summary report field work child setting

SUMMARY REPORT OF FIELD WORK CHILD SETTING Name of the Student:- Sukirti Amatya Name of the organization:- Happy home Nepal Name of the field supervisor:- Iswory P. Banjade Name of the field work supervisor of the college:- Kriti Bhtattarai

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Summary report of field work on child setting.


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Name of the Student:- Sukirti Amatya

Name of the organization:- Happy home Nepal

Name of the field supervisor:- Iswory P. Banjade

Name of the field work supervisor of the college:- Kriti Bhtattarai

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Acknowledgement:It was a great opportunity and lucky chance for me to be placed in the Happy Home and apply

theory knowledge into practice during fieldwork. I have included the overall activities, learning,

experiences during the field work in this Recording.

I would like to address the great degree of gratitude to Kadambari Memorial College, Happy Home and the entire staff member in it, who have supported directly and indirectly for me to do the best work. Similarly thanks to my field supervisor, who have helped me a lot, for the improvement and encouraging me to do the various tasks during field work.

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Contents:Time Sheet

Child Setting

Introduction of the organization

Laws and legislation

Overall objectives

Theoretical application

SWOT analysis

Overall learning



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Time Sheet

Date Week Hours

24th Nov-26th Nov 2010 1st 14hrs 45min

1st Dec- 3rd Dec 2010 2nd 12hrs 30min

9th Dec- 10th Dec 2010 3rd 13hrs 30min

13th Dec-15th Dec 2010 4th 34hrs 30 min

17th Dec 2010 5th 7 hrs

2nd Feb- 3rd Feb 2011 6th 4hrs 15min

9th Feb- 11th Feb 2011 7th 7hrs 45min

23rd Feb- 25th Feb 2011 8th 24hrs 15min

9th March- 11th March 2011 9th 26 hrs

14th March- 17th March 10th 31hrs

23rd March- 25th March 11th 16hrs 15min

30th March- 31st March 12th 7hrs 30min

6th April- 8th March 2011 13th 13hrs

12th April- 15th April 2011 14th 17hrs

Total no of hours:- 231hrs 15mins

Child Setting:-

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Children are the future of every country. Being a social worker we have to work with people from different backgrounds like from children to teenagers to drug addicts to physically and mentally retarded people to old-aged people. Since we are at our 1st semester and doing our field work in child setting we have to learn what children are.

According to the Nepalese government those children who are under the age of 16 are known as children while the UN says that those children under the age of 18 are called as children.

Children are the foundations of the nation as they are the future of the country. They lead the whole world and make the entire globe move towards the enlightening and developing sector. \We must guide these children right now so that they will bring a better future for themselves and we will be able to see a better Nepal.

Introduction of the organization:-

Happy Home Nepal is a non-profit, locally run organization that was established in 2006. Our mission is to provide the homeless and abandoned children of Nepal with shelter, food, healthcare and education. Happy Home currently runs two orphanages in the Kathmandu valley and also provides financial support to children living at home but whose families are unable to meet the costs of sending them to school.


To fulfill the basic needs of children under 18 everywhere in Nepal; this includes accommodation, clothing, food, health and especially education.

To create awareness among poor parents to the needs of their children. To target those children in special programs who have been affected by domestic

violence, civil war and other severe political and or social circumstances. To improve the abysmal situation of Nepali street children. Thus to help to improve the general living conditions of children in Nepal.


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Running orphanages, schools, hostels and child care centers in various parts of the country. Basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and education at such facilities will be entirely taken of care by Happy Home.

Launching special initiatives and projects for underprivileged girls, orphans and displaced children from the poor and scheduled castes' families (dalit).

Providing educational support and scholarships to those children who live with their families but lack financial resources for their education.

Launching awareness campaigns to educate the parents of poor children. Working closely with government and private schools to create better opportunities for the children. Participating in researches and surveys to find out the root causes of children's plight in Nepal. Lobbying with the government and other related agencies for child rights in Nepal.


Project A: The Happy Home orphanages Project B: Providing education to underprivileged children Project C: Building a new Happy Home orphanage in Kathmandu Project D: Exclusive project for street children

Laws and legislation:-

According to Child right legal centre orphan are defined under the laws as:-

A child under 18 years Who has lost his/her parents or one of the parent.

A child who has adequate source of income Child who is unclaimed A child who has parents, who are destitute Child who has been deserted by his/her parents

UNICEF categorizes Street Children into:-

Children on street:- Those engaged in some kinds of economic activities such as begging or vending, but mostly go home at end of the day and contribute their earning to their family. They may be attending school and retain a sense of belonging to a family. Because of the economic fragility of the family, these children may eventually opt for a permanent life of on the street.

Children of street:- Children who actually live on the street or outside of a normal family environment. Family ties may exist but are tenuous and are maintained only casually or occasionally.

Overall objectives of the trainee:-

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To know about the organization, its activities and objectives. To be familiar with the child setting. To understand own task as per requirement of the organization. To apply the theoretical knowledge in field. To develop the capacity, to work with the group as co-trainees. To participate actively in the activities of the organization. To built a friendly relationship with staff and volunteers of the organization.

Activities conducted:-

- Activity 1 :- Searched children on street

- Objectives:- To know the present condition of children on street and children of street. To apply the theories which were learnt in college To increase self knowledge about the issues of children on street To develop the communication skill with children

- Activities in detail:- Trainee was assigned to go to different places to search children in

street for half a month. During these period trainee went to Pashupati, Baneshowr, Basantapur, Jawalakhel and Lagankhel. After going at different places trainee interacted with the children of different age, sex and back ground. Trainee collected the information like their name sex, age, family back ground, reason for coming on street etc. Then trainee recorded that information in the organization’s computer. The major reason for coming on street was due to financial problem, political problem, curiosity and whim. Trainee found that most of the street children uses dendrite, cigarettes and alcohols.

- Learning:- Learnt to interact with children of street. Learnt how to behave with the children. Learnt the behavior of the children. Learnt the present situation of children in street. Learnt to write field reports

- Activity 2:- Camp to Changunarayan

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- Objectives:- To create awareness about health and sanitation. To develop the interpersonal communication skill. To study the behavior of the people of that place.

- Activities in detail:- On the first day reaching upon the camp site trainee’s sang folk songs

and danced to attract and gather the villagers as most of them gathered after listening to us. We told them the reason to visit their village and they were very happy and welcomed us in their village. Then trainee went for a home survey/visit where we asked the people about sanitation, water facilities, and did observation of the surrounding of their houses, which was not in a good state and trainee even gave some knowledge about filtering water, diseases that can occur in the village due to lack of proper toilet. They listened to us and said to change their daily ways of living. On the next day most of the trainees went writing slogans on cleanliness at toilet doors, water taps, water resources, and even on the walls of the houses, but trainee was assigned to do home visit and to call then in the programs. Trainees sang songs giving awareness on cleanliness and other co-trainees even performed a drama. Trainees even visited “Changunarayan Temple” and “Trishul Dada” as refreshment and on the final day the field supervisors and the trainees and other co-trainees were give a good farewell program by the villagers where they put on Tika’s to the supervisors while they gave the trainees flowers as farewell gifts and they all were really grateful towards us for bringing such a program to their village.

- Learning:- Trainee learnt to sing folk songs. Their main problem is water and they thought trainees will bring water in their village.

- Activity 3:- Taught women

- Objective:- - To make the women read and write and do some additions, subtraction, multiplication and


- To make women capable to do business of vegetables.

- To develop communication skill.

- Activities in detail:- In the second activity of the trainee, trainee went to Kanya Mandir School located at Nardevi to teach women from the different places in the evening for 1-2 hours daily. Most of the women were from “Pariyar” caste. In these hours trainee taught them moral education like, Nepali literature addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, budget management etc. Trainee also taught them how to do sell vegetables. Some women didn’t know how to draw circle so

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trainee had to teach them catching their hands. During the classes in the field a conflict arise between the women and it was very hard to handle the scenario so trainee had to call the guard of the school. After the conflict the women stopped the classes and didn’t come.

- Learning:-

Learnt to develop the communication skills with the women. Learnt to handle the conflicts. Learnt to understand the feelings of the women.

- Activity 4:- Attended the Metal Concert at Jawlakhel

- Activities in detail: - The concert was performed by two bands from Switzerland and the

other local bands from Nepal. the concert was a “Metal Concert” but it was named “Silence Festival” and the few official partners of the concert were “Music Store” “Terai Television” “Time Mars” “BCN travel and tours” etc. The concert was also for a noble cause and some students from our college were invited to work as a volunteer in selling tickets. The amount of money collected from the tickets 25% would be donated to the people infected from HIV/AIDS and to the drug addicts who were trying to overcome their addiction from drugs.

- Objectives:- To know about the program. To sell tickets to the customers.

- Learning:- - Metal Scenario in Nepal is over-whelming

- Learnt to handle different types of people by answering their un-necessary questions and


- Learnt to be calm when they used foul languages at us.

- Activity 5:- Gone to “Hamro Ghar”

- Objectives:- - To know about the child labor of carpet industries.

- To interact with children from carpet industries.

- Activities in detail:- Trainee went to Hamro Ghar to interact with the children of the organization. Hamro Ghar is a rehabilitation centre for children from carpet industries. Trainee taught them some moral lessons and some classes too.

- Learning:- - The rescued children of carpet industries take waving as a talent and the skill.

- The children are used in waving carpet because of their fine eye sight and small hands.

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- Activity 6:- Celebrated “World Social Work Day” from 14th March to 16th March

- Objectives:- - To let people aware about the social wok profession and its importance in society,

- To know about the themes of social work.

- To visit community and spread awareness program.

- Activities in detail:- On the first day of celebration trainee and other co-trainees went to

“Hamro Ghar” a NGO supported by “Nepal Rug Mark Foundation” where we can find children from carpet industries. Trainee told them about world social work day and played some games with them. Trainees danced and singed and made them too.On the second day and the main “World Social Work Day” co-trainees conducted a rally starting from “Maitighar Mandala” to our college where we were joined by other college students. Trainee was assigned to welcome the guests and others from rally. we had some talk programs, cultural programs and some musical events. Trainee’s objective by the rally was to let people know about Social Work.On the third day trainees did a community visit to Godam Chaur, Godavari where trainees did home visits to learn and gain something about the village. Trainees even gathered people of the village by singing folk songs to give them some knowledge about deforestation, composting, and showing them a way to make their place a new tourist area.

- Learning:- - Learnt that world social day is celebrated at 3rd Tuesday of every March.

- Trainee also learnt not to expect anything from anyone.

- Activity 7:- Worked at World Vision International Nepal

- Objectives:- - To know how to conduct Focus Group Discussion(FGD)

- To know how to make questionnaire for survey.

- Activities in detail:- As trainee didn’t have any works at Happy home, trainee decided to go

to World Vision International Nepal. Trainee attained FGD at the first day and knew how to organize it. Trainee helped in questionnaire making for the survey at Bhaktapur area for different projects.

- Learning:- - Learnt to make questionnaire

- Learnt to organize FGD.

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Theoretical application:-

The different theories learnt by the trainee at the college were applied at different places of the field-work process where a few of them are as follows:

- Skills:-

1. Communication skill: To make any work perfect and meaningful communication is very important. Communication is very useful in field work and can be used by everyone in a fluent manner and easily. Every communication in the field was one of the effective tools to find out the reason or to solve any problem. So this theory was effectively used in the field.

2. Active observation: Trainee applied active observation during her camping in Gurung Gaon and in the first week of her field. Trainee observed that most of the houses were made of mud but it looks like as if it is cemented. In field trainee observed the behaviors of the women and children on street.

- Principles:-

1. Principle of Confidentiality: Confidentiality is to maintain the secrecy. Trainee applied confidentiality by keeping the name of the women and children confidential.

2. Principle of Non-judgmental attitude:- In Happy Home the trainee normally has to work with different staff and different people. Thus, the non-judgmental attitude of the trainee has helped her to maintain good professional relationship with them. Trainee had to interact even if the children are street children.

3. Principle of Acceptance: Acceptance is the basic principle of social work which has been applied by the trainee to actually accept the staffs of the agency. As being placed at the HAPPY HOME, the trainee often has to accept both staff and the children of the organization. Moreover, trainee has to accept the children with all his/her good and bad qualities strength and weakness regard less his/her behavior.

4. Principle of Individualization: Every individual are different from each other and has their own unique traits. Therefore the trainee has learnt to treat the children as per their individual qualities. The trainee should view the client with an open mind and should understand their views because every individual is unique. This has helped the trainee to maintain food relation with them.

5. Principle of self-determination:- Self-determination is very important principle of social work. Trainee applied the principle while teaching the women. Trainee made them to take their own decision whether they want to study or not.

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SWOT Analysis

- Strength of trainee:- The major strength of the trainee is this field work gave trainee more

enthusiasm to work in the field of children in later years and it has become a challenge for trainee to work for them and make this place a better place to live in for them and should be equally treated. Trainee can now work with children on street and

- Weakness of trainee:- The major weakness of trainee is that trainee wasn’t able to deal

with the children and trainee wasn’t able to do any teaching works though trainee has done some in her field, trainee thinks that dealing with children is trainees major weakness.

- Opportunities of trainee:- Trainee got chance to work with street children and with

women too. Trainee also got change to work in world vision Nepal and Hamro Ghar.

- Threats of trainee:- Trainee had very hard time because trainee didn’t got any work to do

in the organization and had less learning in the field.

Overall Learning:-

This field work gave the trainee a chance to deal with the children directly. During that phase, she learnt a lot about them. Trainee learnt the act of responsibility by taking responsibility of different works given to the trainee by the field supervisor. Trainee even learnt the time-management skills among her friends, college and the field work.

Personal learning:-

Trainee learnt that children of street are decreasing. Trainee learnt that most of the begging children with papers live in Kalanki. Trainee learnt to manage the time and importance of time. Trainee even learnt the time-management skills among his friends and college and the field

work. Trainee learnt that while engaging children in a work their education must not be hampered. Trainee learnt that children must not be engaged in heavy and dangerous work which requires

physical strength. Trainee learnt that while engaging children in a work their education must not be hampered. Trainee learnt that working children must not be abused physically, mentally and emotionally

in a work.

Professional learning:-

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Trainee learnt to become professional during his/.her field work. Trainee learnt to become punctual in the field. Trainee learnt that in the eye of foreign volunteer Nepal comes at first in terms of choice for

providing voluntary service. Trainee learnt the act of responsibility by taking responsibility of different works given to the

trainee by the field supervisor. Trainee learnt to work in group and how to divide work in group. Trainee learnt that children of below 14 yrs of age must not be engaged in work more than 6

hours a day. Trainee learnt to do household survey. Trainee learnt to build rapport with other people. Trainee learnt to interact with people and establish friendly and professional relationship with

people. Trainee learnt that many people are misusing fund in the name of NGOs and charity so many

people think it as money earning business.


To organization: - “Happy Home” is an organization working for street children and orphans but

still the different activities assigned to the trainee were not so goal-oriented to the trainee and the trainee had a lot of problems while doing different activities. Trainee hopes that the organization gives some good work for future trainee. The organization should give some works rather than only teaching.

To supervisor:- It would have been better if the supervisors had taken the trainees suggestions and

helped the trainee at the start of the field-work seriously because trainee couldn’t learn a lot and had a lot of problems while doing field-work. And trainee also like to say that there should be excuse for the personal reason while report writing.

To college: - So trainee would like to recommend to the college that from next time it would be

better if the college field supervisors actually understand the organization and send the trainees because the trainees faced a lot of problems at the field and couldn’t learn much.

To future trainee:- Do not expect anything from the organization. Try to learn from every work

you do in the organization/ field and try to crtitically analyze each task given by the supervisor because it will teach you lot of new things.


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Trainee performed various activities and visited different organization throughout six month of time. After completing the field work in Happy Home for almost six month of time and 231 hours trainee reached to conclusion that children of street are decreasing because of tourism year 2011. That is because Nepalese governments do not want to show children of street to the visiting tourist. Children of street are increased during last few years of time because of the forcing out of child labor from carpet industry as Nepali Rug was boycotted by the importing nations. So the forced out children were pushed to the street as they have no work to do and no place go. Ten years of civil war also played great role behind the increment of child labor as many children were displaced from their native home. Women to whom trainee used to teach were also displaced by ten years of civil war. So that 10 years of civil war is main reason behind the entire problem and its effect were seen till today.


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Figure 1:- placards for the rally.

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Figure 2:- with the children of Hamro Ghar at the World Social Work Day

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Figure 3 Children and the staffs of the Hamro Ghar.