strivetokeepmiami-dade green iami - alterna...

WEEK Of lW.JR50AY, JUNE 2, 2011 MIAMI TDDAY 56 PrwIftlt' ••t,~JChAUio(!;ln Manny Mencia's trade missions, aid toFlorlda companies standout. lcw, if anv, pans of M ;<1IT1;- Dade County remain untouched bv irucrn::nicHlal business. 'Il's not. however. dum: onlv at tbc POri of Miami. It's i~ Coral Gables 0111d Westchester, when the Univershv of l\'1iami and Florida Imcrn;tional Uni- vcrairy bring in students from around Theworld. " happened across Miami 'when some of the largest Spanish banks in recent years look over home-grown institutions like Tutaf Bank and CilY Nanoual Hank. And in bankina. the BC3(On Council's. Mario'-Sacasa, who heads Inrcmauonat C17onUJIlU; development programs. nomi- nated Darto Fuentes. scncral nrannuer Caia de i\hu;;'U5 dd ~'fcditc-rr:ine-o's Miami office and Ftonda lnternanonnl Bank- crs Association prcaident. "Hc+s really p lurcd Caj a vtcdircrranco 01\ the map 10- ~i.dl\':").. 1r.Sacasa said, II:.: also hi.gI;I·i~h(ed Mr. Fuentes' work .n flB/\ cstablishinc. officiat rc- tadonships ""i lit other organiza- rions like the Beacon Council and the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce. In addition toestabhshinu those relationships in hopes ufgiving. the association's initiatives 1011- zcvirv. hcs been workina to tur- ~hCf ~ctncm vtiarni' s e;luballics. --\Vc arc trying w- approa ch and connect Europe with the t;nil;;!d St:ltcs:' hi! said. Some ofilS mcmbcrii last month '.\Tn: i 'tt.,1adrid for a ':(lIlfCrcfi.:e FI [ii\ helped organize Ihal looked fI( dmlleni!.';:s bankc-rs fal..·c a...:ross (h..: globe. paniLularly the sm'· crcigndebt problems in Europc, --With all thcs.e thing.s going ,-Ill, regulations b.:ilig iS3\lcd \.Ifl blllh sides 01 lh.; w(lrid. ,. Mr. Fucntes said~ "it ~s important we \\'(ll'k as a hid!!\! 1(1 C(lnnl.!ct bOlh I,;l..mlincnI3.= Asked who he thOll~hl ha.~ stoodmu in the int::rnatio~1 realm in Ihe paSl y":M. hcqui •. 'klypoinlt..:d [0 :\'Iann~' :\·It'ncia. Enlcrpris~ Filifida's senior ",'ic,:- J)n::sidcfil of ln1cmaillmal trade anti businc"5S development as· om: l)Crson at life top of his garnl.!. "\Vc rc-,:o2.nizc-d hi~ work last year in our~juricd e\·cnl." :\>Ir. Fuenles lIoted. "He has helped a lot in ..:onn~cting and introduc- ing th::: flew go\;crno( £It FIBA. alid \\'~'v:; worked lugclhcr in International Davs and on dif~ krent topil.'!\ whc;e we talk ilbout narre Puentes established links In community for global bankers. MIAMI INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS the impact the tl113T1l'e industry is haying on the economy." In fact. it was nearly impos- sible to get nnyunc \\'110 deals with international business to falk about anyone other than Mr. Mcucia I.~'h(.;n it C;:lI11C tu leaders in the sector. -Hcs runnine a lor of trade missions. tor unc thing." said Sharvn Koenig, regional dircc- tor llfthc Export-hupon Hank' 5 Southeast rcaion, "I know he's gOI Peru and Chile coming up this month. and I think hcs atso involved in the Brazilian one comina in October." Thallrip to Hra7il in O\.~tl,)bcr is to b:: I::d b\' Go,'. Rick S(OH as. a "Team F~ll,(ida" mis.sioll. Fur Ir, \'Icncil.lhis pnslv:;[lr h<ls be-en spclll hclping. FI~rida c\unpanics. stan or expand their '.:~puns. "100% of lh~ manufa.:'lUrcr 2rowth in Florida sincc _003 has ClImc fr\.un exports:' Ii;; said. Helping Iho,;c- business tap markets abruad has becn a ':00- finttal Iv...:us, ··I'm •... onvinl·cd that for Florida ..:OInpanie:-, export is (he best optil..lIl 10 grow'-' Mr. Mcn..:ia ..:ontinucd. -The s:c- l.'nd pril'lri£)' has be:rl expanding llllr pn:scm;c ill key m;}rk~:H worldwide by launching this Br:l7il market cntt}' missivrl wc'n: '.\'l\rking on." Un wp of that, the agency h:ls rc\!..!'ntl)' ~'p.:!nc:dan offil!c in Sao Paulo. along with others. in Shanghai ;nd i'r'1Om.rcal, in hop::s of dccp..:ning Iks with Svml! vI' Florida's moSt prominenf busi~ nes.~ partners.. BESTOF ;VIlA~lI Dedicated environmental leaders strive to keep Miami-Dade green IAMI In a lillie Wrn."T1 cuviromncmal issues arc at the forefront of cvcrvoncs mind, Miami-Dado COlU'IIY vtliciats are working '0 nsurc that the- county stays on (lIr~of green initiatives that could contribute 102 sustainable future. Lndcr the lcudc rship of Susanne Torrtcntc. director of Office of Sustainabitity. the county has "received world- wide recognition" fur its cnvi- rcnmcntal cncns. said Gabriele Vall Brvcc, executive director of Dn.:a;ll in Green. n nonprotu oreanizarion dedicated to de- '~'eloping and undertaking pro- grams thai promote energy ":UJl- scrv• anon and efficiency. "The scientific world is watching Florida." Ms. Torrjcrnc was rcccntlv recognized byurc \Vhitc Hous.e'~ Champions ofChange program for her efforts to green up the coumy, ;1 fact that Ms. Van Brvcc nuriburcs ht the director's fi;ccnPrint program, a countywide susrainabitiry plan created to synchronize govern- mcnt and community 2ua15. The t'l'Ugrarll ineludes 137 initiatives dcsiuncd to reduce greenhouse gas.... emissions, It is estimated the program wilt re- duce emissions hv 1,5 mtllioe metric tons over the next five years. wilh C\'c':TI greater rcduc- (ions in the future. --It's our plan for the future:' Ms. Van Bryce said. "Thars bigger than Just the environ- mcut." i\S pari offhl:- Green Print pro- eram. the Offtcc of Sus.tainlbility has launched its own ~rCCH business ccrtifica- lion I;rogral"n. Lndcr the pro· cram, businesses 1,;:111 conduct ~ setf-audir via (he county's website and will receive a score indicating how green they ;.1I'e, Ms. Torncnrc said. It' scores meet certain measures, the group would be encouraged (,-I apply for ccniflcaucn through the office. \,tiami-Dad.: financed tirt;..;nPnfll. nnd mnnv other .sU5tainabilirv initiath·es.'-throuuh fm Encr2\' Effic,l:m;v anti CO~I- scryali~~' Btol.:k (jra~l Pro'Zfal11. funded by 2€JOt)':- (\l11c"ri~an R~Cllvery <lrld 1~"::ln\·eSWlI.!IU " .. :1. eu";.;:ntly13 prttjcl.:ts arc in Ih~ w(Hks oyer cill,llI Cl1tln£\, d:;p::lflfli~nIS, •. . .'\~cordin2. (0 ~1s. Torrientc. funds have ~:n nsl.!o tv iWlall 11l.:ool [oot' un the Iloln~sr~,ld Librar\,. 7(10 N Homestead Bh·d .. 'tl' IhlSI c ..:rgy s<!sings \\,ork:;holh tOTl·llufllyr:.!sid::nI5. 10 issue loans. to I(~al businesses for CnCf\1\' rctrllfits and to in- stall solr;r'panl.!ls un pMk build- inl:!s. :·Wc·r.;- rl\1.!"'::lir)~ :tll 01 \.Hlf milcslont'S withth~D::partml'ot of Energy," Ms. TorricOIc said. "Tlrey';~ vl.:ry pkas'CJ wilh us rmd wha( l,\\:'\,c dOTlc willi lhe gr~nt." BlH wtulc \1s. Turri;.:nH: has made 2.reat strid~s. ::ohc said rtmt l)an Kimball c!\:SCfyeS to be rccugnizl.:u tor his ClIyinHHlIl.:n- lal t'il()f(s as ·,\·cll. Susanne Torriente helps coonty receive worldwide recognitions. Nick Gunia leads Alterna in green buildings products djstribution. M r. K imball has worked wuh the Xational Park Service :!7 years the last 50:· r,:11 as.supcnn- tcndcru of Everglades & Dry T ortuaas National Parks. fkt~'f~ teaming up with the Evcrgtadcs.Mr. Kimballworked as. a special assistant to the park service deputy director in Wash- ingron and was chief of park scrviccs water resources divi- sion tor 10 years. As superintendent, Mr. Kimball said he has worked I() restore Ihcp~lrk's imperiled ceo- system. The group is constructing a bridge on Tami;)mi Trail fhal will ullcw natural water to now into the park and is in!'.talling a new seepage control S~"SI'CU1 outside of the park's main en- trance. His team has created the country's largest "pull and trull-- znnc.Iimumu the use of internal c',Hni)UstitlT; motors in the county, protecting Florida Buy's natural rcsenr •.. ·c., and improv • ing rccrc<llil1nal fishing condi- tions. Ov..:r th:: I\;IS1 few ycats. Mr. Kimball's tl.!am has wurkcd {ll incn..~.iS::lh::irkn(lwlcd~con ..:Ii- matL dtangc. "PJfti~~larly in lighlltftllc p;uk's \'l.llrll.:r(lbilil"Y 10' sca~lc\'cl ri:;c a.~a re~ult of its to'..'\"elevation." As I\\'o~third<; of th..; park is less 1han l,nc IHeter above seJ. le\'el. Mr. K imb;lll is \\"(HL:il1l!Il' addr;;-ss dinr~u:.; (;\.tnlrol is~ucs b::lim: (her g::-t out of hand. -Restoring Ihe park depends un l ndlo:rs13nding anti SlIl>PUT(- ing lhepa.rk and its majorrok in 1I0t \.IOly pn'\'iding a place foc visiturs 10 ..:njoy ':lIU..i rccr'C~1I.::' Mr. Kimball said. '-butaI5tl r'.:'(- ognizing thai ill Soulli Fh:u'ida wc arc dcpcndc-nt on lh:: Ever- glades for lHlr drinking watcr." :'\;;':Nding 10 Lee Cltllk, cx~ CClllivcdirC;l!Jr(tfthc USGr::::n AHsinc3S Council ll( South Flofida.S'ick Gunia, fOUflder of tht' A ltcrna Corp. and Dr~am in Green, i5 also working to TURNING GREEN support Miami-Dadcs sustainubiliry cfforts. \Vith distribution centers in Auauta and Miami. Ahcrna is the leading green building prolt~ ucrs disrtibutioncompany in the Southeast CS and Caribbean. Its clients include Miami-Dade Connrys Wafer & Sewer D~- partmcnt. Starwood Hotels end the Carlisi: Dcvctopmcrnrjroup. the sixth-targesr housing dcvcl- cpcr in the nation. A long-lime environmental- ist. Mr. Gunia said he 20t the idea to start Aherne while help- ing found the coumys Dream iu Green program. Whih: speak- ing with building professionals, Mr. lillllia noticed that there seemed 10 be a shcneec or erccn products throllghvut the --arc:'!. Atwavs torwcrd-thinkina. Mr. Guni~ worked 10 fill (hat-void. Building professionals. "ex- posed (his vacuum in the 1TIi:IT- kctplacc that I saw the opportu- nil)' 10 till:' he said. Mr. Gunia said Ihe company has. and a "phenomena! year" and plans Iv expand its reach. nll\\' the business spans nine states and offers items de- signed III conserve water and natural resources. Products in- elude dual-flush toilets. hieh- efficiency facets and phHubing systems. and rc c y•• .lcd flooring. countcnops and Willi panels. Mr, Kimball als\l plans It) ex- pand the Dream in Green pro- gram. Having chaired the orga- nizauou since :1006. he said the group has applied lor grants Ihrnugli the US Environmental Protection /\gl,,;Tll;Y, lt'approvcd. the money would support u ncw program designed to teach high school srudcnts about the link between the environment and human health. Af,Xl.lrdirig to Mr. Cook. "Altcrna Corp. and Dream in Green arc lhri\'jflg under I.Mr. Kimball'sl direction:' Brett Bibeau, cxc ciuivc dircc- loroftlte \'1iami }{ivcrClifumi5~ s.iun. said S~nd,' Batchelor. a gov\!l'I\ing member oflhe Svmh F'lllrida \Vatcr r-.·1:lna~cm-ct\1 nis~ trkt and head of (h~ Ba(~hC'lor Foundalion. s.hould also he rc,'· ogni2ed Jor h::r "SfcwlrJship h.l cnvironJTlcntal •.. ~auscs n.'prt'"Sc-nl- ing J\·1iami-Dadc County." 1\1150. fblchdor was apP(,illl<:d in 2010 bV Go\'. Charlie Crist w t.hl.! SlJutl; Flt,lrid:1 \V~I;,;r \,1:11)- :tg:.:ml,,;ut Oistri .. ·t, ,,'here silt': has b.:cn workin2. 10 rC'storc thc- E,'crgladcj, n;anagc flood \.-on~ lrol t,:ftorls and analvzl.: w(ltcr qualit)' and quantity. Th:: .group o\"',::rsc~5o 16 counties and Ii mllllon residents across ,'hJrida. Thc Bat..:hclor Foundation SUppt,.lfts mUSl!ums and olhcr culfUr;111'rg~ltd2~uioTis and pw- grams a..:ross South Fjorida. Thc i\)UnJatilll'S <works wilh or1!.aniZalions thai aim to im- pr~vc the e:nvin)nmcnl through I'\!scareh and edne'Hillllal pw- grams i"o,,:u5cd on the (onser~ ~'-aliun of nal11fill re:'Oourccs. International business pervades community ,- i

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PrwIftlt' ••t,~JChAUio(!;ln

Manny Mencia's trade missions, aid toFlorlda companies standout.

lcw, if anv, pans of M ;<1IT1;-Dade County remain untouchedbv irucrn::nicHlal business.'Il's not. however. dum: onlv

at tbc POri of Miami. It's i~Coral Gables 0111d Westchester,when the Univershv of l\'1iamiand Florida Imcrn;tional Uni-vcrairy bring in students fromaround Theworld. " happenedacross Miami 'when some of thelargest Spanish banks in recentyears look over home-growninstitutions like Tutaf Bank andCilY Nanoual Hank.And in bankina. the BC3(On

Council's. Mario'-Sacasa, whoheads Inrcmauonat C17onUJIlU;development programs. nomi-nated Darto Fuentes. scncralnrannuer Caia de i\hu;;'U5 dd~'fcditc-rr:ine-o's Miami officeand Ftonda lnternanonnl Bank-crs Association prcaident."Hc+s really p lurcd Caj a

vtcdircrranco 01\ the map 10-~i.dl\':" )..1r. Sacasa said, II:.: alsohi.gI;I·i~h(ed Mr. Fuentes' work.n flB/\ cstablishinc. officiat rc-tadonships ""i lit other organiza-rions like the Beacon Counciland the Greater Miami Chamberof Commerce.

In addition toestabhshinu thoserelationships in hopes ufgiving.the association's initiatives 1011-

zcvirv. hcs been workina to tur-~hCf~ctncm vtiarni' s e;luballics.--\Vc arc trying w- approa c h

and connect Europe with thet;nil;;!d St:ltcs:' hi! said. SomeofilS mcmbcrii last month '.\Tn:i 'tt.,1adrid for a ':(lIlfCrcfi.:e FI [ii\helped organize Ihal looked fI(

dmlleni!.';:s bankc-rs fal..·c a...:ross(h..: globe. paniLularly the sm'·crcigndebt problems in Europc,--With all thcs.e thing.s going

,-Ill, regulations b.:ilig iS3\lcd \.Ifl

blllh sides 01 lh.; w(lrid. ,. Mr.F ucntes said~ "it ~s important we\\'(ll'k as a hid!!\! 1(1 C(lnnl.!ct

bOlh I,;l..mlincnI3.=Asked who he thOll~hl ha.~

stoodmu in the int::rnatio~1 realmin Ihe paSl y":M. hcqui •.'klypoinlt..:d[0 :\'Iann~' :\·It'ncia. Enlcrpris~Filifida's senior ",'ic,:-J)n::sidcfil ofln1cmaillmal trade anti businc"5Sdevelopment as· om: l)Crson atlife top of his garnl.!."\Vc rc-,:o2.nizc-d hi~ work last

year in our~juricd e\·cnl." :\>Ir.Fuenles lIoted. "He has helped alot in ..:onn~cting and introduc-ing th::: flew go\;crno( £It FIBA.alid \\'~'v:; worked lugclhcr inInternational Davs and on dif~krent topil.'!\whc;e we talk ilbout

narre Puentes established linksIn community for global bankers.


the impact the tl113T1l'e industryis haying on the economy."

In fact. it was nearly impos-sible to get nnyunc \\'110 dealswith international business tofalk about anyone other thanMr. Mcucia I.~'h(.;n it C;:lI11C tuleaders in the sector.-Hcs runnine a lor of trade

missions. tor unc thing." saidSharvn Koenig, regional dircc-tor llfthc Export-hupon Hank' 5Southeast rcaion, "I know he'sgOI Peru and Chile coming upthis month. and I think hcs atsoinvolved in the Brazilian onecomina in October."Thallrip to Hra7il in O\.~tl,)bcr

is to b:: I::d b\' Go,'. Rick S(OHas. a "Team F~ll,(ida" mis.sioll.

Fur Ir, \'Icncil.lhis pnslv:;[lrh<ls be-en spclll hclping. FI~ridac\unpanics. stan or expand their'.:~puns.

"100% of lh~ manufa.:'lUrcr2rowth in Florida sincc _003has ClImc fr\.un exports:' Ii;;

said. Helping Iho,;c- business tapmarkets abruad has becn a ':00-finttal Iv...:us,··I'm •...onvinl·cd that for

Florida ..:OInpanie:-, export is (hebest optil..lIl 10 grow'-' Mr.Mcn..:ia ..:ontinucd. -The s:c-l.'nd pril'lri£)' has be:rl expandingllllr pn:scm;c ill key m;}rk~:Hworldwide by launching thisBr:l7il market cntt}' missivrlwc'n: '.\'l\rking on."Un wp of that, the agency

h:ls rc\!..!'ntl)' ~'p.:!nc:d an offil!c inSao Paulo. along with others. inShanghai ;nd i'r'1Om.rcal,in hop::sof dccp..:ning Iks with Svml! vI'Florida's moSt prominenf busi~nes.~ partners..


Dedicated environmental leadersstrive to keep Miami-Dade green

IAMIIn a lillie Wrn."T1 cuviromncmalissues arc at the forefront ofcvcrvoncs mind, Miami-DadoCOlU'IIY vtliciats are working '0nsurc that the- county stays on(lIr~of green initiatives that couldcontribute 102 sustainable future.Lndcr the lcudc rship of

Susanne Torrtcntc. directorof Office of Sustainabitity. thecounty has "received world-wide recognition" fur its cnvi-rcnmcntal cncns. said GabrieleVall Brvcc, executive directorof Dn.:a;ll in Green. n nonprotuoreanizarion dedicated to de-'~'eloping and undertaking pro-grams thai promote energy ":UJl-

scrv •anon and efficiency. "Thescientific world is watchingFlorida."Ms. Torrjcrnc was rcccntlv

recognized byurc \Vhitc Hous.e'~Champions ofChange programfor her efforts to green up thecoumy, ;1 fact that Ms. VanBrvcc nuriburcs ht the director'sfi;ccnPrint program, acountywide susrainabitiry plancreated to synchronize govern-mcnt and community 2ua15.The t'l'Ugrarll ineludes 137

initiatives dcsiuncd to reducegreenhouse gas. ...emissions, It isestimated the program wilt re-duce emissions hv 1,5 mtllioemetric tons over the next fiveyears. wilh C\'c':TI greater rcduc-(ions in the future.--It's our plan for the future:'

Ms. Van Bryce said. "Tharsbigger than Just the environ-mcut."

i\S pari offhl:- Green Print pro-eram. the Offtcc ofSus.tainlbility has launched itsown ~rCCH business ccrtifica-lion I;rogral"n. Lndcr the pro·cram, businesses 1,;:111 conduct~ setf-audir via (he county'swebsite and will receive a scoreindicating how green they ;.1I'e,

Ms. Torncnrc said. It' scoresmeet certain measures, thegroup would be encouraged (,-I

apply for ccniflcaucn throughthe office.\,tiami-Dad.: financed

tirt;..;nPnfll. nnd mnnv other.sU5tainabilirv initiath·es.'-throuuhfm Encr2\' Effic,l:m;v anti CO~I-scryali~~' Btol.:k (jra~l Pro'Zfal11.funded by 2€JOt)':- (\l11c"ri~anR~Cllvery <lrld 1~"::ln\·eSWlI.!IU" ..:1. eu";.;:ntly13 prttjcl.:ts arc inIh~ w(Hks oyer cill,llI Cl1tln£\,d:;p::lflfli~nIS, •. .

.'\~cordin2. (0 ~1s. Torrientc.funds have ~:n nsl.!o tv iWlall11l.:ool [oot' un the Iloln~sr~,ldLibrar\,. 7(10 N HomesteadBh·d .. 'tl' IhlSI c ..:rgy s<!sings\\,ork:;holh tOTl·llufllyr:.!sid::nI5.10 issue loans. to I(~al businessesfor CnCf\1\' rctrllfits and to in-stall solr;r'panl.!ls un pMk build-inl:!s.:·Wc·r.;- rl\1.!"'::lir)~ :tll 01 \.Hlf

milcslont'S with th~ D::partml'otof Energy," Ms. TorricOIc said."Tlrey';~ vl.:ry pkas'CJ wilh usrmd wha( l,\\:'\,c dOTlc willi lhegr~nt."

BlH wtulc \1s. Turri;.:nH: hasmade 2.reat strid~s. ::ohc said rtmtl)an Kimball c!\:SCfyeS to berccugnizl.:u tor his ClIyinHHlIl.:n-lal t'il()f(s as ·,\·cll.

Susanne Torriente helps coontyreceive worldwide recognitions.

Nick Gunia leads Alterna in greenbuildings products djstribution.

M r. K imball has worked wuhthe Xational Park Service :!7years the last 50:· r,:11 as.supcnn-tcndcru of Everglades & DryT ortuaas National Parks.fkt~'f~ teaming up with the

Evcrgtadcs.Mr. Kimballworkedas. a special assistant to the parkservice deputy director in Wash-ingron and was chief of parkscrviccs water resources divi-sion tor 10 years.

As superintendent, Mr.Kimball said he has worked I()

restore Ihcp~lrk's imperiled ceo-system.The group is constructing a

bridge on Tami;)mi Trail fhalwill ullcw natural water to nowinto the park and is in!'.talling anew seepage control S~"SI'CU1outside of the park's main en-trance. His team has created thecountry's largest "pull and trull--znnc.Iimumu the use of internalc',Hni)UstitlT; motors in thecounty, protecting Florida Buy'snatural rcsenr •..·c., and improv •ing rccrc<llil1nal fishing condi-tions.Ov..:r th:: I\;IS1 few ycats. Mr.

Kimball's tl.!am has wurkcd {ll

incn..~.iS:: lh::irkn(lwlcd~con ..:Ii-matL dtangc. "PJfti~~larly inlighlltftllc p;uk's \'l.llrll.:r(lbilil"Y10' sca~lc\'cl ri:;c a.~a re~ult of itsto'..'\"elevation." As I\\'o~third<;of th..; park is less 1han l,ncIHeter above seJ. le\'el. Mr.K imb;lll is \\"(HL:il1l!Il' addr;;-ssdinr~u:.; (;\.tnlrol is~ucs b::lim:(her g::-t out of hand.-Restoring Ihe park depends

un l ndlo:rs13nding anti SlIl>PUT(-

ing lhepa.rk and its majorrok in1I0t \.IOly pn'\'iding a place focvisiturs 10 ..:njoy ':lIU..irccr'C~1I.::'Mr. Kimball said. '-butaI5tl r'.:'(-ognizing thai ill Soulli Fh:u'idawc arc dcpcndc-nt on lh:: Ever-glades for lHlr drinking watcr."

:'\;;':Nding 10 Lee Cltllk, cx~CClllivcdirC;l!Jr(tfthc USGr::::nAHsinc3S Council ll( SouthFlofida.S'ick Gunia, fOUflderof tht' A ltcrna Corp. and Dr~amin Green, i5 also working to

TURNING GREENsupport Miami-Dadcssustainubiliry cfforts.\Vith distribution centers in

Auauta and Miami. Ahcrna isthe leading green building prolt~ucrs disrtibutioncompany in theSoutheast CS and Caribbean.Its clients include Miami-DadeConnrys Wafer & Sewer D~-partmcnt. Starwood Hotels endthe Carlisi: Dcvctopmcrnrjroup.the sixth-targesr housing dcvcl-cpcr in the nation.

A long-lime environmental-ist. Mr. Gunia said he 20t theidea to start Aherne while help-ing found the coumys Dreamiu Green program. Whih: speak-ing with building professionals,Mr. lillllia noticed that thereseemed 10 be a shcneec or erccnproducts throllghvut the --arc:'!.Atwavs torwcrd-thinkina. Mr.Guni~ worked 10 fill (hat-void.Building professionals. "ex-

posed (his vacuum in the 1TIi:IT-

kctplacc that I saw the opportu-nil)' 10 till:' he said.

Mr. Gunia said Ihe companyhas. and a "phenomena! year"and plans Iv expand its nll\\' the business spansnine states and offers items de-signed III conserve water andnatural resources. Products in-elude dual-flush toilets. hieh-efficiency facets and phHubingsystems. and rc c y••.lcd flooring.countcnops and Willi panels.

Mr, Kimball als\l plans It) ex-pand the Dream in Green pro-gram. Having chaired the orga-nizauou since :1006. he said thegroup has applied lor grantsIhrnugli the US EnvironmentalProtection /\gl,,;Tll;Y, lt'approvcd.the money would support u ncwprogram designed to teach highschool srudcnts about the linkbetween the environment andhuman health.Af,Xl.lrdirig to Mr. Cook.

"Altcrna Corp. and Dream inGreen arc lhri\'jflg under I.Mr.Kimball'sl direction:'

Brett Bibeau, cxc ciuivc dircc-loroftlte \'1iami }{ivcrClifumi5~s.iun. said S~nd,' Batchelor. agov\!l'I\ing member oflhe SvmhF'lllrida \Vatcr r-.·1:lna~cm-ct\1nis~trkt and head of (h~ Ba(~hC'lorFoundalion. s.hould also he rc,'·ogni2ed Jor h::r "SfcwlrJship h.lcnvironJTlcntal •..~auscs n.'prt'"Sc-nl-ing J\·1iami-Dadc County."

1\1150.fblchdor was apP(,illl<:din 2010 bV Go\'. Charlie Crist wt.hl.! SlJutl; Flt,lrid:1 \V~I;,;r \,1:11)-:tg:.:ml,,;ut Oistri ..·t, ,,'here silt': hasb.:cn workin2. 10 rC'storc thc-E ,'crgladcj, n;anagc flood \.-on~lrol t,:ftorls and analvzl.: w(ltcrqualit)' and quantity. Th:: .groupo\"',::rsc~5o 16 counties and Iimllllon residents across ,'hJrida.Thc Bat..:hclor Foundation

SUppt,.lfts mUSl!ums and olhcrculfUr;111'rg~ltd2~uioTis and pw-grams a..:ross South Fjorida.Thc i\)UnJatilll'S <works wilhor1!.aniZalions thai aim to im-pr~vc the e:nvin)nmcnl throughI'\!scareh and edne'Hillllal pw-grams i"o,,:u5cd on the (onser~~'-aliun of nal11fill re:'Oourccs.

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