student times vol. 2, november 2012

where were you ? 2nd Ed. November 1, 2012

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Edition 2, November 1, 2012


Page 1: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

where were you?

2nd Ed. November 1, 2012

Page 2: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

Dear readers, I hope Your school year is going great

and Your Fall Break even better! Student Times team worked really hard to make our second edition, and it

is ready! You might have seen all the number twos scattered around LCC. Well, guess what? It was a hint that the 2nd edition of Student

Times is coming out. Thanks to the creative mind of Ilona Podriabinkina, we were able to come up with such a promotion idea. Hopefully, our new

edition will surprise You and exceed Your and our expectations. Our team became bigger with this edition, and will continue on growing; therefore, there is a place for You. If You want to have fun, while doing something

useful for the LCC community, Student Times is for You. Join Student Times, create, explore and be Yourself. Your experiences, stories,

advertisements, articles are all a very valuable input for us. Just remember that Student Times cares about

You and Your opinion.

Alla Timoshenko, promotions manager

Page 3: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

ContentSport Events

Pg. 4

The BalticsPg. 5

Stylish People at LCCPg. 6

DatePg. 8

On a BudgetPg. 9

A Little More About Memory...

Pg. 10Let's have some

cookies?Pg. 13

Most Remarkable and original

FestivalsPg. 14

Page 4: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

The best football tournament happened on Sunday -- October 14th. It was super fun and awesome,

we had the best football players from different countries. Six teams participated: Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, International,

Kazakhstan, and Moldova. All of the teams were strong; players were very serious about the game and did their best to become the first. Football fans had a chance not only to watch the games but also to participate in various contests that were organized by Sports Staff team. In front of the entrance was placed the box where everyone who came had a chance to guess the score of games. In reality it is really hard to guess exact points; surprisingly we

had 6 lucky participants who guessed the right score and received tasty prizes. On October 19th there will be final games. For the first place

Lithuania is playing with International team at 21.00 and for the third Ukraine will compete with Moldova at 21.40.

Success of players for sure depends on their fans, so come and support you team!!!


written by Dragomir Popov4

Page 5: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

September 27-30 found the study abroad students in Tallinn, Estonia and Riga, Latvia exploring more of the Baltics. While these cities may not be too exotic to most of the students here at LCC, they were like a whole new world to the studies abroad. The Eastern European culture was very present, making for an excellent trip.Maybe the most fascinating aspect of Tallinn and Riga both is their age. The cities have a history that goes back hundreds and hundreds of years. The United States, on the other hand will only be celebrating its 236th birthday in 2013. That’s a huge difference. Foreigners (especially North American foreigners) feel a distinct sense of antiquity as they walk the cobblestoned streets of such ancient cities. If one closes their eyes, they are easily transported back in time. The trip began with a ten hour overnight bus ride to Tallinn. We packed our pillows, stocked up on snacks and hit the road right on time. We arrived early, looking like zombies after ten hours of uncomfortable, constantly interrupted sleep. But not even exhaustion could take away from Tallinn. After a filling breakfast on the edge of old town and a quick stop at our hostel we took to the streets. The best part of this trip was the absence of planning. The study abroad office had only the most basic of itineraries for us – where to eat, and

where to get on the bus. The rest of the trip was up to us! That made for twenty-something unique adventures in each city as each student did as they pleased. My time in Tallinn was highlighted by Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. Located on top of Toompea Hill, the cathedral offers a commanding view of Tallinn. The

cathedral is impressive on in its own right, as well. The red trim of the façade against a stark white immediately catches the eye, but the interior of the cathedral is the most exciting. Trimmed in gold and silver, the altar and surrounding walls are certainly a sight to behold. Riga is just as magnificent. A bit more touristy, the Latvian capital lacks some of the Tallinn’s charm, but has just as much to offer. The old town is laid out in an intricate, yet easy-to-navigate plan with plenty of side streets, nooks, and crannies to explore. And that’s what most of the studies abroad did. My personal goal was to investigate every inch of Riga’s old town to find the coolest shops and the most impressive architecture. It turns out that some of the coolest shops are those found in the market in the center square. Yes they are heavily geared towards souvenir-hunting tourists, but there are still great buys to be had. Amazing architecture in Riga is everywhere. Old churches, guild houses, and castle-looking buildings span every street! Architecture may not be as impressive to the Europeans here at LCC, but again, it is not present in America (or South Korea – that’s for you Jiwon!). The buildings are so ornate. The amount of workmanship that must have gone into them is mindboggling, considering most structures today are put together with machines. While I could never fit every aspect of our trip into the Times, I can certainly assure you that everything was spectacular. Two countries in two days is a decent accomplishment for a group of study abroad students just now getting acclimated to LCC. More time in both cities would have

definitely been welcomed, but the opportunity to visit these amazing cities was more

than enough!

written by Buddy Hocutt 5

Page 6: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

School has started, you've gotten into the swing of classes, joined the clubs you like and done a lot of academic stuff, but none of these matter anymore. Why? Because now, you are thinking more about yourself. Well, it is true that around here we are trying to define ourselves by the way we look and our styles. And by style, I mean YOU and your relationship to yourself, not just your clothing.Let me tell you a truth my friends: Here at LCC we have lots of stylish people. Well, two of the most stylish students who liked to share their ideas with us are Annija and Natalia. Are you curious to know their sincere answers? Here we go!

-- How would you describe your signature look?-- I wear elements of contemporary fashion combined with vintage: oxford shoes, flower headbands, lace, white tights and dresses with flower ornaments. -- Can you write your stylish statement?-- Practically everything combined with the right elements of clothing or accessories can look very good and interesting. -- Who inspires you?-- I am inspired by the books I read, the music I listen to and old movies.-- Do you have any favorite brands? -- I do not have any favorite brands. I rather choose second hand shops where I can find interesting and unique clothing for a very low price.-- Who is your style icon (if you have one)?-- If I had to choose one public figure whose style I admire and draw inspiration from, it would be Florence Welch.-- Which are your favorite trends this season?-- To be honest, I do not follow fashion very closely so I do not know any trends of this season.-- Do you have any style tips? Dress according to your personality. Don’t be afraid to be unique because fashion is one of the greatest ways to express yourself and I think that is mostly the purpose of fashion – it represents who you are. It is an art of making your own unique appearance.


Stylish People at LCC


Page 7: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

-- How would you describe your signature look?-- No particular look, but my favorite thing to wear is a simple black dress.-- Can you write your stylish statement?-- It is a matter of being yourself and wearing whatever is comfortable for you today. Clothes are for the woman, not a woman for the clothes!-- Who inspires you?-- My mom is inspiring me to stay fit and to wear anything I like even if others think it is weird.-- Do you have any favorite brands? -- I like Yves saint Laurent and Frankie Morello. I think we all can agree that ZARA brand does a really good job of bringing runway looks down to life. -- Who is your style icon (if you have one)? -- From the celebrities I would choose JLo and Victoria Beckham.-- Which are your favorite trends this season?-- I love the lace this season and also baggy, almost soldier's coats which emphasize our femininity again.-- Do you have any style tips? -- Well, I subscribed to all those fashion inspiration blogs and they are helping me keep up with fashion news. Remember, always stay try to yourself, so you feel good and people will see it and they will like you no matter what you are wearing.

As you see, being yourself even when choosing what to wear is very essential because it demonstrates your personality. It is very important to feel comfortable and pretty with your own clothing. When you achieve that you do not have to change anymore because you have created your style. Maybe, it is not like the others’, but it is beautiful in its way.


Stylish People at LCC

7 “Style iS the differeNce, a way of doiNg, a way of beiNg DOnE.”

Page 8: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012


On my own, I’ve created two looks that show how to look stunning on your first date.

First look «Dotted blouse» (Navy-Black-dark pink)

The main focus in this look is at the dotted navy blouse, which shows the feminine style. Natural dark blue fits perfectly with this blouse. The outerwear can be different, so I chose two possible ways —a marine-style jacket or a soft leather jacket. Both ways would be good. A small shoulder bag with lipstick in it will free your hands. The best shoe choice for this look would be ankle boots with mid heel. And finally, a tiny chain or a watch will only compliment this look.

Second look «Knitted dress or red cardigan»(Brown-Beige-Grey-Red)

The dark beige knitted dress can be a perfect match for the first date, because it is very cozy and stylish. To finish up this look, you should wear thick black tights and a heavy necklace (preferably gold). The

main focus in the next outfit falls on a dark red cardigan. It is a very simple cardigan, but

the “blood” color makes it special. Under this cardigan you can wear a black or a dark grey t-shirt or tank. A dark grey balloon skirt will make this outfit more romantic.

One of the most important events in every girl’s life is the first date. It is not surprisin, that you want to create the perfect first impression and show only the best sides of your personality. Coco Chanel once said, “You never get second chance to make first impression.” So, in order for you to make the best out of your appearance on your first date, use some of these pieces of advice!

Believe me, they will help!

There are some general rules that apply for every beauty look creation:1.You should feel comfortable in what you wear.2.You should feel and be gorgeous, so that if you meet the «love of your life» you will be prepared for everything this rendezvous could present you with.3.In your beauty look, you should focus more on one piece of clothing you’ve chosen, so that the others can fit it.4.No more than 3 colors should be used in your look.5.Accessoires rule — less is better.


Note: For the both outfits, I chose the dark brown «rider»


written by Elena Romashko

Page 9: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

On a Budget I hope you liked, and actually tried to cook something from our previous edition. Well,

guess what? We’ve got some more tasty suggestions for you!!! These shouldn’t hit you hard on your pocket. Here they go.

1. Vegetable Ragout You will need: 3-4 zucchinis, 1-2 carrots,1 onion,1

tomato.How to make: Cut zucchinis, tomatoes and onion into

small pieces. Grate the carrots. Put all the veggies (except tomato) in a pot. Pour some water into the pot (don’t pour to much – the water must not be above the veggies). Add

salt and pepper. Start making the stew (15 minutes). You will see that the veggies are becoming smaller in size, and you have more water in the pot – pour the water out. Leave just a little of water, so the veggies don’t burn. Add tomato. Cook for 2-3 minutes. And your ragout is ready!!!

2.Hedgehogs You will need: 2 eggs, 3 processed cheese,1-2 garlic cloves, dry bread/cracker

crumbs.How to make: Boil the eggs. Grate eggs and processed

cheese. You may grate the garlic as well or cut it into tiny pieces. Put all of that into one bowl. Wash your hand in cold water. Make small balls out of this mass. Roll the balls in bread/cracker crumbs. Your hedgehogs are ready!

3. Very Simple – Chicken and PotatoesYou will need: 3-4 potatoes, 1 zucchini, 1-2 garlic cloves,

2-4 chicken wings (legs or breast will do fine), some ketchup and mayo.

How to make: Cut potatoes and zucchinis (cut them in any shape you prefer, but make sure they are equally thin). Lay them out in layers on a baking sheet (1st layer – zucchini, 2nd – potatoes, etc.) Make sure to put salt and

pepper between the layers. Make the sauce for the chicken. Basically, mix ketchup, mayo, salt, pepper and garlic together in a bowl. And your sauce is ready. Cover the chicken wings with this sauce. Put the chicken in the middle of the baking dish (so it looks surrounded by potatoes and zucchinis.) Bake in the oven for 40-50 minutes (180C).

cooked for you, Alla Timoshenko 9

Page 10: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

A little more about memory…

-Stock of our memory is unlimited-Memory of human foetus starts working in 20 weeks after conception -With years memory does not become worse. A human just lose a skill to strain the memory in order to learn something.-An average person uses about 10 percents of his inborn abilities of the memory. The rest of it gets lost because we do not know how to use it with the help of basic laws of memorization. They are concentration, repetions, association:1)If you want to remember something, you should concentrate and get an impression using not only your vision, but also hearing and sense of smell.2)The second law of memorization is repetion. The information will not remain in your mamory if you do not use it or repeate. 3)And the last law is association. The only way to remeber some facts surely is connect them to others ones.

Memory trainingIf you want to increase your

abilities of memorization and you find this need necessary, next steps of training will be definetely helpful for you:

1.In 5-10 minutes after you wake up, count backwards from 100 to 1 as quicker as possible.

2.Repeat the alphabet, coming up with a word for each letter. If you forget any letter or cannot think of a word, do not stop. Here a pace matters.

3.Call 20 male and 20 female names. 4.Select any letter of alphabet and

name 20 words that start with it.5.Close your eyes and count to 20. 6.You can learn poems by heart.

The main thing is to do it regularly, constantly increasing the amount of text. Besides, youd like the poems you learn; otherwise, you will not get a good result.

7.At the end of day, before you go to the bed, scroll al events that have happend to you on that day. Try to recall all deteils and without concentration on negative things.

8.Try to remeber events using asociations.

And do not forget that your training shoud bring a joy for you; then, you will not have to recall someone‘s name with difficulty. 10

Page 11: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

A little more about memory… Here at LCC we have to learn a lot of information in short space of time. Not everyone can

manage that and not everyone knows how to do it. Therefore, I would like to share some basic and helpful tips for memorizing and understand information from the book.

1.One of the greatest ways to get information right is to share it with someone. After you read the book, tell people, for example, who is studying this material as well what you have read about. It will help you more time analyze and memorize necessary information.

2.Second thing you should remember: do not read with a whisper. It completely slows down the process of remembering the information and tires the nervous system and your eyes. Thus, try just mentally pronouncing material that you are reading without whisper. Believe me, that works.

3.Also you can write down key points of the chapter for better understanding the information. It will help you not just remember what you have read about but also facilitate author’s ideas.

4.Know that the most important information should be read in the morning when your brain works

better. And remember – do not read before you go to bed. That sort of reading makes your memorization worse. Of course, there are some exclusions when people think better in the evening or even in the midnight; therefore, apply this advice according to your own biological clock.

5.Moreover, a good way to understand and learn information is to read summary at first. When you have an approximate presentation of what you are going to read, you will better perceive information.

6.And finally do not forget about the atmosphere that plays an important role while you are reading as well. Try to read in a comfort conditions when no one and nothing distracts you.

Those were the basic tips which will help you to understand and learn material in a better way. I hope you will find them helpful not only in your studies but in the rest of your life as well.

written by Alina Prokofyeva 11

Page 12: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

Every fall, LCC hosts one of the biggest conferences in Lithuania – it is the Global Leadership Summit. This event gathers various businessmen, pastors, and leaders of different organizations in Lithuania and in neighboring countries. The origin of this event comes from the Willow Creek organization in Chicago, United States. During this event, various leaders of today give speeches on various topics. This event is inspiring not only for its participants but also for those who work behind the curtain. During this event, around eighty people volunteer and help to serve the participants. Are you interested in accepting this challenge? If yes, you will have the opportunity to not only serve, but also see the program for FREE and perhaps even find new acquaintances

who might later become good friends. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact [email protected]. Also, for more information read at

November 16–17


Page 13: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

I find it hard and challenging to speak about food. Thousands of researches and even more opinions make it a little bit awfully confusing. An ability to choose food consciously is a pretty desirable attribute. Unfortunately, I do not have it. Well, I do have this cute annoying and lacy child in my head that kindly convinces me to take one more bun, piece of cake, or some hot chocolate. How many of you have this “friend” in your head? Recently I found out that this dude makesdecisions based on nothing else but emotions. When person is bored he may choose potato chips, when happy he may choose pizza or some steak. Researches also show that ice-cream and cookies are a usual choice for sad people. So how to differ between real hunger and so called emotional hunger? The first sign of emotional hunger is a desire for one particular type of

food whether it would be pizza or candies, because when you are really physically hungry you are up to every options of food available. One more traitor of emotional hunger is a feeling of guilt after you stopeating. In other words, after satisfying your emotional needs you may hear: “Oh, why did I eat one more piece of cake, from now on I won’t eat sweets anymore.” How to stop emotional eating? There a lot of suggestions on how to prevent yourself from emotional eating. When you recognize the reason why you would like to take one more bun, try to convert it into some physical activity, for example take a walk, dance, listen to music. In case of exhaustion, you can take a cup of hot tea, take a bath, or wrap yourself in a blanket. If a desire to chew something is

bigger and stronger than you take a carrot!

13written by Greta Šukytė

Let's Have Some


Page 14: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

Most remarkable and original festivals in the universe

At least once in your life you have been to an amazing concert, festival or performance. I have decided that in our second Student Times addition my duty is to tell you how a good music festival

looks like. Al right, fine… there are a lot of music festivals which really deserve your attention (We all remember KaZantip, Global Gathering, Ultra Music Fest and so on)… BUT again,

as an independent expert I have chosen 2 amazing festivals, unbelievable shows and remarkable events which will blow your head away!!! So in this article, we will look closely at Sensation and


SENSATION which gets to all your senses!First, let’s go to how Sensation actually occurred. Oh, those amazing years of 2000 – 2001 when the festival was a newborn. Sensation was just a Sensation, and than it was separated into 2 editions. Sensation White (which is concentrated on the house music), and Sensation Black (with it’s hardstyle, hardtrance, and hardcore music). Originally the festival came from Netherlands and the first show was held there, as well as all other shows for 5 years long were held only in Amsterdam Arena. Later on, Sensation went global and gave amazing shows in many European countries. Moreover this year in October 2012, Sensation sent it’s senses to America! Now, why is it so amazing? Well, obviously the scope of the event is impressive! Each Sensation has around 45, 000 – 50, 000

tickets available for sale. The decorations, DJ’s and organization are the highest level you can get. Now the show is breathtaking, huge balls, geometrical figures, strange videos and whatever you can imagine. All attendants are required to wear white outfit (Sensation White) or black outfit (Sensation Black). According to the White or Black edition the arena is decorated with absolutely white or black decorations. The overall picture is amazing, amazing, amazing again! In 2012 we have left last Sensation to attend. In Copenhagen November 3rd 2012 White Sensation will put it all on a white fire! And then next Sensation will take place in Amsterdam 6 June 2013. Official website:

written by Anna Dolinskaya14

Page 15: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

Most remarkable and original festivals in the universe

TOMORROWLAND just like dancing fairytale in action!

A huge, massive festival where you are surrounded with strange creatures, tale heroes, and weirdest fantasies of the organizators. Tomorowland takes place in Belgium, in the town of Boom and essentially its so huge that it takes the area of the whole town in terms of size. As you probably already understood Tomorrowland is one of the largest European electronic music events. The festival makes people happy since 2005 and takes place only in Belgium. Accordingly best events get best icons like Carl Cox, Marco Carola, Seth Troxler and more, who were participating in the festival. Let’s look more precisely at the event. To give you a clue, how amazing the festival

is, I will just mention that this year it took nine months to construct the main stage which looked like huge books and weighed over 138 tons. Plenty of vendors, 16 stages, campground and so on and on and on! Giant decorations: mushrooms, rainbows, flowers, fairies, heroes. Now the best thing is that festival lasts 3 days long! Bamc bamc bamc with the best DJ’s non-stop! Next Tomorrowland will be held as usually 26, 27 and 28 of July in Belgium and organizators promise they will start selling tickets as soon as it will be organized. I don’t know how about you, but I am subscribed to the news and will buy a ticket as soon as it will be available.Official website:

Fabrik club ( ex Kiwi club) makes Klaipeda DANCE! A lot of new events are on fire! Famous DJ stars and Lithuanian singers are coming to Fabrik almost every weekend, new style and wildness of the club makes you DANCE one more time! Student Timesand Fabrik Club are now partners for life, and I have a lot of interesting surprises, events, discounts and benefits FOR YOU guys, Lcc students!

approved by Student Times and personally me, Anna

DolinsKaya. With all you questions, please don't hesitate to contact me! [email protected]


Page 16: Student Times vol. 2, November 2012

Advisor: Arnoldas RemeikaFacebook administrator: Dragomir PopovWritters: Alla Timoshenko, Anna Dolinska, Giedrė Trusovaitė, Greta Šukytė, Robert HocuttProofreaders: Janea Ernst, Robert Hocutt, Logan Schreiner

Editor-in-chief: Kristina PetruitytėExecutive editor: Giedrė TrusovaitėDesigners: Elizaveta Salenok, Daria Sherbakova, Natalia HorningPromotions manager: Alla TimoshenkoPublic relations and communications: Greta Šukyte

, Alina Prokofyeva