summer 2014 president’s column - american bar...

ALL HAIL THE FELLOWS! It’s a privilege to be a Fellow of the ABA Young Lawyers Divi- sion. As a Fellow, you have a legacy in the YLD. You engaged in outstanding national public service projects. You led state and local affiliates in achieving great things for your members and the public. You represented young lawyers across the coun- try in the leadership of the largest collection of young lawyers in the world. As a Fellow, you have continued to support the Young Lawyers Division in its mission of service. The Fellows provide critically important resources to the YLD and a lifetime connection to friends new and old. We are approaching the best time of the year to be a Fellow—the ABA Annual Meeting. We have an outstanding Fellows Gala planned for Friday, August 8 at the beautiful John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse in Boston. Our honoree, Professor Laurence Tribe, is perhaps the finest living scholar of the American Constitution. Make your plans to join us for this memorable event. This issue of Fellows Fodder results from the great work of Paula Frederick, with assis- tance from Donna Nesbit of the YLD staff. We hope you enjoy hearing of the exploits of your fellow Fellows! If you have news to report, please let us know and we will include it in the next issue of Fodder. It has been a pleasure serving as the Fellows President this past year. At the Annual Meeting, I will pass the gavel to John Tarpley. It’s going to be a bumpy ride! See you in Boston! Young Lawyers Division Save The Date... August 8, 2014 Annual Fellows Gala 6:30 p.m.—11:30 p.m. Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse in Boston August 9, 2014 Fellows Board Meeting 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Sheraton Hotel Independence Ballroom West, 2nd Level A light lunch will be provided. October 9-11, 2014 YLD Fall Conference Portland, OR February 5-7, 2015 ABA Midyear Meeting Houston, TX February 7, 2015 Annual Fellows Debate May 14-16, 2015 YLD Spring Conference Tampa, FL July 30– August 1, 2015 ABA Annual Meeting Chicago, IL July 31, 2015 Annual Fellows Gala A PUBLICATION FOR AND ABOUT THE MEMBERS OF THE ABA YLD FELLOWS SUMMER 2014 President’s Column Fellows, Please remember that six of our own are in the contested race for At-Large House of Delegate positions. They are: Mark D. Agrast - District of Columbia Richard N. Bien - Missouri Judy Perry Martinez - Louisiana Barbara Mendel Mayden - Tennessee Pamela J. Roberts - South Carolina David B. Wolfe - New Jersey - Please cast six (6) votes for the candidates of your choice. Voting will take at Hynes Convention Center during the ABA registration hours. Gene Vance Lexington, KY

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It’s a privilege to be a Fellow of the ABA Young Lawyers Divi-sion. As a Fellow, you have a legacy in the YLD. You engaged in outstanding national public service projects. You led state and local affiliates in achieving great things for your members and the public. You represented young lawyers across the coun-try in the leadership of the largest collection of young lawyers in the world. As a Fellow, you have continued to support the Young Lawyers Division in its mission of service. The Fellows provide critically important resources to the YLD and a lifetime connection to friends new and old.

We are approaching the best time of the year to be a Fellow—the ABA Annual Meeting. We have an outstanding Fellows Gala planned for Friday, August 8 at the beautiful John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse in Boston. Our honoree, Professor Laurence Tribe, is perhaps the finest living scholar of the American Constitution. Make your plans to join us for this memorable event. This issue of Fellows Fodder results from the great work of Paula Frederick, with assis-tance from Donna Nesbit of the YLD staff. We hope you enjoy hearing of the exploits of your fellow Fellows! If you have news to report, please let us know and we will include it in the next issue of Fodder. It has been a pleasure serving as the Fellows President this past year. At the Annual Meeting, I will pass the gavel to John Tarpley. It’s going to be a bumpy ride! See you in Boston!

Young Lawyers Division

Save The Date... August 8, 2014 Annual Fellows Gala 6:30 p.m.—11:30 p.m. Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse in Boston

August 9, 2014 Fellows Board Meeting 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Sheraton Hotel Independence Ballroom West, 2nd Level A light lunch will be provided.

October 9-11, 2014 YLD Fall Conference Portland, OR

February 5-7, 2015 ABA Midyear Meeting Houston, TX

February 7, 2015 Annual Fellows Debate May 14-16, 2015 YLD Spring Conference Tampa, FL July 30– August 1, 2015 ABA Annual Meeting Chicago, IL July 31, 2015 Annual Fellows Gala



S U M M E R 2 0 1 4

President’s Column

Fellows, Please remember that six of our own are in the contested race for At-Large House of Delegate positions. They are: Mark D. Agrast - District of Columbia Richard N. Bien - Missouri Judy Perry Martinez - Louisiana  Barbara Mendel Mayden - Tennessee  Pamela J. Roberts - South Carolina  David B. Wolfe - New Jersey - Please cast six (6) votes for the candidates of your choice. Voting will take at Hynes Convention Center during the ABA registration hours.

Gene Vance Lexington, KY

Page 2: SUMMER 2014 President’s Column - American Bar · If you have news to report, ... SUMMER 2014 President’s Column

The Year in Review— Moving the Profession Forward by YLD Chair, Mario A. Sullivan It is a great honor to have Chaired an organization that is dedicated to the success of all young lawyers and young lawyer organizations throughout the world. We could not have accomplished all that we have done this year without the great leaders and YLD staff, and I thank them for making this an amazing year.

We started this bar year with one common goal in mind, Moving the Profession For-ward. We have accomplished so much towards that goal; here are just a few high-lights: Services to Our Community: I could not be more proud of all the work we have done through this year’s YLD Public Service Project, "Bullyproof: Young Lawyers Edu-cating and Empowering to End Bullying. We had an amazing launch at our Fall

Conference in Phoenix and continue to implement Bullyproof at 11 schools and Youth Centers. We are honored to have adoption of Bullyproof in Phoenix, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Mississippi, Kansas, Wisconsin, Colorado, Oregon, Utah, and Kentucky, and interest from several other YLD Affiliates. Bullyproof would not have been such a great success with-out the dedication and hard work of the Public Service Team, and I can not thank them enough for everything they have done.

Mark Nichols and Mario Sullivan presenting Bullyproof to students at a local school in Pittsburgh by way of the Family Feud trivia game. The game was fun and helped to get the students engaged in the topic.

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The Year in Review—continued Moving the Profession Forward by YLD Chair, Mario A. Sullivan In addition to Bullyproof, the ABA YLD Law Day Contest was a tremendous success with more than 97 submissions from schools across the country. This year’s theme was “Why Every Vote Matters.”

Diversity in the Profession: We furthered the Division’s commitment to increasing diversity in the profession by ex-panding the YLD’s Next Steps Diversity Challenge to include programs developed by law students and/or law schools and created a database for all pipeline diversity programs. The YLD Scholars for the 2013-14 year did a tremendous job and worked diligently in furtherance of Moving the Profession Forward. New Member Benefits: The TYL redesign (formerly, The Young Lawyer) and the launch of the TYL website provide invaluable resources for young lawyers as they develop their careers, and is an opportunity for young lawyers to express their voice. Our Starting Points project has provided tangible resources, opportunities and information for young law-yers on seven specific career platforms. We have committed at least one experienced lawyer in 46 states, and will soon have a lawyer in each state, who is willing to assist young lawyers in the practice by being available to answer practice-related questions through our Ask an Experienced Lawyer program. We are providing a multitude of services to new bar admittees, including a bar prep tips webinar, career and resume advise with CareerLine Live and CareerAdvice Live, a webinar on transitioning from law student to new lawyer, and so much more; and, we continue our outreach to young lawyers around the country through the YLD Touch 10,000 program. YLD Affiliate Benefits: The YLD Affiliate Assistance Team diligently worked to provide valuable information, re-sources, and services to our more than 300 affiliates. In addition to the great programming at the YLD conferences and meetings, we launched the Affiliate Leadership List Serve to help leaders connect with other affiliate leaders and pre-sented valuable information, resources, and provided training for their bar year through the YLD Affiliate Leadership Training session, which was a separate track at the YLD Spring Conference. Law Student Outreach: In looking for ways to bridge the gap between law school and becoming a young lawyer, this year YLD launched the YLD Emerging Leaders program. This year’s 10 Emerging Leaders have contributed to the work of the Division and had their first exposure to the YLD. Additionally, we launched an Annual Law Student Haiku Contest and received more than 600 submissions from across the country. I started this year by dedicating it to the memory of my partner of 10 years, Jeremy Davis. I am so proud of what the Division has accomplished and am excited for what the future holds. I know that Jeremy would be honored and proud of the hard work and outstanding programs and initiatives of this year, in furtherance of Moving the Profession For-ward. It is an honor to be a part of the YLD and the Association. I would never have become the lawyer I am today without the experiences and opportunities offered by our organization. It has been a privilege to serve as chair of our great divi-sion. Mario A. Sullivan YLD Chair 2013-14

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Whatever Happened to— by Paula Frederick

John Allelo??? If you were a Young Lawyer during the last decade of the last century, you probably remember John Allelo. A perennial member of various conference teams, John found his true calling when he was selected as Meetings Coordinator during Mike Bedke’s year as YLD prez. John fell off the radar screen after he aged out. Fellows Fodder tracked him down via Facebook and got him to send this update: I stopped practicing in 2004 when I decided to take a year off (my thought -- and my

firm's -- was that it'd only be one year) and do a USAID funded pro bono assignment abroad with ABA/CEELI. That position was in Bulgaria where I worked with the Supreme Bar Council to strengthen the professional bar and to help establish mediation as a recognized profession. I ultimately got hired by USAID to oversee the ABA/CEELI program as well as a number of other legal and judicial programs AID was funding. In serving as the Rule of Law Advisor, I worked with the government to prepare itself and its structures for accession into the European Union. Later, I moved into the Senior Rule of Law position with USAID/Kosovo. I worked through Kosovo's transition to an independent nation after its declaration of Independence from Serbia. At the government's request, the Ambassador des-ignated me to oversee the drafting process for Kosovo's first Constitution and to assist in establishing its Constitutional Court. With the transitional government background, USAID next assigned me to South Sudan, again to support its Independ-ence following its separation from Sudan. We worked on creating the capacity of the new State and creating its demo-cratic institutions -- the Assembly, the Central Bank, the Ministry of Justice and the like. It clearly had its challenges which unfortunately are playing out in today's conflicts. Almost two years ago, I was assigned to USAID/Colombia to work to support Colombia's peace process. As the Direc-tor of the Office of Vulnerable Populations (OVP), I oversee our programs that support a visible and politically sensitive portfolio. OVP implements programs that support reparations and victims’ rights, rehabilitation of the disabled, reintegration of ex-combatants and former child soldiers, prevention of recruitment of children and young adults by illegal armed groups, recognition and inclusion of marginalized communities and the elevation of civil society in political decision making processes.

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Whatever Happened to—continued by Paula Frederick John’s finest moment in the YLD: A classy reception planned for the elegant Caucus Room of the Russell Senate Office Building served as the backdrop for John’s finest YLD moment—having 100 pizzas delivered to the Capitol (and getting them through security), thereby preventing a riot. Picture this—Several buses of young lawyers endured the (then unusual) delay of a security line with ID check just to enter the building. After the usual modest cocktail hour we enjoyed a performance by the incomparable Capitol Steps. The show was long, so it was past time for dinner when the curtain fell. Two hundred ravenous young lawyers mobbed the buffet line. Here’s what happened, in John’s own words: It didn't take long for our oh so reserved and demure YLDers to devour all of the hors d'oeuvres and learn that the kitch-en couldn't produce more. So a quick huddle led to a Dominos run and a mountain of empty pizza boxes...... John Allelo’s quick thinking averted disaster, although the fact that the bar was open during the 30 minutes it took for the pizza to arrive may have contributed to the general panic. Other musings by John: What meeting was my favorite --- wow, what great memories come flooding back. Really, all of the meetings were good. What are some of the memories? Really, it was always more about the people than the location: all of the Fel-lows' Debates -- especially Louis Waterman dressed as Howard Stern; the great meeting at the Hotel Del in San Diego and realizing that Wil Schooley owned that town; Mike Bedke's commitment to the under-served; of course, Janet, Ann, Dirk and Bo; Great chairs -- Judy, Pamela, Mark, Dan, Mike, Rocky, Jeff, Fred, LaRonda, Rachelle, Brian, Laura and Alan; everyone who worked so hard with FEMA; Fred McClure's mantra "if it ain't fun, it won't be done" and his reign over Opryland; being the YLD delegate to the ABA Nominating Committee and working to support Robert Grey in San Francisco; the always vibrant Sharon Moon; the amazing Mike Greco and Martha Barnett, both of whom I later connect-ed with in places like Bulgaria and Kosovo; you as my first Director, Rocky's red boots; the list goes on and on. The conferences team was always my home, so I guess my favorite meeting was always "the last one" at least until "the next one."

John Allelo, Paula Frederick and Carolyn Ahrens at a back in the day YLD event.

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William C. Hubbard—President-Elect By Barbara Mendel Mayden

WILLIAM HUBBARD, SON OF THE PEE DEE William Hubbard’s birth, on April 8, 1952, came after the longest pregnancy in history, as he was born 40 years old. Since William did have the age thing going for him, he excelled in his pre-university studies. A product of the public school system of Florence, South Carolina, he gained admission to the prestigious University of South Carolina, which at the time required evi-dence of - A GED - The ability to dress yourself (preferably in seersucker and Bass Weejuns), and - A certification of Shag Mastery He graduated from the University of South Carolina in 1974 having acquired, in no particular order

- A Bachelors Degree in History, - Kappy Hubbard, and - Kenny Young.

William went on to the University of South Carolina Law School, where he acquired - His JD, - A permanent stoop (which may actually be from too much Gatoring), and - A furrowed brow;

the later two having made him appear serious and sincere, which has been very useful in his path to prominence in the American Bar Association. That path began in the vineyards of the Young Lawyers (literally) where he outdrank and out danced the competition to become Chair in 1987. From that platform, he has followed in the footsteps of other YLD Fellows who have gone on to lead our Associa-tion, touching all the right bases (Board of Governors, Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary, Chair of the House of Dele-gates, President of the American Bar Foundation and the American Bar Endowment), and when he ran out of other positions to fill, ran for ABA President, scaring off the competition, and here we are. William, in his meteoric rise to prominence in the ABA, has strived to affect an air of sophistication belying his humble roots. Inter-national. Suave. Urbane. He acknowledged such when, among the many honors bestowed upon him (including South Carolina’s Order of the Palmetto, the highest civilian award given by the governor of South Carolina, the University of South Carolina’s Distin-guished Alumni Award, and the Law School’s Compleat [sic - clearly they don’t know how to spell it] Lawyer Platinum Award and an Honorary Doctor of Laws), the Mayor of his hometown of Florence, South Carolina, recently bestowed upon William the title of a “Favorite Son of the Pee Dee.” Your author is quite sure that this is a great honor, but being under deadline, and overtaken by a wave of giggles at the name “Favorite Son of the Pee Dee,” decided that readers of this article will have to Google “Pee Dee” their own selves to obtain further information. But, I digress. Upon acceptance of this award, Hubbard acknowledged that the attempt to affect sophistication may be an uphill battle for the first ABA President elected from the State of South Carolina, and certainly from the Pee Dee, saying, “…there is still somewhat of a bias against southerners and when you start talking with your southern accent [paraphrase – all attempts at appearing intelligent and sophisticated go down the toilet]…” We know that William has been hugely successful in his effort to affect sophistication, especially when Kappy is there to edit him. However, there have been missteps along the way. Such as the time when he was Chair of the Young Lawyers, being chauffeured around England (on official duty) by his host Barrister Gerard McDermott and Gerard’s future wife, Fiona. Gerard, in the front seat, was turning around as he was pointing out the sights to William and Kappy, in the back, and William, growing redder and redder and more and more agitated (we all know the look), finally couldn’t stand it and shouted, “Gerard, will you look at the road!“ Gerard responded, “William – I’m not driving ….!” Thank you Gerard McDermott QC, for sharing this story at just the right moment…. Then, there was the international incident at La Maison Kam Fung… however, maybe we should save that one for just the right mo-ment, don’t want to pile on. William has been mostly successful in his attempts at sophistication, international diplomacy, etc. So now our William is poised at the precipice of greatness. All of us in the YLD Fellows have watched him excel at everything he has undertaken in the bar (as we have all been called into action to watch his back), and we all look forward to enjoying the spoils of what will clearly be a historic Presidency – clearly the best ever of any Son of the Pee Dee.

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More Great Things to Come in 2014-2015 By: Andrew M. Schpak, ABA YLD Chair-Elect It is an honor to serve as the 2014-2015 ABA YLD Chair and I am very excited about the year ahead. My primary goal is to deliver value and services through the YLD that help make every ac-tive member a better lawyer, better leader, and better person. Our Public Service Project for the 2014–2015 bar year will be Project Street Youth: Young Lawyers Advocating for Homeless Youth. Our Member Service Project will place a renewed emphasis on networking and business development skills including public speaking, networking, building and maintaining client contacts, and “making the ask” for business. We will also have health and wellness programming at our national conferences and via teleconference. There will be opportunities for group exercise at our national conferences as well as programming on topics ranging from meditation and exercise at your desk, eating healthy while eating out, and finding work-life balance. In October, I am excited to welcome young lawyers from around the world to the city that I live in and love: Portland, Oregon. The conference will feature Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Oregon Chief Justice Thomas Balmer, and Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum. We will also be welcoming President Hubbard and partnering with the Commis-sion on the Future of Legal Services to present a National Summit on Access to Justice and the Future of Legal Ser-vices. At the Midyear Meeting, we are planning a joint program with the National Conference of Bar Presidents and the Na-tional Conference of Bar Executives at which state and local young lawyer leaders will meet with “big bar” leaders to exchange ideas and plant the seeds for future collaboration. Our 2015 Spring Conference will take place in Tampa Bay, Florida. We’re going to stay at the beautiful Marriott Wa-terside, host social events at some amazing venues, and continue with our CLEs, professional skills training, and health and wellness programming. I am excited to work with John Tarpley and all the YLD Fellows to better engage and include the Fellows in the YLD’s work. In the meantime, the YLD would appreciate your help in identifying potential sponsors and speakers for our na-tional conferences and webinars. We also appreciate all that you do to spread the good word and support the YLD within the Association. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or suggestions Andrew M. Schpak YLD Chair-Elect 2014-15

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Young Lawyers Division Young Lawyers Division Young Lawyers Division

StaffStaffStaff lawyers

Carol Reising, Marketing Specialist

Carol oversees planning, administration, manage-ment, and implementation of all YLD meetings; develops meeting-related policies and oversees implementation of all YLD CLE/PD programs. Email: [email protected] Phone: 312-988-5665

Tara Blasingame, Administrator

Tara assists the Director and Associate Director; handles office administration; manages reimburse-ments; provides governance support for Council and Assembly; oversees interns and temps and responds to general inquiries. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 312-988-5611

Alia Graham, Program Associate

Tracy Kaempf, Marketing Specialist

Tracy develops, implements, and manages the communication and marketing plan; coordinates activities to market all YLD projects, including sponsorship; and manages our two publications. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 312-988-6235

Renee Lugo, Program Associate

Renee provides support for YLD Committees and Liaisons; oversees YLD’s diversity initiatives, the Diversity Scholars program and YLD awards and subgrants; and Public and Member Service Projects. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 312-988-5626

Alia provides support to the YLD Affiliates Team and its Affiliates, the Disaster Legal Services Team, FEMA Disaster recovery, the District Representatives and oversees the Subgrant program. Email: [email protected] Phone: 312-988-5671

Amy assists the Meetings Director and Program Associate; handles meeting registration and ticket sales; coordinates materials for all YLD conferences and handles MCLE applications and post-conference activities. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 312-988-5629

Amy Cacich, Meetings Assistant

Robin oversees all staff and Division activities, provides guidance and support to YLD Council, and handles BOG, HOD relations, and overall ABA relations. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 312-988-5614

Robin L. Rone, Director

Donna Nesbit, Associate Director

Donna oversees all aspects of the budget; manages day to day business operations and manages member-ship and Affiliate outreach, including Public Service Projects, membership development, and Fellows efforts. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 312-988-5612

Tracey manages YLD communications efforts with regard to message, theme, look, and website content; manages and maintains YLD technology use; develops marketing materials promoting YLD activities. Email: [email protected] Phone: 312-988-5716

Tracey Moore, Marketing Associate

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P A G E 9

2014 Annual Happenings

YLD Fellows Gala Friday, August 8, 2014 6:30 p.m. – 11:30 p.m.

Each year during the ABA Annual Meeting, the Divi-sion and YLD Fellows recognize an individual for their distinguished service to the public or to the legal pro-fession. This year’s award recipient is Professor Laurence H. Tribe, the Carl Loeb University Professor at the Harvard Law School.

Fellows Board Meeting

Saturday, August 9, 2014 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

The Fellows Board Meeting will be held Saturday, Au-gust 9, 2014 at the Sheraton Hotel, Independence Ball-room West, 2nd Floor. It is always great to see the usual suspects at the board meeting. We’d love to see a few new old friends at the board meeting in Boston.

OWN A PIECE OF YLD HISTORY Our book is hardcover with 128 pages of important history and has more than 150 pictures for those of you who prefer books with lots of pictures. It chronicles how our division was shaped around the traditions of public service and professional growth. The book retraces the early days of in-creasing membership in the ABA and the promotion of the rule of law through the then new technology of radio! It discusses the legal assistance program for Vietnam War refugees and recounts our pivotal role in increasing diversity within the ABA and our profession. The book is available for $29.95 (plus ship-ping and handling of $5.95). For more in-formation and to purchase the book visit here to order!

2015 Midyear Happenings

2015 ABA Midyear Meeting Houston, TX

Fellows Board Meeting Saturday, February 7, 2015

Fellows Debate and Reception Saturday, February 7, 2015

Help support the Division! Fellows dues are $50 a year. If you haven’t paid please do so by visiting here!