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SUMANTA CHAKRABORTY personal information Born in India, 19th March 1991 Email [email protected] Designation Faculty Fellow, IACS, Kolkata, India Address (Home) 5, Shyamapally, Flat No. 1A 29/A/1N Raja S.C. Mullick Road Sulekha, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700032, India (Office) Room No. 421 School of Physical Sciences Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) 2A and 2B Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Jadavpur Kolkata 700032, India. Website Phone (O) +91 (33) 2473 4971 (Ext. 2281) short bio Sumanta Chakraborty is currently a Faculty Fellow at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata, India. He joined IACS as a permanent faculty in the aforementioned post on 29th August, 2019. Before joining this position he was a INSPIRE Faculty at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata, India. Earlier, he was a Research Associate and then a National Post-Doctoral Fellow at IACS for nearly two years. He has received his Ph.D degree from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India on 23rd February, 2017 for his research at Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), India as a Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellow. The title of his PhD thesis is “Classical and Quantum Aspects of Gravity in Relation to The Emergent Paradigm”. Throughout school, college and university he has won numerous national prizes and scholarships. He has received most prestigious fellowships in India throughout his career (the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee (SPM) Fellowship, the Satyendra Nath Bose Memorial Prize, the KVPY fellowship and the INSPIRE fellow- ship). He has also received the INFN Fellowship from Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics and the National Post-Doctoral Fellowship from SERB, Gov- ernment of India for his post-doctoral research. He has also received INSPIRE Faculty Award from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. He is a regular visitor of Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany and he has received Max-Planck Mobility Grant from the Max Planck Society, Germany. His Doctoral research has won him V.V. Narlikar Best Thesis Award from IAGRG, India as well as a Honourable Mention by the Italian Society for Relativity and Gravitational Physics as an international recog- nition. Recently, his research works on black holes and gravitational waves was featured in the website of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. He has received N.R. Sen Young Researcher Award from IAGRG, India for his prolific contributions to multifaceted aspects of classical and quantum gravity, in particular for testing predictions of alternative theories of gravity from gravitational wave observations. Further, his essay has also received Honorable Mention in 2016 gravity essay competition organized by the Gravity Research Foundation, USA.

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personal information

Born in India, 19th March 1991

Email [email protected]

Designation Faculty Fellow, IACS, Kolkata, India


(Home) 5, Shyamapally, Flat No. 1A29/A/1N Raja S.C. Mullick RoadSulekha, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700032, India

(Office) Room No. 421

School of Physical SciencesIndian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS)2A and 2B Raja S.C. Mullick Road, JadavpurKolkata 700032, India.


Phone (O) +91 (33) 2473 4971 (Ext. 2281)

short bio

Sumanta Chakraborty is currently a Faculty Fellow at the Indian Association forthe Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata, India. He joined IACS as a permanentfaculty in the aforementioned post on 29th August, 2019.

Before joining this position he was a INSPIRE Faculty at the Indian Associationfor the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata, India. Earlier, he was a ResearchAssociate and then a National Post-Doctoral Fellow at IACS for nearly twoyears. He has received his Ph.D degree from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India on23rd February, 2017 for his research at Inter-University Centre for Astronomy andAstrophysics (IUCAA), India as a Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellow. The titleof his PhD thesis is “Classical and Quantum Aspects of Gravity in Relationto The Emergent Paradigm”.

Throughout school, college and university he has won numerous nationalprizes and scholarships. He has received most prestigious fellowships in Indiathroughout his career (the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee (SPM) Fellowship, theSatyendra Nath Bose Memorial Prize, the KVPY fellowship and the INSPIRE fellow-ship). He has also received the INFN Fellowship from Italian National Instituteof Nuclear Physics and the National Post-Doctoral Fellowship from SERB, Gov-ernment of India for his post-doctoral research. He has also received INSPIREFaculty Award from Department of Science and Technology, Government ofIndia. He is a regular visitor of Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics,Potsdam, Germany and he has received Max-Planck Mobility Grant from theMax Planck Society, Germany. His Doctoral research has won him V.V. NarlikarBest Thesis Award from IAGRG, India as well as a Honourable Mention bythe Italian Society for Relativity and Gravitational Physics as an international recog-nition. Recently, his research works on black holes and gravitational waveswas featured in the website of the Department of Science and Technology,Government of India. He has received N.R. Sen Young Researcher Award fromIAGRG, India for his prolific contributions to multifaceted aspects of classicaland quantum gravity, in particular for testing predictions of alternative theoriesof gravity from gravitational wave observations. Further, his essay has alsoreceived Honorable Mention in 2016 gravity essay competition organized bythe Gravity Research Foundation, USA.


During his research career, he has published seventy four research papers andone invited review in refereed international journals. Besides, he has writtena chapter in the book Gravity and the Quantum published by Springer. Histhesis has been published by Springer in its series “Springer Theses”. Hisarticle has been selected as Editor’s Choice in a leading international journal.Besides, He has organized three national level conference in India and oneinternational workshop. He has guided one post-doctoral fellow and four B.Sc.and M.Sc. students in their projects. Currently he has two post-doctoral fellows,three Ph.D. students and four project students in his group.

professional experience

Present Faculty Fellow at IACS, India

Joined Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science as a Faculty fellow in aJunior FacultyPosition permanent position on 29th August, 2019. Currently working on various aspects

of gravitational theories including its interface with quantum phenomenon. Theresearch topics I am currently pursuing can be broadly classified as — Blackhole physics in presence of Fermions; Imprint of zero point length on cosmology;Quantum fields in curved spacetime, implications for entanglement entropy; Effects oftheories beyond general relativity in astrophysics, e.g., black hole shadow; Propertiesand characterization of null surfaces; The gravity thermodynamics connection inmodified theories of gravity, black hole solutions therein and possible observationalconsequences; Imprints of corrections to general relativity in gravitational waves andassociated developments in de Sitter spacetime; Higher spin theories and Particlephenomenology. [Had a concurrent offer for a faculty position from IndianInstitute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.]

research experience

2018-2019 INSPIRE Faculty Fellow at IACS, India

Worked as a INSPIRE Faculty Fellow at Indian Association for the Cultivation ofJunior FacultyPosition Science for the period 31st August, 2018 to 28th August, 2019. Pursued research

projects on several frontiers of gravitational theories, which can be broadly pre-sented as — Black hole physics in presence of spacetime torsion; Quantum fields incurved spacetime, implications for back-reaction problem; Effects of theories beyondgeneral relativity in astrophysics, e.g., accretion around a supermassive black hole; Thegravity thermodynamics connection in modified theories of gravity Imprints of correc-tions to general relativity in gravitational waves. [Had a concurrent post-doctoraloffer from International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS), India.]

2017-2019 Visiting Fellow at Max-Planck Institute

Visiting regularly the Albert Einstein Institute (Max-Planck Institute for Gravi-Long-TermVisiting Fellow tational Physics) located at Potsdam, Germany. Worked on various aspects of

higher spin theories as well as higher dimensional physics. In particular, whetherone can have a consistent theory of higher spin and gravity in presence of highercurvature terms as well as in higher dimensions was a key motivation of thestudy carried out during the visit. Besides, several aspects of quantum fields inblack hole backgrounds and geometry associated with null surfaces has alsobeen explored.

2017–2018 National Post-Doctoral Fellow at IACS, India

Worked in IACS as a National Post-Doctoral Fellow from 6th April, 2017 to 30thPost-DoctoralPosition–II August, 2018. My research interests were mainly focussed towards understand-

ing of various aspects of gravitational theories. These include — Black holephysics; Quantum fields in curved spacetime, in particular the black hole informationloss paradox; Higher dimensional effects in higher curvature gravity theories and theirapplications in astrophysics; Alternative gravity theories, black hole solutions and



possible observational consequences; Gravitational waves in extra-dimensional models.[Had a concurrent post-doctoral offer from University of Trento, Italy.]

2016–2017 Research Associate at IACS, Kolkata, India

Joined IACS, India on 25th October, 2016 as a post-doctoral fellow and workedPost-DoctoralPosition–I till 5th April, 2017. During this period I have worked on various aspects

of gravity — Quantum fields in curved spacetime, e.g., information paradox,firewall; Higher dimensional effects in higher curvature gravity theories; Null surfaces;Alternative gravity theories etc.

2013–2016 SPM Research Fellow at IUCAA, Pune, India

Worked on both classical and quantum aspects of gravity. Broadly speaking, thePh.D. in Physicsresearch topics include — Black Hole and Spacetime Thermodynamics, AlternativeGravity Theories, Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetime and Black Hole InformationLoss Paradox, Extra Dimensional Models, Existence of Zero Point Length.

The title of my PhD thesis is Classical and Quantum Aspects of Gravity inRelation to the Emergent Paradigm, based on which I have received my from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India on 23rd February, 2017. Totalduration of my doctoral research as a Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellow atIUCAA was from 29th July, 2013 to 24th October, 2016.

I had secured first rank in the IUCAA-NCRA graduate school and obtainedGrade A+. Did a graduate school project under supervision of Prof. Thanu Pad-manabhan entitled Thermodynamical Variables in Lanczos-Lovelock Gravity.

Advisor: Prof. Thanu Padmanabhan · [email protected]


2011–2013 KVPY Fellow at Calcutta University, India

Graded Outstanding in all the four semesters. Received Satyendra Nath BoseMasters inPhysics Memorial Prize for securing first rank in the university.

M.Sc. Project: Astrophysical Aspects of Alternative Gravity Theories.

Advisor: Prof. Soumitra SenGupta · [email protected]

2008–2011 INSPIRE Fellow at Presidency College, India

Had received First rank in the university. Gold Medalist for securing highestBachelors inPhysics marks among all the students in the college.

B.Sc. Project: Liquid Crystals and Phase Transitions.

Advisor: Prof. Prabir K. Mukherjee · [email protected]

1996–2008 Student at Jodhpur Park Boys School, India

Among the top ten throughout the school. Had received Scholarship from WestSchoolingBengal Board of Education for scholastic record in both 10th and 12th standard.

teaching experience

2020 General Relativity and Cosmology at IACS, India

Taught Integrated MSc and PhD students of Indian Association for the Cultiva-M.Sc. and Ph.D.Students tion of Science a course on “General Relativity and Cosmology” in the Autumn


2020 Classical Mechanics at IACS, India

Taught Integrated BS-MS students of Indian Association for the Cultivation ofIntegratedBS-MS Students



Science a course on “Classical Mechanics” in the Spring Semester.

2020 Optics at IACS, India

Currently teaching Integrated BS-MS students of Indian Association for theIntegratedBS-MS Students Cultivation of Science a course on “Optics” in the Spring Semester.

2020 BH Physics and GWs at IACS, India

Currently teaching Integrated MSc and PhD students of Indian Association forM.Sc. and Ph.D.Students the Cultivation of Science a course on “Physics of black holes and gravitational

waves” in the Spring Semester.

2019 General Relativity and Cosmology at IACS, India

Taught Integrated MSc and PhD students of Indian Association for the Cultiva-M.Sc. and Ph.D.Students tion of Science a course on “General Relativity and Cosmology” in the Autumn


2019 Optics at IACS, India

Taught Integrated BS-MS students of Indian Association for the Cultivation ofIntegratedBS-MS Students Science a course on “Optics” in the Spring Semester.

2019 General Relativity and Cosmology at IACS, India

Taught Integrated MSc and PhD students of Indian Association for the Culti-M.Sc. and Ph.D.Students vation of Science a course on “General Relativity and Cosmology” in the Spring


2018 General Relativity and Cosmology at IACS, India

Taught Integrated MSc and PhD students of Indian Association for the Culti-M.Sc. and Ph.D.Students vation of Science a course on “General Relativity and Cosmology” in the Spring


2017 Quantum Mechanics at IACS, India

Acted as a teaching assistant to Prof. Soumitra SenGupta in the “QuantumM.Sc. StudentsMechanics” course for Integrated M.Sc. students of Indian Association for theCultivation of Science.

2016 Cosmology at IUCAA, India

Acted as a teaching assistant to Prof. T. Padmanabhan in the “Cosmology” coursePh.D. Studentsfor Ph.D. students of Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics.

2015 General Relativity at IUCAA, India

Acted as a teaching assistant to Prof. T. Padmanabhan in the “General Relativ-Ph.D. Studentsity” course for Ph.D. students of Inter-University Centre for Astronomy andAstrophysics.

awards , honors (in reverse chronological order)

1. 2020 N. R. Sen Young Researcher Award, IAGRG

Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation, has awarded me2020N. R. Sen Young Researcher Award for prolific contributions to multifacetedaspects of classical and quantum gravity, in particular for testing predictionsof alternative theories of gravity from gravitational wave observations.

2. 2020 Trusted Reviewer Award, Institute of Physics

Institute of Physics, United Kingdom, has awarded me trusted reviewer award2020



for being a reviewer for several journals under IoP in past few years.

3. 2020 Recognition from DST, Government of India

Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, has2020featured my research works on black holes and gravitational waves in theirwebpage. Further details can be found in the following link: Click here.

4. 2020 Max-Planck Mobility Grant

I have received Max-Planck Mobility grant from the Max-Planck Society in2020-2024Germany to collaborate with scientists at Max-Planck institutes in Germany.

5. 2019 ISGRG Travel Award

I have received Travel Award from International Society of General Relativity2019and Gravitation (ISGRG) to present my research work in the internationalconference GR22, taking place in Valencia, Spain.

6. 2019 Editor’s Choice

Article written by me (with Krishnamohan Parattu) has been given a special2019status by the editors of the journal General Relativity and Gravitation in viewof its high quality.

7. 2018 INSPIRE Faculty Award

Received INSPIRE Faculty award from Department of Science and Technology,2018-2023Government of India. This is a temporary faculty position with generous salaryand research grant, given to a few candidates nationwide with outstandingscholastic record throughout the career.

8. 2018 Honourable Mention by Italian Gravity Society

Received honourable mention from Italian Society for Relativity and Gravitational2018Physics, Italy. This award is given to a few candidates with best Ph.D. thesisinternationally during the past two years.

9. 2017 V.V. Narlikar Best Thesis Award

Received V.V. Narlikar best thesis award from Indian Association for General2017Relativity and Gravitation, India. This award is given to the candidate with bestPh.D. thesis throughout India during the past two years.

10. 2017 National Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Received National Post-Doctoral Fellowship from Science and Engineering Re-2017–2019search Board, Government of India. This fellowship is given to best Ph.D. studentsthroughout India for pursuing post doctoral research.

11. 2017 INFN Fellowship

Received INFN fellowship from Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics. This2017is given to the best PhD students, internationally, to pursue their post doctoralresearch in institutes/universities in Italy.



12. 2016 Honourable Mention

Gravity research foundation, USA annually organizes an international essay2016competition. Submitted essay — Quantum leaps of black holes: Magnifyingglasses of quantum gravity received honourable mention in the competition.

13. 2013 Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship

This Special Fellowship is given to top four rank holders each year in the2013–2016National Eligibility Test (NET), conducted by Council of Scientific and IndustrialResearch (CSIR), India, for pursuing Ph.D. programmes, and carries the highestamount of research scholarship and research grant.

14. 2013 National Eligibility Test, First Rank

The National Eligibility Test (NET) is conducted by the Council of Scientific and2013Industrial Research (CSIR), India, for pursuing Ph.D. programmes. Secured Firstrank at the national level in this examination in Physical Sciences.

15. 2013 Joint Entrance Screening Test, Third Rank

The Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) is a joint qualifying test for admissions to2013the Ph.D. programmes in several leading research institutes in India. SecuredThird rank at the national level.

16. 2013 Prof. Satyendra Nath Bose Memorial Prize

For securing First rank in M.Sc. Physics examination 2013 in University of2013Calcutta.

17. 2013 Sujan Kumar Seal Memorial Scholarship

For completion of two year M.Sc. Physics with highest marks in University of2013Calcutta.

18. 2011 Shyama Prasad Mookerjee Gold Medal

For highest scholastic record among all the Honours graduates of Presidency2011College.

19. 2010 National Top One Percent

Placed in national top one percent in the National Graduate Physics Examination2010(NGPE), 2010 conducted by Indian Association of Physics Teachers.

20. 2009 KVPY Fellowship

This fellowship is given by Department of Science and Technology, India for2009–2013pursuing science career to about 100 students in the whole country and carrieshighest amount of scholarship.

21. 2008 INSPIRE Fellowship

This fellowship is given by Department of Science and Technology, India for2008–2009pursuing science career with outstanding scholastic record.



academic visits

1. 2019 Charles University in Prague

Worked on possible connection between supergravity and thermodynamics asVisiting Fellowwell as on multipole moments and there connection with Noether charge.

2. 2019 INFN Bologna

Worked on zero point length. In particular, whether one can have a correctionVisiting Fellowto the metric which can introduce a zero-point length in spacetime was thekey motivation of the study. Issue of null vectors has also been explored.

3. 2018 Chennai Mathematical Institute

Worked on black hole thermodynamics in supergravity theories. In particular,Visiting Fellowwhether one can have a correction to the entropy area relation in presence ofhigher curvature terms as well as higher dimensions was the key motivationof the study during the visit.

4. 2017-2019 Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics

Worked on higher spin theories as well as higher dimensional physics. InLong-TermVisiting Fellow particular whether one can have a consistent theory of higher spin and gravity

in presence of higher curvature terms as well as higher dimensions was thekey motivation of the study during the visits.

5. 2018 Institute of Theoretical Physics, Koln, Germany

Visited Institute of Theoretical Physics located at University of Cologne, Ger-Visiting Fellowmany in 2018 for a week. Worked on quantum cosmology and back-reactionproblem in gravity.

6. 2018 Department of Physics, IISER Mohali

Visited department of physics, IISER Mohali in 2018 for a couple of weeks andVisiting Fellowworked on Bell’s inequality in black hole spacetimes.

7. 2017 Department of Physics, IIT Gandhinagar

Visited IIT Gandhinagar, Department of Physics for a couple of weeks in 2017Visiting Fellowand works on black hole thermodynamics and dynamical black hole horizons.

8. 2016 SISSA, Italy

Visited SISSA, Italy for a week in 2016 and discussed on spacetime thermody-Visiting Fellownamics and several aspects of quantum fields on curved spacetime.

9. 2015 Theory Division, Physical Research Laboratory

Visited Department of Physics in Physical Research Laboratory for a couple ofVisiting Fellowweeks in 2015 and works on neutrino oscillation and baryogenesis.



10. 2015 Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai

Visited Institute of Mathematical Sciences for couple of weeks in 2015 andVisiting Fellowworked on various aspects of zero-point length and possible quantum gravitysignature.

other academic distinctions

1. Secured fifth rank in physical sciences in the National Eligibility Test (NET)conducted by CSIR-UGC, Government of India in December, 2012.

2. Nirode Baran Bakshi memorial prize, 2011, for securing first rank from Presi-dency college in B.Sc. examination.

3. Awarded Millennium prize, 2011 for securing the highest percentage of marksin all science examinations by Millennium Re-Union committee of StatisticsDepartment of Calcutta university.

4. Scindia Silver Medal, 2010 for securing highest marks in B.Sc. examinationamong the students of Presidency college.

5. Jyotish Ch. Chakraborti scholarship, 2009 for securing highest marks in B.Sc.examination among the students of Presidency college.

post-doctoral fellows

1. Ramit Dey joined me as a Post-Doctoral fellow on January of 2020. He did hisPhD from SISSA and then a brief Post-Doc in Canada. He is currently workingon observational aspects of gravitational Physics.

2. Karthik Rajeev joined me as a Post-Doctoral fellow on January of 2020. Hedid his PhD from IUCAA. He is currently working on quantum fields oncurved spacetimes.

3. Soumya Bhattachrya joined me as a Post-Doctoral fellow for the period Au-gust, 2020 till December, 2020. He did his PhD from IIT Kharagpur and iscurrently a Post-Doctoral fellow at S.N.Bose Centre for Basic Sciences. He hadworked on pseudo-energies in general relativity.

project students

1. I am guiding one M.Sc. student from St. Xaviers College, Mumbai. He is2020working on the determination of the quasi-normal mode of wormholes.

2. I am guiding two integrated PhD students from IACS. They are working onthe Newman-Penrose formalism and black hole thermodynamics respectively.

3. I am guiding one BS-MS student from IISER Mohali. He is working on actionprinciple for general relativity.



4. I am guiding one BS-MS student from IISER Kolkata. He is working onHawking radiation and black hole information loss paradox.

5. I have guided one M.Sc. student from IIT Gandhinagar. He has worked on2019violation of strong cosmic censorship conjecture in presence of NUT charge.

6. I have guided one BS-MS student from IISER Pune. He has worked on WKBapproximation and Quasi-Normal Modes.

7. I have guided one M.Sc. student from Presidency University. He has worked2018on application of pseudo-Newtonian potential in alternative gravity theories.He has successfully defended his project in May, 2018.

8. I have guided one M.Sc. student from Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda2017Educational and Research Institute. He has worked on some basic aspectsof Einstein-Hilbert action and Kaluza-Klein reduction of higher dimensionalgravitational action.

brief summary of research works

• Publications in Journals: 73 (6 single authored + 33 first authored).

• Invited Articles: 1 (1 single authored).

• Invited Review Articles: 1 (1 first authored).

• Book Chapters: 1 (1 single authored).

• Books Authored: 1 (1 single authored).

• Seminars Given: 47.

• Conferences/Workshops Attended: 23 (12 international, 27 Oral Presenta-tions).

• Conferences Organized: 4 (3 national, 1 international).

• Research Training Schools Attended: 3 (3 international).

• Refereeing for Journals: Physics Letters B, European Physical Journal C,Classical and Quantum Gravity, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomi-cal Society, Physics Letters A, Physics of the Dark Universe, Nuclear PhysicsB, General Relativity and Gravitation, Pramana, Annals of Physics, Mod-ern Physics Letters A, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Interna-tional Journal of Modern Physics D, Journal of Astrophysics and Astron-omy, Indian Journal of Physics, Journal of Cosmology and AstroparticlePhysics, Chinese Physics C, Journal of Physics: Communications, EuropeanPhysics Letters.

• Total Number of Papers Reviewed: 78.



books published

1. Author(s): Sumanta Chakraborty2017Title: Classical and Quantum Aspects of Gravity in Relation to TheEmergent ParadigmPublisher: Springer (Series: Springer Theses)Year of Publication: 2017ISBN: 978-3-319-63732-7 (Print); 978-3-319-63733-4 (Online)

publications (in refereed international journals)

1. Sajal Mukherjee and Sumanta Chakraborty, Multipole moments of compact ob-2020jects with NUT charge: Theoretical and observational implications, Physical ReviewD, 102, 124058 (2020). [arXiv:2008.06891]

2. P.B. Aneesh, Sumanta Chakraborty, Sk. Jahanur Hoque and Amitabh Virmani,First law of black hole mechanics with fermions, Classical and Quantum Gravity,37, 205014 (2020). [arXiv:2004.10215]

3. Sumanta Chakraborty, Softly broken conformal symmetry with higher curvatureterms, Physical Review D, 102, 064030 (2020). [arXiv:2004.09690]

4. Mostafizur Rahman, Soumodeep Mitra and Sumanta Chakraborty, Strongcosmic censorship with NUT charge and conformal coupling, Classical and QuantumGravity, 37, 195004 (2020). [arXiv:2001.00599]

5. Sumanta Chakraborty and Naresh Dadhich, Limits on stellar structures inLovelock theories of gravity, Physics of the Dark Universe 30, 100658 (2020).[arXiv:2005.07504]

6. Ramit Dey, Sumanta Chakraborty and Niayesh Afshordi, Echoes from thebraneworld black holes, Physical Review D 101, 104014 (2020). [arXiv:2001.01301]

7. Kabir Chakravarti, Sumanta Chakraborty, Khun Sang Phukon, Sukanta Boseand Soumitra SenGupta, Constraining extra-spatial dimensions with observations ofGW170817, Classical and Quantum Gravity 37, 105004 (2020). [arXiv:1903.10159]

8. Akash K. Mishra and Sumanta Chakraborty, Strong cosmic censorship in highercurvature gravity, Physical Review D 101, 064041 (2020). [arXiv:1911.09855]

9. Sumanta Chakraborty and T. Padmanabhan, Boundary term in the gravitationalaction is the heat content of the null surfaces, Physical Review D 101, 064023 (2020).[arXiv:1909.00096]

10. Indrani Banerjee, Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Silhouetteof M87*: A New Window to Peek into the World of Hidden Dimensions, PhysicalReview D [Rapid Communication] 101, 041301 (2020). [arXiv:1909.09385]

11. T.R. Govindarajan and Sumanta Chakraborty, Embedding in flat spacetime2019and black hole thermodynamics, Modern Physics Letters A 34, 2050013 (2019).[arXiv:1908.09074]



12. Sumanta Chakraborty, Dawood Kothawala and Alessandro Pesci, Raychaud-huri equation with zero-point length, Physics Letters B 797, 134877 (2019). [arXiv:1904.09053]

13. Indrani Banerjee, Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Decodingsignatures of extra dimensions and estimating spin of quasars from the continuumspectrum, Physical Review D 100, 044045 (2019). [arXiv:1905.08043]

14. Karthik Rajeev, Sumanta Chakraborty and T. Padmanabhan, Generalized Schwingereffect and particle production in an expanding universe, Physical Review D 100,045019 (2019). [arXiv:1904.03207]

15. Akash K. Mishra, Sumanta Chakraborty and Sudipta Sarkar, Understandingphoton sphere and black hole shadow in dynamically evolving spacetimes, PhysicalReview D 99, 104080 (2019). [arXiv:1903.06376]

16. Mostafizur Rahman, Sumanta Chakraborty, Soumitra SenGupta and Anjan A.Sen, Fate of Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture in Presence of Higher SpacetimeDimensions, Journal of High Energy Physics 1903, 178 (2019). [arXiv:1811.08538]

17. Sajal Mukherjee, Sumanta Chakraborty and Naresh Dadhich, On some novelfeatures of the Kerr-Newman-NUT Spacetime, European Physical Journal C 79,161 (2019). [arXiv:1807.02216]

18. [Editor’s Choice] Sumanta Chakraborty and Krishnamohan Parattu, NullBoundary Terms for Lanczos-Lovelock Gravity, General Relativity and Gravitation51, 23 (2019). [arXiv:1806.08823]

19. Kabir Chakravarti, Sumanta Chakraborty, Sukanta Bose and Soumitra Sen-Gupta, Tidal Love Numbers of Black Holes and Neutron Stars in the Presence ofHigher Dimensions: Implications of GW170817, Physical Review D 99, 024036

(2019). [arXiv:1811.11364]

20. Indrani Banerjee, Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Radion in-duced inflation on non-flat brane and modulus stabilization, Physical Review D 99,023515 (2019). [arXiv:1806.11327]

21. Sumanta Chakraborty and Kinjalk Lochan, Decoding infrared imprints of quan-tum origins of black holes, Physics Letters B 789, 276 (2019). [arXiv:1711.10660]

22. Sumanta Chakraborty, Tanmoy Paul and Soumitra SenGupta, Inflation driven2018by Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity, Physical Review D 98, 083539 (2018). [arXiv:1804.03004]

23. Sumanta Chakraborty and Ramit Dey, Noether current, Black hole entropy andSpacetime torsion, Physics Letters B 786, 432 (2018). [arXiv:1806.05840]

24. Karthik Rajeev, Sumanta Chakraborty and T. Padmanabhan, A commenton generalized Schwinger effect, European Physical Journal C 78, 836 (2018).[arXiv:1712.06621]

25. Rabin Banerjee, Sumanta Chakraborty and Pradip Mukherjee, Late-time ac-celeration driven by shift-symmetric Galileon in the presence of torsion, PhysicalReview D 98, 083506 (2018). [arXiv:1802.04150]



26. Akash Mishra, Sumanta Chakraborty, Avirup Ghosh and Sudipta Sarkar, Onthe physical process first law for dynamical black holes, Journal of High EnergyPhysics 1809, 034 (2018). [arXiv:1709.08925]

27. Karthik Rajeev, Sumanta Chakraborty and T. Padmanabhan, Inverting a normalharmonic oscillator: Physical interpretation and applications, General Relativity andGravitation 50, 116 (2018). [arXiv:1712.06617]

28. Kinjalk Lochan, Sumanta Chakraborty and T. Padmanabhan, Unruh effect forinertial observers through vacuum correlations, European Physical Journal C 78,433 (2018). [arXiv:1603.01964]

29. Sajal Mukherjee and Sumanta Chakraborty, Horndeski theories confront the grav-ity probe B experiment, Physical Review D 97, 124007 (2018). [arXiv:1712.00562]

30. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Packing extra mass in compactstellar structures: An interplay between Kalb-Ramond field and extra dimensions, Jour-nal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1805, 032 (2018). [arXiv:1708.08315]

31. Sumanta Chakraborty, Kabir Chakravarti, Sukanta Bose and Soumitra Sen-Gupta, Signatures of extra-dimensions in gravitational waves from black hole quasi-normal modes, Physical Review D 97, 104053 (2018). [arXiv:1710.05188]

32. [Invited Article; For Special Issue: Black Holes: Insights and Enigmas]Sumanta Chakraborty, Field equations for Lovelock gravity: An alternative route,Advances in High Energy Physics 2018, 6509045 (2018). [arXiv:1704.07366]

33. Sumanta Chakraborty and Naresh Dadhich, 1/r potential in higher dimensions,European Physical Journal C 78, 81 (2018). [arXiv:1605.01961]

34. Indrani Banerjee, Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Excavating2017black hole continuum spectrum: Possible signatures of scalar hairs and of extradimensions, Physical Review D 96, 084035 (2017). [arXiv:1707.04494]

35. Sourav Bhattacharya, Sumanta Chakraborty and T. Padmanabhan, Entropy ofa box of gas in an external gravitational field — revisited, Physical Review D 96,084030 (2017). [arXiv:1702.08723]

36. Rabin Banerjee, Sumanta Chakraborty, Arpita Mitra and Pradip Mukherjee,Cosmological implications of shift symmetric Galileon field, Physical Review D 96,064023 (2017). [arXiv:1705.06941]

37. Sumanta Chakraborty, Krishnamohan Parattu and T. Padmanabhan, A novelderivation of the boundary term for the action in Lanczos-Lovelock gravity, GeneralRelativity and Gravitation 49, 121 (2017). [arXiv:1703.00624]

38. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Gravity stabilizes itself, Euro-pean Physical Journal C 77, 573 (2017). [arXiv:1701.01032]

39. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Strong gravitational lensing —A probe for extra dimensions and Kalb-Ramond field, Journal of Cosmology andAstroparticle Physics 1707, 045 (2017). [arXiv:1611.06936]



40. [Invited Review; For Special Issue: Open Questions in Black Hole Physics]Sumanta Chakraborty and Kinjalk Lochan, Black Holes: Eliminating Informationor Illuminating New Physics?, Universe 3, 55 (2017). [arXiv:1702.07487]

41. Naresh Dadhich and Sumanta Chakraborty, Buchdahl compactness limit for apure Lovelock static fluid star, Physical Review D 95, 064059 (2017). [arXiv:1606.01330]

42. [Book Chapter; Published in Gravity and the Quantum by Springer]Sumanta Chakraborty, Boundary Terms of the Einstein-Hilbert Action, Funda-mental Theories of Physics, 187, 43 (2017). [arXiv:1607.05986]

43. Sourav Bhattacharya and Sumanta Chakraborty, Constraining some Horndeskigravity theories, Physical Review D 95, 044037 (2017). [arXiv:1607.03693]

44. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Kinematics of Radion field:2016A possible source of dark matter, European Physical Journal C 76, 648 (2016).[arXiv:1511.00646]

45. Sumanta Chakraborty, Sourav Bhattacharya and T. Padmanabhan, Entropy ofa generic null surface from its associated Virasoro algebra, Physics Letters B 763,347 (2016). [arXiv:1605.06988]

46. [Honorable mention by the Gravity Research Foundation]Sumanta Chakraborty and Kinjalk Lochan, Quantum leaps of black holes: Mag-nifying glasses of quantum gravity, International Journal of Modern Physics D25, 1644024 (2016). [arXiv:1606.04348]

47. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Solving higher curvature gravitytheories, European Physical Journal C 76, 552 (2016). [arXiv:1604.05301]

48. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Spherically symmetric branein a bulk of f(R) and Gauss-Bonnet Gravity, Classical and Quantum Gravity 33,225001 (2016). [arXiv:1510.01953]

49. Kinjalk Lochan, Sumanta Chakraborty and T. Padmanabhan, Information re-trieval from black holes, Physical Review D 94, 044056 (2016). [arXiv:1604.04987]

50. Krishnamohan Parattu, Sumanta Chakraborty, Bibhas Ranjan Majhi and T.Padmanabhan, A Boundary Term for the Gravitational Action with Null Boundaries,General Relativity and Gravitation 48, 94 (2016). [arXiv:1501.01053]

51. T. Padmanabhan, Sumanta Chakraborty and Dawood Kothawala, Spacetimewith zero-point length is two-dimensional at the Planck scale, General Relativityand Gravitation 48, 55 (2016). [arXiv:1507.05669]

52. Krishnamohan Parattu, Sumanta Chakraborty and T. Padmanabhan, Varia-tional Principle for Gravity with Null and Non-null boundaries: A Unified BoundaryCounter-term, European Physical Journal C 76, 129 (2016). [arXiv:1602.07546]

53. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Solutions on a brane in abulk spacetime with Kalb-Ramond field, Annals of Physics 367, 258-279 (2016).[arXiv:1412.7783]



54. Kinjalk Lochan and Sumanta Chakraborty, Discrete quantum spectrum of blackholes, Physics Letters B 755, 37-42 (2016). [arXiv:1509.09010]

55. Sumanta Chakraborty and Naresh Dadhich, Brown-York quasilocal energy in2015Lanczos-Lovelock gravity and black hole horizons, Journal of High Energy Physics1512, 003 (2015). [arXiv:1509.02156]

56. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Effective field equation on m-brane embedded in n-dimensional bulk of Einstein and f(R) gravity, EuropeanPhysical Journal C 75, 538 (2015). [arXiv:1504.07519]

57. Sumanta Chakraborty and T. Padmanabhan, Thermodynamical interpretation ofgeometrical variables associated with null surfaces, Physical Review D 92, 104011

(2015). [arXiv:1508.04060]

58. Sumanta Chakraborty, Krishnamohan Parattu and T. Padmanabhan, Gravita-tional field equations near an arbitrary null surface expressed as a thermodynamicidentity, Journal of High Energy Physics 1510, 097 (2015). [arXiv:1505.05297]

59. Sumanta Chakraborty, Aspects of Neutrino Oscillation in Alternative GravityTheories, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1510, 019 (2015).[arXiv:1506.02647]

60. Sumanta Chakraborty, Lanczos-Lovelock gravity from a thermodynamic perspec-tive, Journal of High Energy Physics 1508, 029 (2015). [arXiv:1505.07272]

61. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Metric factorizability and equiva-lence of brane world models with Brans-Dicke theory, Physical Review D 92, 024059

(2015). [arXiv:1502.00783]

62. Sumanta Chakraborty, Suprit Singh and T. Padmanabhan, A quantum peekinside the black hole event horizon, Journal of High Energy Physics 1506, 192

(2015). [arXiv:1503.01774]

63. Sumanta Chakraborty, Equilibrium configuration of perfect fluid orbiting aroundblack holes in some classes of alternative gravity theories, Classical and QuantumGravity 32, 075007 (2015). [arXiv:1406.0417]

64. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Spherically symmetric branespacetime in bulk f (R) gravity, European Physical Journal C 75, 11 (2015).[arXiv:1409.4115]

65. Sumanta Chakraborty and T. Padmanabhan, Evolution of Spacetime arises due2014to the departure from Holographic Equipartition in all Lanczos-Lovelock Theories ofGravity, Physical Review D 90, 124017 (2014) [arXiv:1408.4679]

66. Sumanta Chakraborty and T. Padmanabhan, Geometrical variables with directthermodynamic significance in Lanczos-Lovelock gravity, Physical Review D 90,084021 (2014). [arXiv:1408.4791]

67. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Radion cosmology and stabiliza-tion, European Physical Journal C 74, 3045 (2014). [arXiv:1306.0805]



68. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Higher curvature gravity at theLHC, Physical Review D 90, 047901 (2014). [arXiv:1403.3164]

69. Suprit Singh and Sumanta Chakraborty, Black hole kinematics: the “in” vacuumenergy density and flux for different observers, Physical Review D 90, 024011 (2014).[arXiv:1404.0684]

70. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Bulk scalar field in warped extradimensional models, Physical Review D 89, 126001 (2014). [arXiv:1401.3279]

71. Bibhas Ranjan Majhi and Sumanta Chakraborty, Anomalous effective action,Noether current, Virasoro algebra and Horizon entropy, European Physical JournalC 74, 2867 (2014). [arXiv:1311.1324]

72. Sumanta Chakraborty, Constraining alternative gravity theories using the solarneutrino problem, Classical and Quantum Gravity 31, 055005 (2014). [arXiv:1309.0693]

73. Sumanta Chakraborty and Soumitra SenGupta, Solar system constraints on al-ternative gravity theories, Physical Review D 89, 026003 (2014). [arXiv:1208.1433]

74. Sumanta Chakraborty, Velocity measurements in some classes of alternative gravity2013theories, Astrophysics and Space Science 347, 411-421 (2013). [arXiv:1210.1569]

75. Prabir. K. Mukherjee, Sumanta Chakraborty and Sylwester. J. Rzoska, Non-2011linear dielectric effect in the isotropic phase above the isotropic-cholesteric phasetransition, Chemical Physics 389, 64-67 (2011). [arXiv:1112.1063]

76. Sumanta Chakraborty and Subenoy Chakraborty, Trajectory around a sphericallysymmetric non-rotating black hole, Canadian Journal of Physics 89, 689-695 (2011).[arXiv:1109.0676]

computer skills


LATEX, OpenOffice, Linux, Microsoft Windows, MacOS.Intermediate


popular talks

1. [Online Colloquium] Standing on the Shoulders of the Giants, at Jodhpur2020Park Boys School, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 1st November, 2020)

2. [Online Colloquium] Black Holes: Road to Quantum Gravity, at JadavpurUniversity, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 27th August, 2020)

3. Black Holes: The Road to Quantum Gravity, at Department of Physics, VivekanandaCollege, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 28th February, 2020)



seminars given

1. [Online Majorana-Raychaudhuri Seminar] Cosmic Censorship Conjecture:2021Past, Present and Future, at Physics and Applied Mathematics Unit, IndianStatistical Institute, India and Department of Physics, INFN Salerno, Italy. (Dated:29th January, 2021)

2. [Online Seminar] Searching for Theories Beyond General Relativity: Why2020and How?, at Department of Physics, Groningen University, Netherlands. (Dated:3rd December, 2020)

3. [Online Seminar] From Boundary Action to Thermodynamics in Gravity,at Department of Physics, Milan, Italy. (Dated: 10th November, 2020)

4. [Online Colloquium] Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture: Past, Presentand Future, at IUCAA, Pune, India. (Dated: 23rd July, 2020)

5. [Online Seminar] Searching for theories beyond General Relativity: Whyand How, at CENTRA, Instituto Superior Technico, Lisbon, Portugal. (Dated:25th June, 2020)

6. Tidal Love numbers, at Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai, India. (Dated:20th February, 2020)

7. Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture: Recent Developments, at ChennaiMathematical Institute, Chennai, India. (Dated: 17th February, 2020)

8. Null Surfaces, Boundary Action and Thermodynamics, at Institute of Theoret-2019ical Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. (Dated: 15th October,2019)

9. Boundary Action, Thermodynamics and Zero-Point Length, at INFN andUniversity of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. (Dated: 3rd October, 2019)

10. Zero-Point Length and Small Scale Structure of Spacetime, at Albert EinsteinInstitute, Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany.(Dated: 30th September, 2019)

11. Quantum Fields, Black Holes and Back-reaction, at Astro-particle PhysicsDepartment, SISSA, Trieste, Italy. (Dated: 25th July, 2019)

12. Thermodynamics, Null Surfaces and Spacetime Torsion, at Department of2018Physics, IIT Madras, Chennai, India. (Dated: 18th September, 2018)

13. Action Principle for Gravity, Null Surfaces and Thermodynamic Conse-quences, at Theoretical Physics Department, Institute for Mathematical Sciences,Chennai, India. (Dated: 17th September, 2018)

14. Quantum Fields on Some Black Hole Spacetimes and Their Implications,at Albert Einstein Institute, Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics,Potsdam, Germany. (Dated: 16th July, 2018)



15. Quantum Field Theory in Some Black Hole Background and Possible Im-plications, at Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, Germany.(Dated: 10th July, 2018)

16. Some Novel Features of Spacetime Torsion and Its Astrophysical Implica-tions, at IUCAA, Pune, India. (Dated: 05th June, 2018)

17. Action for Gravity, Alternatives and Astrophysical Implications, at Depart-ment of Physics, Delhi University, Delhi, India. (Dated: 24th May, 2018)

18. Quantum Aspects of Black Holes, at Centre for Theoretical Physics, Jamia MilliaIslamia, Delhi, India. (Dated: 22nd May, 2018)

19. Gravitational Action, Null Surfaces and Thermodynamics, at Department ofPhysics, IISER Kolkata, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 8th May, 2018)

20. Action for Gravity, Possible Alternatives and Implications, at Department ofTheoretical Physics, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India. (Dated:23rd April, 2018)

21. A Tale of Two Cities: Gravity and Thermodynamics, at Department of Physics,Presidency University, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 14th March, 2018)

22. A Tale of Two Cities: Gravity and Thermodynamics, at Department of Physics,IISER Mohali, Chandigarh, India. (Dated: 12th March, 2018)

23. A Tale of Two Cities: Gravity and Thermodynamics, at Department of Physics,IIT Ropar, Ropar, India. (Dated: 9th March, 2018)

24. Action Principle for Gravity, Null Surfaces and Thermodynamics, at Inter-2017national Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore, India. (Dated: 19th December,2017)

25. On geometry and thermodynamics of null surfaces, at Theoretical PhysicsDivision, S.N.Bose Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 21stSeptember, 2017)

26. Gravity, Thermodynamics and Null Surfaces, at Theoretical Physics Depart-ment, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India. (Dated: 7th September,2017)

27. Gravity and Thermodynamics: A Tale of two Cities, at Department of Physics,IIT Gandhinagar, Gandhinagar, India. (Dated: 6th September, 2017)

28. Classical and Quantum Aspects of Gravity in Relation to the EmergentParadigm, at Theoretical Physics Department, Indian Association for the Cultiva-tion of science, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 25th August, 2017)

29. On Geometry and Thermodynamics of Null Surfaces, at Albert Einstein In-stitute, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Golm, Germany. (Dated:25th April, 2017)

30. Principle of Least Action in General Relativity, at Department of Physics,2016IISC, Bangalore, India. (Dated: 5th December, 2016)



31. Information Retrieval from Black Holes, at Department of Physics, INFN andUniversity of Trieste, Trieste, Italy. (Dated: 14th June, 2016)

32. Gravity and Thermodynamics: The Importance of being Null, at Astroparti-cle Physics Department, SISSA, Trieste, Italy. (Dated: 9th June, 2016)

33. Gravity and Thermodynamics: The Importance of being Null, at TheoreticalPhysics Department, Indian Association for the Cultivation of science, Kolkata,India. (Dated: 19th may, 2016)

34. Gravity and Thermodynamics: The Importance of being Null, at Departmentof Theoretical Physics, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India. (Dated:17th March, 2016)

35. From Spacetime Geometry to Thermodynamics, at Physics Department, Presi-dency University, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 16th March, 2016)

36. General Relativity and Principle of Least Action, at Department of Physics,2015IIT Madras, India. (Dated: 5th November, 2015)

37. The Dynamical Evolution of the Spacetime and Equipartition, at TheoreticalPhysics Department, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India. (Dated:4th November, 2015)

38. Action Principle for General Relativity and its Relation to Null Surfaces, atPhysics and Applied Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India.(Dated: 8th October, 2015)

39. The Dynamical Evolution of the Spacetime, at Department of Theoretical Sci-ences, S.N. Bose Center for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 7th October,2015)

40. Action Principle in General Relativity, at Theoretical Physics Department, In-dian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 5thOctober, 2015)

41. Principle of Least Action in General Relativity, at Theoretical Physics Depart-ment, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India. (Dated: 3rd September,2015)

42. From Spacetime Geometry to Thermodynamics, at Department of Physics, IITGandhinagar, India. (Dated: 2nd September, 2015)

43. Extra Dimension with Radion and Torsion, at Theoretical Physics Department,Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 30thJuly, 2015)

44. A quantum peek inside the black hole event horizon, at Theoretical PhysicsDepartment, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India.(Dated: 21st April, 2015)

45. Higher Curvature Gravity: Extra Dimensions and Phenomenology at Theo-2014retical Physics Department, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science,Kolkata, India. (Dated: 21st October, 2014)



46. From Dynamical Evolution of Spacetime to Holographic Equipartition atTheoretical Physics Department, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science,Kolkata, India. (Dated: 25th September, 2014)

47. Black Holes: The Inside Story at Department of Physics, University of Calcutta,Kolkata, India. (Dated: 24th September, 2014)

conferences/workshops attended

1. [Invited Talk]Black Holes: Road to Quantum Gravity, at C.K. Majumdar2020Memorial Workshop, S.N. Bose Center for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, India. (Dated:29th December, 2020 - 4th January, 2021) Oral Presentation.

2. [N. R. Sen Award Lecture]Searching for Theories Beyond GR using Gravi-tational Waves, at 31st IAGRG Meeting, IIT Gandhinagar, Gandhinagar, India.(Dated: 19th - 20th December, 2020) Oral Presentation.

3. Laws of Black Hole Mechanics with Fermions, at 31st IAGRG Meeting, IITGandhinagar, Gandhinagar, India. (Dated: 19th - 20th December, 2020) OralPresentation.

4. [Invited Talk]Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture: Recent Developments,at From Bulk to Boundary, IIT Gandhinagar, Gandhinagar, India. (Dated: 12th -15th March, 2020) Oral Presentation.

5. [Invited Talk]Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture: Recent Developments,at Chennai Symposium for Gravitation and Cosmology, IIT Madras, Chennai, India.(Dated: 22nd - 24th January, 2020) Oral Presentation.

6. [Plenary Talk]Gravitational Action, Thermality and Information Loss, at2019ICGC, IISER Mohali, Chandigarh, India. (Dated: 10th - 13th December, 2019)Oral Presentation.

7. [Invited Talk]Set of three lectures on possible connection between null sur-faces and thermodynamics, at Workshop on Emergent Gravity, CUSAT, Kochi,India. (Dated: 8th - 10th November, 2019) Oral Presentation.

8. [Invited Talk]Signatures of Theories Beyond General Relativity throughGravitational Waves, at Future of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, ICTS, Banga-lore, India. (Dated: 19th - 22nd July, 2019) Oral Presentation.

9. Fate of Extra Dimensions in Light of GW170817, at GR 22 and Amaldi 13,Palacio de Congresos Valencia, Valecnia, Spain. (Dated: 7th - 12th July, 2019)Oral Presentation.

10. Gravity, Null Surfaces and Thermodynamics, at GR 22 and Amaldi 13, Palaciode Congresos de Valencia, Valencia, Spain. (Dated: 7th - 12th July, 2019) OralPresentation.

11. [Invited Talk]Action Principle for Gravity and Theories Beyond GeneralRelativity, at Gravity at Different Length Scales, IACS, Kolkata, India. (Dated:25th - 27th February, 2019) Oral Presentation.



12. Galileon Cosmology with Torsion, at Cosmology — The Next Decade, ICTS,Bangalore, India. (Dated: 22nd - 25th January, 2019) Oral Presentation.

13. Noether Current, Black Hole Entropy and Spacetime Torsion, at 30th Meetingof Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation, BITS Pilani, Hyder-abad, India. (Dated: 3rd - 6th January, 2019) Oral Presentation.

14. Boundary Terms in Gravitational Action, at Current Developments in Field2018Theory and Gravity, SNBNCBS, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 3rd - 7th December,2018) Oral Presentation.

15. [Invited Talk]Signatures of Theories Beyond General Relativity in Gravita-tional Waves, at Physics and Astrophysics at the eXtreme, IVth Meeting, IUCAA,Pune, India. (Dated: 7th - 10th August, 2018) Oral Presentation.

16. Information Retrieval from Black Holes, at 2nd Information Universe Confer-ence, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands. (Dated: 3rd - 6th July,2018) Oral Presentation.

17. Signatures of Extra Dimensions from Black Hole Quasi-Normal Modes, at21st CAPRA Meeting, Albert-Einstein Institute, Potsdam, Germany. (Dated:25th - 29th June, 2018) Oral Presentation.

18. [Invited Talk]From Black Hole Thermodynamics to Cosmological Constant,2017at National Workshop on Cosmological Constant, CCEGR-2017, Burdwan Univer-sity, Burdwan, India. (Dated: 26th July - 2nd August, 2017) Oral Presentation.

19. Introducing zero point length to the spacetime, at 29th Meeting of IndianAssociation for General Relativity and Gravitation, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, India.(Dated: 18th - 20th May, 2017) Oral Presentation.

20. Thermodynamics and null surfaces, at 29th Meeting of Indian Association forGeneral Relativity and Gravitation, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, India. (Dated: 18th -20th May, 2017) Oral Presentation.

21. [Invited Talk]Boundary Terms for the Gravitational Action, at Aspects ofGravity and Cosmology, IUCAA, Pune, India. (Dated: 7th - 9th March, 2017)Oral Presentation.

22. Information Retrieval from Black Holes, at Fundamental Problems in Quantum2016Physics, ICTS, Bangalore, India. (Dated: 4th - 10th December, 2016) OralPresentation.

23. [Invited Talk]When Mathematics Meets Physics, at National Conference onGeneral Relativity, CCEGR-2016, Krishnagar Women’s College, Krishnanagar,India. (Dated: 6th - 7th September, 2016) Oral Presentation.

24. Discrete Quantum Spectrum of Black Holes, at International Conference on2015Gravitation and Cosmology, IISER Mohali, India. (Dated: 14th - 18th December,2015) Oral Presentation.

25. Thermodynamics of Null Surfaces, at International Conference on Gravitationand Cosmology, IISER Mohali, India. (Dated: 14th - 18th December, 2015) OralPresentation.



26. Thermodynamic Interpretation of Geometrical Variables Associated withNull Surfaces, at the International Workshop on Advances in Astroparticle Physicsand Cosmology, Saha Institute for Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India. (Dated: 12th -17th October, 2015) Oral Presentation.

27. Evolution of spacetime arises due to the departure from holographic equipar-tition in all Lanczos-Lovelock theories of gravity at the 33rd meeting of theAstronomical Society of India (ASI), National Center for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA),Pune, India. (Dated: 17th - 20th February, 2015) Oral Presentation.

conferences organized

1. Organized a two day online international workshop on various aspects of2020gravitational wave physics, with joint collaboration between the Indian As-sociation for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India and IIT Gandhinagar,Gandhinagar, India. This was named as Testing General Relativity usingGravitational Waves, which took place from 13th - 14th August, 2020.

2. Organized a one day national symposium on various aspects of gravitationalphysics at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India.This was named as Observational Aspects of Black Hole Physics, which tookplace on 9th January, 2020.

3. Organized a three day national conference on various aspects of gravitational2019physics at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India.This was named as Gravity at Different Length Scales, which took place forthe duration 25th February to 27th February, 2019.

4. Organized a one day national conference on Aspects of Black Hole Physics at2017Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India. This was the7th TCGCA (Topical Conference on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics)meeting, which took place on 25th March, 2017.

research training schools attended

1. Attended School on Geometry and Gravity held in ICTP, Trieste, for theduration 15th - 26th July, 2019.

2. Attended Summer School on Cosmology held in ICTP, Trieste, for the dura-tion 6th - 17th June, 2016.

3. Attended School and Workshop on Large Scale Structure: From Galaxies tothe Cosmic Web held in IUCAA, Pune, for the duration 1st - 12th February,2016.

letters of references

The following may be consulted for Letters of References (in alphabetical order).

1. Prof. Rabin BanerjeeEmeritus Professor, Department of Theoretical Sciences, S.N.Bose NationalCenter for Basic Sciences, Block-JD, Sector-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 106,



India.Email: [email protected]

2. Dr. Sourav BhattacharyaAssistant Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of TechnologyRopar, Rupnagar, Punjab 140001, India.Email: [email protected]

3. Prof. Sukanta BoseProfessor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Washington State University,1245 Webster, Pullman, WA 99164-2814, U.S.A.andProfessor, Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA),Post Bag 4, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007, India.

Science lead of the LIGO-India Project.Email: [email protected]

4. Prof. Naresh DadhichEmeritus Scientist, Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics(IUCAA), Post Bag 4, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007,India.Email: [email protected]

5. Prof. T.R. GovindarajanAdjunct Professor, Chennai Mathematical Institute, H1, SIPCOT IT Park,Siruseri, Kelambakkam 603103, India.andEmeritus Scientist, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, IV Cross Road, CITCampus, Taramani Chennai 600 113, India.Email: [email protected]

6. Dr. Dawood KothawalaAssistant Professor, Department of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Tech-nology, Madras, Chennai 600036, India.Email: [email protected]

7. Dr. Kinjalk LochanAssistant Professor, Department of Physics, IISER Mohali, Manauli 140306,India.Email: [email protected]

8. Prof. Thanu Padmanabhan (Thesis Advisor)Distinguished Professor, Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astro-physics (IUCAA), Post Bag 4, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune411007, India.Email: [email protected]

9. Prof. Supratik PalAssociate Professor, Physics and Applied Mathematics Unit, Indian StatisticalInstitute, 203 B. T. Road, Kolkata 700108, India.Email: [email protected]

10. Dr. Alessandro PesciAssociate Professor, GAST Group, INFN Bologna, Via Irnerio, 46, 40126,Bologna, Italy.Email: [email protected]



11. Dr. Sudipta SarkarAssistant Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of TechnologyGandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar-382355, India.Email: [email protected]

12. Prof. Soumitra SenGuptaSenior Professor and Dean (Academic and Students Affairs), School of PhysicalSciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata700032, India.Email: [email protected]

13. Prof. Tejinder Pal SinghProfessor, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fun-damental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400005, India.Email: [email protected]

14. Prof. L. SriramkumarProfessor, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras,Chennai 600036, India.Email: [email protected]

15. Prof. Kandaswamy SubramanianProfessor, Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA),Post Bag 4, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007, India.Email: [email protected]

16. Prof. Amitabh VirmaniAssociate Professor, Chennai Mathematical Institute, H1, SIPCOT IT Park,Siruseri, Kelambakkam 603103, India.Email: [email protected]

IACS, Kolkata, India

January 31, 2021