stroke edukasi


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Post on 30-Sep-2015




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edukasi stroke untuk awam


PowerPoint Presentation




This presentation will help you understand more about stroke its prevention, treatment and recovery. It will cover stroke risk factors, prevention measures, how to recognize the symptoms of stroke and how to respond.

Be Stroke Smart

Recognize: kenali gejala dan tanda stroke

Reduce: kurangi Risiko stroke

Respond: kontak RS segera bila ada serangan stroke

The 3 Rs of Stroke:


We hope your participation in todays presentation will support you in becoming more Stroke Smart.

We want you to know and understand the 3 Rs of Stroke:

Reduce Risk

Recognize Stroke Symptoms

Respond by Calling 911

Stroke is the most preventable of all catastrophic medical conditions.

Persepsi terhadap Stroke


Stroke tidak dapat dicegah

Stroke tidak dapat diobati

Stroke hanya menyerang orang tua

Stroke terjadi di jantung

Pemulihan stroke berhenti setelah 6 bulan


80% kasus stroke dapat dicegah

Stroke membutuhkan penanganan segera

Stroke dapat mengenai semua usia

Stroke terjadi di otak

Pemulihan stroke dapat berlangsung seumur hidup


There are many mis-conceptions about stroke.

Myths vs. Realities:

Stroke is not preventable up to 80% of strokes are preventable. Well discuss steps you can take to reduce stroke risk in a minute.

Stroke cannot be treated - Stroke can be treated, but requires emergency treatment. Call 911 immediately if you experience or see someone with stroke symptoms.

Stroke only strikes the elderly - Anyone of any age can have a stroke.

Stroke is like a heart attack - Stroke is a Brain Attack.

Stroke recovery ends after 6 months - Stroke recovery can continue throughout a survivors life.

Apakah stroke itu?



Definisi stroke

Gangguan pembuluh darah otak

Terjadi mendadak dan berkembang cepat

Gangguan neurologi (persarafan) setempat atau menyeluruh

Gejala berlangsung 24 jam atau lebih atau menyebabkan kematian



Penyumbatan pembuluh darah (80%)

Perdarahan (20%)

Penyebab lain



Siapa yang bisa terkena stroke?

Fakta Stroke

Penyebab kematian kedua tertinggi di dunia

Penyebab kecacatan dewasa tertinggi

> 80% kasus stroke DAPAT DICEGAH

Setiap 45 detik ada 1 orang yang mengalami stroke di seluruh dunia


Stroke dan Perempuan

Insiden stroke pria : wanita = 1,25 : 1

Stroke membunuh perempuan 2x lipat lebih banyak dibandingkan kanker payudara

Perempuan di atas usia 30 tahun yang merokok memiliki risiko stroke 22x lebih tinggi


Stroke kills more than twice as many American women every year as breast cancer.

More women than men die from stroke - accounting for more than 60% of all stroke deaths

Women over age 30 who smoke and take high-estrogen oral contraceptives have a stroke risk 22 times higher than average

REDUCE: Kurangi risiko stroke

80% kasus stroke dapat dicegah!

Faktor Risiko

Faktor risiko yang tidak dapat diubah Faktor risiko yang dapat diubahUsia Jenis kelamin priaRasRiwayat keluargaRiwayat TIA atau strokePenyakit Jantung KoronerFibrilasi atriumHeterozigot/homozigot HomosistinuriaHipertensiDiabetes mellitusMerokokPenyalahgunaan alkohol & obatKontrasepsi oralHematokrit meningkatBruit karotis asimptomatisHiperurisemia dan dislipidemia


Pencegahan Stroke

Ketahui tekanan darah anda.

Periksakan setiap tahun

Bila meningkat terapi

Periksakan jantung anda.

Bila anda memiliki masalah irama jantung,

konsultasi dengan dokter

Stop merokok.

Hindari minuman ber - alkohol

Ketahui kadar kolesterol anda.

Pasien diabetes harus mengikuti panduan diet dan terapi agar kontrol gula darah tercapai.


1. Know your blood pressure. Have it checked at least annually. If its elevated, work with your doctor to keep it under control. Having high blood pressure, or hypertension, increases stroke risk four to six times.

2. Find out if you have atrial fibrillation a type of irregular heartbeat. If left untreated, AF can increase stroke risk four to six times. Should we talk about coumadin being the best treatment if there are no risk factors?

3. If you smoke, stop. Smoking doubles stroke risk.

Olahraga teratur

Diet rendah garam dan rendah lemak

Atasi masalah sirkulasi darah: darah kental, varises dsb.

Bila anda mengalami gejala,




7. Incorporate physical activity that you enjoy into your daily routine. Active people tend to have lower cholesterol levels. Regular exercise also seems to slow down or stop clogging of blood vessels.

8. Enjoy a low-sodium (salt) and low-fat diet. Too much salt may contribute to high blood pressure and make it more difficult to control. A diet that is low in fat will likely include vegetables, lean meats such as chicken and fish, low-fat dairy products and a limited number of eggs.

9. Ask your doctor if you have circulation problems which increase your risk for stroke. If you do, work with your doctor to control this condition.

10. If you experience any stroke symptoms, seek immediate medical attention by calling 911. Every minute matters!


Kelumpuhan wajah dan anggota badan (umumnya satu sisi) yang timbul mendadak.

Gangguan sensibilitas / perasa pada satu atau lebih anggota badan

Perubahan mendadak status mental

Gangguan bahasa

Gangguan bicara (pelo)

Gangguan penglihatan

Gangguan keseimbangan

Vertigo, mual, muntah atau nyeri kepala.



Periksa wajah pasien.

Apakah tampak mencong?


RMSApakah dapat mengangkat

kedua tangan?


PEECHApakah bicaranya jelas?

Apakah pasien memahami

perkataan Anda?


IME WAKTU sangat penting.

Bila menemui gejala stroke, segera ke RS!




Mengapa pasien stroke sering terlambat datang ke RS?

Tidak tahu tanda tanda stroke


Berpikir tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan

Khawatir tentang biaya

Berpikir keluhan akan hilang sendiri

Takut atau tidak percaya dokter /RS


Many people dont recognize stroke symptoms. A 2001 National Stroke Association survey reported that many older Americans could not identify stroke symptoms.

People dont want their fear of stroke to be confirmed. Stroke is one of the most terrifying medical emergencies because many people would rather die than be disabled. Yet quick confirmation of stroke is the best way to receive the treatments that are proven to greatly reduce disability after stroke.

Of those surveyed, only 40 percent would call 911 immediately if they were having a stroke.

Many people worried about the cost of stroke treatment, especially if they do not have health insurance. Studies show that acute treatment is significantly less expensive than the costs of extensive rehabilitation and long-term care.

The survey also showed that two-thirds of respondents were unaware of the short time frame in which a person must seek treatment. Waiting to see if symptoms disappear can mean the difference between complete recovery and disability.

Fear of hospitals may keep some individuals from calling 911 to get help when they experience stroke symptoms. Those who call 911 immediately when experiencing stroke symptoms are likely to have a much shorter stay in the hospital than those who wait.

Kemana meminta pertolongan?

Rumah Sakit!

Usahakan ke RS terdekat untuk mengurangi lama perjalanan

Simpan nomor IGD Rumah Sakit terdekat setiap saat diperlukan

Ambulance: 118

Penanganan Serangan Stroke

Stroke Iskemik (Penyumbatan darah)

Obat-obatan penghancur clot / sumbatan: t-PA


Stroke Hemoragik (Perdarahan)

Stop perdarahan

Evakuasi perdarahan


There are two types of treatment for ischemic stroke (caused by clots):

The Clot Buster or t-PA works by dissolving blood clots that are blocking arteries. t-PA, is an enzyme found naturally in the body. The drug was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in June 1996 for treatment of stroke and can improve outcomes but can only be given within the first three hours of symptom onset.

In 2004 the Merci Retriever was FDA approved. This corkscrew-like device is an option for patients ineligible for t-PA treatment. The device is threaded through a catheter up through the body to the clot in the brain. The clot is then removed, restoring the blood flow to the affected area of the brain.

The Penumbra System is a new embolectomy device specifically designed to remove the thrombus in acute ischemic stroke secondary to large vessel thromboembolism. The device removes the thrombus through 2 mechanisms: aspiration and extraction.

There are also FDA-approved treatments available for hemorrhagic stroke: surgical clipping and coiling.

Clipping, currently the most common treatment, involves making an opening in the skull bone and placing a metal clip across the neck of the aneurysm to stop blood from flowing into the brain.

Coiling, performed since the early 1990s, involves inserting a catheter through an artery in the leg, running it through the body into the brain, and filling in the aneurysm with tiny platinum coils.

Pemulihan & Paska Stroke

10% pasien stroke pulih hampir sempurna

25% pulih dengan gangguan minor

40% mengalami gangguan sedang atau berat

yang memerlukan penanganan khusus

10% memerlukan perawatan jangka panjang

15% meninggal segera setelah serangan stroke


Theres still so much we dont know about how the brain can seemingly repair itself from the functional damage caused by stroke. Some brain cells may be only temporarily damaged and may resume functioning. In some cases, the brain can relearn what was lost. Sometimes, a region of the brain takes over for a region damaged by the stroke. People who have had a stroke sometimes experience remarkable and unanticipated recoveries that cant be explained. General recovery guidelines show:

10 percent of stroke survivors recover almost completely.

25 percent recover with minor disabilities.

40 percent experience moderate to severe disabilities requiring special care.

10 percent require care within either a skilled-care or other long-term care facility.

15 percent die shortly after the stroke.

Stroke survivors and their families can find workable solutions to most difficult situations by approaching every problem with patience, creativity and tenacity.

Perubahan Hidup Pasien dan Keluarga Pasien

Perawatan diri sehari-hari

Memakai pakaian dan berdandan

Gangguan makan, diet, dan nutrisi

Masalah kulit


Gangguan seksual

Perilaku / sifat pasien

Depresi dan kemarahan

Gangguan emosi

Merasa diacuhkan/tidak berguna

Gangguan memori

Masalah komunikasi


After stroke, both the stroke survivor and his/her family are often concerned about being on their own at home. Among the common issues are:

Behavior: Stroke survivors needs vary depending on what area of the brain has been affected. Care-partners need to be aware of the reasons for the stroke survivors behavior, without overlooking the possibility that he or she may also be depressed.

Depression: Many survivors experience a form of depression after stroke. It can be overwhelming, affecting the spirit and confidence of everyone involved. Family can help by trying to stimulate interest in other people, encouraging leisure activities and providing opportunities to participate in spiritual activities. Chronic depression can be treated with individual counseling, group therapy or antidepressant drugs.

Emotional Liability: Sudden laughing or crying for no apparent reason and difficulty controlling emotional responses, known as emotional liability, or Pseudo Bulbar Syndrome, affects many stroke survivors. The inappropriate emotional behavior will occur randomly and end as quickly as it started.

Neglect: Some stroke survivors neglect the side of their world opposite the side of their stroke brain injury.This may impact their ability to complete some activities. Examples: eating only on one side of a dinner plate or recognizing only one side of a clock.

Memory Loss: Memory loss also called vascular dementia can be so subtle the family may not notice it at first. A stroke survivor may be anxious and cautious, needing a reminder to finish a sentence or follow-through with a behavior.

Communication Problems: If a stroke causes damage to the language center in the brain, there will be language difficulties or aphasia. Communication problems are among the most frightening after-effects of stroke for both the survivor and the family, often requiring professional help.

Rehabilitasi Stroke

Terapi fisik

Berjalan, menggenggam, dsb

Terapi okupasi

Merawat diri

Terapi wicara

Komunikasi, menelan, gangguan memori

Terapi Rekreasional

Memasak, berkebun, bermain catur


There are different types of Stroke Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy helps restore skills like walking and range of movement. Physical therapy works on improving partial or one-sided paralysis, faulty balance and foot drop.

Occupational Therapy involves relearning skills needed for everyday living such as eating, using the bathroom, dressing and taking care of oneself.

Speech Language Therapy helps stroke survivors that have problems with aphasia which is when stroke survivors are able to think clearly but cannot put those thoughts into words. Speech language pathologists can teach the aphasic stroke survivor and caregiver methods for coping with this frustrating condition. Speech therapy also helps stroke survivors cope with memory loss and other thought problems caused by stroke. Additionally, speech therapy treats stroke survivors with dysphasia, or swallowing problems, that could result in pneumonia if not appropriately managed.

Recreational Therapy involves regaining enjoyable skills and pastimes such as cooking, gardening, sewing and playing cards. These activities also may help stroke survivors regain some lost thinking abilities and physical capabilities.

Be Stroke Smart

Recognize: kenali gejala dan tanda stroke

Reduce: kurangi Risiko stroke

Respond: kontak RS segera bila ada serangan stroke

The 3 Rs of Stroke:


We hope your participation in todays presentation will support you in becoming more Stroke Smart.

We want you to know and understand the 3 Rs of Stroke:

Reduce Risk

Recognize Stroke Symptoms

Respond by Calling 911

Stroke is the most preventable of all catastrophic medical conditions.


dr. Almitra Rindiarti Sakya ( dr. Irien )