student services, libraries and equity in the online arena asccc accreditation institute 2015...

Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill College

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Page 1: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Student Services, Libraries and Equity in

the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute


Stephanie Curry, Reedley College

Dolores Davison, Foothill College

Page 2: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

II. B. Library and Learning Support Services II. C. Student Support Services

Standard II – Student Learning Programs and


Page 3: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Standard IIB 1. The institution supports student learning and

achievement by providing library, and other learning support services to students and to personnel responsible for student learning and support. These services are sufficient in quantity, currency, depth, and variety to support educational programs, regardless of location or means of delivery, including distance education and correspondence education. Learning support services include, but are not limited to, library collections, tutoring, learning centers, computer laboratories, learning technology, and ongoing instruction for users of library and other learning support services. (ER 17)

Standard II. B. Library and Learning Support


Page 4: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Standard IIB3. The institution evaluates library and other learning support services to assure their adequacy in meeting identified student needs. Evaluation of these services includes evidence that they contribute to the attainment of student learning outcomes. The institution uses the results of these evaluations as the basis for improvement.

4. When the institution relies on or collaborates with other institutions or other sources for library and other learning support services for its instructional programs, it documents that formal agreements exist and that such resources and services are adequate for the institution’s intended purposes, are easily accessible and utilized. The institution takes responsibility for and assures the security, maintenance, and reliability of services provided either directly or through contractual arrangement. The institution regularly evaluates these services to ensure their effectiveness. (ER 17)

IIB Continued

Page 5: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Standard IIC 1. The institution regularly evaluates

the quality of student support services and demonstrates that these services, regardless of location or means of delivery, including distance education and correspondence education, support student learning, and enhance accomplishment of the mission of the institution. (ER 15)

Standard II. CStudent Support Services

Page 6: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Standard IIC 2. The institution identifies and assesses learning support outcomes for its student population and provides appropriate student support services and programs to achieve those outcomes. The institution uses assessment data to continuously improve student support programs and services. 3. The institution assures equitable access to all of its students by providing appropriate, comprehensive, and reliable services to students regardless of service location or delivery method. (ER 15)

IIC Continued

Page 7: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Library Tutoring Computer labs Learning Centers Counseling/ Advising Orientation Admissions Assessment/Placement Financial Aid DSPS/EOPS Remediation Health Services

What is included in Learning and Student Support Services

Page 8: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Registration – 74.3%

Library Services – 67.6%

Admissions – 62.5%

Bookstore Services – 58.6%

Transcript Ordering/Payment – 51.8%

(From CCCCO Report to BOG, August 2013)

Student/Learning Services Interactive Web Page– More than


Page 9: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Counseling/Academic Advising – 45.0% Financial Aid – 45.0% Orientation – 44.1% Tutoring – 26.4% Assessment/Testing – 23.4% Disabled Student Services – 21.4% EOPS/International/Veterans etc. – 20.9% Remediation Services – 12.7% Health Services – 4.5%(From CCCCO Report to BOG, August 2013)

Student/Learning Services Interactive Web Page – Less than 50%

Page 10: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Equitable Access to Resources and Services Regardless of Location or Means of Delivery

Identified Student Needs Identification and Assessment of Student

Support Outcomes Using Results of Assessment/Evaluations as the

Basis for Improvement (Systematic)

Key Themes From IIB and IIC Standards for Distance


Page 11: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Equitable Access, what does that mean. Have you defined it on your campus

How do you document these resources are available to students

Is there widespread knowledge that these services are available

Can students easily access student and learning support services on your campus

Are those services made available to students who require accommodations

Can you disaggregate your DE Data to look at equitable access.

Equitable Access to Resources and Services Regardless of Location or

Means of Delivery

Page 12: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

How do you identify specifically DE student needs

Do you survey your DE students on what services they need or disaggregate satisfaction survey results by DE students

Do you collect data on how many DE students use student and learning support services

Do you have a committee that is assigned to identifying DE student needs and monitoring to make sure they are met

Identified Student Needs

Page 13: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Do each of your Learning/Student Support Services have identified outcomes

Do they regularly assess and report out these outcomes

Is this outcome date widely shared Do they disaggregate these outcomes by DE


Identification and Assessment of Student Support Outcomes

Page 14: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Is Assessment of your DE Learning and Student Support Services part of your Program Review

Do you have Student/Learning Support Services as part of your DE Plan

Do you assess your DE services throughout the Accreditation Cycle not just the year or two before your visit

Do you have longitudinal evidence to show you have assesses online services, made improvements and re-assessed

Using Results of Assessment/Evaluations as the basis

for improvement (Systematic)

Page 15: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

Do you outsource any of the Learning Support Services (Library/Tutorial)

When the institution relies on or collaborates with otherinstitutions or other sources for library and other learningsupport services…

It documents that formal agreements exist

That such resources and services are adequate

Are easily accessible and utilized

These services are evaluated on a regular basis

Assures the reliability of all services provided

(From ACCJC Standard IIB 4)

Contracting/Outsourcing Services and Accreditation

Page 16: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill

What will it offer? Repository of available online classes Online counseling/advising Online tutoring Common Assessment Test Online Student Education Plans Other?

Are these considered outsourced services that would partially be covered under Standard IIB 4.

Potential to increase the number students from all areas of the state in your local online classes

Impact of the OEI and Other Technology Initiatives

Page 17: Student Services, Libraries and Equity in the Online Arena ASCCC Accreditation Institute 2015 Stephanie Curry, Reedley College Dolores Davison, Foothill
