supplement jan-dec 1988 icrisat in print

Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print: a cumulative record of publications 197S-86 This list of publication entries, published during 1988, is a supplement to ICRISAT In print: a cumulative record of p2ublications 1975-06. It comprises journal articles, conference papers, Institute-level publications, and a thesis resulting from work done at ICRISAT. Also included are addenda to ICRISAT in print and the supplement Jan-Dec 1987. Entries have been categorized by crop and discipline. Thz numbers in parentheses against each entry are approval numbers of the manuscripts piven by 1CRISAT's Editorial Committee, or catalog codes, for the Institute-level publi- cations. For reprints, please contact Information Services, ICRISAT Center, citing the approval number(s) and/or catalog code(s). Copies of theses are not available from ICRISAT. /

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Page 1: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print

Supplement Jan-Dec 1988

ICRISAT in Print a cumulative record of publications 197S-86

This list of publication entries published during 1988 is a supplement to ICRISAT In print a cumulative record of p2ublications 1975-06 It comprises journal articles conference papers Institute-level publications and a thesis resulting from work done at ICRISAT Also included are addenda to ICRISAT in print and the supplement Jan-Dec 1987 Entries have been categorized by crop and discipline Thz numbers in parentheses against each entry are approval numbers of the manuscripts piven by 1CRISATs Editorial Committee or catalog codes for the Institute-level publishycations For reprints please contact Information Services ICRISAT Center citing the approval number(s) andor catalog code(s) Copies of theses are not available from ICRISAT



Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Germplasm collection and assemblyPeacock JM and Sivakunar MVK 1987 An environmental physiologists approach to screening for drought resistancein sorghum (Sorgium bicoo (L) Moench) with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa Pages 101 -120 PFood grainproduction in lhc semit arid Africa proceedings of an Interrational Syrnpcsirm 19-23 May 1986 Nairobi Kenya (MenyongaJM Bezunh T and Yuoeowei A eds) Ouagadoego Burkina FUnity Sclenjhic Technical and Research Commission -Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Development) (CP 303) Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies Agrawal BL Abraham CV and House LR 1989 Inheritance of eslstance to midge Contarinla sorghicola coq in sorgnum 5 oicoi(t I-) Moench Isect Science and its Application 9(1 )43-45 (JA 615)Murty DS Singh M Lnc Nicodemus KD 1988 A genetic study of popping quality insorghum (Sorghum bicolor(L)Mooncni Euphytrca 37 1)5-8 (JA 630)

Breeding for blotic stress resistance Agrawal BL Sharma HC and Leuschner K 1988 Registrption of ICSV 197 midge resistant sorghum cultivar CropScience 27 12-1313 (JA 659)Bandyopadhyay R and Mughogho LK 1988 Evaluation of field screening techniques for resistance to sorghum grainmolds Plan Dsease 72(6) 500-503 (JA 689)Bandyopadhyay R Mughogho LK and Prasada Rac KE 1988 Sources ot resistance to sorghum grain mold PlantDisease 7216) 504-508 (JA 690)Sharma KC Vidyasagar P and Leuschner K 1988 Field screening sorghum for iusistance to sorghum midge (DipteraCecidomyiidae) Journal of Economic Entomology 81(1)327-334 (JA 558)Sharma HC Vldyaaagar P and Leuschner K 1988 midge (Diptera

No-choice cage technique to screen for resistance to sorghumCecdomyidae) Journal of Economic Enlomol )gy 81 (1)415-422 (JA 562)Taneja SL 1987 Host-plant resistance in the management ot soirghum stem borers Pages 212-233 in Recent advances inentomology (Maihir YK 9hattachaya AK Pandey ND Jpadhiyaya KD and Srivastava JP eds) Kanput L ttarPradesh India Gopal Prakashan (CP 309)

Variety descriptionrelease documents ICRISAI (Inlernational Crops Resarch Institute for the 1em-Arid Tropics) 1988 Sorghum hybrid ICSH 153 Plant MaterialDescription no 15 PatanchEru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp iSBN 92-9066-156-9 (PME 015)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the 5emi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Sorghum variety ICSV 112 Plant MaterialDescription no 16 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISbN 92-9066-157-7 (PME 016)ICRISAT (International Croos Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Sorghum variety ICSV 145 Plant MaterialDescription no 17 Patancreru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4pp ISBN 92-9066-158-5 (PME 017)


Environmental stress Ougham HJ Peccock JM Stoddart JL and Soman P 1988 High temperature effects on seedling emergence andembryo protein syrthesis of sorghum Crop Science 28251-253 (JA 601)Peacock JM Azam-AII SN and Matthews RB 1988 An approach to screening for resistance to water and heat stressinSorghum (Sorghuln bicoloi (L) Moench) Pages 487-497 in And lands today and tomorrow proccredings of an InternationalResearch and Development Conference 20-25 Oct 1985 Tucsor Arizona USA Whitehead EE Hutchinson CF Timmershymann BN and Varady R G eds) Boulder Colorado USA Westview Press (CP 232)


Peacock JM and Sivakumar MVK 1987 An envronmental physiologists approach to screening for drought resistance in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) thparticular reference to sub-Saharan Africa Pages 101-120 in Food grainproduction in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an International Symposium 19-23 May 1986 Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga JM Bezuneh Tand VoLidioweiA eds )Ouagaoougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African UnityScienlific Technical ann Research Commssion-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Development) (CP 303) Reddy Belum VS Seethaama N and House LR 1987 Sorghums in the post-rainy season 1Effect of irrigation and date of sowing on the grain and stover yields of diverse cultivars Experimental Agriculture 2431-36 (JA 412) Sivaramakrishnan S Patell ZV Flower DJ and Peacock JM 1988 Proline accumulation and nitrate reductase activity in contrasting sorghum lines during mid-season drought stress Physiologia Plantarum 74418-426 (JA 754)

Physiology and development

Huda AKS 1988 Smulating growth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agronomy Journal 80(3) 541-547 jJA 624)

Huda AKS Virmpnl SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA362)

Peacock JM and Sivakumar MVK 1987 An environmental physiologists approach to screening for drought resistance in sorghum (Soighum bcoor (L)Moench) with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa Pages 101-120 in Food grainproduction in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an Iriter national Symposium 19-23 May 1986 Nairobi Kenya (MenyongaJM Bezuneh Tand Yoadeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African UnityScientific Technical and Research Commission-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Development) (CP303)


Ougham HJ Peacock JM Stoddart JL aid Soman P1988 High temperature effects on seedling emergence and embryo protein synthesis of sorghum Crop Science 28251-253 (JA 601)


Climate classification Peacock JM and Sivakumar MVK 1987 An environmental physiologists approach to screening for drought resistance in sorghum (Sorghum bice or IL) Moench) with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa Pages 101 -120 in Food grainproduction in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an International Symposium 19-23 May 1986 Nairobi Kenya (MenyongaJ M Bezunch Tand Youdeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African UnityScientific Technical and Research Commission-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Deveopment) (CP303)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Simulating growth and yield response of sorghum to changes in plant density Agronomy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS Virmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its applicationIndian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)31 7-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil chemistry and fertility

Sahrawat KL 1988 Effects of nitrogen on growth and nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in tops and roots of sorghum grown in an Alfiso and a Vertisol Fertilizer Research 17119-124 (JA 709)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

GIller KE Wani SP Day JM and Dart PJ 1988 Short-term measurements of uptake of nitrogen fixed in the rhizosphere of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and millet (Pennisetum americanum) Biology and Fertility of Soils 7(1 )11-15 (JA 740)


Farming Systems General

Water and drought Reddy Belum VS Seetharama N and House LR 1987 Sorghums in the post-rainy season 1Effect of irrigation and date of sowing on the grain and stover yields of diverse cultivars Experimental Agriculture 2431 -J6 (JA 412)

Agronomy Huda AKS 1988 Simulating growth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agronomy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624) Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Sirnuiation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4) 317-330 (JA 362) Reddy Belum VS Seetharama N arcd House LR 1987 Sorghums in the post-rainy season 1Effect of irrigation anddate of sowing on the grain and stover yields of diverse cultivars Experimental Agriculture 2431-36 (JA 412)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in drylandagriculture Pages 250-275 in National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986New Delhi India (Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Diseases and Disease Management Funqus and mycotoxin diseases Bandyopdhyay R and Mughogho LK 1988 Evaluation of field screening techniques for resistance to sorghum grainmolds Plant Disease 72(6) 500-503 (JA 689) Bandyopadhyay R Mughogho LK and Prasada Rao KE 1988 Sources of resistance to sorghum grain mold Plant Disease 72(6)504-508 (JA 690

Pests Pest Control and Management

Insect and mite pests Sharma HC Vidyasagar P and Leuschner K1 988 Field screening sorghum for resistance to sorghum midge (DipteraCecidomyiidae) Journal of Economic Entomology 81(1)327-334 (JA 558) Sharma HC Vidyasagar P and Leuschner K 1988 No-choice cage technique to screen for resistance to sorghummidge (Diptera Cecidomyiidae) Journal of Economic Entomology 81 (1)415-422 (JA 562) Taneja SL 1987 Host-plant r-sistance in the management of sorghum stem borers Pages 212-233 in Recent advances inentomology (Mathur YK Bhaltacharya AK Pandey ND Upadhyaya KD and Srivastava JP eds) Kanpur UttarPradesh India Gopal Prakashan (CP 309) Taneja SL and Nwanze KF 1988 Mass production of spotted stem borer Chilopartellus Swinhoe on artificial diet Pages77-92 inBiocontrol technology for sugarcane pest manaqement (David H and Easwaramoorthy S eds) Coimbatore TamilNadu India Sugarcane Breeding Institute (CP 487)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Uses of sorghum and millets summaryproceedings of an International Workshop on Policy Practice and Potential Relating to Uses of Sorghum and Millets 8-12 Feb1988 Bulawayo Zimbabwe Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-159-3 (CPE 047) Jambunathan R and Subramanlan V 1988 Grain quality and utilization of sorghum and pearl millet Pages 133-139 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 394)


Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 inPlant breeding and the nutritve value of crop residues proceedings ofaworkshop 7-10 Dec 1987 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Reed JD Capoer BS and Neate PJH eds) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre for Africa (CP 459)

Food products

Murly DSSlngh M and Nicodemus KD 1988 A genetic study of popping quality insorghum (Soighum bicolor (L)Moench) Euphytica 37(1 )5-8 (JA 630) Subramanlan V Jambunathan R and Prasada Rao KE 1987 Dry milling characteristics of sorghum grains and theirrelationship to produci quaHy Pages 45-54 InTechnology and applications for alternate uses of sorghum proceedings of theNational Seminar 2-3 Feb 1987 Parbhani India Parbhani Maharashtra 431 402 India- Marathwada Agricultural University (CP 346)

Millets Anatomy and Morphrogy Bhatnagar A 1988 Studies on mode of penetration by Sclerospocra grarnnicola (SACC) Schroet inpearl millet (Pennisetumameticnum (L) Leeke) leaves MSc thesis Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India 75 pp

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Mengesha MH and Appa Rao S 1986 Genetic resources of pearl millet at ICRISAT Journal dAgriculture Traditionelle et de Botanique Appliquee 3359-67 (JA691)

Germplasm evaluation and documentation

Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 Characteristics inheritance and allelic relationships of inidribless mulants in pearl millet Journal of Heredity 7 9(l)18-20 (JA 639) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1986 Variation and adaptation of pearl millet germplasm in ramil Nadu India Indian Journal of Genetics 46(3)449-455 (JA 480) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 New sources of early-maturing germplasm inpearl millet (Pennisetum glacum) Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(10)743-746 (JA 724)

Seed Science Genera Seed physiology Soman P Stomph TJ BldingerFR and Fussell LK 1987 Improvement instand establishment inpearl millet Pages159-172 in Food grain production in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an International Symposium 19-23 May 1986Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga J M Bezune T and Youdeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African Unity ScenItic Technical and Research Commission-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Oevelopment) (CP 305)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 Characteristics inheritance and allelic relationships of midribless mutants in pearl millet Journal of Heredily 791 )(18-20(JA 639) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Fdiy C 1988 Inheritance and linkage relationships of qualitativecharacters in pearl millet (Penniseturn glaucum) Indian 1ourrial of Agricutural Sciences 58(11 )840-843 (JA 641 ) Chavan SB Thakur RP and Rao VP 1988 Inheritance of smut resistance in pearl millet Plant Disease Research 3192-197 (JA 803)


Variety descriptionrelease documents ICRISAT (international Crops ReseL rch Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Pearl millet hybrid ICMH 451 Plant MaterialDescription no 14 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-133-X (PME 0 14) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registralion of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Roisration of six smut iesisant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557)

Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registralion u four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multipledisease esistance Crop Science 28(2)381-382 (JA 565)


Environmental stresL Mahalakshmi V Bidinger FR and Rao GDP 1988 Timing and intensity of water deficit during flowering and grain fillinginpearl rnillet Agronomy Journal 80130-135 (JA 670)

Yield physiology Craufurd PO and P inger FR 1988 Effect of the duration of the vegetative phase on shoot growth development andyield in pearl mlle (PennzOtum americanum (L) Leeke) Journal of Experimental Botany 39(198)124-139 (JA 668) Mahalakshml V Bldhiger FR and Rao GDP 1988 Timing and intensity of water deficit during flowering and grain fillingin pearI millet Agronomy Journal 80130-135 (JA 670i

Physiology and development Craufurd PO and Bldinger FR t988 Effect of the duration of the vegetative phase on shoot growth development andyield in pearl miilel (Pennisetum arelicnum(L) Locke) Journal of Experimental Botany 39(198)124-139 JA 662) Soman P Stemph TJ Bldinger FR and Fussell LK 1987 Improvement instand establishment inpearl millet Pages159-172 In Food grain production in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an Internatmural Symposium 19-23 May 1986Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga J M Bezuneh T and Ynudeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTAC--SAFGRAD Organizatlon of African Unity Scientific i echnical and Research Commission-Seri -Arid Food Gran Research Cevelowrnert) iCP 305)

Soil Science

Soil chemistry and fertility Wani SP 1988 Nitrogen fIxatloi potentials ofsorghum and millets Pages 125-174 inBiological nitrogen fixation recent developments (Subba Ran NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and IB-I- Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Zambre MA and Lee KK 1988 Population dynarmics of ntrogen-fixing bacteria associated vith pearl millet Oernisen americanum (L) Leeke plants Pages 21 30 in Biotechnology of nitrogen fixation in ttle tropics (BtOnifT)pruc-eoiocs of trie Regional Symposium and Workshop 25-29 Auy 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Snamsuddin ZH OthmanWMW Yarziah M arid Sundram J eds) Selangor Malaysia Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Wani SP Day JM and Dart PJ 1988 Short-term measurements of uptake of nitrogen fixed in therhizosphere of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and millet (Pennisetum amencanum) Biology and Fertility of Soils 7(1 )11-15 (JA740) Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions between vesicular arbusculr mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorganisms and their influence on plant growth and nutrition Pages 5370 In Biological nitrogen fixation recentdevelopments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 5 1)


Wani SP 1985 Nitrogen fixatio potntials of sorghum and millats Pages 125 174 in Biological nitrogen fixation recent developments (SObba Rao Nq edl New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Chandrapalalh S Zambre MA and Lee KK 1986 Association between N-fixing bacteria and pearl millet plants respcnses niechar sms and pisi-tence Plant and Scil 11089-302 (JA 732)

Wani SP Zamb MA and Lev KK 1988 Population dynanics oft niiopen-ixing bacteria associaled with pearl millet Perns fimionitm L Leeltc plarts Pages 21-30 inBiotcchnoIoqy of nitrogen fixation in the trooics (BlOnifT)piceednas of lhe Regional SympIosium and Worlshnp 25-29 Aug 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Shamsuddin ZH Olhnran WM W Marzah M and Sudram J er) Selargor Malays-a Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhlzae

Subba Rao NS and Kirishrm KR 1988 nteractions between vesicular arbuscutar mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorgari5icls and thcir inri nce on plant growIn and nurition Pages 53-70 In Biological nitrogen fixation recent dc valopmerits Subba Rao NS ed) New DNlhi India Oxford and BH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General

Land and water management

Athavate RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in drylandagriculture Pages 250-275 nNational Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986New flelhi India (Kn-ar J S_ ed New Deh India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Diseases and Disease Management

Fungus and mycotoxn diseases

Bhatnagar A 1988 Stuaies on mode of penetration oy Sclerospota gramirnicola (Sacc) Schroetin pearl millet (Pennisetumirnericinun iL ) Leekep leaves MSc thesis Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India

75 pp

Chaian SB Thakur RP and Rao VP 1988 Inheritance of smut resistance in pearl millet Plant Disease Research 3192-197 (JA 803)

Rao VP aria Thakur RP 1988 Furarum secitectum var majus a potential bloconrol agent of ergot (Caviuepsisdoiis) of pearl nillet Indian Phytopathology 41567-574 (JA 675) Slngh SD Gopinath R and Pawar MN 1987 Effects of environmental factors on asexual sporulation of Sclerospofa graminicola Indian Phylupathology 40(2)186-193 (JA 523)

Singh SD and King SB 1988 Recovery resistance Iodowny mildew inpearl millet Plant Disease 72(5)425-428 (JA 588) Singh SD and Slngh Govind 1987 Resistance to downy mildew in pearl millel hybrid NHB 3 Indian Phytopathology 40()178-t80 (JA 324)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Ergot disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 24 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Reseatcn Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 24 pp ISBN 92-9066-137-2 (IBE 024) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 SmuLt disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 25 Patancher AP 502 324 Incia International Crops Research Instiiute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 18 pp ISBN 92-9066-138-C (IBE 025) Thakur RP and King S3 1988 Registration of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registration of six smut resistait germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557) Thakur RP ano Rao VP 1988 Effectiveness of Ethrel as amale gametocide inpearl millet and its influence on ergot Plant Breeding 101107-113 (JA 755) Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registration of four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multiple disease resistance Crop Science 28)2)381-382 (JA 565)


Pests Pest Control and Management

Insect and mite pests Nwanze KF and Sivakumar MVK 1988 Effets des facteurs physiques du sol et climatiques sur la diapause et le cyclesaisonnier de la chenille de repi du (nil (Raghuvaalbipunctella) (In Fr) Pages 99-109 in Compte rendu du cycle detudes surIAgrorndteoroogie et la protection des cultures dans les zones semi-arides 8-12 Dec 1986 Niamey Niger GenevaSwitzerland WMO (CP 86-012)

Ouality and Utilization ICRISAT (internatlioral Crops Research Institute for the Seri-Arid Tropics) 1988 Uses of sorghum and millets summaryproc edirigs of an Inle rnational Workshop on Policy Practice and Potential Relating to Uses of Sorghum and Millets 8-12 Feb1988 Bulawayoe Zimbabwe Palancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-159-3 (CPE 047)Jambunathan R and Subramanlan V 1988 Grain quality and utillzation of sorghun and pearl millet Pages 133-139 InBioht cnnoloy in tropicoii cro)p impro re nt proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Palanchro AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP394) Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 1988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 in Plant breeding and the nutritive value of crop residues proceedings of a workshop 7-10 Dec 1987 AddisAbaba Ethiopia (Reed J D Capper BS and Neate PJH eds ) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre forAfrica (CP 459)


Statistics and biometry Wllcombe JR 1988 Estimates of stability for comparing varieties Euphytica 3911-18 (JA 647)

Chickpea General ICRISAT (international Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Chickpea Newsletter no 18Palanchero A P502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2508 (NCE) Nene YL and Kanwar JS 1988 Research on food legumes at the International Crops Research Instifuie for the Semi-AridTropics (ICRISAT) with special reference to chickpea Pages 39-46 nWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings ofthe international Food Legume Research Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 SpokaneWashington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academc Publishers (CP 283) van Rheenen HA and Miranda JH 1986 Improving the growth of Cicet plants inpots Pulse Crops Newsletter 637-40 (JA 644)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Pundlr RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog evaluation andanalysis Patoncheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 100 pp ISBN92-9066-154-2 (GCE 002) Pundir RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog passport informationPatancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 521 pp ISBN 92-9066-155-0 (GCE 002)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding van Rheenen HA Bond DA Erskine Wand Sharma B1988 Future breeding strategies for pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 1013-1030 In World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearcn Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJed ) Dordrecht Netherlands Kuwer Academic Publishers (CP 264)


Genetic studies

Harjlt Singh Kumar J Haware MP and Smithson JB 1987 Complementation between genes for resistance to race 1 of Fusarium oxyspobuin I sp cicen in chickpea Plant Pathology 36539-543 (JA 373)

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower coour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicet aoetinum L ) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 110 407-409 (JA 653)

Breeding for blotic stress resistance

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower colour and niimber of flowtrs per fruitng node in chickpeas (Cicer arielinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 1104107-409 (JA 653)

Reed W Cardona C Lateet SS and Bishara $1 1988 Screening and breeding for insect resistance inpea lentil faba bean and chckpea Pages 107-116 inWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearch Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed ) Dordrecnt Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 259)

Variety descriptionrelease documents

ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea kabuli variety ICCV 6 Plant Material Descriplion no 12 Patancjheru A P502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-131-3 (PME 012)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea desi variety ICCV 7 Plant Material Description no 13 Patancheru A P 502 324 India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4pp ISBN 92-j066shy132-1 (PME013)

Biotechnology Moss JP Singh AK Sastrl DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)


Environmental stress Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity acbse study with chickpeaPages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary inFr) Research Bulletin no 11 Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Sein-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary in Fr I Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)


Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Sudarshana MR Thompson JA and Rupela OP 1988 Evaluation of 5N-isotope dilution for measureshyment of nitrogen fixation inchickpea (Cicer arietinum L) Biology and Fertility of Soils 6(4)347-351 (JA 692)Nambiar PTC Rupela OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L ) chickpea (Cicer ariehinum L) and pigeonpea (Caanus caan L Millsp) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixatiun recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed I New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Diseases and Disease Management Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Harjlit Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium will resistance flowercolour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicer ariefinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK110407-409 (JA 653) Kannalyan J and Nene YL 1986 Screening pigeonpea for resistance to alternaria blight Indian Phytopathology39 (4)547-549 iA 513) Nene YL Hanounik SB Oureshl and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summertield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Bacterial diseases Nene YL Hanounik SB Qureshi and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapping of Helothis armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pests of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173in Plant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection inField Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithanantham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India (CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Ba os PhilippinesLaguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


General ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Pigeonpea Newsletter nos 7and 8 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0255-786 X(NPE)

Anatomy and Morphology Saxena KB Dundas IS Fars DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stern mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3)221-222 (JA 631)

Saxeno KB Slngh AK andu iarls DG 1988 7he mormhogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR arid Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea geirnplasrn catalog evaluation and analysis Palancneru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 95 pp ISBN 92-9066-152-6 (GCE 001)

Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea gerniplasm catalog passportnfornation Palanctieru A P 502 324 India Inlernational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 387 pp ISBN 92-9066-153-4 (GCE 001)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies

Saxena KB Dundas 1S Faris DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stem mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3) 221-222 (JA 631)

Saxena KB Slngh AK and Fars DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Male sterile pollinator and hybrid breeding

Saxena KB Singh AK and Faris DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdl in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1)75-76 (JA 612)

Interspecific breeding

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 In Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Cenler India Patancherii AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Biotechnology Moss JP Slngh AK Sastri DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)

Tissue culture

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 in Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Physiology Environmental stress

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeor ea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiolic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP 502 324 India nternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)


Yield physiology Chauhan YS Sheldrake AR and Venkataratnam N 1987 Effect of harvest methods on the second flush yield ofshort-duration pigeonpea (Calanuscalan) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 109591-593 (JA 637)Chauhan YS Venkataratnam N and Sheldrake AR 1987 Factos affecting growth and yield of stort-durationpgeonpea and its potential for multiple harvests Journal ofAgricultural Science UK 109519-529 (JA 654)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Slthanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchtckpea iSummary inFr )Research Bulletin no 1I Patancheru AP502324 India International Crops Research Institutefor toe Semi-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-161-4 (ROE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpca andchijckpea iSumniary inFi) Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi Arid Tropcs 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 0111

Nitrogen fixation Namblar PTC Rupes OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishoogaea LI chickpea (Ccer aiebnim L I and pigeonpea (Calanus calan LMillsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation ecent developments (Subba Rao NS ed ) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35CP 285)

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapoing of Heholh~s armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pesis of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173 inPlant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithananfham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India(CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from a ULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 1G(1 )33-35(CP 285) Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Baos PhilippinesLaguna Philippines Internaltonal Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 2: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print



Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Germplasm collection and assemblyPeacock JM and Sivakunar MVK 1987 An environmental physiologists approach to screening for drought resistancein sorghum (Sorgium bicoo (L) Moench) with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa Pages 101 -120 PFood grainproduction in lhc semit arid Africa proceedings of an Interrational Syrnpcsirm 19-23 May 1986 Nairobi Kenya (MenyongaJM Bezunh T and Yuoeowei A eds) Ouagadoego Burkina FUnity Sclenjhic Technical and Research Commission -Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Development) (CP 303) Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies Agrawal BL Abraham CV and House LR 1989 Inheritance of eslstance to midge Contarinla sorghicola coq in sorgnum 5 oicoi(t I-) Moench Isect Science and its Application 9(1 )43-45 (JA 615)Murty DS Singh M Lnc Nicodemus KD 1988 A genetic study of popping quality insorghum (Sorghum bicolor(L)Mooncni Euphytrca 37 1)5-8 (JA 630)

Breeding for blotic stress resistance Agrawal BL Sharma HC and Leuschner K 1988 Registrption of ICSV 197 midge resistant sorghum cultivar CropScience 27 12-1313 (JA 659)Bandyopadhyay R and Mughogho LK 1988 Evaluation of field screening techniques for resistance to sorghum grainmolds Plan Dsease 72(6) 500-503 (JA 689)Bandyopadhyay R Mughogho LK and Prasada Rac KE 1988 Sources ot resistance to sorghum grain mold PlantDisease 7216) 504-508 (JA 690)Sharma KC Vidyasagar P and Leuschner K 1988 Field screening sorghum for iusistance to sorghum midge (DipteraCecidomyiidae) Journal of Economic Entomology 81(1)327-334 (JA 558)Sharma HC Vldyaaagar P and Leuschner K 1988 midge (Diptera

No-choice cage technique to screen for resistance to sorghumCecdomyidae) Journal of Economic Enlomol )gy 81 (1)415-422 (JA 562)Taneja SL 1987 Host-plant resistance in the management ot soirghum stem borers Pages 212-233 in Recent advances inentomology (Maihir YK 9hattachaya AK Pandey ND Jpadhiyaya KD and Srivastava JP eds) Kanput L ttarPradesh India Gopal Prakashan (CP 309)

Variety descriptionrelease documents ICRISAI (Inlernational Crops Resarch Institute for the 1em-Arid Tropics) 1988 Sorghum hybrid ICSH 153 Plant MaterialDescription no 15 PatanchEru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp iSBN 92-9066-156-9 (PME 015)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the 5emi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Sorghum variety ICSV 112 Plant MaterialDescription no 16 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISbN 92-9066-157-7 (PME 016)ICRISAT (International Croos Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Sorghum variety ICSV 145 Plant MaterialDescription no 17 Patancreru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4pp ISBN 92-9066-158-5 (PME 017)


Environmental stress Ougham HJ Peccock JM Stoddart JL and Soman P 1988 High temperature effects on seedling emergence andembryo protein syrthesis of sorghum Crop Science 28251-253 (JA 601)Peacock JM Azam-AII SN and Matthews RB 1988 An approach to screening for resistance to water and heat stressinSorghum (Sorghuln bicoloi (L) Moench) Pages 487-497 in And lands today and tomorrow proccredings of an InternationalResearch and Development Conference 20-25 Oct 1985 Tucsor Arizona USA Whitehead EE Hutchinson CF Timmershymann BN and Varady R G eds) Boulder Colorado USA Westview Press (CP 232)


Peacock JM and Sivakumar MVK 1987 An envronmental physiologists approach to screening for drought resistance in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) thparticular reference to sub-Saharan Africa Pages 101-120 in Food grainproduction in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an International Symposium 19-23 May 1986 Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga JM Bezuneh Tand VoLidioweiA eds )Ouagaoougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African UnityScienlific Technical ann Research Commssion-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Development) (CP 303) Reddy Belum VS Seethaama N and House LR 1987 Sorghums in the post-rainy season 1Effect of irrigation and date of sowing on the grain and stover yields of diverse cultivars Experimental Agriculture 2431-36 (JA 412) Sivaramakrishnan S Patell ZV Flower DJ and Peacock JM 1988 Proline accumulation and nitrate reductase activity in contrasting sorghum lines during mid-season drought stress Physiologia Plantarum 74418-426 (JA 754)

Physiology and development

Huda AKS 1988 Smulating growth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agronomy Journal 80(3) 541-547 jJA 624)

Huda AKS Virmpnl SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA362)

Peacock JM and Sivakumar MVK 1987 An environmental physiologists approach to screening for drought resistance in sorghum (Soighum bcoor (L)Moench) with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa Pages 101-120 in Food grainproduction in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an Iriter national Symposium 19-23 May 1986 Nairobi Kenya (MenyongaJM Bezuneh Tand Yoadeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African UnityScientific Technical and Research Commission-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Development) (CP303)


Ougham HJ Peacock JM Stoddart JL aid Soman P1988 High temperature effects on seedling emergence and embryo protein synthesis of sorghum Crop Science 28251-253 (JA 601)


Climate classification Peacock JM and Sivakumar MVK 1987 An environmental physiologists approach to screening for drought resistance in sorghum (Sorghum bice or IL) Moench) with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa Pages 101 -120 in Food grainproduction in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an International Symposium 19-23 May 1986 Nairobi Kenya (MenyongaJ M Bezunch Tand Youdeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African UnityScientific Technical and Research Commission-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Deveopment) (CP303)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Simulating growth and yield response of sorghum to changes in plant density Agronomy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS Virmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its applicationIndian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)31 7-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil chemistry and fertility

Sahrawat KL 1988 Effects of nitrogen on growth and nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in tops and roots of sorghum grown in an Alfiso and a Vertisol Fertilizer Research 17119-124 (JA 709)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

GIller KE Wani SP Day JM and Dart PJ 1988 Short-term measurements of uptake of nitrogen fixed in the rhizosphere of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and millet (Pennisetum americanum) Biology and Fertility of Soils 7(1 )11-15 (JA 740)


Farming Systems General

Water and drought Reddy Belum VS Seetharama N and House LR 1987 Sorghums in the post-rainy season 1Effect of irrigation and date of sowing on the grain and stover yields of diverse cultivars Experimental Agriculture 2431 -J6 (JA 412)

Agronomy Huda AKS 1988 Simulating growth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agronomy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624) Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Sirnuiation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4) 317-330 (JA 362) Reddy Belum VS Seetharama N arcd House LR 1987 Sorghums in the post-rainy season 1Effect of irrigation anddate of sowing on the grain and stover yields of diverse cultivars Experimental Agriculture 2431-36 (JA 412)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in drylandagriculture Pages 250-275 in National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986New Delhi India (Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Diseases and Disease Management Funqus and mycotoxin diseases Bandyopdhyay R and Mughogho LK 1988 Evaluation of field screening techniques for resistance to sorghum grainmolds Plant Disease 72(6) 500-503 (JA 689) Bandyopadhyay R Mughogho LK and Prasada Rao KE 1988 Sources of resistance to sorghum grain mold Plant Disease 72(6)504-508 (JA 690

Pests Pest Control and Management

Insect and mite pests Sharma HC Vidyasagar P and Leuschner K1 988 Field screening sorghum for resistance to sorghum midge (DipteraCecidomyiidae) Journal of Economic Entomology 81(1)327-334 (JA 558) Sharma HC Vidyasagar P and Leuschner K 1988 No-choice cage technique to screen for resistance to sorghummidge (Diptera Cecidomyiidae) Journal of Economic Entomology 81 (1)415-422 (JA 562) Taneja SL 1987 Host-plant r-sistance in the management of sorghum stem borers Pages 212-233 in Recent advances inentomology (Mathur YK Bhaltacharya AK Pandey ND Upadhyaya KD and Srivastava JP eds) Kanpur UttarPradesh India Gopal Prakashan (CP 309) Taneja SL and Nwanze KF 1988 Mass production of spotted stem borer Chilopartellus Swinhoe on artificial diet Pages77-92 inBiocontrol technology for sugarcane pest manaqement (David H and Easwaramoorthy S eds) Coimbatore TamilNadu India Sugarcane Breeding Institute (CP 487)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Uses of sorghum and millets summaryproceedings of an International Workshop on Policy Practice and Potential Relating to Uses of Sorghum and Millets 8-12 Feb1988 Bulawayo Zimbabwe Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-159-3 (CPE 047) Jambunathan R and Subramanlan V 1988 Grain quality and utilization of sorghum and pearl millet Pages 133-139 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 394)


Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 inPlant breeding and the nutritve value of crop residues proceedings ofaworkshop 7-10 Dec 1987 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Reed JD Capoer BS and Neate PJH eds) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre for Africa (CP 459)

Food products

Murly DSSlngh M and Nicodemus KD 1988 A genetic study of popping quality insorghum (Soighum bicolor (L)Moench) Euphytica 37(1 )5-8 (JA 630) Subramanlan V Jambunathan R and Prasada Rao KE 1987 Dry milling characteristics of sorghum grains and theirrelationship to produci quaHy Pages 45-54 InTechnology and applications for alternate uses of sorghum proceedings of theNational Seminar 2-3 Feb 1987 Parbhani India Parbhani Maharashtra 431 402 India- Marathwada Agricultural University (CP 346)

Millets Anatomy and Morphrogy Bhatnagar A 1988 Studies on mode of penetration by Sclerospocra grarnnicola (SACC) Schroet inpearl millet (Pennisetumameticnum (L) Leeke) leaves MSc thesis Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India 75 pp

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Mengesha MH and Appa Rao S 1986 Genetic resources of pearl millet at ICRISAT Journal dAgriculture Traditionelle et de Botanique Appliquee 3359-67 (JA691)

Germplasm evaluation and documentation

Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 Characteristics inheritance and allelic relationships of inidribless mulants in pearl millet Journal of Heredity 7 9(l)18-20 (JA 639) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1986 Variation and adaptation of pearl millet germplasm in ramil Nadu India Indian Journal of Genetics 46(3)449-455 (JA 480) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 New sources of early-maturing germplasm inpearl millet (Pennisetum glacum) Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(10)743-746 (JA 724)

Seed Science Genera Seed physiology Soman P Stomph TJ BldingerFR and Fussell LK 1987 Improvement instand establishment inpearl millet Pages159-172 in Food grain production in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an International Symposium 19-23 May 1986Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga J M Bezune T and Youdeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African Unity ScenItic Technical and Research Commission-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Oevelopment) (CP 305)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 Characteristics inheritance and allelic relationships of midribless mutants in pearl millet Journal of Heredily 791 )(18-20(JA 639) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Fdiy C 1988 Inheritance and linkage relationships of qualitativecharacters in pearl millet (Penniseturn glaucum) Indian 1ourrial of Agricutural Sciences 58(11 )840-843 (JA 641 ) Chavan SB Thakur RP and Rao VP 1988 Inheritance of smut resistance in pearl millet Plant Disease Research 3192-197 (JA 803)


Variety descriptionrelease documents ICRISAT (international Crops ReseL rch Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Pearl millet hybrid ICMH 451 Plant MaterialDescription no 14 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-133-X (PME 0 14) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registralion of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Roisration of six smut iesisant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557)

Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registralion u four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multipledisease esistance Crop Science 28(2)381-382 (JA 565)


Environmental stresL Mahalakshmi V Bidinger FR and Rao GDP 1988 Timing and intensity of water deficit during flowering and grain fillinginpearl rnillet Agronomy Journal 80130-135 (JA 670)

Yield physiology Craufurd PO and P inger FR 1988 Effect of the duration of the vegetative phase on shoot growth development andyield in pearl mlle (PennzOtum americanum (L) Leeke) Journal of Experimental Botany 39(198)124-139 (JA 668) Mahalakshml V Bldhiger FR and Rao GDP 1988 Timing and intensity of water deficit during flowering and grain fillingin pearI millet Agronomy Journal 80130-135 (JA 670i

Physiology and development Craufurd PO and Bldinger FR t988 Effect of the duration of the vegetative phase on shoot growth development andyield in pearl miilel (Pennisetum arelicnum(L) Locke) Journal of Experimental Botany 39(198)124-139 JA 662) Soman P Stemph TJ Bldinger FR and Fussell LK 1987 Improvement instand establishment inpearl millet Pages159-172 In Food grain production in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an Internatmural Symposium 19-23 May 1986Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga J M Bezuneh T and Ynudeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTAC--SAFGRAD Organizatlon of African Unity Scientific i echnical and Research Commission-Seri -Arid Food Gran Research Cevelowrnert) iCP 305)

Soil Science

Soil chemistry and fertility Wani SP 1988 Nitrogen fIxatloi potentials ofsorghum and millets Pages 125-174 inBiological nitrogen fixation recent developments (Subba Ran NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and IB-I- Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Zambre MA and Lee KK 1988 Population dynarmics of ntrogen-fixing bacteria associated vith pearl millet Oernisen americanum (L) Leeke plants Pages 21 30 in Biotechnology of nitrogen fixation in ttle tropics (BtOnifT)pruc-eoiocs of trie Regional Symposium and Workshop 25-29 Auy 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Snamsuddin ZH OthmanWMW Yarziah M arid Sundram J eds) Selangor Malaysia Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Wani SP Day JM and Dart PJ 1988 Short-term measurements of uptake of nitrogen fixed in therhizosphere of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and millet (Pennisetum amencanum) Biology and Fertility of Soils 7(1 )11-15 (JA740) Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions between vesicular arbusculr mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorganisms and their influence on plant growth and nutrition Pages 5370 In Biological nitrogen fixation recentdevelopments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 5 1)


Wani SP 1985 Nitrogen fixatio potntials of sorghum and millats Pages 125 174 in Biological nitrogen fixation recent developments (SObba Rao Nq edl New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Chandrapalalh S Zambre MA and Lee KK 1986 Association between N-fixing bacteria and pearl millet plants respcnses niechar sms and pisi-tence Plant and Scil 11089-302 (JA 732)

Wani SP Zamb MA and Lev KK 1988 Population dynanics oft niiopen-ixing bacteria associaled with pearl millet Perns fimionitm L Leeltc plarts Pages 21-30 inBiotcchnoIoqy of nitrogen fixation in the trooics (BlOnifT)piceednas of lhe Regional SympIosium and Worlshnp 25-29 Aug 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Shamsuddin ZH Olhnran WM W Marzah M and Sudram J er) Selargor Malays-a Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhlzae

Subba Rao NS and Kirishrm KR 1988 nteractions between vesicular arbuscutar mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorgari5icls and thcir inri nce on plant growIn and nurition Pages 53-70 In Biological nitrogen fixation recent dc valopmerits Subba Rao NS ed) New DNlhi India Oxford and BH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General

Land and water management

Athavate RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in drylandagriculture Pages 250-275 nNational Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986New flelhi India (Kn-ar J S_ ed New Deh India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Diseases and Disease Management

Fungus and mycotoxn diseases

Bhatnagar A 1988 Stuaies on mode of penetration oy Sclerospota gramirnicola (Sacc) Schroetin pearl millet (Pennisetumirnericinun iL ) Leekep leaves MSc thesis Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India

75 pp

Chaian SB Thakur RP and Rao VP 1988 Inheritance of smut resistance in pearl millet Plant Disease Research 3192-197 (JA 803)

Rao VP aria Thakur RP 1988 Furarum secitectum var majus a potential bloconrol agent of ergot (Caviuepsisdoiis) of pearl nillet Indian Phytopathology 41567-574 (JA 675) Slngh SD Gopinath R and Pawar MN 1987 Effects of environmental factors on asexual sporulation of Sclerospofa graminicola Indian Phylupathology 40(2)186-193 (JA 523)

Singh SD and King SB 1988 Recovery resistance Iodowny mildew inpearl millet Plant Disease 72(5)425-428 (JA 588) Singh SD and Slngh Govind 1987 Resistance to downy mildew in pearl millel hybrid NHB 3 Indian Phytopathology 40()178-t80 (JA 324)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Ergot disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 24 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Reseatcn Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 24 pp ISBN 92-9066-137-2 (IBE 024) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 SmuLt disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 25 Patancher AP 502 324 Incia International Crops Research Instiiute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 18 pp ISBN 92-9066-138-C (IBE 025) Thakur RP and King S3 1988 Registration of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registration of six smut resistait germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557) Thakur RP ano Rao VP 1988 Effectiveness of Ethrel as amale gametocide inpearl millet and its influence on ergot Plant Breeding 101107-113 (JA 755) Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registration of four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multiple disease resistance Crop Science 28)2)381-382 (JA 565)


Pests Pest Control and Management

Insect and mite pests Nwanze KF and Sivakumar MVK 1988 Effets des facteurs physiques du sol et climatiques sur la diapause et le cyclesaisonnier de la chenille de repi du (nil (Raghuvaalbipunctella) (In Fr) Pages 99-109 in Compte rendu du cycle detudes surIAgrorndteoroogie et la protection des cultures dans les zones semi-arides 8-12 Dec 1986 Niamey Niger GenevaSwitzerland WMO (CP 86-012)

Ouality and Utilization ICRISAT (internatlioral Crops Research Institute for the Seri-Arid Tropics) 1988 Uses of sorghum and millets summaryproc edirigs of an Inle rnational Workshop on Policy Practice and Potential Relating to Uses of Sorghum and Millets 8-12 Feb1988 Bulawayoe Zimbabwe Palancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-159-3 (CPE 047)Jambunathan R and Subramanlan V 1988 Grain quality and utillzation of sorghun and pearl millet Pages 133-139 InBioht cnnoloy in tropicoii cro)p impro re nt proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Palanchro AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP394) Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 1988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 in Plant breeding and the nutritive value of crop residues proceedings of a workshop 7-10 Dec 1987 AddisAbaba Ethiopia (Reed J D Capper BS and Neate PJH eds ) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre forAfrica (CP 459)


Statistics and biometry Wllcombe JR 1988 Estimates of stability for comparing varieties Euphytica 3911-18 (JA 647)

Chickpea General ICRISAT (international Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Chickpea Newsletter no 18Palanchero A P502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2508 (NCE) Nene YL and Kanwar JS 1988 Research on food legumes at the International Crops Research Instifuie for the Semi-AridTropics (ICRISAT) with special reference to chickpea Pages 39-46 nWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings ofthe international Food Legume Research Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 SpokaneWashington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academc Publishers (CP 283) van Rheenen HA and Miranda JH 1986 Improving the growth of Cicet plants inpots Pulse Crops Newsletter 637-40 (JA 644)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Pundlr RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog evaluation andanalysis Patoncheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 100 pp ISBN92-9066-154-2 (GCE 002) Pundir RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog passport informationPatancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 521 pp ISBN 92-9066-155-0 (GCE 002)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding van Rheenen HA Bond DA Erskine Wand Sharma B1988 Future breeding strategies for pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 1013-1030 In World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearcn Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJed ) Dordrecht Netherlands Kuwer Academic Publishers (CP 264)


Genetic studies

Harjlt Singh Kumar J Haware MP and Smithson JB 1987 Complementation between genes for resistance to race 1 of Fusarium oxyspobuin I sp cicen in chickpea Plant Pathology 36539-543 (JA 373)

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower coour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicet aoetinum L ) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 110 407-409 (JA 653)

Breeding for blotic stress resistance

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower colour and niimber of flowtrs per fruitng node in chickpeas (Cicer arielinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 1104107-409 (JA 653)

Reed W Cardona C Lateet SS and Bishara $1 1988 Screening and breeding for insect resistance inpea lentil faba bean and chckpea Pages 107-116 inWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearch Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed ) Dordrecnt Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 259)

Variety descriptionrelease documents

ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea kabuli variety ICCV 6 Plant Material Descriplion no 12 Patancjheru A P502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-131-3 (PME 012)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea desi variety ICCV 7 Plant Material Description no 13 Patancheru A P 502 324 India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4pp ISBN 92-j066shy132-1 (PME013)

Biotechnology Moss JP Singh AK Sastrl DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)


Environmental stress Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity acbse study with chickpeaPages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary inFr) Research Bulletin no 11 Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Sein-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary in Fr I Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)


Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Sudarshana MR Thompson JA and Rupela OP 1988 Evaluation of 5N-isotope dilution for measureshyment of nitrogen fixation inchickpea (Cicer arietinum L) Biology and Fertility of Soils 6(4)347-351 (JA 692)Nambiar PTC Rupela OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L ) chickpea (Cicer ariehinum L) and pigeonpea (Caanus caan L Millsp) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixatiun recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed I New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Diseases and Disease Management Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Harjlit Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium will resistance flowercolour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicer ariefinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK110407-409 (JA 653) Kannalyan J and Nene YL 1986 Screening pigeonpea for resistance to alternaria blight Indian Phytopathology39 (4)547-549 iA 513) Nene YL Hanounik SB Oureshl and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summertield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Bacterial diseases Nene YL Hanounik SB Qureshi and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapping of Helothis armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pests of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173in Plant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection inField Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithanantham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India (CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Ba os PhilippinesLaguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


General ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Pigeonpea Newsletter nos 7and 8 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0255-786 X(NPE)

Anatomy and Morphology Saxena KB Dundas IS Fars DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stern mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3)221-222 (JA 631)

Saxeno KB Slngh AK andu iarls DG 1988 7he mormhogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR arid Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea geirnplasrn catalog evaluation and analysis Palancneru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 95 pp ISBN 92-9066-152-6 (GCE 001)

Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea gerniplasm catalog passportnfornation Palanctieru A P 502 324 India Inlernational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 387 pp ISBN 92-9066-153-4 (GCE 001)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies

Saxena KB Dundas 1S Faris DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stem mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3) 221-222 (JA 631)

Saxena KB Slngh AK and Fars DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Male sterile pollinator and hybrid breeding

Saxena KB Singh AK and Faris DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdl in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1)75-76 (JA 612)

Interspecific breeding

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 In Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Cenler India Patancherii AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Biotechnology Moss JP Slngh AK Sastri DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)

Tissue culture

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 in Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Physiology Environmental stress

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeor ea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiolic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP 502 324 India nternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)


Yield physiology Chauhan YS Sheldrake AR and Venkataratnam N 1987 Effect of harvest methods on the second flush yield ofshort-duration pigeonpea (Calanuscalan) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 109591-593 (JA 637)Chauhan YS Venkataratnam N and Sheldrake AR 1987 Factos affecting growth and yield of stort-durationpgeonpea and its potential for multiple harvests Journal ofAgricultural Science UK 109519-529 (JA 654)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Slthanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchtckpea iSummary inFr )Research Bulletin no 1I Patancheru AP502324 India International Crops Research Institutefor toe Semi-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-161-4 (ROE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpca andchijckpea iSumniary inFi) Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi Arid Tropcs 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 0111

Nitrogen fixation Namblar PTC Rupes OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishoogaea LI chickpea (Ccer aiebnim L I and pigeonpea (Calanus calan LMillsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation ecent developments (Subba Rao NS ed ) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35CP 285)

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapoing of Heholh~s armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pesis of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173 inPlant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithananfham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India(CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from a ULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 1G(1 )33-35(CP 285) Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Baos PhilippinesLaguna Philippines Internaltonal Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 3: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Peacock JM and Sivakumar MVK 1987 An envronmental physiologists approach to screening for drought resistance in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) thparticular reference to sub-Saharan Africa Pages 101-120 in Food grainproduction in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an International Symposium 19-23 May 1986 Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga JM Bezuneh Tand VoLidioweiA eds )Ouagaoougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African UnityScienlific Technical ann Research Commssion-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Development) (CP 303) Reddy Belum VS Seethaama N and House LR 1987 Sorghums in the post-rainy season 1Effect of irrigation and date of sowing on the grain and stover yields of diverse cultivars Experimental Agriculture 2431-36 (JA 412) Sivaramakrishnan S Patell ZV Flower DJ and Peacock JM 1988 Proline accumulation and nitrate reductase activity in contrasting sorghum lines during mid-season drought stress Physiologia Plantarum 74418-426 (JA 754)

Physiology and development

Huda AKS 1988 Smulating growth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agronomy Journal 80(3) 541-547 jJA 624)

Huda AKS Virmpnl SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA362)

Peacock JM and Sivakumar MVK 1987 An environmental physiologists approach to screening for drought resistance in sorghum (Soighum bcoor (L)Moench) with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa Pages 101-120 in Food grainproduction in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an Iriter national Symposium 19-23 May 1986 Nairobi Kenya (MenyongaJM Bezuneh Tand Yoadeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African UnityScientific Technical and Research Commission-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Development) (CP303)


Ougham HJ Peacock JM Stoddart JL aid Soman P1988 High temperature effects on seedling emergence and embryo protein synthesis of sorghum Crop Science 28251-253 (JA 601)


Climate classification Peacock JM and Sivakumar MVK 1987 An environmental physiologists approach to screening for drought resistance in sorghum (Sorghum bice or IL) Moench) with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa Pages 101 -120 in Food grainproduction in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an International Symposium 19-23 May 1986 Nairobi Kenya (MenyongaJ M Bezunch Tand Youdeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African UnityScientific Technical and Research Commission-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Deveopment) (CP303)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Simulating growth and yield response of sorghum to changes in plant density Agronomy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS Virmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its applicationIndian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)31 7-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil chemistry and fertility

Sahrawat KL 1988 Effects of nitrogen on growth and nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in tops and roots of sorghum grown in an Alfiso and a Vertisol Fertilizer Research 17119-124 (JA 709)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

GIller KE Wani SP Day JM and Dart PJ 1988 Short-term measurements of uptake of nitrogen fixed in the rhizosphere of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and millet (Pennisetum americanum) Biology and Fertility of Soils 7(1 )11-15 (JA 740)


Farming Systems General

Water and drought Reddy Belum VS Seetharama N and House LR 1987 Sorghums in the post-rainy season 1Effect of irrigation and date of sowing on the grain and stover yields of diverse cultivars Experimental Agriculture 2431 -J6 (JA 412)

Agronomy Huda AKS 1988 Simulating growth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agronomy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624) Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Sirnuiation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4) 317-330 (JA 362) Reddy Belum VS Seetharama N arcd House LR 1987 Sorghums in the post-rainy season 1Effect of irrigation anddate of sowing on the grain and stover yields of diverse cultivars Experimental Agriculture 2431-36 (JA 412)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in drylandagriculture Pages 250-275 in National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986New Delhi India (Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Diseases and Disease Management Funqus and mycotoxin diseases Bandyopdhyay R and Mughogho LK 1988 Evaluation of field screening techniques for resistance to sorghum grainmolds Plant Disease 72(6) 500-503 (JA 689) Bandyopadhyay R Mughogho LK and Prasada Rao KE 1988 Sources of resistance to sorghum grain mold Plant Disease 72(6)504-508 (JA 690

Pests Pest Control and Management

Insect and mite pests Sharma HC Vidyasagar P and Leuschner K1 988 Field screening sorghum for resistance to sorghum midge (DipteraCecidomyiidae) Journal of Economic Entomology 81(1)327-334 (JA 558) Sharma HC Vidyasagar P and Leuschner K 1988 No-choice cage technique to screen for resistance to sorghummidge (Diptera Cecidomyiidae) Journal of Economic Entomology 81 (1)415-422 (JA 562) Taneja SL 1987 Host-plant r-sistance in the management of sorghum stem borers Pages 212-233 in Recent advances inentomology (Mathur YK Bhaltacharya AK Pandey ND Upadhyaya KD and Srivastava JP eds) Kanpur UttarPradesh India Gopal Prakashan (CP 309) Taneja SL and Nwanze KF 1988 Mass production of spotted stem borer Chilopartellus Swinhoe on artificial diet Pages77-92 inBiocontrol technology for sugarcane pest manaqement (David H and Easwaramoorthy S eds) Coimbatore TamilNadu India Sugarcane Breeding Institute (CP 487)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Uses of sorghum and millets summaryproceedings of an International Workshop on Policy Practice and Potential Relating to Uses of Sorghum and Millets 8-12 Feb1988 Bulawayo Zimbabwe Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-159-3 (CPE 047) Jambunathan R and Subramanlan V 1988 Grain quality and utilization of sorghum and pearl millet Pages 133-139 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 394)


Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 inPlant breeding and the nutritve value of crop residues proceedings ofaworkshop 7-10 Dec 1987 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Reed JD Capoer BS and Neate PJH eds) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre for Africa (CP 459)

Food products

Murly DSSlngh M and Nicodemus KD 1988 A genetic study of popping quality insorghum (Soighum bicolor (L)Moench) Euphytica 37(1 )5-8 (JA 630) Subramanlan V Jambunathan R and Prasada Rao KE 1987 Dry milling characteristics of sorghum grains and theirrelationship to produci quaHy Pages 45-54 InTechnology and applications for alternate uses of sorghum proceedings of theNational Seminar 2-3 Feb 1987 Parbhani India Parbhani Maharashtra 431 402 India- Marathwada Agricultural University (CP 346)

Millets Anatomy and Morphrogy Bhatnagar A 1988 Studies on mode of penetration by Sclerospocra grarnnicola (SACC) Schroet inpearl millet (Pennisetumameticnum (L) Leeke) leaves MSc thesis Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India 75 pp

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Mengesha MH and Appa Rao S 1986 Genetic resources of pearl millet at ICRISAT Journal dAgriculture Traditionelle et de Botanique Appliquee 3359-67 (JA691)

Germplasm evaluation and documentation

Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 Characteristics inheritance and allelic relationships of inidribless mulants in pearl millet Journal of Heredity 7 9(l)18-20 (JA 639) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1986 Variation and adaptation of pearl millet germplasm in ramil Nadu India Indian Journal of Genetics 46(3)449-455 (JA 480) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 New sources of early-maturing germplasm inpearl millet (Pennisetum glacum) Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(10)743-746 (JA 724)

Seed Science Genera Seed physiology Soman P Stomph TJ BldingerFR and Fussell LK 1987 Improvement instand establishment inpearl millet Pages159-172 in Food grain production in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an International Symposium 19-23 May 1986Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga J M Bezune T and Youdeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African Unity ScenItic Technical and Research Commission-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Oevelopment) (CP 305)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 Characteristics inheritance and allelic relationships of midribless mutants in pearl millet Journal of Heredily 791 )(18-20(JA 639) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Fdiy C 1988 Inheritance and linkage relationships of qualitativecharacters in pearl millet (Penniseturn glaucum) Indian 1ourrial of Agricutural Sciences 58(11 )840-843 (JA 641 ) Chavan SB Thakur RP and Rao VP 1988 Inheritance of smut resistance in pearl millet Plant Disease Research 3192-197 (JA 803)


Variety descriptionrelease documents ICRISAT (international Crops ReseL rch Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Pearl millet hybrid ICMH 451 Plant MaterialDescription no 14 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-133-X (PME 0 14) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registralion of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Roisration of six smut iesisant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557)

Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registralion u four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multipledisease esistance Crop Science 28(2)381-382 (JA 565)


Environmental stresL Mahalakshmi V Bidinger FR and Rao GDP 1988 Timing and intensity of water deficit during flowering and grain fillinginpearl rnillet Agronomy Journal 80130-135 (JA 670)

Yield physiology Craufurd PO and P inger FR 1988 Effect of the duration of the vegetative phase on shoot growth development andyield in pearl mlle (PennzOtum americanum (L) Leeke) Journal of Experimental Botany 39(198)124-139 (JA 668) Mahalakshml V Bldhiger FR and Rao GDP 1988 Timing and intensity of water deficit during flowering and grain fillingin pearI millet Agronomy Journal 80130-135 (JA 670i

Physiology and development Craufurd PO and Bldinger FR t988 Effect of the duration of the vegetative phase on shoot growth development andyield in pearl miilel (Pennisetum arelicnum(L) Locke) Journal of Experimental Botany 39(198)124-139 JA 662) Soman P Stemph TJ Bldinger FR and Fussell LK 1987 Improvement instand establishment inpearl millet Pages159-172 In Food grain production in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an Internatmural Symposium 19-23 May 1986Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga J M Bezuneh T and Ynudeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTAC--SAFGRAD Organizatlon of African Unity Scientific i echnical and Research Commission-Seri -Arid Food Gran Research Cevelowrnert) iCP 305)

Soil Science

Soil chemistry and fertility Wani SP 1988 Nitrogen fIxatloi potentials ofsorghum and millets Pages 125-174 inBiological nitrogen fixation recent developments (Subba Ran NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and IB-I- Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Zambre MA and Lee KK 1988 Population dynarmics of ntrogen-fixing bacteria associated vith pearl millet Oernisen americanum (L) Leeke plants Pages 21 30 in Biotechnology of nitrogen fixation in ttle tropics (BtOnifT)pruc-eoiocs of trie Regional Symposium and Workshop 25-29 Auy 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Snamsuddin ZH OthmanWMW Yarziah M arid Sundram J eds) Selangor Malaysia Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Wani SP Day JM and Dart PJ 1988 Short-term measurements of uptake of nitrogen fixed in therhizosphere of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and millet (Pennisetum amencanum) Biology and Fertility of Soils 7(1 )11-15 (JA740) Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions between vesicular arbusculr mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorganisms and their influence on plant growth and nutrition Pages 5370 In Biological nitrogen fixation recentdevelopments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 5 1)


Wani SP 1985 Nitrogen fixatio potntials of sorghum and millats Pages 125 174 in Biological nitrogen fixation recent developments (SObba Rao Nq edl New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Chandrapalalh S Zambre MA and Lee KK 1986 Association between N-fixing bacteria and pearl millet plants respcnses niechar sms and pisi-tence Plant and Scil 11089-302 (JA 732)

Wani SP Zamb MA and Lev KK 1988 Population dynanics oft niiopen-ixing bacteria associaled with pearl millet Perns fimionitm L Leeltc plarts Pages 21-30 inBiotcchnoIoqy of nitrogen fixation in the trooics (BlOnifT)piceednas of lhe Regional SympIosium and Worlshnp 25-29 Aug 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Shamsuddin ZH Olhnran WM W Marzah M and Sudram J er) Selargor Malays-a Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhlzae

Subba Rao NS and Kirishrm KR 1988 nteractions between vesicular arbuscutar mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorgari5icls and thcir inri nce on plant growIn and nurition Pages 53-70 In Biological nitrogen fixation recent dc valopmerits Subba Rao NS ed) New DNlhi India Oxford and BH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General

Land and water management

Athavate RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in drylandagriculture Pages 250-275 nNational Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986New flelhi India (Kn-ar J S_ ed New Deh India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Diseases and Disease Management

Fungus and mycotoxn diseases

Bhatnagar A 1988 Stuaies on mode of penetration oy Sclerospota gramirnicola (Sacc) Schroetin pearl millet (Pennisetumirnericinun iL ) Leekep leaves MSc thesis Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India

75 pp

Chaian SB Thakur RP and Rao VP 1988 Inheritance of smut resistance in pearl millet Plant Disease Research 3192-197 (JA 803)

Rao VP aria Thakur RP 1988 Furarum secitectum var majus a potential bloconrol agent of ergot (Caviuepsisdoiis) of pearl nillet Indian Phytopathology 41567-574 (JA 675) Slngh SD Gopinath R and Pawar MN 1987 Effects of environmental factors on asexual sporulation of Sclerospofa graminicola Indian Phylupathology 40(2)186-193 (JA 523)

Singh SD and King SB 1988 Recovery resistance Iodowny mildew inpearl millet Plant Disease 72(5)425-428 (JA 588) Singh SD and Slngh Govind 1987 Resistance to downy mildew in pearl millel hybrid NHB 3 Indian Phytopathology 40()178-t80 (JA 324)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Ergot disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 24 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Reseatcn Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 24 pp ISBN 92-9066-137-2 (IBE 024) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 SmuLt disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 25 Patancher AP 502 324 Incia International Crops Research Instiiute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 18 pp ISBN 92-9066-138-C (IBE 025) Thakur RP and King S3 1988 Registration of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registration of six smut resistait germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557) Thakur RP ano Rao VP 1988 Effectiveness of Ethrel as amale gametocide inpearl millet and its influence on ergot Plant Breeding 101107-113 (JA 755) Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registration of four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multiple disease resistance Crop Science 28)2)381-382 (JA 565)


Pests Pest Control and Management

Insect and mite pests Nwanze KF and Sivakumar MVK 1988 Effets des facteurs physiques du sol et climatiques sur la diapause et le cyclesaisonnier de la chenille de repi du (nil (Raghuvaalbipunctella) (In Fr) Pages 99-109 in Compte rendu du cycle detudes surIAgrorndteoroogie et la protection des cultures dans les zones semi-arides 8-12 Dec 1986 Niamey Niger GenevaSwitzerland WMO (CP 86-012)

Ouality and Utilization ICRISAT (internatlioral Crops Research Institute for the Seri-Arid Tropics) 1988 Uses of sorghum and millets summaryproc edirigs of an Inle rnational Workshop on Policy Practice and Potential Relating to Uses of Sorghum and Millets 8-12 Feb1988 Bulawayoe Zimbabwe Palancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-159-3 (CPE 047)Jambunathan R and Subramanlan V 1988 Grain quality and utillzation of sorghun and pearl millet Pages 133-139 InBioht cnnoloy in tropicoii cro)p impro re nt proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Palanchro AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP394) Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 1988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 in Plant breeding and the nutritive value of crop residues proceedings of a workshop 7-10 Dec 1987 AddisAbaba Ethiopia (Reed J D Capper BS and Neate PJH eds ) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre forAfrica (CP 459)


Statistics and biometry Wllcombe JR 1988 Estimates of stability for comparing varieties Euphytica 3911-18 (JA 647)

Chickpea General ICRISAT (international Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Chickpea Newsletter no 18Palanchero A P502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2508 (NCE) Nene YL and Kanwar JS 1988 Research on food legumes at the International Crops Research Instifuie for the Semi-AridTropics (ICRISAT) with special reference to chickpea Pages 39-46 nWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings ofthe international Food Legume Research Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 SpokaneWashington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academc Publishers (CP 283) van Rheenen HA and Miranda JH 1986 Improving the growth of Cicet plants inpots Pulse Crops Newsletter 637-40 (JA 644)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Pundlr RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog evaluation andanalysis Patoncheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 100 pp ISBN92-9066-154-2 (GCE 002) Pundir RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog passport informationPatancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 521 pp ISBN 92-9066-155-0 (GCE 002)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding van Rheenen HA Bond DA Erskine Wand Sharma B1988 Future breeding strategies for pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 1013-1030 In World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearcn Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJed ) Dordrecht Netherlands Kuwer Academic Publishers (CP 264)


Genetic studies

Harjlt Singh Kumar J Haware MP and Smithson JB 1987 Complementation between genes for resistance to race 1 of Fusarium oxyspobuin I sp cicen in chickpea Plant Pathology 36539-543 (JA 373)

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower coour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicet aoetinum L ) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 110 407-409 (JA 653)

Breeding for blotic stress resistance

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower colour and niimber of flowtrs per fruitng node in chickpeas (Cicer arielinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 1104107-409 (JA 653)

Reed W Cardona C Lateet SS and Bishara $1 1988 Screening and breeding for insect resistance inpea lentil faba bean and chckpea Pages 107-116 inWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearch Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed ) Dordrecnt Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 259)

Variety descriptionrelease documents

ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea kabuli variety ICCV 6 Plant Material Descriplion no 12 Patancjheru A P502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-131-3 (PME 012)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea desi variety ICCV 7 Plant Material Description no 13 Patancheru A P 502 324 India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4pp ISBN 92-j066shy132-1 (PME013)

Biotechnology Moss JP Singh AK Sastrl DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)


Environmental stress Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity acbse study with chickpeaPages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary inFr) Research Bulletin no 11 Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Sein-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary in Fr I Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)


Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Sudarshana MR Thompson JA and Rupela OP 1988 Evaluation of 5N-isotope dilution for measureshyment of nitrogen fixation inchickpea (Cicer arietinum L) Biology and Fertility of Soils 6(4)347-351 (JA 692)Nambiar PTC Rupela OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L ) chickpea (Cicer ariehinum L) and pigeonpea (Caanus caan L Millsp) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixatiun recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed I New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Diseases and Disease Management Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Harjlit Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium will resistance flowercolour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicer ariefinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK110407-409 (JA 653) Kannalyan J and Nene YL 1986 Screening pigeonpea for resistance to alternaria blight Indian Phytopathology39 (4)547-549 iA 513) Nene YL Hanounik SB Oureshl and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summertield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Bacterial diseases Nene YL Hanounik SB Qureshi and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapping of Helothis armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pests of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173in Plant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection inField Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithanantham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India (CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Ba os PhilippinesLaguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


General ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Pigeonpea Newsletter nos 7and 8 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0255-786 X(NPE)

Anatomy and Morphology Saxena KB Dundas IS Fars DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stern mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3)221-222 (JA 631)

Saxeno KB Slngh AK andu iarls DG 1988 7he mormhogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR arid Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea geirnplasrn catalog evaluation and analysis Palancneru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 95 pp ISBN 92-9066-152-6 (GCE 001)

Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea gerniplasm catalog passportnfornation Palanctieru A P 502 324 India Inlernational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 387 pp ISBN 92-9066-153-4 (GCE 001)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies

Saxena KB Dundas 1S Faris DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stem mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3) 221-222 (JA 631)

Saxena KB Slngh AK and Fars DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Male sterile pollinator and hybrid breeding

Saxena KB Singh AK and Faris DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdl in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1)75-76 (JA 612)

Interspecific breeding

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 In Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Cenler India Patancherii AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Biotechnology Moss JP Slngh AK Sastri DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)

Tissue culture

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 in Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Physiology Environmental stress

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeor ea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiolic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP 502 324 India nternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)


Yield physiology Chauhan YS Sheldrake AR and Venkataratnam N 1987 Effect of harvest methods on the second flush yield ofshort-duration pigeonpea (Calanuscalan) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 109591-593 (JA 637)Chauhan YS Venkataratnam N and Sheldrake AR 1987 Factos affecting growth and yield of stort-durationpgeonpea and its potential for multiple harvests Journal ofAgricultural Science UK 109519-529 (JA 654)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Slthanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchtckpea iSummary inFr )Research Bulletin no 1I Patancheru AP502324 India International Crops Research Institutefor toe Semi-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-161-4 (ROE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpca andchijckpea iSumniary inFi) Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi Arid Tropcs 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 0111

Nitrogen fixation Namblar PTC Rupes OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishoogaea LI chickpea (Ccer aiebnim L I and pigeonpea (Calanus calan LMillsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation ecent developments (Subba Rao NS ed ) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35CP 285)

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapoing of Heholh~s armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pesis of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173 inPlant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithananfham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India(CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from a ULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 1G(1 )33-35(CP 285) Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Baos PhilippinesLaguna Philippines Internaltonal Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 4: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Farming Systems General

Water and drought Reddy Belum VS Seetharama N and House LR 1987 Sorghums in the post-rainy season 1Effect of irrigation and date of sowing on the grain and stover yields of diverse cultivars Experimental Agriculture 2431 -J6 (JA 412)

Agronomy Huda AKS 1988 Simulating growth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agronomy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624) Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Sirnuiation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4) 317-330 (JA 362) Reddy Belum VS Seetharama N arcd House LR 1987 Sorghums in the post-rainy season 1Effect of irrigation anddate of sowing on the grain and stover yields of diverse cultivars Experimental Agriculture 2431-36 (JA 412)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in drylandagriculture Pages 250-275 in National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986New Delhi India (Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Diseases and Disease Management Funqus and mycotoxin diseases Bandyopdhyay R and Mughogho LK 1988 Evaluation of field screening techniques for resistance to sorghum grainmolds Plant Disease 72(6) 500-503 (JA 689) Bandyopadhyay R Mughogho LK and Prasada Rao KE 1988 Sources of resistance to sorghum grain mold Plant Disease 72(6)504-508 (JA 690

Pests Pest Control and Management

Insect and mite pests Sharma HC Vidyasagar P and Leuschner K1 988 Field screening sorghum for resistance to sorghum midge (DipteraCecidomyiidae) Journal of Economic Entomology 81(1)327-334 (JA 558) Sharma HC Vidyasagar P and Leuschner K 1988 No-choice cage technique to screen for resistance to sorghummidge (Diptera Cecidomyiidae) Journal of Economic Entomology 81 (1)415-422 (JA 562) Taneja SL 1987 Host-plant r-sistance in the management of sorghum stem borers Pages 212-233 in Recent advances inentomology (Mathur YK Bhaltacharya AK Pandey ND Upadhyaya KD and Srivastava JP eds) Kanpur UttarPradesh India Gopal Prakashan (CP 309) Taneja SL and Nwanze KF 1988 Mass production of spotted stem borer Chilopartellus Swinhoe on artificial diet Pages77-92 inBiocontrol technology for sugarcane pest manaqement (David H and Easwaramoorthy S eds) Coimbatore TamilNadu India Sugarcane Breeding Institute (CP 487)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Uses of sorghum and millets summaryproceedings of an International Workshop on Policy Practice and Potential Relating to Uses of Sorghum and Millets 8-12 Feb1988 Bulawayo Zimbabwe Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-159-3 (CPE 047) Jambunathan R and Subramanlan V 1988 Grain quality and utilization of sorghum and pearl millet Pages 133-139 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 394)


Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 inPlant breeding and the nutritve value of crop residues proceedings ofaworkshop 7-10 Dec 1987 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Reed JD Capoer BS and Neate PJH eds) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre for Africa (CP 459)

Food products

Murly DSSlngh M and Nicodemus KD 1988 A genetic study of popping quality insorghum (Soighum bicolor (L)Moench) Euphytica 37(1 )5-8 (JA 630) Subramanlan V Jambunathan R and Prasada Rao KE 1987 Dry milling characteristics of sorghum grains and theirrelationship to produci quaHy Pages 45-54 InTechnology and applications for alternate uses of sorghum proceedings of theNational Seminar 2-3 Feb 1987 Parbhani India Parbhani Maharashtra 431 402 India- Marathwada Agricultural University (CP 346)

Millets Anatomy and Morphrogy Bhatnagar A 1988 Studies on mode of penetration by Sclerospocra grarnnicola (SACC) Schroet inpearl millet (Pennisetumameticnum (L) Leeke) leaves MSc thesis Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India 75 pp

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Mengesha MH and Appa Rao S 1986 Genetic resources of pearl millet at ICRISAT Journal dAgriculture Traditionelle et de Botanique Appliquee 3359-67 (JA691)

Germplasm evaluation and documentation

Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 Characteristics inheritance and allelic relationships of inidribless mulants in pearl millet Journal of Heredity 7 9(l)18-20 (JA 639) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1986 Variation and adaptation of pearl millet germplasm in ramil Nadu India Indian Journal of Genetics 46(3)449-455 (JA 480) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 New sources of early-maturing germplasm inpearl millet (Pennisetum glacum) Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(10)743-746 (JA 724)

Seed Science Genera Seed physiology Soman P Stomph TJ BldingerFR and Fussell LK 1987 Improvement instand establishment inpearl millet Pages159-172 in Food grain production in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an International Symposium 19-23 May 1986Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga J M Bezune T and Youdeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African Unity ScenItic Technical and Research Commission-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Oevelopment) (CP 305)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 Characteristics inheritance and allelic relationships of midribless mutants in pearl millet Journal of Heredily 791 )(18-20(JA 639) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Fdiy C 1988 Inheritance and linkage relationships of qualitativecharacters in pearl millet (Penniseturn glaucum) Indian 1ourrial of Agricutural Sciences 58(11 )840-843 (JA 641 ) Chavan SB Thakur RP and Rao VP 1988 Inheritance of smut resistance in pearl millet Plant Disease Research 3192-197 (JA 803)


Variety descriptionrelease documents ICRISAT (international Crops ReseL rch Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Pearl millet hybrid ICMH 451 Plant MaterialDescription no 14 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-133-X (PME 0 14) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registralion of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Roisration of six smut iesisant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557)

Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registralion u four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multipledisease esistance Crop Science 28(2)381-382 (JA 565)


Environmental stresL Mahalakshmi V Bidinger FR and Rao GDP 1988 Timing and intensity of water deficit during flowering and grain fillinginpearl rnillet Agronomy Journal 80130-135 (JA 670)

Yield physiology Craufurd PO and P inger FR 1988 Effect of the duration of the vegetative phase on shoot growth development andyield in pearl mlle (PennzOtum americanum (L) Leeke) Journal of Experimental Botany 39(198)124-139 (JA 668) Mahalakshml V Bldhiger FR and Rao GDP 1988 Timing and intensity of water deficit during flowering and grain fillingin pearI millet Agronomy Journal 80130-135 (JA 670i

Physiology and development Craufurd PO and Bldinger FR t988 Effect of the duration of the vegetative phase on shoot growth development andyield in pearl miilel (Pennisetum arelicnum(L) Locke) Journal of Experimental Botany 39(198)124-139 JA 662) Soman P Stemph TJ Bldinger FR and Fussell LK 1987 Improvement instand establishment inpearl millet Pages159-172 In Food grain production in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an Internatmural Symposium 19-23 May 1986Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga J M Bezuneh T and Ynudeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTAC--SAFGRAD Organizatlon of African Unity Scientific i echnical and Research Commission-Seri -Arid Food Gran Research Cevelowrnert) iCP 305)

Soil Science

Soil chemistry and fertility Wani SP 1988 Nitrogen fIxatloi potentials ofsorghum and millets Pages 125-174 inBiological nitrogen fixation recent developments (Subba Ran NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and IB-I- Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Zambre MA and Lee KK 1988 Population dynarmics of ntrogen-fixing bacteria associated vith pearl millet Oernisen americanum (L) Leeke plants Pages 21 30 in Biotechnology of nitrogen fixation in ttle tropics (BtOnifT)pruc-eoiocs of trie Regional Symposium and Workshop 25-29 Auy 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Snamsuddin ZH OthmanWMW Yarziah M arid Sundram J eds) Selangor Malaysia Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Wani SP Day JM and Dart PJ 1988 Short-term measurements of uptake of nitrogen fixed in therhizosphere of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and millet (Pennisetum amencanum) Biology and Fertility of Soils 7(1 )11-15 (JA740) Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions between vesicular arbusculr mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorganisms and their influence on plant growth and nutrition Pages 5370 In Biological nitrogen fixation recentdevelopments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 5 1)


Wani SP 1985 Nitrogen fixatio potntials of sorghum and millats Pages 125 174 in Biological nitrogen fixation recent developments (SObba Rao Nq edl New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Chandrapalalh S Zambre MA and Lee KK 1986 Association between N-fixing bacteria and pearl millet plants respcnses niechar sms and pisi-tence Plant and Scil 11089-302 (JA 732)

Wani SP Zamb MA and Lev KK 1988 Population dynanics oft niiopen-ixing bacteria associaled with pearl millet Perns fimionitm L Leeltc plarts Pages 21-30 inBiotcchnoIoqy of nitrogen fixation in the trooics (BlOnifT)piceednas of lhe Regional SympIosium and Worlshnp 25-29 Aug 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Shamsuddin ZH Olhnran WM W Marzah M and Sudram J er) Selargor Malays-a Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhlzae

Subba Rao NS and Kirishrm KR 1988 nteractions between vesicular arbuscutar mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorgari5icls and thcir inri nce on plant growIn and nurition Pages 53-70 In Biological nitrogen fixation recent dc valopmerits Subba Rao NS ed) New DNlhi India Oxford and BH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General

Land and water management

Athavate RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in drylandagriculture Pages 250-275 nNational Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986New flelhi India (Kn-ar J S_ ed New Deh India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Diseases and Disease Management

Fungus and mycotoxn diseases

Bhatnagar A 1988 Stuaies on mode of penetration oy Sclerospota gramirnicola (Sacc) Schroetin pearl millet (Pennisetumirnericinun iL ) Leekep leaves MSc thesis Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India

75 pp

Chaian SB Thakur RP and Rao VP 1988 Inheritance of smut resistance in pearl millet Plant Disease Research 3192-197 (JA 803)

Rao VP aria Thakur RP 1988 Furarum secitectum var majus a potential bloconrol agent of ergot (Caviuepsisdoiis) of pearl nillet Indian Phytopathology 41567-574 (JA 675) Slngh SD Gopinath R and Pawar MN 1987 Effects of environmental factors on asexual sporulation of Sclerospofa graminicola Indian Phylupathology 40(2)186-193 (JA 523)

Singh SD and King SB 1988 Recovery resistance Iodowny mildew inpearl millet Plant Disease 72(5)425-428 (JA 588) Singh SD and Slngh Govind 1987 Resistance to downy mildew in pearl millel hybrid NHB 3 Indian Phytopathology 40()178-t80 (JA 324)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Ergot disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 24 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Reseatcn Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 24 pp ISBN 92-9066-137-2 (IBE 024) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 SmuLt disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 25 Patancher AP 502 324 Incia International Crops Research Instiiute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 18 pp ISBN 92-9066-138-C (IBE 025) Thakur RP and King S3 1988 Registration of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registration of six smut resistait germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557) Thakur RP ano Rao VP 1988 Effectiveness of Ethrel as amale gametocide inpearl millet and its influence on ergot Plant Breeding 101107-113 (JA 755) Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registration of four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multiple disease resistance Crop Science 28)2)381-382 (JA 565)


Pests Pest Control and Management

Insect and mite pests Nwanze KF and Sivakumar MVK 1988 Effets des facteurs physiques du sol et climatiques sur la diapause et le cyclesaisonnier de la chenille de repi du (nil (Raghuvaalbipunctella) (In Fr) Pages 99-109 in Compte rendu du cycle detudes surIAgrorndteoroogie et la protection des cultures dans les zones semi-arides 8-12 Dec 1986 Niamey Niger GenevaSwitzerland WMO (CP 86-012)

Ouality and Utilization ICRISAT (internatlioral Crops Research Institute for the Seri-Arid Tropics) 1988 Uses of sorghum and millets summaryproc edirigs of an Inle rnational Workshop on Policy Practice and Potential Relating to Uses of Sorghum and Millets 8-12 Feb1988 Bulawayoe Zimbabwe Palancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-159-3 (CPE 047)Jambunathan R and Subramanlan V 1988 Grain quality and utillzation of sorghun and pearl millet Pages 133-139 InBioht cnnoloy in tropicoii cro)p impro re nt proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Palanchro AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP394) Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 1988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 in Plant breeding and the nutritive value of crop residues proceedings of a workshop 7-10 Dec 1987 AddisAbaba Ethiopia (Reed J D Capper BS and Neate PJH eds ) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre forAfrica (CP 459)


Statistics and biometry Wllcombe JR 1988 Estimates of stability for comparing varieties Euphytica 3911-18 (JA 647)

Chickpea General ICRISAT (international Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Chickpea Newsletter no 18Palanchero A P502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2508 (NCE) Nene YL and Kanwar JS 1988 Research on food legumes at the International Crops Research Instifuie for the Semi-AridTropics (ICRISAT) with special reference to chickpea Pages 39-46 nWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings ofthe international Food Legume Research Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 SpokaneWashington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academc Publishers (CP 283) van Rheenen HA and Miranda JH 1986 Improving the growth of Cicet plants inpots Pulse Crops Newsletter 637-40 (JA 644)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Pundlr RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog evaluation andanalysis Patoncheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 100 pp ISBN92-9066-154-2 (GCE 002) Pundir RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog passport informationPatancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 521 pp ISBN 92-9066-155-0 (GCE 002)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding van Rheenen HA Bond DA Erskine Wand Sharma B1988 Future breeding strategies for pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 1013-1030 In World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearcn Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJed ) Dordrecht Netherlands Kuwer Academic Publishers (CP 264)


Genetic studies

Harjlt Singh Kumar J Haware MP and Smithson JB 1987 Complementation between genes for resistance to race 1 of Fusarium oxyspobuin I sp cicen in chickpea Plant Pathology 36539-543 (JA 373)

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower coour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicet aoetinum L ) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 110 407-409 (JA 653)

Breeding for blotic stress resistance

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower colour and niimber of flowtrs per fruitng node in chickpeas (Cicer arielinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 1104107-409 (JA 653)

Reed W Cardona C Lateet SS and Bishara $1 1988 Screening and breeding for insect resistance inpea lentil faba bean and chckpea Pages 107-116 inWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearch Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed ) Dordrecnt Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 259)

Variety descriptionrelease documents

ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea kabuli variety ICCV 6 Plant Material Descriplion no 12 Patancjheru A P502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-131-3 (PME 012)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea desi variety ICCV 7 Plant Material Description no 13 Patancheru A P 502 324 India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4pp ISBN 92-j066shy132-1 (PME013)

Biotechnology Moss JP Singh AK Sastrl DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)


Environmental stress Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity acbse study with chickpeaPages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary inFr) Research Bulletin no 11 Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Sein-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary in Fr I Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)


Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Sudarshana MR Thompson JA and Rupela OP 1988 Evaluation of 5N-isotope dilution for measureshyment of nitrogen fixation inchickpea (Cicer arietinum L) Biology and Fertility of Soils 6(4)347-351 (JA 692)Nambiar PTC Rupela OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L ) chickpea (Cicer ariehinum L) and pigeonpea (Caanus caan L Millsp) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixatiun recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed I New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Diseases and Disease Management Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Harjlit Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium will resistance flowercolour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicer ariefinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK110407-409 (JA 653) Kannalyan J and Nene YL 1986 Screening pigeonpea for resistance to alternaria blight Indian Phytopathology39 (4)547-549 iA 513) Nene YL Hanounik SB Oureshl and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summertield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Bacterial diseases Nene YL Hanounik SB Qureshi and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapping of Helothis armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pests of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173in Plant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection inField Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithanantham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India (CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Ba os PhilippinesLaguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


General ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Pigeonpea Newsletter nos 7and 8 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0255-786 X(NPE)

Anatomy and Morphology Saxena KB Dundas IS Fars DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stern mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3)221-222 (JA 631)

Saxeno KB Slngh AK andu iarls DG 1988 7he mormhogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR arid Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea geirnplasrn catalog evaluation and analysis Palancneru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 95 pp ISBN 92-9066-152-6 (GCE 001)

Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea gerniplasm catalog passportnfornation Palanctieru A P 502 324 India Inlernational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 387 pp ISBN 92-9066-153-4 (GCE 001)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies

Saxena KB Dundas 1S Faris DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stem mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3) 221-222 (JA 631)

Saxena KB Slngh AK and Fars DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Male sterile pollinator and hybrid breeding

Saxena KB Singh AK and Faris DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdl in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1)75-76 (JA 612)

Interspecific breeding

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 In Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Cenler India Patancherii AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Biotechnology Moss JP Slngh AK Sastri DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)

Tissue culture

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 in Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Physiology Environmental stress

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeor ea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiolic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP 502 324 India nternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)


Yield physiology Chauhan YS Sheldrake AR and Venkataratnam N 1987 Effect of harvest methods on the second flush yield ofshort-duration pigeonpea (Calanuscalan) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 109591-593 (JA 637)Chauhan YS Venkataratnam N and Sheldrake AR 1987 Factos affecting growth and yield of stort-durationpgeonpea and its potential for multiple harvests Journal ofAgricultural Science UK 109519-529 (JA 654)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Slthanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchtckpea iSummary inFr )Research Bulletin no 1I Patancheru AP502324 India International Crops Research Institutefor toe Semi-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-161-4 (ROE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpca andchijckpea iSumniary inFi) Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi Arid Tropcs 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 0111

Nitrogen fixation Namblar PTC Rupes OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishoogaea LI chickpea (Ccer aiebnim L I and pigeonpea (Calanus calan LMillsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation ecent developments (Subba Rao NS ed ) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35CP 285)

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapoing of Heholh~s armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pesis of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173 inPlant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithananfham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India(CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from a ULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 1G(1 )33-35(CP 285) Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Baos PhilippinesLaguna Philippines Internaltonal Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 5: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 inPlant breeding and the nutritve value of crop residues proceedings ofaworkshop 7-10 Dec 1987 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Reed JD Capoer BS and Neate PJH eds) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre for Africa (CP 459)

Food products

Murly DSSlngh M and Nicodemus KD 1988 A genetic study of popping quality insorghum (Soighum bicolor (L)Moench) Euphytica 37(1 )5-8 (JA 630) Subramanlan V Jambunathan R and Prasada Rao KE 1987 Dry milling characteristics of sorghum grains and theirrelationship to produci quaHy Pages 45-54 InTechnology and applications for alternate uses of sorghum proceedings of theNational Seminar 2-3 Feb 1987 Parbhani India Parbhani Maharashtra 431 402 India- Marathwada Agricultural University (CP 346)

Millets Anatomy and Morphrogy Bhatnagar A 1988 Studies on mode of penetration by Sclerospocra grarnnicola (SACC) Schroet inpearl millet (Pennisetumameticnum (L) Leeke) leaves MSc thesis Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India 75 pp

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Mengesha MH and Appa Rao S 1986 Genetic resources of pearl millet at ICRISAT Journal dAgriculture Traditionelle et de Botanique Appliquee 3359-67 (JA691)

Germplasm evaluation and documentation

Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 Characteristics inheritance and allelic relationships of inidribless mulants in pearl millet Journal of Heredity 7 9(l)18-20 (JA 639) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1986 Variation and adaptation of pearl millet germplasm in ramil Nadu India Indian Journal of Genetics 46(3)449-455 (JA 480) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 New sources of early-maturing germplasm inpearl millet (Pennisetum glacum) Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(10)743-746 (JA 724)

Seed Science Genera Seed physiology Soman P Stomph TJ BldingerFR and Fussell LK 1987 Improvement instand establishment inpearl millet Pages159-172 in Food grain production in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an International Symposium 19-23 May 1986Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga J M Bezune T and Youdeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTRC-SAFGRAD (Organization of African Unity ScenItic Technical and Research Commission-Semi-Arid Food Grain Research Oevelopment) (CP 305)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Reddy C 1988 Characteristics inheritance and allelic relationships of midribless mutants in pearl millet Journal of Heredily 791 )(18-20(JA 639) Appa Rao S Mengesha MH and Rajagopal Fdiy C 1988 Inheritance and linkage relationships of qualitativecharacters in pearl millet (Penniseturn glaucum) Indian 1ourrial of Agricutural Sciences 58(11 )840-843 (JA 641 ) Chavan SB Thakur RP and Rao VP 1988 Inheritance of smut resistance in pearl millet Plant Disease Research 3192-197 (JA 803)


Variety descriptionrelease documents ICRISAT (international Crops ReseL rch Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Pearl millet hybrid ICMH 451 Plant MaterialDescription no 14 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-133-X (PME 0 14) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registralion of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Roisration of six smut iesisant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557)

Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registralion u four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multipledisease esistance Crop Science 28(2)381-382 (JA 565)


Environmental stresL Mahalakshmi V Bidinger FR and Rao GDP 1988 Timing and intensity of water deficit during flowering and grain fillinginpearl rnillet Agronomy Journal 80130-135 (JA 670)

Yield physiology Craufurd PO and P inger FR 1988 Effect of the duration of the vegetative phase on shoot growth development andyield in pearl mlle (PennzOtum americanum (L) Leeke) Journal of Experimental Botany 39(198)124-139 (JA 668) Mahalakshml V Bldhiger FR and Rao GDP 1988 Timing and intensity of water deficit during flowering and grain fillingin pearI millet Agronomy Journal 80130-135 (JA 670i

Physiology and development Craufurd PO and Bldinger FR t988 Effect of the duration of the vegetative phase on shoot growth development andyield in pearl miilel (Pennisetum arelicnum(L) Locke) Journal of Experimental Botany 39(198)124-139 JA 662) Soman P Stemph TJ Bldinger FR and Fussell LK 1987 Improvement instand establishment inpearl millet Pages159-172 In Food grain production in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an Internatmural Symposium 19-23 May 1986Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga J M Bezuneh T and Ynudeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTAC--SAFGRAD Organizatlon of African Unity Scientific i echnical and Research Commission-Seri -Arid Food Gran Research Cevelowrnert) iCP 305)

Soil Science

Soil chemistry and fertility Wani SP 1988 Nitrogen fIxatloi potentials ofsorghum and millets Pages 125-174 inBiological nitrogen fixation recent developments (Subba Ran NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and IB-I- Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Zambre MA and Lee KK 1988 Population dynarmics of ntrogen-fixing bacteria associated vith pearl millet Oernisen americanum (L) Leeke plants Pages 21 30 in Biotechnology of nitrogen fixation in ttle tropics (BtOnifT)pruc-eoiocs of trie Regional Symposium and Workshop 25-29 Auy 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Snamsuddin ZH OthmanWMW Yarziah M arid Sundram J eds) Selangor Malaysia Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Wani SP Day JM and Dart PJ 1988 Short-term measurements of uptake of nitrogen fixed in therhizosphere of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and millet (Pennisetum amencanum) Biology and Fertility of Soils 7(1 )11-15 (JA740) Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions between vesicular arbusculr mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorganisms and their influence on plant growth and nutrition Pages 5370 In Biological nitrogen fixation recentdevelopments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 5 1)


Wani SP 1985 Nitrogen fixatio potntials of sorghum and millats Pages 125 174 in Biological nitrogen fixation recent developments (SObba Rao Nq edl New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Chandrapalalh S Zambre MA and Lee KK 1986 Association between N-fixing bacteria and pearl millet plants respcnses niechar sms and pisi-tence Plant and Scil 11089-302 (JA 732)

Wani SP Zamb MA and Lev KK 1988 Population dynanics oft niiopen-ixing bacteria associaled with pearl millet Perns fimionitm L Leeltc plarts Pages 21-30 inBiotcchnoIoqy of nitrogen fixation in the trooics (BlOnifT)piceednas of lhe Regional SympIosium and Worlshnp 25-29 Aug 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Shamsuddin ZH Olhnran WM W Marzah M and Sudram J er) Selargor Malays-a Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhlzae

Subba Rao NS and Kirishrm KR 1988 nteractions between vesicular arbuscutar mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorgari5icls and thcir inri nce on plant growIn and nurition Pages 53-70 In Biological nitrogen fixation recent dc valopmerits Subba Rao NS ed) New DNlhi India Oxford and BH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General

Land and water management

Athavate RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in drylandagriculture Pages 250-275 nNational Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986New flelhi India (Kn-ar J S_ ed New Deh India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Diseases and Disease Management

Fungus and mycotoxn diseases

Bhatnagar A 1988 Stuaies on mode of penetration oy Sclerospota gramirnicola (Sacc) Schroetin pearl millet (Pennisetumirnericinun iL ) Leekep leaves MSc thesis Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India

75 pp

Chaian SB Thakur RP and Rao VP 1988 Inheritance of smut resistance in pearl millet Plant Disease Research 3192-197 (JA 803)

Rao VP aria Thakur RP 1988 Furarum secitectum var majus a potential bloconrol agent of ergot (Caviuepsisdoiis) of pearl nillet Indian Phytopathology 41567-574 (JA 675) Slngh SD Gopinath R and Pawar MN 1987 Effects of environmental factors on asexual sporulation of Sclerospofa graminicola Indian Phylupathology 40(2)186-193 (JA 523)

Singh SD and King SB 1988 Recovery resistance Iodowny mildew inpearl millet Plant Disease 72(5)425-428 (JA 588) Singh SD and Slngh Govind 1987 Resistance to downy mildew in pearl millel hybrid NHB 3 Indian Phytopathology 40()178-t80 (JA 324)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Ergot disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 24 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Reseatcn Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 24 pp ISBN 92-9066-137-2 (IBE 024) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 SmuLt disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 25 Patancher AP 502 324 Incia International Crops Research Instiiute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 18 pp ISBN 92-9066-138-C (IBE 025) Thakur RP and King S3 1988 Registration of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registration of six smut resistait germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557) Thakur RP ano Rao VP 1988 Effectiveness of Ethrel as amale gametocide inpearl millet and its influence on ergot Plant Breeding 101107-113 (JA 755) Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registration of four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multiple disease resistance Crop Science 28)2)381-382 (JA 565)


Pests Pest Control and Management

Insect and mite pests Nwanze KF and Sivakumar MVK 1988 Effets des facteurs physiques du sol et climatiques sur la diapause et le cyclesaisonnier de la chenille de repi du (nil (Raghuvaalbipunctella) (In Fr) Pages 99-109 in Compte rendu du cycle detudes surIAgrorndteoroogie et la protection des cultures dans les zones semi-arides 8-12 Dec 1986 Niamey Niger GenevaSwitzerland WMO (CP 86-012)

Ouality and Utilization ICRISAT (internatlioral Crops Research Institute for the Seri-Arid Tropics) 1988 Uses of sorghum and millets summaryproc edirigs of an Inle rnational Workshop on Policy Practice and Potential Relating to Uses of Sorghum and Millets 8-12 Feb1988 Bulawayoe Zimbabwe Palancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-159-3 (CPE 047)Jambunathan R and Subramanlan V 1988 Grain quality and utillzation of sorghun and pearl millet Pages 133-139 InBioht cnnoloy in tropicoii cro)p impro re nt proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Palanchro AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP394) Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 1988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 in Plant breeding and the nutritive value of crop residues proceedings of a workshop 7-10 Dec 1987 AddisAbaba Ethiopia (Reed J D Capper BS and Neate PJH eds ) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre forAfrica (CP 459)


Statistics and biometry Wllcombe JR 1988 Estimates of stability for comparing varieties Euphytica 3911-18 (JA 647)

Chickpea General ICRISAT (international Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Chickpea Newsletter no 18Palanchero A P502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2508 (NCE) Nene YL and Kanwar JS 1988 Research on food legumes at the International Crops Research Instifuie for the Semi-AridTropics (ICRISAT) with special reference to chickpea Pages 39-46 nWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings ofthe international Food Legume Research Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 SpokaneWashington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academc Publishers (CP 283) van Rheenen HA and Miranda JH 1986 Improving the growth of Cicet plants inpots Pulse Crops Newsletter 637-40 (JA 644)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Pundlr RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog evaluation andanalysis Patoncheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 100 pp ISBN92-9066-154-2 (GCE 002) Pundir RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog passport informationPatancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 521 pp ISBN 92-9066-155-0 (GCE 002)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding van Rheenen HA Bond DA Erskine Wand Sharma B1988 Future breeding strategies for pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 1013-1030 In World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearcn Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJed ) Dordrecht Netherlands Kuwer Academic Publishers (CP 264)


Genetic studies

Harjlt Singh Kumar J Haware MP and Smithson JB 1987 Complementation between genes for resistance to race 1 of Fusarium oxyspobuin I sp cicen in chickpea Plant Pathology 36539-543 (JA 373)

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower coour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicet aoetinum L ) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 110 407-409 (JA 653)

Breeding for blotic stress resistance

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower colour and niimber of flowtrs per fruitng node in chickpeas (Cicer arielinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 1104107-409 (JA 653)

Reed W Cardona C Lateet SS and Bishara $1 1988 Screening and breeding for insect resistance inpea lentil faba bean and chckpea Pages 107-116 inWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearch Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed ) Dordrecnt Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 259)

Variety descriptionrelease documents

ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea kabuli variety ICCV 6 Plant Material Descriplion no 12 Patancjheru A P502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-131-3 (PME 012)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea desi variety ICCV 7 Plant Material Description no 13 Patancheru A P 502 324 India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4pp ISBN 92-j066shy132-1 (PME013)

Biotechnology Moss JP Singh AK Sastrl DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)


Environmental stress Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity acbse study with chickpeaPages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary inFr) Research Bulletin no 11 Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Sein-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary in Fr I Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)


Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Sudarshana MR Thompson JA and Rupela OP 1988 Evaluation of 5N-isotope dilution for measureshyment of nitrogen fixation inchickpea (Cicer arietinum L) Biology and Fertility of Soils 6(4)347-351 (JA 692)Nambiar PTC Rupela OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L ) chickpea (Cicer ariehinum L) and pigeonpea (Caanus caan L Millsp) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixatiun recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed I New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Diseases and Disease Management Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Harjlit Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium will resistance flowercolour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicer ariefinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK110407-409 (JA 653) Kannalyan J and Nene YL 1986 Screening pigeonpea for resistance to alternaria blight Indian Phytopathology39 (4)547-549 iA 513) Nene YL Hanounik SB Oureshl and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summertield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Bacterial diseases Nene YL Hanounik SB Qureshi and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapping of Helothis armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pests of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173in Plant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection inField Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithanantham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India (CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Ba os PhilippinesLaguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


General ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Pigeonpea Newsletter nos 7and 8 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0255-786 X(NPE)

Anatomy and Morphology Saxena KB Dundas IS Fars DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stern mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3)221-222 (JA 631)

Saxeno KB Slngh AK andu iarls DG 1988 7he mormhogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR arid Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea geirnplasrn catalog evaluation and analysis Palancneru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 95 pp ISBN 92-9066-152-6 (GCE 001)

Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea gerniplasm catalog passportnfornation Palanctieru A P 502 324 India Inlernational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 387 pp ISBN 92-9066-153-4 (GCE 001)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies

Saxena KB Dundas 1S Faris DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stem mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3) 221-222 (JA 631)

Saxena KB Slngh AK and Fars DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Male sterile pollinator and hybrid breeding

Saxena KB Singh AK and Faris DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdl in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1)75-76 (JA 612)

Interspecific breeding

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 In Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Cenler India Patancherii AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Biotechnology Moss JP Slngh AK Sastri DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)

Tissue culture

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 in Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Physiology Environmental stress

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeor ea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiolic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP 502 324 India nternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)


Yield physiology Chauhan YS Sheldrake AR and Venkataratnam N 1987 Effect of harvest methods on the second flush yield ofshort-duration pigeonpea (Calanuscalan) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 109591-593 (JA 637)Chauhan YS Venkataratnam N and Sheldrake AR 1987 Factos affecting growth and yield of stort-durationpgeonpea and its potential for multiple harvests Journal ofAgricultural Science UK 109519-529 (JA 654)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Slthanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchtckpea iSummary inFr )Research Bulletin no 1I Patancheru AP502324 India International Crops Research Institutefor toe Semi-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-161-4 (ROE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpca andchijckpea iSumniary inFi) Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi Arid Tropcs 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 0111

Nitrogen fixation Namblar PTC Rupes OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishoogaea LI chickpea (Ccer aiebnim L I and pigeonpea (Calanus calan LMillsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation ecent developments (Subba Rao NS ed ) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35CP 285)

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapoing of Heholh~s armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pesis of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173 inPlant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithananfham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India(CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from a ULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 1G(1 )33-35(CP 285) Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Baos PhilippinesLaguna Philippines Internaltonal Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 6: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Variety descriptionrelease documents ICRISAT (international Crops ReseL rch Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Pearl millet hybrid ICMH 451 Plant MaterialDescription no 14 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-133-X (PME 0 14) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registralion of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Roisration of six smut iesisant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557)

Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registralion u four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multipledisease esistance Crop Science 28(2)381-382 (JA 565)


Environmental stresL Mahalakshmi V Bidinger FR and Rao GDP 1988 Timing and intensity of water deficit during flowering and grain fillinginpearl rnillet Agronomy Journal 80130-135 (JA 670)

Yield physiology Craufurd PO and P inger FR 1988 Effect of the duration of the vegetative phase on shoot growth development andyield in pearl mlle (PennzOtum americanum (L) Leeke) Journal of Experimental Botany 39(198)124-139 (JA 668) Mahalakshml V Bldhiger FR and Rao GDP 1988 Timing and intensity of water deficit during flowering and grain fillingin pearI millet Agronomy Journal 80130-135 (JA 670i

Physiology and development Craufurd PO and Bldinger FR t988 Effect of the duration of the vegetative phase on shoot growth development andyield in pearl miilel (Pennisetum arelicnum(L) Locke) Journal of Experimental Botany 39(198)124-139 JA 662) Soman P Stemph TJ Bldinger FR and Fussell LK 1987 Improvement instand establishment inpearl millet Pages159-172 In Food grain production in the semi-arid Africa proceedings of an Internatmural Symposium 19-23 May 1986Nairobi Kenya (Menyonga J M Bezuneh T and Ynudeowei A eds) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso OAUSTAC--SAFGRAD Organizatlon of African Unity Scientific i echnical and Research Commission-Seri -Arid Food Gran Research Cevelowrnert) iCP 305)

Soil Science

Soil chemistry and fertility Wani SP 1988 Nitrogen fIxatloi potentials ofsorghum and millets Pages 125-174 inBiological nitrogen fixation recent developments (Subba Ran NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and IB-I- Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Zambre MA and Lee KK 1988 Population dynarmics of ntrogen-fixing bacteria associated vith pearl millet Oernisen americanum (L) Leeke plants Pages 21 30 in Biotechnology of nitrogen fixation in ttle tropics (BtOnifT)pruc-eoiocs of trie Regional Symposium and Workshop 25-29 Auy 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Snamsuddin ZH OthmanWMW Yarziah M arid Sundram J eds) Selangor Malaysia Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Wani SP Day JM and Dart PJ 1988 Short-term measurements of uptake of nitrogen fixed in therhizosphere of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and millet (Pennisetum amencanum) Biology and Fertility of Soils 7(1 )11-15 (JA740) Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions between vesicular arbusculr mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorganisms and their influence on plant growth and nutrition Pages 5370 In Biological nitrogen fixation recentdevelopments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 5 1)


Wani SP 1985 Nitrogen fixatio potntials of sorghum and millats Pages 125 174 in Biological nitrogen fixation recent developments (SObba Rao Nq edl New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Chandrapalalh S Zambre MA and Lee KK 1986 Association between N-fixing bacteria and pearl millet plants respcnses niechar sms and pisi-tence Plant and Scil 11089-302 (JA 732)

Wani SP Zamb MA and Lev KK 1988 Population dynanics oft niiopen-ixing bacteria associaled with pearl millet Perns fimionitm L Leeltc plarts Pages 21-30 inBiotcchnoIoqy of nitrogen fixation in the trooics (BlOnifT)piceednas of lhe Regional SympIosium and Worlshnp 25-29 Aug 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Shamsuddin ZH Olhnran WM W Marzah M and Sudram J er) Selargor Malays-a Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhlzae

Subba Rao NS and Kirishrm KR 1988 nteractions between vesicular arbuscutar mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorgari5icls and thcir inri nce on plant growIn and nurition Pages 53-70 In Biological nitrogen fixation recent dc valopmerits Subba Rao NS ed) New DNlhi India Oxford and BH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General

Land and water management

Athavate RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in drylandagriculture Pages 250-275 nNational Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986New flelhi India (Kn-ar J S_ ed New Deh India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Diseases and Disease Management

Fungus and mycotoxn diseases

Bhatnagar A 1988 Stuaies on mode of penetration oy Sclerospota gramirnicola (Sacc) Schroetin pearl millet (Pennisetumirnericinun iL ) Leekep leaves MSc thesis Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India

75 pp

Chaian SB Thakur RP and Rao VP 1988 Inheritance of smut resistance in pearl millet Plant Disease Research 3192-197 (JA 803)

Rao VP aria Thakur RP 1988 Furarum secitectum var majus a potential bloconrol agent of ergot (Caviuepsisdoiis) of pearl nillet Indian Phytopathology 41567-574 (JA 675) Slngh SD Gopinath R and Pawar MN 1987 Effects of environmental factors on asexual sporulation of Sclerospofa graminicola Indian Phylupathology 40(2)186-193 (JA 523)

Singh SD and King SB 1988 Recovery resistance Iodowny mildew inpearl millet Plant Disease 72(5)425-428 (JA 588) Singh SD and Slngh Govind 1987 Resistance to downy mildew in pearl millel hybrid NHB 3 Indian Phytopathology 40()178-t80 (JA 324)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Ergot disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 24 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Reseatcn Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 24 pp ISBN 92-9066-137-2 (IBE 024) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 SmuLt disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 25 Patancher AP 502 324 Incia International Crops Research Instiiute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 18 pp ISBN 92-9066-138-C (IBE 025) Thakur RP and King S3 1988 Registration of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registration of six smut resistait germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557) Thakur RP ano Rao VP 1988 Effectiveness of Ethrel as amale gametocide inpearl millet and its influence on ergot Plant Breeding 101107-113 (JA 755) Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registration of four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multiple disease resistance Crop Science 28)2)381-382 (JA 565)


Pests Pest Control and Management

Insect and mite pests Nwanze KF and Sivakumar MVK 1988 Effets des facteurs physiques du sol et climatiques sur la diapause et le cyclesaisonnier de la chenille de repi du (nil (Raghuvaalbipunctella) (In Fr) Pages 99-109 in Compte rendu du cycle detudes surIAgrorndteoroogie et la protection des cultures dans les zones semi-arides 8-12 Dec 1986 Niamey Niger GenevaSwitzerland WMO (CP 86-012)

Ouality and Utilization ICRISAT (internatlioral Crops Research Institute for the Seri-Arid Tropics) 1988 Uses of sorghum and millets summaryproc edirigs of an Inle rnational Workshop on Policy Practice and Potential Relating to Uses of Sorghum and Millets 8-12 Feb1988 Bulawayoe Zimbabwe Palancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-159-3 (CPE 047)Jambunathan R and Subramanlan V 1988 Grain quality and utillzation of sorghun and pearl millet Pages 133-139 InBioht cnnoloy in tropicoii cro)p impro re nt proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Palanchro AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP394) Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 1988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 in Plant breeding and the nutritive value of crop residues proceedings of a workshop 7-10 Dec 1987 AddisAbaba Ethiopia (Reed J D Capper BS and Neate PJH eds ) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre forAfrica (CP 459)


Statistics and biometry Wllcombe JR 1988 Estimates of stability for comparing varieties Euphytica 3911-18 (JA 647)

Chickpea General ICRISAT (international Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Chickpea Newsletter no 18Palanchero A P502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2508 (NCE) Nene YL and Kanwar JS 1988 Research on food legumes at the International Crops Research Instifuie for the Semi-AridTropics (ICRISAT) with special reference to chickpea Pages 39-46 nWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings ofthe international Food Legume Research Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 SpokaneWashington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academc Publishers (CP 283) van Rheenen HA and Miranda JH 1986 Improving the growth of Cicet plants inpots Pulse Crops Newsletter 637-40 (JA 644)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Pundlr RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog evaluation andanalysis Patoncheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 100 pp ISBN92-9066-154-2 (GCE 002) Pundir RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog passport informationPatancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 521 pp ISBN 92-9066-155-0 (GCE 002)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding van Rheenen HA Bond DA Erskine Wand Sharma B1988 Future breeding strategies for pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 1013-1030 In World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearcn Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJed ) Dordrecht Netherlands Kuwer Academic Publishers (CP 264)


Genetic studies

Harjlt Singh Kumar J Haware MP and Smithson JB 1987 Complementation between genes for resistance to race 1 of Fusarium oxyspobuin I sp cicen in chickpea Plant Pathology 36539-543 (JA 373)

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower coour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicet aoetinum L ) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 110 407-409 (JA 653)

Breeding for blotic stress resistance

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower colour and niimber of flowtrs per fruitng node in chickpeas (Cicer arielinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 1104107-409 (JA 653)

Reed W Cardona C Lateet SS and Bishara $1 1988 Screening and breeding for insect resistance inpea lentil faba bean and chckpea Pages 107-116 inWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearch Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed ) Dordrecnt Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 259)

Variety descriptionrelease documents

ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea kabuli variety ICCV 6 Plant Material Descriplion no 12 Patancjheru A P502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-131-3 (PME 012)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea desi variety ICCV 7 Plant Material Description no 13 Patancheru A P 502 324 India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4pp ISBN 92-j066shy132-1 (PME013)

Biotechnology Moss JP Singh AK Sastrl DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)


Environmental stress Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity acbse study with chickpeaPages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary inFr) Research Bulletin no 11 Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Sein-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary in Fr I Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)


Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Sudarshana MR Thompson JA and Rupela OP 1988 Evaluation of 5N-isotope dilution for measureshyment of nitrogen fixation inchickpea (Cicer arietinum L) Biology and Fertility of Soils 6(4)347-351 (JA 692)Nambiar PTC Rupela OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L ) chickpea (Cicer ariehinum L) and pigeonpea (Caanus caan L Millsp) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixatiun recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed I New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Diseases and Disease Management Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Harjlit Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium will resistance flowercolour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicer ariefinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK110407-409 (JA 653) Kannalyan J and Nene YL 1986 Screening pigeonpea for resistance to alternaria blight Indian Phytopathology39 (4)547-549 iA 513) Nene YL Hanounik SB Oureshl and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summertield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Bacterial diseases Nene YL Hanounik SB Qureshi and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapping of Helothis armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pests of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173in Plant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection inField Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithanantham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India (CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Ba os PhilippinesLaguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


General ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Pigeonpea Newsletter nos 7and 8 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0255-786 X(NPE)

Anatomy and Morphology Saxena KB Dundas IS Fars DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stern mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3)221-222 (JA 631)

Saxeno KB Slngh AK andu iarls DG 1988 7he mormhogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR arid Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea geirnplasrn catalog evaluation and analysis Palancneru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 95 pp ISBN 92-9066-152-6 (GCE 001)

Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea gerniplasm catalog passportnfornation Palanctieru A P 502 324 India Inlernational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 387 pp ISBN 92-9066-153-4 (GCE 001)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies

Saxena KB Dundas 1S Faris DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stem mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3) 221-222 (JA 631)

Saxena KB Slngh AK and Fars DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Male sterile pollinator and hybrid breeding

Saxena KB Singh AK and Faris DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdl in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1)75-76 (JA 612)

Interspecific breeding

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 In Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Cenler India Patancherii AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Biotechnology Moss JP Slngh AK Sastri DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)

Tissue culture

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 in Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Physiology Environmental stress

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeor ea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiolic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP 502 324 India nternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)


Yield physiology Chauhan YS Sheldrake AR and Venkataratnam N 1987 Effect of harvest methods on the second flush yield ofshort-duration pigeonpea (Calanuscalan) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 109591-593 (JA 637)Chauhan YS Venkataratnam N and Sheldrake AR 1987 Factos affecting growth and yield of stort-durationpgeonpea and its potential for multiple harvests Journal ofAgricultural Science UK 109519-529 (JA 654)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Slthanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchtckpea iSummary inFr )Research Bulletin no 1I Patancheru AP502324 India International Crops Research Institutefor toe Semi-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-161-4 (ROE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpca andchijckpea iSumniary inFi) Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi Arid Tropcs 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 0111

Nitrogen fixation Namblar PTC Rupes OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishoogaea LI chickpea (Ccer aiebnim L I and pigeonpea (Calanus calan LMillsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation ecent developments (Subba Rao NS ed ) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35CP 285)

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapoing of Heholh~s armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pesis of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173 inPlant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithananfham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India(CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from a ULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 1G(1 )33-35(CP 285) Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Baos PhilippinesLaguna Philippines Internaltonal Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 7: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Wani SP 1985 Nitrogen fixatio potntials of sorghum and millats Pages 125 174 in Biological nitrogen fixation recent developments (SObba Rao Nq edl New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 449) Wani SP Chandrapalalh S Zambre MA and Lee KK 1986 Association between N-fixing bacteria and pearl millet plants respcnses niechar sms and pisi-tence Plant and Scil 11089-302 (JA 732)

Wani SP Zamb MA and Lev KK 1988 Population dynanics oft niiopen-ixing bacteria associaled with pearl millet Perns fimionitm L Leeltc plarts Pages 21-30 inBiotcchnoIoqy of nitrogen fixation in the trooics (BlOnifT)piceednas of lhe Regional SympIosium and Worlshnp 25-29 Aug 1986 Selangor Malaysia (Shamsuddin ZH Olhnran WM W Marzah M and Sudram J er) Selargor Malays-a Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (CP 306)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhlzae

Subba Rao NS and Kirishrm KR 1988 nteractions between vesicular arbuscutar mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingmicroorgari5icls and thcir inri nce on plant growIn and nurition Pages 53-70 In Biological nitrogen fixation recent dc valopmerits Subba Rao NS ed) New DNlhi India Oxford and BH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General

Land and water management

Athavate RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in drylandagriculture Pages 250-275 nNational Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986New flelhi India (Kn-ar J S_ ed New Deh India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Diseases and Disease Management

Fungus and mycotoxn diseases

Bhatnagar A 1988 Stuaies on mode of penetration oy Sclerospota gramirnicola (Sacc) Schroetin pearl millet (Pennisetumirnericinun iL ) Leekep leaves MSc thesis Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India

75 pp

Chaian SB Thakur RP and Rao VP 1988 Inheritance of smut resistance in pearl millet Plant Disease Research 3192-197 (JA 803)

Rao VP aria Thakur RP 1988 Furarum secitectum var majus a potential bloconrol agent of ergot (Caviuepsisdoiis) of pearl nillet Indian Phytopathology 41567-574 (JA 675) Slngh SD Gopinath R and Pawar MN 1987 Effects of environmental factors on asexual sporulation of Sclerospofa graminicola Indian Phylupathology 40(2)186-193 (JA 523)

Singh SD and King SB 1988 Recovery resistance Iodowny mildew inpearl millet Plant Disease 72(5)425-428 (JA 588) Singh SD and Slngh Govind 1987 Resistance to downy mildew in pearl millel hybrid NHB 3 Indian Phytopathology 40()178-t80 (JA 324)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Ergot disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 24 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Reseatcn Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 24 pp ISBN 92-9066-137-2 (IBE 024) Thakur RP and King SB 1988 SmuLt disease of pearl millet (Summary inFr) Information Bulletin no 25 Patancher AP 502 324 Incia International Crops Research Instiiute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 18 pp ISBN 92-9066-138-C (IBE 025) Thakur RP and King S3 1988 Registration of four ergot resistant germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382 (JA 554)

Thakur RP and King SB 1988 Registration of six smut resistait germplasms of pearl millet Crop Science 28(2)382-383 (JA 557) Thakur RP ano Rao VP 1988 Effectiveness of Ethrel as amale gametocide inpearl millet and its influence on ergot Plant Breeding 101107-113 (JA 755) Thakur RP Singh SD and King SB 1988 Registration of four populations of pearl millet germplasm with multiple disease resistance Crop Science 28)2)381-382 (JA 565)


Pests Pest Control and Management

Insect and mite pests Nwanze KF and Sivakumar MVK 1988 Effets des facteurs physiques du sol et climatiques sur la diapause et le cyclesaisonnier de la chenille de repi du (nil (Raghuvaalbipunctella) (In Fr) Pages 99-109 in Compte rendu du cycle detudes surIAgrorndteoroogie et la protection des cultures dans les zones semi-arides 8-12 Dec 1986 Niamey Niger GenevaSwitzerland WMO (CP 86-012)

Ouality and Utilization ICRISAT (internatlioral Crops Research Institute for the Seri-Arid Tropics) 1988 Uses of sorghum and millets summaryproc edirigs of an Inle rnational Workshop on Policy Practice and Potential Relating to Uses of Sorghum and Millets 8-12 Feb1988 Bulawayoe Zimbabwe Palancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-159-3 (CPE 047)Jambunathan R and Subramanlan V 1988 Grain quality and utillzation of sorghun and pearl millet Pages 133-139 InBioht cnnoloy in tropicoii cro)p impro re nt proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Palanchro AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP394) Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 1988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 in Plant breeding and the nutritive value of crop residues proceedings of a workshop 7-10 Dec 1987 AddisAbaba Ethiopia (Reed J D Capper BS and Neate PJH eds ) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre forAfrica (CP 459)


Statistics and biometry Wllcombe JR 1988 Estimates of stability for comparing varieties Euphytica 3911-18 (JA 647)

Chickpea General ICRISAT (international Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Chickpea Newsletter no 18Palanchero A P502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2508 (NCE) Nene YL and Kanwar JS 1988 Research on food legumes at the International Crops Research Instifuie for the Semi-AridTropics (ICRISAT) with special reference to chickpea Pages 39-46 nWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings ofthe international Food Legume Research Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 SpokaneWashington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academc Publishers (CP 283) van Rheenen HA and Miranda JH 1986 Improving the growth of Cicet plants inpots Pulse Crops Newsletter 637-40 (JA 644)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Pundlr RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog evaluation andanalysis Patoncheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 100 pp ISBN92-9066-154-2 (GCE 002) Pundir RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog passport informationPatancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 521 pp ISBN 92-9066-155-0 (GCE 002)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding van Rheenen HA Bond DA Erskine Wand Sharma B1988 Future breeding strategies for pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 1013-1030 In World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearcn Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJed ) Dordrecht Netherlands Kuwer Academic Publishers (CP 264)


Genetic studies

Harjlt Singh Kumar J Haware MP and Smithson JB 1987 Complementation between genes for resistance to race 1 of Fusarium oxyspobuin I sp cicen in chickpea Plant Pathology 36539-543 (JA 373)

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower coour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicet aoetinum L ) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 110 407-409 (JA 653)

Breeding for blotic stress resistance

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower colour and niimber of flowtrs per fruitng node in chickpeas (Cicer arielinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 1104107-409 (JA 653)

Reed W Cardona C Lateet SS and Bishara $1 1988 Screening and breeding for insect resistance inpea lentil faba bean and chckpea Pages 107-116 inWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearch Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed ) Dordrecnt Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 259)

Variety descriptionrelease documents

ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea kabuli variety ICCV 6 Plant Material Descriplion no 12 Patancjheru A P502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-131-3 (PME 012)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea desi variety ICCV 7 Plant Material Description no 13 Patancheru A P 502 324 India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4pp ISBN 92-j066shy132-1 (PME013)

Biotechnology Moss JP Singh AK Sastrl DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)


Environmental stress Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity acbse study with chickpeaPages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary inFr) Research Bulletin no 11 Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Sein-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary in Fr I Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)


Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Sudarshana MR Thompson JA and Rupela OP 1988 Evaluation of 5N-isotope dilution for measureshyment of nitrogen fixation inchickpea (Cicer arietinum L) Biology and Fertility of Soils 6(4)347-351 (JA 692)Nambiar PTC Rupela OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L ) chickpea (Cicer ariehinum L) and pigeonpea (Caanus caan L Millsp) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixatiun recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed I New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Diseases and Disease Management Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Harjlit Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium will resistance flowercolour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicer ariefinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK110407-409 (JA 653) Kannalyan J and Nene YL 1986 Screening pigeonpea for resistance to alternaria blight Indian Phytopathology39 (4)547-549 iA 513) Nene YL Hanounik SB Oureshl and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summertield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Bacterial diseases Nene YL Hanounik SB Qureshi and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapping of Helothis armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pests of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173in Plant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection inField Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithanantham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India (CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Ba os PhilippinesLaguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


General ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Pigeonpea Newsletter nos 7and 8 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0255-786 X(NPE)

Anatomy and Morphology Saxena KB Dundas IS Fars DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stern mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3)221-222 (JA 631)

Saxeno KB Slngh AK andu iarls DG 1988 7he mormhogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR arid Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea geirnplasrn catalog evaluation and analysis Palancneru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 95 pp ISBN 92-9066-152-6 (GCE 001)

Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea gerniplasm catalog passportnfornation Palanctieru A P 502 324 India Inlernational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 387 pp ISBN 92-9066-153-4 (GCE 001)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies

Saxena KB Dundas 1S Faris DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stem mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3) 221-222 (JA 631)

Saxena KB Slngh AK and Fars DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Male sterile pollinator and hybrid breeding

Saxena KB Singh AK and Faris DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdl in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1)75-76 (JA 612)

Interspecific breeding

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 In Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Cenler India Patancherii AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Biotechnology Moss JP Slngh AK Sastri DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)

Tissue culture

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 in Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Physiology Environmental stress

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeor ea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiolic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP 502 324 India nternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)


Yield physiology Chauhan YS Sheldrake AR and Venkataratnam N 1987 Effect of harvest methods on the second flush yield ofshort-duration pigeonpea (Calanuscalan) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 109591-593 (JA 637)Chauhan YS Venkataratnam N and Sheldrake AR 1987 Factos affecting growth and yield of stort-durationpgeonpea and its potential for multiple harvests Journal ofAgricultural Science UK 109519-529 (JA 654)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Slthanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchtckpea iSummary inFr )Research Bulletin no 1I Patancheru AP502324 India International Crops Research Institutefor toe Semi-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-161-4 (ROE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpca andchijckpea iSumniary inFi) Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi Arid Tropcs 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 0111

Nitrogen fixation Namblar PTC Rupes OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishoogaea LI chickpea (Ccer aiebnim L I and pigeonpea (Calanus calan LMillsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation ecent developments (Subba Rao NS ed ) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35CP 285)

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapoing of Heholh~s armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pesis of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173 inPlant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithananfham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India(CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from a ULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 1G(1 )33-35(CP 285) Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Baos PhilippinesLaguna Philippines Internaltonal Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 8: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Pests Pest Control and Management

Insect and mite pests Nwanze KF and Sivakumar MVK 1988 Effets des facteurs physiques du sol et climatiques sur la diapause et le cyclesaisonnier de la chenille de repi du (nil (Raghuvaalbipunctella) (In Fr) Pages 99-109 in Compte rendu du cycle detudes surIAgrorndteoroogie et la protection des cultures dans les zones semi-arides 8-12 Dec 1986 Niamey Niger GenevaSwitzerland WMO (CP 86-012)

Ouality and Utilization ICRISAT (internatlioral Crops Research Institute for the Seri-Arid Tropics) 1988 Uses of sorghum and millets summaryproc edirigs of an Inle rnational Workshop on Policy Practice and Potential Relating to Uses of Sorghum and Millets 8-12 Feb1988 Bulawayoe Zimbabwe Palancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-159-3 (CPE 047)Jambunathan R and Subramanlan V 1988 Grain quality and utillzation of sorghun and pearl millet Pages 133-139 InBioht cnnoloy in tropicoii cro)p impro re nt proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Palanchro AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP394) Reed JD Kebede Y and Fussell LK 1988 Factors affecting the nutritive value of sorghum and millet crop residuesPages 233-249 in Plant breeding and the nutritive value of crop residues proceedings of a workshop 7-10 Dec 1987 AddisAbaba Ethiopia (Reed J D Capper BS and Neate PJH eds ) Addis Ababa Ethiopia International Livestock Centre forAfrica (CP 459)


Statistics and biometry Wllcombe JR 1988 Estimates of stability for comparing varieties Euphytica 3911-18 (JA 647)

Chickpea General ICRISAT (international Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Chickpea Newsletter no 18Palanchero A P502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2508 (NCE) Nene YL and Kanwar JS 1988 Research on food legumes at the International Crops Research Instifuie for the Semi-AridTropics (ICRISAT) with special reference to chickpea Pages 39-46 nWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings ofthe international Food Legume Research Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 SpokaneWashington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academc Publishers (CP 283) van Rheenen HA and Miranda JH 1986 Improving the growth of Cicet plants inpots Pulse Crops Newsletter 637-40 (JA 644)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Pundlr RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog evaluation andanalysis Patoncheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 100 pp ISBN92-9066-154-2 (GCE 002) Pundir RPS Reddy KN and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT chickpea germplasm catalog passport informationPatancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 521 pp ISBN 92-9066-155-0 (GCE 002)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding van Rheenen HA Bond DA Erskine Wand Sharma B1988 Future breeding strategies for pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 1013-1030 In World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearcn Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJed ) Dordrecht Netherlands Kuwer Academic Publishers (CP 264)


Genetic studies

Harjlt Singh Kumar J Haware MP and Smithson JB 1987 Complementation between genes for resistance to race 1 of Fusarium oxyspobuin I sp cicen in chickpea Plant Pathology 36539-543 (JA 373)

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower coour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicet aoetinum L ) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 110 407-409 (JA 653)

Breeding for blotic stress resistance

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower colour and niimber of flowtrs per fruitng node in chickpeas (Cicer arielinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 1104107-409 (JA 653)

Reed W Cardona C Lateet SS and Bishara $1 1988 Screening and breeding for insect resistance inpea lentil faba bean and chckpea Pages 107-116 inWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearch Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed ) Dordrecnt Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 259)

Variety descriptionrelease documents

ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea kabuli variety ICCV 6 Plant Material Descriplion no 12 Patancjheru A P502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-131-3 (PME 012)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea desi variety ICCV 7 Plant Material Description no 13 Patancheru A P 502 324 India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4pp ISBN 92-j066shy132-1 (PME013)

Biotechnology Moss JP Singh AK Sastrl DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)


Environmental stress Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity acbse study with chickpeaPages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary inFr) Research Bulletin no 11 Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Sein-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary in Fr I Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)


Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Sudarshana MR Thompson JA and Rupela OP 1988 Evaluation of 5N-isotope dilution for measureshyment of nitrogen fixation inchickpea (Cicer arietinum L) Biology and Fertility of Soils 6(4)347-351 (JA 692)Nambiar PTC Rupela OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L ) chickpea (Cicer ariehinum L) and pigeonpea (Caanus caan L Millsp) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixatiun recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed I New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Diseases and Disease Management Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Harjlit Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium will resistance flowercolour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicer ariefinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK110407-409 (JA 653) Kannalyan J and Nene YL 1986 Screening pigeonpea for resistance to alternaria blight Indian Phytopathology39 (4)547-549 iA 513) Nene YL Hanounik SB Oureshl and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summertield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Bacterial diseases Nene YL Hanounik SB Qureshi and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapping of Helothis armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pests of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173in Plant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection inField Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithanantham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India (CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Ba os PhilippinesLaguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


General ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Pigeonpea Newsletter nos 7and 8 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0255-786 X(NPE)

Anatomy and Morphology Saxena KB Dundas IS Fars DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stern mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3)221-222 (JA 631)

Saxeno KB Slngh AK andu iarls DG 1988 7he mormhogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR arid Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea geirnplasrn catalog evaluation and analysis Palancneru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 95 pp ISBN 92-9066-152-6 (GCE 001)

Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea gerniplasm catalog passportnfornation Palanctieru A P 502 324 India Inlernational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 387 pp ISBN 92-9066-153-4 (GCE 001)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies

Saxena KB Dundas 1S Faris DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stem mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3) 221-222 (JA 631)

Saxena KB Slngh AK and Fars DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Male sterile pollinator and hybrid breeding

Saxena KB Singh AK and Faris DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdl in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1)75-76 (JA 612)

Interspecific breeding

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 In Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Cenler India Patancherii AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Biotechnology Moss JP Slngh AK Sastri DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)

Tissue culture

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 in Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Physiology Environmental stress

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeor ea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiolic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP 502 324 India nternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)


Yield physiology Chauhan YS Sheldrake AR and Venkataratnam N 1987 Effect of harvest methods on the second flush yield ofshort-duration pigeonpea (Calanuscalan) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 109591-593 (JA 637)Chauhan YS Venkataratnam N and Sheldrake AR 1987 Factos affecting growth and yield of stort-durationpgeonpea and its potential for multiple harvests Journal ofAgricultural Science UK 109519-529 (JA 654)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Slthanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchtckpea iSummary inFr )Research Bulletin no 1I Patancheru AP502324 India International Crops Research Institutefor toe Semi-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-161-4 (ROE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpca andchijckpea iSumniary inFi) Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi Arid Tropcs 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 0111

Nitrogen fixation Namblar PTC Rupes OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishoogaea LI chickpea (Ccer aiebnim L I and pigeonpea (Calanus calan LMillsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation ecent developments (Subba Rao NS ed ) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35CP 285)

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapoing of Heholh~s armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pesis of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173 inPlant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithananfham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India(CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from a ULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 1G(1 )33-35(CP 285) Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Baos PhilippinesLaguna Philippines Internaltonal Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 9: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Genetic studies

Harjlt Singh Kumar J Haware MP and Smithson JB 1987 Complementation between genes for resistance to race 1 of Fusarium oxyspobuin I sp cicen in chickpea Plant Pathology 36539-543 (JA 373)

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower coour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicet aoetinum L ) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 110 407-409 (JA 653)

Breeding for blotic stress resistance

Harilt Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium wilt resistance flower colour and niimber of flowtrs per fruitng node in chickpeas (Cicer arielinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 1104107-409 (JA 653)

Reed W Cardona C Lateet SS and Bishara $1 1988 Screening and breeding for insect resistance inpea lentil faba bean and chckpea Pages 107-116 inWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food LegumeResearch Conference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed ) Dordrecnt Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 259)

Variety descriptionrelease documents

ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea kabuli variety ICCV 6 Plant Material Descriplion no 12 Patancjheru A P502 324 India ICRISAT 4 pp ISBN 92-9066-131-3 (PME 012)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Chickpea desi variety ICCV 7 Plant Material Description no 13 Patancheru A P 502 324 India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 4pp ISBN 92-j066shy132-1 (PME013)

Biotechnology Moss JP Singh AK Sastrl DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)


Environmental stress Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity acbse study with chickpeaPages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary inFr) Research Bulletin no 11 Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Sein-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea and chickpea (Summary in Fr I Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 011)


Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Sudarshana MR Thompson JA and Rupela OP 1988 Evaluation of 5N-isotope dilution for measureshyment of nitrogen fixation inchickpea (Cicer arietinum L) Biology and Fertility of Soils 6(4)347-351 (JA 692)Nambiar PTC Rupela OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L ) chickpea (Cicer ariehinum L) and pigeonpea (Caanus caan L Millsp) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixatiun recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed I New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Diseases and Disease Management Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Harjlit Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium will resistance flowercolour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicer ariefinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK110407-409 (JA 653) Kannalyan J and Nene YL 1986 Screening pigeonpea for resistance to alternaria blight Indian Phytopathology39 (4)547-549 iA 513) Nene YL Hanounik SB Oureshl and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summertield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Bacterial diseases Nene YL Hanounik SB Qureshi and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapping of Helothis armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pests of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173in Plant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection inField Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithanantham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India (CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Ba os PhilippinesLaguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


General ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Pigeonpea Newsletter nos 7and 8 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0255-786 X(NPE)

Anatomy and Morphology Saxena KB Dundas IS Fars DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stern mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3)221-222 (JA 631)

Saxeno KB Slngh AK andu iarls DG 1988 7he mormhogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR arid Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea geirnplasrn catalog evaluation and analysis Palancneru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 95 pp ISBN 92-9066-152-6 (GCE 001)

Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea gerniplasm catalog passportnfornation Palanctieru A P 502 324 India Inlernational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 387 pp ISBN 92-9066-153-4 (GCE 001)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies

Saxena KB Dundas 1S Faris DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stem mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3) 221-222 (JA 631)

Saxena KB Slngh AK and Fars DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Male sterile pollinator and hybrid breeding

Saxena KB Singh AK and Faris DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdl in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1)75-76 (JA 612)

Interspecific breeding

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 In Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Cenler India Patancherii AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Biotechnology Moss JP Slngh AK Sastri DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)

Tissue culture

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 in Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Physiology Environmental stress

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeor ea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiolic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP 502 324 India nternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)


Yield physiology Chauhan YS Sheldrake AR and Venkataratnam N 1987 Effect of harvest methods on the second flush yield ofshort-duration pigeonpea (Calanuscalan) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 109591-593 (JA 637)Chauhan YS Venkataratnam N and Sheldrake AR 1987 Factos affecting growth and yield of stort-durationpgeonpea and its potential for multiple harvests Journal ofAgricultural Science UK 109519-529 (JA 654)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Slthanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchtckpea iSummary inFr )Research Bulletin no 1I Patancheru AP502324 India International Crops Research Institutefor toe Semi-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-161-4 (ROE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpca andchijckpea iSumniary inFi) Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi Arid Tropcs 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 0111

Nitrogen fixation Namblar PTC Rupes OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishoogaea LI chickpea (Ccer aiebnim L I and pigeonpea (Calanus calan LMillsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation ecent developments (Subba Rao NS ed ) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35CP 285)

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapoing of Heholh~s armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pesis of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173 inPlant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithananfham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India(CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from a ULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 1G(1 )33-35(CP 285) Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Baos PhilippinesLaguna Philippines Internaltonal Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 10: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Nitrogen fixation Giller KE Sudarshana MR Thompson JA and Rupela OP 1988 Evaluation of 5N-isotope dilution for measureshyment of nitrogen fixation inchickpea (Cicer arietinum L) Biology and Fertility of Soils 6(4)347-351 (JA 692)Nambiar PTC Rupela OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L ) chickpea (Cicer ariehinum L) and pigeonpea (Caanus caan L Millsp) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixatiun recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed I New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Diseases and Disease Management Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Harjlit Singh Kumar J Smithson JB and Haware MP 1988 Associations among Fusarium will resistance flowercolour and number of flowers per fruiting node in chickpeas (Cicer ariefinum L) Journal of Agricultural Science UK110407-409 (JA 653) Kannalyan J and Nene YL 1986 Screening pigeonpea for resistance to alternaria blight Indian Phytopathology39 (4)547-549 iA 513) Nene YL Hanounik SB Oureshl and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summertield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Bacterial diseases Nene YL Hanounik SB Qureshi and Sen B 1988 Fungal and bacterial foliar diseases of pea lentil faba bean andchickpea Pages 577-590 InWorld crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed)Dordrecht Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 286)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapping of Helothis armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pests of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173in Plant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection inField Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithanantham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India (CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Ba os PhilippinesLaguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


General ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 International Pigeonpea Newsletter nos 7and 8 Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0255-786 X(NPE)

Anatomy and Morphology Saxena KB Dundas IS Fars DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stern mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3)221-222 (JA 631)

Saxeno KB Slngh AK andu iarls DG 1988 7he mormhogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR arid Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea geirnplasrn catalog evaluation and analysis Palancneru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 95 pp ISBN 92-9066-152-6 (GCE 001)

Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea gerniplasm catalog passportnfornation Palanctieru A P 502 324 India Inlernational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 387 pp ISBN 92-9066-153-4 (GCE 001)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies

Saxena KB Dundas 1S Faris DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stem mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3) 221-222 (JA 631)

Saxena KB Slngh AK and Fars DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Male sterile pollinator and hybrid breeding

Saxena KB Singh AK and Faris DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdl in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1)75-76 (JA 612)

Interspecific breeding

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 In Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Cenler India Patancherii AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Biotechnology Moss JP Slngh AK Sastri DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)

Tissue culture

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 in Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Physiology Environmental stress

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeor ea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiolic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP 502 324 India nternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)


Yield physiology Chauhan YS Sheldrake AR and Venkataratnam N 1987 Effect of harvest methods on the second flush yield ofshort-duration pigeonpea (Calanuscalan) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 109591-593 (JA 637)Chauhan YS Venkataratnam N and Sheldrake AR 1987 Factos affecting growth and yield of stort-durationpgeonpea and its potential for multiple harvests Journal ofAgricultural Science UK 109519-529 (JA 654)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Slthanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchtckpea iSummary inFr )Research Bulletin no 1I Patancheru AP502324 India International Crops Research Institutefor toe Semi-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-161-4 (ROE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpca andchijckpea iSumniary inFi) Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi Arid Tropcs 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 0111

Nitrogen fixation Namblar PTC Rupes OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishoogaea LI chickpea (Ccer aiebnim L I and pigeonpea (Calanus calan LMillsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation ecent developments (Subba Rao NS ed ) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35CP 285)

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapoing of Heholh~s armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pesis of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173 inPlant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithananfham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India(CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from a ULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 1G(1 )33-35(CP 285) Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Baos PhilippinesLaguna Philippines Internaltonal Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 11: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print

Anatomy and Morphology Saxena KB Dundas IS Fars DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stern mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3)221-222 (JA 631)

Saxeno KB Slngh AK andu iarls DG 1988 7he mormhogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Genetic Resources and Taxonomy Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR arid Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea geirnplasrn catalog evaluation and analysis Palancneru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 95 pp ISBN 92-9066-152-6 (GCE 001)

Remanandan P Sastry DVSSR and Mengesha Melak H 1988 ICRISAT pigeonpea gerniplasm catalog passportnfornation Palanctieru A P 502 324 India Inlernational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 387 pp ISBN 92-9066-153-4 (GCE 001)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding Genetic studies

Saxena KB Dundas 1S Faris DG and Gupta SC 1988 Genetics and histology of a corky-stem mutant in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(3) 221-222 (JA 631)

Saxena KB Slngh AK and Fars DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdt in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1) 75-76 (JA 612)

Male sterile pollinator and hybrid breeding

Saxena KB Singh AK and Faris DG 1988 The morphogenesis and inheritance of an open carpel mutant cdl in pigeonpea Journal of Heredity 79(1)75-76 (JA 612)

Interspecific breeding

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 In Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Cenler India Patancherii AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Biotechnology Moss JP Slngh AK Sastri DC and Dundas IS 1988 Wide hybridization in legumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 392)

Tissue culture

Subrahmanyam NC Sateesh Kumar P and Fars DG 1988 Tissue culture approaches to pigeonpea improvementPages 73-79 in Biotechnology intropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 395)

Physiology Environmental stress

Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeor ea Pages 63-76 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiolic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP 502 324 India nternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 389)


Yield physiology Chauhan YS Sheldrake AR and Venkataratnam N 1987 Effect of harvest methods on the second flush yield ofshort-duration pigeonpea (Calanuscalan) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 109591-593 (JA 637)Chauhan YS Venkataratnam N and Sheldrake AR 1987 Factos affecting growth and yield of stort-durationpgeonpea and its potential for multiple harvests Journal ofAgricultural Science UK 109519-529 (JA 654)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Slthanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchtckpea iSummary inFr )Research Bulletin no 1I Patancheru AP502324 India International Crops Research Institutefor toe Semi-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-161-4 (ROE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpca andchijckpea iSumniary inFi) Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi Arid Tropcs 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 0111

Nitrogen fixation Namblar PTC Rupes OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishoogaea LI chickpea (Ccer aiebnim L I and pigeonpea (Calanus calan LMillsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation ecent developments (Subba Rao NS ed ) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35CP 285)

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapoing of Heholh~s armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pesis of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173 inPlant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithananfham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India(CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from a ULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 1G(1 )33-35(CP 285) Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Baos PhilippinesLaguna Philippines Internaltonal Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 12: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Yield physiology Chauhan YS Sheldrake AR and Venkataratnam N 1987 Effect of harvest methods on the second flush yield ofshort-duration pigeonpea (Calanuscalan) Journal of Agricultural Science UK 109591-593 (JA 637)Chauhan YS Venkataratnam N and Sheldrake AR 1987 Factos affecting growth and yield of stort-durationpgeonpea and its potential for multiple harvests Journal ofAgricultural Science UK 109519-529 (JA 654)

Soil Science Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Slthanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchtckpea iSummary inFr )Research Bulletin no 1I Patancheru AP502324 India International Crops Research Institutefor toe Semi-And Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-161-4 (ROE 011)

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Johansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Singh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and Sithanantham S 1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpca andchijckpea iSumniary inFi) Research Bulletin no 11 Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutefor the Semi Arid Tropcs 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 0111

Nitrogen fixation Namblar PTC Rupes OP and Kumar Rao JVDK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishoogaea LI chickpea (Ccer aiebnim L I and pigeonpea (Calanus calan LMillsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation ecent developments (Subba Rao NS ed ) New Delhi India Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 515)

Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35CP 285)

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srivastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromonetrapoing of Heholh~s armigera at ICRISAT India Tropical Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)Sithanantham S 1987 Insect pesis of pigeonpea and chickpea and their management Pages 159-173 inPlant protection infield crops lead papers of the National Seminar on Plant Protection in Field Crops 29-31 Jan 1986 Hyderabad India(Veerabhadra Rao M and Sithananfham S eds) Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India Plant Protection Association of India(CP 341)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Pawar CS 1988 Drift of spray droplets from a ULV spinning-disc applicator Indian Journal of Plant Protection 1G(1 )33-35(CP 285) Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Baos PhilippinesLaguna Philippines Internaltonal Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization

Nutritive value Singh U 1988 Antinutritional factors of chickpea and pigeonpea and their removal by processing Plant Foods for HumanNutrition 38251-262 (JA 721)


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 13: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Economics Marketing

von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply atd demand of pulses with special reference to chickpea rPages 487-500 n World crops cool season food legumes proceedings of the Internation3l Food Legumre Research Conference on Pea Loril Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Summerfield RJ ed) Dordecrt Netherlanos Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)



ICRISAT (llternatlonal Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Ard Tropics) 1988 International Arachis Newsletter no 3 Patancheru A P 502 324 InoiaICRISAT ISSN 1010-5824 (NAE)

Anatomy ano Morphology

Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulation and ritrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ad) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)

Ramanatha Rae V 988 Botany Pages 24-64 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agicurtural FResearch (JA 313)

Cytology Genetics and Breeding

Cytology and cytogerietics

Stalker HT and Moss JP 1987 Speciation cytogenetics and utilization of Arachis species Advances inAgronomy 411-40 (JA 635)

Genetic studies

Nigam SN Dwivedl SL Nagabhushanam GVS and Gibbons RW 1988 Inheritance of period from seedling emergence to first flowering peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) Journal of Oilseeds Research 5101-106 (JA 556)

Genetic diversification Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulation inpeanut Crop Science 28(1 )60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnlvssa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogen assimilation noduation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 1123) 537-545 (JA640)

Breeding for biotic stress resistance

Mehan VX Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management c drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P and Smith DH 1987 Effect of host genotype on incubation period receptivity lesion diameter and leaf area damage of Didymella arachidicola on peanut Peanut Science 1490-94 (JA 621)

Breeding for environmental stress resistance

Harris D Matthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genctypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 14: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differencesbetween tour genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and teatmovement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Breeding for amppeciflc adaptation Witzenberger AWilliams JH and Lenz F1988 Influence ofdaylength on yield-determining processes insix groundnutculivars (Atcchshypogrea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Interspecific breeding Moss JP Stalker HT arid Pattee HE 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture of ovules inpeg tips ofAracti hypcaaei Annals otBotany 61( )1-7 (JA 603) Pattee HE Stalker HT arid Mobs JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incuiLurer pe(g Il)s ofArachis hypogaei Annals of Botany 6(1) 103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 1986 Aen gene transfer n gioundnu by ploidy and genome manipuiations Pages 207-209 in Geneticrarnmpulalcrs inplant breeding proceedings Internaiona Symposium EUCARPIA 8-13 Sep 1985 Berlin Federal Republicii Carma iy lHornW Jensen CJ Odenbach W Schdieder O edsi Berlin Federal Republic ofGermany Walter de Gruyter(CP 227) Singh AK 938 Pualve genomne cionors otArachshypogaea (Fabaceae)evidence from crosses with synlhetic amphdishypicns Plant Ssrernatcs ano EvoIUt1rn 160 143-153 (JA 568)

Biotechnol gy Moss JP Sirh AK Sastri DC and Dundas LS 1988 Wide hybrdizator inlegumes at ICRISAT Pages 87-95 InBiorechnoogy in tropical crop improvement proceedings ofthe International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jar 1987ICRISAT Center los a Palancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics (CP392)

Tissue culture Moss JP Sfiker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emtyo rescue inwide crosses inArachs 1Culture of ovules impeg tips ofAiachis hypogaea An Is at Botany 61(1 )1-7 (JA603) Pattee HE Staker HT and Moss JP 1988 Embyo rescue in wide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured oec lips of Aachls hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Wide hybridization Moss JP Stalker HT and Pattee HE 1988 Emnbryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 1Culture ofovules inpeg tips ofAachs tpogaea Annals c Botany 611) 1-7 (JA 603) Pattec HE Slaller HT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue inwide crosses inArachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg tlps e Arachis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1 )103-112 (JA 646)Singh AK 9d9 Putative genome donors e1Arachis rrypogaea (Fabaceae) evidence from crosses with synthetic amphidishyploids Plant Systematics and Evolution 160143-153 (JA 568)


Environmental stress Harris D Mptthews PB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiological basis foryield differencesbetween tour (enotyp-s ofgroundnut (Arechis hypogaea) inresponse to drought Ill Developmental processes ExperimentaAgriculture 24(=1215-226 (JA 656) Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Ran RC Williams JH and Wadla KDR 1988 The physiological basis foryield dirterences between tour genotypes ofgroundnut (Arachis rypogaea)in response to drought IDry matter productionand water use Experimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657)


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 15: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Matthews RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genolypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in response to drought I1Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experimental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improvefield screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspergillus flavus Phytopahology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Nageswara Pao RC Williams JH Svakumur MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut 11Response to orouht during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Yiel physiology

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PYC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Onlogenic variation in litrogen assimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in grounCnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals oi Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Harris DMatthews RB Nageswara Rao RC and Williams JH 1988 The physiulogical basis for yield differences betweer four gunotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in rcsponse to drought I1lDevelopmental processes Experimental Agriculture 24(2)215-226 (JA 656)

Matthews RB Harris D Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH and Wadia KDR 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences between four genotypes of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) in response to drought IDry matter production and water use Exporimental Agriculture 24(2)191-202 (JA 657) Matthewu RB Harris D Williams JH and Nageswara Rao RC 1988 The physiological basis for yield differences betwveen four genntypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) ii response to drought II Solar radiation interception and leaf movement Experirmrental Agriculture 24(2)203-213 (JA 658)

Rattunde HF Ramraj VM Williams JH and Gibbons RW 1988 Cultivar mixtures a means of exploiting morphoshydevelopmental differences among cultivated groundnuts Field Crops Research 19201 -210 (JA 723)

Wltzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-deermining processes in six groundnut cultivars (Aracnis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Physiology and development

Dutta M and Reddy LJ 1988 Further studies on genetics of non-nodulaion in peanut Crop Science 28(1)60-62 (JA 642)

Dutta M Srlnivasa Rao B Nambiar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Nageswara Rao RC Williams JH Sivakumar MVK and Wadia KDR 1988 Effect of water deficit at different growthphases of peanut I1Response to drought during preflowering phase Agronomy Journal 80(3)431-438 (JA 634)

Witzenberger A Williams JH and Lenz F 1988 Influence of daylength on yield-determining processes in six groundnut cuttivars (Arachis hypogaea) Field Crops Research 18(2-3)89-100 (JA 583)

Soil Microbiology

Nitrogen fixation

Dutta M Srinivasa Rao B Namblar PTC Williams JH and Dart PJ 1988 Ontogenic variation in nitrogenassimilation nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes Annals of Applied Biology 112(3)537-545 (JA 640)

Giller KE Namblar PTC Srfnlvasa Rao B Dart PT and Day JM 1987 A comparison of nitrogen fixation in genotypes of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) using 15N-isotope dilution Biology and Fertility of Soils 523-25 (JA 600) Namblar PTC 1988 Nodulaticn ind nitrogen fixation Pages 542-554 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultura Research (JA 377)

Namblar PTC Anjalah V and Srinlivasa Rao B 1987 Factors affecting competition of three strains of rhizobia nodulating groundnut Arachis hypogaea Annals of Applied Biology 110527-533 (JA 589)


Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

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Namblar PTC and SrInivaua Rao S 1987 Effect et sowing depth on nodulation nitrogen fixation root and hypocotylgrowth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Experimental Agriculture 23283-291 (JA 561) Namblar PTC Rupela OP and KIumar Rao JVOK 1988 Nodulation and nitrogen fixation in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L) chickpea (Cicer 3rietinuin L) and pigeonpea (Caanus cajan L Millsp ) Pages 21-52 in Biological nitrogenfixation recent developments (Subba Rao NS ed) New Delhi India Oxford and 1BH Publishing Co (JA 515) Pattee HE Stalker IlT and Moss JP 1988 Embryo rescue in wide crosses in Arachis 2 Embryo development incultured peg lips of Amichis hypogaea Annals of Botany 61(1)103-112 (JA 646)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Krishna KR and Williams JH 1987 Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and geonotype effect on peanut symbiosis andgrowth Page 48 in Myorrhiza in the next decade practical applications and research priorities proceedings of the SeventhNorth merican Crnference on Mycorrhiza 3-8 May 1987 Gainesville Flor da USA (Sylvia DM Hung LL and GrahamJH eds) Gainesville Florida USA Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida (CP 351)

Farming Systems General Fertilizers and nutrients Sahrawat KL Srlnlvasa Rao B and Namblar PTC 1988 Macro- and micro-nutrient uptake by nodulating andncn-nodulating peanut lines Plant and Soil 109(2)291-293 (JA 677)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordinated research on groundnutrosette virus disease summary oroceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting 8-10 Mar 1987 Lilongwe Malawi Patanshycheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 36 pp ISBN 92-9066-142-9 (CPE 048) ICRISAT (Internatioial Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Coordination of research on peanut stripevirus summary proceedings of the First Meeting to Coordinate Research on Peanut Stripe Virus Disease of Groundnut 9-12Jun 1987 Malang Ildonesia Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 30 pp 92-9066-143-7 (CPE 050) Nolt BL Rajeshwarl R Reddy DVR Bharathan N and Manohar SK 1988 Indian peanut clump virus isolates hostrange symptomatology serological relationships and some physical properties Phytopathology 78(3)310-313 (JA 577) Reddy DVR and Wightmon JA 1988 Tomato spotted wili virus thrips transmission and control Advances in DiseaseVector Research 5203-220 (JA 759)

Diseases and Disease Management Virus and related diseases Reddy DVR 1988 Virus diseases Pages 508-525 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricuiiural Research (CP 161)

Fungus and mycotoxln diseases ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of theInternalional Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India IRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations ducolloque internalional sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del TallerInternacional sobre Contaminacion por Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In E ) PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAI 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPS 045) Mehan VK 1988 The mnycooxin prcblem Pages 526-541 In Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council ofAgricultural Resear-h (JA 388)


Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

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Mehan VK McDonald D and Rajagopalan K 1987 Resistance of peanut genotypes to seed infection by Aspergillus flavus in field trials in India Peanut Science 1417-21 (JA 602)

Mehan VK McDonald D and Ramakrlshna N 1988 Effects of adding inoculum of Aspergillus flavus to pod-zone soil on seed infection and atlatoxin contamination of peanut genotypes 0leagineux 43(1)21-28 (JA 596)

Mehan VK Nageswara Rao RC McDonald D and Williams JH 1988 Management of drought stress to improve field screening of peanuts for resistance to Aspe-gillus flavus Phytopathology 78(6)659-663 (JA 698)

Subrahmanyam P 2nd Ravtndranath V 1988 Fungal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi ndia Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Subrahmanyam P Reddy PM anc McDonald D 1988 Photosensitivity of urediniospore germination in Puccinia arachjlds Transactions of the British Mycological Society 90(2) 229-232 (JA 680)

Pests Pest Control and Management Amin PW 988 nse cl and mite pests and their control Pages 393-452 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Councd of Agricultural Research (JA 419)

Insect and mite pests

Pawar CS Sithanantham S Bhatnagar VS Srlvastava CP and Reed W 1988 The development of sex pheromone trapping of H itiilohis ati yet at ICRISAT India TropicPI Pest Management 34(1)39-43 (JA 638)

Reddy DVR arid Wlghtman JA 1988 Tomato spotted wilt virus thrips transmission and control Advances in Disease Vector Research 5 203-220 (JA 759)

Wtghtrnan JA and Amin PW 1988 Goundnut pests and their control inthe semi-arid tropics Tropical Pest Management 34(2)218-226 (JA 649)


Subrahmanyam P and Ravindranath V 1988 Furigal and nematode diseases Pages 453-507 in Groundnut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi India Indian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 415)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Varma BK and Langerak CJ 1988 Seed-transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systems Pages 189-201 in Rice seed health proceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los Banos Philippines Laguna Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Quality and Utilization ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Summary and recommendations of the International Workshop on Aflatoxin Contamination of Groundnut 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPE 045)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Rapport sommaire et recommandations du colloque international sur la contamination des arachides par les aflatoxines 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-146-1 (CPF 045)

ICRISAT (International Crcps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Resumen y Recommendaciones del Taller Internacional sobre Contaminacion per Aflatoxinas en Cacahuate 6-9 Oct 1987 ICRISAT Center India (In Es) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 44 pp ISBN 92-9066-14C-1 (CPS 045)

Economics Marketing Narasimham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds in India Artha Vijnano 30(3)257-276 (JA 522)


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 18: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


General Gowda CLL and MacDonald D 1988 International organization statement-ICRISAT Pages 347-355 in Report of theFifth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Committee of the FAOUNDP Project RAS82002-TCDC for the Research andDevelopment of Food Legumes and Coarse Grains in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics of Asia 23-27 Nov 1987 ICRISAT CenterIndia Bogor Indonesia FAOUNDP Project RAS82002 (CP 421)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Research highlights 1987 PatancheruAP 502 324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2532 (RHE 009) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Progrbs de larecherche 1987 PatancheruA P 502324 India ICRISAT 52 pp ISSN 0257-2494 (RHF 009) ICRISAT (Internatonal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Annual report 1987 Patancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 418 pp ISSN 0257-2478 (ARE 014)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 At ICRISAT nos 21 22 23 and 24 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT ISSN 0257-2486 (NAE)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Nouvelles de lCRISAT nos 11 and 12Niamey Niger ICRISAT Sahelian Center ISSN 0257-2524 (NAF)ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Supplement Jan-Dec 1987 ICRISAT inprint a cumulative record of publications 1975-86 Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 24 pp (GAE 018)Nwanze KF 1988 National agricultural research programmes in Sahelian countries of West Africa problems and recomshyrnendations Agricultural Administration anO Extension 28(4)227-238 (JA 694)

Genetics and Morphology Mengesha MH and Remamnandan P 1988 The genebank at ICRISAT and its significance for crop improvement in Africawith special reference to Ethiopian germplasm Pages 333-339 inThe conservation and utilization of Ethiopian germplasmproceedings of an International Symposium 13-16 Oct 1986 Addis Ababa Ethiopia (Engels JMM ed) Addis AbabaEthiopia Plant Genetic Resources Centre (CP 327)

Biotechnology de Wet JMJ Berthaud J Cubero Jl and Hepburn A 1988 Genetic transformation of cereals Pages 27-32 inBiotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP390) ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Biotechnology intropical crop improveshyment proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Palancheru AP502324 India ICRISAT 160 pp ISBN 92-9066-135-6 (CPE 046) Kanwar JS 1988 Biotechnology and ICRISAT Pages 5-6 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of theInternational Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India InternationalCrops Research Institute for the Semi-Aid Tropics (CP 393)

Physiology Environmental stress ICRISAT (International CropE Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Drought research priorities for the drylandtiopics (Bidinger FR and Johansen C eds) (Summaries in Fr) Patancheru AP 502324 India ICRISAT 228 pp ISBN92-9066-140-2 (BOE 010)


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 19: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Physiology and development

Monteith JL 1988 Does transpiration limit the growth of vegetation or vice versa Journal of Hydrology 100(1)57-68 (JA 773)

Agroclimatology Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoplera Nocluidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and water management and efficient fertiliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural search and Development 21-16 (JA 780)

Climate classification

Sivakumar MVK 1988 Predicting rainy season potential from the onset of rains in Southern Sahelian and Sudanian Climatic zones of West Africa Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 42295-305 (JA 86-04)

Crop modeling

Huda AKS 1988 Sirnulatinc qrowth and yield responses of sorghum to changes in plant density Agrorimy Journal 80(3)541-547 (JA 624)

Huda AKS VIrmani SM and Sekaran JG 1986 Simulation model for sorghum crop and its application Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 29(4)317-330 (JA 362)

Soil Science

Soil physics

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8 in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 0511

Soil chemistry and fertility

ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 40 pp ISBN 92-9066-168-2 (CPE 051 )

Sahrawat KL 1988 Extractable iron in two soils of contrasting pH fertilized with ferrous sulfate FeEDTA and FeEDDHA Fertilizer Research 16(1 )31-35 (JA 701)

Sahrawat KL 1988 Overview of research on phosphorus in Vertisols Pages 4-8in Phosphorus in Indian Vertisols summary proceedings of a workshop 23-26 Aug 1988 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 480)

Saxena NP 1987 Problems and prospects to screen and breed for tolerance to soil salinity a case study with chickpea Pages 115-120 in Adaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Consultants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 387)


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 20: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Saxena NP 1987 Screening for adaptation to drought case studies with chickpea and pigeonpea Pages 63-76 inAdaptation of chickpea and pigeonpea to abiotic stresses proceedings of the Cosullants Workshop 19-21 Dec 1984ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics fCP389)

Soil and water management and conservation Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimatic considerations for improved soil and watermanagement and eficient fertiliser us 0 serni-arnd India Fertiliser News 33(4)-51-57 (JA 772)Pathak P Singh S and Sudi R 1987 Soil ard water management altornatives for increased productivity on SAT AlfisolsPdges 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity procetdings ci)the Fourth nternaonal Confernce on Soi Cotiservashy3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuelatien Caracas Veneziela University of Venczuela (CP 262)Virmani SM Sharma D and Venkateswariu J 1988Natoria Seminar e~n

Management of Veilisols and associated soils Pages 574-594 inVWater Management - the Key o Deveoping Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India (Kanwar JSe N w Delhi India Agricole Publshing Acadet y (CP 3(2)von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture in the semi-arid tropics Pages554-53 in)Naionai Semina or) Water Manageriment- the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kairwe J S ed ) New Delhi India Agnicole PIublishing Academy (CP 326

Soil Microbiology Chauhan YS Nene YL Jot~ansen C Haware MP Saxena NP Sardar Slngh Sharma SB Sahrawat KLBurford JR Rupela OP Kumar Rao JVDK and SIthanantham S1988 Effects of soil solarization on pigeonpea andchickpea iSurnniar in Fr ) Research Bulletin r It Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institutetor the Semi-Arid Tropics 20 pp ISBN 92-9066-167-4 (RBE 01 1)

Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadnyaya MN 1988rizyme-hlnked Eurieration of nonsymbioric nitrogen-lixing bacteria usingmmiunosorbent aszav (ELISA) Indian Journal of Microbiology 23(1-2)87-98 )JA 620)

Nitrogen fixation Nambiar PTC 1988 Ncdulahon and nitrogen fixaijun Pages 542-554 in Groundiut (Reddy PS ed) New Delhi IndiaIonian Council of Agricultural Research (JA 377)Namblar PTC Rego TJ and Srinivasa Rao B 1988 Nitrate concentration and nitrate reductase activily mnthree legurres and three cereals the leaves ofAnnals of Applied Biology 112(3)547-553 (JA 708)Subba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 Interactions betweenmicroorganisms and their influence

vesicular arbuscular mycorrriza and nitroen-fixingon plant growth and nulritiordevelopnrents (Subba Rao N S

Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixation recented ) New Delhi India Oxford arid I8H Publishing Co (JA 511)Wani SP Zambre MA and Upadhyaya MN 1989 Enumeration ofenzyme-lirked irunosorbenl assay (ELISA) nonsyrbiotc nitrogen-fixing bacteria usingIndian Journal of Microbiology 28( I-2)87-98 (JA 620)

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizaeSubba Rao NS and Krishna KR 1988 mcrourgansmns and their influence

Interactions between vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixingon plant growth and nuil ondevelopments (Subba Rao N S ed ) New Delhi India Pages 53-70 in Biological nitrogen fixalon recent

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co (JA 511)

Farming Systems General Monteith JL 1987 Climate and productivity in dryland agriculture Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research andDevelopment 2 1-16 (JA 780)Montelth JL Malon PJ Sachan RC Virmanl SM and Walker TS 1988 The evolution of on-farm research atICRISAT Entwicklung Landlicher Raun 3 7-9 (Misc)


Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

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Cropping systems Foster JH 1988 Constrainis to dryland double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(2)148-155 (JA 737i

Fertilizers and nutrients

Huda AKS Pathak P Rego TJ and Virmani SM 1988 Agroclimalic considerations for improved soil and water management and efticiunt foriliser use in semi-arid India Fertiliser News 33(4)51-57 (JA 772)

Engineering Agricultural machinery Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Land and water management Athavale RN 1988 Hydrological basis of a strategy for scheduling supplementary irrigation to cereal crops in dryland agriculture Pages 250-275 In National Seminar on Water Management-the Key to Developing Agriculture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delh India (Kanwar J S ed ) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 299)

Awadhwal NK 1988 Development of an animal-drawn inclined-roller crust breaker Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(2) 87-90 (JA 672)

Pathak P Slngh S and Sudl R1987 Soil and water management alternatives for increased productivity on SAT Alfisols Pages 533-550 in Soil conservation and productivity proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soil Conservashyioi 3-9 Nov 1985Maracay Venezuela Caracas Venezuela University of Venezuela (CP 262)

Diseases and Disease Management Nene YL 1987 Indian plant pathology2000 A D Indian Phytopalhology 40(1) 1-13 (JA 688)

Virus and related diseases Reddy DVP Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anialah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting iruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Fungus and mycotoxin diseases Leonard KJ Thakur RP and Leath S 1988 Incidence of Bipolaris and Exserohilum species in corn leaves in North Carolina Plant Disease 72 1034-1038 (JA 761)

Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK AnJalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting vruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pages 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancheru AP 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)

Bacterial diseases Reddy DVR Namblar PTC Rajeswarl R Mehan VK Anjalah V and McDonald D 1988 Potential of enzymeshylinked immunosorbent assay for detecting viruses fungi bacteria mycoplasma-like organisms mycotoxins and hormones Pagee 43-49 in Biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedings of the International Biotechnology Workshop 12-15 Jan 1987 ICRISAT Center India Patancherm A P 502 324 India International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (CP 391)


Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

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Pests Pest Control and Management Insect and mite pests Dent DR and Pawar CS 1988 The influence of moonlight and weather on catches of Hehcoverpa armigera (Hubner)(Lephoptera Noctuidae) in light and pheromone traps Bulletin of Entomological Research 78(3)365-377 (JA 674)Reed W 1987 Increase of productivity of crops control of pre- and post-harvest losses Presented at the InternationalMeeting on Towards a Second Green Revolution from Chemical to New Biological Techologies inAgriculture in the Tropics8-10 Sup 1986 Home Italy Rendiconti della Accadeinia Nazionale delle Scienze delta der XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche eNatural Sere 5 11 (Part 2) 249-258 (CP 311) Paw~r CS 1988 Dril of spray droplels from aULV spinning-disc applicator Indian journal of Plant Protection 16(1 )33-35ICP 285)

Nematodes Sharma SB 1988 Nematology in the year 2000 AD as I see it in relation to dryland farming Pages 44-52 in Nematology in2000 A D proceedings of the Symposium on Nematology inthe Year 2000 AD as I see it28 May 1988 New Delhi India NewDelhi India Indian Agricultural Research Institute (CP 427)

Weeds Weed Control and Managemnent Parasitic plants Vasudeva Rao MJ Jayaswal ML and Jagat Devi Ranlt 1988 Survey and assessment of Orcbanche problem inBrassica oilcropsof Nepal Oilcrops Newsletter 541-44 (JA 807)

Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection ICRISAT (Inlemrntional Crops Research Instilute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 La quarantaine 6 ICRISAT (In Fr)Patancheru A P 502 324 Inda ICRISAT IGAF 0 1) ICRISAT (International Crops Rersearcr Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Cuarentena vegetal enel ICRISAT (In Es)Palanchtmrh A P 502 324 India ICRISAT (GAS 011) Varma OK aria Langerak CJ 1988 Sueu transmitted pests and diseases of legumes in rice-based cropping systemsPages 189-201 a7Rice seed healtiprcceedings of the International Workshop 16-20 Mar 1987 Los BaAos PhilippinesLag na Philippines International Rice Research Institute (CP 338)

Economics Technology transfer and assessment Foster JH 1988 Corstraints I) dryiand double cropping in northern Madhya Pradesh Indian Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 4312) 148-155 (JA 737) Mueller RAE and Jansen HGP 1988 Farmer and farm concepts inmeasuring adoption lags Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 391) 121 -124 (JA 679 Reardon T atlon PJ and Delgado C 1988 Coping with household-level food insecurity indrought-affected areasatBurkina Faso World Development 16(9) 1065-1074 (JA 761)

Behavioral studies Naraslmham NV Parthasarathy Rao P and von Oppen M 1988 Relationships between prices of oils and oilseeds inIndia Artha Vilnana 3013)257-276 (JA 522)


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020

Page 23: Supplement Jan-Dec 1988 ICRISAT in Print


Verhagen H and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Marketing of commercial farm inputs insemi-arid tropical India Pages311-343 in Commercial activities and rural development inSouth Asia (ageographical study) proceedings of fhe InternalionalConference 21-23 Dec 1985 Ghorakpur India New Delhi India Concept Publishing Company (CP 398)

Natural resources von Oppen M and Subba Rao KV 1988 Water management options for rainfed agriculture intie semi-arid tropics Pages554-573 in National Seminar on Water Management- the Key to Developing Agricuture 28-30 Apr 1986 New Delhi India(Kanwar J S ed) New Delhi India Agricole Publishing Academy (CP 326k

Marketing von Oppen M and Parthasarathy Rao P 1988 Trends insupply and demand of pulses with special reference to chickpeaPages 487500 an World crops col season food legumes proceedings of the International Food Legume ResearchConference on Pea Lentil Faba Bean and Chickpea 6-11 Jul 1986 Spokane Washington USA (Sumrnerlield RJ ed)Dordrecot Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers (CP 290)

Miscellaneous Statistics and biometry Slngh M and GIIIIver B 1988 Statistical analysis of intercropping data using acorrelated error structure Journal of AppliedStatistics 15(1)53-61 (JA 372) Singh M and Slthanantham S 1984 A statistical procedure for testing the host plant preference under choice and noChoice situations nternational Journal of Science and Engineering 1(3)47-63 (JA 349)

Communication science FuccilloDA 1988 Writing English for communicating internationally Journal of Agronomic Education 17(1 )29-32 (JA 743) ICRISAT (Inturnatinnal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Semi-Arid I ropical Information Service (SATCRIS) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAE 020) ICRISAT IInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) 1988 Centre dinformation sur les cultures des zones tropicales semi-andes (SATCRIS) (In Fr) Patancheru AP 502 324 India ICRISAT 12 pp (GAF 020)

ICR 89-0020