summer 2010 tidings newsletter, temple ohabei shalom

What’s Inside: Pages 2-5 Cantor’s Message President’s Message High Holiday Information Pages 6-7 Worship Page 8 Ansin Religious School Page 9 Sisterhood Brotherhood Page 10-11 Tributes Pages 12-13 Community Notices Page 14 Message from Jason Kriger Pages 15-17 Yizkor Elohim Annual Meeting Remarks, June 2010 Rabbi John Franken We have nearly completed construction of our building addition and refurbished our Chapel, Administrative offices, lounges, and Penn-Spero Hall; and We have updated our bylaws for the first time in a generation. In addition, we have managed to celebrate nearly two dozen b’nai mitzvah; welcome more than half a dozen new conversion students and Jews by Choice; and experience many powerful ritual moments from Gospel Shabbat honoring Spencer Gould to Shabbat Rishon featuring Izelldin Abuelaish to our deeply moving Confirmation and Adult B’not Mitzvah ceremonies. In the coming year, we can look forward to still greater things. With your help, we will introduce “Synaplex Shabbat” in which there will be a multitude of opportunities to connect with Judaism and each other on Shabbat—through family experiences, yoga, meditation, Torah study, Tefila, and community-wide breakfasts and kiddush lunches. With your help as well, there will be a renewed emphasis on outreach, membership, marketing and community organizing. Each of us knows what a warm, wonderful, friendly, fun, curious and spiritual community we are. Now it is upon us to let the secret be known. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us some time. They will thank you and you will be strengthening our community and the Jewish people at the same time! Last week we read the Torah portion recounting the drama of the 12 scouts who returned from exploring the Promised Land with two diametrically opposite reports. Two of the scouts, Joshua and Caleb, reported that the land was replete with milk and honey and full of promise and possibility. The other ten warned that it was well-fortified and populated by giant people alongside whom we would have appeared like grasshoppers. The effect was to effectuate a popular crisis of confidence, dividing the people from one another and rupturing their faith. Our own future is much as Joshua and Caleb saw theirs. It is full of promise and possibility. May each of us have faith and trust in that vision, and may each of us do our part to transform it into reality. I would like to start off with a word of thanks to our outgoing officers and trustees: Jesse Cochin, Arnie Greenfield, Cathryn Stein, George Bazer, Louis Goldman, Larry Green, Ellen Mosner and Adrienne Shishko. For your dedication and love of this community, your toiling over countless hours to perpetuate our mission and touch Jewish lives, you have my deep thanks and that of the entire congregation. The austerity of the last couple of years may have been a particularly unenviable time to lead this congregation, yet you did so with grace, poise, courage, and a profound sense of responsibility. Yishar koch’chem, and may you bring blessing to your every endeavor in the future. To our new officers and board members to whom the baton of leadership passes —Saul Feldman, Ed Jacobs, Ed Kahn, Shellee Robbins, Emily Blitz, Roberta Brucker, Andy O’Connell, Cathryn Stein and Susan Zeiger--I also offer a word of thanksgiving for your commitment, dedication and love of this community and our people. I and the entire staff look forward to working with you in sacred partnership as we pursue the mission we adopted one year ago: to be “an inclusive Reform Jewish community committed to nurturing, sustaining and touching Jewish lives through joyful worship, life long learning, and repair of the world in word and deed.” * * * Tonight I think we can say that TOS is turning a corner . . . Our long-awaited Diane K. Trust Center for Early Education has opened and now boasts some 17 students. Thanks to the efforts of both staff and congregants alike, we have a growing rental income and are on track to achieve financial stability . . . More importantly, we have remained true to our mission and in the last year . . . managed to touch countless lives and even undertake some important new initiatives: We expanded our Judaism in Motion services to twice a month, featuring uplifting music by our 10-person TOS band; We expanded our Shabbat Rishon to now include a communal meal in conjunction with our growing Tot Shabbat We reinstituted a dynamic Torah study experience which now consistently draws from a group of 25 regulars; We established a leadership development program aimed at identifying, recruiting and training the next generation of TOS leadership; We introduced a new Shabbat-at-the-center model for the Ansin Religious School that is experientially focused; We undertook our first congregational pilgrimage to Israel in several years, with 23 people strong; We created a rousing all-school worship experience for our Hebrew School students that has come to be a central and beloved part of their Tuesday experience; Progressive in attitude yet traditional in practice, Temple Ohabei Shalom is an inclusive Reform Jewish community committed to nurturing, sustaining, and touching Jewish lives through joyful worship, life long-learning, and repair of the world in word and deed. Summer 2010/Av - Elul 5770 Tidings Temple Ohabei Shalom - Judaism in Motion Illness? Hospitalization? Engagement? Wedding? Birth? Simcha? Please let us know… 617-277-6610

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Page 1: Summer 2010 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

What’s Inside:

Pages 2-5 • Cantor’s Message • President’s Message • High Holiday Information

Pages 6-7 • Worship

Page 8 • Ansin Religious School

Page 9 • Sisterhood • Brotherhood

Page 10-11 • Tributes

Pages 12-13 • Community Notices Page 14

• Message from Jason Kriger

Pages 15-17 • Yizkor Elohim

Annual Meeting Remarks, June 2010 Rabbi John Franken

♦ We have nearly completed construction of our building addition and refurbished our Chapel, Administrative offices, lounges, and Penn-Spero Hall; and ♦ We have updated our bylaws for the first time in a generation. In addition, we have managed to celebrate nearly two dozen b’nai mitzvah; welcome more than half a dozen new conversion students and Jews by Choice; and experience many powerful ritual moments from Gospel Shabbat honoring Spencer Gould to Shabbat Rishon featuring Izelldin Abuelaish to our deeply moving Confirmation and Adult B’not Mitzvah ceremonies. In the coming year, we can look forward to still greater things. With your help, we will introduce “Synaplex Shabbat” in which there will be a multitude of opportunities to connect with Judaism and each other on Shabbat—through family experiences, yoga, meditation, Torah study, Tefila, and community-wide breakfasts and kiddush lunches. With your help as well, there will be a renewed emphasis on outreach, membership, marketing and community organizing. Each of us knows what a warm, wonderful, friendly, fun, curious and spiritual community we are. Now it is upon us to let the secret be known. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us some time. They will thank you and you will be strengthening our community and the Jewish people at the same time! Last week we read the Torah portion recounting the drama of the 12 scouts who returned from exploring the Promised Land with two diametrically opposite reports. Two of the scouts, Joshua and Caleb, reported that the land was replete with milk and honey and full of promise and possibility. The other ten warned that it was well-fortified and populated by giant people alongside whom we would have appeared like grasshoppers. The effect was to effectuate a popular crisis of confidence, dividing the people from one another and rupturing their faith. Our own future is much as Joshua and Caleb saw theirs. It is full of promise and possibility. May each of us have faith and trust in that vision, and may each of us do our part to transform it into reality.

I would like to start off with a word of thanks to our outgoing officers and trustees: Jesse Cochin, Arnie Greenfield, Cathryn Stein, George Bazer, Louis Goldman, Larry Green, Ellen Mosner and Adrienne Shishko. For your dedication and love of this community, your toiling over countless hours to perpetuate our mission and touch Jewish lives, you have my deep thanks and that of the entire congregation. The austerity of the last couple of years may have been a particularly unenviable time to lead this congregation, yet you did so with grace, poise, courage, and a profound sense of responsibility. Yishar koch’chem, and may you bring blessing to your every endeavor in the future. To our new officers and board members to whom the baton of leadership passes —Saul Feldman, Ed Jacobs, Ed Kahn, Shellee Robbins, Emily Blitz, Roberta Brucker, Andy O’Connell, Cathryn Stein and Susan Zeiger--I also offer a word of thanksgiving for your commitment, dedication and love of this community and our people. I and the entire staff look forward to working with you in sacred partnership as we pursue the mission we adopted one year ago: to be “an inclusive Reform Jewish community committed to nurturing, sustaining and touching Jewish lives through joyful worship, life long learning, and repair of the world in word and deed.”

* * * Tonight I think we can say that TOS is turning a corner . . . Our long-awaited Diane K. Trust Center for Early Education has opened and now boasts some 17 students. Thanks to the efforts of both staff and congregants alike, we have a growing rental income and are on track to achieve financial stability . . . More importantly, we have remained true to our mission and in the last year . . . managed to touch countless lives and even undertake some important new initiatives: ♦ We expanded our Judaism in Motion services to twice a month, featuring uplifting music by our 10-person TOS band; ♦ We expanded our Shabbat Rishon to now include a communal meal in conjunction with our growing Tot Shabbat ♦ We reinstituted a dynamic Torah study experience which now consistently draws from a group of 25 regulars; ♦ We established a leadership development program aimed at identifying, recruiting and training the next generation of TOS leadership; ♦ We introduced a new Shabbat-at-the-center model for the Ansin Religious School that is experientially focused; ♦ We undertook our first congregational pilgrimage to Israel in several years, with 23 people strong; ♦ We created a rousing all-school worship experience for our Hebrew School students that has come to be a central and beloved part of their Tuesday experience;

Progressive in attitude yet traditional in practice, Temple Ohabei Shalom is an inclusive Reform Jewish community committed to nurturing, sustaining, and touching Jewish lives through joyful worship, life

long-learning, and repair of the world in word and deed.

Summer 2010/Av - Elul 5770

Tidings Temple Ohabei Shalom - Judaism in Motion

Illness? Hospitalization? Engagement?

Wedding? Birth?


Please let us know…


Page 2: Summer 2010 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

A Message From the Cantor

If you were in our Sanctuary celebrating Shabbat on the morning of June 5th, you were lucky to be part of something very special. Yes, it was Shabbat morning, which is already something to celebrate. And yes, there was a Bat Mitzvah, which is doubly something for our community to celebrate. But this was not the typical Bat Mitzvah of a thirteen year-old girl. That morning, after nearly two years of dedicated preparation and study, six

women in our community became B’not Mitzvah. Certainly it was special moment for the six women who stood on the Bima that morning. Each of these women is unique and came to the class with her own experiences, Judaic skills, learning style, etc. But on that morning they all read Torah and Haftarah, led part of the service, taught the congregation through insights into the liturgy and divrei Torah. And they came together to offer a class gift to our congregation: they donated money to have a sofer (scribe) evaluate our Torah scrolls, the first step towards restoring those most valuable possessions of our community. In her D’var Torah on the story of the spies sent to scout the land of Canaan, Ronny Sydney wondered, “What if we (the six b’not mitzvah) had been among the scouts? Would things have been different? Diane Rosen would have brought her compassionate social work skills and showed how everyone could get along and support each other. Hilda Lopez would certainly understand how to bridge a cultural gap and how to be strengthened by our differences. Donna Rubenoff could teach us all how to relax and meditate and also how to organize everyone. Cassandra Warshowsky would bring her wonderful strength and energy to pull everyone together. Shelley Schwartz would have made sure that the message was on point and well publicized. I would have used my persuasive skills to make sure that we were all in agreement.”

Clearly the class gift is not the only gift that these women offer to our congregation. After the service, countless members of our congregation told me how moving they found the service to be: not only for the six women, but for our entire community. These women are examples of how we can each be dedicated to Judaism and to our community, and how we can benefit personally and as a sacred community. And what if more of us were like these women? How much might we enhance our own lives as well as that of Ohabei Shalom? Kein Y’hi Ratzon. May it be God’s will.

Cantor Randall Schloss

Holiday Parking and Security • Please help us to ensure that the holidays are safe by

not carrying a handbag of significant size. We reserve the right to inspect any item we deem necessary.

• Leave plenty of time to find on-street parking; the parking lot will be accessible by permit only.

• Use the corner of Kent and Beacon Streets for all drop-offs; assistance for the handicapped will be available.

• Do not park on the grass around Longwood Mall; our neighbors appreciate your cooperation.

Sponsorship Opportunities Temple Ohabei Shalom is offering a number of sponsorship opportunities to enhance our High Holy Day services. If you are interested in sponsoring one of the listing below, please contact David Brody at 617-277-6610 ext. 22. Kesher, Our High Holy Day Program Book $1000 Featuring staff bios, services, programs and events for 2010-2011

Sanctuary Air Conditioning $3000 Help keep our beautiful worship space cool and comfortable. The holidays are early this year. Your sponsorship will be appreciated by all.

Rosh Hashanah Chapel Flowers $360 Enhance our youth and family services

Yom Kippur Chapel Flowers $360 Enhance our youth and family services

Apples and Honey $180 Served at our Rosh Hashanah Family Service

Childcare Services $1000 Allowing childcare to be offered for free during all holiday services

Yom Kippur Break-the-Fast $180 Provide juice and challah for the community to break fast

Service Bulletin $180 Providing service information to all who pray with our community

Page 3: Summer 2010 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

Temple Ohabei Shalom

High Holidays 5771

Temple Ohabei Shalom • 1187 Beacon Street • Brookline, MA 02446 • 617-277-6610 •

S’lichot September 4 7:00pm Reception, Program and Service Rosh Hashanah I September 8 7:30pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Service * September 9 10:00am Rosh Hashanah Service, Sanctuary* 11:00am Youth Service (grades 3-10), Montague Chapel* 2:00pm Family Service, Montague Chapel 3:00pm Tashlich at Muddy River Rosh Hashanah II September 10 10:00am Rosh Hashanah Services, Montague Chapel Yom Kippur September 17 7:30pm Kol Nidre, Sanctuary* September 18 10:00am Yom Kippur Service, Sanctuary* 11:00am Youth Service (grades 3-10), Montague Chapel* 2:00pm Family Service (all ages), Montague Chapel 3:00pm Afternoon Service, followed by Yizkor and Concluding Service, Sanctuary *Ticket Required **Child care will be provided from 10am-1pm on Rosh Hashanah I and Yom Kippur

Page 4: Summer 2010 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

Worship President’s Remarks: Annual Meeting June 1, 2010 Good evening everyone. I am very honored and excited to serve as your next President. First, let me on behalf of the entire congregation give our sincerest thanks and accolades to Jesse and to all board members whose terms have now been completed. We all owe you a deep debt of gratitude for not only leading us through some very challenging times, but also by leaving us with a wonderful and positive foundation upon which to build. I’d also like to thank Rabbi Franken, Cantor Schloss and the entire staff for being there not only for me, but for the entire congregation. As I sat home Saturday evening wondering what I would say tonight, I finally drew my inspiration from our mission statement and how it relates to last week’s Parashah, Beha’a lotcha. In particular, I want to focus on one word in our mission statement, “sustaining.” - sustaining Jewish lives through joyful worship, lifelong learning, and repair of the world in word and deed. In this Torah portion, the final journey, with all its challenges, begins for the Jewish people on their trek through the Sinai desert to their ultimate destination – the Land of Israel. Some want to go back to the good old times in Egypt, some want to stay and pray for more miracles in Sinai, but Moses understands that in order to sustain the Jewish people, they must move forward. Similarly, so must we. While the Israelites did not know exactly what lay ahead, we certainly have a much better idea. Jesse has elaborated on many of the wonderful accomplishments this past year. I’d like to describe a few of the exciting opportunities that will help sustain our future.

1. First is membership. We have a great membership committee that has met throughout this past year and recently attended a URJ workshop. In two weeks, we will meet again with the entire board and engage in a ½ day strategic leadership workshop for membership and outreach. We need your help to be ambassadors of TOS and to continually engage each other and the entire community.

2. Next is our beautiful facility, from which 25% of our income is derived. With our newly renovated facilities, thanks to generous congregants, including in large part Shirley Spero, and a bit of marketing, Ed Jacobs has made a commitment to increase this by an even larger amount.

3. Another opportunity is Fundraising, which I envision to be much more structured and integrative and to better involve the larger Jewish and philanthropic community. 4. Programming will continue to grow under the leadership of Shellee Robins. With just a little bit more of your help, we can have fun, meaningful and revenue generating

programs. 5. Perhaps the boldest initiative and largest area of growth is in the Project for Our Future and the Trust Center for Early Education. This has been an unbelievable effort by so

many people and we should all be so very proud and thankful for these efforts. It is truly the future of our synagogue. In only our second year, we are expecting an operating surplus before debt service. And with the good work of the Gala Committee led by Laura Trust, we are targeted to have a successful event on November 4 and reduce our debt significantly.

With all these opportunities, we also have our challenges. While they don’t compare to those of the Israelites before us, they nonetheless exist and we must not let setbacks be holdbacks. As we sit here this evening, we are a much smaller congregation than we were. Only 33% of our expenses are covered by our basic membership dues. The rest come mainly from rentals, fundraising, and school tuition. While the focus on this coming year will be on revenue generation, we must also structurally address what a congregation of our size really looks like. So, how do we address these challenges including our financial sustainability? During their desert journey, when the Jewish people complained bitterly about their diet of manna, Moses asked God, “Why have you laid the burden of all of this on me?” Moses is then counseled to appoint seventy experienced elders and officers to share leadership. We have likewise been counseled to elect a board of trustees and officers. This is a most sacred duty and one that I pledge to act in the best interests of you, our congregation in sustaining our future. Finally, let me speak to your obligation as a Jew and as a member of this Congregation. During their journey in the desert, the Israelites focus was on preparation for entry into Israel. As one Rabbi commented, the Jews had to be counted, organized, and given their individual responsibilities. Destined to be spread out among all the tribes, they would be the cohesive glue that unified every corner of the land. Israel has truly been served and built by those who came with a sense of mission, purpose, happiness and expectation. They were passionate. Passivity was not an option. We Jews are a people of covenants. In order for us to truly sustain our mission, Jewish lives through joyful worship, lifelong learning, and repair of the world in word and deed, I ask that you pledge your passion and be counted to be the cohesive glue that unifies this congregation and our larger community. Thank you.

S’lichot 2010 - Saturday, September 4; 7:00PM Meditations and Reflections in Word, Song and Movement. Join Rabbi Franken and Cantor Schloss for an evening of exploration of the relationships and issues between human beings and God, and of the High Holiday themes of repentance, atonement, self-examination, confession, pardon and renewal through the lenses of music, dance and poetry. Reception and Havdalah S’lichot Program and Service Our annual S’lichot Program is offered in memory of Janet R. and Sidney T. Small.

Page 5: Summer 2010 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

High Holidays 5771 Friends and Family Program

Dear Congregants: As a result of the overwhelmingly positive response to last year’s ticket policy, Temple Ohabei Shalom will again offer members the opportunity to invite family and friends to High Holy Days services at no cost. This initiative is a thank-you gift to the congregation for continued support in a difficult economic climate, and at the same time it allows us to fill our beautiful Sanctuary and give prospective members a chance to see and hear our dynamic clergy on the bimah. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to spread the word about Temple Ohabei Shalom! If you would like tickets, in addition to the ones that normally come with your membership, please fill out this form and return it to Temple Ohabei Shalom, 1187 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446, ATT: High Holy Day Tickets. You may also e-mail the information to [email protected]. Checks should be made payable to Temple Ohabei Shalom. Tickets will be available at the synagogue office during normal business hours. If they are not picked up by August 16, they will be mailed. Requests received after August 16 will be available for pickup 30 minutes before each ticketed service. The friends-and-family tickets program is just one of several steps being taken this year to increase Temple Ohabei Shalom’s reach in the greater Boston community. We will also be offering High Holy Days tickets to the general public for the nominal charge of $36. We discovered last year that offering deeply discounted tickets to non-members in the community is a great way to increase awareness of Temple Ohabei Shalom. If you would like to donate to the Temple to help support these programs, your gift would be deeply appreciated. Please include your contribution of any amount when you send in the form for additional tickets. Thank you for helping to make these innovative programs a success. Sincerely, David Brody Executive Director

Name of MEMBER Name of Guest

Address Address

Telephone # Telephone #

Email Address Email Address

Age if under 25 Age if under 25

Name of Guest Name of Guest Address Address

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Email Address Email Address

Age if under 25 Age if under 25

Name of Guest Name of Guest

Address Address

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Email Address Email Address

Age if under 25 Age if under 25

Page 6: Summer 2010 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

To RSVP for dinner please contact the TOS Office at 617-277-6610, [email protected] or visit


August 27, 2010

6:00pm Service 7:00pm Dinner

(RSVP Req.)

Dear Cassandra, Diane, Donna, Hilda, Ronny and Shelley,

Congratulations on becoming Bat Mitzvah!

The entire TOS Community is proud to claim you as our


Simchat Torah at Temple Ohabei Shalom September 29, 6:00pm

Join us for:

♦ Reading and rolling of the Torah Scroll ♦ Dancing parade in the Street ♦ Music with a Klezmer Band ♦ Consecration—Marking the beginning of the religious

education of our new ARS & TCEE students ♦ Oneg

Page 7: Summer 2010 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

5:45 - Tot Shabbat Service

6:30 - Community Dinner $12 per Adult; $6 per Child 7:30 - Shabbat Rishon Service To RSVP please call the office at 617-277-6610.

Kick Off Tot Shabbat


October 1, 2010


Please join the Ohabei Shalom Community for Sukkot

As we honor the leaders of our Brotherhood and Sisterhood Wednesday, September 22rd at 6:00 pm

& Shmini Atzeret and Yizkor Service

Thursday, September 30th at 10:30 am

Daily Worship Service Seeking New Leaders

Temple Ohabei Shalom offers daily worship services on weekdays at 8:00 am and Sundays (and legal holidays) at 9:00 am. Evening services are also held Sunday - Thursday nights at 6:00 pm. Daily Worship Services are held in the library. Interested in getting involved? There are openings for new leaders. Don’t feel like you’re up to the challenge? Training is available. If you have any interest please contact: Ita N. Wiener at 617-734-7137; or Spencer Gould at 781-329-7439. We look forward to seeing you at services!

Page 8: Summer 2010 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

Important ARS Dates:

Ansin Religious School

First Days of School: September 13th - Jr. Chai and High School September 14th - Ansin Religious School

Ansin Religious School still accepting students for the fall 2010!

Who knew that Jewish Education could be this much fun?!? Fall registration is now open for the Ansin Religious School of Ohabei Shalom (a few blocks from Coolidge Corner, in Brookline). We pride ourselves on being on the cutting edge and we are constantly striving to “break the mold” of a traditional Jewish Education. Our goal is to ensure that students and families who walk through our doors feel at home. We offer an exciting and innovative Tuesday only (grades k – 6) classroom program in our newly renovated facility along with a robust selection of hands on Jewish experiences (Shabbat services, retreats, shul-ins, mitzvah projects, youth group events, etc.) to compliment our classroom learning time offering a flexible schedule, choice and variety. Education programs are open to the community and non-members. For more information or to schedule a visit contact Shari Churwin, Education Director 617-739- 9200, [email protected] or visit

Rosh Hashanah September 9 Supervised Play & High Holy Day Activities 10:00am to End of Service, Lissner Hall Children Age 3 to Grade 2 Youth Service 11:00am, Montague Chapel Grades 3-10, Followed by attendance at Shofar blowing in the Sanctuary Family Service with Rabbi Franken and Cantor Schloss 2:00pm, Montague Chapel Songs, prayers and shofar blowing for parents and children will be followed by apples and honey! Yom Kippur September 18 Supervised Play & High Holy Day Activities 10:00am to End of Service, Lissner Hall Children Age 3 to Grade 2 Youth Service 11:00am, Montague Chapel Grades 3-10 Family Service with Rabbi Franken and Cantor Schloss 2:00pm, Montague Chapel Parents and children sing, pray and share a Yom Kippur story At approximately 5:30pm, children attending High Holy Day Activities will be escorted to the Sanctuary for Havdalah, and invited to join the clergy on the Bimah.

High Holy Day Schedule For young children and families

Save the Date Mitzvah Day ‘10

Sunday, October 24th

We will be holding our 5th Annual Mitzvah Day on October 24th, 2010. Be sure to mark your calendar to

join the entire congregation in a day of mitzvot! Many of the projects from the past years will be available,

as well as some new and exciting opportunities. As always, we can’t do this without your help. If you are

interested in being a Project Captain this year or helping out with Mitzvah Day, please contact Phil Bressler at

[email protected]

Page 9: Summer 2010 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

Sisterhood News


Louis Goldman Zita Samuels

Brotherhood News

Interested in Joining the Brotherhood or Sisterhood?

For more information, please contact:

Brotherhood [email protected]

Sisterhood [email protected]

As we prepare for summer, it is a time for reflection. Our Brother, Jonathan Atkins, has served the Brotherhood as our Co-President for three years, and I want to thank him for his dedication to us and the entire Ohabei Shalom community as he now enters the new role of Immediate Past President. I also want to thank Spence Gould, another past president, for his never-ending support, in particular for his leadership of the Annual Breakfast, as its’ General Chairman. All of our officers, committee chairs and members have given many hours to assisting us, and I want to thank all of them. In May, we held our Annual Spring Breakfast honoring Shirley Spero as the Person of the Year. Dr. Om Ganda, of the Joslin Diabetes Center, spoke to us about Diabetes as part of the Ben Adler Health Awareness Speaker Series; as well as sponsoring the Ben Adler Blood Drive. In June, we had our Annual Meeting and Election of Officers Dinner Meeting, and the following slate was elected by acclamation:

• Louis Goldman President

• Alan Shepro VP Programs

• Howard Koor* VP Membership

• Ed Kahn Treasurer

• Jerry Kravitz Secretary

• Richard Oshry Inspiration Chair

• Hu Caplan Co-Chair Programs

• David Alpert Co-Chair Hospitality

• Craig Greenwald Co-Chair Hospitality

• Harvey Solomon Co-Chair Membership

• Spence Gould* Director-At-Large

• Jonathan Atkins* Immediate Past President *Past President I look forward to working with all of my fellow officers and board members as we move into our new fiscal year. Our next meeting will not be until September 22, 2010 when we will have a combined program for the Installation of our Officers, Sukkot Service and Brotherhood BBQ out back in the Sukkah. The last few years have been difficult for many people. The current recession has touched the lives of everyone, either directly or indirectly. We all need to assist our families and friends in whatever ways possible. Brotherhood is all about helping each other by listening to one another, learning life’s lessons by being part of our Brothers’ lives. Now more than ever, Brotherhood needs your support. We have been fortunate that there were sufficient funds between Brotherhood programming and PENN Trust investment income to support so many important programs at Ohabei Shalom. We were able to provide funding for Mitzvah Day, the Music & Worship Fund, new prayer books, blind scholarships for the Ansin Religious School, the Ben Adler Memorial Health Awareness Speaker Series, the Ben Adler Memorial Blood Drive, and other worthwhile causes. If you wish to contact us, please e-mail us at [email protected]. As always the Brotherhood wishes to thank everyone who has remembered to bring in or mail in their stamped Butcherie receipts. Please continue to support this vital program.

Sisterhood wishes the entire TOS community a peaceful, restful and healthy summer with good weather and happy events. We are grateful to all of you for your support over the past "shul" year - whether you attended specific Sisterhood events such as the concert, movie night with Brotherhood, or Yom Hashoah with the entire community, bought items from the gift shop, made donations to the Betsy Gould Mitzvah Fund, participated in the Rosh Hashanah Honey Drive, went on mitzvah visits, or joined Sisterhood to show your support of our efforts. To those of you in Sisterhood and the synagogue who supported me in my leadership role, there are no words to sufficiently express my appreciation. You know who you are and you know what you have done. Every effort, small or large, contributes to the whole. Every hug, every smile, every good wish has been particularly heartwarming especially this year as we worked together in ways small and large to absorb the devastating loss that we felt with Betsy's passing in September. So I say a simple "thank you" to all of my Sisters, fellow congregants and the staff. And I hope that you will continue to participate and contribute with Sisterhood of TOS during the 2010-2011 synagogue season. For those of you who are not yet members, before you stop reading this article, please take out your planner and mark Monday, September 13, 7 PM, for our annual Welcome Coffee (first night of junior and senior high school). Our guest speaker will be humorist Carol Bortman, EdD, who will wittily address the topic: Sex and Seniors: Upside and Downside. We look forward to a welcome by the clergy and President Weintraub. We will send out our annual Sisterhood mailing in late July and urge all the women of TOS to become members, and to join us as we play together and work together in support of our synagogue. The Sisterhood Board has been working on our calendar and we have a number of exciting events planned. We will continue our small groups, and we hope to organize a few field trips to places of interest in and around Boston. In particular, the weekend of August 8-10, a number of us will attend the Unity Shabbaton sponsored by the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts. It is an annual event of uplifting prayer, learning, music, Kosher food and fellowship. This year the Shabbaton is featuring three rabbis with liberal and orthodox perspectives, and there will be attendees spanning all Jewish denominations. Visit for further information or call me (617-277-3653). I have been attending this event for several years, last year four others from TOS joined me, and hopefully more will attend this year. Men, women and couples are welcome. Our annual Sisterhood Shabbat will take place on the Saturday before Mother's Day next spring. It will be accompanied by an unusual opportunity for each of us to honor our own mothers in a very special way as we compile an anthology of reminiscences about our Moms to go along with our Shabbat program. More about this later, but begin to think of how you would like to honor your mother by sharing a special memory or thought with the community. Funds raised from this effort will go toward refurbishing or replacing our Torah covers as needed.

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Tributes In Appreciation of Rabbi Franken at Samantha’s Bat Mitzvah Audrey Bransfield’s Bat Mitzvah tutoring with Rabbi Franken Rabbi Franken officiating the Funeral of Dianne Cohen Rabbi Franken and Cantor Schloss at Audrey Bransfield’s Bat Mitzvah Receiving the Shirley Spero Person of the Year Award Rabbi Franken at Nicholas Kates’ Bar Mitzvah Jamie Wildstein’s service to TOS In Honor of The naming of their daughter Sylvia Miriam Sitkoff In Memory of Gayle Quinn In Honor of The B’not Mitzvah Class In Honor of Donna Rubenoff becoming Bat Mitzvah In Memory of Esther Levingston Goldman In Memory of Grete Lebach Esther Levingston Goldman In Honor of Spencer Gould The B’not Mitzvah Class In Appreciation of Britta Wierich’s service to TOS In Memory of Marisha Sindalovskiy Aron Kocherovskiy Beloved Father Wilbur Liberman Syril Dresner In Appreciation of Receiving the Shirley Spero Person of the Year Award In Memory of Leo Desrosiers In Honor of Diane Rosen’s Bat Mitzvah Diane Rosen’s Bat Mitzvah Michael Weintraub becoming President of the Congregation

Karen Glansberg Allan and Marilyn Glick Arlene Goldstein Michael Goldstein Denise and Larry Green Sheldon and Hilde Rotenberg Alan and Janice Rubenstein R.K. (Shelley) Schwartz Alan, Judy and Sarah Shepro Louis Isenberg and Sheila Shulkin Shirley Spero Sophie Vessi Dorothy Berman Dorris Weinberg Haverim Fund Spencer Gould Minyan Fund Doris S. Cohen David Chleck Rimma Kofman Dianne Newman Aaron Rosita & Natasha Shinberg Sonny and Jaqueline Saslaw Rhonda and Harvey Solomon Larry and Denise Green Riki Alexander Carol Lieberman Irene Shapiro Florence Hootstein Jordan L. Golding Cecelie Gordon Mildred Barron Buddy Sklar Milton Namiot & Margaret Trezza Dorothy Sterman Morris Greenbaum Judith Katz and Phillip Mayfield Louis E. Laskey William Price Robert S. Rubin Tom and Donna Rubenoff Jerry Kravitz Jerry Kravitz Louis Isenberg and Sheila Shulkin Sofiya Tsytsarko Rhonda and Harvey Solomon Ellen S. Lane Robert Beal

The B’not Mitzvah Class Audrey Claire Bransfield Ronny Sydney becoming Bat Mitzvah Shari Churwin The B’not Mitzvah Class Rabbi Franken and Cantor Schloss The Bat Mitzvah of Diane Rosen TOS Congregation Cantor Randall M. Schloss Spencer Gould Bat Mitzvah of Diane Rosen Mitchell and Maxine Selig’s 50th Anniversary Spencer Gould Michael Weintraub becoming President of the Congregation Bat Mitzvah of Ronny Sydney The B’not Mitzvah Class 50th Anniversary of the Bar Mitzvahs of Howard Weinberg and Warren Winnick In Memory of Sumner Small Jacob Chleck Fanny Gorbachov Leonard Zimet Rose Ruth Shinberg Max Saslaw Fannie Somer Morris Berson Ida Smith David Freedman Julius Baron Frederick W. Solomon Herman H. Golding Hilda Raphael Richard M. Barron Rubin Sklar Charles Namiot Julia W. Myerson Sarah Greenbaum Dorothy R. Katz Lawrence G. Laskey Henry Solomon Price Rose Solomon Rubin Bella Weiss Sarah Kravitz Isaac Kravitz Mel Rabinowitz Shayna Tsytsarko Naune Kodysh Benjamin Somer Sigmund Solomon William David Lane Alexander Beal

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Doug and Toni Gordon Robert and Cherise Bransfield Jeff and Sandy Cohen, Rhona Maple, and Family Allan H. and Marilyn Glick Spencer and Eddie Gould Jacqueline Kates Jerome Kravitz Robert and Tamara Sitkoff Jonathan S. Quinn Cantor’s Discretionary Fund Beth Braunstein Ansin Religious School Fund Dorothy Lebach Berenson Library Fund Louise Levingston Betsy Gould Memorial Fund Dorothy Lebach Louise Levingston Robin Shore and Laura Moskowitz Robin Shore and Laura Moskowitz Building Fund Spencer and Eddie Gould Flower Fund Raphael and Taisya Kochenovskiy Raphael and Taisya Kochenovskiy Susan Liberman Esther Strachman General Fund Annette L. Miller Spencer and Eddie Gould Denise and Larry Green Dr. Danny and Marcia Cohen Harvey Cohen John and Beth Gamel

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Tributes Continued In Memory of Cele Kanter Joseph Kanter Joseph Rosenfield Alice Samsen Taten'ka Vorobyeva Sofiya Podvalny Beloved Mother Beatrice Keizer Norma Lazarus Gould Harry Eli White Robert Charles Tirk Isabelle Bloom Eva Willis Marlin Hubert DeLynn Edith Bernstein Pearl Kirstein Jane Morningstar Hyman Hurwitz Herbert Siegal dear friend Arthur Smith Leon I. Shapiro Kunia Zelfond Florence J. Kimball Dr. H. Arthur Berson George Kaplan Alla M. Khlyap Sidney Newman Annabelle Berson Rabbi Dudley Weinberg Margery Effenson Ira Margolis Beloved Brother William Sulkin Paul Greenberg Annette Gordon Esther Merriman Leonard Schlesinger Muriel Smith Hurwitz Florence Plovnick Fannie Miller Philip Miller Michael Reece Louis Winer Molly Rothstein Minnie Sherman Phillip Winnick Stanley Gaynor George Oshry Roman Krigsgaber Norman Palefsky Abram Jacob Koritz Efrim Podvalny Benjamin Small Esther Levingston Goldman Harry Deykin Shulamit "Sally" Pierson Pauline Siegal Eric Marmorek Ephraim Kaplan

George E. Bazer Esther and Paul Gorfine Bertram Miller Maya Krigsgaber Roberta and Stephen Paris Stanley and Adele Brown Barbara Goldberg Col. Robert & Mrs. Betty Goldberg Mildred Barron Spencer and Eddie Gould Evelyn Ruby Samuel and Anita Leibowitz Harold and Sylvia Koritz John and Beth Gamel Barbara Helfgott Hyett Lisa Steigman Irene Steigman Osa Kamp Ida Nemchenok Rachel L. Goodman Betty Morningstar Robert H. Willis MD Norman & Selma Miriam Sherman Shirley H. Eisenberg Raymond Mannos Raymond Mannos Phoebe Langenthal Kevin Berger Annabelle, Jack Sheppard & Family Lillian H. Zabarsky Joseph and Jane Newman Ellen Harder Ms. Doris Cohen Ida Sidman Dorothy Berman Rachel L. Goodman Music and Worship Fund Stuart and Emily Blitz Simon and Elena Singer Marcia E. Levine R. K. (Shelley) Schwartz Cherise and Robert Bransfield Shirley Spero Irwin B. Schwartz, Esq. Project for our Future Shirley Spero Robert Beal Daniel W. Krueger Mindy Berman and Andy Sumberg Danit Ben-Ari Joanna and Robert Gilman Bryna Litchman and Arthur Epstein Donald and Nina Berk

Arthur Bazer Masha Pasarevsky Ida F. Miller Gregory Abramovich Gayle Quinn Jack Brown Mollie Goldberg Sumner David Goldberg Dorothy Barron John Oppenheimer Nathan Festinger Irwin Leibowitz Max Levenson John Oppenheimer Emanuel Helfgott Morris Steigman Morris Steigman Stephan Kamp Iosif David Vyshanker Robert N. Goodman Ida A. Nathanson Celia Segal Willis Hyman Sherman Simon J. Helman Rebecca Needle Morris Needle Your Sweet Mother Mollie Smith Rose Cohen Blumenthal Julius Tofias Rifka Finer Frank Zabarsky Evelyn Newman Elizabeth Oppenheimer Edith Rubin Goldie Rosenberg John Oppenheimer In Honor of Jerry Kravitz In Honor of Spencer Gould Cantor Randall M. Schloss Audrey Bransfield's Bat Mitzvah R. K. (Shelley) Schwartz R. K. (Shelley) Schwartz Joe Kline In Honor of Sonia and Clara Marton Ben-Ari Bat Mitzvah of Ashley Davidson 50th Anniversary of Diane & Martin Trust In Memory of Helen and Harold Berk

Minyan Fund Continued David G. Kanter Alice Rosenfield Irving and Lucille Gerratt Maya Krigsgaber Stanley Keizer Sandra M. Katz Edith Pollack Phyllis Nussman Ellen Harder and Edward Bloom Dr. and Mrs. Jay Marlin Donald and Nina Berk Carol Finn Randi and Mark Kirstein Betty Morningstar June Hurwitz Cynthia Siegal Louise Levingston Irene Shapiro and Marianne Greene Alexander and Marina Zelfond Stuart and Joan Kimball Eliot and Kyra Berson Phyllis Kaplan Sofia and Emmanuil Khlyap Joseph and Janet Newman Eliot and Kyra Berson Dr. Avrom and Ruthann Weinberg Shelly Levine and Bobbie Hootstein Phyllis Nussman Gertrude Goldberg Jerry Kravitz Amy Hozid and Thomas Plancon Kyra ands Eliot Berson Susan and Alan Schlesinger Diane Schertzer Milly Krakow and Martin Plovnick Anne Caplan Molly Reece Jerry Kravitz Robert Beal Norman & Selma Miriam Sherman Warren and Nancy Winnick Elinor Gaynor Richard M. Oshry Maya Krigsgaber Judith Palefsky Harold and Sylvia Koritz Maya Krigsgaber Doris Cohen Louise Levingston Dan and Eva Deykin Robert Pierson Cynthia Siegal Frank F. Marmorek Kyra and Eliot Berson

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Community Notices

Special July & August Birthdays

Sisterhood Welcome Coffee Monday, September 13th @ 7PM

(first night of junior and senior high school)

Guest speaker: Humorist Carol Bortman, EdD, on the topic: Sex and Seniors: Upside and Downside Also enjoy a welcome by Rabbi Franken, Cantor Schloss and President Michael Weintraub!

Greater Boston’s Jewish Food Pantry

Temple Ohabei Shalom’s monthly contribution is

Canned Tuna or Salmon and Whole Grain Cereal

Donations can be brought to the new Family Table bins in the office and chapel foyers. You can also write a check to the Sisterhood of Ohabei Shalom with “Family Table” in the memo line or volunteer to drive our contributions to the collection center in Waltham just one Sunday a year, 9:30am - 11:30am.

If you are interested in helping, contact Dottie Berman at 617-277-6610

or [email protected].


The Polly Epstein Gift Shop

Now in stock for $154 order your Landmark Synagogue Menorahs which prominently features

Temple Ohabei Shalom

Also available: “Share the Spirit” fleece tops. These warm tops have ¼ zipper on the front, come in sizes small through extra large and are available in navy blue, forest green, and gray. Perfect for cool summer days and nights as well as winter wear, they are only $36 each. Please call Amy Hozid (617-566-1939) to place your order.

Join us after Sukkot Services for the Brotherhood’s first meeting of the year and the installation of our new officers!

September 22, 2010 Brotherhood Barbeque

Abigail Alfaro Deborah Ancona Bernard Birnbaum Marjorie Birnbaum Shayna Blank-schtein-Chin Robert Bransfield Melinda Brecher David Brody Raynor D. Caplan Ashley Churwin Julia Churwin Danielle Flashman

Kaela Flashman Ralph Gordon Lauren J. Gottleib Ava Gupta Jacob M. Harris Sam Jacobs Marjorie Kern William I Koyfman Hayden D. Krause Netanya Lebach Tammy G. Loeb Sophie Nahimy Benjamin Nusinzon

Braden Popper Helen Perlman Ione Probstein Jacob Rizika Judith Robbins Shellee Robbins Samuel E. Rosen David Seldin Irene Shapiro Dina Silton Nina h Sing Philip Straub David Marc Weil

A Special Thanks to all those who have helped make TOS a welcoming community by being Greeters at Shabbat Services:

Dottie Berman Jesse Cochin

Spencer Gould Judy Halper

Margie and Edward Kahn Daniel W. Krueger

Ronny Sydney Simon Singer

R. K. (Shelley) Schwartz If you would be willing to be a greeter at an upcoming service, please contact our coordinator: Stan Keizer at [email protected]

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Volunteers Needed! Our extreme appreciation goes out to all the congregants who have helped the synagogue over the past few months...if you are interested in volunteering or ushering at a service or have a special skill that you think TOS could benefit from please contact the main office at 617-277-6610.

Community Notices Welcome Philip Bressler, TOS Pararabbinic Fellow!

Philip Bressler is Temple Ohabei Shalom’s Pararabbinic Fellow for 2010-2011. Phil grew up in Minnetonka, Minnesota where his passion for Judaism was sparked through active involvement in NFTY and summers spent at URJ Olin-Sang Ruby Union Institute (OSRUI). He attended Washington University in St. Louis, where he received his B.A. in Jewish, Islamic, and Near Eastern Studies in 2006. As an undergraduate, Phil planned and led Jewish activities on campus through Hillel and the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity. After graduation he spent time as regional youth advisor for NFTY’s Michigan region, led music programming at Temple Israel Minneapolis’ Camp TEKO, and attended Brandeis University’s program in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies. Phil’s life goal has always been to become a Rabbi and he will be applying to rabbinical schools this fall. As the Pararabbinic Fellow at Temple Ohabei Shalom, Phil will not only be providing administrative support to our clergy, but will also be teaching, leading services, and organizing additional programs to benefit the TOS community. Please join us in welcoming Phil to the Ohabei Shalom community.

Mazel Tov to the Diane K. Trust Center for Early Education On a Successful 1st Year!

These smiling faces brought to you by the Project for our Future. To learn more about the Project for our Future or to donate or buy a brick contact the Temple Ohabei Shalom office at 617-277-6610.

September 21st 5:30pm

Lissner Hall

Please join us as we complete

The Project for our Future We will dedicate our new addition including an elevator for accessibility and the Leibovitch Library. We hope you can celebrate with us! Light refreshments will be served

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Jason Krieger

A Letter from Jason Kriger Dear Clergy, Officers, Trustees and Staff of Temple Ohabei Shalom, To start, I would like to say thank you. Seven years ago, you took me (and Scott Levine) in and made us a part of your community. You gave us a very generous opportunity to start a business, and at the same time help serve the needs of the TOS community. Two and a half years into this experience I started teaching at A.R.S. I felt that if I were going forward here, I needed to be a real part of what’s going on. I can’t tell you what a good decision that was, and how much I have treasured teaching and spending time with all the great students, teachers and parents with whom I have had the pleasure to work. The last five years have also given me a chance to hone my skills in the kitchen. I am a far better cook now than I was in 2003. The Temple events over the years have allowed me to practice, experiment, and learn. As time went by, my cooking improved as well as my confidence, I saw more opportunities come my way and was able to be a part of so many congregant and committee celebrations. This past November, new opportunities arose. I started producing wholesale food items for Star Market/Shaws and my business began to grow. This opportunity has morphed into something I could not have predicted. As my business has grown this year, it has become clear to me that the Temple’s Kitchen is no longer sufficient for the demands of my business and that I no longer have the time to operate Kriger’s Catering. It is with much sadness that I need to inform you of my decision to not renew my contract with the Temple for the next fiscal year. My business will require more refrigerator/freezer space, work space, delivery trucks, etc. I look forward to completing the next few weeks at the Temple and will be moving out of the kitchen by June 30, 2010.

Mazel Tov Jason!

The Temple Ohabei Shalom

Clergy, Staff and Community would like to extend our best wishes for a

wonderful future on your new endeavor!

You will be missed!

It saddens me to be leaving. Temple Ohabei Shalom and its people have become a part of me, and I will always remember the wonderful time I have spent as a member of this community. I would like to thank you again for the opportunity, for putting up with my shpilkus, allowing me to breathe, grow and participate in the life of TOS over the past seven years. With my gratitude and wish for a strong future for TOS, Jason Kriger

Know any Caterer in need of kitchen space? Contact the TOS Office at 617-277-6610 or [email protected] for more information on using TOS’s large and fully equipped kitchen.

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Yizkor Elohim - We lovingly remember We extend our deepest sympathy to their families. Those listed below are recorded in our Book of Remembrance, windows, or on memorial plaques.

A name in bold indicates that the plaque will be illuminated during Shabbat of yahrzeit.

July 1-7 Samuel L. Bailen Abraham Broude Phyllis Hardy Isaac Lisitsa Celia Miller Henry Nemrow Julian H. Spitz Celia Segal Willis Ima Ambuter Anna Bernson Isidor Davidson Mary Susser Davidson Samuel W. Fleisher Henry Krueger Rachel Elaine Morris David S. Penan Joshua Bond Leonard Bornstein Myer J. Cohen Ira Melvin Daniels Harriet Goldin Shirley Gropman Dorothy Kahn Max Katz Joseph Serkess Sadie Bretman Rae Buchwald Jessica Cowling Rifka Finer Reuben Harris Isabel Juster Frances Levine Irving Levine Morris Needle Jeannette Nizel Jack Pierson Nellie Weiner Herbert Alpert Nechama bat Elya Tzvi Alice Gilbert Rebecca Needle Harriet Newton Abraham Louis Perlis Samuel Wit Henry L. Fleisher Hannah Marcus Stanley Nadelman Goldie Rosenberg Joseph M. Sagoff Harry Silverman Benjamin Snider

Leonard Benfeld Israel Brody Sidney Chernus Sade Goldstein Arthur S. Gordon Ida S. Rottenberg Edith Rubin Sadie E. Schiff A. Bernard Shurdut Caroline Wingersky July 8-15 Ida Wadness Caplan Franklin Miles Cohen Frank Labb Lucille Levi Ida Daniels Scheinfeldt Benjamin Green George Heiderman Louis E. Laskey Lena J. Markwett Lois B. Odence Hyman G. Spector Harry Barron Leona R. Beal Jacob K. DeHaan Morris Golub Jane Ruth Linsky Abraham Nelson Evelyn Newman Lazarus Richman Phyllis Winkler Benjamin Green Miguel Henao Hyman Hurwitz Henrietta I. Rubin Franklin B. Sher Israel Skirball Rudolf Urbach Frank Allen Cashman Sidney G. Fine Etta Lipsky Fleisher Charles Klatzkin Richard B. Miller Louis Nathan Rose Solomon Susan Feigenbaum-Levine Harry Katzman Thelma Alpert Price Myer Rosenfield Nathan Simons Joseph H. Stern

Hansi Winters Arnold P. Bearson Hyman H. Burstein Jeannette M. Daniels Joshua Darsa Bertha Dilyock S. David Greenberg Dolly Jonah Holt Rose I. Hurwitz Leo Kopel Morris Krichman Adolph Kusmer Florence Labb E. Matthew Miller Francis Salomon Sarah Shuman Anna Cohen Weiss Dora Scheffreen Baer Bessie S. Freedman Mollie Goldberg Joseph Solomon Heiderman Albert Isenberg Faye Ruth Kusmer Goodall Shapiro Paul White Myer Wolf July 16-23 Philip Berstein Florence Caplan Louis Fishel Joseph G. Ginsburg Marcelle Tapper Glazer Nettie Greenfield Isaac B. Spinoza Elsie Weinberger Richard Archer Benjamin Feinberg Sarah M. Gorfinkle Theodore Greenhood Faye Kusmer Henry L. Brandt Ethel Freiman Benjamin Goldberg Rose Goldkrand Katz Winnie Kessler Louis Levinsky Freda Lewis Augusta Nelson Dorothy Raphel Emma B. Rosenthal Max David Cohn

Samuel Dach Martha B. Epstein Sophie Gold Rosa Heiderman Samuel I. Bornstein Samuel H. Cohen Adolph P. Freed Benjamin Gershon Esther Levingston Goldman Rachel Rosnosky Hyman Shapiro Aaron Slater Rosemary Gorton Wasserman Sheldon Bellows Augusta Klous Cohn Isadore Fine Lew Goldman Tena Lipkind Alice Nauen Benjamin Starr Herbert Starr Goldie Steinberg Amir Braude Miriam Cohn Etta Dana David Feingold Adolph Fishman Rachel Lewenberg Raphael Rosnosky Gertrude E. Ross Sylvia Solar Yechiel Subary Joseph Beal Israel Cohen Lillian Resnick Cook Matilda Ectman Louis Elias Muran Richard S. Rosen Leopold Bernard Schwabe Fanny Shaffer Hannah Silver Miriam Singer July 24-31 Lillian Barron Matilda Clickstein Herman Geist Katherine Gesmer Robby Lebach Eva R. Markowitz Max Weissman Paula G. Bertrand

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Yizkor Elohim - We lovingly remember, Continued Samuel Brown Sidney G. Goode Martha Ostroff Minnie Rosenfield Moses Scheinfeldt M. Morgan Seaman Anna Klous Tischler David Aron Alfred M. Greenhood Esther T. Jaspon Raymund Arthur Mann Elizabeth Marder Benjamin Alberg Edith N. Daniels Albert Issokson Mark Keller Rebecca F. Levy Solomon Mathias Matilda Pearlman Ira M. Rest Evelyn S. Rosen Bessie Block Rubin Sophie Safer Shalek Ida Brodsky Francis Cole Walter C. Fox Jack A. Levine Alfred H. Lilienthal Celia Price Minnie Rubin Reba Trombly Michael Carl Wittman Isaac Aronson Charles Burke Albert Clickstein Shifra R. Deykin Florence Gerstein Agnes Malcolm Henry Penn Samuel Seletsky Saul Silton Harmond Robert Wit Sam Finkelstein Philip Harold Finn Gregorio Lopez Harry Rosenfield Mary Traster Rabbi Samuel J. Abrams Dorothy S. Fischer Caroline Joski Melvin Klickstein Sylvia Krakow Samuel J. Lipsitz Lillian Lubets Arthur Milder Gladys Reuben Selma Robbins

Annie Rodman Jeanne B. Shoher Ruth B. Stein Joseph H. Stern Solomon Touro Harold Zelinkoff August 1-7 Rose Aron Bertha Goodman Rose E. Gould Alfred Lilienthal Ruth Myrick Abraham Pasarevsky Saul Shurdut Harold Bernstein Michael S. Epstein Kathryn L. Goldman Annie Joseph Louis S. Koufman Herman Singer Dorothy Steelman Leonard Wette Zelda Basch Clarie Reizen Freedman Jeannette Cooks Gunsenhiser Nettie Milner Allan Reuben Anna Sanger Stewart R. Smith Joan Feinberg Snyder Lesser Jerome Brown Roger James Cabitt Maurice H. Daniels Abraham Doctoroff Marlene Ruth Greene Rita Bernice Leake Florence Milender Samuel Rice Max Rubin Helen Zofnass Morris Archer Kenneth Balkan A. David Epstein Jane Gersh Victoria M. Yassen Isaac Kaufman Clarence P. Kudisch Paul Mannos Jacob I. Markowitz Josua Ruff Hyman Cooks Sarah Lena Endler Celia Fertel Marcus David Friedmann Morris Gordon Henry M. Hyams

Theodore P Lewenberg Ben Schlakman Jerome Shishko Lena K. Wasser M. Paul Gordon Fannie E. Janock Morris Kahn Samuel P. Kimball Eva Krinsky Adelle Robinson Nicholas E. Robson Rose Savage Anne W. Schultz Bertha Todres August 8-15 Clara Balkan Dale Albert Brenden Jeannette Chalfin Louise F. Cobe Meyer Cobe Rachel (Rae) Cohen Ida Lewis Isidore Bernard Mandel Anne Penn Lena Rubin Ira F. Cobe Hesse H. Goldstein Pauline S. Jacobson Samuel R. Jacobson Carole Ruth Levine Lester Matthew Levison Marsha S. Weiss Rae Alberts George Balash Althea P. Bleich Annie P. Daniels James Kahn William Katz Pauline Lilienthal Lisette Mirabelli Nathan Nierenberg Moses H. Steuer Bernard Bloom George I. Ellis Irving Fisher Louis I. Glen Daisy Wit Seligman Sondra M. Smith Harris Touro Berta Von Bargen William J. Wyzanski Ernestine Burack Charlotte Cashman May Goloboy Joseph Myerson George Sorkin

Anne Phyllis Wasserman Aaron Wingersky Isaac Albert Steven Horowitz Priscilla Howell Shepard Lewis Theophila Lipsitz William I. Litch Celia Penan Eli Raphael Mamie Rosenberg Arthur Zich Benjamin H. Greenhood Harry Myrick Frank I. Rhodes Robert Rideman Harry Werby Hyman Berkowitz Sylvan H. Cohen David Cook Morris Gordon Louis Held David Kliman Irving Levine Estelle Levinson Lizza Nizel Agusta Reinstein Rebecca Vershbow Louis Bernard Weinberger August 16-23 Louis Croan Jeanette Gordon Daniels Sylvia Glick Abram Gunsenhiser Heidi Kamp Sarah Rachel Kurinsky Frances Liebman Maxwell Stearns Samuel E. Ullian Louis Wasser Justin D. Goldman Harrey W. Scolnick David H. Shulman Charles Dana Fay Geist Marilyn M. Macey Louis Mandel A. Melvin Simpson Fannie M. Strecker Jesse M. Aronson Isaac S. Cohen Frances Ansin Goldberg Sarah Gregloit Beatrice E. Halper Minna R. Horowitz Joseph Peyser

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Yizkor Elohim - We lovingly remember, Continued Sarah Gregloit Beatrice E. Halper Minna R. Horowitz Joseph Peyser Marilyn Schlesinger Rebecca Shapiro Joseph Beckman Yetta Cohen Anna Y. Goldman Samuel Kapstein Esta W. Rabinowitz Dinah Raphael Melvin Sogoloff Rachel Dresner Beryl Garfinkle Daniel Malcolm Batya Subary Yanina Aronis Shimer Aronson Anita Klickstein Gary Klickstein Natalie Klickstein Rashelle M. Levine Simon Shapiro Kenneth Smith Annie Finer Walter Lebach Leah A. Levinson Rebecca Stahl Joseph J. Traub August 24-31 Sydney Birnbaum Jeanne G. Coler Eveline Masse Sidney Olansky William Oranburg Esther Sanders Abraham H. Veiner Sarah Z. Wasserman Celia Freiman Ida Kalick Harriet Shirvan Kass Yadeh Kotin Max Krzenitsky Rosalie Levit Marian Lipsky Pauline Elinor Raskind Michael Philip Serkess Harry Shaffer Ethel Shapiro Jeannette S. Caro Nissim Cohen Nissim Cohen Edward C. Goldstein Augusta G. Katz Martin Kolton

Gertrude Levi Arleen Lichtenstein Benjamin Porte Rudy Rakowsky Marion S. Rosenthal Molly Sheiman Victoria M. Yassen Morris Benjamin Goldie Berman Marcia Goldstein Mary Hyams David E. Levy Anna Lasner Liberman Lila Shapiro Sarah White Manuel Wit Myron B. Benson Adela Brauner Jacob Ginesky Zelda Goodglass Sidney Hark Dora Newman Eva Prager Nathan M. Rosenthal Jacob Rubin Evelyn R. Seligman Morris Waldman Cantor Alex Zimmer Ira Einstein Louis P. Greenberg Ida Isenberg Etta Kaufman Joseph Lewenberg Rose Poust Betty Ziedman Florence E. Aronson Esther Belenki Julia Berenson Annie Brucker Celia Chleck Naomi Gilbert Samuel Goloboy Ida Halpern Harry B. Levine Bertha Liebert Rose Meyer Mildred Schlesinger Stephanie P. Wallach Roberts Phyllis Alpert Henry M. Bernhardt Fanya Cherkassky Rose M. Crystal Elvira Maurizi William Oxman Helen Rosengard Nellie A. Wit Lillian R. Wolfe

Helen Rosengard Nellie A. Wit Lillian R. Wolfe

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August-September Calendar

Leadership Staff and Executive Board

John A. Franken, Rabbi Randall M. Schloss, Cantor

Emily G. Lipof, Rabbi Emerita David Brody, Executive Director

Shari A. Churwin, Education Director Kate Monge, Director of Informal Education

David Sparr, Music Director

Michael Weintraub, President Saul Feldman, Vice President Edward Jacobs, Vice President Shellee Robbins, Vice President Ronny Sydney, Vice President

Edward Kahn, Treasurer Martin Shore, Assistant Treasurer

Daniel W. Krueger, Recording Secretary

August & September Candle Lighting Times

8/6 7:41 9/3 6:58 9/24 6:21 8/13 7:31 9/10 6:50 10/1 6:09

8/20 7:22 9/17 6:34

August 6 6:00pm Erev Shabbat Service 7 10:30am Shabbat Services 13 6:00pm Erev Shabbat Service 14 10:30am Shabbat Services 20 6:00pm Erev Shabbat Service 21 10:30am Shabbat Services 27 6:00pm Welcome Back Shabbat Service and Congregational Dinner (RSVP Required) September 4 7:00pm S’lichot Reception, Program and Service 6 Office Closed for Labor Day 7 9:00am TCEE Meet & Greet New Student Day 8 7:30pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Service 9 10:00am Rosh Hashanah Service I—see page 3 11:00am Youth Service (grades 3-10)—see page 3 2:00pm Family Service—see page 3 3:00pm Taschlich—see page 3 10 10:00am Rosh Hashanah Service II—see page 3 13 TCEE—First Day of School 6:00pm First Day of Jr. Chai and High School 7:00pm Sisterhood Welcome Coffee 14 3:15pm First Day of Ansin Religious School 17 3:00pm TCEE & Office Close Early for Yom Kippur

17 7:30pm Kol Nidre 18 10:00am Yom Kippur Service—see page 3 11:00am Youth Service (grades 3-10)—see page 3 2:00pm Family Service—see page 3 3:00pm Afternoon Service, followed by Yizkor and Concluding Service 20 6:00pm Jr. Chai and High School 21 3:15pm Ansin Religious School 5:30pm Project for our Future Dedication and Ribbon Cutting 22 3:00pm TCEE & TOS Office Closes Early for Sukkot 6:00pm Erev Sukkot Services 7:00pm Brotherhood Barbeque 23 10:30am Sukkot Services 27 6:00pm Jr. Chai and High School 28 3:15pm Ansin Religious School 29 3:00pm TCEE & TOS Office Closes Early for Simchat Torah 6:00pm Simchat Torah & Consecration 30 TCEE & TOS Office Closed for Shimini

Atzeret 10:30am Service with Yizkor

Daily Worship Service Schedule

Monday - Thursday: 8 am & 6pm Friday: 8 am Sunday and legal holidays: 9 am & 6pm Please note there is no Saturday Daily Worship Service at 6pm. Daily Worship Services are now being held in the library. There are openings for new leaders. If this interests you, contact Ita N. Wiener at 617-734-7137 or Spencer Gould at 781-329-7439.