

Eric Christopher City of Raleigh 809T-1214

Justin Harcum City of Raleigh 812T-1214

Susan Locklear City of Raleigh 864T-1115

John Paramore City of Raleigh 955T-0517

Melissa Salter City of Raleigh 739T-0912

Surface Water Identification and Training Certification Course

Individuals Having Received Training Certificates in Method 4.11


While only DWR, NCFS, or designated/delegated Local Governments may be "certified" and granted the authority to make

stream origin determinations, individuals listed have successfully completed the course and have earned a training

certificate in Method 4.11.

This list is incomplete as it only includes those who have successfully completed the course administered by DWR. Those

who successfully completed “deemed equivalent” SWITC classes are not included in this list.

Updates to this list may be necessary to reflect current employer information and certification status.

Page 9 of 15 Last Updated 8/31/2017

Name Agency / Company Certificate Number

Sheila Thomas-Ambat City of Raleigh 817T-1214

Lauren Witherspoon City of Raleigh 465T-0407

Lauren Witherspoon City of Raleigh 531T-0307

Britten Yant ClearWater Environmental 956T-0517

Kaylie Yankura Clearwater Environmental 874T-1115

George Eastman Columbia County, GA 886T-0416

Shari Mendrick Columbia County, GA 894T-0416

John Duke Corvax Company, LLC 810T-1214

Will Summer CWMTF 369T-0606

Ian Flannery D.R. Horton 923T-1116

Briana Bill Dewberry 881T-0416

Troy Shelton Dewberry 899T-0416

Melanie Tymes Divison of Water - Delaware 743T-0912

Dawn Phipps Duke Energy 924T-1116

Patrick Fields Eco Turf Inc 887T-0416

Annemarie Abbondanzo Ecosystem Services LLC 851T-1115

Brian Wagner Ecosystem Services LLC 873T-1115

Alexandra Perillo ECS Carolinas, LLP 814T-1214

David Valentine ECS Carolinas, LLP 815T-1214

Kenneth Vilagos ECS Carolinas, LLP 816T-1214

Daniel Roberts EEE Consulting 843T-0615

Antony Nardo Environmental Resources Management 869T-1115

Kevin Murphrey Environmental Services, Inc. 839T-0615

Will Vaughan Environmental Services, Inc. 925T-1116

Drew Alderman Equinox Enviromental 926T-1116

Danvey Walsh Equinox Enviromental 927T-1116

Krista Leibensperger Equinox Enviromental 835T-0615

Mike Davis ESP Associates, PA 660T-0411

Louise Hart Franklin County Soil and Water 766T-0513

Charlie Bass Franklin County Soil and Water 765T-0513

Dale Caldwell GA Environmental Protection Division 650T-1010

William Smith GA Environmental Protection Division 847T-0615

Jason Cook GAI Consultants 826T-0615

Cameron Balding Georgia Southern University 928T-1116

Zach VanOtteren Georgia Southern University 929T-1116

Danielle Birmingham Hart & Hickman, PC 930T-1116

Greg Hughes Hertford County 744T-0912

Perry Isner Huysman & Bandy, Inc. 863T-1115

William Sullivan Kimley-Horn 957T-0517

Sarah Johnson Kisinger Campo and Associates 891T-0416

David Ledford Lincoln County 707T-0512

Renee Y Flinchum-Bowles Michael Baker International Inc 888T-0416

Edward Smail Michael Baker International Inc 900T-0416

Mary Catherine Murray MK Environmental 958T-0517

Daniel Kuefler Mogensen Mitigation INC 834T-0615

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Name Agency / Company Certificate Number

Jamie Guerrero Morris and Ritchie Associates of NC, PC 746T-0912

Scott Melvin NC DACS 772T-0513

Jean Conway NC DEQ - DEMLR 636T-1010

Kelly Johnson NC DEQ - DEMLR 640T-1010

Michael Lawyer NC DEQ - DEMLR 521T-0308

Sue White NC DEQ - DEMLR 326T-0105

Ryan Kormanik NC DEQ - DEMLR 646T-1010

Robert Patterson NC DEQ - DEMLR 761T-0513

Erich Schweiber NC DEQ - DEMLR 654T-1010

Julie Ventaloro NC DEQ - DEMLR 463T-0407

Marcia Allocco NC DEQ - DEACS 539T-1008

Melonie Allen NC DEQ - DMS 377-0606 T

Tim Baumgartner NC DEQ - DMS 648T-1010

Wyatt Brown NC DEQ - DMS 649T-1010

Julie Cahill NC DEQ - DMS 701T-1011

Kristie Corson NC DEQ - DMS 671T-0411

Deborah Daniel NC DEQ - DMS 700T-1011

Edward Hajnos NC DEQ - DMS 048-0302 T

Robin Hoffman NC DEQ - DMS 376-0606 T

Jessica Kemp NC DEQ - DMS

Andrea Leslie NC DEQ - DMS 375-0606 T

Mike McDonald NC DEQ - DMS 689T-1011

Greg Melia NC DEQ - DMS 674T-0411

Kristin Miguez NC DEQ - DMS 374-0606 T

Watson Ross NC DEQ - DMS 677T-0411

Periann Russell NC DEQ - DMS 349T-1005

Heather Smith NC DEQ - DMS 688T-1011

Harry Tsomides NC DEQ - DMS FEOP

Paul Wiesner NC DEQ - DMS 687T-1011

Lin Xu NC DEQ - DMS 028T-0000

Kavitha Ambikadevi NC DEQ - DWI 718T-0512

Kavitha Ambikadevi NC DEQ - DWI 718T-0512

Dee Browder NC DEQ - DWI 730T-0912

Antonio Evans NC DEQ - DWI 723T-0512

Jennifer Haynie NC DEQ - DWI 634T-1010

Jennifer Haynie NC DEQ - DWI 639T-1010

Susan Kubacki NC DEQ - DWI 641T-1010

Susan Kubacki NC DEQ - DWI 641T-1010

Jessica Leggett NC DEQ - DWI 611T-0810

Linda Willis NC DEQ - DWI 731T-0912

Kevin Martin NC DEQ - EMC / Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 534T-1008

Eric Galamb NC DEQ - Stewardship Program 706T-0512

Jimmy Dodson NC DNCR - DPR 779T-1213

Justin Williamson NC DNCR - DPR 904T-0416

Kevin Neal NC DPH - DEH 676T-0411

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Name Agency / Company Certificate Number

Tim Crissman NC DPH - DHHS 705T-1011

Karen Wallace NC DPH - DHHS 704T-1011

Owen Anderson NCDOT 622T-0810

Rex Badgett NCDOT 615T-0810

Veronica Barnes NCDOT 470-0507 T

William Barrett NCDOT 631T-0810

Tim Bassette NCDOT 616T-0810

Byron Bateman NCDOT 605T-0310

Rachelle Beauregard NCDOT

Roger Bryan NCDOT 363-0104 T

Anne Burroughs NCDOT 617T-0810

Erin Kristine Cheely NCDOT 503-1107 T

Brad Chilton NCDOT 608T-0310

Chad Coggins NCDOT FEOP

Mark Davis NCDOT 348-0104 T

Sara Easterly NCDOT 494-1107 T

Bruce Ellis NCDOT 618T-0810

Amy Euliss NCDOT 526T-0308

Brett Feulner NCDOT 364-0104 T

Mary Frazer NCDOT 619T-0810

Jennifer Harrod NCDOT 496-1107 T

Jeffrey Hemphill NCDOT 620T-0810

Dennis Herman NCDOT 621T-0810

Mason Herndon NCDOT 085-0000 T

Joel Howard NCDOT 633T-0810

Amy James NCDOT 497-1107 T

Jeremy Leamer NCDOT 630T-0810

Jason Mason NCDOT 498-1107 T

Stonewall Mathis NCDOT 673T-0411

Robin Maycock NCDOT 074-0000 T

Jason Mays NCDOT 623T-0810

Erica McLamb NCDOT 614T-0810

Zach McNeill NCDOT 606T-0310

John Merritt NCDOT 467-0507 T

Helen Miller NCDOT 632T-0810

Ryan Mullins NCDOT 838T-0615

James Pflaum NCDOT 499-1107 T

Gregory Price NCDOT 624T-0810

Heather Renninger NCDOT 501-1107 T

Jim Rerko NCDOT 088-0000 T

Deanna Riffey NCDOT 625T-0810

Marissa Rodman NCDOT 626T-0810

Ryan Shook NCDOT 647T-1010

Trish Simon NCDOT 078-0000 T

Larry Thompson NCDOT 081-0000 T

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Name Agency / Company Certificate Number

Anneliese Westphal NCDOT 628T-0810

Clay Willis NCDOT 091-0000 T

Jeffrey Wyatt NCDOT 629T-0810

James Gregory NCSU 100-0000 T

Garrett Frank Pabst Design Group, PA. 931T-1116

David Brame Pilot Enviromental Inc. 822T-0615

Matt Carter Pilot Enviromental, Inc. 825T-0615

Regina Danison Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority 827T-0615

Keith Fileger Restoration and Recovery 932T-1116

Justin Ahn S&ME 852T-1115

Timothy (Eric) Black SEPI Engineering 959T-0517

Christopher Dustin SEPI Engineering 856T-1115

Jason Hall SEPI Engineering 859T-1115

Kim Hamlin SEPI Engineering 811T-1214

Cory Connell Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 855T-1115

Deborah Edwards Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 009T-0202

Dan McCauley Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 933T-1116

Justin Smith Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 871T-1115

Nicole Thompson Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 316T-0105

Bob Zarzecki Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 019T-0000

Dalton Cook Spangler Environmental 960T-0517

John Harbin Stafford County, Virginia 771T-0513

Alexander Baldwin Stantec Consulting Services, Inc 934T-1116

Joshua Kotheimer STV Engineers Inc 893T-0416

Benjamin Brown Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation 651T-1010

Amy Fritz Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation 652T-1010

Mary Elizabeth Manning Terracon 961T-0517

Evan Morgan The Catena Group 837T-0615

John Roberts The Catena Group 842T-0615

Nathan Howell Three Oaks Engineering 890T-0416

Adam Aycock Timmons Group 880T-0416

Justin Milstein Timmons Group 866T-1115

George Swearingen Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc. 962T-0517

Byron Blumenfeld Town of Spring Lake 607T-0310

Heather Patti TRC Solutions Inc 895T-0416

Andrea Scoles Trileaf Corporation 898T-0416

Brian Hawkins Union County 832T-0615

Dan Bacon USACE 740T-0912

David Bailey USACE 469-0507 T

Lori Beckwith USACE 414-0407 T

Craig Brown USACE 703T-1011

Liz Hair USACE 482-0507 T

Scott Jones USACE 473-0507 T

Brad Shaver USACE

Ronnie Smith USACE 478-0507 T

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Name Agency / Company Certificate Number

Jon McMahan USEPA 532T-1008

Cynthia Van Der Wiele USEPA 039T-0000

Samuel Dryman USFS 829T-0615

Jon Giles Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers 935T-1116

Jessica Pope Wake Soil and Water Conservation 920T-1116

Thomas Murphrey Wayne County Soil & Water Conservation 963T-0517

Heath Caldwell Wetlands & Environmental Planning Group 824T-0615

Lyle Phillips WithersRavenel 896T-0416

Martin Richmond WithersRavenel 518T-0308

Bradley Breslow WK Dickson 823T-0615

Deirdre Black 752T-0513

Samar Bou-Ghazale 030T-0000

Michael Burkhard 555T-1109

Ed Christopher 342T-0105

Raymond Cox 044T-0000

Chuck Cranford 544T-1008

Erin Deck 799T-1214

John Dorney 002T-0000

Larry Eaton 003T-0000

Roger Edwards 391T-0407

Lia Gilleski 386T-0107

James Graham 726T-0912

Cheryl Gregory 712T-0512

Joseph Gyamfi 489T-1107

Karen Hackney 685T-1011

Karen Hackney 685T-1011

Mandy Hall 637T-1010

Angela Hammers 638T-1010

Roger Hart 337T-0105

Alan W. Hill 352T-0606

John Iverson 327T-0105

Amanda Johnson 708T-0512

Stratford Kay 319T-0105

Sara Knies 666T-0411

Steve Kroeger 320T-0105

Natalie Landry 522T-0308

Polly Lespinasse 312T-0105

Chris Liv 396T-0407

Scott Ludlum 053T-0000

John McBryde 486T-1107

Lin McCartney 750T-0513

Roger Miller 681T-1011

William Miller 804T-1214

Tracy Morman 774T-1213

Kelli Palmer 056T-0000

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Name Agency / Company Certificate Number

Mike R. Parker 346T-0105

Dave Parnell 670T-0411

Eddie Reese 341T-0105

Stewart Robinson 487T-1107

Autumn Romanski 845T-0615

Autumn Romanski 553T-1008

Carrie Ruhlman 729T-0912

Rick Savage 302T-0104

Cherri L Smith 753T-0513

Pete Steponkus 331T-0105

Joe Swartz 339T-0105

Andrea Thomas 643T-1010

Mike Thomas 017T-0000

Derrick Turnage 872T-1115

Michael Tutwiler 728T-0912

Cathy Tyndall 390T-0407

Ross Vander Vorste 612T-0810

Derek Ware 720T-0512

Susan Wilson 613T-0810

Tom Yocum 557T-1109

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