surface reconstruction from unorganized points using self-organizing neural networks

Vis’99 Yizhou Yu Surface Reconstruction from Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using Unorganized Points Using Self-Organizing Neural Self-Organizing Neural Networks Networks Computer Science Division University of California at Berkeley Yizhou Yu

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Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using Self-Organizing Neural Networks. Computer Science Division University of California at Berkeley. Yizhou Yu. Previous Work. Implicit Function [ Hoppe et al. 92 ] Volumetric Reconstruction [ Curless and Levoy 96 ] Alpha Shapes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

Surface Reconstruction from Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using Unorganized Points Using

Self-Organizing Neural NetworksSelf-Organizing Neural Networks

Surface Reconstruction from Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using Unorganized Points Using

Self-Organizing Neural NetworksSelf-Organizing Neural Networks

Computer Science Division

University of California at Berkeley

Computer Science Division

University of California at Berkeley

Yizhou Yu

Page 2: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

Previous WorkPrevious WorkPrevious WorkPrevious Work

• Implicit Function– [ Hoppe et al. 92 ]

• Volumetric Reconstruction– [ Curless and Levoy 96 ]

• Alpha Shapes– [ Edelsbrunner and Mucke 94 ]

• 3D Voronoi-Based Reconstruction– [ Amenta , Bern & Kamvysselis 98 ]

• Implicit Function– [ Hoppe et al. 92 ]

• Volumetric Reconstruction– [ Curless and Levoy 96 ]

• Alpha Shapes– [ Edelsbrunner and Mucke 94 ]

• 3D Voronoi-Based Reconstruction– [ Amenta , Bern & Kamvysselis 98 ]

Page 3: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

Surface from PointsSurface from PointsSurface from PointsSurface from Points

• Input: point clouds

• Output: meshes ( vertices + connectivity )

• Bottom-to-Top Approaches– Build connectivity from or among points

• Top-to-Bottom Approaches– Learn vertex coordinates given connectivity

• Input: point clouds

• Output: meshes ( vertices + connectivity )

• Bottom-to-Top Approaches– Build connectivity from or among points

• Top-to-Bottom Approaches– Learn vertex coordinates given connectivity

Page 4: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

Kohonen’s Self-Organizing MapsKohonen’s Self-Organizing MapsKohonen’s Self-Organizing MapsKohonen’s Self-Organizing Maps




Cell Response: some distance metric between input and weight vectorWinner Cell: cell with maximum or minimum response

Page 5: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

Equivalence between Meshes andEquivalence between Meshes andSelf-Organizing MapsSelf-Organizing MapsEquivalence between Meshes andEquivalence between Meshes andSelf-Organizing MapsSelf-Organizing Maps

• Vertices <==> Cells

• Coordinates <==> Weight Vectors

• Vertex Connectivity <==> Cell Connectivity

• Input Points <==> Input Vectors

• Vertices <==> Cells

• Coordinates <==> Weight Vectors

• Vertex Connectivity <==> Cell Connectivity

• Input Points <==> Input Vectors

Page 6: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

Training Weight VectorsTraining Weight VectorsTraining Weight VectorsTraining Weight Vectors

otherwise. ),();())(,(

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Page 7: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

Property of the Training AlgorithmProperty of the Training AlgorithmProperty of the Training AlgorithmProperty of the Training Algorithm

• When the training is finished, the winner cell moves continuously in the network as the input vector changes smoothly in its vector space.

• When the training is finished, the winner cell moves continuously in the network as the input vector changes smoothly in its vector space.

Page 8: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

Problem with Concave StructuresProblem with Concave StructuresProblem with Concave StructuresProblem with Concave Structures

• Large polygons fill up concave structures.

• Detect: the distance from the centroid of such a polygon to the input point cloud is large.

• Large polygons fill up concave structures.

• Detect: the distance from the centroid of such a polygon to the input point cloud is large.

Page 9: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

Edge Swap: Single SwapEdge Swap: Single SwapEdge Swap: Single SwapEdge Swap: Single Swap

Page 10: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

Edge Swap: Double SwapEdge Swap: Double SwapEdge Swap: Double SwapEdge Swap: Double Swap

Page 11: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

Multiresolution LearningMultiresolution LearningMultiresolution LearningMultiresolution Learning

• Start with a very low resolution.

• Every triangle splits into four smaller ones in the next higher resolution.

• At each resolution, first run Kohonen’s algorithm, then swap edges.

• Large sturctures can be learned at low resolutions, therefore save time.

• Start with a very low resolution.

• Every triangle splits into four smaller ones in the next higher resolution.

• At each resolution, first run Kohonen’s algorithm, then swap edges.

• Large sturctures can be learned at low resolutions, therefore save time.

Page 12: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

An Example of Multiresolution LearningAn Example of Multiresolution LearningAn Example of Multiresolution LearningAn Example of Multiresolution Learning

Page 13: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu


Page 14: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu


Page 15: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

An Open Multimodal Surface withAn Open Multimodal Surface withTexture-MappingTexture-MappingAn Open Multimodal Surface withAn Open Multimodal Surface withTexture-MappingTexture-Mapping

Page 16: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points Using  Self-Organizing Neural Networks


Yizhou Yu

Future WorkFuture WorkFuture WorkFuture Work

• Improve performance.

• Try different distance metrics, such as geodesic distance, among cells in self-organizing maps.

• Extend to more sophisticated topology.

• Improve performance.

• Try different distance metrics, such as geodesic distance, among cells in self-organizing maps.

• Extend to more sophisticated topology.