student clinical logbook

Version 3.1 Effective Date: 07/09/16 HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage Prepared by: JR, PF, CF Endorsed by: E Sain Page 1 of 29 Student Clinical Logbook Student Name: ____________________________________ This logbook forms part of your over-all assessment for HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage. This must be brought to all Student Clinic/Admin sessions and be kept safe and secure at all times.

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Page 1: Student Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 07/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 1 of 29

Student Clinical Logbook

Student Name: ____________________________________

This logbook forms part of your over-all assessment for

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage.

This must be brought to all Student Clinic/Admin sessions and be kept safe and secure at all times.

Page 2: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 2 of 29

NHA Australia’s History NHA Australia is a long established Adelaide South Australia Registered Training

Organisation that has one main goal and that is to be a reputable provider of training

for Industry Specific Education and Associated Services throughout Australia and

eventually to Asia and the globe. Through the dedication and hard work of the NHA

Australia management and staff, both current and former, all of whom have applied

and shared their skills, expertise and knowledge in the world of massage therapies the

academy has become a well-established and respected this college which has trained

and graduated hundreds of students since it first opened its doors more than twenty

years ago.

Strategic Plan Overview

Stage 1: To establish an RTO

Stage 2: Extend its ‘Scope of Registration’ (Add extra courses)

Stage 3: Secure specific Industry interest

Stage 4: Expand the activities and scope offered by the RTO

NHA Australia’s Mission Statement

Our mission is to run a profitable business by providing high-end educational and

Industry specific services in a professional and friendly environment.

NHA Australia’s Vision Statement

NHA Australia’s vision is to be a world leader in educational products and related

services. We aim to achieve this by earning our customer’s trust and using their

enthusiasm to drive our goals which are captured in continuous improvement,

integrity, teamwork, innovation and care.

NHA Australia’s Welcome Note

The team at NHA Australia take this opportunity to say “Welcome to your educational

journey with NHA Australia”.

We look forward to your enthusiasm, input and dedication throughout your

educational journey and remember, We Are Here To Help!

Edward Sain CEO NHA Australia

Page 3: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 3 of 29

Student Clinic Logbook Introduction The NHAA team would like to congratulate you on completing the Massage 1 and Massage 2 courses, you

are now well on your journey to being a properly trained and qualified massage therapist.

Take this time to look, listen and take a deep breath. All of your fellow students and the facilitators have are

experienced the same as you and they may have a story or two to tell of their journeys and experiences.

This Book is an important and valuable document that will contain a record of:

• The number of supervised industry practice hours you have completed;

• Industry standard feedback on your contribution and skills development;

• Personal reflection and growth during your supervised practice hours.

It is your responsibility to keep your log book in a safe place and up to date because:

• It is an important document used to finalise your assessment

• It contains confidential information about your experiences in the clinic and industry

• Your Facilitator and Student Clinic Supervisor will require to view it regularly

• It will need it to be signed off by your Facilitator and or Student Clinic Supervisor

It is broken into three sections

CPH - Clinic Practical Hours

CAH - Clinic Administration Hours

ECH - External Clinical Hours


As you travel through your education journey, take the time to stop and reflect on what you encounter as

part of your own clinical practice (and NHA’s Student Clinic) and look at how you have dealt with it the

experiences. Take the time to talk to your fellow students and see what they have encountered and how

they may have dealt with the similar situations, compare experiences. Lastly but not less importantly get to

know your facilitators and talk to them, utilise their knowledge and experience and gain insight on how they

may have dealt with those same experiences. Gather the information and experience and utilise it all wisely

as it is part of the real learning experience you will retain and draw on in your professional practice.

Page 4: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 4 of 29

Contents Student Clinic Logbook Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3

Student Clinic Policy and Procedures ................................................................................................................... 5

Transferable and Employability Skills ................................................................................................................... 6

Communication ................................................................................................................................................ 6

Teamwork ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Problem Solving ................................................................................................................................................ 7

Initiative and Enterprise ................................................................................................................................... 8

Planning and Organising ................................................................................................................................... 8

Self Management ............................................................................................................................................. 9

Learning ............................................................................................................................................................ 9

Technology .....................................................................................................................................................10

Declaration .....................................................................................................................................................10

Completing a Successful Clinical Experience ......................................................................................................11

Legislation ...........................................................................................................................................................12

Evacuation ............................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Evacuation ..........................................................................................................................................................13

Student Clinic Health and Safety ........................................................................................................................14

Emergencies and Evacuations ........................................................................................................................14

Fire: .............................................................................................................................................................15

Medical Emergency: ...................................................................................................................................15

Maintaining Your Clinic Log Book .......................................................................................................................16

Instructions for conducting a massage ...............................................................................................................17

What you need to do to prepare for a massage consultation/treatment: ....................................................17

Massage Performance Checklist .........................................................................................................................18

Sample of Client Information Form ....................................................................................................................19

Sample of Client Feedback Form ........................................................................................................................21

Student Clinic Booking Sheet ..............................................................................................................................22

Student Clinic Booking Sheet ..............................................................................................................................23

Student Clinic Booking Sheet ..............................................................................................................................24

Reflective Thinking .............................................................................................................................................25

Your own notes and thoughts. ...........................................................................................................................27

Page 5: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 5 of 29

Student Clinic Policy and Procedures You will be required to follow the following policy and procedures in conjunction with your Industry Practice while completing the clinical hours at NHA’s supervised student clinic.

Attitude and Professionalism

Throughout your student clinic educational experience you will be required to maintain a positive attitude and high level of professionalism. This will be reflected in the way in which you achieve your ‘Employability and Transferable Skills’.

Consider that whether you’re in NHA’s Student Clinic on Campus or with an approved ‘External Clinic’ that they should be treated as if they may be your future employer or client. Take the time to ask questions and pay attention, as they will be able to provide valuable feedback on your performance.

Remember to keep your work station clean and clear at all times and should you have any queries or concerns during your supervised Clinical Experience please consult with the NHAA Student Councillor or your clinic supervisor.

Punctuality and Attendance

Once you have commenced your supervised Student Practice and have negotiated your available working hours and times with NHA, you must arrive at the required commencement time and on each required day. Students are required to contact NHA and or other effected parties in the event they are running late and or unable to attend for the day. Penalties for late arrivals, late cancellation and or non-attendance do apply. Students that are completing supervised clinic at NHA are required to arrive (½) half an hour prior to the clinical session.

Dress Code & Personal Hygiene

To maintain professionalism, students attending Student Clinic sessions are required to maintain a clean & tidy appearance at all times. Students must wear a NHA Industry Practice top, NHA Name badge and loose fitting black trousers at all times (unless otherwise specified or prior approved by your clinic supervisor). Students are required to have short, clean nails, clean clothing and no strong body odours. If you are unsure about the appropriate dress, please check with your facilitator or Industry Practice Supervisor. A student who is not appropriately attired may not be permitted to attend or undertake supervised student clinic and may incur penalties (see below).


Should you not adhere to the any of the above without a legitimate reasonable reason, your supervised clinic hours requirements to complete may be increased; this will have a direct impact on your course progression and or the time for completion of your qualification. Where you have not reasonably notified NHA or your supervised clinic absence, you will be charged a $50 cancellation fee and further disciplinary action may be taken.

Please refer to the NHA student handbook found on the NHA Australia’s website or at reception for all policy and procedures relating to students completing qualification/s and or CPD/CEC with NHA Australia.

Page 6: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 6 of 29

Transferable and Employability Skills While completing your studies at NHA Australia you are required to develop your clinical practical skills and techniques, these are known as ‘Transferable and Employability Skills’. These form part of your supervised clinic and Industry Practice and will assessed to use in the decision making on whether you meet the standard required to receive your qualification. Use the following table to self-monitor your progress throughout your educational journey. Tick the self-assessment column when you feel that you have achieved the employability skill(s) required. Your trainer and or supervisor will also conduct assessments of your employability skills. Please provide them with your Student Clinic Log Book regularly to allow them to sign off on the relevant sections. The following checklist forms part of the Required Skills and Underpinning Knowledge that are a requirement within your qualification and all students must to be assessed as competently in meeting the national standard as a minimum.

Communication Self-Assessment Checklist

Listening, to and understanding work instructions, directions and feedback

Speaking, to clearly and directly relay information

Reading, to interpreting workplace related documentation, such as work health and safety requirements and work instructions

Writing, to address client’s needs, such as work notes and reports, including complex information and communications

Interpreting, to meet the needs of internal and external customers from a range of backgrounds and information sources i.e. Web and Policy and Procedures

Applying basic numeracy skills to workplace requirements involving measuring, counting, calculating, monitoring and evaluating

Sharing information (i.e. with staff and or with clients or others as appropriate) and establishing and using networks

Negotiating responsively (i.e. in your own work role and or conditions, and with clients)

Persuading effectively (i.e. with own role , with staff, clients and or others)

Being appropriately assertive (i.e. in relation to safe or ethical work practices or role)

Empathising with client’s needs and wants

Student Clinic Supervisor/Industry Sign-Off This student consistently demonstrated the above during their clinical experience Comments: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Yes / No


Page 7: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 7 of 29

Teamwork Self-Assessment Checklist

Being self-motivated and a team player (i.e. in relation to requirements of own work role)

Working with diverse individuals and groups

Articulating own ideas and vision (i.e. within a team or supervised work context)

Balancing own ideas and values with workplace values and requirements

Monitoring and evaluating own performance (i.e. within a team or supervised work context)

Taking initiative and responsibility at the appropriate level

Student Clinic Supervisor/Industry Sign-Off This student consistently demonstrated the above during their clinical experience Comments: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Yes / No


Problem Solving Self-Assessment Checklist

Developing practical and creative solutions to workplace problems (i.e. within scope of own role)

Showing independence and initiative in identifying problems and overcoming them (i.e. within scope of own role)

Solving problems individually and or in teams (i.e. within scope of own role)

Applying a range of diverse strategies in problem solving

Using numeracy and logic skills to solve problems (i.e. in relation to client assessment and management)

Testing assumptions and taking the context into account (i.e. with an awareness of assumptions made and work context)

Listening to and resolving concerns in relation to workplace issues (i.e. within scope of own role)

Resolving customer concerns relative to workplace responsibilities (i.e. in relation to direct client contact)

Student Clinic Supervisor/Industry Sign-Off This student consistently demonstrated the above during their clinical experience Comments: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Yes / No


Page 8: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 8 of 29

Initiative and Enterprise Self-Assessment Checklist

Adapting to new situations (i.e. within scope of own role)

Being creative and lateral in response to workplace challenges (i.e. within relevant guidelines and protocols)

Identifying opportunities that might not be obvious to others (i.e. within a team or supervised work context)

Generating a range of options in response to workplace matters

Translating ideas into action (i.e. within own work role)

Developing innovative solutions (i.e. within a team or supervised work context and within established guidelines)

Developing a strategic, creative, long-term vision

Student Clinic Supervisor/Industry Sign-Off This student consistently demonstrated the above during their clinical experience Comments: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Yes / No


Planning and Organising Self-Assessment Checklist

Collecting, analysing and organising information (i.e. within scope of own role)

Using organisation systems for planning and organising (i.e. if applicable to own role)

Being appropriately resourceful

Taking initiative and making decisions within workplace role (i.e. within authorised limits)

Participating in continuous improvement and planning processes (i.e. within scope of own role)

Working within or establishing clear work goals and deliverables

Determining or applying required resources (i.e. within scope of own role)

Allocating people and other resources to tasks and workplace requirements (i.e. within scope of own role)

Managing time and priorities (i.e. in relation to tasks required for own role)

Adapting resource allocations to cope with contingencies (i.e. as relevant to own role)

Student Clinic Supervisor/Industry Sign-Off This student consistently demonstrated the above during their clinical experience Comments: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Yes / No


Page 9: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 9 of 29

Self-management Self-Assessment Checklist

Being self-motivated (i.e. in relation to requirements of own work role)

Articulating own ideas and vision (i.e. within a team or supervised work context)

Balancing own ideas and values with workplace values and requirements

Monitoring and evaluating own performance (i.e. within a team or supervised work context)

Taking responsibility at the appropriate level

Student Clinic Supervisor/Industry Sign-Off This student consistently demonstrated the above during their clinical experience Comments: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Yes / No


Learning Self-Assessment Checklist

Being open to learning new ideas and techniques & Learning in order to accommodate change

Learning in a range of settings including informal learning

Learning new skills and techniques and participating in ongoing learning and experience

Taking responsibility for own learning (i.e. within scope of own work role)

Contributing to the learning of others (i.e. by sharing information and as a coach/mentor)

Applying a range of learning approaches and ideas (i.e. as provided)

Participating in developing own learning plans (i.e. as part of performance management)

Student Clinic Supervisor/Industry Sign-Off This student consistently demonstrated the above during their clinical experience Comments: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Yes / No


Page 10: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 10 of 29

Technology Self-Assessment Checklist

Using technology and related workplace equipment (i.e. if within scope of own role)

Using basic technology skills to organise and maintain data (i.e. within scope of own role)

Adapting to new technology skill requirements (i.e. within scope of own role) and applying changing OHS knowledge and requirements

Applying WHS knowledge when using technology

Using and applying technology as a management and general tool

Student Clinic Supervisor/Industry Sign-Off This student consistently demonstrated the above during their clinical experience Comments: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Yes / No


Declaration The above named student has achieved successfully an understanding and skill set that is in keeping with the qualifications requirements and employability skills detailed in this assessment:

Name (Please Print) Signature Date

Student Clinic Supervisor

Peter Farnsworth Cliff Foulds

Industry Representative (if appropriate)

NHA Assessor or Senior Manager

Comments: Re Assessment:

Page 11: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 11 of 29

Completing a Successful Clinical Experience It is every student’s responsibility to know and comply with the student clinic policies, procedures and

guidelines prior to booking and while undertaking supervised clinical hours. These policies and procedures

must be strictly adhered to in order to ensure, safety, organisation and fairness to all while completing

supervised clinic and to maintain the highest quality of service given to clients.

Within your clinic hours, you will be assessed on your ability to carry out the following:

Maintains high levels of personal hygiene

Cleans & maintains work area during and after your clinic shift

Respects others (Staff, fellow students and client) at all times

Works in a positive manner

Works in a professional & responsible manner

Addresses client queries Discusses treatment strategies with clients and trainers Requests feedback from client and adjust methodologies and treatment accordingly

Works respectfully

A Identifies contraindications Selects appropriate treatments for clients

Allocates time appropriately Drapes clients appropriately

Apply massage techniques according to the client’s treatment plans Assesses client through palpation, observation & sensory techniques Consults appropriately and confirm understanding with client Establishes and maintains a professional relationship with the client(s) Establishes contraindications and modify treatment accordingly Gain consent form clients prior to performing the treatment Maintain good personal hygiene including hand washing between clients Obtain and records accurate client histories Obtain information about health status Provide an effective response to the client’s needs Request assistance if required Work with an understanding of body systems and structures Document massage treatment and case history

Work within clinic guidelines

Leave the work area clean and clear of all waste products including; used tongue depressors and

used paper towelling.

Maintain OHS requirements

Page 12: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 12 of 29


Like any business professionally operating within Australia, legislation plays a very big part to in the everyday

operations of that business. Below is a breakdown of the hierarchy of legislation in Australia and some of the

pieces of legislation (Act, Regulations, and Codes of Practice) that you need to be aware of:





PRIVACY ACT & PRIVACY AMENDMENT ACT 2004 (Amended on the 12th March 2014)



Codes of Practice

First Aid in the Workplace

Hazardous Manual Tasks

How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks

Managing electrical risks at the workplace

Managing the Work Environment and Facilities

You are not going to remember all of the information within these pieces of legislation but you need to be

aware of them, and others, know where and how to find them and interpret the information to use in your

massage operation or business.

These are be covered in more detail in the Manage a Practice subject of your course and further

information can be found at

Page 13: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 13 of 29


Page 14: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 14 of 29

Student Clinic Health and Safety

For all supervised student clinic sessions, students must adhere to the following:

Work Health & Safety • If a student has broken skin they must use an occlusive bandage to cover it thoroughly. • Students must wash their hands thoroughly (covering all surfaces between fingers etc. and up to and including the elbows) before and after each client (this includes fellow students). • Students should not be massaging in clinic if they are sick with a contagious disease or condition. (Students must endeavour to give 48 hours’ notice to admin staff if you will not be able to attend

clinic for any reason. If you give less than 48 hours’ notice penalties may apply). • To protect your own health, you should not be massaging clients with contagious conditions or

diseases. (If you have reason to believe a client has a condition that may pose a threat to your own health, approach your clinic supervisor immediately for guidance).

• Where there are any visible lesions or wounds on a client’s skin, students should seek advice from

the clinic supervisor • Take care with clients getting on and off the table, provide assistance if required

When doing a two hour (2) massage session you are permitted to have a ten minute break between the hours if you wish.

Staying Alert to Health and Safety Hazards

If a student notices any hazards which can potentially cause harm to the health and safety of anyone with-in

NHAA (including themselves), they should report it immediately to the clinic supervisor or a NHAA staff


Examples to this are:

• Someone gets blood on the towels • A student notices a wobbly leg on a stool or massage table

A client seems different and or you feel uneasy at the beginning of the massage

Emergencies and Evacuations Your safety and the safety of your clients is very important to TAA and NHAA and it is for this reason that we

will be conducting emergency drills from time to time.

Below is the procedure on what to do in case of an emergency;

Page 15: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 15 of 29


In the instance of a fire, I should:

Evacuate the work-site

Keep calm, raise the alarm and send for help

Notify emergency services

Notify designated WHS site

The fire extinguishers are located at: Around the building, the closest one to training room one and the

student clinic is located just outside the student clinic room across for training room 1.


In the event of an emergency evacuation, you should evacuate the building in an orderly manner:

The emergency exits are located directly in front of training room one beside the student clinic and the other

down the hall from student clinic leading to the back staff car park. There is a gate in front of the other side

of the exit that is unlocked. There are also other exits on the western side of training room 1.

The evacuation meeting point is:

The CCF car park (South road front area next to the CCF sign). Once you have exited the building you should

muster at this point if it is safe to do so.

Medical Emergency:

In the instance of a medical emergency, you should follow First Aid Protocols:

Danger – Be aware of possible danger to myself, bystanders and the casualty

Response – Look for a response form the casualty

Send for Help – If needed send for help

Airway – Check the airway for obstructions and clear if necessary

Breathing – Check to see if the casualty is breathing

Compression – Commence compressions

Defibrillation – Defibrillate if required and continue with compressions and breathing until help arrives

The first Aid kit is located at:

Student Clinic next to the Store Room entrance

The document/s that needs to be completed in the event of an emergency are:

Incident Report - NHAA staff will provide these; they are kept at NHAA reception

Page 16: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 16 of 29

Maintaining Your Clinic Log Book Your Student Clinical, Industry Logbook is an important part of both your assessment and professional

development that must be maintained throughout your gaining of your qualification, it keep a detailed

record of;

• The number of massage hours completed within NHAA’s supervised clinic

• Feedback on the massages you have provided and your performance during NHAA’s supervised


• The number of massage administration hours completed within NHAA’s supervised clinic

• The number of massage hours (including administration hours) completed outside of NHAA’s

student clinic (if applicable)

The Log Book also contains the following assessment documents and tools:

• Consent form(s)

• Massage treatment plan(s)

• Massage training hours

• Massage treatment feedback

The NHAA student log book may be a valuable reference document and may be used as support for your

future applications for employment within the industry. It has been developed to clearly provide evidence

that you have completed a set of required hours of supervised practical massage. The document is also a

practical aid in assisting to improve your techniques via the feedback that is provided and this will allow you

to develop as a therapist.

Further the document provides evidence of competency in providing massage treatments.

It is your responsibility to keep your log book in a safe place for the following key reasons:

• It contains confidential information about the clients you have massaged.

• Your facilitator will require to view it regularly for both personal and professional growth.

• It will be required to be signed off by your facilitator, NHAA on completion of the semester and or hours.

• It is required to be used as part of an assessment tool for units, within your qualification.

Return your Log Book to your Facilitator regularly for review.

Page 17: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 17 of 29

Instructions for conducting a massage You are required to undertake a minimum of 200 supervised clinical hours at NHAA’s student clinic to

complete your diploma qualification. Each massage session is 60 minutes in duration (this includes briefing,

setting your client up and client clothing after the massage) approximately your client should generally be

massaged for between 50 and 52 minutes unless a double session is booked.

All massages are to be recorded in your Student Clinic Logbook.

What you need to do to prepare for a massage consultation and or treatment:

Firstly and most important, get yourself into the right frame of mind to conduct a massage session

Get the paperwork from NHAA reception so as you know which clients you have in your massage session(s)

Check to see you have all the material(s) required to conduct your massage

Arrange your linen, towels, oil, balm etc. When you are prepared introduce yourself to the client and walk them to the student clinic area, explain to the client what type of massage you are able to perform and finally ask them what massage treatment they are seeking. • Check the massage treatment form and complete the form as required At this time read the massage treatment contra-indication section and discuss the areas that the client has ticked. • Ask the client if they have any questions • Ensure that they have signed the massage consent form • Explain to your client how you would like them to place them-self on the table if they had a massage before • Provide your client time alone to disrobe and get onto the table, offer discrete and respectful assistance if needed. • While provide the massage treatment provide the client the opportunity to ask questions or to be peacefully quiet (remember it is the client’s choice not the massage therapist in this regard). If the client wants techniques changed and or modified do so by adjusting techniques to suit your client needs and your skill set.

Remember: Only administer techniques that you have been instructed within NHA classes. On completion of the massage give the client privacy to allow them to get off the table and dress, inform and advise them to do this carefully as they may be slightly disorientated depending on how relaxed they have become during treatment. Once dressed ask the client how they are feeling, and walk them to the reception area. Provide them with a drink of water, if they wish it, and give them the massage treatment feedback form to complete. Before departing enquire if they would like to book another massage session(s) and arrange the booking before you sought out your next client. At the end of each massage (or the end of your shift) make sure you fill in your Student Clinic Logbook.

Important Note You may be asked to perform a (2) hour Massage don’t panic, just double your strokes and focus on the

areas that your client has spoken about. If in any doubt, speak to your Student Clinic Supervisor.

Page 18: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 18 of 29

Massage Performance Checklist

Must Do’s Please tick

1. Access client records and look over previous treatments administered (if not a previous client administration will have forms ready for client to complete).

2. Great client and walk them through to the student clinic waiting area.

3. Sit down with client and address any contra-indications to the treatment.

4. Explained to the client what sort of massage you are able administer and then ask if they have any particular body parts or needs to be focused on.

5. Ask client if they have any questions they would like to ask you.

6. Walk client into your cubicle and inform the client of undress requirements and what side up you would like them on the table. Leave and wait approximately 2 to 3 minutes then ask if they are ready for you to come back in to the cubicle.

7. Make sure you drape the client appropriately so they feel safe and comfortable.

8. Start your massage treatment and remember to continually communicate and respect your client’s boundaries and needs at all times.

9. Seek client feedback on comfort levels i.e. depth, techniques etc.

10. Continue to check timing and monitor client body language

11. When the session is finished inform the client to take their time to get up as they might still feel a little drowsy (this is dependent on treatment and individuals)

12. Record by writing down relevant information including your own notes for future reference on the client.

13. Provide the client with the Client Feedback form to complete

14. Prepare for the next client session or if finished shut your station down quietly.

15. Complete your Student Clinical/Industry Logbook

16. Gain feedback given from your student Clinic Supervisor and bring up any concerns that you may have Re: clinical experience.

Page 19: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 19 of 29

Sample of Client Information Form Name: ______________________________________ (Please Print)

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

Ph.: (home or business)___________________ / (mobile) _____________________________

Email Address:___________________________________ Date of Birth: (Month) ______ (Year) _______

Occupation: ________________________________________

Emergency Contact Name: ____________________________________ Ph:_________________________

(Mobile) _____________________________ / Relationship: ________________________

How did you hear about the NHA’s Clinic? __________________________________________________

Main reason for your visit: _______________________________________________________________

Please list any recent or past injuries or medical conditions, including surgery:


Do you participate in regular exercise/sports training (Yes / No)?_________________________________

Please specify: _______________________________________________________________________

Are you currently taking any medication? (Yes / No) Please specify: ______________________________

Please indicate if you have any of the following conditions:

Headaches Spinal Injury/Problems Varicose veins

Cold/Flu/Fever Joint Injuries/Problems Skin conditions

Fatigue Arthritis Heart condition

Dizziness Sciatica Epilepsy

Numbness Allergies Diabetes

Insomnia Pregnancy Cancer

Respiratory/Lungs Muscle Weakness Hearing

Vision Speech Blood Clotting Disorders

Indigestion Poor Memory High/Low Blood Pressure

Brittle Bones Other (please specify) ______________________________________


Are you allergic to any base or essential oils? Yes / No ________________________________________

Are you currently under medical treatment? Yes / No _________________________________________

If yes was answered above, for what condition is your medical treatment? _________________________

I acknowledge the above information as being true and correct and will inform NHA if anything changes on my next visit.

Client’s Signature ____________________________________________ _________Date:__________

Please identify on the reverse side of this sheet, any specific areas of pain or concerns:

Page 20: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 20 of 29

Page 21: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 21 of 29

Sample of Client Feedback Form

Treatment Feedback Form

NHA Australia is a Nationally Registered Training Organisation and this forms part of the students assessment; Please take the time complete this form completely as it also helps the student improve and

gain confidence.

Please give your feedback by ticking the appropriate box and then fill in the section below

Needs Work

Felt OK

Satisfied Highly Satisfied

1) Your therapist introduced them self and addressed you appropriately and politely.

2) Your therapist took you through your client brief/(history)

3) Your therapist talked about any contraindications i.e. medical conditions that you may have.

4) Your therapist listened to you and answered your questions clearly throughout your clinical experience.

5) Your therapist explained how the massage would proceed and gained your consent for the therapy/massage session.

6) Your therapist instructed you leave your underwear on and explained/showed how to lay on the table (Face up or face down)

7) Your therapist asked you questions and responded to your feed-back during your massage.

8) Your therapist applied the appropriate amount of pressure during your massage.

9) You were covered and draped appropriately throughout your massage.

10) Your therapist performed the massage that you required.

11) Your therapist seemed confident throughout your massage

12) Your overall satisfaction with your clinical experience was

Personal Feedback: (Please indicate the appropriate answer)

1) Over-all, would you recommend this therapist to others for a massage? ☐ Yes / ☐No

2) Do you have any other comments or suggestions? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 22: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 22 of 29

Clinic Hours Completed

Student Clinic Booking Sheet Num

Date Num of Hours

Accumulative Hours

Supervisors Signature






















Page 23: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 23 of 29

Clinic Hours Completed

Student Clinic Booking Sheet Num

Date Num of Hours

Accumulative Hours

Supervisors Signature






















Page 24: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 24 of 29

Clinic Hours Completed

Student Clinic Booking Sheet Num

Date Num of Hours

Accumulative Hours

Supervisors Signature






















Page 25: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 25 of 29

Reflective Thinking During your supervised clinic, industry practice and ongoing professional life, it is important to ensure that

you care for yourself and promote a positive self-image. You will need to have strategies on how you are

going to manage stress, ensure you have enough rest and adequate nutrition throughout your industry

practice. (Remember to do your Chi Ball and Hand exercises)

One way in which you can establish good practices is by maintaining a reflective journal and debriefing with

your fellow peers and or facilitator.

A Reflective Journal is a document that you will be required to maintain at least weekly during your

supervised clinic sessions and should be used as a tool to look at your experience and practice to learn from

it. Regular reflection on your industry skills increases your ability to be active and enthusiastic about your

professional development. When you reflect on what you do, you are better equipped to make sense and

understand your practice and how to make appropriate changes.

As part of your weekly journal you should reflect on all aspects of your practice including:

Your interaction and communication with others

Your ability to work in a team

Your ability to use your initiative

Your problem solving skills

Your ability to plan and organise

Your ability to understand your level of competence

Identifying your learning needs and strengths

Debriefing with your peers is important throughout your industry experience as it provides the opportunity

to discuss the experiences of your placements and promote ideas on how to improve professional practice

for yourself and others. This is another form of reflection and will aid in identifying to your Facilitator that

you have an understanding of various aspects of your professionalism that relate to the gaining of your

qualification and enhance your employability skills.

Please remember that this is an important part of your learning journey and may be required to be reviewed

by your Clinic Supervisor and or Facilitator at any time during your study here at NHAA.

As part of your reflective journal, you are asked to please consider the following questions:

1. How can you make sure you are the right frame of mind before commencing a massage?




2. What extra skills are you able to call upon to connect with your client(s)?




Page 26: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 26 of 29

3. List three (3) things you have communicated to your fellow students. Specifically issues you have

had to deal with within your student clinic and how you will overcome them.





4. A client has asked you for a massage (style and or technique) you have not yet been taught, what

did you do or what would you do? (Explain why)




5. It is the last massage for the day, how can you make sure you give it your all, the same way you

did on your first massage?




6. You are about to start and you have noticed a client wearing no underwear, what do you do?



7. There is an old saying “We have two ears but only one mouth”. What do you think its saying and

how can we use this in our everyday massage practise?




8. You feel that a client is making comments of a harassing nature or they have asked for a sexual

technique or massage, what do you do?





8. You have been told you have a client for a two (2) hour massage, what do you do?




Remember: It’s not the destination but the journey we travel that counts!

Page 27: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 27 of 29

Your own notes and thoughts. __________________________________________________________________________________



























Page 28: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 28 of 29



























Page 29: Student Clinical Logbook

NHA’s Student’s Clinical Logbook

Version 3.1

Effective Date: 7/09/16

HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage

Prepared by: JR, PF, CF

Endorsed by: E Sain

Page 29 of 29

Document Status

Version №: 3.1 Endorsed by: Director of Operations Effective date: 7th September 2016 Review date: 7

th September 2016

© Copyright

Copyright and other intellectual property laws protect these materials. Reproduction or retransmission of the materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder, is a violation of copyright law.

A single copy of the materials may be made, solely for personal, non-commercial use. Individuals must preserve any

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Contact information for requests for permission to reproduce or distribute materials is listed below:

NHA Australia’s ‘Natural Health Academy’ CCF House - 1 South Road

Thebarton SA 5031 Provider № 4891

Email: [email protected]