stripe payment integration with android app

17 Android App With Stripe Payment

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Post on 12-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Stripe payment integration with Android app

back4app.comAndroid App With Stripe


Page 2: Stripe payment integration with Android app

Android App With Stripe Payment

• In this Tutorial, we will create a ONE CLICK PURCHASE BUTTON with Stripe Payment.

• To View Whole Project Code:


• You can read the original publication on:•


Page 3: Stripe payment integration with Android app

Android App With Stripe Payment

Page 4: Stripe payment integration with Android app

Step 1: Setup Dashboard• go to Your Parse Dashboard and• create a Class : Item• insert the following columns:• ItemName• Price• quantityAvailable• insert a sample item record• ItemName: test• price: 10• quantityAvailable: 10

Page 5: Stripe payment integration with Android app

Android App With Stripe Payment• create a Class : Order• insert the following colums:• Name• Email• Address• Zip• city_state• Item• Size• fulfilled : Boolean• charged : Boolean• stripePaymentId

Page 6: Stripe payment integration with Android app

Step 2: Get Stripe API Key

• Create an account and login

• Go to this link:

• if it does not work follow below instruction.

Page 7: Stripe payment integration with Android app

Step 2: Get Stripe API Key

• Go to Account Settings -> API Key

Page 9: Stripe payment integration with Android app

Step 4: Create your Android Client Application

1. add parse and stripe package to your project

• go to build.gradle and add following code:

• and then click Sync now

• then go to AndroidManifest.xml

Page 10: Stripe payment integration with Android app

Step 4: Create your Android Client

2. To implement Stripe Payment, the follow is the mandatory functions are needed.

• View Whole Code:


• Tutorial/blob/master/app/src/main/java/dominwong4/scm/back4app_stripe_android_tutorial/

Page 11: Stripe payment integration with Android app

Step 4: Create your Android Client

• Above the onCreate()

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Step 4: Create your Android Client

• Inside onCreate()

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Step 4: Create your Android Client

• For the Purchasing main function

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Step 4: Create your Android Client

• For the Purchasing main function

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Step 5: Test

• If the things going well, there are few things can be judged.

1. the Stock is decreased

Page 16: Stripe payment integration with Android app

Step 5: Test

2. the order can be found at Class:Order

3. the charged -> true and stripePaymentId != undefined at Class:Order

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Step 5: Test

4. Stripe Dashboard has transaction records.