study the following homophones and their definitions....


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Page 1: Study the following homophones and their definitions. · Study the following homophones and their definitions

Study the following homophones and their definitions. obeyance - an act or the custom of obeying abeyance - cessation or suspension (as of a customary practice). amphibion - an amphibian aircraft amphibian - an animal or plant accustomed or adapted to life both on land and in the water. audients - one permitted to attend services in the narthex but dismissed after the sermon audience - those attending a stage or film production or viewing a televised program. oracle - a revelation received from the God of Judaism and Christianity auricle - a chamber of the heart that receives blood from the veins and forces it into the ventricle or ventricles. aw - used to express mild remonstrance, incredulity, or disgust awe - abashed reverence and fear inspired by authority or power. baron - one of a class of tenants in chief of a feudal superior holding his rights and title by military or other honourable service barren - deficient in producing vegetation : bare, desolate. bees - a social colonial hymenopterous insect (Apis mellifera) often maintained in a state of domestication for the sake of the honey that it produces and for use as a pollinator bise - a cold wind; especially : a cold dry north wind of southern France, Switzerland, and Italy. bow - to bend down bough - a branch of a tree. chorale - a hymn tune or sacred melody or a harmonization of a traditional melody corral - round up and drive (livestock) into a pen. council - a somewhat permanent group elected or appointed to constitute an advisory body or a body with a degree of legislative power counsel - advice, direction. currier - a worker who performs any of the operations (as oiling, softening, or rolling) necessary to bring tanned hides or skins to salable form courier - one who carries messages, news,or information either with urgent haste or in accordance with a regular schedule.

Page 2: Study the following homophones and their definitions. · Study the following homophones and their definitions

derailer - a device for guiding railway cars or locomotives off the rails at selected points when in danger of collision or other accident derailleur - a mechanism for shifting gears on a bicycle that operates by moving the chain from one set of exposed gears to another. dowdy - lacking neatness and charm doughty - marked by fearless resolution and by stoutness in contest or struggle : valiant. femerell - a small open structure on a roof (as of a medieval kitchen) for ventilation femoral - of, relating to, or located near the thigh. fisher - a person, animal or boat that is engaged or is employed in fishing fissure - a narrow opening, chasm, or crack of some length and considerable depth usually occurring from some breaking, rending or parting. florescent - being in the stage or at the point of florescence fluorescent - emitting electromagnetic radiation especially in the form of visible light. gamble - to play a game of chance for money or other stakes gambol - bound or spring as in dancing or play. jigget - to move in a jigging or jerky way gigot - a leg (as of lamb or mutton) especially when cooked. handsome - attractive, well-proportioned, and good-looking usually in a way suggesting poise, dignity, and strength hansom - a light two-wheeled covered carriage with the driver’s seat elevated behind and with the reins passed over the top. hair - a slender threadlike outgrowth of the epidermis of an animal hare - any of various timid long-eared gnawing mammals with a divided upper lip, long strong hind legs adapted to leaping, and a short tail. hoard - a collection or accumulation or amassment of something usually of special value or utility that is put aside for preservation or safekeeping or future use often in a greedy or miserly or otherwise unreasonable manner and that is often kept hidden or as if hidden horde - a vast number: crowd, swarm. jambo – rose apple jambeau - a piece of medieval plate armor for the lower leg. Julian - of, relating to, or characteristic of Julius Caesar julienne - cut in long thin strips—used especially of vegetables and fruits.

Page 3: Study the following homophones and their definitions. · Study the following homophones and their definitions

jurisprudents – a person skilled in jurisprudence jurisprudence - the science or philosophy of law. kino – any of several dark red to black tannin-containing dried juices or extracts obtained from various tropical trees keno - a game resembling lotto or bingo in which numbers printed on pellets are taken from a sack and announced to the players who cover the numbers on cards and in which five numbers covered in the same horizontal row win for the player. clomp – a group of things clustered together klomp - a wooden shoe worn in the Low countries. nickers - one of the 18th century night brawlers of London noted for breaking windows with halfpence knickers - loose-fitting knee-length pants gathered at the knee on a band for sports and informal wear. loral - of or relating to a lore laurel - foliage used by the ancient Greeks to crown victors in the Pythian games. levy - the imposition or collection of an assessment, tax, tribute or fine levee - an embankment built alongside a body of water to prevent flooding of nearby land. my - of or belonging to me or myself as possessor mai - a slow Japanese folk or theater dance featuring hand gestures. maze - an intricate pattern of passages (as hedge-bordered paths) that ramifies and interconnects in a confusing way maize - a type of corn. melo - a genus of marine snails (family Volutidae) comprising the melon shells mellow - relaxed and at ease: pleasantly convivial. odder - that is without its corresponding mate : that lacks its complementary match : that is unpaired otter - any of various largely aquatic carnivorous mammals that are related to the weasels and minks and usually have webbed and clawed feet and dark brown fur. parody - a literary style characterized by the reproduction of stylistic peculiarities of an author or work for comic effect or in ridicule parity - the quality or state of being equal : close equivalence or resemblance. parlay - to utilize as a means to great gains or a desired objective parley - conversation, discussion.

Page 4: Study the following homophones and their definitions. · Study the following homophones and their definitions

pennants - any of various nautical flags tapering usually to a point or swallowtail and used for indentification or signaling penance - act of self-abasement either voluntarily performed to show sorrow for sin or imposed as a punishment for sin by a church official. ruff - a fringe or frill of long hairs or a set of lengthened or otherwise modified feathers around or on the neck of a mammal or bird rough - difficult to travel over or penetrate. sane - mentally sound: possessing a rational mind seine - fish with or catch fish with a net that hangs vertically in the water. scenery - the representation of the place of an action or occurrence senary - of, based upon, or characterized by six: compounded of six things: consisting of six parts. serval - a wildcat (Felis capensis or F. serval) common in Africa having long legs, large untufted ears, and a tawny coat with black spots and rings servile - of, relating to, or appropriate to slaves. shackel - a section of gill net shackle - confine the limbs of so as to prevent free motion. taper - gradual diminution of thickness, diameter, or width in an elongated object often expressed in inches per foot, inches per inch, or by numbers tapir - any of a genus of chiefly nocturnal hoofed mammals of tropical America and Myanmar to Sumatra that have the snout and upper lip prolonged into a short flexible proboscis. tope – a cosmopolitan brownish or grayish bottom-dwelling shark taupe - a light brownish gray. voracious - excessively eager veracious - observant of the truth : habitually speaking the truth. verger - a church official who serves as a sacristan, as an attendant who keeps order during services, or as an usher verdure - fresh and green growing vegetation. way - that along which one passes to reach some place : the track traveled by a person or thing in his or its progress or passage : the course of travel from one place to another weigh - evaluate : ponder. weired – to have put a weir in or on weird - curious in nature or appearance : of strange or extraordinary character.

Page 5: Study the following homophones and their definitions. · Study the following homophones and their definitions

your - of or belonging to you or yourself or yourselves as possessor or possessors yore - time past and especially long since past.

Page 6: Study the following homophones and their definitions. · Study the following homophones and their definitions

Circle the correct homophone. When you are done check your answers, then copy all the correct answers into your Spelling notebook (they are from the Consolidated word list).

1. Use of the swimming pool was put in obeyance / abeyance until a new lifeguard could be hired.

2. The frog is perhaps the best-known amphibian / amphibion.

3. The audients / audience erupted with thunderous applause at the act’s

conclusion. 4. The heart of a fish has one auricle / oracle and one ventricle. 5. The good people of Sleepy Hollow were often filled with awe / aw at hearing his

nasal melody floating from the distant hill. 6. The overcultivated land, once fertile, was now baron / barren. 7. Jake was told that he would need to pack warm clothes to withstand the bees /

bise while he toured Switzerland. 8. Grass would grow better beneath the tree if the lowest bough / bow were


9. With the help of his dog, Jerry managed to corral / chorale the herd. 10. Mr. Knightley shared unpleasant truths with Emma and proved himself her friend

by very faithful council / counsel. 11. Jaime worked as a courier / currier after school to earn money for a new car. 12. Laurent’s derailer / derailleur jammed a few minutes into the race, and he was

forced to the side of the road. 13. Daniel was a soldier’s soldier—rough, tough and dowdy / doughty. 14. The femoral / femerell artery supplies blood to the abdomen and lower

extremities. 15. A fisher / fissure ran through Irene’s backyard after the earthquake. 16. The fluorescent / florescent bulb above Gary’s cubicle thrummed noisily. 17. Susan watched the fawns gambol / gamble in the field.

Page 7: Study the following homophones and their definitions. · Study the following homophones and their definitions

18. Marie praised the chef for cooking the jigget / gigot with exactly the right touch

of garlic. 19. Holmes and Watson jumped into a handsome / hansom and ordered the driver

to follow discreetly the cab ahead. 20. Most schoolchildren have heard the story of the tortoise and the hair / hare. 21. To prepare for the horde / hoard of tourists, the police department is using

computer modeling to aid in logistics. 22. The knight staggered under a blow that left a groove across his jambo /

jambeau. 23. Bruce added julienne / Julian cucumber to the salad. 24. Tom is a professor of jurisprudents / jurisprudence at Yale Law School. 25. The casino coffee shop had runners to sell the diners cards for keno / kino. 26. The Dutch villager proudly showed Pam a clomp / klomp that he had just

finished carving. 27. The man was dressed in a shaggy tweed jacket and knickers / nickers with long

woolen stockings. 28. The ancient statue of an unknown athlete bore a carefully carved wreath of loral

/ laurel. 29. The city plans to construct a levee / levy to prevent flooding from the river. 30. Midori is an expert in all forms of Japanese dance, but her favourite is the my /

mai. 31. Gina enjoys hearing the story of how the native Americans taught the Pilgrims to

grow maize / maze. 32. The after-dinner crowd enjoyed listening to the mellow / melo, laid-back singer. 33. The sea otter / odder places a stone on its chest and uses it as an anvil on

which to open mussels and clams. 34. Canadian automobile manufacturers believe they have achieved parody / parity

with their foreign competitors.

Page 8: Study the following homophones and their definitions. · Study the following homophones and their definitions

35. Mr. Elton and Harriet had a very interesting parley / parlay about what could be done and should be done.

36. Emma resolved to keep Harriet no longer in the dark and went, the very next day,

to undergo the necessary penance / pennants of communication. 37. The ruff / rough waters off its coast made the island a bane for sailors. 38. David and Joel like to seine / sane for perch. 39. Jethro experimented with music using a scenery / senary scale. 40. Oscar was thankful to be freed from his serval / servile status. 41. The prisoner of war told the United Nations delegation that his guards had

threatened to shackel / shackle him 24 hours a day. 42. The tapir / taper is both a browser and a grazer, feeding on leaves, twigs and

fruits, as well as on grasses. 43. It took some time, but Pam finally matched the tope / taupe of her dress to a pair

of shoes. 44. It was up to the jury to decide which of the two witnesses was the more

voracious / veracious. 45. Joe walked back into the soft thick verdure / verger of the hills and tramped until

he was tired. 46. Mrs. Avery asked Sam to way / weigh the potential consequences of his

decision. 47. Most episodes of The X-Files begin with a weird / weired or puzzling event. 48. Adam’s favourite books contain stories about knights of your / yore.