studio theatre - the missionary position


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Studio Theatre Playbill


Page 1: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position
Page 2: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position


The Roxy Theatre10708 124th

Feb 12 - Mar 3 2013

2 for 1 Tuesdays Feb 19 & 26

STarring:RobeRt benzLoRne CaRdinaLCRaig LauzonSeRa-LyS MCaRthuRMiChaeLa WaShbuRnDirecTeD by:bRadLey MoSS

“Powerful, disturbingand absolutely

important theatre.”– Hamilton Spectator

Photo by Roy Timm Photography | Design by Chris Peters


BLOODMIXESby Kevin Loring

a co-proDucTion wiTh TheaTre aquariuS anD weSTern canaDa TheaTre


Page 3: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position

Cast – (in alphabetical order) Patti Patricia Cerda Brett Brett Dahl Dan Daniel Frederick Kent Fernandes Ben Ben Gorodetsky Sam Samantha Jeffery Marina Marina Mair-Sanchez Lianna Lianna Makuch Angie Angelique Panther Nacho Mat Simpson Ed Edmund Stapleton Cayley Cayley Thomas Matt Matthew Yipchuck

Creative Team Director Jan Selman Set, Lighting and Projection Designers LLARS Design Costume Designer Nicole Bach Sound Designer Dave Clarke Assistant to the Director Brooklyn Ritchie Dramaturgy Assistant Elissa Weinzimmer Vocal, Speech, Text Coach Thrasso Petras Movement Coach and Choreographer Lin Snelling

Stage Management Stage Manager Tanya Schwaerzle Assistant Stage Manager Erin Valentine

There will be one 15 minute intermission.

Contents4 Director’s Notes • 6 Playwright’s Notes • 8 Production Team

12 Photos • 14 Interview • 17 Lee Playwright in Residence20 Staff / Front of House • 22 Donors

by Greg MacArthur, Lee Playwright in Residence

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Director’s NotesThe University of Alberta Department of Drama is committed to fostering new Canadian theatre. Perhaps more than any art form, theatre can respond quickly, place current dilemmas in front of us, and engage with changing cultural references, as they transform. In this highly collaborative art form, bringing new work to the stage asks much of many artists. The art of producing ambitious new work in the theatre asks all departments – set, lights, costumes, props, projections, certainly the actors, and others – to keep to the program, yet also flex, change up on a dime, leave decisions and hard work behind and embrace a new path. Some things can’t be seen until the work leaves the page. Then, as the work gets into the mouths and bodies of actors, new insights are gleaned, and writer and other artists in turn revision, rewrite, redesign, re-rehearse, rebuild.

This team has taken up that challenge…

Creating a play is a huge undertaking, first for the playwright, later for all the other theatre collaborators. Many playwrights, from Ibsen onwards, find that at least two years is necessary – from the initial ideas to a premiere.

Here is a glimpse of The Missionary Position journey:

January 2011 Playwright residency starts

October 2011 Working Draft 1. Actors read for the playwright and future team members

April 2012 Working Draft 2. Actors briefly investigate each scene then read the play for the artistic team

Summer 2012 Designers develop a production design approach

September 2012 Working Draft 3. Actors, director and playwright quickly put play on its feet, to explore style and staging as well as text

Fall 2012 Designers rework the spatial approach, based on new draft

October 2012 Draft 4. One character’s story line is new

December 2012 Actors read the new draft for the playwright

December 2012 Draft 5. The Rehearsal Draft

January 2013 Rehearsals. The playwright revises and edits as actors bring the piece to life

Of course wound throughout this bare bones account are countless hours of research and writing and rewriting. It has been a joy to witness this remarkable playwright at work.

-Jan Selman

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Written & performed by Canadian Comedy Award winner Melody A. Johnson

Peggy Ann Douglas figures the best way to escape her life of chicory-pulling, stall-cleaning, hay-baling drudgery, is by picking up a baton and twirling her way out of town.

Sunday, April 7, 20138 pm • $30

Arden Theatre Box Office5 St. Anne StreetCall 780-459-1542

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Pre-show wine tasting at 7 pm,courtesy of Lacombe Park Spirits.


I arrived in Edmonton a little over two years ago to begin this Residency. I began working on this play almost immediately. Armed with a vague idea about what I wanted to write about - faith, belief, how and why we help one another - I began to explore the city, the University, the students. Gradually, after much research and thought, The Missionary Position began to take shape.A play is a diary. A play is a love letter. A play is a testament to a time and a place.This play, written specifically for the actors you will see onstage tonight, is a kind of chronicle of my time and my life here in this city. Of the people I met and the experiences I had. Like any play, The Missionary Position, although a fiction, is full of small truths and realities. It is an assortment of feelings, of experiences, of questions, of friends, of stories. Nothing is true. And everything is true.It has been a daunting, difficult, sometimes lonely task, working on this script. The opportunity to write and produce a play for twelve actors is not something one gets to do often in this country. As I sit in the rehearsal hall watching this extraordinary group of artists create this work, I truly do feel so proud.This work would not exist without these twelve actors and their generosity.They have infused and influenced the writing - and myself - in so many ways.Watching this play brings up many questions and emotions as I prepare to leave Edmonton and head back East. Whatever life this play has in the world over the coming years, it will always be tied to this city, to this University, to this company of artists and friends, and to the streets and pubs and cafes where, over the past two years, I have wandered and sat and thought about God, and missionaries and demons and magic fluorescent water and the small miracles and big hurdles that we all face as we make our way through this world.

Greg MacArthurFebruary 2013

Playwright’s Notes

Page 7: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position


Written & performed by Canadian Comedy Award winner Melody A. Johnson

Peggy Ann Douglas figures the best way to escape her life of chicory-pulling, stall-cleaning, hay-baling drudgery, is by picking up a baton and twirling her way out of town.

Sunday, April 7, 20138 pm • $30

Arden Theatre Box Office5 St. Anne StreetCall 780-459-1542

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Pre-show wine tasting at 7 pm,courtesy of Lacombe Park Spirits.

Page 8: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position


Production Manager: Gerry van Hezewyk Technical Director: Larry Clark Assistant Production Manager: Audra Stevenson Assistant Technical Director: Finn McConnell Production Administrative Assistant: Jonathan Durynek Wardrobe Manager: Joanna Johnston Cutter: Ann Salmonson Head Scenic/Stage Carpenter: Darrell Cooksey Scenic Carpenters: Andre Lavoie Nick Shostak Properties Master: Jane Kline Lead Props: Laura Campbell Lighting Supervisors: Jeff Osterlin Mel Geary Heads of Lighting: Stephanie Bahniuk Alison Yanota Lighting Technicians: Joel Adria Laura Campbell Kim Creller Devin Lavigne Jon Reid Audra Stevenson Video/Cinematography Supervisor: Mel Geary Head of Video/Cinematography: Joel Adria Sound Supervisor: Matthew Skopyk Head of Sound: Devin Lavigne

Running Crew: Lighting Operator: Stephanie Bahniuk Alison Yanota Sound Operator: Devin Lavigne Stage Carpenter: Audra Stevenson Video Operator: Cheyenne Sykes

Production Team

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Page 11: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position


Spend your family time with us and we will repay you with memories that last a lifetime!



1.800.663.2772 • [email protected]


Call or see online for full details.Some restrictions may apply.



Page 12: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position


1. Brett Dahl as Kev.2. Matthew Yipchuk as Uday.3. Ben Gorodetsky as Musa and Daniel Frederick Kent Fernandes as Tom.4. Angelique Panther as Tiger.

All photos by Ed Ellis





“Studio Theatre’s production has succeeded in constructing a world that’s simultaneously brutal, darkly funny and somehow magical” The Gateway, December 2, 2012


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Split Seconds,Soft EdgesSamantha Walrod

Both exhibitions run 22 January – 16 February 2013

the alcuin society awards for excellence in

Book Design in Canada

mfa painting

Page 14: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position


By Lucy Collingwood

“All the work that anyone writes comes from your experiences,” says Greg MacArthur, Lee Playwright-in-Residence, when asked about his inspirations as a writer. Having worked and travelled extensively across Canada and internationally, MacArthur brings a toolkit of these stories and life experiences to each new project.

He describes his plays as speculative and very personal, but hopefully universal.

“We come across a million experiences; there’s so much information that we have in the world and for some reason certain stories or instances or experiences stay with me. If I’m still thinking about it four or five months later then oftentimes I’ll realize that this is something that I could write a play about... It has to be something that I’m truly interested in exploring and thinking about and that I’m grappling with in my own life.”

As Lee Playwright in Residence at the University of Alberta, part of MacArthur’s two-year contract (2011-13) includes writing and work-shopping the commission of an original piece for the 2013 graduating Bachelor of Fine Arts Acting class.

MacArthur has held similar residency positions before. His residency contracts as both playwright and dramaturg have taken him across the country, and to destinations as far as Cape Town, South Africa.

“When you’re writing a commissioned play, you know exactly who it’s going to be for, so those are certain challenges and pluses. But when you’re writing a play on your own... there’s a bit more freedom in writing the play and you can find the right home for it.”

Both his collaborative and his solo work has found success nationally and internationally, and has led to a number of awards, including six Jesse Richardson awards for his play Recovery in 2006, three Betty Mitchell awards for Get Away in 2005, and a nomination in 2011 for the highly prestigious Canadian Siminovitch Award for Playwriting.

The Missionary Position, MacArthur’s most recent production, is the culmination of his two years at the University of Alberta. Like much of his work, the play was influenced by his own stories and experiences.

A Conversation with Greg MacArthur, Lee Playwright in Residence

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contact Rob Lightfoot at [email protected]

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Postvue Publishing#200, 11230 119 St.Edmonton, AB.T5G 2X3780.426.1996F: [email protected]

This Playbillis Published By

Publisher, Sales & Marketing Manager Rob Lightfoot [email protected] Art Directors & Design Charlie Biddiscombe [email protected] Mike Siek [email protected] Sales Representatives Andy Cookson [email protected] Bridget Grady [email protected] James Jarvis [email protected]

© 2013 Postvue PublishingAll Rights Reserved, Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the publisher.

“I’ve done a fair bit of traveling just in Central America and Mexico and whatnot, and in those countries, especially in the poorer countries like Nicaragua [and] El Salvador, you come across a lot of missionaries who are down there building schools, and they were all there for different reasons... I just found them kind of fascinating and terrifying so that kind of interests me, and the idea of faith and religion interests me.”

MacArthur will continue to workshop the play throughout the rehearsal process as well as after the production has ended. His upcoming projects include a play called Horror Story, for production in Montreal, and another titled Kate Bowie for a company in Vancouver. MacArthur intends to return to Montreal to work on these projects once his time at the University of Alberta has come to a close.

A Conversation with Greg MacArthur, Continued

Page 17: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position


The Lee Playwright-in-Residence Endowment is dedicated to the creation of new Canadian plays and to the development of emerging and established Canadian playwrights.This permanent playwright-in-residence program at the University of Alberta was established in 2005 and was the first of its kind among Canadian universities. The innovative residency offers a unique opportunity for a Canadian playwright to devote time to their writing and to make a significant contribution to new play development within the university and professional theatre community in Edmonton.The Lee Playwright-in-Residence position is made possible by a generous legacy Endowment created by the Clifford E. Lee Foundation. Under the auspices of the Department of Drama at the University of Alberta, this endowment funds a Residency on an annual basis, in perpetuity. The Residency is a resource for professional, community-based and emerging playwrights.In addition to the residency, the Lee Playwright may also accept a commission to write a new play for the Department of Drama’s main stage UofA Studio Theatre season, as was the case when the University of Alberta Department of Drama commissioned Lee Playwright-In-Residence, Greg MacArthur, to write The Missionary Position.The Residency is appointed and supported by the Chair of the Department of Drama, who is guided by an Advisory Board made up of community-based playwrights and other artists who are involved in new play development as well as members of the Department of Drama who have substantial new play development experience.

Fall Hours:Mon - Fri: 7 PM - 12:30 AMSundays: 7 PM - 11 PM


Lee Playwright in Residence

Page 18: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position


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Passat:distinguished gentleman

Jetta:leading man

Beetle:life of the party

Tiguan:tall dark stranger

Golf GTI:girl next door

Page 19: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position


A flexible pass of three tickets to redeem in any combination at any of the six Studio Theatre shows. Get yours at the Timms Box Office and all SU Info Link booths on campus located in hUB, SUB and caB.

3 student t i ckets f o r o n l y

$253 adult t i ckets f o r o n l y


A R T D E S I G N P R I N T I N G I N C .

20% savings offregular t icket price


at the Timms Centre for the Arts

check the season brochure for the line-up

no limits! buy & use as many as you want

Page 20: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position


Administrative StaffKathleen Weiss: Chair, Department of DramaJulie Brown: Assistant Chair AdministrationDavid Prestley: Theatre Administrator / Events CoordinatorJonathan Durynek: Box Office Coordinator / Events AssistantRuth Vander Woude: Graduate Advisor / AdministratorConnie Golden: Undergraduate AdvisorHelen Baggaley: Administrative Assistant / Office Coordinator

With assistance from Faculty of Arts staff:Salena Kitteringham: Fine Arts Communications LeadTerah Jans: Fine Arts Communications Marketing SpecialistJoanna Manchur: Fine Arts Recruitment Coordinator

Production Staff Gerry van Hezewyk: Production Manager / Administrative Professional Officer Larry Clark: Technical Director, Timms Centre for the Arts Darrell Cooksey: Head Carpenter Jonathan Durynek: Production Administrative Assistant Mel Geary: Lighting Supervisor Joanna Johnston: Costume Manager Jane Kline: Property Master Don MacKenzie: Technical Director, Fine Arts Building Ann Salmonson: Cutter Matthew Skopyk: Second Playing Space Technician / Sound Supervisor Karen Swiderski: Costumer, Fine Arts Building

Front of HouseStaff: Bonita Akai, Danielle Dugan, Al Gadowsky, Becky Gormley, Caitlin Gormley, Tasreen Hudson, Marie-Andrée Lachapelle, Laura Norton, Emily Paulsen, Andrew Shum, Faye Stollery, Jane Toogood, Cheryl Vandergraaf, Catherine Vielguth.Volunteers: Cristian Badiu, Debbie Beaver, Susan Box, Franco Correa, Alana De Melo, Jonathan Durynek, Mary and Gene Ewanyshyn, Terri Gingras, Ron Gleason, Sydney Gross, Darcy Hoover-Correa, Paula Humby, Marie-Andrée Lachapelle, Don Lavigne, Sareeta Lopez, Tom and Gillian McGovern, Marlene Marlj, Conner Meeker, Laura Metcalf, Jennifer Morely, Alice Petruk, David Prestley, Clio Unger, Catherine Vielguth, Jane Voloboeva, Diane Wright, Anisa Youssefi, Danoush Youssefi

Page 21: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position


Live Family Entertainment

Legislature Scavenger Hunt

Carnival & Crafts

Outdoor Winter Activities

Monday, February 18Noon to 4 p.m.

Contact Visitor Services10820–98 Avenue Edmonton, ABPhone: 780-427-7362E-mail: [email protected]

FREE Family Day event

at the Alberta Legislature


Page 22: Studio Theatre - The Missionary Position


Heartfelt thanks to the individuals, foundations and organizations listed below for recognizing the importance of the arts and directly investing in the Department of Drama’s innovation and leadership in theatre training and performance.

A round of applause to our supporters!

This list includes those who donated to various Drama funds from November 1, 2011 - December 31, 2012. List compiled January 15, 2013. Apologies for inadvertent omissions or errors. Contact 780-492-2271 for changes.


Shirley & Sol SigurdsonPhillip SilverO. Francis SitwellDaryl SpringerMarion & Brian J. SprouleSt. Peter’s Anglican Church ACWAllan StichburyRichard & Rita TaylorIsobel ThomasSheryl TurnerThomas UsherGilda L.F. ValliHenriette van HeesAlan & Lorraine WelchDeborah & Jerry YeeJohn R. Young

In KindDavid Adam & Rose Liu-AdamErica BoetcherJill ConcannonPamela ConstableCampbell DaviesEstate of Pro Rhey Mond DeproEster FragaMel GearyRon LavoieLarry MacInnisDon MackenzieAnn MalyjJoanna & Travis B. ManchurDavid PlachDavid PrestleyElla ReidtKaren M. SwiderskiMichelle WarrenDonna R. ZukVarious Anonymous Donors

Sheila GoodingMelvina M. GowdaDerek J. & Mary GriffithsKelly HanderekBohdan & Elaine V. HarasymiwAlex & Joan HawkinsMurray & Pauline HawkinsChristopher HeadStephen HeatleySteven HiltonPavel & Sylvia JelenAzim & Shenaz JerajJim & Sheila Edwards Family FundM A KeeneGerald KendalJane KingPatricia LanganHou LiNicole E. MalletJohn & Peggy M MarkoRobert W. McCollSandra McFadyenGordon & Norma McIntoshRod & Heleen McLeodPamela A. MilneF June & Rod MorganBetty MoultonElaine & Peter MuellerKathleen & Philip MulderAudrey O’BrienDale OlausenEsther & Jack OndrackCurtis Palmer & Jan SelmanV PorteousBente RoedHelen J RostaJoan & Kenneth L. RoyValerie SartyAlan & Ramona SatherPeter & Olga SavarynAlison Scott-PrelorentzosAlbin Shanley

Baha R. & Sharon Abu-LabanVarious Anonymous DonorsElla May & Leonard ApedaileDorothy AyerBacon Family FundAnnalisa C. & Douglas Baer Joan BairdRoderick E BanksDavid Barnet & Edith MitchellCarole & William BartonKarin BasarabaJim & Barb BeckLindsay BellCarl & Doreen BetkeKathleen & William BetteridgeAlan BlevissJulia M BobergM. Elizabeth Boone & Marco Katz Donna BornhuseRichard BowesEdward BradoAngela BreadnerDavid Brindley & Denise HemmingsJulie Brown & Joseph PiccoloLinda BumsteadAdolf & Kathleen BuseCampbell Family FoundationRachel ChristopherBrent ChristophersonClassique Decor LtdPenny CoatesFaye CohenDavid CormackLesley B. Cormack & Andrew EdeDaniel CunninghamBrian J. DeedrickDyer Financial Strategies Ltd.W Gifford EdmondsJim & Joan EliukLarry EthierJohn & Bunny FergusonShirley Gifford

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