suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis,...

Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification. Diagnostics. Tactic. Treatments. Complications. Consequences. Rehabilitation. Sharp and chronic haematologic osteomyelitis for children. Osteomyelitis for babies. Classification. Diagnostics. Tactic. Treatment. Complications. Consequences. Rehabilitation.

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Page 1: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification

Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification. Diagnostics. Tactic. Treatments. Complications. Consequences. Rehabilitation. Sharp and chronic haematologic osteomyelitis for children. Osteomyelitis for babies. Classification. Diagnostics. Tactic. Treatment. Complications. Consequences. Rehabilitation.

Page 2: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification

FEATURES of SKIN, hypodermic-adipose of CELLULOSE, VESSELS.

1. An organism consists of 80% of liquid. ( due to diffuzion the rapid distribution of infection).2. Conjuctive- tissue barriers are absent in a hypodermic-adipose cellulose (rapid distribution of infection).3.The surfase balls of skin consist of 2-3 layers. For adults 6-7. (high trauma. Penetration of infection).4. Eventual type of structure of vessels. (kolaterali absent).5. Perpendicular location of vessels in relation to a skin.6. Connection of superficial vessels with main vessels. (generalization of process).

Page 3: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification

PHLEGMON of NEWBORNSIt is supurrative – inflamatory diseases of soft fabrics (skin, hypodermic-adipose celluloses) which is characterized by rapid distribution of process, sharp flow, predominance of necrotizing changes above inflammatory.

Localization: • thorax• neck• lumbar area• lateral surfaces of elbow bends• knee-jointsExciter:• staphylococcus• streptococcus Source of infecting of baby skin • childbirth ways of mother• linen• nasopharynx and hands of medical men• hands and nasopharynx of mother

Entrance gate:• skin• Haematologic way through umbilical vessels

Page 4: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification

Forms of flow:1. Simple – without sharply expressed septic phenomena2.Toksiko-septic – with the phenomena of sepsis.

Types of complications:1. Unconnected with distribution of process depthfirst (pneumonia, otitis, dyspepsia, peritonitis, meningitis)2.Related to distribution of process depthfirst (osteomielit, festering pleurisy, pericarditis, festering miozit, paranephritis et cetera)

Diferential diagnosis:• Beshikha• Sharp haematologic osteomylitis• hypodermic-adipose necrosis

Treatment: Local: • pricking all round 0,25% by solution of novocaine with antibiotics near a hearth (day's dose)• notches• bandaging with a 25% solution of magnesia

Page 5: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification
Page 6: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification

General:• disintoxication therapy (v/v introduction of salt and albuminous preparations)• antibacterial therapy• stimulant therapy• desensitizing therapy (Dimedrolum, chorus calcium, Pipolphenum, Suprastinum and other)

Page 7: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification


Page 8: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification

OMPHALITISIt is inflammation of umbilical wound with distribution on a skin

and other soft fabrics, that surround a belly-button.

Clinic:1. Simple form: a) getting wet belly-button; b) Fungus of belly-button2. Phlegmonous with a calciphylaxis or without3. Necrotizing with a calciphykaxis or without.

Dif. diagnostic:

•innate swish and incomplete swish of belly-button•phlegmon of new-borns•diphtheria of belly-button•calcine of belly-button

Page 9: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification


Treatment:Simple form: * local treatment (a treatment of fossula - cauterization (5%,10% iodine; nitric acid silver,25% manganese) fungus is bandaged at foundation and choped off. Stump is processed by antiseptics.

Phlegmonous form:1. Prick all round by antibiotic with Novocain2. UVCH, quartz3. At presence of abscess the dissection is needed4. At calciness - a curettement by the spoon of Fol'kmana, and then is the treatment of wound, bandages.5. Notches at an anecessity .

Necrotizing form:1. Notches2. Pricking all round3. Bandaging in 2 hours

Page 10: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification

Мастіт новонароджених

Page 11: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification


1. Vascular- thrombembolic (bobrova-leksera) 18822. Allergic theory (derizhanova V.S., 1940)3. Nervous- reflex (Elanskiy n.I., 1954)4. Aseptic necrosis (Stenula v.I., 1989)

LOCALIZATION OF OSTEOMYELITIS PROCESS1. Thigh-bone – 30,8%2. Tibia – 21,9%3. Humeral – 10.3%4. Bones of pelvis – 8,2%5. Bones of feet – 8.9%6. Bones of spine – 2,0%

Page 12: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification

CLINIC OF HAEMATOLOGIC OSTEOMYELITIS Junior group(before 3 years)Senior group(before15 years)Main symptoms Forms Local form• languor• loss of appetite• a temperature is normal or 37,8 degrees• tachycardia• tachypnoe• dryness of mucous membranes• enteroplegia• capriciousness• complaints about pain• forced position of body and extremity• temperature of body – 38 degrees• dryness of mucous membranes

The stage of hypodermic phlegmonabsents• clinic of v/bone phlegmon• + presence of the local slight swelling• sometimes hyperemia

Page 13: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification

X-ray images acute osteomelitis

Page 14: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification

X-ray images acute osteomelitis

Page 15: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification


Page 16: Suppurative-inflamatory disease at new-born of early age (phlegmon, mastitis, omphalitis, psevdofurunkulez, limfadenit, perirectitis). Classification