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A gift to mad lovers of shaikh Abdul qadir Jilani..poems in praise of shaikhul aalam abdul qader jeelani,..qaseeda ghawthia,sultanul aarifeen dua..




    A Gift to mad lovers of QUTUBUL AALAM

    Shaikh ABDUL QADIR



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  • I dedicate this Book to my Beloved friend Muthu. Muthuu, you left me, but you cannot leave my heart. I hold you there, with or without

    your will. No matter where you go, you will be part of me, my dearest friend and beloved still,

    You cannot possibly know how much you mean to me, nor the influence that you have on my life.

    Thank you for standing together with me. Anytime you need a friend. I will be here!! MUTHUU... I LOVE YOUU

    -SAEED... you

  • Ani..muthu..


    Venerable shaikh Muhyidheen Abu Muhammad Abdul Qadir was born in the region of Al-jilan (thus named Jili) hijrah 470 in Iran, corresponding to 1077 A.D. saints father Abu Salih Jangi Dost Musa was among the progenies of imam Hassan.Jangi Dost was

    known for his piety and knowledge in Jilan.His mother was Ummul Khair Fathima Binth Shaikh Abdullah, al sawami, az-zahidi was descendent of Imam Hussain, the great

    Martyr. Shaikh Jilani was born in Ramzan and it is fairly accepted that Ummul Khair was over 60 at the time of his birth.the adherence to the path of al-Islam was in the blood of

    this blessed infant before birth and in his infancy. First reported sign of his greatness was his refusal of breast feeding during the day time in the month of his birth.

    18 years he lived with his mother in JIlan and was guided by his blessed mother and was grown up in an atmosphere of piety and love of Allah. At this time he had an ardent

    desire to go to Baghdad, the seat of Islamic learning. On an Eid-Al Adha day he approached his widowed mother and sought her permission to leave her in pursuit of

    Islamic knowledge, the path of Truth. At the time of departure she gave him 40 pieces of gold that his father left for the family with a promise not to tell a lie any time in life, leaving the other half to his brother. She bid fare well with tears to his beloved son

    reminding him: May Allah protect and guide you, my son. I separate from that which is dearest to me for Allahs sake. I know that I will not be able to see you until the day of

    last judgment. He joined a small caravan bound to Baghdad.

    Out side the city of Hamdan, the caravan was looted by a group of highwaymen and the young boy was questioned to find out what was in his possession. Unhesitatingly he told

    them what his mother had given him. Stung by the wonderment of the boys candid confession of truth, the leader of brigands questioned him why he told the truth risking

    his only valuable asset and perhaps at ht e cost of his life even! With candidness characteristic of him he answered, I must tell the truth under any circumstances, I promised to my mother. Shaken by the light of truth, the chief of bandits wept and

    confessed: I the reneged on my promise to the one, mighty. What will be my fate?. Seeing the tears of their leader the gang regretted their past and said to him, You have

    been our leader in Crime. Be our leader in repenting. History records these were the first men who turned to truth through the hand of shaikh, who became the sheikh of Qadriyya, Islamic mystic path. According to most trust worthy sources he arrived Baghdad in 488

    of Hijrah, the year in which great scholar Tamimi passed away. The caliph was al-Mustazhir-billah Abul Abbas Ahmed ibn al-Mukhadi bi-Amrillah Abul Kasim

    Abdullah of Abbasid Dynasty.

    According to shaikh Imam takhiyddheen Muhammad al-Lubnaani, on reaching the outskirts of Baghdad, khidr prevented him from entering the city and made him a

    wanderer for next 7 years . During this period of 7 years he lived a frugal life on banks of river Tigris or in a desert, keeping his body and soul together with leaf and vegetates and

  • some times only with water. Completing the period of gestation, one night he was welcomed to Baghdad thus, O, Abdul Qadir, enter Baghdad. Thus king of the pious, leader of Islamic savants entered the city of knowledge and center of royal intrigues.

    According to some version seeing the intrigues and evil dominated city he felt disgusted and tried to flee it fearing for his Iman, only taking a copy of Quran. A voice prevented

    him from escape to seclusion saying, Return, you must serve the people.

    On a cold night, an invisible hand lead him to the tekke(takkiya) of shaikh Hammad ibn Muslim(al-Dabbas).on seeing the young man, shaikh Hammad shut the door and made him to wait out side, the whole cold night. Seeker of the truth, young Abdul Qadir had had nocturnal emission repeatedly many times on that night and every time to keep his

    body pure went to near by River Tigris and took bath. This physical strain put him on the verge of collapse. Shaikh Hammad knew the inner urge and strength of his young

    disciple, seeker of truth and welcomed him with joy in eyes and made him join Morning Prayer.he was Ghawth-al-Azams first mystic teacher. Shaikh Ghawth al-Azam narrates,

    he went to innumerable teachers and fuqahas and every time if he fails to understand some thing well with its inner meaning, he will come back to shaikh Hammad and study

    it from his discourses. On such occasions some of shaikh Hammads other Darveshis would chide him saying, You are a man of law and letters, a man of knowledge, and science. What business do you have with us? Why dont you get out of here? on such occasions shaik hammad would warn derveshis and would scold them thus: I swear

    there is none like him among you. None of you will rise above his toe. Shaikh studied and taught from cradle to grave, as any true Muslim should be.

    Shaikh Jilani studied Quran Tafsir from Abul Wafa ali ibn Uqail al-Hambali, Abul Khattab Mehfuz al-KHaludhani, and many other great scholars. The list is long to name them.In all the field of Islamic Jurisprudence he received instructions. He studied Adab from Abu zakariya Yahya ibn Ali of Tabrizi. Hadis from many experts including Abu-Ghalib Muhammad ib Hasan al-Baqilani, Abu said Muhammad khashisha, Muhmmad

    ibn ali al farisi and many others His first instructor of spiritual path was Hammad ibn Muslim al-Dhabbas.

    Shaikh JIlani was introduced to the path of sufis by shaikh Hammad. Yet he received derveshi cloak (Khirqa) from Qadi Abu saeedul Mubarak ibn Ali al-Mukharrami, the

    greatest men of knowledge of his time in Baghdad.

    At this time Abu saeedul Mukharrami was giving discourses and were teaching at his own school Babul Azj, in Baghdad and this was passed to shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani.

    Shaikh Jilani was about fifty years at this time. According to reliable sources he was very reluctant in giving discourses and he was asked by the Messenger of Allah 3 E why he is shy of giving public speeches.Shaikh Said, I am but a Persian, How I

    could speak beautiful Arabic of Baghdad. It is said in dream Allahs Messenger E 3 spit seven times in his Mouth and next Imam Ali also did the same way six times. He asked Imam Ali why he did not spit seven times. To this imam replied,

    Because of my respect for him (This incident is reported in different forms. According to some source this happened in real life form and according to others in dream.)

  • It is reported on that very day evening he felt an irresistible urge for delivering a speech and these were the first words spoken: This mind is a diver, diving deep into the sea of the heart to find the pearls of wisdom. When he brings them to the shore of his being, they spell out as words from his lips, and with these he buys price less devotions in

    Allahs markets of worship. In a night such as one of mine, if one of you kills his low desire, that death would taste so sweet that he would not be able to taste anything else in

    this world.

    Shaikh JIlani tells us if he did not deliver his discourses, he felt as if it will drown him. Allah gifted him such a lofty position that he was greatest authority and Imam in

    theology, in law, and was equally at ease with Shafi and Hambali branches. He was a perfect man and was always in remembrance of Allah. It is said he had imbibed all the noble qualities of Allahs Messenger. He was noble in action and thought, soft in heart while dealing with people in general. Yet he was the hardest in opposing tyrants and

    evils. He loved people, particularly the faithful ones.

    Babul Azj became too smaller a place for the gathering that flocked to hear the speeches of shaikh. Babul Azj was enlarge and rebuilt in the year 528 Hijrah so as to accommodate larger gathering. It is said about him-he was handsome and well dressed, gentle in nature,

    and a smiling face. He was sensitive and best of manners. He was aristocratic in character, generous in material things, in advice and in knowledge.

    He spoke truth without fear. In the cause of Allah he did not care whether he was praised or criticized. The caliph and other nobles where criticized often standing on the pulpit in Friday congregation. When caliph al Mukgtfi appointed Yahya ibn said as chief Qazi of

    Baghdad, shaikh Jilani thundered and criticized him severely saying, You have appointed the worst tyrant as judge over the believers. Let us see how you will answer for yourself when you will be presented before the Great Judge, Lord of the Universe on the

    day Reckoning.the caliph immediately dismissed him.

    He had four wives and forty-nine children.For quite long time he did not marry any, fearing it will divert his devotion to Allah and his is said once Messenger of Allah in a dream questioned as to why he is not following the best of messengers life

    which also include married life and family.Then he married four wives as it is permissible in Islamic law. On one occasion his wives, all the four of them were virtuous and devoted to Allah and husband came and complained about his habit of not feeling of sorrow and absence of tears on hearing the death of a son or of a daughter. He reminded them, O, my sad companions, you cry because you feel separated from one whom you

    love.I am always with the one I love. You saw your son in the dream which is this world, and you have lost him another dream. Allah says This world is but a dream. I saw my

    son when he was in the circle of time. When you see the real with eye of the heart whether dead or alive the truth will not disappear. On another occasion devil tried to

    mislead him saying some thing forbidden by the Messenger of Allah, in sharia has been made halaal for him considering his great status as Allahs Wali. Hearing this Wali

    shouted to source of the voice, I take refuge in Allah from the accursed devil. Again to

  • mislead the shaikh , Devil said, is this the handful of people that follow you. The whole world should follow you. You are as pure as prophet to this also Shaikh Jilani replied, I take refuge from you in my Lord Who is all hearing and All Knowing, for it is not my knowledge, nor my wisdom, which saved me from you, but the mercy of my Lord. He

    saw everything as from Allah, he did every thing for Allahs sake, nothing from any created being, including his own being

    The speeches he delivered in Baghdad had been collected and published in different volumes. Out of this the following are world famous and in its field these discourses had

    no comparison, They are:-

    1.Futhuh al Ghaib 2.Al Fthh ar-Rabbani

    3.Al-Ghunyath Thalib Tariq al Haq 4.Makhtubath

    Source:Al-Irfan 2006 This article is penned by K.P. Thangakoya Thangal



    1. Khaatimun Nabiyeen Saahib-e-Kaaba Qausain Mahboob-e-Rabbil Mashriqain Wal Maghribain Hazrat Ahmad-e-Mujtaba Muhammad Mustafa 3 E

    2. Ameeril Momineen Asadillaahil Ghaalib Sayyiduna Ali-e-Murtuza 3. Sayyidi shuhada Imam Hussain

    4. Imam zainil Aabideen 5. Imam Muhammad Baaqir

    6. Imam Jafaru Saadiq 7. Imaam Moosal Kaazim

    8. Imam Aliyyin Moosa Riza 9. Imam Maroof Karqi

    10. Imam Sirri Siqti 11. Imam Junaidul Baghdadi

    12. Abi Bakr Shibli 13. Imam Abil Fadhli Abdil Wahidi Tameemi

    14. Shaikh Abil Farahi Yoosuf Tarsoosi 15. Imam Abil Hasan Aliyyil Qarashiyyil Hankaari

    16. Imam Abi saeedil Mubarakil Mukhramiyy 17. Hazrat Ghausus Saqalain Qutbul Qaunain Sayyid Abu

    Muhammad Muhiy'yudeen Abdul Qaadir Jilaani Hassani Hussaini


  • Genealogy of Ghawth-e-Azam

    Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa Sallallahu alaihi wasallam

    Sayyidatun Nisa Faatima Sayyiduna Ali-e-Murtaza

    Shaheed-e-karbala Imam Husain Sayyiduna Imam Hassan

    Sayyiduna Imam Zainul Abedeen Sayyid Hassan Mathni

    Imam Muhammad Baaqir Sayyid Abdul Mahdh

    Sayyiduna Imam Jaafar Saadiq Sayyid Moosa Al Jawn

    Sayyiduna Imam Moosa Kaazi Sayyid Abdullah Thaani

    Sayyiduna Sheikh Ali Raza Sayyid Moosa Thaani

    Sayyid Aboo Ala'ud'deen Sayyid Dawood

    Sayyid Kamaalud'deen Esa Sayyid Muhammad

    Sayyid Abul Ataa Abdulla Sayyid Yahya Az Zaahid

    Sheikh Sayyid Mahmood Sayyid Abi Abdillah

    Sayyid Muhammad sayyid Abu salih Moosa (Father) Sayyid Aboo Jamaal

    Sayyid Abdullah Soomee

    Sayyida Ummul Khair Faatima (Mother)

    Sayyiduna Muhiyyud'deen Abu Muhammad Adul Qaadir Jilaani

    (Ridwaanullahi Ta Aala Alaihim Ajmaeen)

  • Names of progeny of Sayyiduna Ghawthul Azam

    Shaikh Had 49 children.some of them are

    1.Assayyid Shaikh Hazrath AbdurRazzaq Qadiri

    2. Assayyid Shaikh Hazrath Abdul Aziz Qadiri

    3. Assayyid Shaikh Hazrath Abdul Jabbar Qadiri

    4. Assayyid Shaikh Hazrath Abdul Wahhab Qadiri

    5.Assayyid Shaikh Hazrath Abdul Ghaffar Qadiri

    6. Assayyid Shaikh Hazrath Abdul Ghani Qadiri

    7. Assayyid Shaikh Hazrath saalih Qadiri

    8. Assayyid Shaikh Hazrath Muhammad Qadiri

    9. Assayyid Shaikh Hazrath shamsudheen Qadiri

    10. Assayyid Shaikh Hazrath Ibrahim Qadiri

    11. Assayyid Shaikh Hazrath Yahya Qadiri

  • At the sacred shrine Of the sheikh of Baghdad,

    We procured love

    -sultan Bahu

    Everything that I have is through the blessing of sayyiduna Ghawth al Azam shaykh Abdul Qaadir Jilani

    -Mujaddide azam Ala hadhrath Ahmad raza

  • The sages of the Qaadiriyya predated and surpassed others With the turbans and crowns (tijaan) of preeminence

    And spiritual aspirations, for none overtook them Or outstripped them on the racetrack for direct Gnosis of Allah.

    -Ahmad rifai ibn uthman shehu

  • He (Shaikh Abdul Qader jilani) is the best of spiritual guides, the best of watering places And his disciples are the best of disciples who prevail all others

    He is the one who gave spiritual instructions during his and after it And redeems those who call out to him eagerness

    -Shaikh Ahmad al Bakai al Kunti

  • Chun paae Nabi shad taj-e sar te taj ham-e aalam shad qad mat

    Aqtab-e-jahaan dar pesh dar te aftade chu pesh shah gada

    Like the Holy Prophets ( 3 E ) Blessed Foot is the Crown of your blessed countenance,

    Your blessed foot is the crown of the rest of creation The cardinal poles of the world are at your doorstep

    Like servants at the doorstep of a king

    -khaja mueenudheen chishty ajmeer

  • Ausat dar jumla awliya mumtaz Chu Payambar dar ambiya mumtaz

    Ya sheikh abdul Qaadir Jilaani You are distinguished among the Saints of Allah

    As The Holy Prophet ( 3 E ) is distinguished Among the Prophets of Allah

    -abdul haqq muhadith Dahlavi

  • Ya Gauz e Aazam Please put the blessings of the prophet 3 E

    In my lap We are Qaadiri beggars

    Please give us the blessing and help us

    -Akhthar raza Qaadiri (Taaju sharia)

  • It is impossible to adequately praise Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani

    As clear as daylight is the proof of Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani

  • You are My Mehboob-e-Subhani

    No one can match you till the day of resurrection; You are Wali of all Walis:

    You are my Mehaboob-e-Subhani

  • O great peer, The guiding light,

    The chosen-one of the apostle ( 3 E ) The favorite one of god

    King of Wilayat, The lofty star,

    The earth and sky are perplexed due to your grandeur. You imported life to the Deen of Muhammad: the entire world called you

    Mohiuddin as if it was fallen in love on your beauty.

  • The king of this world and the hereafter is Shah Abdul Qaadir

    The head of children of Adam is Shah Abdul Qaadir

    Sun, moon, heavens, the throne and the pen They all get their light from the heart of

    Shah Abdul Qaadir -Bahaudheen Naqshabandhi

    Shah Abdul Quadir is King of the two worlds Shah Abdul Quadir is the chieftain of the Adams off springs on the earth and sky,

    all Jinns, men and angels Have also made a currency of chanting on their tongues Shah Abdul Quadir.

  • Choron pay tum nay kar kay tawajjoh Abdal banaaya 'aali shaan

    Yaa Ghawth al A'zam ajab tumhaaree shaan

    Focusing your spiritual glance at the thieves You turned them into great saints

    O, the great helper, Your stature is truly astounding

  • As the prophet 3 E is the intercessor Of the next world , sheikh sayyiduna Abdul Qadir jilani

    Is the intercessor for people Having needs in this world;

  • Hamzah nin asalnya Fansuri Mendapat wujud di tanah Shahr Nawi

    Beroleh khilafat ilmu yang `ali Daripada Abdul Qadir Jilani

    This Hamzah hails from Fansur He found Existence in the land of Shahr Naw

    He received trusteeship of the exalted knowledge From `Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani

  • Hamzah Fansuri sedia zahir Tersuci pulang pada Sayyid Abdul Qadir

    Dari sana ke sini terta'ir-ta'ir Akhir mendapat pada diri zahir

    Hamzah Fansuri, originally earthly Was purified when he turned to Sayyid `Abd al-Qadir

    He fluttered about from place to place And finally found Him manifested in himself

  • Unite us, O king, with all our sheikhs And likewise our parents, for the sake of the Best of

    Mankind, Ahmad 3 E Unite us with Shaikh Abdul Qaadir

    The one who will conduct us on the Last day to Our Prophet Muhammad

    -from a qaseeda written by Asma binth shehu

  • Merciful boatman of Bagdad We poor ones too wish to get across Separation-wounded, grief-accursed-

    How long must we gaze at the boat from far -Hasrat Mohani

  • By Allah! Almighty Allah has never created any Wali

    Like sayyiduna shaykh Muhiyuddin Abdul Qaadir Jilani And He will not create anyone like him in the future

    -Shaykh uthman sairifi

  • Ye dil ye jigar he ye aankhe ye sar He Jahaa chaaho Rakholo Qadam Ghawth Aazam

    My heart, my liver, my eyes and My head all are here

    O Ghawth , You may keep your blessed foot Wherever you desire

    -Mufti aazam hind Mustafa raza Qadiri

  • Even though I am disgraced and friendless Immoral and bad in character

    I am yours I am yours O Ghawthe Aazam.

  • Whoever is in hardships or has been afflicted with some harm And protection from them have been blocked by all forms of subterfuge

    Then seek redemption by the Saint of Allah, the pole of the Shaykhs Of all the times, my spiritual master Abdul Qaadir al-Jayli

    He will attain by means of him everything he hopes for and yearns after From his Lord, as well as a cure against enormous ailments

    -Abu Saalim Sidi `Abdallah ibn Muhammad

    ibn Abi Bakr 'l-`Ayyaashi

  • I have bulls among every group of long horns who cannot be overcome I have race horses in every land who cannot be beaten I have a sultan in every army who is never disobeyed

    I have a Khalifa in every high office who cannot be dethroned


  • Our Beloved Shaikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani was once asked: What view would you take of a man who called himself a Qadiri, though without

    receiving instructions from you, and without wearing a tattered robe [khirqa] conferred by you? Would he actually counted as one of your companions?

    To this the sheikh replied: If someone adopts my name [by calling himself a Qadiri], or otherwise professes his affiliation to me, Allah will accept him, even if he happens to be on a reprehensible

    course, for he is a member of the troop of my companions

  • Once Shaykh Abu Madyan Shuayb al-Maghribi Rahmatullahi alayh asked Hadrat Khidr alayhissalam about

    Shaykh Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani (Radi Allahu ta'ala Anhu) To which he replied:

    He is the leader of the champions of truth, and the competent authority of those who know by direct experience. He is a breath of life in the sphere of direct knowledge, and

    his business is intimate converse between all the saints.

    (Qalaid al-Jawahir, p. 325-326)

  • One day someone mentioned some of the virtues of Gawthul Aazam in the presence of shaykh Ahmadul kabeer rifai and then someone said: How can a person present with us

    mentioned anyones virtues other than those of my master Ahmad! .Then shaykh Ahmadul kabeer rifai looked angrily at the man who spoke and he fell immediately dead

    in front of him. Shaykh Ahmadul kabeer rifai then said: Who can reach the levels of Shaykh Abdul

    Qaadir Jeelani? He posses an ocean of the sharia on his right and an ocean of haqeeqa on his left. From whichever one shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani like he can scoop up and give to

    those of our time.

  • There was a great Saint by the name of Shaikh Ahmad Jaam Zinda peel (Radiallahu Taala Anh) who used to travel on a lion wherever he went. In every city that he visited it was his habit to ask the people of the city to send one cow for his lions meal. One day he travelled to Baghdad, and sent one of his disciples to Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Taala Anh) and commanded that a cow be sent to him, as a meal for his lion. The great

    Ghaus (Radiallahu Taala Anh) was already aware of his coming and had already arranged for a cow to be kept for the lion. He sent one of his disciples with the cow to

    Shaikh Ahmad Jaam (Radiallahu Taala Anh) and as the disciple took the cow with him, a weak and old stray dog which used to sit outside the home of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam

    (Radiallahu Taala Anh) followed him. The disciple presented the cow to Shaikh Ahmad Jaam (Radiallahu Taala Anh) who signalled to the lion to commence feeding. As the lion

    ran towards the cow, this weak old dog pounced on the lion. It caught the lion by its throat and killed it by tearing open its stomach. The dog then dragged the lion and threw it before Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Taala Anh). On seeing this, Shaikh Ahmad

    Jaam (Radiallahu Taala Anh) humbled himself before the great Ghaus (Radiallahu Taala Anh) and asked for forgiveness for his arrogant behaviour. This shows the strength

    of a weak old dog due to its Nisbath (connection) with the blessed stoop of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Taala Anh). It also shows that even animals recognize and are loyal to the Awliya Allah. May Allah Taala grant us true love for Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Taala Anh) and may we, like the weak old dog, always be at the feet

    and service of Sultanul Awliya Hazrat Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilani Radiallahu Taala Anhu


  • Shaykh Umar Abdul Bazzaaz Rahmatullahi 'alayh narrates One Friday together with my master Hazrat Sayyedinah Gaus E Azam Rahmatullahi 'alayh I set out for the Masjid. No one greeted him so I was shocked and thought to myself every normal Friday we find it hard to get to the Masjid due to the crowds which gather around the great shaykh!!! So

    what is happening today??? I had barely completed this thought when people came rushing to meet the great shaykh from all corners. Hazrat Jeelani Rahmatullahi 'alayh

    then looked at me and smiled and then said O Umar this is what you wanted!!! Do you not understand that the hearts of people are in my hand??? If I wish, I remove the people

    away from me and if I wish I attract the people towards me

  • Syed Taj-ud-Deen Abdul Razzaq (R.A.) was a son of Ghaus-ul-Azam Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A.). According to the author of Tuhfa-tul- Qadiria, Abdul Razzaq (R.A.) was father of five sons. One of them was Syed Jamal Allah. Syed Jamal Allah is still alive

    because Ghaus-ul- Azam Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani R.A. prayed for his grandson's eternal life (Hayat-e-Javed). He is famous by the name of Hayat Al-Meer (Zinda Pir). It is mentioned in books Khazina-tul-Asfia, Tuhfa-tul-Qadiria & Iqtibas-ul-Anwaar that

    Ghaus-ul-Azam Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A.) was very kind to his grandson and used to say Hayat Al-Meer, 'Son, When you meet Imam-e-Akhir az-Zaman Hazrat Imam

    Mehdi (A.S), Say my Salam to him'

  • Hazrat Sayyidi Baqaa _ States that once he accompanied Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam to the Mazaar of

    Hazrat Imam Ahmed bin Hambal He says, "I saw Hazrat Imam Ahmed bin Hambas grave split open, And I saw him emerge from his blessed grave. He embraced Ghause

    Azam and then said, Even I am dependent on you in Shariat and Tariqat.

  • Shaykh Yaqubi States that I was present at the bedside in the last moments before the demise of the great

    Ghawth.I heard him advising his illustrious son in these words: The difference between me and the rest of creation is similar to the difference between the sky and earth. Do not give similarity of anything to me and do not compare me with


  • Once the great wali, Jamal al Arifin shaykh abu Muhammad Abdullah al basri was asked if sayyiduna khidr was alive.he said that he had just met him a short while ago.sayyiduna Khidr related an incident to him and said that he was traveling in a jungle, he saw a bright

    light on a hillock he approached the light to investigate and discovered that the light coming out from a blanket, which was covering a person who was asleep.

    I shook the feet of this person and said to him Get up and engage yourself in Dhikrullah

    The man replied- You carry on with your work and leave me as I am I then said to him I will make it known to everyone that you are a Wali

    He replied- Then I will make it famous that you are Khidr. I said- Make dua for me.

    He replied- Dua is your share and rights. I then insisted: You will have to make Dua

    He replied- May Allah in his divine Dignity increase your status. After which he said Do not be sad if I vanish in front of you He then vanished

    Sayyiduna Khidr then said that this was amazing because no wali has the power to disappear from my sight. However, I proceeded further on and saw another similar light.

    As I got nearer, I found someone asleep and the light was appearing from the blanket covering the person. As I moved forward to hold the leg and get the person up, a Voice

    from the unseen said, Oh Khidr, Be careful. A lady moved the blanket, opened her eyes and said to me, Sir, you stopped until you were ordered to!

    I said to her- Get up and engage yourself in the Dhikr of Allah She replied- You carry on with your work and leave me in my condition

    I said- I will make it know that you are a wali of Allah. She replied, Then I will make it famous that you are Khidar!

    I requested her to make Dua for me. And she replied, Dua is your right to make

    I insisted, And she said- May Allah in His divine dignity increase your status.

    Then she said- Do not be sad if I disappear from your vision. Before she vanished. I asked her if she was the wife of the person he had just met and

    what was she doing here. She replied in the affirmative and said- A Waliyyah had passed away in this vicinity and we were ordered to perform the Ghusal, Kafan, salah and

    Burial. After informing me of this, she too disappeared from my vision

    Shaykh Abu Muhammad bin Abdullah al Basri then asked sayyiduna Khidar who these people were. He replied, They are the Afrad.

    Shaykh Abu Muhammad also asked him if they turn to anyone for instructions. He replied, Yes! Only to Shaykh Abdul Qaadir Jilani

  • Abdur-Rahman bin Muhammad Hashimi Wasiti states that I was in Basra and a question was asked to shaykh Jamal al Millat wad-Din Hadrat Abu

    Muhammad bin Abdullah Basri .In reply the Sufi master said: I met with sayyiduna Khidr and I requested him, O Khidr! Inform me about the status

    and condition of Shaykh Abdul Qaadir Jilani. Sayyiduna Khidr replied Presently, he holds a unique status amongst all the beloved servants of Allah and he is the reigning Qutub over all the Awliya. Allah has not given any wali a status loftier than that of shaykh Abdul Qaadir nor did Allah bless any beloved servant with a drink of his

    divine love that is more pleasant than that which He gave shaykh Abdul Qaadir .No servant has been sanctified with divine proximity more superb and closer than shaykh Abdul Qadir.The sublime Lord has entrusted him with such divine secrets by which he

    has surpassed the status of everyone in the Awliya fraternity. Whomever Allah has bestowed with sainthood in the past and present and also those who will bestowed in the

    future, all collectively bow their head in respect to Shaykh Abdul Qaadir Jeelani...

  • Once the people of Baghdad complained to sayyiduna shaykh Abdul Qaadir Jilani

    that shaykh Qadib al Baan Mousali is never seen performing his salah. The shaykh was a famous Majzub of Baghdad and a Khalifa of

    Ghawth al Azam sayyid Abdul Qadir jilani. The great Gawth replied:

    Do not condemn him, because there is no moment that his head is not in Sajdah at the Holy Kabah.

  • The portrait of the King of Madinah Can be clearly seen

    When the physical image of Ghawth al-Azam visualized

    Some one asked ala hadrath ahmad raza qadiri to explain this couplet He said: The meaning of this is that the beauty of Ghawth al Azam is mirror of the beauty of Rasulullah.Hence if you look into this mirror, you will certainly see the

    physical image of sayyiduna Rasulullah

  • Shaykh Abu al Hasan Ali bin Ahmad al Hiti was amongst the most senior Khulafa of Ghawth al Aazam shaykh Abdul Qadir jilani.once, he invited Hadrat Ghawth al Aazam to his house for a meal.The most intimate and beloved Murid of shaykh Ali al Hiti was shaykh Abul Hasan Ali jousuqi.His Murshid ordered him to serve the food to the Grand Master. When he brought the bread, he did not know whom to serve first. If he gave his Murshid first then it would be disrespect to the great Ghawth, and if he served the great Ghawth first then it will be against the rules of Iradah not to serve the Murshid first. So he turned the plate in such a manner that pieces of the bread landed on both the plates at

    once. Sayyiduna Gawthul Azam said to shaykh Ali al Hiti Your Murid has a lot of Adab. He replied, Sayyidee, He has made great advancements in tasawwuf and I

    would like you to take him under your command. When shaykh Ali Jousoqi heard the words of his Shaykh he moved to a corner of the room and began crying. Sayyiduna

    Ghawthul Aazam saw this and said, Keep him by you. He will only drink milk from the breast which nurtured him. He does not want to go to anyone else.

  • Once in Baghdad a man was affected with epilepsy. Sayyiduna shaykh Abdul Qaadir Jilani was informed about this. The great Ghawth ordered the following to be said into the ears of the affected person, Get out of Baghdad by the command of Abdul Qadir.

    This was done and the man was instantly cured.

    Imam Yafai writes in his Keyafat al-Mateqia with reference to Munaqib-e Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. A disciple of this great saint narrates that one night the saint set out quietly, followed by him. The doors of the city opened and closed automatically as they

    passed by, till they reached the place where a dead body was lying. A man was brought whom the Shaikh converted to Islam and said, This man will take

    the place of the dead. They returned. The following day he inquired about the mysterious affair and the Shaikh explained: We had gone to Nehao where the seventh Abdal had passed away. The man converted to Islam and appointed in his place was a

    Christian from Constantinople.

  • Hazrat-e-Bishr Qarazi narrates that I was traveling with a group of traders along with fourteen camels carrying sugar. We stopped for the night in a dangerous jungle. In the

    early hours of the night my four loaded camels disappeared, which were not found even after a lot of search. The group also departed. The camel driver stayed back with me. In

    the morning I suddenly remembered that my Mentor, The King of Baghdad Huzoor Ghous-e-Pak had told me that whenever you get stuck in any problem then call me (my

    name), Allah willing that problem will be solved, hence I requested this way: YA SHAIKH ABDUL QADIR! MY CAMELS ARE LOST.

    All of sudden I saw a saintly man dressed in white clothes on a sand dune towards east, who was signaling me to come to him. As soon as I along with my camel driver reached over there the saintly Man disappeared from vision. We were strangely looking here and there when we suddenly spotted those four lost camels sitting under the sand dune. Then what happened was that we caught the camels and re-joined the group. When Sayyed-e-na Shaikh Ab-ul-Hasan Ali Khabbaz was told the incident of the lost camels He said that Hazrat-e- Shaikh Ab-ul- Qassim has said that I have heard Sayyed-e-na Shaikh Muhi-ud-





  • Once a Rahib (Hermit) named Sanan who belonged to yemen happened to visit Baghdad. He repented at the hands of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani and embraced Islam.

    He stood up and addressing the gathering said:

    A short time ago the idea of accepting Islam occurred to me and I made up my mind resolutely that I would embrace Islam at the hands of the person best as regards rank in

    the whole of Yemen. That night I saw Nabiyullah Eisa in a dream beckoning me to go to Baghdad and accept islam at the hands of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani as none in the world

    at the moment excelled him in virtue and piety

  • Sayyiduna Sheikh Muhammad Nizaamudeen Bhikaari states, I often made Ziyaarat of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam , but I never saw him alone. I

    always saw him with Hazrat Sheikh Shahabudeen Umar Suharwardi , and during conversations, I also saw that Hazrat Suharwardi followed the manner of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam Jilani , and I never saw Hazrat

    Shahabudeen Suharwardi speaking, in these dreams, and I was worried about this. I thus asked my father about this, and he said, There is nothing to be worried about. The Ahle Kashf refer to Hazrat Ghaus-e- Azam as Zul Jinaahain (One with two shoulders [deputies]) The deputy on his right is Hazrat Sheikh Shahabudeen Suharwardi and the deputy on his left is Sheikh-e-Akbar Muhiyyudeen Ibn Arabi . In this time,

    you are more engrossed in obedience of the Shariah and understanding the laws of Shariah. It is for this reason that you are seeing Hazrat Shahabudeen Suharwardi with Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam . Hazrat

    Ghaus-e-Azam says, I have blessed Sheikh Akbar Muhiyyudeen Ibn Arabi with the knowledge of Spiritualism.

  • Hazrat Sheikh Sayyiduna Sheikh Muhammad Nizaamudeen Bhikaari says, Once during the month of Ramadaan, I was thinking

    that I had not made ziyaarat of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam for a very long time. That night, I prayed my Taraweeh Salaah and went to rest. I fell

    asleep and dreamt Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam Jilani with two other persons. One of them was Hazrat Shahabudeen Suharwardi . The other person was

    in a highly spiritual state, and I did not recognize him. I then asked Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam about him, and he then showed a sign to the pious man

    asking him to meet me. Ghaus e Azam said to the Buzroog, This is Nizaamudeen, the one whom you were wishing to meet, and it is he who sides with your compositions.

    The Buzroog walked towards me in his spiritual condition and shook my hands and then embraced me with great emotion and enthusiasm. He then said, If

    these people do not side my compositions, then who will? After this Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam said, This is Sheikh

    Muhiyyudeen Ibn Arabi. Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam then sat down and Hazrat Sheikh Shahabudeen Suharwardi sat on his right and Hazrat

    Sheikh Muhiyyudeen Ibn Arabi sat on his left. They then made me sit in front of them, and Sheikh-e-Akbar said, Your grandfather wrote an

    excellent book in answer to those who object, and you too did not write less than what he did and I answered to what he had said.

    Hazrat Makhdoom Nizaamudeen Shah Bhikaari says, I informed my beloved father of this dream, and he said, Alhumdulillah, You have

    attained great blessings by making contact with Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam . Continue in this manner, and you shall reach a level where you understand

    the full excellence of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam Jilani .

  • Once Hazrat Ba yazed (R.A) Bastami inquired of Hazrat Khizr as who was Mahdi ( the guided one) and when he would be coming. He replied Allah Almighty is himself the

    Hadi (Guide) and as to Mahdi everyone including yourself and myself has been charged with the task of imparting guidance and series of such guided persons in succession have

    been appearing on the scene in the past ages and the future would also witness their comings and goings at the appointed time. Hazrat Ba Yazid then asked in regard to the person blessed with the highest station in Wilayat . At this Khizr rplied After the lapse of age of the rightly guided khalifas, a boy with Hasni and Hussaini origin would be

    born in the highly honoured Sadaat family. He is destined to occupy the place of Khilafat that would supercede the places of Ghousiat and Qutubiat pre-eminently for all times to

    come. His revered name would be Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilani. His advent would take place towards the end of the fifth Hijra centuary in Baghdad city of Iraq. All Rijal-Ul-

    Ghaib, Aulia, Ghous, Qutub, Akhyar, Abrar, Autad and Abdal constituting different grades of Aulia Allah would be subordinate to him, following his dictates in all matters.

    His title would be Ghousul Azam wal bazul Ash-Hab

  • Once al-Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abd al-Qaadir al- Jilani was delivering a lecture. Shaikh Ali bin Haiti was seated in front of Shaikh Abd al-Qaadir al-Jilani in this

    gathering. During the lecture of the great Ghawth, Shaikh Ali bin Haiti. fell asleep. Shaikh Abd al-Qaadir al-Jilani ., who saw this, descended from the Mimbar and stood in front of the sleeping Shaikh Ali bin Haiti . With both his hands folded in respect. After a while Shaikh Ali bin Haiti Awoke to find Shaikh Abd al-Qaadir al- Jilani . Standing in

    front of him. He immediately stood up in respect. Shaikh Abd al-Qaadir al-Jilani. Smiled and said, The reason I am standing in front of him is because he was seeing the Holy

    Prophet Muhammad 3 E , in his dream and I was seeing the Prophet, with my physical eyes.




  • O, life giver Gause Pak, where are you? O, Reviver of the dead, where are you?

    Please, tell me a story which will re-store life in me, I am about to die due to extreme level of worries. O, the Gause Pak who looks after both the jinns

    and humans please focus your kind attention on me. As you are the Guardian of all your disciples (murids) Who dispel every kind of fear and danger troubling us.

    O Gause Pak I have fallen into the ocean of worries, Please rescue me immediately as you are as illustrious/resourceful as Hazrath Nuh (As).

    O Gause Pak , please revive me now As I am suffering from immense pain, like a dying man.

    Hey Sobhan (the composer addresses himself), you keep on Remembering him day and night.

    Only then, through him your aim will be fulfilled.


  • O breeze, go to Baghdad To plead with Gause Pak(RA)

    It is very difficult to survive Do plead about it to Gause Pak (RA)

    I am suffering from boundless worries I am drinking the blood from my liver

    I cannot bear the pain any longer Do plead about it to Gause Pak (RA)

    The heat caused by burning fire of separation is tormenting me, My live has become unbearable How long shall I bear this agony

    Do plead about it to Gause Pak (RA). For the sake of Allah I seek your merciful glance of attention,

    O, Mohiuddin Gausullah (RA) I am but a worthless slave of yours

    Do plead about it to Gause Pak (RA). O my disciple (murid) never fear hearing this assurance from you

    I have come to your door with my broken heart. Please do not deprive me (of your help)

    Do plead about it to Gause Pak (RA) Mohiuddin do help me for the sake of Allah,

    As you yourself are the orders of Allah and the Kutub of Allah. I do not think of death anymore Do inform it to Gause Pak (RA).

    Both the soul and the life have been sacrificed. For your sake by Sobhan (the writer)

    Please, for the sake of Allah, Convey my requests to Gause Pak (RA).


  • O breeze, help me for the sake of Allah, Please take me to Baghdad;

    I want to plead in earnest loudly, O breeze, please take me to Baghdad

    It is the place were resides Mahbub-e-Sobhani, The place where lives Gause-e-Samdani,

    Only there will all the desires of my heart will be fulfilled, O breeze, please take me to Baghdad.

    There lives in Baghdad such a great personality, Who is the sea of charity and generosity,

    I will humbly kiss on his sacred feet, O breeze, please take me to Baghdad.

    The great person whose flag of wisdom touches the sky He resides there in Baghdad.

    He who is famous among the whole creation O breeze, please take me to him in Baghdad.

    The embodiment of the Fazal and Order of Allah, Gaus Zaman is also the manifestation of NUR,

    All Aulias are humble placed beneath his sacred feet, He rules over both the humans and the Jinns,

    He is considered as a Banda only for the sake of the word, O breeze please take me to him in Baghdad.

    O Sobhan (the poet addresses himself) all your pains & sufferings Will disappear right now gradually.

    O Allah, I beseech you to enable me to find the Sea of Kindness O breeze, please take me to him in Baghdad.


  • O Gause Pak (RA), please honour me with your presence when I am dying, Your holy grave is enlightened with Nur, so I request you to

    Place your holy step (feet) on my grave, The exquisite beauty of your personality has already robbed the

    Realm of my heart and its garden, Now I earnestly plead you to show the matchless charisma(miracle) Which you possess with one gesture of your sword-like eyebrows.

    I am wandering around helplessly with mountain-like worries Burdened over my head,

    Now, please relieve me by granting me the honor of being A dog belonging to your illustrious court.

    O the Healer of all pains, The Supreme Leader of all saints Gause Pak,

    Please remove all other inferior healers to a side (And take over the charge of curing my pains)

    Hey Sobhan, why are you being (smoldered) burnt like cotton in your heart? You keep on repeating the holy name of Gause Paka (RA) continuously

    (Which will surely attract Allahs mercy resulting in the end of your sufferings).


  • I desire earnestly to breathe my last breath while chanting

    The Holy name of Gause Aazam May my lips keep on uttering the holy name of Gause Aazam

    O Khuda, this is my only earnest desire, so, please fulfill it. Please bestow me the honour of being a mere dog in the

    August Court of Gauze Aazam May the holy name of Shah-e-Zilan reign in the heart of mine

    O Sobhan, you should waqf (surrender) your life for The holy personality of Gauze Aazam


  • O Gause Pak (RA), please, for the sake of Allah, help me immediately,

    You are the only savior and you are the manifestation of Mercy of Allah, I request you to make haste in appearing to revive the dying bird (poet),

    Do please place your holy feet on my head because Both my life and my heart are absolutely dedicated to your service.

    I earnestly request you to bring me good news from Haqq (Allah) because You are never separated from Haqq (Allah)

    Resurrect (Get up) by my order! with this Nurani (celestial) order you are requested to revive the dead in (no time) the flash/twinkle of the eye

    Both in the world and in the entire galaxy you have become famous as the manifestation of The order of Allah.

    O my Gause Aazam , the Kutub of the World please come quickly, How long shall Sobhan, Your Aashiq(devoted admirer), shed tears of blood in your



  • The person afflicted with sorrows and pain Must seek the Gause of Jilan.

    He neither needs Aaflatun (the medicine man) nor does he need to go through any other treatment (to cure his disease/affliction)

    It is useless to serve sweet dishes to the birds Bulbul Which are imprisoned in gold cages,

    All they need are the gardens, sights of flowers and the perfume named Raihan.

    The beloved desires for a bed of flowers and the special perfume Maab.

    I am an Aashiq (sincere devotee) who only requires the bed of thorns named Magila

    O the Waezi please do not scold me for the love of Allah As I am infatuated for/with the Gaus (RA) of Allah

    and so I desire to sacrifice my life for him O Zahid, let the Tasbih (rosary beads) and the mosque

    Always bring you great joy, I am an Ashiq and all I need is the sight of

    My beloved (which is intoxicating like the wine) In the fields the deer tends to rum away from being

    Hit by the arrows of the hunters, I am the deer of the field Ha Hu and so desire

    to be hit by the arrow named Vra. O Sobhan(poet) if you seek to be united with your beloved quickly

    Then you only need Gouse (RA) of Jilan who is the dear friend (Mahbube subhani) of Allah.


  • O Khuda let my life end while saying Gause Pak. While saying Gause Pak, While saying Gause Pak.

    May my whole life be spent in the hope of securing an audience with him While burning intensely in mind during my entire life, saying Gause Pak

    If you sincerely earnestly desire to be a companion of Mustafa 3 E Then you keep on saying Gause Pak and you will certainly get Mustafa 3 E

    O Ashiq e Mustafa 3 E if it is your only aim to attain (nearness to) Allah It is my firm belief that you will definitely secure it by keeping on saying Gause Pak

    If you seek to fulfill any desire from Allah, You make both your mouth and tongue dry by constantly saying Gause Pak.

    O Gause Pak (RA) if you please Place your sacred feet on my head for the sake of Allah, Then on the day of final Judgment I would keep on dancing saying

    Gause Pak .


  • O Mohiuddin Jilani, please fill up the goblet with the wine which makes one Totally forget ones own self.

    Pleas make me intoxicated (with prayers) O Mohiuddin Jilani. Serve me with the drink of the Oneness of Allah and help me relish the taste of being

    Completely addicted (to prayers) Please grace me with a merciful glance of your holy eyes,

    O Mohiuddin Jilani, My lives has been stabbed acutely with the knife of distance (from you)

    O Mohiuddin Jilani, now it (the lives) has become a river of blood, How long shall I bear the pain of separation (From you), as my heart is incapable of

    bearing such pain? Please remove the curtains of separation O Muhiyidheen Jilani ,

    When in the grave when I will be asked Say who your Creator is? I will answer that Sobhan (poet) is the Aashiq of Mohiuddin Jilani.


  • This is the royal court of the Shahenshah of Baghdad,

    Where lies the bazar Where everything is available.

    In every heartache, distress, danger and misfortune, I take on oath in the name of Allah, In every situation here is the savior.


  • Ya sayyidi Mohiuddin Jilani (RA)

    Please do not disappoint me for the sake of Allah. You are the supreme monarch among the Aulias

    Whoever has come to your court has acquired the knowledge of Ilme Ladunni Your holy feet rests on the shoulders on the entire clan (Group) of the Aulias

    Please do not deny me the honour of having both your holy feet on my shoulders and show me kindness by doing this

    O the one empowered by the order of Allah to give life to the dead person, Please, show mercy to me.

    Please, have mercy on my dying condition for the sake of your holy Prophet ( 3 E ) who hails from the clan Banu Hoshim,

    I humbly and earnestly beseech you not to disappoint me. I have begged from door to door and all of them have driven me away empty handed,

    Now I am pleading in your court as a mere beggar, O, please do not disappoint me,

    O Qurratu ainee , Please kill me, I beg you to kill me (by your love) I beg of you not to deprive me of the honour of being buried beneath your sacred feet. O my honorable leader, I dedicate my humble life at your service, Allah has given you

    the rare ability to accomplish all difficult tasks very easily, So I earnestly request you to give me reward (for my humble devotion to you) by virtue

    of your supreme power of dua (prays blessing) (with which Allah has glorified your position).

    My plight was so acute that to resolve it was considered to be more difficult than reaching the far away star Suriya, it was considered to be impossible

    But by virtue of your assistance it was accomplished so easly that I feel it had been done in the twinkle of an eye!

    Ya Mahbube-Subhani Jilani (RA) It is beyond my capacity to praise your speciality,

    I, solemnly take an oath by the name of Allah, O my one and only spiritual leader (guide) That till death I will certainly hold on to your generous and glorious acquaintance



  • Allah! Allah! I have reached the threshold of the king of Baghdad

    Today the homeless beggar has reached his place of abode

    When your beggar reached your doorstep He felt he had reached the celestial doorstep of angels.

    Whoever reached your threshold and kissed the dust therein Found himself transformed from the stage of dust to that of sun and moon.

    I keep reciting something for sake of Allah in a state of ecstasy I got intoxicated with your love.

    I have seen your lovers at your shrine And witnessed how their supplications were accepted.

    Grant me the opportunity to serve Islam and to practice good deeds And again enable me, o king Jilan! To reach my final station.

    The forgiver has opened the door of intercession O Khushtar! A breeze from Baghdad has reached this sinner

    -Maulana Ibrahim kushtar razvi qadri

  • Your lover has come: something for the sake of Allah

    The intoxicated always say: something for the sake of Allah

    I do not possess anything, fulfil my demand O Ghaus Your court is kingly: something for the sake of Allah

    You are the essence of saints and a well of generosity. Nothing is missing in your court Fill up my cup, O cup bearer: something for the sake of Allah

    Your order is in line with that of Almighty. You thus have the capacity to do what you wish

    This kingly era is yours: something for the sake of Allah

    I am a wrongdoer and a sinner and my actions are bad But whatever I am, I am yours: something for the sake of Allah

    You are my matchless spiritual guide and my helper from Jilan I am your mad follower: something for the sake of Allah

    -Maulana Ibrahim khushtar razvi al qadri

  • Whatever I am, I am a beggar of yours, O Ghaus! Your favour is complete, O Ghaus

    He who is yours is perfect, O Ghaus Your servant is close to your, O Ghaus

    The one who is desperately in love with you is indeed wise, O Ghaus He can be a saint, unique and close to you, O Ghaus

    You have the capacity to do what you wish You have got this right from Allah Almighty, O Ghaus

    Be courageous my disciple, be cheerful and sing in ecstasy You are the one who acknowledge this saying, O Ghaus!

    Your name is my incantation (wazifa) My heart beats for you, O Ghaus!

    My relation to you is above all relations Your status is indeed very high, O Ghaus!

    You are known as the reviver of religion You are the strength of this religion, O Ghaus!

    Be it the grave, the doomsday,Mizaan or Pulsiraat We seek your help at all stages, O Ghaus!

  • Upon his (Ghause paks) arrival the cloud gave forth refreshing rain, And green covered the whole of Iraq

    Sinful transgression passed away, And the right direction was made quite clear

    Its palm trees flourished, its desert became a haven, Its pebbles turned into pearls, and its lights shone plain to see

    Because of him, the bosom of Iraq swelled with an ardent longing, And in the heart of Najd his virtues were the cause of ecstasy

    In the east the sparks of his light were seen as lightning flashes, and in the west the mention of his splendor was heard as the clap of thunder

  • Tonight I saw the Beloved, praise be to Allah.

    I touched my forehead to his feet, praise be to Allah.

    Ask (poet) has lost himself in this love, his soul consumed; Muhyiddin* is all he sees,

    praise be to Allah.

  • O letter that I have written with tears in my eyes,

    Go and seek out the whereabouts of the one who lives in Baghdad! Convey to him the poignant message of these eyes of mine longing to see him!

    My sadness has reached such proportions that Painful sighs are constantly emanating from my burning breast!

    People are now threatening thy old-time slave with (retribution through) the orderlies (of persons of high office!)

    O thou who hold the hand (of thy distressed devotees!), Who can they look to except thyself (for solace and support in their plight?)

    -Pir Meher Ali Shah...

  • Let this body of mine Turn into eyes.

    Even then I may not be satisfied

    To behold my Murshid

    Let every hair of mine Turn into millions of eyes

    Let each open And close in turn

    Even then My zeal wouldnt abate

    Where should I go?

    The sight of my Murshid is, Says Bahu, like millions and crores of pilgrimage

    For me

    -sultan Bahu

  • Qutubiyath../

    Qutub baith

    By sadaqathullahil Qahiri

    Qutubiyath/qutub baith is a famous qaseeda in praise of Sayyiduna shaikh

    Abdul Qadir jilani written by shaikh sadaqathullahil qahiri al

    qadiri(hijra 1040-1112)

    This qaseeda is famous among the natives of south india

  • Hymn our praises to Allah, the merciful Lord Unto Him our gratitude, He the only God

    Salutations and Salawath we bestow Upon His Prophet, his clan and fold

    Oh! Thou, the pivot of God Almighty Saviour of the heavens and humanity

    Heir of Mawla Ali, Thee, the rejuvenator Ya Muhyidheen, of path unto divinity

    Hail to thee, Oh Redeemer of the human races Of all times! Thou Rescuer from Seismic forces

    Seated eternally on the throne of Truth Thou Muhyidheen, the seer of mystic sciences

  • Who created the Skies and Worlds, He greeted you And addressed you Khalif come into my purview

    You learned at his behest the art of gnosis Oh Muhyidheen, who makes the Faith anew

    Aptly you were named Abdul Qaadir! Thou went Fasting twelve years in forests! Adamant Kept awake, unslept, abode in godhood

    Hail Thee! Spiritual Master, Muhyidheen, Fervent

    Thou daring and defiant on the path unto Truth Thou Gods beloved, loving the worshipping worth

    Forsook the flimsy life, on the path of Faith None excels, Muhyidheen, Thee on Earth

  • Those two cities on the banks of the river Tigris Let their fame and piety always increase

    He was born at Gilan, his tomb is at Baghdad And saints and seers surround there are numerous

    Thou found, indeed, the body of Faith ailing On thy walk and helped thee its healing

    Thou, the preacher of Mahriba, the knowledge of God Hail Muhyidheen! Thou saved Faith from reeling

    Hail thee the heir descendant of Hassan and Hussein By paternal and maternal hierarchical line

    Thou art the light of Sun and the Moon alike O! Muhyidheen who lives in hearts genuine

  • Respected by Thee, the schools of thought of Shafi And Hanbals alike! When you entered the Sufi Realm and raised atop the flag of Qaadiriyya

    Emerged, Muhyidheen, the perfect Philosophy

    By the virtue of Truth and Integrity Abstinence, Detachment and Austerity

    You stood fast unto the devotion of God Oh Muhyidheen, adored by the men of piety

    Miracles, innumerable sprang forth, the world adore From Thee, like it happened to the Prophet, before

    And it flourished all through the world Hail! Muhyidheen, Thy grace the people implore

  • Your reputed gospels and wise discourses Contending atheists and pluralist sources

    Hemmed in, establishing renowned Monism Ya Muhyidheen, the seer of occult forces

    You enjoy His Privacy, and your demand Allah relishes fast, declared thee, by His command

    That your feet would touch the shoulders of His pals Hail! Muhyidheen, there at once, obeyed the band

    They saw the seal of pivots on thy shoulder Considered it to be a treasure holder

    Of celestial secrecy and one Defied, Oh Muhyidheen, and then did deplore

  • All those fighting religious sects Like Karizias and Rabilis and Poets

    Learned and Wise accepted thy supremacy Ya Muhyidheen! Over hidden secrets

    Band of Scholars of profound dignity Noble Ulemas of religious entity

    And godly alike, found their doubts cleared By thee, Oh Muhyidheen, with clarity

    Abound myself with your dare proclamation That thou will befriend those who seek salvation

    And Thou art the guide of spiritual guides Favour me, Oh Muhyidheen, thy affirmation

  • Your declaration, no challenge, that you shall Appear at once, on devotees call

    When thousand times with penitence he invokes Thy name, Ya Muhyidheen! with his will

    And you assured your graceful appearance In vision! should one pray twelve rakaths in reverence

    Nafil, reciting Fathihah and Iqhlas By twilight, Oh Muhyidheen, sure deliverance

    You raised both your compassionate hands And said to the audience these are the wands That would safeguard who get into my realm

    Of Thareeq, Oh Muhyidheen, the history resounds

  • Muhammad, the Prophet is your great grand father Indeed, he affirmed Thou art his regent altogether

    And thou art the Redeemer of his Ummath Of good Omens, Muhyidheen, Thou the soothsayer

    Oh Master, My leader, our redeemer Oh my guide and to me the cause of good humour Save me, my Sheikh, parents, family and friends Oh Muhyidheen, Thou art our unfailing saviour

    Take me unto thy own band of disciples Add me to the list of servants, scrupulous

    Include me to thy Army of Soldiers My Lord! Muhyidheen, the monarch peerless

  • Lead me my Lord, on thy path, the leading Thareeq

    Unto the Providence, so as yourself did seek Unto me blessing all its rites and duties

    Me, Ya Muhyidheen, thy slave, humble and meek

    For ever and ever may thy supremacy over The pivots of God progress! Salawath we shower

    Upon the Prophet, his clad, fold and devout Seers! Ya Muhyidheen, Upon thee, too forever

    Salawath be poured upon the Thabieen Thabo Thabieen, and those laid serene,

    Sacrificing their life for the creed, to them Our salams, unto thee too Ya Muhyidheen!.

  • A poem by Shaikh sayyid

    Uthman shehu di fodio Al qadiri

  • Ya Allah, who knows the inward as well as the outward Answer the one who calls in the name of Abdul Qaadir

    The blessings of Ahmad in the lands of Allah Have become universal and abundant by Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah, who gives bountifully to his servants Connect me by means of your bounty with shaykh Abdul Qaadir

    Naturally evil people take refuge with those of nobility So I take refuge with the nobility of Shaykh Abdul Qaadir

    If I have not done well, then my spiritual master is excellent Verily I am one spiritually affiliated with Abdul Qaadir

    Although I do not deserve to be answered, yet answer me Because my medium is the spiritual ranks of Abdal Qaadir

    Our beliefs along with sunnah in obedience Increase me in them by means of Shaykh Abdul Qaadir

    And disbelief along with heretical innovation and disobedience Make them far from by the abundant prestige of Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah increase me in the understanding of beneficial sciences From the spiritual rank which is named Abdul Qaadir

    Make me conquering with your religion in these lands From the spiritual ranks of Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah then conceal me by Your concealment forever From the spiritual rank which is name Abdul Qaadir

    Preserve me from shaytaan among human beings and From the jinn by the prestige of shaykh Abdul Qaadir

    And the afflictions of this world and hereafter save me From the spiritual rank which is called Abdul Qaadir

    Make my affairs excellent in this world and in the Hereafter By the spiritual place of those who supplicate by means of Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah make all hardships easy for me when Death comes by the spiritual place of Abdul Qaadir

  • Ya Allah then make my ending be excellent From the spiritual rank which is called Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah make easy for me the answering of Munkar And Nakeer by the spiritual place of Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah save me from the punishment of the Grave by the spiritual ranks of Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah bless me with the blessings of the grave from The spiritual ranks of the One named Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah save me from the heat of the sun of the Day of standing Ya Allah from the spiritual ranks of Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah, give me my book in my right hand Ya Allah from the spiritual ranks of Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah make easy for me the Reckoning during my standing Ya Allah Lord from the spiritual ranks of Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah make my scales heavy for me tomorrow Ya Allah Lord from the spiritual ranks of Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah permit me to pass over the Bridge over Hell Ya Allah from the spiritual ranks of Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah enter me under the intercession of Ahmad 3 E The best of creatures by the spiritual place of Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah redeem me from the Fire and let me enter Into the paradise by spiritual place of Abdul Qaadir

    Show me my Allah, the face of Ahmad 3 E my refuge The best of creatures by the spiritual place of Abdul Qaadir

    Ya Allah regarding the vision of your essence count me And answer my supplications by means of Abdul Qaadir

    And answer the supplications of our men and our women Ya Allah from the spiritual ranks of Abdul Qaadir

    As well as the supplications of every believer, accept them My poetic verses are our means to access Abdul Qaadir

  • Answer the supplications of the author along with the scribe Ya Allah from the spiritual ranks of Abdul Qaadir

    Answer the supplications of the one who memorizes it and recites it Ya Allah from the spiritual ranks of Abdul Qaadir

    Answer the supplications of the one who hears it along with one made happy With the poem from the spiritual ranks of Abdul Qaadir

    It completed in the month of Rabiul Awwal The month of Ahmad the grandfather of Abdul Qaadir

    According to the history of his hijra basheer,so rejoice And take as an intermediary shaykh Abdul Qaadir

    I have arabized what my brother, my shaykh composed in non Arabic Both of us together taking as intermediary Abdul Qaadir

    The letters of my poem following exactly the pattern of his letters Except in a few places, step by step

    I hope through my partnership with him for acceptance Because I am a disciple of the disciple of Abdul Qaadir

    The blessings of Ahmad in the lands of Allah Has become universal and abundant by Abdul Qaadir.

  • Qaseedathul Gawthia

  • Cups of Union the Beloved gave me to drink; so I told my Wine, advance towards me.

    Then it moved and walked to me in cups; In my intoxication. I understood the Friends in my midst.

    I said to all the Polar-Stars, Come and enter my State. And become my Companions

    Be courageous and drink, you are my army, Because the Cup-Bearer of the Fraternity has filled my cup to the full.

    And you sipped from my cup, what I left after my deep intoxication, But you neither attained my height nor my Union

    All your stations are high, But mine is higher ever.

    I am singularly near to Him, The Mighty One who changes my state and suffices.

    I am a white Falcon of every Mystic. Who is there among the Saints, so gifted as me?

    He enrobed me with determination embroidered, And He crowned me with the Crown of Perfection.

    Unto me He revealed the Ancient secrets. He adopted me and granted my request.

    And He made me a Ruler over all the Polar-Stars. So my Orders are effective under all circumstances.

    Had I thrown my secret into the oceans, they would have at once dried up.

    Had I thrown my secret over, mountains, they would have been pulverized.

    Had I thrown my secret into fire, it would have been at once extinguished by the secret of my mystic state.

  • Had I thrown my secret over the dead, He would have stood up with the power of exalted God.

    There are no months or ages, which flow but with my knowledge.

    And they acquaint me with the present and the future, and they give me information, and so, will you terminate your wrangles with me.

    Be courageous my disciple, be cheerful and sing, in ecstasy and act without restraint, for his name is exalted.

    Do not be frightened, my disciple, Allah is my Sustainer he has granted me the status through which I have attained high eminence.

    My drums have been beaten in the heavens and earth, and I have been given the rank of Good Luck. The empire of Allah is under my Command, and my time has been purified

    before birth.

    I cast a glance at the entire Empire of Allah, It is like a mustard seed alongside my sovereignty

    I acquired knowledge till I became a Polar-Star, and attained good luck through the great Lord.

    They are companions remorseful like those who fast, And like pearls in the darkness of the nights.

    Each Saint has a station, and I follow in the footsteps of the Prophet the Full Moon of Perfection.

    He is a Prophet belonging to the family of Hashim and To Mecca and to Hijaz, He is my ancestor. I achieve my objects through him.

    Do not be frightened, my Disciple, of a Slanderer, for I am a determined Combatant in battle.

    I am Al Jilani; my name is Muhiyuddin, and my banners flutter on mountaintops.

    I am Hassani and my abode is my cell, and my feet are on the neck of each Saint.

    Abdul Qadir is my famous name, and my ancestor is one possessed of an insight perfect.

  • In Maarfat (i.e enlightenment on divinity) the Qaseeda Ghausia enjoys a special significance. Hazrat Abdul Baaqui Saheb Farangi Mahali states in Tazkaratul Karaam

    that: The Qaseeda Ghausia is an audible note of sound from which heart feals a comfort. In this Qasida, Sarkar Ghausal Azam (R.A.) has mentioned the high and lofty ranks he is placed in and this amounts to be a reference towards acknowledging of the

    bounties conferred. On the margin of the book entitled. Fatooh-al- Ghayab it is pointed out that whenever Hazrat Ghausus Saqlain used to recite some of the

    couplets of this Qasida, he used to add at the end the following line. And there is no pride since it is by Allahs grace Maulana Sayed Bahauddin Saheb Jeelani Thumma Al Madni has remarked in margin of the book entitled: Ghaniyatul

    Taalebin:The seekers in Tareequat who generally read this Qaseda with due consideration and contemplations they find in their spiritual levels wonderful progress. Reading this Qaseeda at a situation of fear and harassment, one acquires the blessing of pace of heart, whereby the clouds of fear and harassment get driven away. This Qaseeda can be recited for all kinds of difficulties relating to the worldly and spiritual life and is

    beneficial in solving problems

    Excellence of Qaseeda Ghawthia

    1. It is effective in conquering the hearts of the community and it is a means of gaining closeness to Allah

    2. Invoking this blessed Qaseeda improves brainpower 3. The reciter of this blessed Qaseeda gains proficiency in reading Arabic.

    4. For a challenging or tough task, recite this for 40 days you will be successful

    5. Whoever keeps this blessed Qaseeda in front of him and recites it 3 times will become elevated in the court of Ghauiyyat and be blessed with the good fortune of beholding

    Sayyiduna Gawthul Azam

    6. Reciting this 3 or 5 times is beneficial for every illness and difficulty.

    7. An infertile woman should have this Qaseeda recited 21 or 41 times by a competent reciter and then have Dam performed onto water. She should then drink that water for 40

    days, and she will become pregnant and due to the blessings of Sayyiduna Gawthul Azam she will be granted a son

    8. Recite it, perform Dam onto oil, and then rub the oil onto the body of one affected by evil spirits or Jinns. The evil spirits will flee.

    9. To gain freedom from an oppressor, recite this every day you will get relief from him and in the same way, one can get relief from enemy.

  • Sultanul aarifeen Dua

    Names of gawthul aazam Abdul qadir


  • SourcesSourcesSourcesSources

    1.Al malfuz al sharifanecdotes of imam al akbar shaykhul islam

    aarif billahi imam ahmad rida al qadiri compiled by mufti aazam

    hind Mustafa raza qadiri

    2.Tazkira-i-qadiria tahir alaudheen al qadiri

    3.tabsheer ummatul Ahmadiyya(glad tidings to the

    community of ahmad)- shaikh uthman shehu di fodio al


    4.says bahu ( abyate bahu)-sultan bahu

    5.tazkira mashaikh qadria razvia-maulana abdul mujtaba


    6.the august status of sayyid Abdul qadir jilani-ala

    hadrath imam ahmad rida al qadiri

    7.qaseeda sobhan- shaikh ABDUS SOBHAN AL-QUADERI

    8.... Taajush Shariah a great Islamic scholar

    9.qutubiyath,translation and explanation-p.p muhyidheen

    musliyar paarannoor

    10.dalailu sulook-Allah yar khan

    11.tasawwuf e rehmani-abdul qadir iftikari

    12.ratib al bukhari irfan 2006


    20.ilahi kitabi.

    21.madani treasure of blessings-muhammad ilyas attar al


    23.the sage of Baghdad-m.a hayder ali

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    Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen