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University of Plymouth Graduate School Research Student LOG Full time programme 1

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  • University of Plymouth

    Graduate School

    Research StudentLOG

    Full time programme


  • The University of Plymouth Graduate School is committed to ensuring that research students have an excellent learning experience, are involved in a research community and supported in their studies.

    The Research Student Log aims to help you acquire all the skills necessary to become a proficient researcher and to embark on a professional career. It is designed to help you reflect on your development, check your progress and to assist discussion with your supervisors. The Research Student Log was first developed by Professor Roland Levinsky at University College London and we are grateful to them for permitting us to adapt it for use at the University of Plymouth.

    We hope that you have a successful and enjoyable time as a research student at Plymouth.

    Professor Michael P FullerDirector of Graduate Studies andHead of the Graduate School

    If found

    This log forms an important part of the students development. If found, please return it to the Graduate School and it will be forwarded to the student or his/her School. If you are not on a University Campus, please post to:

    FREEPOSTGraduate School

    University of PlymouthPlymouth PL4 8AA

    Name: ________________________________________________________________________

    School: _______________________________________________________________________

    Faculty: _______________________________________________________________________

    This Log Book can be access and used electronically. A copy can be found at

    Important Contacts







    Welcome to the University of Plymouth

  • All documents requiring student and supervisory team signatures must be copied for the Faculty Research Administrators

    1 Welcome to the University of Plymouth2 Table of contents3 Rationale and how to use the Log

    Section A

    4 Students Summary Record8 Research Degree Candidates Annual Monitoring (RDC.1A) form

    Section B

    10 Record of Formal Supervisory Sessions and your Skills Self Audit11 Initial Supervisory meeting12 Project Approval Form (RDC 1)15 3 month meeting17 6 month meeting19 9 month meeting21 12 month preparing for confirmation of route22 Confirmation of route (RDC.2) 18-24 months24 15 month meeting - confirmation of route28 18 month meeting30 21 month meeting32 24 month meeting34 27 month meeting36 30 month meeting38 33 month meeting40 36 month meeting42 Final Meeting end of studies

    Section C

    46 Academic and Key Transferable Skills Development Self Audit47 Skills Development Self Audit48 Skills Development Self Audit at Start of your Degree Studies54 Skills Development Self Audit End of Year 160 Skills Development Self Audit End of Year 266 Skills Development Self Audit End of Year 372 Examples of Skills Definitions (Research Councils)

    Section D

    74 Record of your Skills Development Plan

    Section E

    80 Record of your Skills Development Activities81 Courses attended85 Presentations given87 Publications88 Other activities89 Sign off Sheet90 Diploma Supplement



  • Purpose of the Research Student Log

    This Log has been prepared to assist you throughout your degree programme at the University of Plymouth. It provides a framework for recording details related to your graduate research programme, scheduled supervisory meetings and activities concerning the development of academic and key skills. Your Log will also help you to assess your progress and to plan and chart evidence of the development of academic and discipline specific skills and key skills.

    In education and employment there is an increasing emphasis on skills and their development. It is important for individuals to demonstrate that their skills have been actively developed over time. The skills development self audit part of this Log will help you in identifying your skills and also assist you in planning your skills development programme as part of your academic studies.

    You are therefore asked to audit your skills in a more formal, reflective way before the first formal supervisory session and then at the end of years 1, 2, 3 and at the end of your studies.

    Using the Log as a full time Research Student or Continuing MPhil Student

    This log for full time Research Students is modelled on the timings for the supervisory sessions for a full time MPhil/PhD student. For part-time and distance students, it is acknowledged that supervisory meetings may occur in-person, via the telephone, video conferencing, etc. If you intend to complete an MPhil degree, you and your supervisors will need to adjust the timing of the required supervisory sessions to reflect the different period of study.

    How to use the Research Student Log

    You are asked to document formal supervisory meetings in this Log (Section B). It is not intended to record the (far) more frequent informal meetings that often occur several times per week/month. The Research Student Log is for you to retain but certain pages, which are clearly marked, can be copied for your faculty records. The framework of meetings is taken from the Research Student Handbook which contains the Universitys Code of Practice and Regulations for Research Degrees and should be used as a guide only.

    The self auditing process (Section C) embodied in this Log may not be familiar to you but it is quite simple and flexible in its design. Evidence of the development of skills does not necessarily take the form of certificates or awards; rather it is a measure of your accomplishment, whether acting alone or as part of a team. Feedback from others, especially supervisors, also constitutes useful evidence. It will strengthen your claim to have mastered a variety of situations, personal as well as professional, in which you may have demonstrated your skills. Increasingly, employers are asking for such examples at interview and in continuing professional development.

    Having done this audit, you should be able to identify those skills which you may need to develop further (Section D). It is recommended that you focus on a limited number of development areas at a time and the section at the end of the self-audit is intended to support this. Development needs and opportunities may change as time progresses, but the practice of intentional development of skills should give you the confidence to develop further in any area you choose.



  • Section


    Section A


    Students Summary Record

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Name: _________________________________________________________________________

    Student Enrolment No: _____________________ Email : ____________________________

    Nationality: _______________________________ Home/EU/Overseas: _____________________

    Degree: __________________________________ Full Time/Part Time: _____________________


    Director of Studies: ___________________ Email: ____________________________

    School: __________________________________________________________________

    Supervisor 2: ________________________ Email: ____________________________

    School: __________________________________________________________________

    Supervisor 3: _________________________ Email: ____________________________

    School: __________________________________________________________________

    Additional Supervisors or Change of Supervisor (if change of supervisor, indicate date/s). If you are adding or changing a supervisor, together with your Director of Studies, your Director of Studies must complete the form RDC.1A as the change will require approval by the Graduate Committee.

    Anticipated Date/s Actual Date/s1. Start Date __________________ ________________

    2. Project Approval __________________ ________________3. Transfer __________________ ________________

    4. Field Work away from UoP __________________ ________________5. Thesis submission __________________ ________________

    Funding Applications Outcome

    1. First Year ________________________________________________2. Second Year ________________________________________________

    3. Third Year ________________________________________________4. Any additional years ________________________________________________


    Students Summary Record

  • Must be copied for Faculty useThe following schedule is a guide that may be modified to match school procedures as long as the minimum requirements as outlined in the University of Plymouth Research Degrees Handbook are met.

    Date Held Annual Monitoring Due1. Initial supervisory meeting _________________2. 3 month meeting _________________3 Project Approval (RDC1) form _________________ yes no 4. 6 month meeting _________________ yes no 5. 9 month meeting _________________ yes no 6. 12 month meeting preparation for confirmation of route __________ yes no 7. Confirmation of Route (RDC2) form _________________ yes no 8. 15 month meeting confirmation of route __________________ yes no 9. 18 month meeting __________________ yes no 10. 21 month meeting __________________ yes no 11. 24 month meeting __________________ yes no 12. 27 month meeting __________________ yes no 13. 30 month meeting __________________ yes no 14. 33 month meeting __________________ yes no 15. 36 month meeting __________________ yes no 16. End of studies final meeting __________________ yes no

    Dates of any formal requirements stipulated by the school1. _________________________________________________________________________

    2. _________________________________________________________________________3. _________________________________________________________________________

    Study Leave Record (study leave refers to absences from University of longer than 4 weeks for research purposes).

    1. Destination, start/end dates ___________________________________________________2. Destination, start/end dates ___________________________________________________

    3. Destination, start/end dates ___________________________________________________

    Agreed Formal Extensions and Suspensions (these Extensions and Suspensions can be granted for medical or personal reasons or in cases of difficult research conditions such as the necessity to master a difficult field language, etc.). The Faculty, the Graduate Committee and the Funding Body must officially give approval in writing where appropriate. To ensure the appropriate approval process, together with your Director of Studies, you must complete and submit form RDC.1A. New anticipated thesisReason Start Date End Date submission date

    1. ____________________________________________________________________________________2. ____________________________________________________________________________________

    3. ____________________________________________________________________________________


    Students Summary Record

  • 4.

    Must be copied for Faculty use





























    Students Summary Record (continued)

  • 9

  • FOR INFORMATION ONLY to be sent out by electronically by Faculty Research Administrators

    Research Degree Candidates Annual Monitoring AY 20 /20

    Forms must be completed for each candidate RDC.1A

    Please return to the Graduate School

    Name of Candidate: Enrolment Number:

    Faculty: School:

    Progress Report: Questions 1 4 must be answeredProgress Report: Questions 1 4 must be answered

    1. Is the candidate actively engaged on the research?

    2. Is the contact between the supervisory team and the candidate satisfactory?

    3. Is satisfactory progress being made within the programme of work?

    4. Are there any particular problems?

    5. Is the candidate on target to transfer (if applicable)?

    6. Has there been any change to the mode of study, or is there likely to be in the next 6 months?

    7. When is the candidate likely to submit?

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    YES NO

    * Delete as appropriateDetails of any issues and action taken/proposed to resolve:(continue in separate sheet if necessary)

    Statement by Director of Studies and candidate (must be signed by both parties):I confirm the above information represents an accurate record of the current situation.

    Name of Director of Studies: Signature: Date:

    Name of Candidate: ... Signature: D

    Details of any issues and further comments from the Independent Reviewer:(continue in separate sheet if necessary)

    Statement by Independent Reviewer:I confirm the above information represents an accurate record of the current situation.


    Research Degree Candidates Annual Monitoring

  • Name of Independent Reviewer: Signature: Date:


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Annual Progress Report by Research Degree Candidate

    This form is a key part of the Universitys quality assurance processes that help us improve our service to postgraduate students. The information given is always treated in the strictest confidence. If you have any particular issues please contact your Faculty Research Administrator who is there to help.

    Name of Candidate: F/T P/T

    Research Degree

    Department/School: MPhil MPhil/PhD


    Director of Studies: ResM Professional Doctorate

    Professional Doctorate

    Please write comments in the space provided under each question. Comments will then be considered by the Associate Dean (Graduate Studies) as part of the University annual progress review.

    1. Are you satisfied with the progress of your research?

    2a. Have you received adequate training?

    2b. Is there any other training you would like?


    Research Degree Candidates Annual Monitoring

  • 2c. Have you attended or plan to attend the EPSRC training Course?

    (For Year 3 EPSRC students only)

    3. Are you satisfied with your supervision?

    4. Is there anything else you want to say?

    Thank you; please sign below and return

    Signed: Date:.....

    (Research Degree Candidate)


  • Section




    Record of formal SupervisorySessions and your Skills Self Audit

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    To be filled in by the student before the first Supervisory Session. Student Name:

    UoP Computer Access Yes NoUoP Email Account Yes No

    Working title of research project:

    Initial skills assessment summaryFill in after completing the Academic and Research Skills Audit in Section C.

    Academic & Research SkillsPlease give details

    Key (transferable) skillsPlease give details


    Initial Supervisory Session (Student)

  • 16

  • To be completed during the Supervisory Session.


  • FOR INFORMATION ONLY to be sent out by electronically by Faculty Research Administrators


    Applications must be typed. Minimum type size 10 pt.

    The process for project approval should be completed between 3 to 6 months for full time students/6 to 12 for part time students. The approval would need to include:agreed project plan (including a time line or a Gantt chart) (attached)review by an expert commentator (to confirm the appropriateness of the project and to offer independent constructive comment)

    Application for Approval for the Degree of: MPhil MPhil/PhD

    Name of Applicant:

    Enrolment No:

    Faculty: School:

    Particulars of Funding for the Research Programme:

    Name and Details of Relationship with Collaborating Establishment (if applicable):

    The Programme of Research - Title of Project (up to 12 words)The Programme of Research - Title of Project (up to 12 words)

    Description of Project (to be completed by the candidate. The space provided should not be exceeded):Description of Project (to be completed by the candidate. The space provided should not be exceeded):


    Project Approval Form

  • Candidates Signature: Date:


  • FOR INFORMATION ONLY to be sent out by electronically by Faculty Research Administrators

    Research Training to be completed by the candidate (include details of any training to be attended during the programme, such as specific and generic skills training sessions, professional courses, language training, conferences attended):

    Recommendation by the Expert Commentator:Recommendation by the Expert Commentator:Recommendation by the Expert Commentator:I support this application and believe that the project and project plan are suitable and that the candidate has the potential to successfully complete the research programme.I support this application and believe that the project and project plan are suitable and that the candidate has the potential to successfully complete the research programme.I support this application and believe that the project and project plan are suitable and that the candidate has the potential to successfully complete the research programme.

    Name of Commentator: . Signature: Date:

    Supervisory Team:Supervisory Team:Supervisory Team:Supervisory Team:Supervisory Team:Has the supervisory team changed since the beginning of the project? Yes No

    If yes, has an RDC.1A requesting the changes been processed and approved? Processed Approved

    Recommendation by the Supervisory Team:We support this application and believe that the candidate has the potential to successfully complete the research programme.

    Name of Director of Studies: .. Signature: .. Date: .

    Name of Second Supervisor: Signature: Date:


    Project Approval Form

  • Name of Third Supervisor: . Signature: Date:

    Recommendation by the Associate Dean/Dean/Head of School/Local Research Degree Coordinator (please check Faculty/College procedures)Recommendation by the Associate Dean/Dean/Head of School/Local Research Degree Coordinator (please check Faculty/College procedures)Recommendation by the Associate Dean/Dean/Head of School/Local Research Degree Coordinator (please check Faculty/College procedures)

    I confirm the Facultys/Colleges support for the project approval for this candidate.I confirm the Facultys/Colleges support for the project approval for this candidate.I confirm the Facultys/Colleges support for the project approval for this candidate.

    Name: Signature: . Date: .


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    To be completed by the student before Supervisory Session.

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Working title of research project:

    Planned Skills Course Yes No N/A

    These are available in your subject area and from the postgraduate portal.

    Agreed research plan and activities Time frame

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________

    Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


    Supervisor and Student Date

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    To be completed by the student before Supervisory Session.

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Working title of research project:

    What progress have you achieved during the last 4 months?

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes NoIf yes, explain briefly

    Have there been any changes to your skills development plans? Yes No Comments


    Supervisory Session (Student) 3 months

  • 24

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Knowledge of procedures relating to Risk Assessment Yes No N/A

    Health and Safety (See: H&S community/heath and safety) Yes No N/A

    Ethics and other issues discussed (list below) Yes No N/A

    Particular academic needs identified Yes No N/A

    Agreed research plan and activities Time frame

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________

    Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


    Student & Supervisor Date:

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    To be completed by the student before supervisory session.

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Working title of research project:

    Skills developed, courses attended,seminars or conference presentations given(Refer to Section C E and discuss with your supervisor) Yes No

    What progress have you achieved during the last 3 months?

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes NoIf yes, explain briefly

    Have there been any changes to your skills development plans? Yes No N/A



    Supervisory Session (Student) 6 months

  • 27

  • Must be copied for Faculty useAre there other skills you may want to develop? Yes No N/A

    Any agreed changes to direction of research? Yes No N/A

    Particular academic needs identified? Yes No N/A

    Project approval form (RDC.1) approved? Yes No N/A

    Probation period successfully completed? Yes No N/A

    Extension to probation period required? Yes No N/A

    Agreed research plan and activities Time frame

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________

    Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________


    Supervisor and Student Date

  • Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


  • Must be copied for Faculty useSkills Development Self Audit and review of action points to be completed before the meeting (Section C).

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Working title of research project:

    Skills developed, courses attended, seminars or conference presentations given (Refer to Section C E and discuss with your supervisor) Yes No

    What progress have you achieved during the last 3 months?

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes No

    If yes, explain briefly

    Have there been any changes to your skills development plans? Yes No


    Review skills development and priorities during 1st yearFill in after completing the Academic and Research Skills Audit in Section C

    Academic & Research SkillsPlease give details

    Key (transferable) skills


    Supervisory Session (Student) 9 months

  • Please give details


  • Must be copied for Faculty useAre there other skills you may want to develop? Yes No N/A

    Any agreed changes to direction of research? Yes No N/A

    Particular academic needs identified? Yes No N/A

    Has the upgrade process been discussed? Yes No N/A

    Agreed research plan and activities Time frame

    Planned date for upgrade (or upgrade submission)

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________

    Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


    Student & Supervisor Date:

  • 33

  • Must be copied for Faculty useSkills Development Self Audit and review of action points to be completed before the meeting (Section C).

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Working title of research project:

    Review research progress during previous months and comment on the confirmation of route procedure

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes No

    If yes, explain briefly

    Additional needs identified to be discussed during preparation for confirmation of route session? Yes No

    If yes, identify below


    Preparation for Confirmation of Route (Student) 12 months

  • 35

  • FOR INFORMATION ONLY to be sent out by electronically by Faculty Research AdministratorsConfirmation of Route (MPhil/Transfer from MPhil To PhD)RDC.2

    Applications must be typed. Minimum type size 10 pt.

    Confirmation of route to occur between 12 to 15 months for full time students and between 18 to 24 months for part time students. Process to include: report from the student (guide length: 6,000 words) to contain: literature review and description of methods OR one or two draft chapters OR (draft) research paper(s) OR a pilot study statement of progress against project Gantt chart statement of research training undertaken and planned report from independent expert commentator report from the Director of Studies

    Name of Applicant: Enrolment No.:

    Faculty: School:

    Title of Project (up to 12 words):Title of Project (up to 12 words):

    Particulars of Funding for the Research Programme:Particulars of Funding for the Research Programme:

    Name and Details of Relationship with Collaborating Establishment (if applicable):Name and Details of Relationship with Collaborating Establishment (if applicable):

    Research Training (include details of any training already attended and any planned for the future, such as specific and generic skills training sessions, professional courses,):Research Training (include details of any training already attended and any planned for the future, such as specific and generic skills training sessions, professional courses,):Research Training (include details of any training already attended and any planned for the future, such as specific and generic skills training sessions, professional courses,):


    Confirmation of Route (MPhil/Transfer from MPhil to Phd)

  • attached as a separate document, orcomplete within the space provided below: attached as a separate document, orcomplete within the space provided below: attached as a separate document, orcomplete within the space provided below:

    Candidates Signature: Candidates Signature: Date:


  • FOR INFORMATION ONLY to be sent out by electronically by Faculty Research AdministratorsConfirmation of Route (MPhil/Transfer from MPhil to Phd)Confirmation of Route (MPhil/Transfer from MPhil to Phd)Confirmation of Route (MPhil/Transfer from MPhil to Phd)Confirmation of Route (MPhil/Transfer from MPhil to Phd)Confirmation of Route (MPhil/Transfer from MPhil to Phd)Confirmation of Route (MPhil/Transfer from MPhil to Phd)Confirmation of Route (MPhil/Transfer from MPhil to Phd)

    Recommendation by the Independent Expert Commentator:Recommendation by the Independent Expert Commentator:Recommendation by the Independent Expert Commentator:Recommendation by the Independent Expert Commentator:Recommendation by the Independent Expert Commentator:Recommendation by the Independent Expert Commentator:Recommendation by the Independent Expert Commentator:

    Has the candidate shown progress in the research programme?Has the candidate shown progress in the research programme? Yes NoNo

    Is there evidence that the research provides the basis for a PhD?Is there evidence that the research provides the basis for a PhD? Yes NoNo

    Recommendation for: (tick as appropriate)Recommendation for: (tick as appropriate)Recommendation for: (tick as appropriate)Recommendation for: (tick as appropriate)Recommendation for: (tick as appropriate)Recommendation for: (tick as appropriate)Recommendation for: (tick as appropriate)

    Confirmation to stay as MPhilConfirmation to stay as MPhil Yes NoNo

    Transfer to PhDTransfer to PhD Yes NoNo

    I support this confirmation of route. I have read and commented upon the candidates report and made this available to the supervisory team and the Faculty.I support this confirmation of route. I have read and commented upon the candidates report and made this available to the supervisory team and the Faculty.I support this confirmation of route. I have read and commented upon the candidates report and made this available to the supervisory team and the Faculty.I support this confirmation of route. I have read and commented upon the candidates report and made this available to the supervisory team and the Faculty.I support this confirmation of route. I have read and commented upon the candidates report and made this available to the supervisory team and the Faculty.I support this confirmation of route. I have read and commented upon the candidates report and made this available to the supervisory team and the Faculty.I support this confirmation of route. I have read and commented upon the candidates report and made this available to the supervisory team and the Faculty.

    Commentators name: ... Signature: ..Signature: ..Signature: ..Signature: .. Date: ..Date: ..

    Director of Studies Report: (tick as appropriate)Director of Studies Report: (tick as appropriate)Director of Studies Report: (tick as appropriate)Director of Studies Report: (tick as appropriate)Director of Studies Report: (tick as appropriate)

    Has the candidate shown progress in the research programme? Yes No

    Is there evidence that the research provides the basis for a PhD? Yes No

    Name of Director of Studies: . Signature: . Date: ..

    Recommendation by the supervisory team:Recommendation by the supervisory team:Recommendation by the supervisory team:Recommendation by the supervisory team:Recommendation by the supervisory team:Recommendation for: (tick as appropriate)Recommendation for: (tick as appropriate)Recommendation for: (tick as appropriate)Recommendation for: (tick as appropriate)Recommendation for: (tick as appropriate)

    Confirmation to stay as MPhil Yes No

    Transfer to PhD Yes No

    Name of 2nd Supervisor: .. Signature: . Date: ..

    Name of 3rd Supervisor: Signature: . Date: ..

    We support the above confirmation of route and believe that the candidate has the potential to achieve the degree of PhD (if transferred).


  • Recommendation by the Associate Dean/Dean/Head of School/Local Research Degree Coordinator (please check Faculty/College procedures)Recommendation by the Associate Dean/Dean/Head of School/Local Research Degree Coordinator (please check Faculty/College procedures)Recommendation by the Associate Dean/Dean/Head of School/Local Research Degree Coordinator (please check Faculty/College procedures)

    I confirm the Facultys/Colleges support for the confirmation of route for this candidate.I confirm the Facultys/Colleges support for the confirmation of route for this candidate.I confirm the Facultys/Colleges support for the confirmation of route for this candidate.

    Name: Signature: . Date: ..

    Approved by the University Graduate Committee:Approved by the University Graduate Committee:Approved by the University Graduate Committee:

    Name: Signature: . Date: ...


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Skills Development Self Audit and review of action points to be completed before the meeting (Section C).

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Working title of research project:

    Skills developed, courses attended, seminars or conference presentations given(Refer to Section C E and discuss with your supervisor) Yes No

    What progress have you achieved during the last 3 months?

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes NoIf yes, explain briefly

    Have there been any changes to your skills development plans? Yes NoComments

    Review skills development and priorities during 2nd yearFill in after completing the Academic and Research Skills Audit in Section C

    Academic & Research SkillsPlease give details

    Key (transferable) skills


    Confirmation of Route (Student) 15 months

  • Please give details


  • 42

  • Must be copied for Faculty useConfirmation of Route Report


    Transfer Report reviewed byIndependent Reviewer 1 Name and School:

    Independent Reviewer 2 Name and School: (if applicable)

    Oral Examination? Yes NoPersons present in addition to supervisors:Name and School:

    Name and School:

    Transfer recommended Yes No Deferred(If deferred, indicate date for reconsideration) Date:Result of reconsideration:

    When the confirmation of route has been agreed your Director of Studies should complete the form RDC.2 which will be sent to the Graduate Committee for approval. Research Degree Co-ordinators or Heads of School should confirm that sections A & B of the Log has been satisfactorily completed before signing the RDC.2 (the Confirmation of Route Form).

    Agreed research and recommendations originated from the Confirmation of Route procedure

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________

    Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________

    Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


    Confirmation of Route Date:

  • 44

  • Must be copied for Faculty use




























    Additional comments, feedback and action points

  • Must be copied for Faculty use


    Additional comments, feedback and action points

  • _____________________________________________________________________________________________




























  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Skills Development Self Audit and review of action points to be completed before the meeting (Section C).

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Working title of research project:

    Skills Development Self Audit and review of action points to be completed before the meeting (Section C)

    Skills developed, courses attended, seminars or conference presentations given(Refer to Section C E and discuss with your supervisor) Yes No

    What progress have you achieved during the last 3 months?

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes NoIf yes, explain briefly

    Have there been any changes to your skills development plans? Yes NoComments

    Review skills development and priorities during 2nd yearFill in after completing the Academic and Research Skills Audit in Section C

    Academic & Research SkillsPlease give details

    Key (transferable) skills


    Supervisory Session (Student) 18 months

  • Please give details


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Are there any changes to your Skills Development plan and priorities?

    Particular academic needs identified? Yes No N/A

    End of Year 2 Report to Funding Body required? Yes No


    Agreed research plan and activities Time frame

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________

    Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


    Supervisor & Student Date:

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Skills Development Self Audit and review of action points to be completed before the meeting (Section C).

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Skills developed, courses attended, seminars or conference presentations given(Refer to Section C E and discuss with your supervisor) Yes No

    What progress have you achieved during the last 3 months?

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes NoIf yes, explain briefly

    Have there been any changes to your skills development plans? Yes NoComments

    Review skills development and priorities during the 2nd year.Fill in after completing the Academic and Research Skills Audit in Section C

    Academic & Research SkillsPlease give details

    Key (transferable) skillsPlease give details


    Supervisory Session (Student) 21 months

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Are there other skills you may want to develop? Yes No N/A

    Any agreed changes to direction of research? Yes No N/A

    Particular academic needs identified? Yes No N/A

    Has the upgrade process been discussed? Yes No N/A

    Agreed research plan and activities Time frame

    Planned date for upgrade (or upgrade submission)

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________


    Supervisor & Student Date:

  • Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Skills Development Self Audit and review of action points to be completed before the meeting (Section C).

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Skills developed, courses attended, seminars or conference presentations given(Refer to Section C E and discuss with your supervisor) Yes No

    Have you achieved what you set out to do? Yes No

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes NoIf yes, explain briefly

    Review skills development and priorities during 3rd yearFill in after completing the Academic and Research Skills Audit in Section C

    Academic & Research SkillsPlease give details

    Key (transferable) skills


    Supervisory Session (Student) 24 months

  • Please give details


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Are there other skills you may want to develop? Yes No N/A

    Any agreed changes to direction of research? Yes No N/A

    Particular academic needs identified? Yes No N/A

    Has the upgrade process been discussed? Yes No N/A

    Agreed research plan and activities Time frame

    Planned date for upgrade (or upgrade submission)

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________

    Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________


    Supervisor & Student Date:

  • Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Skills Development Self Audit and review of action points to be completed before the meeting (Section C).

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Skills developed, courses attended, seminars or conference presentations given(Refer to Section C E and discuss with your supervisor) Yes No

    What progress have you achieved during the last 3 months?

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes NoIf yes, explain briefly

    Have there been any changes to your skills development plans? Yes NoComments

    Review skills development and priorities during the 3rd year.Fill in after completing the Academic and Research Skills Audit in Section C

    Academic & Research SkillsPlease give details

    Key (transferable) skillsPlease give details


    Supervisory Session (Student) 27 months

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Are there other skills you may want to develop? Yes No N/A

    Any agreed changes to direction of research? Yes No N/A

    Particular academic needs identified? Yes No N/A

    Has the upgrade process been discussed? Yes No N/A

    Agreed research plan and activities Time frame

    Planned date for upgrade (or upgrade submission)

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________

    Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________

    Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


    Supervisor & Student Date:

  • 60

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Preparation for Submission (Student) 30 months

    Skills Development Self Audit and review of action points to be completed before the meeting (Section C).

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Skills developed, courses attended, seminars or conference presentations given (Refer to Section C E and discuss with your supervisor) Yes No

    What progress have you achieved during the last 3 months?

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes NoIf yes, explain briefly

    Have there been any changes to your skills development plans? Yes NoComments

    Review skills development and priorities during the 3rd year.Fill in after completing the Academic and Research Skills Audit in Section C

    Academic & Research SkillsPlease give details

    Key (transferable) skillsPlease give details


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Actions based on skills review

    Examiners identified/nominated? Yes No

    Planned Submission Date:

    Word length of thesis checked? Yes No

    Agreed research plan and activities Time frame

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________

    Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


    Supervisor & Student Date:

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Skills Development Self Audit and review of action points to be completed before the meeting (Section C).

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Skills developed, courses attended, seminars or conference presentations given (Refer to Section C E and discuss with your supervisor) Yes No

    What progress have you achieved during the last 3 months?

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes NoIf yes, explain briefly

    Have there been any changes to your skills development plans? Yes NoComments

    Review skills development and priorities during 3rd yearFill in after completing the Academic and Research Skills Audit in Section C

    Academic & Research SkillsPlease give details

    Key (transferable) skillsPlease give details


    Preparation for Examination (Student) 33 months

  • 64

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Actions based on skills review

    Examiners approved? Yes No

    Planned Submission Date:

    Word length of thesis checked? Yes No

    Agreed research plan and activities Time frame

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________

    Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________

    Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


    Supervisor & Student Date:

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Skills Development Self Audit and review of action points to be completed before the meeting (Section C).

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Skills developed, courses attended, seminars or conference presentations given(Refer to Section C E and discuss with your supervisor) Yes No

    Have you achieved what you set out to do? Yes No

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes NoIf yes, explain briefly

    Review skills development and priorities during the 3rd year.Fill in after completing the Academic and Research Skills Audit in Section C

    Academic & Research SkillsPlease give details

    Key (transferable) skillsPlease give details


    Final Meeting (Student) 36 months

  • 67

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Other skills you may want to develop

    Particular academic needs identified? Yes No N/AIf yes, identify below

    End of Year 3 Report to Funding Body required? Yes No Date:

    Submission on thesis title

    Submission Date:

    Action Points for completion of thesis Time frame

    Mock Viva Planned Happened Date:

    Agreed research plan and activities Time frame

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________

    Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


    Supervisor & Student Date:

  • 69

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Skills Development Self Audit and review of action points to be completed before the meeting (Section C).

    Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

    Skills developed, courses attended, seminars or conference presentations given(Refer to Section C E and discuss with your supervisor) Yes No

    What progress have you achieved during the last 3 months?

    Did you encounter any difficulties? Yes NoIf yes, explain briefly

    Have there been any changes to your skills development plans? Yes NoComments

    Review skills development and priorities during the 3rd year.Fill in after completing the Academic and Research Skills Audit in Section C

    Academic & Research SkillsPlease give details

    Key (transferable) skillsPlease give details


    Supervisory Session (Student) Final Meeting End of Studies

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Are there other skills you may want to develop? Yes No N/A

    Any agreed changes to direction of research? Yes No N/A

    Particular academic needs identified? Yes No N/A

    Has the upgrade process been discussed? Yes No N/A

    Agreed research plan and activities Time frame

    Planned date for upgrade (or upgrade submission)

    Confirmation (sign below) DateCandidate __________________________________________ _______________________

    Director of Studies____________________________________ _______________________Second Supervisor____________________________________ _______________________

    Third Supervisor _____________________________________ _______________________


    Supervisor & Student Date:

  • 72

  • Must be copied for Faculty use






























    Notes and Comments

  • 74

  • Must be copied for Faculty use






























    Notes and Comments

  • 76

  • Section


    Section A


    Academic and Key Transferable Skills Development Self Audit

  • Skills Development Self Audit

    The development of academic, research and key (transferable) skills forms an important part of your degree programme. The following list of skills focuses on more general skills and individual degree programmes may require a different set of skills. In this case, the school may ask you to amend this list.

    Please complete the Skills Development Self Audit before your first supervisory meeting at the beginning of your degree programme and then at the times indicated in your Log.

    (See Graduate Schools web site and end of this section for further information on Academic and Key Skill development).

    This is a process which involves reflection on your academic development, including the development of appropriate skills. The process is assisted by a 'self-audit' which you should carry out at the beginning of your research programme, at the end of your first and second year, and at the end of your studies. The reflective process (see diagram) involves:

    an initial self-audit in which you reflect on your skills and, where possible, provide evidence for them. The audit may show up gaps which should be filled.

    a 'development plan' which attends to any gaps and deepens existing skills. a period during which the plan is carried out and during which you log development and, where appropriate,

    collect evidence for it. at the end of this period, a review of your progress and discussion with your supervisor. (The 'development plan'

    will almost certainly need to be updated at this stage). a repeat of the processes outlined above during your second and third years.

    a final review before you register for your degree examination.


    Initial skills self-auditDevelopment Plan

    (Includes resources to be used, timetable, outcome criteria)


    (reflective self-assessment + external input eg supervisor)

    Actions taken/evidence gathered

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Academic & Research Skills

    Research methodologyability to analyse critically, summarise and evaluate your findings and those of others, to demonstrate an understanding of relevant research methodologies and their appropriate application in your field of study

    Please give details

    Data analysis & synthesisincluding numeracy, ability to assemble, interpret and manipulate quantitative and qualitative data appropriately

    Please give details

    Record keepingability to keep accurate and comprehensive records in a systematic fashion which demonstrate academic purpose and probity

    Please give details

    Technical & discipline related skillsawareness of good discipline specific research practices and of legal and ethical issues, ability to understand relevant research methodologies and techniques and their appropriate application

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit Start of Programme

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Presentation of researchability to structure and present information to an audience in written and/or oral modes, using AV aids where appropriate, ability to discuss content and demonstrate knowledge of recent advances in your field

    Please give details

    Teaching/learning skillsability to convey structured information in an appropriate form in different learning environments by stating clear objectives, being aware of individuals learning needs and their assessment

    Please give details

    Research managementawareness of effective funding and grant management strategies, ability to use appropriately information technology for managing, recording and presenting information

    Please give details

    Academic communicationability to write clearly and in a style appropriate to purpose (e.g. thesis, paper, progress report), ability to communicate findings to academic and lay audiences as well as the press

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit Start of Programme

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Other skills (school defined)__________________________________________________________________

    Please give details

    Other skills (school defined)__________________________________________________________________

    Please give details

    Other Skills (school defined)__________________________________________________________________

    Please give details

    Other Skills (school defined)__________________________________________________________________

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit Start of Programme

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Key (Transferable) Skills

    Time managementability to schedule multiple personal and research specific tasks within a designated work period and monitor progress

    Please give details

    Foreign languages (where appropriate)ability to develop the knowledge of field and research languages to an appropriate level

    Please give details

    IT & computer skillsability to use WP, database, library, reference management and other specialist packages effectively

    Please give details

    Personal communicationability to converse effectively with individuals, to appreciate their viewpoint and to act appropriately, ability to give and receive constructive feedback

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit Start of Programme

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Team workability to work in co-operative partnerships with supervisors, team leaders, peers and support staff, ability to contribute towards the achievement of common goals

    Please give details

    Problem solvingability to define and apply appropriate strategies for the solution of conceptual and/or practical problems, demonstrate self reliance

    Please give details

    Critical thinkingability to develop theoretical concepts and to think in a purposeful, original, reasoned and focused way, likely to be fruitful in the given context

    Please give details

    Career planning, CV developmentability to take effective ownership for your career progression by setting realistic and achievable goals and to demonstrate awareness of the transferable nature of research skills to other work environments

    Please give details


    Key Skills Self Audit Start of Programme

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Other skills (specific to schools)


    Please give details

    Please give details

    Please give details


    Key Skills Self Audit Start of Programme

  • Please give details


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Academic & Research Skills

    Research methodologyability to analyse critically, summarise and evaluate your findings and those of others, to demonstrate an understanding of relevant research methodologies and their appropriate application in your field of study

    Please give details

    Data analysis & synthesisincluding numeracy, ability to assemble, interpret and manipulate quantitative and qualitative data appropriately

    Please give details

    Record keepingability to keep accurate and comprehensive records in a systematic fashion which demonstrate academic purpose and probity

    Please give details

    Technical & discipline related skillsawareness of good discipline specific research practices and of legal and ethical issues, ability to understand relevant research methodologies and techniques and their appropriate application

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit End of year 1

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Presentation of researchability to structure and present information to an audience in written and/or oral modes, using AV aids where appropriate, ability to discuss content and demonstrate knowledge of recent advances in your field

    Please give details

    Teaching skillsability to convey structured information in an appropriate form in different learning environments by stating clear objectives, being aware of individuals learning needs and their assessment

    Please give details

    Research managementawareness of effective funding and grant management strategies, ability to use appropriately information technology for managing, recording and presenting information

    Please give details

    Academic communicationability to write clearly and in a style appropriate to purpose (e.g. thesis, paper, progress report), ability to communicate findings to academic and lay audiences as well as the press

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit End of year 1

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Other skills (specific to schools)


    Please give details

    Please give details

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit End of year 1

  • Please give details


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Key (Transferable) Skills

    Time managementability to schedule multiple personal and research specific tasks within a designated work period and monitor progress

    Please give details

    Foreign languages (where appropriate)ability to develop the knowledge of field and research languages to an appropriate level

    Please give details

    IT & computer skillsability to use WP, database, library, reference management and other specialist packages effectively

    Please give details

    Personal communicationability to converse effectively with individuals, to appreciate their viewpoint and to act appropriately, ability to give and receive constructive feedback

    Please give details


    Key Skills Self Audit End of year 1

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Team workability to work in co-operative partnerships with supervisors, team leaders, peers and support staff, ability to contribute towards the achievement of common goals

    Please give details

    Problem solvingability to define and apply appropriate strategies for the solution of conceptual and/or practical problems, demonstrate self reliance

    Please give details

    Critical thinkingability to develop theoretical concepts and to think in a purposeful, original, reasoned and focused way, likely to be fruitful in the given context

    Please give details

    Career planning, CV developmentability to take effective ownership for your career progression by setting realistic and achievable goals and to demonstrate awareness of the transferable nature of research skills to other work environments

    Please give details


    Key Skills Self Audit End of year 1

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Other skills (specific to schools)


    Please give details

    Please give details

    Please give details


    Key Skills Self Audit End of year 1

  • Please give details


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Academic & Research Skills

    Research methodologyability to analyse critically, summarise and evaluate your findings and those of others, to demonstrate an understanding of relevant research methodologies and their appropriate application in your field of study

    Please give details

    Data analysis & synthesisincluding numeracy, ability to assemble, interpret and manipulate quantitative and qualitative data appropriately

    Please give details

    Record keepingability to keep accurate and comprehensive records in a systematic fashion which demonstrate academic purpose and probity

    Please give details

    Technical & discipline related skillsawareness of good discipline specific research practices and of legal and ethical issues, ability to understand relevant research methodologies and techniques and their appropriate application

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit End of year 2

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Presentation of researchability to structure and present information to an audience in written and/or oral modes, using AV aids where appropriate, ability to discuss content and demonstrate knowledge of recent advances in your field

    Please give details

    Teaching skillsability to convey structured information in an appropriate form in different learning environments by stating clear objectives, being aware of individuals learning needs and their assessment

    Please give details

    Research managementawareness of effective funding and grant management strategies, ability to use appropriately information technology for managing, recording and presenting information

    Please give details

    Academic communicationability to write clearly and in a style appropriate to purpose (e.g. thesis, paper, progress report), ability to communicate findings to academic and lay audiences as well as the press

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit End of year 2

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Other skills (specific to schools)


    Please give details

    Please give details

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit End of year 2

  • Please give details


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Key (Transferable) Skills

    Time managementability to schedule multiple personal and research specific tasks within a designated work period and monitor progress

    Please give details

    Foreign languages (where appropriate)ability to develop the knowledge of field and research languages to an appropriate level

    Please give details

    IT & computer skillsability to use WP, database, library, reference management and other specialist packages effectively

    Please give details

    Personal communicationability to converse effectively with individuals, to appreciate their viewpoint and to act appropriately, ability to give and receive constructive feedback

    Please give details


    Key Skills Self Audit End of year 2

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Team workability to work in co-operative partnerships with supervisors, team leaders, peers and support staff, ability to contribute towards the achievement of common goals

    Please give details

    Problem solvingability to define and apply appropriate strategies for the solution of conceptual and/or practical problems, demonstrate self reliance

    Please give details

    Critical thinkingability to develop theoretical concepts and to think in a purposeful, original, reasoned and focused way, likely to be fruitful in the given context

    Please give details

    Career planning, CV developmentability to take effective ownership for your career progression by setting realistic and achievable goals and to demonstrate awareness of the transferable nature of research skills to other work environments

    Please give details


    Key Skills Self Audit End of year 2

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Other skills (specific to schools)


    Please give details

    Please give details

    Please give details


    Key Skills Self Audit End of year 2

  • Please give details


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Academic & Research Skills

    Research methodologyability to analyse critically, summarise and evaluate your findings and those of others; to demonstrate an understanding of relevant research methodologies and their appropriate application in your field of study

    Please give details

    Data analysis & synthesisincluding numeracy, ability to assemble, interpret and manipulate quantitative and qualitative data appropriately

    Please give details

    Record keepingability to keep accurate and comprehensive records in a systematic fashion which demonstrate academic purpose and probity

    Please give details

    Technical & discipline related skillsawareness of good discipline specific research practices and of legal and ethical issues, ability to understand relevant research methodologies and techniques and their appropriate application

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit End of Year 3

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Presentation of researchability to structure and present information to an audience in written and/or oral modes, using AV aids where appropriate, ability to discuss content and demonstrate knowledge of recent advances in your field

    Please give details

    Teaching skillsability to convey structured information in an appropriate form in different learning environments by stating clear objectives, being aware of individuals learning needs and their assessment

    Please give details

    Research managementawareness of effective funding and grant management strategies, ability to use appropriately information technology for managing, recording and presenting information

    Please give details

    Academic communicationability to write clearly and in a style appropriate to purpose (e.g. thesis, paper, progress report), ability to communicate findings to academic and lay audiences as well as the press

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit End of Year 3

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Other skills (specific to schools)


    Please give details

    Please give details

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit End of Year 3

  • Please give details


  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Key (Transferable) Skills

    Time managementability to schedule multiple personal and research specific tasks within a designated work period and monitor progress

    Please give details

    Foreign languages (where appropriate)ability to develop the knowledge of field and research languages to an appropriate level

    Please give details

    IT & computer skillsability to use WP, database, library, reference management and other specialist packages effectively

    Please give details

    Personal communicationability to converse effectively with individuals, to appreciate their viewpoint and to act appropriately, ability to give and receive constructive feedback

    Please give details


    Key Skills Self Audit End of Year 3

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Team workability to work in co-operative partnerships with supervisors, team leaders, peers and support staff, ability to contribute towards the achievement of common goals

    Please give details

    Problem solvingability to define and apply appropriate strategies for the solution of conceptual and/or practical problems, demonstrate self reliance

    Please give details

    Critical thinkingability to develop theoretical concepts and to think in a purposeful, original, reasoned and focused way, likely to be fruitful in the given context

    Please give details

    Career planning, CV developmentability to take effective ownership for your career progression by setting realistic and achievable goals and to demonstrate awareness of the transferable nature of research skills to other work environments

    Please give details


    Key Skills Self Audit End of Year 3

  • Must be copied for Faculty use

    Other skills (specific to schools)


    Please give details

    Please give details

    Please give details


    Academic Skills Self Audit End of Year 3

  • Please give details


  • Examples of Research and Key Skills - definitions

    Academic and Research Skills

    Research Skills and Techniques - to be able to demonstrate: the ability to recognise and validate problems original, independent and critical thinking, and ability to develop theoretical concepts a knowledge of recent advances within ones field and in related areas an understanding of relevant research methodologies and techniques and their appropriate application within ones research

    field the ability to analyse critically and evaluate ones findings and those of others an ability to summarise, document, report and reflect on progress

    Research Environment - to be able to: show a broad understanding of the context in which research takes place demonstrate awareness of issues relating to the rights of other researchers and of research subjects e.g. confidentiality,

    attribution, copyright, ethics, malpractice, ownership of data and the requirements of the Data Protection Act understand relevant health and safety issues and demonstrate responsible working practices understand the processes for funding and evaluation of research gain an understanding of the process of academic or commercial exploitation of research results

    Research Management - to be able to: apply effective project management through the setting of research goals, intermediate milestones and prioritisation of

    activities design and execute systems for the acquisition and collation of information through the effective use of appropriate resources

    and equipment identify and access appropriate bibliographical resources, archives, and other sources of relevant information use appropriately information technology for database management, recording and presenting information

    Key (transferable) Skills

    Personal Effectiveness - to be able to: demonstrate a willingness and ability to learn and acquire knowledge be creative, innovative and original in ones approach to research demonstrate flexibility and open-mindedness demonstrate self-awareness and the ability to identify own training needs demonstrate self-discipline, motivation, and thoroughness recognise boundaries and draw upon/use sources of support as appropriate show initiative, work independently and be self-reliant

    Communication Skills - to be able to: write clearly and in a style appropriate to purpose, e.g. progress reports, published documents, thesis construct coherent arguments and articulate ideas clearly to a range of audiences, formally and informally through a variety of

    techniques constructively defend research outcomes at seminars and viva examination justify ones own research to the funding bodies and promote the public understanding of ones research field effectively support the learning of others when involved in teaching, mentoring or demonstrating activities

    Networking and Teamworking - to be able to: develop and maintain co-operative networks and working relationships with supervisors, colleagues and peers within the institution and the wider research community understand ones behaviour and impact on others when working in and contributing to the success of formal and informal

    teams listen, give and receive feedback and respond perceptively to others

    Career Management - to be able to: appreciate the need for and show commitment to continued professional development take ownership for and manage ones career progression, set realistic and achievable career goals, and identify and develop

    ways to improve employability demonstrate an insight into the transferable nature of research skills to other work environments and the range of career

    opportunities within and outside academia present ones skills, personal attributes and experiences through effective CVs, applications and interviews.