stress management intro

Sahaja Yoga Meditation

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his presentation was shown for an INTRO programme for Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Stress Management. 27th of March 2012. Read more about us at: or Get your self-realisation:


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Sahaja Yoga Meditation

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Sahaja Yoga Meditation

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Sahaja Yoga Meditation

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Sahaja Yoga Meditation

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An Introduction to Sahaja YogaSahaja Yoga - A Journey to Thoughtless Awareness

Copenhagen, Denmark

March 27, 2012

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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Picture: Di!erent forms of stress

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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Treatable (maybe) orpreventable (obviously)

Treatment of stress after ithas happened. . . . veryexpensive and ‘too late’?

Before it happens. . . .prevention is better (andmuch cheaper) than cure

Picture: Di!erent forms of stress

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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Stress Management

Typical stress management programs =


Life management including exercise or diet

Time management

Mental management

Breathing, Relaxation and Visualisation and/or. . . .the recentoption of

True Meditation i.e. ‘Mental Silence’

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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The Science of Meditation and Disease States

Stresses are personal, yet they have a common pathway

Thoughts are of just two types : futuristic & retrospective

Reality and optimal performance are in ‘The Present’

True meditation is a scientifically verifiable experience

Meditation enhances well-being, reduces disease states

Anyone can learn how to meditate, and they should

Picture: “You do not DO meditation, you are to be IN meditation” ShriMataji Nirmala Devi

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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State of Thoughtless Awareness

The four states of human awareness

The waking state of consciousnessThe dreaming state of consciousnessThe state of deep sleep -ego and superego are stillThe state of thoughtless awareness

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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State of Thoughtless Awareness

The four states of human awareness

The waking state of consciousnessThe dreaming state of consciousnessThe state of deep sleep -ego and superego are stillThe state of thoughtless awareness

State of thoughtless awareness

One thinks of neither the past or the futureLiving in the momentReturn to childlike innocence but in full awareness of oneself,society, work and valuesHelps one escape from the brainstorm of mental stress

Picture: Stress reliefis possible viasahaja yoga

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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Mental Silence

I know the secret of silence - Mahatma Gandhi“The divine radio is always singing if we could only make ourselves

ready to listen to it. But it is impossible to listen without Silence”

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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Mental Silence

I know the secret of silence - Mahatma Gandhi“The divine radio is always singing if we could only make ourselves

ready to listen to it. But it is impossible to listen without Silence”

Stress = Poor Performanceabsenteeism, sta! turnoverDistress, Disease, Dysfunction, (Death)

Meditation = Peak Performance(Flow States, The Zone or Zen State)calm, creative, positive, healthyPeaceful, Perceptive, Productive

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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A Brief Introduction

The words ‘Sahaja’ and ‘Yoga’ are derived from ‘Sanskrit’

‘Sahaja’ - simple; ‘Yoga’ - union or a state of spiritualabsorption

Was introduced by Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970.

Sahaja meditation - an e!ective tool based on ancientknowledge

To acquire self-realizationTo awaken one’s inner energy centersTo achieve inner balance and integration to thedivineTo master the state of thoughtless awareness

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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The subtle system

Our subtle system -

3 energy channels7 energy centers (chakrasor wheels)A kundalani


Located at the bottom ofspinePower of pure desire -usually dormantAwakens following selfrealization

Picture: People have ever beeninspired by the Kundalani -mostly subconsciously

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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The subtle system

Our subtle system -

3 energy channels7 energy centers (chakrasor wheels)A kundalani


Located at the bottom ofspinePower of pure desire -usually dormantAwakens following selfrealization

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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There are no particulardo’s and dont’s in SahajaYoga - except for allmoral rules

Admission is free of cost

Can be practiced as lifegoes on

It is simple, scientific andverifiable

Starts as a hypothesis -one must experiment toget to the truth

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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The 3 Channels

Ida Nadi (Moon Line, Left Channel)

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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The 3 Channels

Ida Nadi (Moon Line, Left Channel)

Qualities: tamo guna, past,subconscious

Gross expression: left sympatheticnervous system

Place on hand: whole left hand

Manifestations: auspiciousness,emotion, existence, joy, desire

Causes of catch: lethargy, habits,conditioning, superstition, blindfaith, guilt, fear, self pity ....

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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The 3 Channels

Pingala Nadi (Sun Line, Right Channel)

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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The 3 Channels

Pingala Nadi (Sun Line, Right Channel)

Qualities: rajo guna, future,supraconscious

Gross expression: rightsympathetic nervous system

Place on hand: whole right hand

Manifestations: self-respect,action, creativity, physical andmental activity

Causes of catch: domination,mental egotism, high-handedness, temper, exploitation,cunning...

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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The 3 Channels

Sushumna Nadi (Central Channel)

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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The 3 Channels

Sushumna Nadi (Central Channel)

Qualities: Sattwa guna, present,unconscious

Gross expression:parasympathetic nervous system

Place on hand: both hands

Manifestations: sustenance,revelation, religion

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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The 3 Channels

Sushumna Nadi (Central Channel)

Qualities: Sattwa guna, present,unconscious

Gross expression:parasympathetic nervous system

Place on hand: both hands

Manifestations: sustenance,revelation, religion Picture: People have spoken of

the Kundalani and 3 channels inthe past, but not always

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga

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Self Realization & A!rmations

Pre-conditions for self realization -

Get rid of all your guiltsForgive yourself and everyone else

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Picture: Sequence for placing hands during the guided meditation

An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga