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UN/ BY: Lev, Ezra, Jordana un/Solar power

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Post on 26-Jul-2015




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BY: Lev, Ezra, Jordana

un/Solar power

PROS CONS-It is quiet when its

making energy

-It can never run out of energy

-It is available all over the world

-sunny days makes more energy

-It doesn’t pollute when using energy

-The technology is getting more advanced

-Some houses don’t have enough space for it

-Some houses need more than one which is really


-Solar energy only works during the day

-Cloudy/Rainy days can affect the amount of energy it


-Pollutes when transporting and making energy

-Its dangerous during a storm

Environmental impact

One of the environmental impacts is when making the panels or getting the materials and then transporting it. But once you have it, it is balanced out with getting power from the sun.

Levels of Solar power Canada












ProductsSolar powered fountain - There is no need for a power cord. The fountain squirts water out of the fountain by placing the panel attached to the fountain in direct sunlight and attach the cable to the fountain and the pump will spray the water.

Products Cont.This Solar backpack has a mobile solar power generator attached to it. The

solar panels can generate enough energy from the sun to charge any GPS, cell phone or iPods and MP3 players. The panels collect sun energy which then produce electricity and the electricity is used to charge the devices.

Products Cont.The solar cooker is a safe and easy way to cook food without needing to burn fuel. The glass traps in the heat and it heats and cooks the food.

Product cont.

A solar panel charger for a phone

Products cont.a fan attached to a hat which is solar powered

Sustainability The Aboriginals were sustainable because they tried to only use what they needed and they did not waste. For example if they killed a bear they would eat the meat, use the skin for clothes, get money by selling it and they would also use it for decoration.


Today lots of people don't care about our world and they are not being sustainable. For example if you have ever seen someone smoke a cigarette when they finish it they don't realize that there doing something wrong and so they throw it on the ground in stead of throwing it out in the garbage. In the future we can be sustainable if we care about the world and we don't litter.

Sustainability Sustainability is important because if no one would be sustainable then in the future the world would be a mess with garbage everywhere. Also not being sustainable means wasting and that would also be bad because if we wasted too much of stuff that we need then when we really need it the thing will be gone and then we couldn't have as much stuff that we need.

What is the sun?The Sun is a big star that produces light and solar energy. At night the sun shines the light at the moon. Then the moon reflects the light onto earth. The sun is over 15 million°c.

What is the hottest day of the year?

The hottest day of the year is July 31 in the northern hemisphere and January 31 in the southern hemisphere. It gets so hot because it is the day that Earth gets the closest to the sun.
