stylistic analysis of sinigang

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  • 8/15/2019 Stylistic Analysis of Sinigang



    John Paul C. Vallente Dr. Marar!ta R. "ren#a!nMA ELLT $1% November 21, 2015

    A Tan o& 't(l!)t!*) !n V!lla*eran+) Sinigang:Linking Language and Meaning in Textual Analysis

    I. Plot 'u,,ar(

    The short story Sinigang  written in 2001 by Marby illa!eran "short #or Marie

     Aubrey $% illa!eran& narrates how Li'a, the main !hara!ter, deals with the issue o# her

    #ather who had an extramarital a##air with (ylvia, and !onse)uently had a son, Lem% The

    story takes *la!e in Li'a+s home where she, together with her Tita Loleng, *re*ares

    sinigang  #or the #amily dinner, as it is her #ather+s #avorite dish% uring the !ourse o#

    *re*aring and !ooking, Tita Loleng asks Li'a about her en!ounter with (ylvia in the

    wake o# Lem who died be!ause o# !an!er% -t is through Tita Loleng+s )uestions

     .uxta*osed with the *ro!edures o# *re*aring sinigang  that s*arked #lashba!ks in the

    story revealing not only vivid memories o# how Li'a was made known about her #ather+s

    /other #amily, how uneasy she #elt when she #inally met (ylvia, or how ran!orous and

    *retentiously im*assive she is towards her #ather, T also, these #lashba!ks dis!lose

    how un!onditional the love o# Li'a+s mother is, and that no matter how Li'a denies, her

    love #or her #ather, in s*ite o# all his #laws, is never really lost% The man vs% man or more

    *redominantly "though im*li!it& man vs% !ir!umstan!e !on#li!t is resolved when at the

    burial o# Lem, the #ather says sorry to Li'a 3 a word that Li'a needed the most 3 yet,

    whether she has #orgiven her #ather or #orgotten his #ias!o is not !learly resolved%

    II.   General Inter-retat!on o& the Tet

    The distin!tive blend o# *ro!edural and narrative dis!ourses emanates #rom

    Marby illa!eran+s short story, Sinigang whi!h leaves the reader a tang o# sym*athy #or

    Li'a, the main !hara!ter who at the same time a!ts as the narrator in the story, and

    anti*athy towards her struggles !on.uring u* a barrier that seemingly emotionally

    se*arates her #rom her #ather, and #rom many *ortions in the text+s *lot% Nevertheless,

    4age 1

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    Li'a makes an e##ort in #illing in these ga*s through ways she never wanted doing but

    does anyway, either by !ir!umstan!e or by !hoi!e%

    The story is told #rom the #irst *erson *oint o# view "as signi#ied by the narrator+s

    use o# the *ronoun /-& where the in#ormation the reader re!eives is seen only through

    the eyes o# the narrator% ur views are basi!ally built on the *er!e*tions o# the s*eaker

    thus, what we learn #rom the narrator sha*es our understanding o# the other !hara!ters,

    and *lot develo*ment% (in!e the narrator+s knowledge is limited to her own domain, it

    #ollows that ours is too, there#ore, we !an at times be as sur*rised as the narrator when

    something unex*e!ted takes *la!e% Moreover, this kind o# 4 used in the story allows

    us to sym*athi'e with Li'a+s emotions, to ex*erien!e, one way or another, her inner

    !on#li!ts, and to understand in a dee*er sense her *ersonality%

     The main !hara!ter remains !om*osed and strong "*ar% 16& amidst #amilial

    turmoil exem*li#ying her domesti! role as a daughter in a 7ili*ino #amily, that is,

    submission to and !om*lying with *arents+ demands and re)uests% Though, at some

    *oints in the text, she has tenden!y toward greater assertiveness and *robably,

    eventually, rebellion "*ar% 88&, she has ke*t inta!t her virtues shown in her mature

    !o*ing with un#avorable situations, and has regained her !on!e*t o# a /!om*lete #amily

    im*lied in her imagining o# the dinner with his #ather a!tually in the #rame, though the

    !onne!tion is not the same as it was "*ar% 91&%

    III. Pre/a!l!n F!*t!onal Ele,ent)

    The one:word title, Sinigang  basi!ally hinted at *ro!edural dis!ourse in the text,

    whi!h is a realisti! assum*tion as this is mani#ested by the narrator in !ertain *oints o#

    the short story, most a**arent in *aragra*hs 5; to 56%

  • 8/15/2019 Stylistic Analysis of Sinigang


    the shameless daughter> her !rushing o# the said ingredients served as outlet o# her

    resentment to her dad%

    7urthermore, the title anti!i*ates the mix o# tastes 3 sinigang is a *er#e!t blend o# 

    #ruity sourness and meaty sma!k that sometimes singly *o*s u* in the bud, but

    o#tentimes *rodu!e a delight#ully distin!tive #lavor to the deli!a!y 3 that *arallels Li'a+s

    ex*erien!e at the wake, and that re#le!ts the overall tone o# the narrator whi!h is

    resentment !on!erning her #ather+s in#idelity%

    The title also suggests the use o# lo!al language whi!h is !learly observable in

    the !hara!ters+ dialogues 3 7ili*ino nouns like  sinigang  "*ar% 8&, palanggana "*ar% 5&,

    hugas bigas "*ar% 5;&, kangkong  "*ar% 59&, and adverbs in the 7ili*ino language su!h as na

    "*ar% 2;& and talaga "*ar% 80& are used #re)uently in the narrative% These elements

    #oreground the native #olk atmos*here o# the narrative that makes the setting,

    !hara!ters, and the story more authenti! and !ulturally *enetrating%

    The *resen!e o# inter.e!tions and vo!ali'ed *auses are made evident in some o#

    the dialogues as well, #or exam*le, “Hmm. . .” "*ar% 2;&, “Oh. . .” "*ar% 26&, “Haay. . .” 

    "*ar% 80&% These #oreground the !ollo)uial s*ee!h exem*li#ied by the utteran!es in the

    text !reating !hara!ters who are /humans involved in a !onversational situation%

    The narrator+s language is mostly des!ri*tive es*e!ially giving attention to details

    whi!h is observable even at the early *arts o# the story% 7or instan!e, in *aragra*h =

    when Li'a is at the wake in #ront o# Lem+s !o##in, noti!e how the narrator *rovides vivid

    des!ri*tion o# the !o##in by em*loying ri!h ad.e!tives in !on.un!tion with adverbs% This

    style o# language use is evident almost in the entire text, whi!h stirs the senses o# the

    readers to !reate a !lear imaginary *i!ture o# what is being des!ribed, and may also

    intensi#y the #emininity o# the main !hara!ter as she lives in a #amily whi!h i# not #or the

    #ather would be #emale:dominated%

    Moreover, this des!ri*tive style is sustained in the manner o# ex!hanges between

    Li'a and Tita Loleng% Li'a+s de#ensive stan!e in answering the )uestions is intensi#ied

    by adverbs su!h as offhandedly "*ar%;&, carefully "*ar%;&, and vehemently "*ar%;2&, in e##e!t,

    Tita Loleng be!omes extra !autious in her /*robe? 3 trying to get as mu!h in#ormation,

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    at the same time, showing sym*athy towards her nie!e as im*lied by the *hrases

    begged for understanding  "*ar%21&, nodded understandingly "*ar%29& and gave…sympathetic

    look  "*ar%8;&% The use o# these words and *hrases that illustrate the !onversation does

    not merely identi#y the one dee*ly a##e!ted by the !ir!umstan!es but also magni#ies the

    di##eren!es in emotional maturity that the two !hara!ters have 3 Li'a who kee*s a sa#e

    distan!e #rom the *roblem, and Tita Loleng who seemingly en!ourages her to rather

    !on#ront it%

    IV. L!nu!)t!* 't(l!)t!* Feature)

    @e!urrent, relevant linguisti! #eatures in the text su!h as re*etition, grammati!al

    deviation, and others that attra!t some degree o# #oregrounding are *resented and

    dis!ussed in the table%

  • 8/15/2019 Stylistic Analysis of Sinigang



    with Li'a+s


    in the wake



    candelabras each

     supporting three

    ro!s of high#!attage

    electric candles . . .

    causing the flowers

    to release more of 

    their heady scent 

    before they wilted 


     . . . the mourners

     preferred to stay out 

    on the veranda for 

     fear that the heat 

     from the lights might 

    also cause them to

    wither .

    grie# and dullness in Lem+s wake,

    Li'a !om*ared the mourners to the

    withered #lowers> an illustration o# 

    meta*hor% The verbs /wilt and

    /wither are !losely asso!iated to

    death, thus these hel* in !reating a

    !lear mental image o# what trans*ires

    in the wake%

    4ar% 1 $he knelt in front of 

    me% a sinner 

    confessing before a

     priest so he could 

    wash away the dirt 

     from her past.

    Li'a+s de*i!tion o# (ylvia as a

    dirty sinner #urther intensi#ies how

    roughly she thinks o# the woman, and

    !om*aring hersel# to a *riest, all the

    more *uts (ylvia into a darker 

    !hara!ter% Be !ould also note that

    though her #ather also e)ually took*art in this adulterous s!andal, Li'a

    never had a sense o# disgust towards

    him, unlike the revulsion that she

    #eels #or (ylvia as !an be *er!eived

    in *aragra*hs 1 and 28% Li'a+s

    se*arate treatment o# her #ather #rom

    that o# (ylvia im*lies that her res*e!t

    to and bond with her dad remain,

    though not as intense as be#ore%

    4ar% 22 a scene from a very

    bad melodrama I 

    !as !atching . . .

     Aside #rom the #a!t that this

    meta*hor is !ulturally relevant as it

    #oregrounds 7ili*inos+ #anati!ism

    towards soa* o*eras, it also de*i!ts

    how Li'a *retended to understand

    (ylvia+s side o# the story "*ar% 28&%

    4age 5

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    Cere, Li'a seemingly identi#ies

    hersel# as an a!tress in a television

    drama *rogram where she needs to

    a!t a!!ording to the s!ene% Li'a

    su!!eeded in making (ylvia believe

    that she has a!tually #orgiven her, but

    the readers are #ully aware that that is

    all *retense and su*er#i!ial%

    4ar% 8= &hen my 'ad had 

    come out of the room

     I remembered 

     sensing it 


     same !ayan animal 


     perceives when it is

    in danger  

    Li'a likens hersel# to an animal

    whi!h instin!tively *er!eives danger 

    "*ossibly her #ather&% Cowever, the

    *ronoun /it whi!h a**ears #irst in the

    senten!e dismisses the idea that the

    noun danger *ertains to Li'a+s #ather>in this !ase, danger may be e)uated

    to the *robable res*onse o# Li'a

    when she #inally sees her #ather in

    the wake 3 her #ather #un!tioning as a

    /stimulus that may trigger danger%

    Li'a knows that her *robable

    res*onse towards her #ather may

    im*eril her im*assive stan!e and may

    also !ause utter disres*e!t to Lem+s

    wake, there#ore, dangerous% Li'a also!om*ared hersel# to an animal whi!h

    gives us the notion that she #ully

    knows how an en!ounter with her 

    #ather might unleash the aggression

    in her like when an animal senses it

    is in danger%

    !& @e*etition

    in meaning

    4ar% 51 . . . s(ueezing and 

    mashing unsatisfied 

    until all of me had been crushed 

    The words squeezing, mashing 

    and crushed   all !ontribute to de*i!t

    how emotionally devastated Li'a is atthat !ertain moment% Cer demand #or 

    ex*lanation is so intense that she

    ste**ed out o# her a*athy towards

    her #ather that seemingly !aged her%

    2. Ell!-t!*al 4ar% 1 “$o !hat  The )uestion is elli*ti!al, that is, a

    4age 9

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    at the


    -art) o& the


    happened)” *re*ositional *hrase whi!h normally

    #inishes o## short:answer )uestions is

    "deliberately& eliminated #rom the

    senten!e% # !ourse, sin!e this is an

    utteran!e, the notion o# the )uestion+s

    ungrammati!ality may be dismissed,

    but the im*li!ation o# this kind o# 

    utteran!e #orm is signi#i!ant to note%

    The !on.un!tion / so indi!ates that the

    utteran!e is a!tually a #ragment o# a

    *revious dialogue by Tita Loleng, and

    also that these deleted earlier 

    utteran!es segued into the

    su!!eeding *art o# the senten!e,

    “. . .!hat happened)” Adding u* to thesensitivity o# in#ormation that the

    )uestion demands is the elimination

    o# the *re*ositional *hrase 3 in the

    !ake  3 that is ex*e!ted to !om*lete

    the )uestion% Cowever, Tita Loleng

    !hooses this elli*ti!al !onstru!tion to

    *rote!t Li'a+s #eelings, and in order 

    #or her to *ro.e!t em*athy towards

    Li'a+s #amily issue% 7urthermore, the

    elli*sis ignites the interest o# the

    readers about the event "the

    un!ommon meeting& that lead Tita

    Loleng to asking this seemingly

    intriguing )uestion%

    4ar% ; . . . I needed to ask.


    Li'a+s memory o# her #ather 

    !alling her “$inverguenza”  "whi!h is

    #oregrounded as it is neither an

  • 8/15/2019 Stylistic Analysis of Sinigang


    be!ame un#aith#ul, why he

    abandoned them #or another woman

     3 another #amily, or almost !ertainly,

    why her #ather !ould not treat her the

    same way as he treated Lem% Cer 

    #ather did not ex*e!t the )uestion @

    did not know how or what to answer,

    as in *aragra*h 50, “He met my gaze. I 

    !aited but he !ould not * could not * 

    ans!er me. He looked a!ay.”  Also, it

    !ould be in#erred #rom this *aragra*h

    how regret#ul the #ather is o# his *ast

    a!tions as he *robably knows how

    this negatively a##e!ted *eo*le whom

    he values 3 his daughter and Lemmost es*e!ially% Ce #eels that no

    ex*lanation !ould a!!e*tably

    rationali'e his *ast a!tions, so rather 

    than res*onding verbally to Li'a+s

    )uestion, he o*ted to stay silent and

    look away% Moreover, the #ather may

    have thought that res*onding to

    Li'a+s )uestion would ba!k#ire> it

    would not su**ress her rage but

    !ould *ossibly aggravate the situationand !ause !on#rontation, whi!h is

    utter disres*e!t to the #uneral, at least

    in the 4hili**ine !ontext% This !ulture

    o# res*e!t #or the dead loved one

    may also be the reason why Li'a,

    though emotional at that moment,

    !ould only ask her #ather   “&hy)”

    be!ause i# Li'a+s )uestions would

    #urther go into details, she would

    somehow be humiliating her hal#:

    brother, Lem% -n this !ase, Li'a !ould

    be seen as a mature, well:mannered

    woman who has !ontrol over her 

    emotions, no matter how intense

    these !ould be%

    4age 6

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    . Phonolo!3

    *al &eature



    4ar% 85 Clack! Clack! "he

    knife hacked violently

    against the board.

    -t em*hasi'es the tension

    between Li'a and her #ather when

    they got a !han!e to talk at the wake

    s*e!i#i!ally that o# Li'a+s inner 

    struggle whi!h she would #ail to

    ex*ress o*enly to her #ather 3 “I 

    kne! my father !as staring at me but I 

    refused to look at him. He approached 

    and stood ne+t to me. I remained 

     silent.”"*ar% 86&

    4. Collo*at!o3

    nal 5rea6)

    lea#!n to


    4ar% 56  I remembered the

     flo!er petals . . . I 

    had thro!n . . . into

    the freshly dug grave . . .

    -t is im*ortant to take note o# the

    !ollo!ational breaks em*loyed in

    these *arts o# the story whi!h leads to

    ambiguity, that is, sin!e the wordsdeviate #rom the normal, a!!e*ted

    syntax they now a!)uire multi*le

    meaning that might be inter*reted

    di##erently% The *hrase “freshly dug 

     grave” assigns another meaning to

    Lem+s death 3 it is not *urely sorrow

    but, in a way, the adverb /#reshly

    denotes a new beginning #or Li'a+s

    #ather to be /the #ather that he used

    to be% Also, Lem+s death !ould be the

    #ather+s liberation #rom his *ast

    a!tions, as Lem is seen as the NLD

    link that !onne!ts the #ather to (ylvia%

    4ar% 56  His hand heavy !ith

     sadness fell on my


    The senten!e !ould not literally

    suggest that the #ather+s hand is

    heavy with sadness, and that it #ell on

    Li'a+s shoulder% -n a literary sense,

    this senten!e re*resents how the

    #ather re*ents #or the distress that his

    *ast a!tions have !aused Li'a and

    her hal#:brother, Lem% This *aragra*h

    intensi#ies his a*ologeti! stan!e

    !on!erning the un#avorable

    !onse)uen!es o# his in#idelity%


  • 8/15/2019 Stylistic Analysis of Sinigang


    4ar% 92 . . . I had cooked his

     favorite dish and I 

    !ould give him a

    smile that would 

    never quite show,

    not even in my eyes.

    e!ause Li'a+s smile is illustrated

    in this *art o# the text in a manner 

    that does not really resemble a smile,

    the readers are le#t *u''led% This

    stresses how Li'a deals with her 

    #ather will never be the same again

    as it is easy to #orgive but not to

    #orget% n the other hand, how Li'a

    rea!ted to her #ather+s re*entan!e

    "*ar% 5& is not detailed in the text, but

    the su!!eeding *aragra*hs would

    lead us, the readers, to believe that

    through the #ather+s a*ology, Li'a is

    able to a!!e*t the bitter truth, and is

    able to restore her identity that on!ewas lost> that, a#ter all, she is still her 

    #ather+s daughter% # !ourse, it is not

    ex*li!it in the text that she has

    #orgiven nor #orgotten> the .udgment

    is le#t to the readers% Cowever, sin!e

    Li'a was able to /imagine having

    dinner with her #amily, !om*lete

    again, though not the same as it was,

    it !an be !on!luded that she made

    her way to a!!e*tan!e 3 the leastshe !ould give thus #ar%


    Through s*e!i#ying the re!urring linguisti! #eatures in the text .uxta*osed with

    inter*retative !omments, the link between #orm and meaning !an be seen more !learly%

    The stylisti! analysis o# the text+s #orm allowed the a**li!ation o# in#erring meaning that

    gradually leads us to the overall uni#ying themes o# the short story 3 s*e!i#i!ally, the

    7ili*ino #amily, in order to endure, should u*hold the value o# #orgiveness and

    a!!e*tan!e> generally, li#e itsel# is a struggle, how one+s li#e will turn out de*ends on

    4age 10

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    how one looks at and takes these struggles% -n Li'a+s !ase, she !hose a!!e*ting and

    living with her #ather+s mistakes, and starting all over again, be!ause, essentially,

    ha**iness is a !hoi!e%

    8or6 C!te#:

    Villaceran, Marby. “Sinigang” "he ,est -hilippine $hort $tories. RP literature Group, 2001. Web.

    23 Sept. 2015.

    4age 11