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This book is for informational purposes only. It contains general information about common

medical problems and treatments. It contains information and ideas for, but not limited to,

natural remedies, home remedies, cosmetic care recipes. There is no guarantee that the

information contained in this book is true, accurate, proven and/or not harmful to your

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WARNING: I am not a doctor and I do not encourage you to stop your current treatment

before talking to your doctor. Also, the guide is primarily about the majority form of

Diabetes today, which is Type 2 Diabetes. For the sake of simplicity, I will simply use the term


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Chapter 1 - The Diabetes Problem ..................................................................................... 5

1 - What is diabetes? ...................................................................................................... 5

2 - The recent explosion ................................................................................................. 9

3 - Dramatic complications ............................................................................................10

4 - In summary ..............................................................................................................11

Chapter 2 - The Laboratory Race for Profit ......................................................................12

1 - Diabetes: the golden goose ......................................................................................12

2 - The problem of current treatments ...........................................................................15

3 - The insulin scandal ..................................................................................................17

4 - In summary ..............................................................................................................20

Chapter 3 - Science Finally Understands Diabetes ..........................................................21

1 - A medical mystery ....................................................................................................21

2 - The Newcastle study ................................................................................................23

3 - The real cause of diabetes .......................................................................................25

4 - Liver and pancreas failure ........................................................................................30

5 - The solution .............................................................................................................31

6 - Summary ..................................................................................................................32

Chapter 4 - The Diabetes Free Method..............................................................................33

1 - Free your mind .........................................................................................................33

2 - Free yourself from sugar ..........................................................................................39

3 - The anti-diabetes diet ...............................................................................................42

4 - The anti-diabetic fasting ...........................................................................................48

5 - The exercise program ..............................................................................................52

6 - Take action! .............................................................................................................56

Chapter 5 - What's Next? ...................................................................................................59

1 - Enjoy your new life ...................................................................................................59

2 - Stay diabetes free ....................................................................................................60

BONUS #1 - Sugar Detox Plan .............................................................................................62

BONUS #2 - Anti-Diabetes Shopping List .............................................................................63

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Thank you!

Dear reader,

I would like to thank you for your trust. If you are reading this, you have made an

investment in your health, and I congratulate you!

When I wrote this book, I made it a quick and easy read, to have maximum impact

on your health and your life.

Recently, I gave it to a friend's father who has diabetes and is a few pounds

overweight. I thought it might help him.

After a few days, I got a call from him. I picked up the phone and immediately

recognized his voice (it's deep and really unique): "Wow, you wrote this? That's really


That made me very happy! Because you see...

It is not really what you will learn that is important, but what you will DO.

It's like me giving you the winning Lotto numbers...nothing is going to happen until

you go and validate the grid.

That's why I've made sure you can read this program quickly, because I want you to

get quick results...not provide you with a diabetes encyclopedia you'll never read.

And if you want to take action immediately, start with Chapter 4 and follow my

recommendations to the letter for at least 8 weeks.

I promise you this is a great program, and you'll have the best health of your life.

I wish you a great read,

PS: I recommend you watch this additional video about the "Pinch" Method for blood sugar:

(VIDEO) "Pinch" THIS = balance blood sugar? >>

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Chapter 1 - The Diabetes Problem

Today we hear about diabetes everywhere, and for good reason.

It is one of the major problems we have to face today. And it is urgent because the

situation is getting worse year after year.

But before going into details, let's recall what diabetes is...

1 - What is Diabetes?


Let's start at the beginning, which is to agree on what diabetes is.

It's very simple, diabetes is defined by a measurement of blood glucose, i.e. the

sugar level in the blood.

Diabetes = fasting blood sugar above 1.25g/l

This means that after a meal, for example in the morning when you haven't eaten all

night, you have more than 1.25g of sugar circulating per liter of blood.

You can test your blood sugar with a glucometer that can be found in pharmacies. To

be sure of the diagnosis, it's best to have at least three positive measurements, three

days in a row.

It's as simple as that.

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Type 1 VS Type 2

There are two types of diabetes, depending on the mechanism causing the disease.

In both cases, our definition is always true, and the blood sugar level is above


Type 1 diabetes: is an autoimmune disease in which the pancreas is unable to

produce insulin. It is a disease that has a recognized genetic factor, however the

mechanism of destruction of the pancreas is not yet fully understood. This diabetes

affects about 10% of patients.

Type 2 diabetes: is an inflammatory disease in which the liver can no longer assume

its role of transforming sugar into energy, because it is resistant to insulin. The

pancreas produces too much insulin. We know today that this disease is caused by

our diet. This diabetes affects about 90% of the patients.

Be careful with words!

In the remainder of this program, I will only use the term "diabetes" to refer to type

2 diabetes, as it affects the majority of patients.

A different unit...

Sometimes blood glucose is measured in mg/dl, which changes the order of


A blood glucose level of 1g/l is equal to 100 mg/dl.

On blood glucose meters, blood glucose is often expressed in mg/dl, so at 125

you are considered to have diabetes.

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Symptoms are the physical signs of diabetes.

They are often the basis for suspecting diabetes, but only a blood glucose test can

provide a reliable diagnosis.

If you have type 2 diabetes, here are the symptoms:

Intense fatigue and lack of energy

Weight gain

Significant hunger

Frequent urination

Strong thirst

Decreased vision

Neuropathic pain (tingling in hands, legs and feet)

Slow wound healing

Frequent infections


If you have these signs, I invite you to consult your doctor to establish a diagnosis

with certainty, by doing a blood sugar test.

If you have access to a glucose meter, you can also test on an empty stomach in the

morning, or at least 6 hours after a meal.

In cases of type 1 diabetes:

The symptoms are the same except that there is a significant and unexplainable

weight loss, without loss of appetite.

Diagnosis at different ages

Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in childhood, while type 2 diabetes occurs

later in life, often around the age of 45 to 60.

Nevertheless, with the modification of our diet, type 2 diabetes occurs earlier and

earlier as we will see.

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In recent years, the term pre-diabetes has been defined as the stage just before type

2 diabetes.

Prediabetes = fasting blood glucose between 1.10 and 1.25 g/l

This is important because prediabetes often turns into diabetes, with all the health

complications that this entails.

Fortunately, there is still time to act by changing your lifestyle habits as we will see

together in the rest of this program.

What is glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)?

It is a measure of a particular form of hemoglobin whose evolution is related to

blood glucose. It is a parameter that evolves more slowly than blood glucose and

allows for the measurement of longer term changes. It is measured in %.

The normal value is between 4 and 6%. Between 6 and 6.4% is generally pre-

diabetes. Above 6.5% is diabetes.

Diabetes can now be predicted

Thanks to a team of Japanese scientists, it is now possible to predict the risk of

developing diabetes by measuring glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c):

100% risk at 5 years, if HbA1c between 6 and 6.4% and blood glucose

between 1.10 and 1.25 g/l

50% at two years

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2 - The recent explosion

Today, we are facing a real epidemic.

But diabetes has not always been this prevalent in the population, in fact far from it.

In 1980, there were 108 million diabetics.

In 2019, there were 425 million.

That's almost 4 times more!

And the most optimistic estimates of experts are that by 2040, there will be more than

800 million diabetics in the world.

It's a real explosion!

Consequences for society

Unfortunately, this incredible increase in the number of patients is not without

consequences for society.

Diabetes is costing social security systems around the world a fortune...hundreds of

billions of dollars every year.

And some economists even estimate that the cost is in thousands of billions, so in

trillions, when we take into account all the associated indirect costs: diseases, loss of

productivity at work, accidents...

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A major issue

Today, the management of diabetes represents about 15% of the health expenses of

developed countries...just for this disease!

And the situation only gets worse year after year.

The management of diabetes is therefore one of the major challenges of the 21st

century for both developed and developing countries.

And I am proud that this program can make a contribution to solving this mass


3 - Dramatic complications

Beyond the numbers and costs, the most serious consequence is the human

suffering that diabetes causes to patients.

Indeed, if blood sugar levels are not regulated, diabetes can lead to serious


Neuropathic pain

Risk of amputation


Risk of blindness (loss of sight)

Risk of stroke

Risk of Cancer

Risk of Alzheimer's

Risk of premature death

The point is not to scare you, so I won't go into the numbers detailing the increased

risk of these different health problems.

But keep in mind that regulating your blood sugar should be a priority if you want to

live a long and healthy life.

So follow this program carefully, because you will understand the whole problem of

diabetes, and especially how to solve it.

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4 - In summary

In summary...

Diabetes: fasting blood glucose level above 1.25 g/l.

Blood glucose measurement: can be done in g/l or mg/dl.

Type 1 diabetes: no insulin produced by the pancreas.

Type 2 diabetes: too much insulin produced by the pancreas, which leads

to insulin resistance.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes: fatigue, thirst, weight gain, hunger, urge to

urinate, decreased vision, neuropathic pain, slow healing, infections,


Prediabetes: fasting blood glucose between 1.10 g/l and 1.25 g/l.

HbA1c: a form of hemoglobin that reflects long-term blood glucose levels.

Normal = 4 - 6%. Prediabetes = 6 - 6.4%. Diabetes = 6.5% and above.

Recent explosion: in 40 years the number of diabetics has almost


Serious complications: if blood sugar levels are not normalized (pain,

amputation, glaucoma, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer's, death...).

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Chapter 2 - The Laboratories' Race for


Diabetes has serious consequences for patients, as we have just seen.

Unfortunately, this doesn't stop laboratories from increasing the price of treatments

and doing everything to hide effective natural solutions...

1 - Diabetes: the golden goose

Traditional anti-diabetes methods

For thousands of years, diabetes was managed naturally by doctors, using natural

solutions based on diet.

In ancient Egypt, more than 5,000 years ago, traces of an anti-diabetes diet were


In 1797, a Scottish surgeon named John Rollo treated his patients with diabetes with

a meat-only diet.

At the beginning of the 19th century, an American physician specializing in diabetes,

Dr. Allen, set up an effective diet to rid his patients of their type 2 diabetes. He "fed"

them only whiskey and coffee.

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In a few weeks, patients normalized their glycemia...but some died of

malnutrition.Therefor to be avoided...

But in general, compared to the knowledge of the time, the results were quite


Fortunately, science has made a lot of progress since then...

The discovery that changed everything

In 1921, a researcher named Frederick Banting made a

discovery that changed everything: he discovered

insulin and its role in regulating blood sugar levels by

isolating it from the pancreas of cows.

It was a real revolution that won him the Nobel Prize for


This discovery led to the treatment of more than 25,000

patients with type 1 diabetes in 1921.

This discovery was so important, and had the power to save so many lives, that

Banting decided to assign the patent for a nominal $1 to the University of Toronto.

In this way, he believed that no one could make a profit from a drug so important to

the health of humanity.

But he underestimated the ingenuity of the pharmaceutical laboratories...

The race for profits

In 1958, an English biochemist named Frederick Sanger succeeded in synthesizing

insulin. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work.

As a result, the laboratories had a brilliant idea...but it was going to cost the patients

a lot of money.

They came up with the idea of changing the insulin formula slightly so they could

patent it. And thanks to some loopholes in the U.S. patent system, they can continue

to change the formula very slightly and file patents.

In this way, they secure a monopoly on the use of commercial insulin as it is sold


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The thing is, if you've been paying attention, insulin was originally discovered and

used to treat type 1 diabetes. And it works very well.

But seeing the commercial potential of type 2 diabetes, and its explosion since the

1970s, the laboratories sniffed out the potential: they had to offer insulin-based

treatments for type 2 diabetics.... and multiply the potential market, and therefore the

profits, by 10!

Their objective was clear: to impose insulin treatments as the reference for type 2

diabetics...and they succeeded.

By lobbying governments, health agencies and doctors, they were able to impose

insulin as the reference treatment.

Today, patients with type 2 diabetes are systematically treated with insulin: nutritional

methods have been completely abandoned, as they cannot be patented and

therefore do not yield any profit.

And during this time, laboratories pocket tens of billions every year...

On the backs of unsuspecting patients!

And the race for profits is never-ending, as laboratories regularly get nailed for crazy

and unjustified increases in insulin prices...which has doubled in the US since 2011!

But beyond the moral problem of generating so much money with a drug that was

initially put in the public domain, there is another major problem.

Current insulin-based treatments do not cure patients, and only make their situation


Staggering profits...

In 2019, pharmaceutical companies pocketed more than $70 billion from diabetes

treatments alone.

And in the US, one expert noted that among the 500 largest companies in the

country, the 10 largest pharmaceutical companies make more profit each year

than the other 490...combined! He said that the pharmaceutical industry has

strayed from its original goal of treating patients, to focus solely on the mad,

endless pursuit of profits.

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2 - The problem of current treatments

Classical care

Classical care of diabetes often goes like this:

1. You have symptoms of diabetes (fatigue, weight gain...) so you consult your


2. He asks you a lot of questions and finally tests your blood sugar. He then

realizes that you are above 1.25 g/l and diagnoses you with diabetes.

3. He suggests an oral treatment with Metformin (which is insulin-based).

4. Over the next few months and years, you gain more and more weight and

your blood sugar levels start to get out of control again.

5. You see your doctor again and this time he switches you to insulin injections.

6. The situation doesn't get any gets worse. Your doctor prescribes

even more insulin. And it never stops...

And you may recognize yourself in this plan of care, as it is the one proposed by the

majority of physicians.

Nevertheless, we notice two things: you are not proposed any action on your

nutrition, except for some vague advices if you are lucky enough to have a doctor

who is interested in the subject, which is quite rare.

The second thing you notice is that this whole "treatment" plan revolves around

insulin, which is a problem...

All about insulin

Insulin poses a major problem in the management of diabetes: it does not address

the cause of the disease at all.

All insulin does is take over from your pancreas to help your liver convert the sugar in

your bloodstream into energy, either in the form of glycogen or fat.

But as we will see later, this is not at all what your body needs.

Diabetes Symptoms

Diagnostic Metformine InsulineMore


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And that's why it doesn't work, and why patients' health only gets worse, even when

they are on treatment.

Obviously, this is good for the laboratories who can line their pockets, but it is terrible

for the patients, whose health is deteriorating at a rapid pace.

Other treatments

There are other more recent categories ofmedications that work slightly differently

than insulin.

But the objective is the same: to reduce blood sugar, either by transforming it into

glycogen or by transforming it into fat.

But the problem remains the same, it does not solve the cause of the disease, it only

hides the symptoms by "putting the dust under the carpet".

And this is the failure of the "modern" and western diabetes care.

Anti-diabetes treatments do not cure!

Keep this in mind: anti-diabetes treatments have NEVER cured any patient with

type 2 the history of mankind.

All these treatments do is lower your blood sugar without fixing the problem that

caused your high blood sugar.

These treatments only deal with the symptoms, but never with the cause, so they

do not cure any patient.

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3 - The insulin scandal

A highly profitable market

As we have seen, the laboratories are doing everything possible to ensure that the

reference mode of management of diabetic patients is the use of insulin.

And they have an obvious financial interest.

The pharmaceutical industry makes tens of billions every year from diabetes (nearly

$70 billion in 2019), on the backs of patients:

Oral treatments

Insulin injections



Socks for diabetics...

The patients are real cash cows from which we try to extract as much money as

possible, by keeping them sick and making them take expensive treatments that do

not solve the problem.

And I'm going to reveal something that may shock you.

Did you know that anti-diabetes treatments are the most profitable for laboratories?

So why would they shoot themselves in the foot by proposing natural and almost free

solutions when they can continue to sell their overpriced treatments?

And to maintain their profits, all means are good...

Convictions for corruption

The laboratories do not hesitate to use all the methods at their disposal to have

insulin adopted as the reference treatment.

Every year, pharmaceutical companies spend a fortune lobbying governments,

health agencies and doctors.

And some laboratories, especially in the USA, do not hesitate to break the laws.

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In the last few years, 24 of the 25 largest

pharmaceutical companies have received court


The reasons? Corruption of doctors, concealment

of side effects, lies about the benefits of drugs,


The list is long and frightening.

And here's the proof, with some of the biggest pharmaceutical company convictions

in recent years:

Laboratory Amount of the fine (in $) Motives

GlaxoSmithKline 3 billion Concealment of side effects

Corruption of physicians

Pfizer 2.3 billion Corruption of physicians

Johnson & Johnson 2.2 billion Corruption of physicians

Abbott Laboratories 1.5 billion Illegal promotion

Eli Lilly 1.4 billion Illegal promotion

Amgen 762 million Illegal promotion

Corruption of physicians

Novartis 423 million Illegal promotion

Corruption of physicians

And believe me, that's just a small part of the list...

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An indispensable industry?

Nevertheless, I recognize the interest of the pharmaceutical industry to develop

drugs whose usefulness is unanimously recognized, and when they are the best

known therapeutic option.

But in the case of diabetes, this is not the case and treatments only make things

worse for patients by hiding the real cause of the problem.

Fortunately, many doctors and experts no longer tolerated the situation and joined

forces to find effective and scientifically valid methods to free patients from diabetes.

And that's exactly what we'll see in the next chapter...

Insulin: a treatment that is not harmless...

In addition to not solving the cause of your diabetes, insulin is a treatment with

many side effects, which often deteriorates the quality of life of patients.

Here is a list of some of the side effects:


Heart palpitations

Tingling in the fingers

Blurred vision

Loss of consciousness

Skin reactions

Weight gain

Complications of diabetes: amputation, cancer, premature death...

So do everything you can to avoid insulin injections by following the natural

protocol that we will see together in the rest of this program.

If you are currently being treated with insulin, continue your treatment! But talk to

your doctor about your approach, with the goal of reducing doses as you follow the

program and your blood sugar levels normalize naturally.

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4 - In summary

In summary...

Traditional nutritional methods: have been used for thousands of years

by doctors.

Discovery of insulin: health revolution. Allowed the treatment of millions of

type 1 diabetics.

Insulin patent: through ingenious methods, which allows laboratories to

increase prices.

Incredible profits: pharmaceutical companies made over $70 billion in

profits in 2019.

Conventional management: does not cure diabetes. The situation only

gets worse for patients.

All about insulin: the whole current treatment plan revolves around insulin,

which doesn't work.

Other treatments: also do not work to cure patients, because they do not

attack the cause.

Convicted laboratories: almost all laboratories break the laws to promote

their treatments.

Dangerous side effects: insulin is not a harmless treatment. It often

degrades the quality of life of patients.

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Chapter 3 - Science Finally Understands


History is often made in cycles, and diabetes is no exception.

As we have seen, it has been known for thousands of years how to manage diabetes


But since the explosion of the pharmaceutical industry, and because of the endless

search for financial profits, traditional methods have been forgotten in favor of drugs

that do not solve the problem.

It's time to go back to the roots...

1 - A medical mystery

In 1980, an American surgeon named Walter Porries made a surprising discovery.

He studied a group of patients who underwent bariatric surgery (stomach reduction)

for 14 years. There were 608 patients, 161 with type 2 diabetes, and 150 with


And here are the results obtained by these patients following surgery:

Diabetics: 83% have normalized their blood sugar

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Pre-diabetics: 99% have normalized their blood sugar

Discontinuation of treatment: sometimes in just a few days

Loss of 45kg: on average (loss maintained after 14 years)

In addition to this, patients have seen a considerable improvement in their health:

Decrease in blood pressure

Improved sleep

Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

Increase in energy

These are impressive results, which radically change the lives of patients. No drug

treatment has ever been able to achieve such results.

The question that the scientists then asked themselves, is...

How is this possible?

And for a long time, it remained an unsolved medical mystery.

Many have speculated about the mechanisms that have allowed this kind of outcome

for patients: hormonal changes following the removal of the stomach, complicated

assumptions of regulation of different body systems...

But nothing to do, nobody understood what was going on.

And every year, more than 11,000 patients are freed from diabetes naturally,

following bariatric surgery.

But one day, a doctor found the solution.

And it was much simpler than we thought...

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2 - The Newcastle study

In order to understand this famous medical

mystery, Dr. Roy Taylor of Newcastle University

decided to set up a clinical study.

He wanted to understand how these 11,000

patients were able to become diabetes-free each


So he looked into natural solutions, and was inspired by what doctors of the past did

to set up his protocol.

He hypothesized that if patients were able to get rid of their diabetes after bariatric

surgery, it was mainly due to the fact that they were forced to eat less because their

stomachs were so reduced in size.

This means that they were taking in fewer calories, and therefore fewer sugars.

To test his hypothesis, he created a very low-calorie dietary protocol: patients were

required to eat only protein-rich liquids, with a total caloric intake of only 800 calories

per day.

That's very low!

Especially when you know the recommended daily allowance:

For men: between 2,400 and 2,600 Kcal per day

For women: between 1800 and 2200 Kcal per day

But according to Dr. Taylor's hypothesis, this was necessary to allow patients to be

free of their diabetes.

Warning: Bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery is a major operation to reduce the size of the stomach. Patients

lose a lot of weight thanks to the important caloric restriction, but this is not to be

taken lightly.

This is a major operation that has irreversible consequences on your life and the

way you eat.

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And he was right...

In only 8 weeks, 100% of his patients normalized their blood sugar and were able to

stop their treatment.

And the best patient became diabetes-free in just 11 days.

On top of that, the vast majority of patients never had to suffer a return of the

disease. They were able to say goodbye to their diabetes forever.

These results were completely exceptional, and Dr. Taylor published them in several

prestigious medical journals such as Diabetologia and Diabetes Care.

Here is what he announced following the release of his study:

"What we have shown is that it is possible to stop your diabetes, even if you

have had the disease for more than 10 years."

"The study also answered the question I'm most often asked: does diabetes go

away for good?

The obvious answer is a big YES!"

And he concluded:

And his study is serious, as confirmed by a thorough review by other scientists who

have validated it.

In the medical world, this was a small revolution, which led to many reactions from

other scientists.

Dr. Iain Frame of Diabetes UK, UK said:

"We are thrilled with the results of this study because it proves that type 2

diabetes can be reversed."

Dr. Taylor has simply updated the traditional nutritional management of diabetes with

a safe and effective protocol for patients.

Dr. Roy Taylor:

"Type 2 diabetes is reversible, even for long-term diabetics."

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A natural protocol that does not require insulin...

The only downside? The protocol is difficult for patients to follow, as not everyone is

able to restrict themselves to only 800 Kcal per day on a fluid-only diet.

But fortunately, other doctors and researchers have made additional interesting


3 - The real cause of diabetes

Dr. Jason Fung, an American physician, has dedicated his life

and career to finding the solution to the problems of obesity

and diabetes that plague the Western world.

Now renowned and recognized, he has written several best-

selling health books, including The Obesity Code, which has

sold millions of copies.

And The Diabetes Code, without a doubt the best book on the subject of diabetes

and its management that I have read in my life.

The only problem is that to date, this book has not been translated. But if you are

lucky enough to be able to speak Shakespeare's language, I recommend you to read


What I like about Dr. Fung is that he has taken a simple and innovative approach to

the problem of diabetes.

And he explained the cause, and the consequences in a very clear way, as we will


The modern diet

He believes that the main cause of the recent

explosion of the disease is the changes we

have made to our diet in the last 40 years.

In fact, since the publication of the Food

Pyramid in the 1980s by the FDA (the American

Federal Agency), which gives dietary

recommendations for the population, the

number of diabetics has exploded.

Remember, it has grown from 108 million in 1980 to over 463 million in 2019.

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And all countries that adopt the same diet see the same thing happen.

At issue: the SAD, Standard American Diet.

A diet that favors the consumption of carbohydrates and starchy foods over fats and


The question is, why was this destructive diet implemented and adopted on a large


Because of the designation of the wrong culprit...

The wrong culprit

To understand the situation, we need to go back in time to the 1950s in the USA.

At the time, doctors noticed a rapid increase in the number of cardiovascular

diseases and a sharp rise in deaths.

As a result, several studies have been set up to try to understand the problem and

stop it.

And one study in particular, the infamous 7 Country Study, had a major impact on the

decisions of the time.

In 1978, physiologist Ancel Keys of the University of

Minnesota published the results of his study. He studied the

dietary behaviors of populations in 7 different countries to try

to find a link with cardiovascular disease.

And he was able to establish a correlation, he said, between

the amount of fat in the diet and the increase in

cardiovascular disease.

For him, fat was the culprit!

The problem is that the study was completely wrong.

He completely neglected to take into account many criteria, such as genetics,

external factors and other variables.

For example, we must remember that there was an explosion in the number of

smokers in the USA in the 1950s. And we know today that smoking increases the

risk of cardiovascular disease.

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But the government agencies of the day didn't think about this, and blindly relied on

the results of Keys' study to make their recommendations.

As a result?

There was a real hunt for fatty foods that continues to this day.

And that made the white bread of the industrialists...

A boon for the agri-food industry

With the hunt for fat, manufacturers had to think of solutions to give taste to their


The problem with low-fat products is that they become bland.

The solution they found? Replace fat with sugar!

And it has filled their pockets as much as it has fattened the consumers...

Why is this? It is very simple.

First of all, sugar has an extremely powerful addictive power. Researchers have

proven that sugar is more addictive than cocaine, one of the most addictive drugs in

the world!

So the more consumers ate or drank these new sugar-enriched products, the more

they bought them.

On top of that, manufacturers have been able to develop entire ranges of new fat-

free "diet" products.

Correlation does not mean Cause!

The big mistake Ancel Keys made in his study was to confuse a correlation

relationship with a cause and effect relationship.

You may well find that 100% of the patients in a study with lung cancer were

smokers AND ate pizza a week. You will then have a correlation between lung

cancer and eating pizza a week.

But that doesn't mean that pizza gives you lung cancer!

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So we have gradually removed fat from our plates and replaced it with sugar, which

has led to all the problems we know today.

Sugar and fructose

Sugar is not harmless to our body.

Dr. Fung quickly understood this, and here is how he explains it.

By increasing our carbohydrate intake, we have introduced a much higher amount of

glucose and fructose into our bodies than we have been used to for millennia.

Indeed, our bodies have evolved slowly over thousands of years to adapt to our diet,

and nature does not like sudden changes.

So this is what happened...

First of all, you have to understand one thing: there are different types of sugars, and

without going into complicated details, we will differentiate glucose and fructose.

Glucose: it is present in starchy foods, rice, pasta ... It is metabolized by the liver,

muscles, brain and provides energy to function.

Fructose: it is present in fruits but also in the added sugar that industrialists introduce

in many products. It is metabolized only by the liver.

So from one day to the next our body, and in particular our liver, had to deal with a

monstrous amount of glucose, and especially fructose. And our body now had to

store all these calories, which are energy, in the body.

Remember: sugar intake has increased tenfold since 1850, which is monstrous for

the body!

And unfortunately, our body is not yet used to manage this massive intake of sugar,

which leads to significant damage, causing many diseases...

Damage to the body

The liver must therefore deal with all this sugar, which it is responsible for storing in

the body, for future use. There are 2 forms of energy storage in the body:

Glycogen: this is the storage form for quick use. Glycogen is stored in the liver,

muscles and brain.

Fat: This isthe long-term storage form of energy. The body manufactures it

when glycogen stores are full. Fat is only used when the daily intake of

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energy, and therefore calories, is lower than the needs. Fat is stored under the

skin, but also in the organs.

The body receives so much energy in the form of sugar that it has to make a lot of fat

to store it.

And some of this fat is deposited in the liver and pancreas, as observed by several


On the left, a healthy liver. On the right, a liver infiltrated with fat.

Eventually, this massive intake of sugar from the diet and the fat deposits in the liver

and pancreas lead to a dysfunction of these organs.

And as we will see, this is what leads to diabetes.

Don't listen to nutritionists...

Even today, most nutritionists believe that the Food Pyramid is the gold standard

for healthy eating.

However, I guarantee you that the studies are clear: you cannot get rid of diabetes

by following the SAD (Standard American Diet).

This is the cause of your current health condition, so it's time to try something


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4 - Liver and pancreas failure

The body is a well-oiled machine that normally works perfectly.

Each organ has its role, more or less essential, for the survival of the system. But if

one of the parts of the machine does not work anymore, that's when the problems


In the case of diabetes, the problem comes from the liver and pancreas.

Here is what happens...

The Liver: is responsible for converting glucose and fructose into energy, when it

receives the insulin signal, which indicates high blood sugar. The liver then produces

either glycogen or fat. With the explosion of glucose and fructose to manage, the liver

becomes saturated with sugar and functions less efficiently. And as it becomes more

and more infiltrated with fat, it becomes resistant to insulin from the pancreas.

The Pancreas: is responsible for producing insulin, which signals the liver to take

sugar from the blood and turn it into energy for storage. The pancreas produces

insulin when it detects high blood sugar, i.e. after meals. When the pancreas is

infiltrated with fat, it can no longer produce insulin properly.

Because of the explosion of the amount of sugar in our diet, there is a progressive

bankruptcy of these two organs, which can no longer fulfill their role.

The result? The blood sugar level remains permanently high, and this is the

diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes.

The question is how to solve the problem?

Dr. Fung is adamant that medication will never be the answer. The problem of

nutrition must be addressed.

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5 - The solution

Exactly as our ancestors understood, and as Dr. Taylor and Dr. Fung have

confirmed, the solution can ONLY come from our diet.

It is absolutely necessary to stop flooding your body with sugar, to allow it to

reactivate the liver and the pancreas, which will regulate blood sugar levels naturally.

Next, you need to free your liver and pancreas of the

fat that has accumulated. And again, this can only be

done by changing your diet.

Our body is a well-oiled machine that does not need

external help to function (except in the case of certain


If you can free your liver and pancreas of all the fat that has accumulated and is

preventing them from functioning, these organs will regain their normal function and

be able to regulate blood sugar.

But for that, you must absolutely change your habits, your vision of food, and

especially your diet.

Because so far your current lifestyle has made you sick, so you absolutely must get

rid of it.

But don't worry, it's quick and easy as long as you follow the right advice.

And that's exactly what we'll find out in the next chapter.

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6 - In summary

In summary...

Medical mystery: following bariatric surgery, almost all patients become

free of type 2 diabetes naturally.

Newcastle Study: Dr. Roy Taylor was able to reverse type 2 diabetes in

100% of patients on a low-calorie diet, only 800 Kcal per day for 8 weeks.

Liberation in 11 days: this is the fastest result obtained by a patient who

followed Dr. Taylor's protocol.

Type 2 diabetes is reversible: this is a certainty after this study reviewed

and validated by many scientists.

Cause of diabetes: it is the modern diet (SAD: Standard American Diet),

rich in starches and sugars, and low in fat.

Wrong culprit: fat was designated as a culprit, and still is today, wrongly.

Profits for the food industry: which took advantage of this to ride the

wave of "fat free" and develop new ranges of ineffective "diet" products.

Sugar explosion: we consume 10 times more sugar than in 1850, with

terrible consequences on the body.

Liver failure: which is infiltrated with fat and can no longer fulfill its role of

transforming blood sugar into glycogen or fat.

Pancreatic failure: the pancreas is infiltrated with fat and can no longer

produce enough insulin to handle the huge sugar intake.

Solution: change your habits and diet, the only way to get rid of diabetes


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Chapter 4 - The Diabetes Free Method

Now that you know that it is scientifically proven that it is possible to be free of

diabetes, let's look at the practical side together.

Just follow these steps one by one and take action to achieve your new life.

WARNING: I recommend that you follow this program to the letter for at least 8

weeks before you can judge its effectiveness on you.

1 - Free your mind

Your beliefs define you

This is the first step to transforming your life.

The quickest way to free yourself from diabetes,

and achieve the best health of your life, is to free

your mind from the beliefs that block it.

As you may know, the brain is an extremely

powerful machine that directly influences our


So if limiting beliefs are blocking you, you will never be free of diabetes.

Here is what you need to do...

Read this sentence and repeat it aloud several times:

"I am NOT diabetic...I HAVE diabetes...and I can be free of it."

Right now you don't need to know how to do it, you just need to believe it. Believe

that it is possible.

And this sentence does not come out of nowhere, it is a scientific truth.

You CAN be free of diabetes, as the dozens of studies we've discussed together in

previous chapters have proven.

Because if you say, "I'm diabetic," that's a condition, that's a fact. It means that you

can't get rid of it because it's what you are.

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Whereas if you say, "I have diabetes," which you probably do right now, it's

temporary...and you can get rid of it.

That's why this shift in reality is so powerful and essential.

This phrase helps you open your mind, and prepares you to receive the solution to

free yourself and transform your life.

Repeat it to believe it

Write this sentence on a piece of paper, do it now:

"I am NOT diabetic...I HAVE diabetes...and I can be free of it."

And repeat it out loud, over and over again. Don't be afraid to be ridiculous, just do it.

And keep this sheet in your pocket, put this sentence as a wallpaper or hang it on

your bathroom mirror!

You have to believe in it 100%, it is very important.


Write down your statement and repeat it:

Take a piece of paper or a post-it note, and write the following statement. Then

read it out loud several times a day until you believe it with all your being.

"I am NOT diabetic...I HAVE diabetes...and I can be free of it."

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Change your habits

Changing habits is probably one of the hardest things for most people to do.

If you look around you, people who are in the best health in the world ALL live


They eat differently, they think differently and they have

different habits.

Every day they are questioned about their difference, they

are criticized, sometimes they are laughed at.

And yet they are the ones who are in shape all year

round, who are slim, active, and who look 10 years younger than their age!

Because people who enjoy excellent health are not afraid to live differently, to

change their habits or to be open to new things.

They explore, are willing to try different lifestyles, and do not follow the habits of the

majority, nor the traditional "health advice".

They don't listen to what is "supposed" to be good.

They listen to THEIR body and know what is good for THEM...and it keeps their body

young for a long time.

The question is:

What are YOUR health habits?

Take the time to think about it.

You can free yourself from diabetes and completely transform your health, and your


You can look younger than your age and feel good in your body, it is not reserved for

TV stars or top athletes.

And you know what? You can even do it all quickly.

You just need to think about your current habits and what you want for your health.

Believe me, it's not ridiculous.

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This is the beginning of your transformation process: you are taking the first step

towards your new life.

The life in which you are in the best health of your life, and you look younger than

your age.

It all comes down to GOOD habits. What are yours?

Visualize your future

So now you have repeated your statement and analyzed

your habits.

You are on the road to diabetes freedom.

The next thing you need to do is critical.

I want you to write down how you would like to feel in a

year, and how your health would be.

I know it sounds crazy, but this exercise is very powerful.

Don't think about it, just take a sheet of paper and a pen and write it down!

Most people don't know this, but there's something very powerful about writing by

hand. It triggers things in your brain, on a cellular level, when you write on a piece of


It's like signing a contract with yourself.


Answer this question to transform your life:

What are your daily habits?

And it involves every aspect of your life. What do you eat every day? At what time

of day? How many times a day? How many steps do you walk each day? Do you


Please take the time to answer these questions. I want you to answer in writing.

Do it now, spontaneously, without thinking too much about it, without judging your

answers. Just write. This is very important as you move toward your new life.

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As if you were committing to yourself to accomplish what you write.

It becomes serious, it becomes "official".

And studies have shown that you are much more likely to achieve a goal when you

write it down by hand.

So maybe it's scary to write it all down, everything you want to achieve for your

health and your life.

But the "scarier" the better.

It means that you step out of your comfort zone, that you start to change your reality.

You are starting to enter your new life.

Stay motivated

So now that you've created your statement, analyzed your habits and written down

"Your Goals", it's time to put things in place.

Now we can move on to the practical side of the program to free yourself from


But I want you to keep one thing in mind: no matter how hard it gets or how much

you feel you are not making progress, you have to stay motivated and follow the



Write down your goals for your health and life in one year:

This is essential to speed up things and get into your new life.

Take a sheet of paper, and write at the top: "In 1 Year, I want...". Then, describe

how you want to feel in your body, the weight you want to gain, what you want in

relation to your diabetes, your health, your energy, your life...

Write everything in positive form, do not use negatives ("I don't want to"). This is


And then put today's date and sign. Keep this sheet carefully.

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Because too often, people start a program and then this is what happens:

Either they get discouraged and give up

Either they continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over again,

thinking that the results will be different.

It's very common to see this.

When you encounter an obstacle, you must persevere because it will make you

proud of yourself and it is the only way to progress.

Trust the process, don't get discouraged when you encounter obstacles, stay

motivated, be patient and I guarantee you will be surprised at the results and positive

changes in your life.

It's as simple as that.

Now we'll move on to the biggest part of the program: your diet...

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2 - Free yourself from sugar

Sugar makes you sick

Sugar is the cause of your diabetes, and the key to resensitizing yourself to insulin.

Remember one important thing:

You are NOT diabetic, you HAVE diabetes.

Because of too much sugar in your body.

So let's focus on something you can control: your sugar intake.

But you can only control it if you are aware of it.

If not, it's something that can completely ruin your life and your health, without you

even knowing it.

By the way:

Most of your current health problems are probably due to sugar.

Want to live a healthy life? Free your body from sugar, it's that simple.

It doesn't matter if you are overweight or not, if

you are being treated with insulin or Metformin or


Diabetes is not caused by age, genetics or a

pancreas that no longer functions.

The cause of your diabetes is sugar!

So all you have to do is free yourself from it.

The hidden sugar in our plates

The problem is that we often don't realize how much sugar we put into our bodies,

because the vast majority of sugar is hidden.

The best way to do this is to look at what you eat each day.

Once you have identified the problem foods, simply replace them with foods that are

good for you.

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You will feel better immediately.

Because the truth is, you can take all the treatments you want, but your diabetes will

NEVER go away if you don't deal with the sugar problem.

You must accept this reality.

As we have seen, our body is not made to live in an excess of sugar, it has not

adapted to this way of functioning.

So take a step back, look at what you're eating and free yourself from sugar.

Review each of the foods you eat each day and check the label for added sugar. If it

does, cut it out.

CAUTION: Do not confuse sugars!

What you need to eliminate from your diet is unnatural, man-made refined sugar.

Natural sugars in foods, such as in fruit or cereals, are essential for our proper


You must remove sugar from the list of ingredients (because if it is part of the

ingredients, it is added) of a product, but not from the nutritional tables, as can be

seen in the images, just below.

Indeed, potatoes, bananas, rice or cereals naturally contain sugars (called

carbohydrates) and they are not bad for your health. What is bad are the refined

sugars added by man. This is very important!

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Burn the sugar stocks

For years, you have overloaded your body with sugar from your diet, which has made

you sick and given you diabetes.

As we have just seen, you need to stop new sugar from entering your body, by

watching your diet.

For more details, refer to the Sugar Detox Plan bonus guide at the end of this


This is essential, but if you want to speed up your diabetes release process, you also

need to burn off existing stores.

To do this, you need to understand an important concept: metabolism.

For those who are not familiar with this term, here is the definition:

"Metabolism is the energy expended by your body to provide the basic

functions essential for survival."

To function, your body expends energy, even at rest when you are not doing


And metabolism can be faster or slower, and more or less efficient, depending on

who you are and what your habits are.

The good news is that the more efficient your metabolism is, the more sugar you'll

burn that makes you sick.

And we'll see exactly how to do that with the following steps, which are designed to

speed up your metabolism and burn the sugar stores accumulated as fat in your


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3 - The anti-diabetes diet

This is a very important part of this program.

Remember: the only cause of your diabetes is the food you eat every day. They are

what made you sick, so you must replace them.

CAUTION: follow these tips to the letter for at least 8 weeks before you can judge

their effectiveness on you.

Reduce carbohydrates

As we have seen, the explosion in the

number of diabetics occurred after the

introduction of the SAD (Standard American

Diet) which advised people to consume much

more carbohydrates, instead of lipids (fats).

Abundant carbohydrates promote diabetes

through two mechanisms:

Insulin resistance: the pancreas releases much more insulin after eating

carbohydrates than after eating protein or fat.

Increased visceral fat: the liver cannot handle the large amount of

carbohydrates coming into the body and must therefore form fat to store

energy. This fat infiltrates the liver and pancreas, preventing them from

functioning normally.

To be free of diabetes it is therefore very important to reduce carbohydrate intake.

A thousand-year-old method

Since ancient times, doctors have noted that reducing carbohydrates in the diet is

beneficial in cases of diabetes. This method has simply been forgotten since the

introduction of insulin treatment.

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Not all carbohydrates are created equal

You should know that there are different types of carbohydrates, depending on their

chemical composition. This composition has an impact on the speed at which

carbohydrates are digested in the body, and therefore the size of the blood sugar

peak, and therefore the insulin peak.

Remember: our goal is to normalize blood sugar levels and limit insulin spikes so that

the body regains insulin sensitivity.

Here are the two types of carbohydrates that we will differentiate:

Complex carbohydrates (long chain): transformed into glucose in the body.

These are whole foods: whole grain rice, whole grain pasta...

Refined carbohydrates (short chain): transformed very quickly into glucose in

the body. These are all white foods: rice, pasta, bread...

For the duration of the program, I advise you to severely limit or even completely stop

refined carbohydrates.

Instead, eat whole foods, rich in fiber, which are digested more slowly by the body

and therefore cause a smaller spike in blood sugar, and therefore insulin.

Waking up: the anti-diabetes potion

Sugar and cinnamon have a blood sugar regulating effect. By combining these two

foods, you have an "anti-diabetes potion", to be drunk immediately upon waking,

before breakfast. Here is how to prepare it:

Squeeze 1 lemon into a glass

Add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon

Fill with water and mix

Not only is it good for your health, it's fresh and delicious!

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Limit proteins

Generally, when we talk about proteins we immediately think of meat, eggs, fish...

But they are present in many other foods.

In fact, most foods contain at least a small amount of protein. This is why the myth of

"protein deficiency" is totally unfounded, as it is extremely rare.

So why do we say we should limit intake?

This is because if you take in too much protein, the liver converts it into glucose.

And as you now know:

Glucose = High blood sugar = Insulin peak = Avoid in diabetes

So you need to go on a hunt for unnecessary sources of protein, like:

Protein bars



Diet foods (often enriched with proteins)

If you eat one source of protein per meal, that's plenty.

And contrary to what many people think, you do NOT need to eat meat at every


Here is a list of plant foods that are rich in protein and that are more than enough to

cover your daily intake if you eat a little at each meal:


Beans (red, black, white)

Peas and chickpeas

Bulgur, Quinoa, Tilapia

Whole grain rice

In addition, it is beneficial for your body to vary the sources of proteins and to

decrease the meat intake which is much too high today.

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Eat more healthy fats

Since the introduction of DAS in the

1980s, fat has been hunted.

And as we have seen, industrialists

have taken advantage of this to

replace it with sugar, which is much

more addictive, but which is at the

origin of the wave of diabetes and

obesity that is hitting our societies.

They also surfed on the wave of "fat free" to develop a whole new range of "diet"

products, extremely unhealthy and often filled with chemical additives or "fake


But what you need to know is that our body needs fats (or lipids).

Omega-3 for example, found in oleaginous fruits (walnuts, hazelnuts...) and in fish,

are essential to the proper functioning of the body.

And contrary to what people would have us believe, dietary fat does not make you

gain more fat in your body. It does not make you fat, strictly speaking, that's a myth!

In addition, fat causes a much smaller increase in blood sugar than carbohydrates,

and therefore a smaller insulin peak.

Here is a list of some foods that are an excellent source of fat:

Olive oil

Coconut oil






And there are many others.

Refer to the Diabetes Running List at the end of the program to find out more.

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Watch your total calories

While the type of food you eat is important, especially with diabetes, the main thing to

focus on is the total number of calories.

In fact, if you want to free your liver and pancreas from the visceral fat that prevents

them from functioning normally, you must lose weight.

And the only way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories per day than you burn.

Aim for a daily deficit of about 500 Kcal.

This is the law of thermodynamics:

Lose Weight = Calorie Intake < Calorie Expenditure

If you don't follow this, your efforts will not succeed and the needle on the scale will

not move. It's as simple as that.

Supplement with vitamin C

Studies have shown that taking 1,000 mg per day of vitamin C for 30 days is very

effective for diabetes.

It has a strong action on your body, which helps regulate blood sugar.

So go stock up on vitamin C.

The myth of cholesterol

For years, we have been frightened by cholesterol, making us believe that certain

foods increase the 'bad cholesterol', which would lead to cardiovascular diseases.

But science has decided: after dozens of serious studies on the subject, scientists

have shown that there is NO negative impact on health from dietary cholesterol.

I repeat:

Dietary cholesterol does NOT increase 'bad cholesterol' (or LDL).

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In conclusion

The anti-diabetes diet

To fight your diabetes, adopt the "anti-diabetes diet":

Eat fresh, unprocessed, natural and whole foods.

Cut out sugar and added sugars.

Limit (or eliminate) refined carbohydrates.

Limit protein.

Increase fat, especially of plant origin.

Limit the number of calories (consume less calories than you expend, about

500 Kcal deficit per day)

In other words, it is a diet very close to the Mediterranean Diet.

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4 - The anti-diabetic fasting

You have most likely already heard of fasting.

Since the beginning of time, this practice has been recognized for its health benefits.

And in all religions, fasting is used as a therapeutic and purifying method. It is like a

natural secret weapon.

IMPORTANT: Fasting is a strategy that works EVERY time. If you don't see an

improvement in your blood sugar, your body is still overloaded with sugar. Solution,

do a longer fast, to deplete the stocks.

What is it?

Fasting is simply not eating, it's as simple as that.

"When you're not eating, you're fasting."

This means that since you were born you have been fasting every day without

knowing it, or rather every night, because so far no one has ever managed to eat

while sleeping.

This is what is happening in your body:

You are eating: you accumulate energy from food. When there is too much

intake, therefore too much energy, the body stores it for future use, in the form

of glycogen and then fat.

You are fasting: your body burns the energy it has available, either in the form

of glucose in the blood, or in the form of glycogen, or in the form of fat.

In other words, your body is either storing energy or consuming energy.

Fasting therefore allows your body to burn the energy stores accumulated in your

body over the years, and this is exactly what we want to do.

We want to allow your body to "destock" and to draw in particular from the visceral fat

that prevents the liver and pancreas from functioning normally, to restore their natural

functions and fight against diabetes.

We could do it with the anti-diabetes diet alone, but fasting is an additional string to

our bow, which allows us to boost the process.

So why deprive yourself, right?

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How does it work?

There are different ways to make fasting, but I'm only going to tell you about the one I

think is the best, to simplify things.

All you have to do is not eat any food.

However, you are allowed to drink, as it is very important to stay hydrated. Here is

what you can drink:





CAUTION: do NOT add sugar, candy bars or anything else, even if it says "zero

calories" on the box.

You should only bring liquids without calories to your body, otherwise you ruin the

interest of fasting.

Bubbles help

An excellent tip during a fast is to drink carbonated water such as Perrier or San


The gas in the water fills your stomach and helps you feel "full", which reduces the

feeling of hunger.

Talk to your doctor

Although fasting is a natural phenomenon and a traditional technique, always

discuss it with your doctor before starting one.

Especially if you are being treated for diabetes.

This way, your doctor will be able to adapt your treatment and prevent you from

having blood sugar disturbances.

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Types of fasting

There are different types of fasting you can do, depending on the intensity you want

to use.

The 16-hour (or intermittent) fasting: this consists simply of not eating breakfast and

only consuming food during an 8-hour period during the day. For example:

Dinner: at 8pm

Fasting: all night until 12:00, which makes a period of 16 hours of fasting.

Lunch: at 12:00

Snacks: in the afternoon, if needed

As you can see, this means that for 16 hours a day, your body receives no food

intake, and therefore no calories.

It is forced to draw on its reserves to function and to burn the sugar and fat stores

accumulated in your body.

It also usually allows you to reduce the number of calories you consume, as it is

harder to "binge" on just two meals.

Since this is a less intense fasting than the others, you can do it every day of the

week if you want. However, you will not get the best results with this type of fasting.

The 24-hour fasting: this is simply not eating for 24 hours, starting to count right after

a meal. You can start after any meal of the day, depending on your preference. For


After breakfast: you miss lunch and dinner, and do not eat again until the next


After lunch: you miss dinner and breakfast, and don't eat again until noon the

next day.

After dinner: you miss breakfast and lunch, and don't eat again until the next


Many people prefer to start after breakfast, because you start the day with a full belly

and can eat right after dark.

It's up to you what you prefer: try the different options and keep the one that suits you


The 48h fasting: it's the same principle, but for a duration of 48h.

The 72hfasting: same principle, but for a period of 72h.

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The 7-day fasting: same principle, but for a period of 7 days.

As you can see, there are many different kinds out there, and it can be intimidating.

But no matter what choice you make, the important thing is to get started.

In practice...

Here's what I recommend: start with a 24-hour fasting, which is easy to follow.

Bring water, sparkling water and tea or coffee if you like it.

Eat breakfast (low carb and sugar free) and then fast all day and night.

Eat your breakfast again the next morning.

It's as simple as that!

Do this once a week, and then try longer ones of 48 or 72 hours.

WARNING: beyond 72 hours there is a risk of loss of muscle mass, which helps to

maintain a high metabolism. To be done only if your blood sugar is very high, or if

you are really overweight.

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5 - The exercise program

I'm going to give you a revelation: the exercise program is not even essential for the

Diabetes Free program to work!

Nevertheless I advise you to follow it, at least in part, because physical activity is

excellent for the body and mind.

It also speeds up your metabolism, burns calories and makes your body more

efficient at getting rid of fat.

And finally, and perhaps most importantly: it extends your lifespan.

The question is:

What exercises should you do?

The walk

It may sound basic, but walking is one of the best forms of

exercise for the body.

For in truth, we are made to walk!

Today, we spend too much time sitting, and this sedentary

lifestyle is very bad for our health.

Our body needs to move, our muscles need to be

stimulated and our blood needs to circulate.

Plus, walking costs absolutely nothing and you can do it anywhere.

If you are lucky enough to own a treadmill, you can also do some at home while

watching TV or listening to music to pass the time.

At this point, I advise you to increase the inclination to intensify the effort. You can

also play with the walking speed to make the exercise more intense.

As for the goal, it is generally recommended to walk at least 30 minutes a day.

If you want to do things the best you can, I suggest aiming for at least 5,000 steps a

day, with the ideal being at least 10,000 steps.

So here are some tips to increase your step count:

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Take the stairs

Get off public transportation 1 stop early

Don't take the car for short distances

Do not take the escalators

Get outside to walk and breathe after each meal

And what is very important is consistency.

You should set a goal to walk EVERY day. The best way to do this is to use a

pedometer or an app on your smartphone that tracks the number of steps you take

each day.

Stand up!

If you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time, it is advisable to

stand up every 30 minutes, even if only for 3 seconds, just to get the blood

flowing. The health benefits are very interesting. And according to a study, walking

for 1 minute every 30 minutes can lower blood sugar levels by 39%.

Walk 5,000 to 10,000 steps every day

Walking is essential for our body.

Set this goal and make sure you reach it every day, and track your progress in a

notebook or on your smartphone.

At the very least, aim for at least 30 minutes of walking per day.

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The squat is a basic exercise that is very

easy to perform. Simply lower your legs

as if you were squatting, but stop the

movement when your thighs are parallel

to the ground, and then rise again.

Here's why it's so important...

Did you know that after the age of 30,

muscle mass decreases year after year?

Muscles help keep your metabolism high because they need a lot of energy to

function. This allows you to burn more energy and therefore calories, which is very

good for diabetes.

The largest muscle of the body is the thighs: it is the quadriceps.

It is therefore very interesting to strengthen this muscle in order to give a little boost

to your metabolism, and to have strong legs.

Here are 3 ways to strengthen your legs, depending on the level of difficulty you


25 Squats in the morning: anyone can do it. You just need to do 25 squats,

right after waking up.

25 Squats before each meal: this is the next level, for motivated people. You

will get much more results.

Weight training program: this is the best option, but also the one that requires

the most effort. The ideal frequency is to go to the gym 3 times a week. Work

with heavier and heavier weights to strengthen your muscles week after week.

Choose what works best for you and get started. In a few weeks you will be surprised

at the results on your body.

In practice...

The important thing is to take action: start with the easy 7-day option. Then move

on to the next level. The ideal is a weight training program, increasing the effort

each week.

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The intense effort

Athletic trainers have known about its power for years, but it is only recently that the

general public has discovered the value of high intensity exercise.

Americans call it HIT: High Intensity Training.

This is a style of training in which you will make a moderate effort, followed by an

intense effort.

The benefit? It is obvious for the body: it helps to keep the heart healthy and improve

insulin sensitivity.

Your body will "overheat" for a few moments and then return to normal functioning.

It allows to "clean up the engine" in a way.

You can do high-intensity exercise in a variety of ways:



Running (sprint)

Rowing machine...

So choose the type of exercise that suits you best,

practice it at low to medium intensity for 15 to 20 minutes, and during that time, do 1

or 2 speed spikes.

That is, you increase the intensity of the effort for 10 to 15 seconds, so that you are

almost out of breath. It should be intense.

CAUTION: always consult your doctor before engaging in any physical activity,

especially if you have not done any sport for a long time.

In practice: easy version (in the morning when you wake up)...

Cycle for 10 minutes, with a 10-second burst of speed. Repeat 3 times during the

week. It's that simple.

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6 - Take action!

Now you know everything you need to do to get rid of diabetes naturally and get

healthy again.

There is only one step left: take action.

The duration of the program

There is no set duration for this program.

Your goal is to normalize your blood sugar by making lifestyle changes: your diet,

fasting phases and exercise.

As we've seen, blood sugar levels can normalize in 4 to 8 weeks, but some patients

have been known to normalize in as little as 11 days. It all depends on your current

condition and other factors.

You should continue to use the program until your blood sugar levels


It's as simple as that.

Track your results

First and foremost, you need to set up a tracking system, so you can see your

progress, make sure you're getting results and reach your goal.

The best way to do this is simply to write down the following information on a sheet of

paper or in a notebook:

Start date of the program

Fasting blood glucose: initially, then daily

Your goal

Days of fastingand type of fasting


It's a great tracking tool that will help you stay on track.

The most important data is the fasting blood glucose monitoring, because that's how

you'll know if you've been successful in becoming diabetes-free.

Simply stop the program when your blood sugar levels are normalized.

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The Diabetes Free Method: follow the guide!

3) The anti-diabetes diet

Remember: your diet is the cause of diabetes.

Reduce carbohydrates: to reduce visceral fat and regain insulin sensitivity.

Limit/eliminate refined carbohydrates: which raise blood sugar quickly

(bread, pasta, white rice).

Favour complex carbohydrates: which retain fibre and are digested more


Limit protein: to limit blood sugar spikes, 1 source per meal.

Eat more fat: it increases blood sugar less (oil, nuts, avocado).

Watch the calories: to lose visceral fat (and weight), you need to consume

fewer calories than you expend. That's the golden rule.

Supplement with vitamin C: take 1,000 mg daily for 30 days.

2) Free yourself from sugar

Sugar makes you sick: you have diabetes because of too much sugar in your


Get rid of added sugar: check the ingredient list of all the products you


Don't confuse the sugars: look at the ingredient list, not the nutrition facts.

Burn off the sugar: using diet and exercise to boost your metabolism.

1) Free your mind

Your beliefs define you: you do NOT have diabetes, you DO have diabetes

and you can be free of it.

Repeat it: write your statement and repeat it out loud.

Change your habits: to improve your health.

Visualize your future: imagine yourself free of diabetes.

Write down your goals: and sign the sheet.

Stay motivated: no matter what the obstacles, to reach your goal.

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5) The exercise program

Walk: at least 5,000 steps per day, ideally 10,000.

Recline: Reclining increases the number of calories burned.

Get up: once every 30 minutes, if you have a sedentary job.

Do squats: 25 in the morning, to strengthen your muscles and boost your


Make an intense effort: at least 20 seconds, 3 times a week (bike, rowing,


4) The anti-diabetic fasting

Fasting: this is simply a phase without food intake.

Drink: only water, sparkling water, tea or coffee.

No sugars: in your drinks, not even "fake sugars".

The type of fasting: take the one that suits you (intermittent, 24h, 48h or 72h).

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Chapter 5 - What happens now?

You've been following the diabetes program for several weeks and have successfully

normalized your blood sugar.

Above all, be proud of yourself, because you have reached the end of the program.

Just to refresh your mind, here is what we saw together.

1 - Enjoy your new life

If you have followed the steps of the program, you

should feel like a new person today.

Here are some of the health benefits you should


You have more energy

You have lost weight

Your blood sugar has normalized

Your skin is more beautiful and radiant

You sleep better

Some pains have disappeared

In short, you simply feel better in body and mind.

Now you can finally enjoy your life the way you want to:


Spend time with your children or grandchildren

Enjoying your retirement

Do the activities that make you happy

Walking with your partner

The list is long!

And the life that awaits you is wonderful.

In addition, by continuing to follow this program, you have a great chance of staying

away from many other diseases and health complications.

And the best part? You will most certainly extend your healthy life!

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2 - Stay diabetes free

Now that you've done the hard part, the important thing is to stay healthy for the long


You don't want to fall back into your bad habits and have to suffer from diabetes


Because you see, most people function very strangely when it comes to their health.

All year long, they neglect their diet and do not make any physical efforts. And once a

year, they decide to make "good resolutions":

I'm going to quit smoking when I'm on vacation

I will lose 10 pounds next month

I'm going on a diet after the holidays

I'm going to stop drinking soda on Monday

I will eat more vegetables when I have time to cook

They often keep them for a few days, or a few weeks if they are brave...and then

totally forget their resolutions.

The problem is that by operating like this, they never enjoy good health on a daily


It's a roller coaster, and it never ends.

I have nothing against good resolutions to improve one's health, it is very good to do


And now you know how essential setting goals is to your new life.

Only in this way can we transform ourselves.

We visualize what we want, we set goals and we take action to make it a reality.

But what we often forget is to be healthy throughout our be healthy NOW.

You want to be healthy all year round, not just from January 1 to 15.

That's why I encourage you to continue this program throughout your life.

Use the teachings you have received.

Respect your body and your health.

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Now you know how good it feels to live in a healthy, energetic body.

So why not live like this for the rest of your life?

An excellent source of motivation is to share your learning with your loved ones,

because they have the proof right in front of them that it works: they can see your


Become an example for others!

And if they want, you can refer them to the Diabetes Free program, which you can

easily find on the website.

We are now at the end of this adventure...

And I want to thank you again for your confidence, and congratulate you for taking


You can be proud of yourself.

I wish you an excellent day.

And I'll see you soon in the newsletter or on the Health Vitality project website.

To your health,

PS: I recommend you watch this additional video about the "Pinch" Method for blood sugar:

(VIDEO) "Pinch" THIS = balance blood sugar? >>

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Sugar Detox Plan

Now we're going to detoxify you from sugar to free you from diabetes.

1 - Empty your cupboards of "poison

This is a must. You must locate the following products in your home and THROW

them into the trash. Don't wait to finish them, you must act today!

Sodas and sweetened drinks

Sugar (powder, lumps, brown sugar...)

Sweet pastries and cakes, sweet desserts (yoghurts...)

Margarine (unsweetened, but very bad for your health)

Foods with added sugars (check the list of ingredients on the package)

Processed or industrial foods (even sliced white bread)

2 - Do your "Antidiabetes shopping".

It's your fresh start: you're going to fill your cupboards with products that are GOOD

for you and your health. Products that help you get rid of diabetes.


o Cereals: whole grain rice, whole grain pasta, rolled oats, whole grain

semolina, quinoa, bulgur, whole grain bread

o Vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, spinach,

peppers, zucchini, cucumber, onions, beets, mushrooms

o Legumes: lentils, kidney beans, white beans

o Fruits: banana, grapefruit, melon, clementines, apples, blueberries,

strawberries, raspberries, pineapple


o Meat: chicken, beef, pork

o Fish / Seafood

o Eggs


o Oil: olive, coconut

o Nuts: walnuts, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts,

almonds, pistachios

o Seeds: flax, squash, sunflower, pumpkin, chia

o Cheese, Butter

o Lawyer

3 - Stick to your plan!

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Diabetes Shopping List

Here are the best anti-diabetes foods recommended during the program:

1 - Carbohydrates (highlight the ones you like the most)

Cereals: whole grain rice, whole grain pasta, rolled oats, whole grain

semolina, quinoa, bulgur, whole grain bread

Vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, peppers,

zucchini, cucumber, onions, beets, mushrooms

Legumes: lentils, kidney beans, white beans

Fruits: banana, grapefruit, melon, clementines, apples, blueberries,

strawberries, raspberries, pineapple

2 - Protein (highlight the ones you like the most)

Meat: chicken, beef, pork

Fish / Seafood


3 - Fats (highlight the ones you like the most)

Oil: olive, coconut

Nuts: walnuts, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds,


Seeds: flax, squash, sunflower, pumpkin, chia




4 - Prohibited foods

Sodas and sweetened drinks


Alcohol (1 drink per day maximum)

Sweet pastries and cakes

Sweet desserts (yoghurts...)


Foods with added sugars (check Ingredients)

Fast carbohydrates: white rice, pasta, white bread, potatoes