supporting rural young people in ifad projects - towards a holistic approach: presentation by...

Supporting rural young people in IFAD projects Towards a holistic approach Presentation by Anne-Laure Roy IFAD -PTA Youth Desk Nairobi, August 2014

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Post on 24-Jun-2015




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Addressing the needs of rural youth is gathering attention with international development agencies, donors and private companies supporting new initiatives by governmental and non-governmental organizations in many parts of the world and in Africa in particular. Issues surrounding rural youths such as limited access to educational services, dependency on mainly unpaid labour in family farms and working in the informal sector as well as the considerable impact of migration on their livelihoods - especially affecting young women- have been widely recognized as significant. There is overall agreement that if youth issues are not addressed high rates of youth unemployment and under-employment will persist and overall development in African countries could be negatively affected. In this context and in line with its 2011 – 2015 Strategic Framework, The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in partnership with PROCASUR Africa, organized an eight day learning route on Innovative ideas and approaches to integrate Rural Youth in Agriculture. The progress in Kenya between the 11th to the 18th of August 2014. The aim of this Learning Route was to contribute to lesson-sharing and learning at country and regional level in order to build technical capacities within IFAD´s operations and partners in the ESA region on innovative strategies and approaches to engage rural youth in agriculture, increase employment and reduce poverty.


Page 1: Supporting rural young people in IFAD projects - Towards a holistic approach: Presentation by Anne-Laure Roy  IFAD -PTA Youth Desk

Supporting rural young people in IFAD projects Towards a holistic approach

Presentation by Anne-Laure Roy IFAD -PTA Youth Desk

Nairobi, August 2014

Page 2: Supporting rural young people in IFAD projects - Towards a holistic approach: Presentation by Anne-Laure Roy  IFAD -PTA Youth Desk

Who are those young people ?

Better educated

Open to new technologies

Different aspirations

Without a voice

Full of energy

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Who are those young people ?

• A variety of age range (UN def. vs IFAD practices)• In depth analysis /profile (age, sex, ethnicity,

education, aspirations) (Nigeria, Argentina)

• 1 dedicated person in design + in project team• Youth strategy (Nigeria, Senegal)• Specific indicators in the M&E system (LAC+PAFA)

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• Raise the image of rural young people• Give them a voice• Help the youth think broader• Target specifically young rural women• An attractive and conducive environment• Offering moral, technical and financial support

to their ideas

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Access to land and water

• Dialogue with traditional authorities (Gambia, Peru)

• Preferential access on rehabilitated land or irrigated areas (Sierra Leone, Egypt, Mali)

• Intra vivos land transfer taking into account interests of the 2 generations

Access to land and water

Page 6: Supporting rural young people in IFAD projects - Towards a holistic approach: Presentation by Anne-Laure Roy  IFAD -PTA Youth Desk

Access to education and training

Different options- ↗ Employability (link to manpower demand,

apprentices (Mada, PROMER))- ↗ Self-employability – enterprise

creation/dvpt (Rwanda, Mada, LAC)

- Local agents of change

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Local agents of change

• Intergenerational complementarity and collaboration

• Trained to design and implement projects for their communities

• Link between rural and urban areas• Environmental stewards to promote

sustainable agriculture

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Innovative ways for capacity building

Make sure the training modalities are not exclusive• Common learning/sharing spaces (Youth Platform and Youth

Forum Nigeria)- peer to peer exchanges (LAC)

• Intergenerational dialogue with support of facilitators

• Services providers’ improved skills/change attitude • Use communication tools (radio, posters, ICT


Page 9: Supporting rural young people in IFAD projects - Towards a holistic approach: Presentation by Anne-Laure Roy  IFAD -PTA Youth Desk

Access to financial support

• experimenting different tools– Financial literacy/numeracy– Savings as collateral or contribution– (matching) grants – subsidized interest rates loans

• Specific tailored instruments missing => develop win/win partnerships with rural micro-finance institutions

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• Promoting agro-entrepreneurs = young and innovative small & medium scale entrepreneurs

• Along priority local value chains (traditionally led by youth, with a developing potential, short cycle)

• Along the whole value chain (inputs supply, processing, marketing)

Access to market and value chains

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• Connecting farmers - Acting as intermediaries and service providers between traditional producers and wholesalers

• Developing non farm activities (maintenance of equipment, transportation, technical adviser, information broker)

• Participation to fairs (Senegal)

Access to market and value chains

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• Within the farmers’ organisations (Senegal)

• With the governments (Nigeria, REAF Mercosur)

• With IFAD (farmers and IP forum) and technical and financial partners

Engagement in policy dialogue

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No cookie-cutter solution

A holistic approach encompassing aspects on :

• Access to land and other natural resources• Access to appropriate capacity building• Access to combined forms of financial support• Access to markets and value chains• Access to intergenerational policy dialogue

No cookie-cutter solution

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Anne-Laure Roy ([email protected] )

Young, Original, Unique, Talented, HopefulYOUTH