supplier apqp process training (in-depth)

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APQP Process Training


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 Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

Supplier vervie! "raining

#ocu$ent %Q#&11' Rev 1 11*1*

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Advanced Product Quality

Planning Cycle+  Advanced Product Quality Planning

$ethod to assure that a product satisfies

the customer (,oth internal and e-ternal)

+ "he goal o APQP is to/

+ Plan ,eore acting

+  Anticipate and prevent  issues

+ Validate ,eore $oving or!ard

+ acilitate communication

hat is APQP

+Each Advanced Product Quality Plan is uni3ue and is a living document  

+Particular e$phasis should ,e placed on identiying critical path activities

and ensuring those are fully  resourced 

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 APQP 5ac6ground

•  Auto$otive industry challenges/• 7nnovation8 $ore co$ple- product

• Reduce 9P# ti$es

• %o$plicated Supply chain

• 7ncreasing custo$er and 3uality re3uire$ents

• Solution/• ord8 :;8 %hrysler APQP "as6 orce <ointly developed in the

late =0>s to standardi?e their respective supplier 3uality

syste$s.• %ontinuous 7$prove$ent/

• ;any industries outside the Auto$otive industry have

e$,raced the A7A: APQP process to achieve si$ilar ,eneits

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"he Advanced Product Quality Planning process consists o four phases and five  $a<or

activities and has so$e 20@ supporting tools (e.g. #;EA8 P;EA8 %"Q8 Special%haracteristics8 %ontrol Plan8 SP%) along !ith ongoing eed,ac6 assess$ent and corrective


 APQP ti$ing chart and phases & A7A:

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1. Plan and #eine Progra$

• Boice o the %usto$er • ;ar6et Research• Cistorical arranty

and Quality


"ea$ E-perience• 5usiness Plan;ar6eting

Strategy• ProductProcess

5ench$ar6 #ata• ProductProcess

 Assu$ptions• Product Relia,ility

Studies• %usto$er 7nputs


• #esign :oals• Relia,ility D Quality

goals• %9% targets• Preli$inary 5ill o

;aterials• Preli$inary Process

lo! %hart• Preli$inary list o

Special Product and


%haracteristics• Product Assurance

Plan• ;anage$ent Support


Assure that

customer needsand exectations

are clearly

understood! "he inputs and outputs applica,le to the process $ay vary according to the

product process and custo$er needs and e-pectations.

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2. Product #esign and #evelop$ent & 1

• #esign ailure ;ode and Eects

 Analysis (#;EA)• #esign or ;anuactura,ility and

 Asse$,ly• #esign Beriication• #esign Revie!s• Prototype 5uild %ontrol plan• Engineering #ra!ings (7ncluding

;ath #ata)• Engineering Speciications• ;aterial Speciications•

#ra!ing and Speciication%hanges


• #esign :oals• Relia,ility D Quality

goals• Preli$inary 5ill o


Preli$inary Processlo! %hart

• Preli$inary list o

Special Product and



• Product AssurancePlan


"evelo design into

a near final form!

Prototye and

feasi#ility studies $

volumes% schedule%


%ont. ne-t slide

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2. Product #esign and #evelop$ent & 2

• 9e! E3uip$ent8 "ooling and

acilities Re3uire$ents• Special Product and Process

%haracteristics• :ages"esting E3uip$ent

Re3uire$ents• "ea$ easi,ility

%o$$it$ent• ;anage$ent Support


• #esign :oals• Relia,ility D Quality

goals• Preli$inary 5ill o


Preli$inary Processlo! %hart• Preli$inary list o

Special Product and



• Product AssurancePlan


"evelo design into

a near final form!

Prototye and

feasi#ility studies $

volumes% schedule%


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4. Product and Process Balidation

• ;easure$ent Syste$s

Evaluation• Signiicant Production Run• Preli$inary Process

%apa,ility Study

• Production Part Approval• Production Balidation

"esting• Pac6aging Evaluation• Production %ontrol Plan• Quality Planning Sign& &

or$al• ;anage$ent Support


'alidate manufacturing

rocess through

roduction trial run!

'alidate that the controllan and rocess flo(

chart are effective and

that the roduct meets

customer exectation!

• Pac6aging Standards• ProductProcess Quality

Syste$ Revie!• Process lo! %hart• loor Plan Gayout• %haracteristics ;atri-• Process ailure ;ode and

Eects Analysis (P;EA)• Pre&Gaunch %ontrol Plan• Process 7nstructions• ;easure$ent Syste$s

 Analysis Plan• Preli$inary Process

%apa,ility Study Plan• Pac6aging Speciications• ;anage$ent Support

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 Application to #ierent ;g. Environ$ents

•Cigh Bolu$e•  APQP plans and activities are organi?ed ,y part nu$,er and are

very speciic to the part

• Go! Bolu$e•  APQP plans $ay ,e speciic to part a$ilies !ith activities ocused

on the parent part• ;ore li$ited validation !ould ,e done on child parts

• a$ily part dierences should ,e understood and higher ris6

dierences incorporated into APQP plans

• Engineer to rder (E")

•  APQP plans $ay use a part a$ily approach or standardi?edele$ents

• %onsider a $anuacturing process ocus or non&standard ele$ents• %reate ;EAs and %ontrol Plans or $anuacturing processes rather than


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+ #esign Quality+ #;EA P;EA

#;A+ ;anuacturing Quality

+ %ontrol Plans+ Process lo!s+ ;easure$ent

Syste$ Analysis+ %apa,ility Analysis+ Process Balidation+ Run at rate

+ Supplier Qualiication D

Quality Re3uire$ents

+ Product Qualiication+ 1st Article

7nspection+ PPAP+ "ooling D :auges+ "esting

*hat (e do:

 APQP Su$$ary/

+ #eect ree

Gaunches+ Reduced arranty

%lai$s+ Iero Spills

+ %usto$erSatisaction

+ Ro,ust Products+ :reater Supplier

%ontrol+ Reduced supplier


+o( (e do it:

 APQP *hat (e get:

,eadershi )ngagement is Critical







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 APQP 5eneits/

#evelop$ent Production

Prevention through APQP

%urrent state


   L   L   "  o   t  a

   l   %  o  s   t  o   .   Q  u  a   l   i   t  y



Escape 7nvestigations

;anuacturing process unctions that are clearly planned8validated8 docu$ented and co$$unicated that result in/

+ Ro,ust and relia,le designs+ Reduced process variation+ Enhanced conidence in supplier>s

capa,ilities+ 5etter controlled process changes+ #eect ree launches+ 7$proved %usto$er satisaction+ 7$proved #elivery and Service

+ ;a-i$u$ R7+ ;ini$u$ aste+ ;ini$u$ %ost o 9on&


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Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

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hat is a irst Article 7nspection

•  A irst Article 7nspection (A7) re3uires that all

di$ensions or a part ,e chec6ed and veriied

prior to ull production and receipt o part into

the custo$er acility.•  All di$ensions8 (e-cept reerence di$ensions)8

characteristics8 and speciications8 as noted on

the design record and process control plan8

are to ,e listed on the A7 Report !ith theactual di$ension results recorded.


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hat is PPAP

• Production Part Approval Process

• Standard used to or$ally reduce ris6s prior to product

or service release8 in a tea$ oriented $anner using

!ell esta,lished tools and techni3ues

• 7nitially developed ,y A7A: (Auto 7ndustry Action

:roup) in 1HH !ith input ro$ the 5ig & ord8

%hrysler8 and :;

• A7A:>s 4th edition eective Nune 18 200' is the $ostrecent version

• PPAP has no! spread to $any dierent industries

,eyond auto$otive

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Purpose o PPAP

• Provide evidence that all custo$er

engineering design record and speciication

re3uire$ents are properly understood ,y the

organi?ation• "o de$onstrate that the $anuacturing

process has the potential to produce product

that consistently $eets all re3uire$ents duringan actual production run at the 3uoted

production rate

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hat>s the #ierence in PPAP vs. A7

• A7 gives conidence regarding the sa$ple.

• 7n addition8 PPAP gives conidence in uture



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hen is PPAP Re3uired

• 9e! part

• Engineering change(s)

• #ura,le "ooling/ transer8 replace$ent8 reur,ish$ent8 or


• "ooling inactive O one year 

• %orrection o discrepancy

• %hange to optional construction or $aterial

• Su,&supplier or $aterial source change

• %hange in part processing

• Parts produced at a ne! or additional location

PPAP is required with any significantchange to product or process!

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5eneits o PPAP Su,$issions

• Celps to $aintain design integrity

• 7dentiies issues early or resolution

• Reduces !arranty charges and prevents cost o

poor 3uality•  Assists !ith $anaging supplier changes

• Prevents use o unapproved and nonconor$ing


• 7dentiies suppliers that need $ore develop$ent

• 7$proves the overall 3uality o the product D

custo$er satisaction

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Level 1 Production Warrant and Appearance ApprovalReport (if applicable) submitted to Eaton

Level 2Production Warrant, product samples, and

dimensional results submitted to Eaton

Level 3Production Warrant, product samples, and

complete supporting data submitted to Eaton

Level Production Warrant and ot!er re"uirements

as defined b# Eaton

Level $

Production Warrant, product samples andcomplete supporting data (a revie% %ill be

conducted at t!e supplier&s manufacturing


PPAP Su,$ission Gevels

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PPAP Su,$ission Re3uire$ents

9ote/ or each level8 ull APQP is

re3uired. "he PPAP level si$ply

indicates !hich ele$ents yousu,$it8 and !hich you retain at

your site.

 Any custo$er speciic re3uests all

under Ele$ent 1F

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PPAP Ele$ent 1F/ Eaton Re3uire$ents

• #epending on the speciic Eaton ,usiness8 Eaton $ayre3uire/•  APQP Mic6o & tea$

•  APQP "i$eline "e$plate

•  Action 7te$ Gog

• Production easi,ility Agree$ent (PA)• :age Plan

• #i$ensional %orrelation ;atri-

• Pass "hrough %haracteristics (P"%)

• Sae Gaunch %ontrol Plan

•  AS H102 or$s (Aerospace 7ndustry)

• Ra$p Jp D #o!n Plan

• Pac6aging Speciication #ata Sheet

• Su,$it 5ar %ode Ga,el Pac6aging Approval

• PPAP 7nteri$ Recovery or6sheet

• %apacity RR or6sheet

•Production Readiness Revie! (PRR)

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PPAP Status

•  Approved• "he part $eets all Eaton re3uire$ents

• Supplier is authori?ed to ship production 3uantities o the


• 7nteri$ Approval• Per$its ship$ent o part on a li$ited ti$e or piece 3uantity


• Re<ected•

"he part does not $eet Eaton re3uire$ents8 ,ased on theproduction lot ro$ !hich it !as ta6en andor acco$panying

docu$entationProduction quantities shall

not be shipped before Eaton


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Eaton PPAP Process

• Eaton deter$ines PPAP level ,ased on co$ponent ris6• Su,$ission re3uire$ents are increased or higher ris6


• Eaton co$$unicates re3uire$ents to supplier (RQ8

 APQP Mic6&o ;eeting8 andor PPAP re3uest PPAPor6,oo68 etc.)

• Eaton provides a standard PPAP !or6,oo6 !ith all

necessary tools

• Supplier can use their o!n te$plates and tools i they $eet the A7A: re3uire$ents

• Supplier conducts APQP per A7A: re3uire$ents (Jse

PPAP !or6,oo6 or$s as necessary)

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 Adapting PPAP or Cigh ;i-Go! Bolu$eand Engineer to rder ;anuacturing

• :roup parts into part a$ilies• hich parts use the sa$e $anuacturing process


• hich parts have H0@ eatures in co$$on

• #esign and validate processes ,ased on part


• Goo6 at individual processes use planning

and prevention tools such as P;EA8 %ontrol

Plan ,y process

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PPAP Ele$ent 1/ #esign Record

• 7ncludes/• %o$ponent dra!ings

•  Asse$,ly dra!ings

• 5ill o ;aterials

• Reerenced engineering speciications

• ;aterial speciications

• Peror$ance or test speciications

• Ensures $anuacturer has the co$plete design record at the

correct revision levels

• "his re3uire$ent $ay ,e satisied ,y attaching the

,alloonedT design record to the Production easi,ility

 Agree$ent (PA) located in the PPAP or6,oo6• So$e Eaton ,usinesses $ay use an alternate approach

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PPAP Ele$ent 2/ Authori?ed Engineering %hange #ocu$ents

• "he supplier shall provide authori?ed change

docu$ents or those changes not yet recorded

in the design record8 ,ut incorporated in the

product8 part or tooling8 such as/• E%9s ($ust ,e approved8 not pending)

• Speciication changes

• Supplier change re3uests

• Su,&asse$,ly dra!ings

• Gie or relia,ility testing re3uire$ents


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PPAP Ele$ent /%usto$er Engineering Approval

• ritten state$ent ro$ %usto$er Engineering

approving the parts• E-a$ple/ supplier designed co$ponents in !hich

!e re3uire additional inor$ation or validation odesignsUor structural integrity

• "he engineering design re3uires approval

• ther ele$ents o the PPAP validate the

$anuacturing process

PPAP El t 4 # i il ; d

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PPAP Ele$ent 4/ #esign ailure ;odeand Eects Analysis (#;EA)

• Provide potential cause and eect relationships or the ,asic design

o the product

• Celps to plan design needs or/• ;aterials selection

• "olerance stac6&up

• Sot!are

• 7nteraces

• #BPDR (lie cycle tests)

• E$ploys R.P.9 rating syste$• Cigh R.P.9>s and SeverityO = need reco$$ended %orrective Actions (%A)

• PRGaunch ele$ent• 7nitial #;EA in Phase 2

• %o$plete #;EA in Phase

• ;ay ,e a$ilyT ,ased

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#ierence ,et!een #;EA and P;EA

• #;EA does not reerence $anuacturing

controls• #esign controls include/

• "olerance stac6&up analysis

• Si$ulation

• inite Ele$ent Analysis

• "esting

• Reco$$ended actions should ,e Design actions

• Re&design

• "esting

•  Analysis

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#;EA %o$$on Pitalls

• ne ti$e docu$ent• ;ust ,e continuously revie!ed and updated

• hat i the latest change or revision has a signiicant i$pact

• 9ot su,$itted or revie!ed !ith supplier 

• "he Ater "hought• %o$pleted ater dra!ing and production release

• #oesn>t help to direct the design eort

• #oes not consider all potential ailure $odes

• %ritical andor Special %haracteristics not identiied

•nly considers ull asse$,ly• 9ot co$pleted to correct level co$ponent8 su, asse$,ly8 asse$,ly8


• a$ily ,ased #;EA not all inclusive• 9ot revie!ed or speciic custo$ application designs

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:oodT #;EA E-a$ple

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Progress %hec6/ #;EA

7n !hich APQP phase !ould you irst create a #;EA•  APQP/ Phase 2 Product #esign

• hich o the ollo!ing activities should ,e done ,eore the

#;EA• %reate P;EA

• %usto$er %"Qs identiied

• Suppliers Selected

• :age Plan %reated

• hich ;EA ris6s need reco$$ended actions

•  Any over 100 RP9• Cigher ris6s & ,y RP98 Severity or ccurrence

• hat is the i$pact o creating a P;EA !ithout a #;EA• ;ay not properly understand the severity o ailure eects




PPAP El t * P l

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PPAP Ele$ent */ Process lo!#iagra$(s)

• Step ,y Step designation o the process lo!

re3uired to produce the reerenced product

!hich $eets all custo$er re3uire$ents

• Provide lin6age to P;EA and %ontrol Plan• "raditional ,loc6 diagra$

• ;ay e$ploy a$ilyT ,ased diagra$s

• Should cover all steps ro$ Receiving to Shipping

(or additional details reerence Advance Product Quality Planning and

%ontrol Plan A7A: ;anual)

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Process lo! #iagra$s

The process flow diagram

utilizes these symbols to

clearly identify each step

in the process

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Preparing the Process ;ap

• "ea$ Eort/• Engineers

• perators

• Supervisors


• Supply %hain

• Possi,le 7nputs to ;apping/• Engineering speciications

• Gead ti$e re3uire$ents

• "arget $anuacturing costs

• perator e-perience

• ,servation

• 5rainstor$ing

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Process lo! #iagra$s

• Revie!ers %hec6listProcess lo! $ust include all phases o the process

+ Receiving

+ Storage $aterial handling

+ ;anuacturing

+ line inspections and chec6s

+  Asse$,ly

+ "esting

+ Shipping

Should include a,nor$al handling processes+ Scrap

+ Re!or6

+ E-tended Gie "esting

;ay also include "ransportation

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Process ;ap and APQP

• #uring !hich APQP phase !ould you irst create a

process $ap APQP/ Phase 1 Planning

• hy not !ait until later in the process

•  A ,asic understanding o the process assists in cost

esti$ating 3uoting

• 9eed to 6no! process steps to understand !hat

e3uip$enttoolinggages $ay ,e re3uired

•hy !ould volu$es and lead&ti$es ,e i$portant to6no!• Bolu$es and lead&ti$es $ight inluence the $anuacturing

processes you select (i.e. auto$ated processes or high


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PPAP Ele$ent '/ Process ;EA (P;EA)

+ hat is 7t•  A tool used to identiy and prioriti?e ris6

areas and their $itigation plans.

+ ,<ective or Purpose• 7dentiies potential ailure $odes8

causes8 and eects. 7nputs co$e ro$

the process lo! diagra$.• 7dentiies 6ey inputs !hich aect 3uality8

relia,ility and saety o a product or


+ hen to Jse 7t•

9e! product launches•  Ater co$pletion o the process lo! diagra$.

• Prior to tooling or production

• hen trou,leshooting production issues

• hen planning and closing preventive

and corrective actions

The P-.)A should #e comleted

using a cross-functional  team/


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;EA rigins

+ 7nitially developed ,y theJS ;ilitary as ailure

;ode Eects and %riticality

 Analysis (;E%A)

+ idely adopted ,y 9ASAduring the 1H'0s to prevent

errors on the Apollo


+5rought over to theauto$otive industry ,y

ord ater issues !ith Pinto

uel tan6s

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' There should #e at least one failure mode for each inut!

Using the completedProcess low iagram"enter the process step#

ailure $odesor each Process %nput"determine the ways inwhich the input can gowrong#

P;EA & Step 1

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Potential ailure ;ode

• Gist all credi,le ailure $odes or !ays the processoperation can ail inthe P;EA docu$ent ,eore addressing ailure eects and ailure


• 7n each instance8 the assu$ption is $ade that the ailure could occur8 ,ut

!ill not necessarily occur 

•"he ailure $ode/• U is the $anner in !hich the process could potentially ail to $eet the process

re3uire$ents andor design intent.T

• 7s a description o nonconor$ance

•  Assu$es inco$ing parts are correct

• %onsiders su,se3uent operations

• "ypical ailure $odes could ,e8 ,ut are not li$ited to/• 5ent

• pen circuited

• #irty

• 5inding

• %rac6ed

• 7$proper setup

• 5urred

• #eor$ed

• "ool !orn

• Candling #a$age

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E-a$ple ailure ;odes ,y Activity

Placement Bend Test Insert  Remove /Unload Index Measure

MissingComponent X Orientation

Accept Non-Conforming Part No Insertion

Fails to RemoveNon-ConformingPart X-Y Orientation

Accept Non-Conforming Part

WrongComponent Z Orientation

RejectConforming Part Partial Insertion

RemovesConforming Part No ine!

RejectConforming Part

M"ltipleComponents Y Orientation No test Over Insertion

Miscategori#ation No meas"re

X %ocationRaialOrientation No remove


 Y %ocation'irtContamination Misse op

Z %ocation 'amage 'amageRaialOrientation Flattene Contamination'irtContamination Crac(e'amage Fole)psie o*n +ro(en fol

+ac(*ars ,cratc'entsCips'eformeNo .en

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E-a$ple ailure ;odes ,y Activity (cont.)

Stake Dip Package Initialize Syncronize Setup Pump!Up

No ,ta(eMisseOperation Incorrect /t0

Fail to ClearRegisters

Fail to Recogni#e,tation Incorrect ,et"p

'oes not P"mp-)p

)ner ,ta(e Partial 'ip Incorrect %a.el

Write Incorrect1al"e to Register'"ring Clearing No ,0ncroni#e


Over ,ta(e Incorrect +o! No ,et"p

Mi!e Parts


"eed!#ut $ind %ut!#& Press 'oad "ill / #il Tor(ue

Wrong Wire 2oo Fe* Coils No C"t-O3 4ig force Wrong part Wrong 5"i'amagecomponent

No Fee 2oo Man0 Coils %o* force Mi! part 2oo m"c 5"i No tor6"e

Fee 2oo ,ortFree %engt,ort

 2oolingalignment 'irt0 part 2oo little 5"i Over tor6"e

Fee 2oo %ong Free %engt %ong 2oo Fast ,pee Wrong lane

 2oo slo* speeWrongorientation

,ort stro(e 'amageOver stro(e

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E-a$ple ailure ;odes ,y Activity (cont.)

Rotate Mark )rease Mold  Partial Rotation Incomplete Wrong &rease 'ensit0 variationOver Rotation Illegi.le no grease 'imension variationNo rotation Wrong Mar( X-Y Orientation ,in(Rotate to *rongsie Missing Mar( Z Orientation Flo*lines'amagecomponent Wrong location 'amage ,orts  Contamination 2oo m"c Warp

  2oo littleMolecontamination

  Contamination Wellines


Incorrectn" ofgreasing points color variation

  .rittleness  scratces  rag mar(s  gate st".s  ."rns  5as

  mi!e parts  part co"nt incorrect  ."..les  sirface contamination  vois  spla0  amage part  *rong part

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' There should #e at least one failure effect for each failure mode!

' )ffects should #e secific% clear% and leave no dou#t to the uninformed revie(er!

Potential ailure Effects

or each ailure $ode"determine what effectthe specific failurecould have on theprocess output#

P;EA & Step 2

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Potential Eect(s) o ailure

• Eect o ailure $ode ,ased on !hat custo$er$ight noticee-perience

• 7ncludes su,se3uent process operations

• "ypical eects $ay include8 ,ut are not li$ited to/

• 9o unction

• Partialver unction#egraded over ti$e

• 7nter$ittent unction• Jnintended unction

• Erratic operation

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P;EA Step


7dentiy special product or

process characteristics

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' There should #e at least one otential cause for each failure mode!

Potential &ausesor each ailure $ode"

determine the possiblecause of the failure#

P;EA & Step 4

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Potential %ause(s) o ailure

• Uho! the ailure could occur.T

• #escri,ed in ter$s o so$ething that can ,e correctedcontrolled

• Re3uires deter$ination o root cause

• Sources o process variation that cause the ailure $ode to occur 

• "ypical ailure causes $ay include8 ,ut are not li$ited to/• 7$proper tor3ue over8 under

• 7$proper !eld current8 ti$e8 pressure

• 7naccurate gauging

• 7$proper heat treat ti$e8 te$perature

•7nade3uate gatingventing

• Part $issing or installed incorrectly

• "her$ocouple ,ro6en

• "ypographical error 

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• This step in the $EA begins to identify initial shortcomings or gaps in the current control plan#

• %f a procedure e(ists" enter the document number#

• %f no current control e(ists" list as )none#* There may not be both preventive and detection controls#

%urrent %ontrols

or each potential

cause8 list the current

$ethod used orpreventing andor

detecting ailure.

P;EA & Step *

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Assign 'everity+,ow serious is theeffect if it fails.

Assign etection+,ow easily can thecause or failuremode be detected.

P;EA & Step '



+,ow li0ely is

the cause to


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P;EA & #einition o "er$s

• Severity 0of )ffect1 & severity o the eect on the

%usto$er and other sta6eholders (Cigher Balue V Cigher


• Occurrence 0of Cause1 & re3uency !ith !hich a given

%ause occurs and creates ailure ;ode. (Cigher Balue VCigher Pro,a,ility o ccurrence)

• "etection 0Caa#ility of Current Controls1 & a,ility o

current control sche$e to detect the cause ,eore creating

the ailure $ode andor the ailure $ode ,eore sueringthe eect (Cigher Balue V Go!er A,ility to #etect)

&aution1 2otice the scale difference for etection

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E-a$ple/ Severity Rating #einitions

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E-a$ple/ ccurrence Rating #einitions

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E-a$ple/ #etection Rating #einitions

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• The 3P2 is used to prioritize the most critical ris0s

,igher 3P2s are flags to ta0e effort to reduce the calculated ris0• &ontinually wor0 to improve highest ris0 items - don4t set an 3P2


• %n addition to 3P2" e(amine top 'everity and /ccurrence ris0s

&alculate the 3is0 Priority 2umber

3P2 5 'everity ( /ccurrence ( etection

P;EA & Step F

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P;EA Re$ediation :uidelines

• Severity   can only ,e i$proved ,y a design

change to the product or process

• Occurrence  can only ,e reduced ,y a change

!hich re$oves or controls a cause. E-a$plesare redundancy8 su,stituting a $ore relia,le

co$ponent or unction or $ista6e&prooing.

• "etection  can ,e i$proved ,y deploying ,etter

controls. E-a$ples are $ista6e&prooing8si$pliication and statistically sound $onitoring.

%n general" reducing the /ccurrenceis preferable to improving the etection

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or the high ris6 ite$s8

deter$ine the

reco$$ended actions.

;EA Step =

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3esp +responsibility.

Assign a specific personwho will be responsiblefor recommended actions#

Actions Ta0en

As actions are identified

and completed" document

in the )Actions Ta0en*


;EA Steps H and 10

'E6" /&&" ET" 3P2

As actions are complete

reassess 'everity"

/ccurrence" and etection

and recalculate 3P2#

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Su$$ary Steps "o %o$plete a ;EA

1. or each Process 7nput8 deter$ine the !ays in !hich the ProcessStep can go !rong (these are ailure ;odes)

2. or each ailure ;ode associated !ith the inputs8 deter$ine Eects

on the outputs

. ;ar6 special characteristics (product and process)

4. 7dentiy potential %auses o each ailure ;ode*. Gist the %urrent %ontrols or each %ause

'.  Assign Severity8 ccurrence and #etection ratings ater creating a

ratings 6ey appropriate or your pro<ect

F. %alculate RP9

=. #eter$ine Reco$$ended Actions to reduce high ris6s

H. "a6e appropriate Actions and #ocu$ent

10.Recalculate RP9s

11.Revisit steps F and = to continually reduce ris6s

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E-a$ple/ :oodT P;EA

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• Revie!ers %hec6listBeriy ris6s are prioriti?ed and high ris6 ite$s have

identiied i$prove$ent actions

;a6e sure that high ris6 process concerns are carried

over into the control plan;a6e sure that all critical ailure $odes are addressed

• Saety

• or$8 it8 unction

• ;aterial concerns

• See PPAP or6,oo6 or detailed P;EA


Process ;EA (P;EA)

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Progress %hec6/ P;EA and APQP

• 7n !hich APQP phase !ould you irst create a P;EA•  APQP/ Phase Process #esign

• hich o the ollo!ing activities should ,e done ,eore the

P;EA• Purchase capital e3uip$ent

• %reate the #;EA

• Purchase End o Gine "esters

• ;a6e "ools;olds

• hich ;EA ris6s need reco$$ended actions

•  All•  Any over 100 RP9

• Cigher ris6s & ,y RP98 Severity or ccurrence

• Co! !ould you utili?e P;EA in an E" environ$ent•

5y part a$ilies or ,y $anuacturing processes




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PPAP Ele$ent F/ %ontrol Plan

• hat is 7t•  A docu$ent that descri,es

ho! to control the critical

inputs (;EA) to continue to

$eet custo$er e-pectations

• ,<ective & Planning• 9eeded gaging8 testing8 error


• Sa$pling and re3uencies

• Co! to react !hen so$ething

ails a test or inspection• hen to Jse 7t

• 7$ple$enting a ne! process

• 7$ple$enting a process


Since rocesses are exected to #e continuously

udated and imroved% the control lan

is a living document/

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Process 'teps

2ew73evised Process'teps

Process lowchart

  2 e  w

 7  3  e  v  i s

 e d

  P  r o c e s s   '  t

 e  p s

P  r  o c  e s  s  

 '  t  e  p s  

Process Ste 2eyProcess


Potential-ailure .ode

Potential-ailure )ffects



Potential Causes OC


Current Controls ")









% hec6s # e lay i nt er na l


 AR ,alancedo es

not godo!nF


staing in $ail

roo$ F


10 4 H0










7nor$ation not


 AR ,alanceis

past due


%usto$eror ,an6

did not include

na$e andor

account ino on!ire transer 


 Acct identiies pro,le$

!hen trying to apply

pay$ent* 2*0

P &


7dent i y 7nvoice %hec6s 7ncorrect



7nvoice sho!s

outstanding (AR

,alance does go





%usto$er $ightcatch

it !hen revie!ing the

ne-t state$ent 10 2 *0




7dent i y 7nvoice %hec6s 7nvoice nu$,er


7nvoice sho!s

outstanding (AR,alance does go





 Acct identiies pro,le$

!hen trying to applypay$ent * 2*0



Process $EA

3  i  s  0   P  r  i  o r  i  t  i  z  e d  

P  r  o c  e s  s   '  t  e  p s  

  %  m  p  r

 o  v e d 

  & o  n  t  r o  l s

&ontrol Plan

Tool %nteraction

%ontrol Plan

Pro5ect Idea

-ill Out.aster -orm



"oesthePro5ect Involve

Only9our rou8

"oesthePro5ect Involve

6; "ets!outside )ng8

"oesthePro5ect Involve6<rousin


"oyouhave ==>= toAssist>*or4 the


Preferto (or4thisro5ect(ithinyour 


? SigmaPro5ect

"eartmentor rouPro5ect











 9es No

)nter3emainingInformation on.aster-orm


-inance ArovalandSignature

Other 3e&uiredSignatures:


Process O(ner ==or =

? Sigma AssignsPro5ect Num#er 



-ollo(".AICor "-SSrocess

.onitorProgressthrough Po(er Steeringand


Comlete Pro5ect0+as to #e fully


-inance Arovaland Signature


Chamion: "ir T@)Process O(ner Pro5ect O(ner 

"et== or .==



-inanceArovaland Signature

Other 3e&uiredSignatures:Chamion:

ProcessO(ner Pro5ect O(ner 

"et =>==>.==

rou AssignsPro5ect Num#er 






-ollo(".AIC or "-SSrocess

ComletePro5ect0+asto #efully"ocumented1

-inance Arovaland Signature


Chamion: "ir T@)Process O(ner Pro5ect O(ner 



includinga0B1 PageClose

out Sheet


Comlete all"ocumentation

includinga0B1 Page Close


-inal Pro5ect3evie(


-inal Pro5ect3evie(

?Sigma Pro5ect+igh,evelProcess .a

"eartment>rouPro5ect+igh,evelProcess .a

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"he %ontrol Plan or$

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"he %ontrol Plan or$

Administrative 'ection7dentiies part nu$,er and description8

supplier8 re3uired approval signatures8

and dates.

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"he %ontrol Plan or$

; "istinct Phases

B! Prototye  a description o the di$ensional $easure$ents and $aterial

and peror$ance tests that !ill occur during Prototype ,uild.

<! Pre,aunch  a description o the di$ensional $easure$ents and $aterial

and peror$ance tests that !ill occur ater Prototype and ,eore ullProduction.

;! Production  a co$prehensive docu$entation o productprocess

characteristics8 process controls8 tests8 and $easure$ent syste$s that !ill

occur during $ass production

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"he %ontrol Plan or$

)ach stage of production and testing ! Can #e:• )ach oeration indicated #y the rocess flo(• )ach (or4station• )ach machine

Include testing and audits

Process Num#erD should cross reference (ith P-.)A

and Process .a

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"he %ontrol Plan or$

Product characteristics that are imortant! These can #e

determined #y referencing:• ST "imensions on the dra(ing• Customer critical characteristics• Process critical characteristics

There may #e several for each oeration

Can #e dimensional% erformance or visual criteria

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"he %ontrol Plan or$

Process parameters that are imortant! A rocess

arameter is a setting made (ithin a rocess that effects

the variation (ithin the oeration! )xamles include:• Temerature 0molding% heat treat% etc!1• Pressure• -ixture settings• Seed• Tor&ue

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"he %ontrol Plan or$

Class refers to secial characteristics $

roduct or rocess! Should align (ith


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"he %ontrol Plan or$

This is a secification from the "esign 3ecord or a 4ey

rocess arameter 

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"he %ontrol Plan or$

+o( is the characteristic or arameter going to

measured8 )xamles include:•

Calier • Attri#ute gage• 'isual• -ixture• Test e&uiment

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"he %ontrol Plan or$

+o( many arts (ill #e measured and ho( often!


-inal testing% visual criteria• BEEF

SPC% Audit%• The samle siGe and fre&uency

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"he %ontrol Plan or$

+o( the characteristic or arameter (ill #e controlled

0this is the record1 )xamles include:• H#ar>3 Chart

• NP Chart• Precontrol Chart• Chec4list• ,og sheet

• .ista4e roofing• Bst iece insection• ,a# reort


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"he %ontrol Plan or$

*hat haens (hen the characteristic or arameter is

found to #e out of control! .ust include:• Segregation of nonconforming roduct

• Correction method.ay include 0as aroriate1:• Sorting• 3e(or4>3eair • Customer notification

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% t l Pl R i > %h 6li t

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%ontrol Plan/ Revie!er>s %hec6list

Re$e$,er the %ontrol Plan is a planning tool + Jse it to decide !hat you should ,e doing

+ "he A7A: or$at !ill help $a6e sure the plan $a6es sense and is co$plete

Jse process lo! diagra$ and P;EA to ,uild the control plan

6eep the$ aligned

%ontrols should ,e eective. Meep it si$ple.Ensure that the control plan is in your docu$ent control syste$

:ood control plans address/

+  All testing re3uire$ents & di$ensional8 $aterial8 and peror$ance

+  All product and process characteristics at every step throughout the process

"he control $ethod should ,e ,ased on an eective analysis o theprocess

%ontrol plans should reerence other docu$entation

+ Speciications8 tooling8 etc.

% t l Pl d APQP

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%ontrol Plan and APQP

• 7n !hat APQP Phase !ould you irst create acontrol planPrototype %P in Phase 2/ Product #esign

Pre&production %P in Phase / Process #esign

Production %P in Phase 4/ Balidation

• Co! does the reaction plan help !ith process


7dentiy re!or6 needs8 3uarantine product locationneeds8 etc.

PPAP Ele$ent =/

; t S t A l i (;SA)

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;easure$ent Syste$ Analysis (;SA)

An A is a statistical tool used todetermine if a measurement s#stem

is capable of precise measurement*

<hat is %t

/b8ective or Purpose

• +o determine !o% muc! error is in

t!e measurement due to t!e

measurement process itself*

• uantifies t!e variabilit# added b#

t!e measurement s#stem*

• Applicable to attribute data and

variable data*

<hen to Use %t

• -n s#stems measuring critical inputs

and outputs prior to collecting data

for anal#sis*

• .or an# ne% or modified process in

order to ensure t!e "ualit# of t!edata*

$easurement 'ystem Analysis is

an analysis of the measurement

process" not  an analysis of the



<ho 'hould be %nvolved

Ever#one t!at measures and ma/esdecisions about t!ese measurementss!ould be involved in t!e A*

7 ti h t d ll

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7nspection !hat do you really see

easurement #stem Anal#sis (A)

, d B i ti

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Cali#ration hels address accuracy

,served Bariation

easurement #stem Anal#sis (A)

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Error in 3esolutionThe inability to detect smallchanges#

Possible &ause <rong measurement deviceselected - divisions on scalenot fine enough to detectchanges#


; t S t A l i (;SA)

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;easure$ent Syste$ Analysis (;SA)

Error in 3epeatabilityThe inability to get the sameanswer from repeatedmeasurements made of thesame item under absolutelyidentical conditions#

Possible &ause 

=ac0 of standard operatingprocedures +'/P." lac0 of

training" measuring systemvariablilty#


Equipment 6ariation

;eas re$ent S ste$ Anal sis (;SA)

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;easure$ent Syste$ Analysis (;SA)

Error in 3eproducibilityThe inability to get the sameanswer from repeatedmeasurements made undervarious conditions fromdifferent inspectors#

Possible &ause 

=ac0 of '/P" lac0 of training#


Appraiser 6ariation

Baria,le ;SA :age RDR Study

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Baria,le ;SA :age RDR Study

• age 3@3 is the com#ined estimate ofmeasurement system 3eeata#ility and


• Tyically% a ;erson study is erformed )ach erson randomly measures BE mar4ed arts er trial

)ach erson can erform u to ; trials

• There are ; 4ey indicators F P>T or measurement variation comared to tolerance

F 3@3 or measurement variation comared to rocess variation Num#er of distinct categories 0ndc1 or $easure o resolution

Baria,le ;SA A7A: :RDR BAR("ol)

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Baria,le ;SA A7A: :RDR BAR("ol)

%ncluded in PPAP <or0boo0

Automatically calculates;?33" ;P6" ndc

Baria,le ;SA :age RDR Steps

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B! Select BE items that reresent the full range of longterm rocess variation

<! Identify the araisers $ they should #e oerator (ho normally use the gage

;! If aroriate% cali#rate the gage or verify that the last cali#ration date is valid

! Oen the 3@3 'A30Tol1 (or4sheet in the AIA Core Tools file to record data% or use


J! +ave each araiser assess each art ; times refera#ly in random order 0.inita# can

generate a random run order1

?! Inut data into the 3@3 'A30Tol1 (or4sheet or .iniTa#

K! )nter the num#er of oerators% trials% samles and secification limits

L! AnalyGe data and revie( 3@3 and P' values

M! Ta4e actions for imrovement if necessary!

Baria,le ;SA :age RDR Steps

'tep 9 'tep @ 'tep 'tep B 'tep C 'tep D 'tep 'tep F'tep G

;easure$ents Syste$s Analysis ;SA

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Imortant: An .SA is an analysis of the rocess% not an analysis of the

eole! If an .SA fails% the rocess failed!

A 'aria#le .SA rovides more analysis caa#ility than an Attri#ute .SA!

-or this and other reasons% al(ays use varia#le data if ossi#le!

The involvement of eole is the 4ey to success! Involve the eole that actually (or4 the rocess

Involve the suervision

Involve the suliers and customers of the rocess

An .SA rimarily addresses recision (ith limited accuracy information!

Tis and ,essons ,earned

;easure$ents Syste$s Analysis ;SA

;SA/ Revie!er>s %hec6list

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7 the gageinspection $easures a special characteristicor other i$portant eature8 then conduct a :age RDR

;a6e sure the study is recent & less than 1 year 

%o$pare the control plan gages against the :age

RDRs RDR and P" should ,e less than 10

Balues greater than 10 should ,e revie!ed !ith Eaton

9u$,er o distinct categories should ,e O*

7 you 3uestion that gage8 then+ Question the techni3ue and part sa$pling

+  As6 or additional studies

;SA/ Revie!er s %hec6list

;SA Su$$ary

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;SA Su$$ary

• ;easure$ent syste$s $ust ,e analy?ed 5EREe$,ar6ing on process i$prove$ent activities

• ;SA helps understand ho! $uch o,served variation is

ro$ the $easure$ent syste$

• ;SA !ill tell you a,out the repeata,ility8 reproduci,ility anddiscri$ination

• Sa$ple selection is very i$portant sa$ple during nor$al

production to capture total range o process variation

• ;SA assessors should ,e operators that !ould nor$allyuse the $easure$ent syste$

• ;SA should ,e done on a regular ,asis

PPAP Ele$ent H/ #i$ensional Results

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PPAP Ele$ent H/ #i$ensional Results

Evidence t!at dimensional

verifications !ave been completed

and results indicate compliance %it!

specified re"uirements

<hat is %t/b8ective or Purpose

• +o s!o% conformance to t!e

customer part print on dimensions

and all ot!er noted re"uirements<hen to Use %t

• .or eac! uni"ue manufacturing

process (e*g*, cells or production

lines and all molds, patterns, or


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PPAP Ele$ent 10/ Records o;aterialPeror$ance "est Results

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;aterialPeror$ance "est Results

• ;aterial "est Results• "he supplier shall peror$ tests or all parts and product

$aterials !hen che$ical8 physical8 or $etallurgical

re3uire$ents are speciied ,y the design record or %ontrol


• or products !ith Eaton&developed $aterial speciications

andor an Eaton&approved supplier list8 the supplier shall

procure $aterials andor services ro$ suppliers on that list

• Peror$ance "est Results

• "he supplier shall peror$ tests or all parts or product$aterials !hen peror$ance or unctional re3uire$ents are

speciied ,y the design record or %ontrol Plan

;aterial Results

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;aterial Results

aterial Results s!all include

+!e name of t!e laborator# t!at conducted t!e test

+!e t#pe of test t!at %as conducted

+!e number, date, and specification to %!ic! t!e part %as tested

+!e actual test results

Peror$ance "est Results

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Peror$ance "est Results

Peror$ance "est Results shall include/ "he na$e o the la,oratory that conducted the test

"he type o test that !as conducted

 A description o the test

"he para$eters tested

"he actual test results

PPAP Ele$ent 11/ 7nitial Process Studies

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PPAP Ele$ent 11/ 7nitial Process Studies

+ %apa,ility studies are $easureso ho! !ell the process is

$eeting the design

re3uire$ents.• 7s the process e$ployed Sta,le

and %apa,le

+ ;SA ,eore %p6• ;SA $ust ,e accepta,le and

should represent toolsprocess

used or 7nitial Process Studies

+ O1.'F %p6 or S%s8 O1. or

other characteristics

+ %p6 D Pp6 $ini$u$s are higher

or initial release vs. ongoing

PPAP Ele$ent 11/ 7nitial Process StudyPurposes o 7nitial Process Study

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Purposes o 7nitial Process Study

•"o evaluate ho! !ell a process can produce product that$eets speciications

• "o provide guidance a,out ho! to i$prove capa,ility

• ,etter process centering

• reduced variation

• %apa,ility studies can ,e used to identiy a pro,le$ or to

veriy per$anent corrective actions in the pro,le$

solving process.

Process %apa,ility/"he "!o Boices

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"he "!o Boices


E-a$ples o Non-Capable Processes

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E-a$ples o Non Capable Processes

Product roduced

#eyond #othUer and ,o(er

Sec ,imits!

Product roduceda#ove the

Uer Sec ,imit!

Product roduced#elo( the

,o(er Sec ,imit!

%apa,ility Studies

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%apa,ility Studies

 A shortterm capa,ility studycovers a relative short period o

ti$e during !hich e-traneous

sources o variation have ,een

e-cluded. (:uideline/ 0&*0

data points.)150100500









     I    n     d     i    v     i     d    u    a     l     V    a     l    u    e

Proces s Data forCo2













     I    n     d     i    v     i     d    u    a     l     V    a     l    u    e

Proces s Data forCo2




 A longterm capa,ility study

covers a longer period o ti$e in

!hich there is $ore chance or a

process shit. (:uideline/ 100&200

data points.)

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Step */ #ata %haracteristics

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Step */ #ata %haracteristics

)xamine the shae of your data! • Is it (hat you (ould exect8

If not% investigate!









Mean :>?>

,t'ev :?@:

N :9








Mean :8?;

,t'ev ?9;

N :9








Mean 79?:

,t'ev :;?;

N :9


2ormal ata

>imodal ata

'0ewed ata

The shape of your data isimportant for determiningwhich type of &apabilityAnalysis applies# %f the

data e(hibits a non-normalshape" consult yourstatistics reference#

'tep B Assess data characteristics

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#ierence ,et!een %p D %p6

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C  deter$ines capa,ility o producing to speciication

C4  sa$e as %p8 ,ut also $easures ho! centered  the process is

7t is i$portant to loo6 at ,othW

%p O 1.'F

%p6 O 1.'F



,S, US, ,S, US,

%apa,le89ot %entered

9ot %apa,le8


9ot %apa,le8

9ot %entered

,S, US, ,S, US,

%p X 1.00


0%p6X 1.00

%p X 1.00

%p6 X 1.00

%p O 1.'F

 Acceptance %riteria

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'hort-term =ong-term ecision

3ed +>ad. 1*33 1*44

Hellow +$arginal.1*3351*67 1*4451*33

?reen +?ood.81*67 81*33

 Acceptance criteria for critical vs. non-critical characteristics

&p0 must be greater than or equal to9#CD for critical  processes

&p0 must be greater than or equal to9#@@ for non-critical  processes

7nitial Process Study/ Revie!er>s %hec6list

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7nitial Process Study/ Revie!er s %hec6list

%hec6 to see i the data de$onstrates a sta,leprocess and e-hi,its a nor$al distri,ution+ 9ote/ source data charts to understand sta,ility $ay not

al!ays ,e provided. 7 you have concerns8 as6 or the data.

PPAPs should only ,e approved i the capa,ility is

greater than 1.'F or critical di$ensions and greater

than 1. or non&critical di$ensions

%apa,ility te$plate is in the PPAP or6,oo6

PPAP Ele$ent 12/Qualiied Ga,oratory #ocu$entation

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Qualiied Ga,oratory #ocu$entation

• 7nspection and testing or PPAP shall ,e peror$ed ,y a3ualiied la,oratory (e.g.8 an accredited la,oratory).

• "he 3ualiied la,oratory (internal or e-ternal to the

supplier) shall have a la,oratory scope and

docu$entation sho!ing that the la,oratory is 3ualiied orthe type o $easure$ents or tests conducted• hen an e-ternal la,oratory is used8 the supplier shall su,$it

the test results on the la,oratory letterhead or the nor$al

la,oratory report or$at

• "he na$e o the la,oratory that peror$ed the tests8 the date(s)o the tests8 and the standards used to run the tests shall ,e


• Eaton to validate results to speciications.

PPAP Ele$ent 1/Appearance Approval Report

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 Appearance Approval Report

<hen to Use %t

• Prior to tooling for production

<hat is %t

• A report completed b# t!e suppliercontaining appearance and color


Only alies for arts (ith color% grain%

or surface aearance re&uirements


/b8ective or Purpose

• +o demonstrate t!at t!e part !asmet t!e appearance re"uirements

on t!e design record

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 Appearance Approval Report

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pp pp p

 Appearance Evaluation #etails

7dentiies supplier sourcing8 te-ture

inor$ation and su,$ission custo$er


 Appearance Approval Report

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pp pp p

%olor Evaluation #etails

+ 7dentiies supplier part color

di$ensions8 use o color

spectro$eter or RAG charts to

deter$ine inish inor$ation

+ Re3uires supplier and custo$er to


PPAP Ele$ent 14/Sa$ple Production Parts

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Actual samples t!at reflect t!e parts

documented in t!e PPAP*

<hat is %t

/b8ective or Purpose• onfirm cosmetic or functional

part approval*

<hen to Use %t

• ample parts s!ould be delivered

W9+: t!e PPAP submission

Sa$ple Production Parts

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• "he sa$ple parts provided should ,e thesa$e parts $easured or the di$ensional


•PPAP sa$ple 3uantity is ,ased on needs ro$Eaton Engineering8 ;anuacturing and Quality

Sa$ple Production Parts

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Sa$ple production parts ;JS" ,e properly identiied7nclude the ollo!ing inor$ation on the part la,el/

• #ate parts !ere pac6ed

• Eaton part nu$,er 

Quantity• Serial nu$,er 

• Supplier part nu$,er (optional)

• Part description

• %ountry o origin

• 7ndication o regulatory co$pliance !here applica,le (RoCS8

REA%C8 %onlict ;inerals8 etc.)

•  Approval $ar6ings (JG8 %E8 etc.) !here applica,le

PPAP Ele$ent 1*/ ;aster Sa$plesPPAP Ele$ent 1'/ %hec6ing Aids

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•;aster Sa$ple (PPAP Ele$ent 1*)• "he perectT or goldenT sa$ple that su,se3uent parts can ,e

co$pared against

• ten the irst good part o a ne! tool or in<ection $olding or sta$ping

• 7s so$eti$es used to veriy testing e3uip$ent and $easure$ent


• ;aster sa$ples are not nor$al or every product or $anuacturing


• %hec6ing aid (PPAP Ele$ent 1')• "ools8 gages8 or test e3uip$ent8 used to inspect production parts

• E-a$ples include/• Bisual standards or color or appearance

• Shado! ,oards or te$plates used to veriy general shape or presence o re3uired


• %usto$ gages

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Production easi,ility Agree$ent (PA)

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y g ( )

• "he PA is designedto ensure the

supplier clearly

understands and can

$eet all Eatondesign re3uire$ents

• 7t also provides a

or$al !ay to solicitand trac6 supplier

design input

PA (cont.)

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( )

+ Supplier irst revie!s each

speciication on the print8

including notes8 $aterials and

reerenced speciication+ Supplier attaches ,allooned

dra!ing to the or$

PA (cont.)

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+ "he supplier enters design speciications andindicates capa,ility to $anuacture

+ or co$ple- parts !ith $any di$ensions and

eatures8 the supplier $ay elect to ocus on

special characteristics and pro,le$


PA (cont.)

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hen re3uested8 Eaton indicates a

design change to acco$$odate the

supplier8 or indicates the design$ust re$ain un&changed

PA (cont.)

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+ Supplier ans!ers general

easi,ility 3uestions and signs

+ Supplier $ay also $a6e cost

i$prove$ent reco$$endations

:age Plan

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+ 7dentiy all gages to ,e utili?ed or product


+ 7nclude any clariication or additional set up

re3uired or accurate validation

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Production Readiness Revie! (PRR)

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Production 3eadiness 3evie( 0P331 evaluates and verifies the readiness of a

sulier to move from develoment to initial roduction

UtiliGed as an assessment of ris4 identification>mitigation lan% not as a ass>fail


Conducted rior to the manufacturing #uild (ith time to mitigate ris4s

Comleted onsite #y )aton ersonnel and>or #y sulier as a selfassessment

'alidates APQP Process (as follo(ed @ chec4s other imortant factors for


PPAP Ele$ent 1=/Part Su,$ission arrant (PS)

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 2014 Eaton. All RightsReserved.

hat is 7t• Re3uired docu$ent in !hich the

supplier conir$s the design and

validation o $anuacturing

processes that !ill produce parts

to speciication at a speciic rate

,<ective or Purpose

• Jsed to /• docu$ent part approval

• provide 6ey inor$ation

• declare that the parts $eet

speciicationhen to Jse 7t

• Prior to shipping production parts

Part Su,$ission arrant (PS)

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 2014 Eaton. All Rights Reserved.

 Ad$inistrative section containing ,asic

part inor$ation8 including Part 9u$,er

and Revision

Part Su,$ission arrant (PS)

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 Ad$inistrative section identiying

supplier location and custo$er location

Part Su,$ission arrant (PS)

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 2014 Eaton. All Rights Reserved.

Cere the supplier is re3uired to identiy ho! it

has reported Su,stances o %oncern/+ 7;#S8 RoCS8 REA%C8 %onlict ;inerals8


Part Su,$ission arrant (PS)

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 2014 Eaton. All Rights Reserved.

"he supplier indicates the reason or the PPAP


Part Su,$ission arrant (PS)

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+ "he supplier indicates the PPAP level and

certiies that the validation results $eet alldesign speciications.

+ "his certiication is ,y cavity8 production

line8 etc.

Part Su,$ission arrant (PS)

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+ "he supplier declares that the PPAP

su,$ission is ,ased on production processes

run at a nor$al or planned production rate.

+ "he supplier states the production rate.

+ "he supplier indicates that any custo$er

o!ned tooling is properly identiied

Part Su,$ission arrant (PS)

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+ Prior to su,$itting the PPAP8 the supplier

representative signs the !arrant8 indicating the

part $eets Eaton re3uire$ents

+ "he custo$er then approves or re<ects the

PPAP and signs to conir$ the decision

+ "he custo$er approved PS is a prere3uisite

or production ship$ents

Part Su,$ission arrant (PS)

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1H© 2014 Eaton. All Rights Reserved.

• Revie!ers %hec6list;ust ,e co$pletely illed out

;ust ,e signed ,y the supplier 

P9 $ust $atch the P

Product a$ily su,$issions allo!ed

Su,$itted at the correct revision level

Su,$itted at the correct su,$ission level

Speciy the reason or su,$ission

7nclude 7;#S8 RoCS8 etc. as re3uired

%learly state the production rate used or validation

PPAP Progress %hec6 inal ("ruealse)

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• Eaton considers A7 to ,e ,etter thanPPAP

• ;EAs should have additional actions


• "he supplier should co$plete the %ontrolPlan prior to the production trial run

• "he reaction plan part o %ontrol Plan is


• "he supplier should state the production

rate used during the production trial run

on the PS

T -

T -

T -

T -

T -

PPAP Su$$ary

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• PPAP chec6s that any process changes have,een properly designed and validated8 and the

resulting process is capa,le o repeatedly

producing parts to speciication

• "he PPAP ele$ents should ,e part o your

Quality ;anage$ent Syste$. PPAP shouldn>t

re3uire $uch e-tra eort8 ,ecause you>ve already

done the !or6 internally to $anage your changes.• Reacting to later issues !ith the product or

process can ,e e-pensive and ti$e&consu$ingW

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