supported by ace – eaef - ec with mime - edc – mih – power dev 1 july 2005 demt innovation...

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 July 2005 DEMT DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary Mr Heng Kunleang, MIME Specifications Review Workshop Phnom Penh 25-26 July, 2005 DEMT - DISTRIBUTED ENERGY MANAGEMENT TOOLS IN CAMBODIA AND LAOS PowerDev Supported by the ACE through the EC – ASEAN Energy Facility

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Page 1: Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power DevWith MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev


July 2005July 2005


Innovation Energie Développement

REE Management SurveyResults Summary

Mr Heng Kunleang, MIME

Specifications Review WorkshopPhnom Penh

25-26 July, 2005



Supported by the ACE through the EC – ASEAN Energy Facility

Page 2: Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power DevWith MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev


July 2005July 2005


Innovation Energie Développement

Objectives of Survey

Determine level of REE’s computer use and ability

Investigate the variance and characteristics of how REEs manage their business

Determine the REEs’ priorities for assistance with management issues

Page 3: Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power DevWith MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev


July 2005July 2005


Innovation Energie Développement

Method of Survey

Designed survey of 50 questions, 3 pages MIME posted it to all 120 licenced REEs

plus 50 non-licenced REEs with an explanatory cover-letter (late June 2005)

MIME conducted telephone interviews, following the survey form with the REE (early July 2005)

Sample Size = 87

Page 4: Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power DevWith MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev


July 2005July 2005


Innovation Energie Développement

Survey Issues

Reluctance to discuss management issues with Government (MIME) representatives

All non-licenced REEs contacted refused to particpate

Communication difficulties with many REEs (incorrect telephone number, system faults etc)

Page 5: Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power DevWith MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev


July 2005July 2005


Innovation Energie Développement

Results: A. General

Survey QuestionsResp Rate

Who usually does the customer billing and business records for your business? (owner, wife, other…) 93% Owner: 74% Wife: 16%

Do you know how to use a computer? 100% Yes 33% No 67%

Do you own a computer? 100% Yes 29% No 71%

If no: do you think you will buy a computer in the next 2 years? 100% Yes 41% No 59%

Do you have someone in your business who can use a computer? 100% Yes 57% No 43%

Do you currently use a computer to assist with your business management? 100% Yes 30% No 70%

If yes, what parts of the business do you use it for? 28% Billing 85%    

Page 6: Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power DevWith MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev


July 2005July 2005


Innovation Energie Développement

Results: A. Customer Registration

Survey QuestionsResp Rate

Do you keep a 'waiting list' of customers wanting to register? 100% Yes 55% No 45%

Do new customers have to pay you a fee for connection? 100% Yes 56% No 44%

Do you have an identification number for each of your customers? 100% Yes 21% No 79%

Do you record each customer's name? 100% Yes 99% No 1%

Page 7: Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power DevWith MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev


July 2005July 2005


Innovation Energie Développement

Results: B. Customer Connection

Survey QuestionResp Rate

Do you check the wiring inside the house for safety + quality before connecting a new customer? 100% Yes 85% No 15%

How many different rating sizes for connections do you use? (eg: 10A connection, 25A connection etc) 100% 0 22% 2 56%

Do you have any 3-phase customers? 100% Yes 23% No 77%

Do you record which phase each customer is connected to? 100% Yes 48% No 52%

Page 8: Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power DevWith MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev


July 2005July 2005


Innovation Energie Développement

Results: C. Customer Billing

Survey QuestionResp Rate

Do you have different prices for different types of customers? 100% Yes 64% No 36%

Do you have different tariff structures for some cutomers (eg: fixed rate plus price per kWh)? 100% Yes 21% No 79%

Do you sometimes allow customers to pay by instalments (eg: small part one month and the rest next month)? 100% Yes 46% No 54%

Do you disconnect defaulting customers? 100% Yes 87% No 13%

Do you charge a re-connection fee? 100% Yes 40% No 60%

Page 9: Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power DevWith MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev


July 2005July 2005


Innovation Energie Développement

Results: E. Production

Survey QuestionResp Rate

How often do you record the production meter readings? 92% Daily 34% Weekly 8%



Never 3%

How often do you record fuel consumption? 91% Daily 34% Weekly 4%



Never 3%

How often do you record lubrication oil consumption? 90% Daily 9% Weekly 6%



Never 3%

Do you record the changing of filters? 89% Daily 3% Weekly 6%



Never 5%

Page 10: Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power DevWith MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev


July 2005July 2005


Innovation Energie Développement

Results: E. Distribution

Survey QuestionResp Rate

How often do you inspect your network for problems? 98% Daily 51% Weekly 14% Monthly 11%

How often do you measure the voltage level throughout your network? 95% Daily 46% Weekly 20% Monthly 11%

How often do you record the voltage levels throughout your network? 93% Daily 40% Weekly 21% Monthly 11%

Do you record information about network failures? 100% Yes 57% No 43%    

If you have some transformers, how often do you check them 70% Daily 26% Weekly 21% Monthly 26%

Page 11: Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power DevWith MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev


July 2005July 2005


Innovation Energie Développement

Results: F. Reporting

Survey Question Responses

What information would you like to be able to produce easily for your business? (eg: which customers have not yet paid their bill, …)

Licence requirements ReportsCustomer payment recordsIncidents of temporary power cut-off note: only 23% responded to question, and some confusion

Do you ever need to produce information about your business for other people? (eg: EAC, Tax, MIME, other)

MIME, EAC, Tax, Local Authorities

note: only 38% responded to question, and some confusion

Page 12: Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev 1 July 2005 DEMT Innovation Energie Développement REE Management Survey Results Summary

Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC Supported by ACE – EAEF - EC With MIME - EDC – MIH – Power DevWith MIME - EDC – MIH – Power Dev


July 2005July 2005


Innovation Energie Développement

Summary and Comments

Low confidence in results due to REEs being very reluctant to share information with government representatives

Higher than expected computer use and knowledge (around 30% of REEs currently own a computer or use one for the business, and 57% of REEs have someone in the business who can use one)

Higher than expected maintenance rigor (around 30% of respondents record output meter readings and fuel consumption every day, and 40% claim they check the voltage levels throughout the network every day!)

General interest in assistance to improve REE management, and open to software tools.