supply side economics is inefficient communism

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  • 8/2/2019 Supply Side Economics is Inefficient Communism


    Supply Side Economics is Inefficient Communism


    Anthony Blackstone

    Perpetual (C)Copyright by Anthony Fejfar, Neothomism, P.C. (PA) and The American People

    and The People of God and The People.

    Supply side economics was touted by Ronald Reagan as a new form of economics that

    worked better than NeoKeynesian economics. Reagan was a liar. George Bush, the elder,

    called Reagan supply side economics, VooDoo economics. Liberal economic theory shows us

    that in every sale contract transaction there is a interaction or dialectic of:

    buyer and seller, supply and demand, and information and ignorance. As Mary Fejfar VanCleve

    might tell us, supply side economics is really soviet command and control economics. In

    capitalist economics a seller must be concerned to some degree about what the buyer wants and

    what he is willing to pay for what he or she or hae wants. In command and control supply side

    economics, the seller manufactures whatever he or she or hae wants to and then forces the buyer

    to buy it using coercive force.

    For example, in supply side economics, the seller government, for example, manufactures 10,000

    defective tricyles that dont work. Then, the seller government puts these tricyles for sale at the

    local GUM store, or Sears store, and waits for the potential buyers to come in to shop. Joe

    Green comes into the store with his 3 year old son, looking for a tricyle for him. Joe looks at the

    tricyles on display and has his kid try one out. The problem is that the tricycle has no pedals and

    thus does not work. Joe then tells the store sales person that he does not want the tricyle because

    it is defective and does not work. The sales person, utilizing supply side economics, then says,

    Either you buy the tricyle, as is, or I am taking you and your son out back where you will be shot

  • 8/2/2019 Supply Side Economics is Inefficient Communism


    dead by a firing squad. Joe refuses to by and he and his son are murdered in violation of

    natural law by the store. This is supply side economics. In liberal neoKeynesian economics,

    on the other hand, the buyer has the freedom to choose the product he or she or hae likes, and

    has the freedom to shop different stores and different brands in attempt to find the tricycle that he

    wants for the best price, that is, the lowest price, that he can get.

    Accordingly, we can see that supply side economics produces a fascist state and economy

    which is based upon coercive violence and lack of freedom of choice by the buyer, and thus is

    economically inefficient and politically treason.

    Lastly, neoKeynesian economics can easily explain stagflation where the economy is in a

    recession at the same time that prices are going up and GNP is going down. This is because

    various businesses are engaging in illegal market collusion and price fixing at the same time that

    the government is not enforcing anti-trust which prohibits seller from colluding to fix higher

    prices. Also, GNP is really higher than it appears because approximately one third of the

    economy involves illegal drug sales which are not counted in GNP and also which hurt

    productivity and also lead to increased prison and medical treatment costs. Also, American

    economic development money which is sent to enemy countries, which is then used for military

    and espionage purposes to hurt America, and is also used to purchase luxury goods for foreign

    dictators and their cronies, also is a drain on the American economy and reduces GNP (Gross

    National Product).