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  • 8/13/2019 Sun-RL3.docx


    Peter Sun

    25 AC

    Reflective Log #3

    The results of my learning style were 67% Linguistic, 56% Logical-Mathematical, 42%

    Visual-Spatial, 44% Intrapersonal, 38% Interpersonal, 44% Musical, 25% Bodily-Kinesthetic,

    and 33% Naturalistic. I was moderately surprised at the results because I expected my Logical-

    Mathematical percentage to be the greatest. I did, however, expect my Bodily-Kinesthetic and

    Naturalistic percentages to be the lowest. I have actually had prior knowledge of these different

    learning styles before from AP Psychology, but several of the learning styles were new to me,

    such as Linguistic, Musical, and Naturalistic. After reading the description for the Verbal-

    Linguistic learning style, I feel that the results of the quiz labeled me correctly. Ever since I was

    young, I have always been enthusiastic about writing and reading stories. Although I may be

    majoring in chemical engineering, I still harbor interest in the art of storytelling, and I am very

    fond of reading novels. I am not as skilled when it comes to other art forms such as painting,

    music, and dance, but writing is something I have always had a passion for (though I do not

    engage it in as often as I would like to.)

    I am not surprised that Logical-Mathematical comprises more than half of my overall

    learning style. I have done well in the majority of the math and science courses I have taken

    throughout my education, and I am currently on track to becoming an engineer. Also, I am an

    avid chess player. Chess involves significant logical reasoning, pattern recognition, and visual-

    spatial skills. I enjoy playing chess as well as solving chess problems in which I exercise the

    Logical-Mathematical and Visual-Spatial faculties of my mind.

  • 8/13/2019 Sun-RL3.docx


    When it comes to more intrapersonal and interpersonal learning, I agree with the quiz

    results that I am weighted more toward intrapersonal learning than interpersonal learning. While

    I am not exactly the loner type, I do find that I prefer to study and learn by myself as opposed

    to studying in groups. I like to study alone in quiet but comfortable environments, which is the

    studying tip for intrapersonal learners. I dont always like to give/receive feedback, but I do

    recognize the value in doing so. If I know that working with a group will benefit me, then I will

    do so, even if it is not what I prefer to do.

    I believe that my learning style hasaffected my success as a student. Because of my

    tendency for Logical-Mathematical and Linguistic learning, I have an affinity for math, science,

    and writing. My learning style also has significant influence on the type of career path that I am

    geared towards, i.e., engineering. However, my learning style also means that I am weaker in

    certain fields, such as music, dancing, acting, and leadership.