success in life.ppt

By pritpal singh ECE-B1 1410991768

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Post on 29-Sep-2015




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  • By pritpal singhECE-B1 1410991768

  • GoalsValue = Goals = Behavior = Self-esteem

  • If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, Id spend 6 sharpening my ax Abraham Lincoln

  • DiscussionActivity: Shrinking CircleDiscuss outcome of the Shrinking CircleWhat happened when the circle got smaller and harder to fit?How does this relate to our lives?What are some things that prevent us from reaching our goals?

  • Long vs. ShortA short term goal is achieved quickly (finish term paper, wash dishes, mail Christmas cards by Friday, etc.). They help you achieve your long term goals.Long term goals will take months, years, all your life.

    For example: graduate from college, become a pilot, lose ___ pounds, etc.

  • Do you believe you can achieve?We need to learn how to dream. Keep the dream alive, reach your goals Some people dont decide or have a vision of what they want out of life. NO GOALS!!People with goals can see what they eventually want to achieve and they can see just how to get there.

  • Goals must be realistic you cant lose 40 pounds in one month

    Must prioritize rank in order of importance you, cant accomplish it all at once.

    Do you have the resources you need to reach your goals (money, information, health, energy, skill, etc.).

  • Individual Assignment:

    Write a long list of the goals you think would be important and worthwhile for you to accomplish. (a dream list) Now have them look at their list and ask themselves the following questions:Does it fit your values?Is it realistic?Is it flexible?Does it fit in with your other goals?Will the rewards be worth what you put in to it?Is it what you want?

  • BeliefActivity: The I cant funeral

    write down on a piece a paper everything you cant do.

    Next write a list of I CAN. Keep this in your note book/journal.

    Play song: I Believe I Can Fly

  • Success is in the bag.You need purse-severanceIt requires the same amount of energy to be successful as it does to be unsuccessful.99% of your assets are standing in your shoes.80% of success is showing up

  • If you are not working to where you want to be, you are AUTOMATICALLY working to where you dont want to be.

    Keep your most important values in mind at all times when you are making LESS important decisions.

    Dont sacrifice what matters most for something that doesnt matter that much to you. There are always trade-offs

  • Build a bridge and get over itYou will have challenges You will have roadblocksYou can have excuses or success but not both

    Story: Circus Elephants and Limitations

  • There are three types of people

    Ones that make things happenThose that let it happenAnd the ones that dont know what happened.

    What one are you going to be?

  • There is very little difference between mediocre and greatness.

    The boiling point is only 1 degree different than very warm water. The difference is tremendous. Steam can power many things.The difference between a race horse that wins first place and a second place is often fractions of a second.

  • Seven goal areas


  • Writing goals SPECIFIC!written down MEASURABLE TIME FRAME read out loud frequently posted visibly

  • Set a goal and fill out the goal contract.
