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Student Workbook BAHASA INGGRIS III KODE : ENG III BOBOT : 2 SKS MATERI : 1. NARRATIVE 2. DESCRIPTIVE 3. DISCUSSION 4. REVIEW Team Penyusun : SMA Islam PB. Soedirman – Jakarta Timur

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Student Workbook



Team Penyusun : Drs. SuhermanPepi Fidia, S.Pd

Erma Suryani, S.PdDrs. Mansuruddin

Fitris, S.Pd


SMA Islam PB. Soedirman – Jakarta Timur

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UNIT NARRATIVE 1 Once upon a time ….

Standar Kompetensi :

Mendengarkan1. Memahami makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan

interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.2. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog

berbentuk narrative dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Berbicara 1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan

interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narrative dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Membaca Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis essei

berbentuk narrative dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

Menulis Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis monolog yang berbentuk narrative secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar :

1. Merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang melibatkan tindak tutur:

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Mengungkapkan pendapat dan meminta pendapat. Merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan langkah retorika dalam teks berbentuk narrative.

2. Grammar : Past Continuous TenseAlokasi Waktu :4 X pertemuan ( 4 X 2 X 45 menit ) :



Organization of Narrative :a. Orientationb. Evaluationc. Conflictd. Solutione. Reorientation

Social Function of Narrative :To entertain readers with a fairy tale.

Language Feature of Narrative :The Simple Past TenseOnce upon a time, one day, once, long time agoDirect Speech

The Example of Narrative :Sleeping BeautyThe Peach BoySnow WhiteJack and the BeanstalkPrince FrogCinderella

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A. LISTENING SKILL ( pertemuan ke-1 : 2 X 45’ )*

Instruction : Listen carefully to the CD listening, and then choose the correct answer the based on what you have heard from the CD. ( )

Listening Topics :1. Where’s the theater ?2. Hotel check in3. Personal Health Problem4. The Ideal Woman

EXERCISE : I. Listening Topic : Where’s the theater ?

1. When is Steve going out with Jennifer?

A. Friday

B. Saturday

C. Sunday

D. Monday

2. Where is the movie theater?

A. 2


C. 12

D. 4

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3. Where is the restaurant located?

A. 6

B. 11

C. 14

D. 8

4. What time does the restaurant close on Sundays?

A. 10:30 PM

B. 11: 00 PM

C. 11:30 PM

D. 12:00 PM

5. Where is the florist?

A. 10

B. 6

C. 15

D. 5

II. Listening Topic : Hotel check in

1. What is the first problem with the man's reservation?

A. The hotel confused him with another guest.

B. Rooms are overbooked for that evening.

C. There are no more rooms available for five people.

D. The price for the room is more than he expected.

2. For what day did Mr. Nelson make a hotel reservation?

A. the eighteenth

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B. the nineteenth

C. the twentieth

D. the twenty-first

3. What is taking place in the city that makes getting another room almost impossible?

A. a marathon

B. an outdoor music festival

C. a conference

D. building renovation

4. How much is the initial discount on the honeymoon suite after Mr. Nelson complains about the hotel service?

A. $10

B. $15

C. $20

D. $25

5. How does Mr. Nelson respond when the hotel clerk offers to provide him with a free room on his next visit?

A. He thinks it will take a long time for him to receive the free coupon for the room.

B. He feels he should first receive an apology from the manager for what has happened.

C. He suggests that the hotel should give guests an additional 15% discount in cases like his.

D. He implies that he might not visit again because of the problems he has had.

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III. Listening Topic : Personal Health Problem

1. What is the main problem discussed in the conversation?

A. extreme stress

B. hair loss

C. declining health

2. Based on the conversation, what is the most probable relationship between the speakers?

A. old friends

B. brother and sister

C. colleagues from work

3. Why is the man hesitant about seeking medical treatment for his condition?

A. He feels medical treatment is still unproven for his condition.

B. He is worried about the side effects of the medication.

C. He thinks the treatment is too expensive.

4. What does the man probably do at the end of the conversation?

A. He continues to look for other solutions to his problem.

B. He decides to visit a doctor at his sister's urging.

C. He finally accepts that state of his condition

IV. Listening Topic : The Ideal Woman

1. What was Rocky doing at the beginning of the conversation?

A. eating and drinking

B. dancing to the music

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C. standing around at the party

D. talking with his girlfriend, Babe

2. Rocky likes women who:

A. serve him hand and foot.

B. stimulate his intellect.

C. pursue their own careers.

D. enjoy reading novels.

3. In addition to eating, Rocky feels his household chores include:

A. fixing the appliances like the TV and throwing out the trash.

B. washing the car and collecting the trash.

C. watching television and taking out the garbage.

D. fixing things around the house.

4. Rocky acknowledges that his views on women:

A. were shaped by his own family life.

B. are quite progressive for the times.

C. reflect the views of earlier generations.

D. are in line with the prevailing views.

5. From the conversation, what is the most likely scenario of events for the rest of the evening for Rocky?

A. He returns home alone and spends the night with his dog.

B. He remains at the party to try to make new friends.

C. He decides to visit his friend, Rusty, and they have TV dinners.

D. He meets a woman who shares his mutual interest in archeology.

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B. SPEAKING SKILL ( pertemuan ke-2 : 2 X 45’ )* I. Giving Opinion I think …… In my opinion, …………. I assume …… In my view ……… In my opinion of ……….

II. Asking For Opinion What do you think of / about / if ………… ? Do you think ………? What is your opinion about ………….. ? What do you assume ? What is your idea about the case ? EXERCISE :

Share your opinion about the ideas below with your friend. Example :

SuperstitionYou : What do you think of superstition ?Your friend : In my opinion superstition isn’t logic thing.

1. Live in village. You : __________________________________________________________ Your friend : __________________________________________________________2. Peaceful life. You : __________________________________________________________ Your friend : __________________________________________________________

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3. Job opportunities in big cities. You : __________________________________________________________ Your friend : __________________________________________________________4. Life in a small town. You : __________________________________________________________ Your friend : __________________________________________________________5. Crime in big cities. You : __________________________________________________________ Your friend : __________________________________________________________6. Traffic in villages You : __________________________________________________________ Your friend : __________________________________________________________

C. READING AND WRITING SKILLS ( pertemuan ke-3 : 2 X 45’ )*

Read the text carefully.

The Farmer and His Sons A poor farmer had three sons, but they didn’t want to work on the farm. It was a very small farm with only three fields. “The farm is too small for us,” they said. ”We must go to the town to earn our living. When you die, there will not be enough land for the three of us. We shall have wives and children.” “What can I do ?” their father said. “Sell the land and divide the money among us.”

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“No,” their father said, “I will not sell the land. I will give it all to one of you.” This made the sons very angry. “No, father”, they said. “You cannot do that. How will you choose who shall have it ?” “I shall give all the land to the one who is the best farmer. You may have one field each now. The son who earns the most money from his field can have the whole farm.” The sons didn’t want to work in the fields but the land had great value. Each son wanted the whole farm. Then he could sell it. The three fields were the same size. At the end of the first year all the sons earned the same amount of money from their fields. They said to them, “ I must do better than this. I must learn more about growing rice. Then I can grow more than my brothers.” Secretly each son bought books on farming and read them at night. At the end of the second year the amount of rice growing in each field was double. The three sons went to their father and said, “What shall we do now, father ? We have all done well.” “You have money from the extra rice,” their father said, “ Buy one more field each from our neighbours.” The sons bought one more field each. They planted different things in this field. One son planted fruit trees. Other planted vegetables, and another planted corn. They read books about the new things which they were growing. At the end of the years the sons had more money than ever before. They went to their father again. “Which of us can have the whole farm ?” they asked. “I don’t know yet. But you have plenty of money. Buy one more field each.” And so it went on year after year. At last each son had a large farm. They forgot going to the town, because there was enough land for all of them.

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Many years later their father died. They gave his fields to the people of the village as a playground for the children. They already had all the land they needed.

A. Answer the questions below.1. Why did the sons not want to work on the field ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________2. What did their father want to do ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________3. Why did the sons work hard in the field ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________4. How was each of the three sons able to grow double the amount of rice at the end of the second year ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________5. What did their father tell them to do ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________6. “The farm is too small for us,” they said. What is the OPPOSITE of small ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________7. Why were the sons very angry with their father ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________8. One son planted fruit trees. What is the SYNONYM of planted ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________9. Many years later their father died. What is the SYNONYM of died ? and what is the OPPOSITE of died ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________10. Why did they forget going to the town ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________

B. Answer the following questions .1. What type of text is it ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________

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2. Mention the organization of the text ! Answer : _____________________________________________________________3. What is the purpose of the text above ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________4. What tense does the writer use in the text above ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________5. Mention the direct speech on the text ! Answer : _____________________________________________________________

C. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. 1. The sons wanted their father to give them money instead of land. ( ____ )2. The son who earned the most money would get the farm. ( ____ )3. The sons grew rice secretly. ( ____ )4. Each son grew a lot of rice and was able to buy more land. ( ____ )5. Each son planted fruit trees, vegetables and corn in his field. ( ____ )6. The farmer’s sons gave their father’s land to the people of the village. ( ____ )7. The farmer died because he was very angry with his sons. ( ____ )

D. Reference 1. they ( line 1 ) refers to ______________2. you (line 4 ) refers to __________________3. us (line 7) refers to ______________4. it (line 8) refers to __________________5. their (line 8) refers to _______________


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Instructions : Find a narrative text / a fairy tale by yourself from the library or from the internet (

I. Make some notes in the space below for your own narrative .

Orientation :Who : ____________________________________________________________________When : ___________________________________________________________________Where : ___________________________________________________________________What : ____________________________________________________________________Evaluation :______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Conflict :______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Solution :______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reorientation :______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. Now rewrite your story, using the notes you have made above.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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D. GRAMMAR ( pertemuan ke-4 : 2 X 45’ )*

The Past Continuous Tense

( http://web2.uvic-ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/index.htm/ )

Pattern :

S + was / were + V ing

1. Tell about past action in progress which is suddenly interrupted by another past action.Pattern : When + past tense, + past continuous orPast continuous + when + past tense

While + past continuous , + past tense orPast tense + while + past continuous

Example :

When it began to rain, I was standing under a tree. I was standing under a tree when it began to rain. While I was standing under a tree, it began to rain. It began to rain while I was standing under a tree.

2. To state that the two activities are progressing in the same time

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Pattern :

While + past continuous , + past continuous orPast continuous + while + past continuous


*Lihat RPP pertemuan ke-4

Example :

While my mother was cooking in the kitchen, I was reading in my room. I was reading in my room while my mother was cooking in the kitchen. Exercise :

Correct the word in brackets into the right form using Past Continuous Tense !

1. They (see) an accident while they (cross) the street Answer : ___________________________________________________________2. When my sister (arrive), we (eat) out dinner.

Answer : ____________________________________________________________

3. While my father (talk) with my mother, I (come). Answer : ___________________________________________________________3. I (walk) down the street when it (begin) to rain.

Answer : ____________________________________________________________

4. While I (stand) under a tree, it (begin) to rain.Answer : ____________________________________________________________

5. When I (call) Roger, he (study) English.Answer : ____________________________________________________________

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6. My brother and sister (discuss) about something when I (walk) into the room.Answer : ____________________________________________________________

7. While Mrs. Emerson (read) the little boy a story, he (fall) asleep.Answer : ____________________________________________________________

8. The teacher (explain) the lesson when the bell (ring).Answer : ____________________________________________________________

10. My brother and I (watch) TV when Rina (phone) me. Answer : ___________________________________________________________

11. While I (write) a letter, my mother (call) me.Answer : ____________________________________________________________

12. She (listen) to the radio when the light (go) off.Answer : ____________________________________________________________

13. The students (do) their assignment when the teacher (come) into the classroom.

Answer : ____________________________________________________________

14. We (read) a book when my grandmother (visit) us.Answer : ____________________________________________________________

15. While the mother (cook) in the kitchen, the baby (cry)Answer : ____________________________________________________________

16. While I (daydream), someone (touch) my shoulder.Answer : ____________________________________________________________

17. While I (drive) my car, other car (crash) my car.

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Answer : ____________________________________________________________

18. I (have) lunch with my friends out when someone (steal) my wallet.

Answer : ___________________________________________________________19. The police (catch) the robbers while they (rob) the house.

Answer : ____________________________________________________________

20. I (study) at the library when the robbery (happen).Answer : ___________________________________________________________



Nilai Catatan Paraf

UNIT DESCRIPTION 2 My mother is beautiful. Standar Kompetensi :


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1. Memahami makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk descriptive dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Berbicara 1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan

interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk descriptive dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Membaca Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis essei

berbentuk descriptive dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

Menulis Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis monolog yang berbentuk descriptive secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar :

1. Merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan perasaan lega, rasa sakit dan rasa senang.

2. Merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan langkah retorika dalam teks berbentuk descriptive.

3. Grammar : The Simple Present Tense

Alokasi Waktu :4 X pertemuan ( 4 X 2 X 45 menit )


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GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF DESCRIPTIVEOrganization of Descriptive : IdentificationDescriptionSocial Function of Descriptive :To describe a particular person, place, or thing.Language Feature of Descriptive :The Simple Present TenseSpecificThe name of city, person ( still alive ) , garden, country, etc.

A. LISTENING SKILL ( pertemuan ke-5 : 2 X 45’ )*

Instruction : Listen carefully to the CD listening, and then choose the correct answer the based on what you have heard from the CD. ( )

________________________ *Lihat RPP pertemuan ke-5

Listening Topics :1. Baking Cookies2. Weekly Activities 3. Grocery Shopping 4. Dinner Time


I. Listening Topic : Baking Cookies

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1. Where did the chef learn to cook?

A. at a cooking school

B. at a family member's home

C. in a friend's kitchen

2. What is special about the chef's cookies?

A. He makes them by following a healthy recipe.

B. He prepares them by using inexpensive ingredients.

C. He sells them at many local stores.

3. Which ingredient does the chef NOT use to make his cookies?

A. baking powder

B. flour

C. sugar

4. At what temperature should you bake the cookies?

A. at 305 degrees

B. at 315 degrees

C. at 350 degrees

5. What is the topic of the next cooking program?

A. fun cookies for teenagers

B. inexpensive meals

C. tips for cleaning your kitchen

II. Listening Topic : Weekly Activities.

1. What one thing does the girl NOT have to do on Wednesday after school?

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A. practice the piano

B. take care of children

C. finish homework assignments

2. Why can't the girl go to a movie on Monday?

A. She has to catch up on her French homework.

B. She needs to write a paper.

C. She must practice for a math test.

3. How long is her soccer practice on Tuesday?

A. one hour

B. an hour and a half

C. two hours

4. What chore does the girl have to do on Saturday?

A. clean the garage

B. pick up her room

C. finish her science project

5. Which movie showing is the girl going to see?

A. 5:00 p.m.

B. 7:15 p.m.

C. 9:00 p.m.

III. Listening Topic : Grocery Shopping

1. Why did the man buy dog food at the supermarket?

A. Their dog was hit by a truck and needed special food to recover.

B. The man adopts a dog from a stranger, and they don't have food for

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C. The product was on sale at the supermarket for that day only.

2. Why does he buy tomato juice?

A. He plans on making a unique spaghetti sauce.

B. He's trying to modify the way he eats.

C. He wants to make a vegetable drink.

3. How much was the milk?

A. $2.05

B. $2.15

C. $2.50

4. Which item did the man NOT buy?

A. a package of cookies

B. some cans of tuna

C. a carton of orange juice

5. Why does the woman get upset at the end of the conversation?

A. The man is preparing the steaks for the dog.

B. The man only bought one steak for himself.

C. The grill can't be used to cook the steaks

IV. Listening Topic : Dinner Time

1. What does the conversation imply about the mother?

A. She is busy at work.

B. She had to run some errands.

C. She is resting in bed.

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2. What is the first problem the girl notices about her father's cooking?

A. He is not following the recipe.

B. He is missing the right pan to cook the pizza.

C. He is using the directions for a different food.

3. How does the girl know her father doesn't like the pizza he prepared?

A. He tells her honestly what he thinks about it.

B. She can tell by his non-verbal expressions.

C. He throws it away after making it.

4. What problem did the girl NOT mention about the pizza?

A. It was too salty.

B. It was burned.

C. It was too chewy.

5. What do they end up doing for lunch?

A. They decide to go out to eat.

B. They eat something different at home.

C. They eat at friend's house.

B. SPEAKING SKILL ( pertemuan ke-6 : 2 X 45’ )*

1. Expressing relief :

I feel so relieved.

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2. Expressing pain :

Ouch ! It hurts so much

3. Expressing pleasure :

I am so pleased

I’m very happy.

I feel so glad .

I’m so excited.

I am very delighted.


I. Make the expression based on the following situations.

1. You are trying to climb a tall tree to pick up some fruits, but you fall to

the ground, and it is very hurt. What do you say ?


2. One of your friend tells you that you win the English debate. You are


happy when you hear that news. What do you say ?


3. You lose your wallet and you can’t find it. But after looking for an hour,

you find your wallet back. It makes you feel very relieved. What do you

say ?


II. Make a dialogue expressing :

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a. pain

b. relieved

c. pleasure


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C. READING AND WRITING SKILLS ( pertemuan ke-7 : 2 X 45’ )*

I. Read the following text carefully.

Text 1. Bantaeng

Bantaeng (also known as Bontain), 123 km from Ujung Pandang, is a Makassarese boat-building center with a rich maritime history. It was noted as a dependency of the Javanese kingdom of Majapahit and its ships were mentioned in 14th century Javanese poetry. It was ceded to the Dutch under the Treaty of Bungaya in 1667, and became an administrative center. These days it is a town much like any other, with fairly ordinary home stay accommodation. North of town, near the village of Bissapu, is a 100- meter - high waterfall.

A. Answer the following questions .

1. What type of text is it ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________2. Mention the organization of the text ! Answer : _____________________________________________________________3. What is the purpose of the text above ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________4. What tense does the writer use in the text above ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________


*Lihat RPP pertemuan ke-7

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B. Choose the best answer.1. ”It was ceded to the Dutch under the Treaty …” The SYNONYM of the underlined word is ………………… a. given b. offered c. brought d. changed e. accepted 2. What is the function of the text ? To give …………………………… a. information about administrative center b. evaluation about 14 th century Javenesse poetry c. recommendation about ordinary home stay accomodation d. description about Bantaeng, a town 123 km from Ujung Pandang e. explanation about dependency of Javanesse Kingdom of Majapahit3. The main idea of the text is ……………….. a. Bantaeng is known for its high waterfall b. Bantaeng is known for its home stay accommodation c. The treaty of Bungaya in 1667 made Bantaeng different d. The armada of Majapahit kingdom depended on the boats made in Bantaeng e. Bantaeng which is formerly known as a boat building centre has lost its fame

II. Read the following text carefully.

Text 2. Ragunan Zoo

Ragunan Zoo is not only an entertaining place but also an education place. It is located not too far away from the city centre of Jakarta. It is also a good place for people to escape from the stresses of daily life, and to breathe fresh air. The zoo’s location is filled with shrubs, ornamental plants, and trees native to Indonesia. It is 135 hectares wide. Papayas, mangoes and bananas which are grown in the zoo are the meals of birds and primates. Grass cutting is food for elephants, hippos and bulls.

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There are about 4,000 animals, reptiles and birds living here. It needs Rp. 1 million per day to feed the animals. Seventy percent of these animals are the natives of Indonesia. Some of the protected animals are siamang, tapir, babi, rusa and anoa. There are many African animals, too, such as the hippos, zebras and giraffes. There are also a pair of white tigers which come from the United States.

A. Supply the blanks with the generic structured of descriptive.

Ragunan Zoo Ragunan Zoo is not only an entertaining place but also an education place. It is located not too far away from the city centre of Jakarta. It is also a good place for people to escape from the stresses of daily life, and to breathe fresh air. ( _____________________________________________ ) The zoo’s location is filled with shrubs, ornamental plants, and trees native to Indonesia. It is 135 hectares wide. Papayas, mangoes and bananas which are grown in the zoo are the meals of birds and primates. Grass cutting is food for elephants, hippos and bulls. ( _________________________ ) There are about 4,000 animals, reptiles and birds living here. It needs Rp. 1 million per day to feed the animals. Seventy percent of these animals are the natives of Indonesia. Some of the protected animals are siamang, tapir, babi, rusa and anoa. There are many African animals, too, such as the hippos, zebras and giraffes. There are also a pair of white tigers which come from the United States. ( ________________________________ )

B. Choose the best answer based on the text above.

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1. The communicative purpose of the text above is ……… a. to describe a particular place, Ragunan Zoo b. to describe the location of Ragunan Zoo c. to inform the readers that Ragunan Zoo is not only an entertaining but also an education place d. to entertain the readers with the story of animals and trees in Ragunan Zoo e. to inform the readers about what we can see and find in Ragunan Zoo 2. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ? a. Ragunan Zoo is located not too far away from the city centre of Jakarta b. Ragunan Zoo is a good place for people to escape from the stresses of daily life, and to breathe fresh air c. Ragunan Zoo is not only an entertaining place but also an education place d. In Ragunan Zoo there are about 4,000 animals, reptiles and birds e. The zoo’s location is filled with shrubs, ornamental plants, and trees native to Indonesia.3. The following sentences are true, EXCEPT …………………………. a. There are many African animals, too, such as the hippos, zebras, giraffes and white tigers b. The birds and primates in Ragunan zoo eat papayas, mangoes and bananas c. Elephants, hippos and bulls eat grass cutting d. The zoo’s location is filled with shrubs, ornamental plants, and trees native to Indonesia e. In Ragunan Zoo there are about 4,000 animals, reptiles and birds4. The following animals are primates, EXCEPT ………………………. a. orang utan b. monkey c. gorilla d. siamang e. anoa 5. “ Ragunan Zoo is not only an entertaining place but …” The SYNONYM of entertaining is ……………..

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a. amazing b. interesting c. amusing d. relaxing e. educating

III. Read the following text carefully, then choose the best answer.

Text 3. My Town

Blacksands is a large seaside town. Half of the town lies to the north of the River Black and the other half lies to the south. It is only a few kilometer to the nearest highway and just ten minutes’ drive from the city of Harstone. Situated near the beach are lots of brightly painted hotels; some of them are very old. Many big-name department stores, as well as smaller shops that sell souvenirs and gifts, are found on the main street just outside the town centre. The heart of town is occupied by older houses and many historical buildings. In recent years, some new housing estates have been developed to the south of the town. There are lots of things to do at Blacksands. There is a harbor with boats for fishing and cruises. There are two beaches which are popular for various water events and whole-year round swimming.

1. The communicative purpose of the text above is …………………….. a. to describe a particular place, Blacksands b. to persuade readers to visit Blaksands c. to entertain the readers with the story of Blacksands d. to describe the location of Blacksands e. to inform the readers about what we can do in Blacksands 2. Where is Blacksands located ? a. near the beach b. 10 kilometer to the nearest highway c. the heart of town d. twenty minutes’ drive from the city of Harstone

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e. half of the town lies to the north of the River Black and the other half lies to the south3. “ … two beaches which are popular for various …” The SYNONYM of popular is ……………………….. a. well done b. well known c. well appointed d. well spoken e. well to do 4. “ … ,some of them are very old. “ Them in this sentence refers to ………………… a. the beach b. brightly painted hotels c. department stores d. smaller shops e. historical buildings

IV. Read the following text carefully, then choose the best answer.

Text 4. Gunung Tujuh Lake

Gunung Tujuh Lake is one of many lakes in Kabupaten Kerinci in Jambi province. It is an amazing tourist place to visit. The location Gunung Tujuh Lake is in Kecamatan Kayu Aro. It is 50 km from Sungai Penuh to Pelompek village by public transport. Then people climb and walk for another four km or for two and a half hours. The lake is surrounded by steep forest slopes and seven mountains. The highes peak of Gunung Tujuh Lake is 1.950 meters above sea level. The length of the lake is 4.5 km and the width is 3 km. It is a volcanic lake and the highest in Southeast Asia. The temperature around the lake is very cold. Besides waterfalls you can also find animals such Siamang, elephants and birds. Gunung Tujuh Lake is really beautiful with a spectacular scenery.

1. The communicative purpose of the text above is ……….

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a. to inform readers that Gunung Tujuh Lake is surrounded by steep forest slopes and seven mountains b. to describe Gunung Tujuh Lake c. to entertain readers with amusing story of Gunung Tujuh Lake d. to retell the writer’s experience when he was in Gunung Tujuh Lake e. to persuade readers to visit Gunung Tujuh Lake2. What does the text mainly about ? a. Amazing tourist resorts in Jambi b. Gunung Tujuh Lake in Jambi c. Volcanic lakes in Jambi d. Steep forest slopes in Jambi e. Waterfalls in Jambi3. It is a / an …… tourist place to visit. a. extraordinary b. terrible c. affordable d. available e. suitable 4. Gunung Tujuh Lake is really beautiful with a spectacular scenery . The SYNONYM of the underlined word is …….. a. ordinary b. amazing c. unforgettable d. memorable e. unpleasant 5. The following are true, EXCEPT ……… a. It is a volcanic lake and the highest in Southeast Asia b. Besides waterfalls you can also find animals such Siamang, elephants and birds c. The temperature around the lake is very cold d. Gunung Tujuh Lake is really beautiful mountains with a spectacular scenery

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e. Gunung Tujuh Lake is one of many mountain in Kabupaten Kerinci in Jambi province6. In the text above the writer mostly uses …… a. Passive voice b. Past Tense c. Present Tense d. Imperative e. Direct Speech

D. WRITING SKILL ( Kegiatan Mandiri )

I. Instructions : Find a descriptive text by yourself from the library or from the internet

Make some notes in the space below for your own report.

Identification:___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________Description : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. Write a description text that describe your sister, brother, your Mom, or Dad.

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D. GRAMMAR ( pertemuan ke-8 : 2 X 45’ )*


The simple present tense is one of the most common tenses in English. This page will explain the rules for forming the tense with regular verbs.

Forming the simple present tense

There are only two basic forms for the simple present tense; one ends with -s and the other

doesn't. Here are the rules, using the example verb "sing":

Subject Verb Form Example

I simple form I sing

You simple form You sing

He simple form + S He sings

She simple form + S She sings

It simple form + S It sings

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We simple form We sing

They simple form They sing


*Lihat RPP pertemuan ke-8In other words, only THIRD PERSON SINGULAR subjects (he, she and it) have to have a verb with -S.

S or -ES?

With most verbs, the third person singular form is created simply by adding -S. However, with some verbs, you need to add -ES or change the ending a little. Here are the rules:

Verb ending in... How to make the 3rd person singular Example

s Add -ES He passes

z Add -ES She dozes

sh Add -ES She wishes

ch Add -ES He watches

consonant + y Change Y to I, then add -ES It flies

[anything else] Add -S He sings


I. . Type the correct form of the word in brackets to fill each space

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Mary and I (work) in the same office, but we're completely

different. She (like) coffee, but I (like) tea. She (wash)

her car every weekend, but I never (clean) mine. She (smile)

all the time at work, but I (feel) miserable. I (complain)

about the boss all the time, but Mary (think) the boss is a nice

person. When I (finish) work, I like to drink beer with my friends, but

Mary (study) at night school. The boss (think) Mary is perfect,

but she (drive) me nuts!

II. Choose the best answer.

1. Sally always ……. Honey Joys for her mother’s birthday . A. make B. makes C. to make D. made E. making2. We usually ……… very little salt and pepper in our chicken soup. A. use B. uses C. to use D. used E. using3. Both of my sisters ………. the piano very well, but I don’t . A. plays B. played C. play D. playing E. to play 4. I ……….. my medicine three times a day. A. took B. take C. to take D. takes E. taking5. My little sister ……….. a bowl of rice and chicken daily. A. eat B. is eating C. eats D. ate E. eaten 6. He ……… early because he ……….. to see you today. A. come – want B. comes – wants C. came – wanted D. came – wants E. is coming – is wanting7. X : Do your bothers …………. for Bank of Mandiri ? Y : No. One of my brothers ………… for Bank of Muamalat in Kebayoran Lama. A. works – works B. work – work C. work - works D. works – work E. worked - worked8. My brother Henry doesn’t ………… football everyday. He only ………football every Saturday morning.

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A. plays – plays B. played - played C. play - play D. plays – play E. play - plays9. Fenny usually ………… the dog for a walk in the afternoon. A. takes B. take C. taking D. took E. to take10. Do the boys ………… this science fiction film ? A. like B. likes C. liked D. liking E. to like11. The school bell always ………. at 6:30 in the morning. A. rang B. rings C. ringing D. ring E. rung 12. Babies always …….. when they ……. hungry. A. cry - get B. cries - gets C. cried - got D. cry – gets E. cries - get13. The birds always ………. their nests in that tree. A. built B. builds C. building D. to build E. build 14. Wood …………..on water. A. float B. floats C. floating D. floated E. to float15. Careful students …………. down everything in their notebooks. A. write B. wrote C. written D. writing E. writes

Forming a negative

Negatives in the simple present are formed by adding don't or doesn't before the simple form of the verb:

Subject Auxiliary Example

I don't I don't sing

You don't You don't sing

He doesn't He doesn't sing

She doesn't She doesn't sing

It doesn't It doesn't sing

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We don't We don't sing

They don't They don't sing

In other words, only THIRD PERSON SINGULAR subjects (he, she and it) have DOESN'T -- the rest have DON'T.

Forming a yes/no question

Yes/no questions are also created using the auxiliary do. This time, the auxiliary is placed before the subject. Here are the rules:

Subject Auxiliary Example

I do Do I sing?

You do Do you sing?

He does Does he sing?

She does Does she sing?

It does Does it sing?

We do Do we sing?

They do Do they sing?

EXERCISE : Change the following sentences into interrogatives and negatives.

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1. I like reading a novel. ( ? ) ____________________________________________________________________ ( - ) ____________________________________________________________________2. My father works in the office. ( ? ) ____________________________________________________________________ ( - ) ____________________________________________________________________3. The children play football in the field every Sunday morning. ( ? ) ____________________________________________________________________ ( - ) ____________________________________________________________________4. Susan helps her mother in the kitchen. ( ? ) ____________________________________________________________________ ( - ) ____________________________________________________________________5. They study English twice a week. ( ? ) ____________________________________________________________________ ( - ) ____________________________________________________________________



Nilai Catatan Paraf

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UNIT Discussion 3 Standar Kompetensi :

Mendengarkan1. Memahami makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan

interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Berbicara

1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Membaca Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks tulis essei berbentuk discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. Menulis

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis monolog yang berbentuk discussion secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar :

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1. Merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan rasa puas dan tidak puas. 2. Merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan langkah retorika dalam teks berbentuk discussion.Grammar : Passive Voice Alokasi Waktu :4 X pertemuan ( 4 X 2 X 45 menit )


GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF DISCUSSIONOrganization of Discussion :IssueArguments ( pro and con )Conclusion or Recommendation Social Function of Discussion :To present (at least) two points of view about an issue ( pro and con )Language Feature of Discussion :The Simple Present TenseConjunction showing contrast : however, although, on the other hand, but,nevertheless, etc.

A. LISTENING SKILL ( pertemuan ke-9 : 2 X 45’ )*

Instruction : Listen carefully to the CD listening, and then choose the correct answer the based on what you have heard from the CD.

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( )

Listening Topics : 1. Enjoying the Zoo2. Flower Shop3. Great Apartment Living4. English Language Centre________________________ *Lihat RPP pertemuan ke-9

EXERCISE : I. Listening Topic : Enjoying the Zoo1. What did the boy like best about the zoo?

A. porcupines

B. penguins

C. polar bears

2. What did the elephant do at the zoo?

A. The elephant kicked dirty food in their direction.

B. The elephant sprayed water at the children.

C. The elephant tossed dirt at the people.

3. According to what little the boy said, what can we infer about the bird show?

A. One of the birds performed exactly as expected.

B. A bird didn't mind the trainer very well.

C. They couldn't see the birds from where they were sitting.

4. Where did the boy see the butterflies?

A. inside a glass enclosure

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B. in a wire building near the bird show

C. flying around the zoo

5. What does the expression, "Sleep tight" mean found at the end of this conversation?

A. It refers to the idea of wrapping yourself up in blankets to keep warm.

B. It represents the feeling of having good dreams throughout the night.

C. It makes reference to old-style beds that used ropes to hold up the mattresses.

II. Listening Topic : Flower Shop1. Why does the man want to buy flowers for his wife?

A. He wants to surprise his wife for her birthday.

B. His wife has just received a nice job promotion.

C. The man didn't remember the day they got married.

2. The florist summarizes her thoughts on men by saying that they are:

A. neglectful and cheap

B. serious and thrifty

C. conservative and cautious

3. Near the beginning of the conversation, what is one thing that the woman suggests the man do for his wife?

A. take his wife to an elegant restaurant

B. purchase a couple of beautiful balloons

C. buy twelve gorgeous roses

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4. Why does the man panic when seeing his wife outside the store?

A. She will realize he spaced their important day.

B. Her finding him in the flower shop will spoil the surprise.

C. His wife will think he is buying the flowers for someone else.

5. What is the most plausible ending to the conversation?

A. The man's wife graciously accepts the dozen roses the man buys for her.

B. The man begs his wife to forgive him when he comes out of the shop.

C. The florist delivers the flowers for the man because he is embarrassed.

III. Listening Topic : Great Apartment Living

1. Which statement is NOT true about the apartment for rent?

A. It includes a washer and dryer.

B. The apartment is partially furnished.

C. The rent is over $900 a month.

2. What utilities are included in the rent?

A. gas and water

B. electricity and phone

C. gas and electricity

3. Under which circumstance could you lose your deposit according to the conversation?

A. You end the agreement before the minimum leasing period of four

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B. You cause damage beyond normal use of the apartment.

C. You remove any of the furnishings without permission.

4. How would you describe the location of the apartment?

A. The woman can catch a bus to school in front of her apartment.

B. A supermarket and shopping center are only a few blocks away.

C. The apartment is in a relatively quiet neighborhood.

5. What kind of pet is a tenant allowed to keep in the apartment?

A. a dog

B. a cat

C. a rat

IV. Listening Topic : English Language Centre

1. Which was NOT mentioned as part of the purpose of the English Language Center?

A. to help international students prepare to enter institutions of higher learning

B. to teach students how to use English in their daily lives and at workC. to provide work opportunities for graduating students in the


2. What is one course taught at the English Language Center?A. business EnglishB. US CultureC. TOEFL

3. If the Fall semester begins on August 29th, by what date should one apply to the program?

A. May 29th

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B. June 29thC. July 29th

4. What is the tuition for a full-time student?A. $2030B. $2300C. $2013

5. Which one was NOT mentioned as part of the application packet a student must send to the center?

A. sponsorship formB. high school transcriptsC. application fee

B. SPEAKING SKILL ( pertemuan ke-10 : 2 X 45’ )* I. Expression of Satisfaction : I’m satisfied with ………… I am so happy about ………… It’s satisfying that …………

II. Expression of Dissatisfaction :

I’m not satisfied with ……….. It’s difficult to appreciate ………… It’s not satisfying that …………………


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Make questions or answers showing phrases of satisfaction or dissatisfaction based on the theme given in brackets.Example :

( A restaurant food and serving ) A : Were you satisfied with the restaurant where we had dinner last night? B : Well, I’m really satisfied because it provided delicious food, the waiters are friendly and we didn’t spend a lot of money because the food price was reasonable.

1. ( A new Indonesian Movie ) A : __________________________________________________________________ B : __________________________________________________________________2. ( Attending a dinner party ) A : __________________________________________________________________ B : __________________________________________________________________

_______________________ *Lihat RPP pertemuan ke-10

3. ( A music concert of a favorite group band ) A : __________________________________________________________________ B : __________________________________________________________________4. ( Unsuccessful mathematics test ) A : __________________________________________________________________ B : __________________________________________________________________5. ( Agatha Christy’s novel ) A : __________________________________________________________________ B : __________________________________________________________________

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C. READING AND WRITING SKILLS ( pertemuan ke-11 : 2 X 45’ )*

I. Read the following text carefully.

Text 1. Should Nuclear Energy be Avoided or Not for The Shake of Environmental Safety ?

Nuclear energy is commonly offered as an alternative to overcome the crisis of energy. The debate whether the use of nuclear energy is an appropriate choice has not come to an end. Some people agree with the utilization of it because of its benefits. Some others, however, disagree because of its risks to the environmental safety. So, nuclear energy should be avoided. Those who agree with the operation of nuclear reactors usually argue that the energy which is produced from them can be used for multipurpose. The reactors can produce radioisotopes which are utilized in medical, industrial and agricultural fields. They also claim that nuclear energy is the only feasible choice to answer the ever-increasing energy needs. According to them, the other sources of energy; oil, and liquid natural gas are not renewable and safe, while the nuclear energy can be produced in a safe

_______________________ *Lihat RPP pertemuan ke-11

way. In addition they believe that nuclear energy will never cause pollution, but oil and coal will not. On the other hand, people who disagree with the use of nuclear energy, keep criticizing that to choose it as the best alternative to overcome the growing energy needs is silly. The silliness can be seen from the question why they are interested in nuclear power when there is

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still an abundance of natural energy resources, like oil, coal, hydroelectric, thermal, etc.

A. Answer the following questions .1. What type of text is it ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________2. Mention the organization of the text ! Answer : _____________________________________________________________3. What is the purpose of the text above ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________4. What tense does the writer use in the text above ? Answer : _____________________________________________________________

B. Choose the best answer based on the text above.

1. What is the communicative purpose of the text ? a. to explain the processes involved in the formation or workings of natural phenomena b. to present (at least) two points of view about an issue c. to persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case d. retell events for the purpose informing or entertaining e. to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important 2. “ Some people agree with the utilization of it because of its ………..” a. disadvantageous b. advantageous c. bad effect d. lost e. risk 3. Why should nuclear energy be avoided ? a. because of its risks to the environmental safety b. because it is not safe c. because of its benefits d. because it is an appropriate choice e. nuclear energy will never cause pollution

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4. it as the best alternative to overcome the growing energy. Overcome means ……….. a. limit b. minimize c. reduce d. shorten e. handle 5. “ … the growing energy needs is silly.” The SYNONYM of silly is …… a. smart b. foolish c. diligent d. naïf e. simple

II. Read the following text carefully, then choose the best answer.

Text 2. . The School CanteenThe Principal of Eden Hill High School has asked the school Council to look at the issue of continuing to run the school canteen. The council has interviewed many students, teachers and parents :

PRO :* Students enjoy the canteen lunches* Saves parents from always making lunches* Profits help provide extra school resources* Many healthy snacks and meals are available* Older students enjoy filling in on duty roaster when necessary* Help students’ understanding of practical money problem

AGAINST / CONTRA :* Ice cream wrappers and pop sticks litter school compound * Expense for parents-feel pressure by children to buy lunch more often than they can afford

* Too many students buying ice cream etc. instead of healthy food* Difficult to find parents at times to volunteer to be on roaster

1. What is the communicative purpose of the text ? a. to explain the processes involved in the formation or workings of natural phenomena b. to present (at least) two points of view about the issue c. to persuade someone to do something d. retell events for the purpose informing or entertaining

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e. to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important 2. The text tells us about ………….. a. pros and cons about the school canteen b. advantages of the school canteen c. disadvantages of the school canteen d. the issue of continuing to run the school canteen e. how to build canteen at school 3. Profits help provide extra school resources. Profits means ……… a. disadvantages b. risk c. lost d. advantages e. interest4. Ice cream wrappers and pop sticks litter school compound. The underlined word means …………. a. lighter b. garbage c. pollutant d. waste e. dirt

III. Read the following text carefully.

Text 3. Do Women Deserve Higher Education ? The issue we are discussing here is whether women need higher education or not. Some people think that there is no use for women to get higher education, for women’s main role is their household and surrounding. Thus, knowing about practical household management is sufficient for women to lead their lives. Moreover, higher education does not ensure women get a better lives, so why bother about it ? There are many examples of women who succeed in their lives although they enjoy only average education. They succeed in managing their household, educating their children and participating in community activities. On the other hand, some other people believe that women also have right to pursue higher education. They claim that education is important for everyone, including women, because it is one way to

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improve the quality of life. Therefore, every woman must get education as high as they can pursue. A further point they make is that higher education is not just the matter of achieving a better positioning in a community or working sphere. More important, it is the way to empower women and to give them better understanding of life and universe. In summary, women have the same right as men’s to get higher education. However, it also their right to take the chance or just to leave it.

A. Choose the best answer based on the text above.

1. What is the communicative purpose of the text ? a. to explain the processes involved in the formation or workings of natural phenomena b. to present (at least) two points of view about the issue c. to describe how something is done through a sequence of steps d. retell events for the purpose informing or entertaining e. to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important 2. The text tells us about ………………………………… a. women’s right to get higher education b. the reasons why women need higher education c. pro and contra about whether women need higher education or not d. a dilemma about women’s lives in community e. negative effects if the women get higher education to their family’s lives 3. The following are the reasons why every woman must get education as high as they can pursue, EXCEPT ……… a. it is one way to improve the quality of life b. education is important for everyone, including women

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c. women have the same right as men’s to get higher education d. it is the way to empower women and to give them better understanding of life and universe. e. higher education does not ensure women get a better lives 4. “However, it also their right to take the chance or just to leave it. “ The SYNONYM of the underlined word is ………. a. change b. event c. opportunity d. fortune e. unity5. “ … because it is one way to improve the quality of life. “ Improve means ……… a. decrease b. increase c. shorten d. ensure e. enrich 6. The phrase on the other hand in “ … On the other hand, some other people believe ..” shows a ……….. a. similarity b. result c. reason d. contrast e. purpose

B. Supply the blanks with the generic structured of discussion.

Text 3. Do Women Deserve Higher Education ? The issue we are discussing here is whether women need higher education or not. Some people think that there is no use for women to get higher education, for women’s main role is their household and surrounding. Thus, knowing about practical household management is sufficient for women to lead their lives. ( ______________________________ ) Moreover, higher education does not ensure women get a better lives, so why bother about it ? ( __________________________________ )There are many examples of women who succeed in their lives although they enjoy only average education. They succeed in managing their household, educating their children and participating in community activities.( ________________________________ ) On the other hand, some other people believe that women also have right to pursue higher education. They claim that education is important for everyone, including women, because it is one way to

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improve the quality of life. Therefore, every woman must get education as high as they can pursue.( _________________________________________ ) A further point they make is that higher education is not just the matter of achieving a better positioning in a community or working sphere. More important, it is the way to empower women and to give them better understanding of life and universe. ( _______________________________ ) In summary, women have the same right as men’s to get higher education. However, it also their right to take the chance or just to leave it. ( ________________________________ )

D. WRITING SKILL ( Kegiatan Mandiri ) *

Instructions : Find a discussion text by yourself from the library or from the internet Make some notes in the space below for your own report.

Issue :___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________Arguments ( pro and contra ) :_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Conclusion / Recommendation : ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

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D. GRAMMAR ( pertemuan ke-12 : 2 X 45’ )*


Use of Passive

Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.

Example: My bike was stolen.

Form of Passive

Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs)

Example: A letter was written.

When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:

the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence

Active: Peter builds a house.

Passive: A house is built by Peter.

the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle) the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the

passive sentence (or is dropped)


*Lihat RPP pertemuan ke-12

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Examples :

Tense Subject Verb Object

Simple Present

Active: Rita writes a letter.


A letter is written by Rita.

Simple Past

Active: Rita wrote a letter.


A letter was written by Rita.

Present Perfect

Active: Rita has written a letter.


A letter has been written by Rita.

Future I Active: Rita will write a letter.


A letter will be written by Rita.

Modal Aux.Verb

Active: Rita can write a letter.


A letter can be written by Rita.

Examples :

Tense Subject Verb Object

Present Progressiv

Active: Rita is writing a letter.

Passive A letter is being written by Rita.

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Past Progressive

Active: Rita was writing a letter.


A letter was being written by Rita.

Past Perfect

Active: Rita had written a letter.


A letter had been written by Rita.

Future II Active: Rita will have written a letter.


A letter will have been written

by Rita.

Conditional I

Active: Rita would write a letter.


A letter would be written by Rita.

Conditional II

Active: Rita would have written a letter.


A letter would have been written

by Rita.


A. Passive sentences in Various Tenses

( )

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Rewrite the sentences using Passive voice.

Example:Peter writes a letter._________________

Answer:A letter is written. orA letter is written by Peter.

1) Julia rescued three cats.

.2) The students handed in the reports.

.3) Maria crashed into the blue car.

.4) Alex learned the poem.

.5) Steven has forgotten the book.

.6) The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder.

.7) They play handball.

.8) Sue puts the rucksack on the floor.

.9) The girls had lost the match.

.10) The teacher is not going to open the window.


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B. Passive sentences in the Simple Present Tense

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Rewrite the sentences using Passive voice.

Example:Peter writes a letter._________________

Answer:A letter is written. orA letter is written by Peter.

1) Julia rescued three cats.

.2) The students handed in the reports.

.3) Maria crashed into the blue car.

.4) Alex learned the poem.

.5) Steven has forgotten the book.

.6) The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder.

.7) They play handball.

.8) Sue puts the rucksack on the floor.

.9) The girls had lost the match.

.10) The teacher is not going to open the window.


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Rewrite the given sentences in Passive voice.

Example:Frank builds a house._____________________

Answer:A house is built. or A house is built by Frank.

1) Mr Jones watches the film.

.2) The people speak English.

.3) He reads comics.

.4) We play volleyball.

.5) They sing the song.

.6) I take photos.

.7) She does the housework.

.8) The policemen help the children.

.9) He writes text messages.

.10) Mother waters the flowers.



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C. Passive Sentences in the Simple Past Tense

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Rewrite the given sentences in Passive voice.

Example:Frank built a house._____________________

Answer:A house was built. or A house was built by Frank.

1) She bought four apples.

.2) We won the match.

.3) The man stole the blue car.

.4) The police arrested the thieves.

.5) Jack swam the 200 metres.

.6) The dog bit the old lady.

.7) Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.

.8) Oliver taught the children.

.9) Victoria rode the brown horse.

.10) Grandmother told good stories.


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Nilai Catatan Paraf

UNIT R E V I E W 4 Narrative, Descriptive, and Discussion

I. Read the following text carefully.

Text 1. L O N D O N London is the capital of Great Britain. It is a great city with many factories. It is also one of the centers of international trade in the world. To most visitors, London is well-known not because it is a capital with many factories, nor because it is a gear port, but because of its monuments, palaces, towers, churches, and other buildings which built many years ago. The 185-foot high Nelson Monument , for example, is very popular. It is Trafalgar Square and was named after Lord Nelson’s sea battle against France near Trafalgar, Spain, in the year of 1805. The tower of

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London is another example. It is now a museum, but it was used as a prison for centuries. It is England’s most historic monument. The Parliament Building with its famous clock tower and the great bell, Big Ben; Westminter Abbey, the church where the kings and queens of England are crowned; Buckingham Palace, where the kings and queens live, are all very popular to visitors of London.

A. Answer the following questions.1. What type of text is it ?2. What is the purpose of the text ?3. What tenses does the writer use in the text above ?4. Mention the organization of the text .

B. Choose the best answer based on the text above.

1. London is interesting for most tourists because …………. a. of its old buildings b. of its huge port and factories c. it is the capital of England d. it is one of the centers of trade e. its language becomes one of international languages2. The building with the clock tower and the great bell is …………….. a. a museum b. Nelson Monument c. Parliament Building d. The tower of London e. Trafalgar Square3. From the second paragraph we know that queen Elizabeth II was crowned in ………… a. Westminter Abbey b. Buckingham Palace c. The tower of London d. Parliament Building e. Trafalgar Square4. Paragraph 2 is mainly about ………………….. a. visitors to London b. the sea battle in 1805 c. the original name of London d. the historical places of London e. a museum which was used as prison

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II. Read the following text carefully.

Text 2.Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Career Woman

In modern world, woman have the benefit from the wider chance of getting a career outside their household sphere. Many woman, however, have some difficulties deciding whether they will pursue a career or not. Some of them stay at their offices, while at the same time they act as a housewives. But, the others choose to concentrate their attention their household only. Being career woman offers the advantage of a wider chance of self actualization. They can widen their knowledge and develop their capacity. For example, many woman don’t know exactly what is their talent before they start a career. But then, after they have a career they know which field they can do best and which one they can’t. This will help them refocus their life goal. Another big advantage is that they can help supporting their household’s finance so that men do not become the single fighter in financing their families. Being career woman, on the other hand, has some significant disadvantage, too. They have more burdens in their life, as they have to manage their job as well as their household. In addition, being career woman can be risky for their household. They have only limited time left for their family, resulting in their lack of care and attention for their husband and children. The extreme impact of this situation is the broken home.

A. Answer the following questions.1. What type of text is it ?2. What is the purpose of the text ?3. What tenses does the writer use in the text above ?4. Mention the organization of the text .

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B. Choose the best answer based on the text above.

1. The text tells us about ……… a. being a career woman b. advantage and disadvantage of being career woman c. being a housewife d. negative effects of being a career woman to her family e. the risks of being a career woman 2. What is the communicative purpose of the text ? a. to explain the processes involved in the formation or workings of natural phenomena b. to present (at least) two points of view about the issue c. to describe how something is done through a sequence of steps d. retell events for the purpose informing or entertaining e. to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important 3. “ In modern world, woman have the benefit from …” Benefit means ……… a. advantage b. disadvantage c. negative effect d. bad impact e. burdens 4. The extreme impact of this situation is the broken home. The SYNONYM of impact is ……… a. effect b. cause c. source d. profit e. risk 5. They can widen their knowledge and develop their capacity. They in this sentence refers to ………. a. their knowledge b. their capacity c. career woman d. woman e. the advantage of a wider chance of self actualization

III. Read the following text carefully.

Text 3. The Legend of Lake Toba

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Once upon a time, there was a fisherman whose name is Batara Guru Sahala lived in Batak land. One day he caught a fish. He was surprised to find that the fish could talk like human being. It begged Sahala to let her free. He did accordingly. As soon as the fish was free, it changed into a woman. She was so beautiful that Sahala fell in love with her at once. He asked her to marry him. The woman agreed to merry Sahala. However, she told him that he must never let out the secret that she was once a fish. Sahala promised her that he could not tell anyone about it. They married happily, and had two daughters. Every morning Sahala went out fishing. His daughters would bring him his lunch. One day, however, instead of bringing the food to their father, the two girls ate it. When Sahala knew what they had done with meal, he got very angry. He shouted at them saying, “You behave exactly like the daughters of fish !” The daughters didn’t know what their father meant. They went home and asked their mother about it. Their mother was very annoyed. Though Sahala apologized to her later, she wouldn’t forgive him for breaking his promise. Then the earth began to shake, and volcanoes started to erupt. The earth cracked and formed a big hole. People said that the hole became Lake Toba.

A. Answer the following questions.1. What type of text is it ?2. What is the purpose of the text ?3. What tenses does the writer use in the text above ?4. Mention the organization of the text .

B. Choose the best answer based on the text above.1. What does the paragraph tell us about ? a. The earth began to shake b. The legend of Lake Toba c. The volcanoes erupted d. The earth cracked

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e. They married happily 2. The communicative purpose of the text above is ……… a. to inform readers about Lake Toba b. to describe Lake Toba c. to entertain readers with amusing story of The Legend of Lake Toba d. to retell the events which happened to Sahala and his family e. to describe who Sahala was 3. Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE according to the text ? a. They married happily, and had three daughters b. Every morning Sahala went out fishing c. Sahala’s wife was very annoyed to hear what Sahala had said to her daughters d. The woman agreed to marry Sahala e. She was so beautiful that Sahala fell in love with her at once4. “You behave exactly like the daughters of fish !” The SYNONYM of behave is ……… a. think b. eat c. act d. feel e. swimIV. Read the following text carefully.

Text 4. The Lion and The Old Hare In the jungle, there once was a fierce lion who killed many animals. The survivors decided that if they were not to suffer the same fate, something must be done. The king of the jungle would have to make do with one meal a day. In return, to save him the effort of hunting, to each day’s victim would come to the lion of his own accord. Things went on like this until it came to the turn of a cunning old hare. He went to the lion, gasping as if he had just a long way. “ On my way here,” he panted, “I was attacked by a lion. But for my fast legs, I would never have escaped.” “ Another lion ?” the king of the jungle roared with rage at the very idea of a rival. “Where is he ?”

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“ At the pool. He is big and young, stronger and braver than you. “ “ We’ll see about that. Take me to him.” So the lion followed the hare to the pool and there, as he leaned over the edge, he saw another lion in the water below. He sprang at it immediately … and that was how an old hare got the better of a cruel tyrant. And that is why there is a proverb which says : “ Cunning is more powerful than brute strength.”

A. Answer the following questions.1. What type of text is it ?2. What is the purpose of the text ?3. What tenses does the writer use in the text above ?4. Mention the organization of the text .

B. Choose the best answer based on the text above.1. What is the communicative purpose of the text ? a. to give information to the readers that cunning is more powerful than brute strength b. to describe about the lion and the old hare c. to entertain the reader with the story of The Lion and the Old Hare d. to retell event that happened to the lion and the old hare e. to persuade the readers not to trust other person easily 2. The following sentences are direct speech, EXCEPT ……… a. “ We’ll see about that. Take me to him.” b. “ On my way here,” he panted c. Another lion ?” the king of the jungle roared d. “ Where is he ?” e. The survivors decided that if they were not to suffer the same fate, something must be done.3. “ … it came to the turn of a cunning old hare. The underlined word means ………… a. diligent b. lazy c. wise d. smart e. foolish

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4. “ But for my fast legs, I would never have escaped.” From this sentence we know that ……… a. the old hare couldn’t escape b. the old hare could escape c. the lion has fast legs d. the lion could escaped because he had fast legs e. the lion could run very fast5. “ But for my fast legs, I would never have escaped.” The SYNONYM of escaped is ……… a. run away b. walk away c. stay away d. far away e. right away



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The Farmer and His Sons

A poor farmer had three sons, but they didn’t want to work on the farm. It was a very small farm with only three fields. “The farm is too small for us,” they said. ”We must go to the town to earn our living. When you die, there will not be enough land for the three of us. We shall have wives and children.” “What can I do ?” their father said. “Sell the land and divide the money among us.” “No,” their father said, “I will not sell the land. I will give it all to one of you.” This made the sons very angry. “No, father”, they said. “You cannot do that. How will you choose who shall have it ?” “I shall give all the land to the one who is the best farmer. You may have one field each now. The son who earns the most money from his field can have the whole farm.” The sons didn’t want to work in the fields but the land had great value. Each son wanted the whole farm. Then he could sell it. The three fields were the same size. At the end of the first year all the sons earned the same amount of money from their fields. They said to them, “ I must do better than this. I must learn more about growing rice. Then I can grow more than my brothers.” Secretly each son bought books on farming and read them at night. At the end of the second year the amount of rice growing in each field was double. The three sons went to their father and said, “What shall we do now, father ? We have all done well.”

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“You have money from the extra rice,” their father said, “ Buy one more field each from our neighbours.” The sons bought one more field each. They planted different things in this field. One son planted fruit trees. Other planted vegetables, and another planted corn. They read books about the new things which they were growing. At the end of the years the sons had more money than ever before. They went to their father again. “Which of us can have the whole farm ?” they asked. “I don’t know yet. But you have plenty of money. Buy one more field each.” And so it went on year after year. At last each son had a large farm. They forgot going to the town, because there was enough land for all of them. Many years later their father died. They gave his fields to the people of the village as a playground for the children. They already had all the land they needed.

A. Answer the questions below !

1. Why did the sons not want to work on the field ?2. What did their father want to do ?3. Why did the sons work hard in the field ?4. How was each of the three sons able to grow double the amount of rice at the end of the second year ?5. What did their father tell them to do ?6. “The farm is too small for us,” they said. What is the OPPOSITE of small ?7. Why were the sons very angry with their father ?8. One son planted fruit trees. What is the SYNONYM of planted ?9. Many years later their father died. What is the SYNONYM of died ? and what is the OPPOSITE of died ?10. Why did they forget going to the town ?

B. Answer the following questions !

1. What type of text is it ?2. Mention the organization of the text !3. What is the purpose of the text above ?4. What tense does the writer use in the text above ?5. Mention the direct speech on the text !

C. True / False

1. The sons wanted their father to give them money instead of land.2. The son who earned the most money would get the farm.3. The sons grew rice secretly.4. Each son grew a lot of rice and was able to buy more land.5. Each son planted fruit trees, vegetables and corn in his field.6. The farmer’s sons gave their father’s land to the people of the village.7. The farmer died because he was very angry with his sons.

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D. Reference

1. they ( line 1 ) refers to ……………2. you (line 4 ) refers to ………….3. us (line 7) refers to ………………….4. it (line 8) refers to …………..5. their (line 8) refers to ……………

Happy learning, guys !

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