summer university 2013

summer university 2013 Liverpool John Moores University

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Summer University brochure for summer 2013


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summer university 2013Liverpool John Moores University

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LJMUOPENDAYS2013Saturday 5 October, Wednesday 30 October, Saturday 2 November 2013Art and Design AcademyDuckinfi eld Street (off Brownlow Hill) L3 5RD

LJMU offers you everything you’ll need to build a successful career and have a great time at university: a respected academic qualifi cation, opportunities to gain hands-on professional experience during your studies, extensive employer contacts, expert academic staff plus excellent teaching, library and student support services.

Chat to academics and current studentsTour student accommodationLearn more about our World of Work Programme Talk to staff about our scholarships, bursaries and other targeted supportChat to the Students’ Union about its Clubs and Societies Find out about our free gym membership for students

Register online now to receive more information:

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How does SU work?

This year’s Summer University is running fromTuesday 16th to Friday 19th July 2013. There is achoice of six different courses which you can studyso it is important to choose which one you applyfor carefully. The SU is residential which means thatyou will stay overnight with us in studentaccommodation after a full evening of activities andattend workshops sessions in your chosen courseduring the day.

Who is SU for?

The SU is for Year 12 students (or first year of SixthForm College) and you must be under 18 on thedates of the Summer University. We will considerall applications for places at the SU although somepriority will be given to students from thefollowing groups:

� Students who are the first in their family to consider going to university

� Students in care or who are care leavers

� Students with a seen or unseen disability or learning difficulty

� Students from certain ethnic minority backgrounds

Summer UniversityThe Summer University (SU) at Liverpool John MooresUniversity is a fantastic way to find out what life at university isreally like. Come and spend a few days studying one of ourcourses, stay in student accommodation and meet currentstudents to get the inside track on student life.

a realistictaste ofuniversity life

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Working jointly with the School of Art & Design and the School of the BuiltEnvironment, you will spend time working with academics and professionals from boththe Architecture (BA) and Architectural Technology (BSc) courses. You will be working onone of two exciting projects over two days, depending upon which area of the BuiltEnvironment you would prefer to specialise in:

1. You will be set the challenge of creating a new urban park based in Liverpool’s creative hub.The area is already home to bars, cafes, graphic design studios, architects and writers, and anew school is soon to open, so this is an area with great potential. You will learn aboutdevelopments that have been taken place from those involved and hear from the peopleworking in the area. You’ll be given a design brief and will undertake a site analysis to help youcome up with the most innovate design proposals.

2. You are invited to design a pavilion or installation for the Liverpool Biennial to be located hereon the grounds of the Art & Design Academy. As a primer to the design you will have theopportunity to discuss, research and debate on one of the following themes for your designapproach as a key driver: Environment, Culture or Health. You will either work in small teams oras an individual and will be expected to practise your sketching, drawing and modelling skills.This two day workshop will focus on a typical approach to developing a method in design,where research will lead to the exploration of design possibilities through various media.

Architecture andArchitectural Technology

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The School of the Built Environmentinvites you to join us to learn what civilengineering, construction and surveying isall about. For this project you will work inteams to build a model bridge over a river,connecting two buildings together. Eachteam will choose the type of bridge tobuild, create drawings of the design,select the materials to use and work out

how much it will cost. The aim is to giveyou an understanding of the different rolesrequired on a building project, tounderstand the importance of teamworkand communication and keep a clienthappy. After all the hard work of buildingthe bridges you will then get the chance totest them until they collapse!

Engineering, Constructionand Surveying – Buildingfor the future

Policing is a subject that does not takeplace in a vacuum, indeed it is a subjectthat arouses great debate and everybodyseems to hold an opinion. It is this verypublic aspect of policing that provides theongoing context for study and makes forheated and lively debate. This is anopportunity for you to examine whatmatters most in developing a safe

neighbourhood in the context of policing.Using information from a variety ofsources you will be able to discuss andevaluate agendas for change in the policeservice. During the sessions you willdiscuss your ideals whilst at the sametime being able to see these in the broadercontext of policing in the 21st Century.

Policing Studies -Policing in the 21stCentury

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In this session you will be exploring whatlaw is and how it affects your day to daylife. Have YOU had an accident in the pastthree years that wasn't your fault? Haveyou used Facebook? Gone on a drivinglesson? Bought a sneaky Kit Kat? If so,then the law was there, hanging around inthe background regulating theseactivities! You’ll be looking at how the lawaffects not just us mere mortals butcelebrities too. For example just what didhappen with Russell Brand and THATphone call? How can one phone call

cause so much trouble? We’ll explorefreedom of speech to uncover just how‘free’ we really are. You’ll also discuss theright to privacy in light of the recentdebate surrounding super injunctions toprevent the press from publishing detailsof celebrities and their misdemeanours!AND finally; as if that wasn’t alreadyenough, you’ll also be looking at how lawaffects would-be entrepreneurs (thinkabout The Apprentice) and how, if theybreak the law, being fired is the least oftheir problems!

Law - Celebrity, lawand the media

Are you interested in a career in Health andSocial Care, as perhaps a nurse,paramedic, social worker or midwife? If so,this is the perfect introduction to some ofthe key concepts in Health and Social Care.You’ll take part in a series of interactivesessions, led by LJMU academic stafffrom the Faculty of Health and AppliedSocial Sciences, which will equip you withknowledge and key skills that will be of realbenefit when writing that all important

Personal Statement. Sessions will includeBasic Life Support, Delivering A Baby andManual Handling, along with discussionsaround the importance of Safeguardingand Working With Vulnerable Young People,to name but a few. Whether you’ve alreadydecided on your future career or just havea general interest in Health and SocialCare, each session will be interesting andimportant in preparing you for life as aHealth and Social Care Professional.

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Routes into Health and Social Care

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The aim of the sessions is to helpdevelop your understanding of sportdevelopment. To achieve this, you willinvent and develop a new game that infuture could even grow into an Olympicand Paralympic sport. In the sessionsyou will work in small teams to exploredifferent aspects of sport developmentthrough hands-on and practicalactivities. In particular the challengeswill explore aspects of the delivery of

sessions; marketing and business ofsport; inclusion and equity practices;and health benefits and interventions.The activities will help you to practiceand develop communication skills,presentations, team-work, creativityand reflection. To appreciate thediversity of the sport developmentindustry we are also throwing in adance class to test your adaptability!

Sport Development

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Where will I stay?

Your accommodation will be modern, purpose built studenthalls of residence in the heart of Liverpool. You will be in a flatof four students with one student mentor in each flat. Males andfemales stay in different flats. Each flat has a kitchen and sharedlounge and all bedrooms have en-suite facilities.

How much will SU cost?

All SU places are completely free. We will organise andpay for all of your meals and snacks, enter tainment,accommodation and all activities. All that you need to do isarrange your travel to and from the SU.

Is the SU safe?

Yes. The SU is run by staff who are experienced in working withsixth forms students and who are trained in Child Protection –they are supported by student mentors who will superviseactivities and live in the student flats with you. Universitypremises are safe and the student flats have 24 hour security,night porters, CCTV and secure entry systems. If you travel tothe SU yourself, we will make sure you are met and also see youaway safely at the end of the week. If there are any problems, dayor night, there will always be someone there to help.

Can I come with my friends?

If you and a friend would like to apply to come together, we willtry our best to place you in the same flat in studentaccommodation. However, lots of people come to SU on theirown and have a fantastic time.

How do I apply?Please see the applicationpack in the back of thisbrochure for more details

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how can I apply to theSummer University?

To apply for a place on the 2013 SU, you need to follow thesteps below:

� Visit the LJMU website to research the specific course you are interested in studying and make sure that you are on target to achieve the entry requirements (

� Complete the application form in this pack. You need to choose which course you would like to study from those on offer and then complete Section One.

� Your parent or carer needs to complete Section Two and then sign to say that they consent to you attending the SU. You then sign the form as well.

� You then need to take the form to school/college for your tutor or Head of Sixth Form to complete Section Three.

� When the form is complete, please send it back to:

Student Recruitment and Widening Access TeamKingsway HouseHatton GardenLiverpool L3 2AJ

or fax it back to 0151 904 6368

� If the form is incomplete, we will have to send it back to you to be finished and this could delay your application so please make sure you have answered everything that you need to.


tel: 0151 904

6383/ 6384 / 6385

email: [email protected]


If you have need anymore information abouthow to apply or aboutthe SU in general thenplease get in touch andwe will be happy toanswer any questionsthat you may have.

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Below are some of the comments from the students who took part in the Summer University 2012:

The sessions were brilliant and I feel Inow know significantly more aboutthe course. I thoroughly enjoyed mystay here and it has given me abrilliant insight into university life.

Helped confirm that I want todo this subject in the future It has been an amazing experienceand it has helped me decide I’lldefinitely apply here. Very insightful, really helped me tomake the choice of what to studyat university. Teaching style wasgreat and the lecturers were veryinteresting and helpful.

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This booklet is availablein different formats.Please contact us formore information.

tel: 0151 904 6383/ 6384 / 6385

email: [email protected] web: