strength training recommendations please view the

STRENGTH TRAINING RECOMMENDATIONS Please view the following by body part Body Part: Total Body Exercise Positioning / Technique Adaptation Dumbbell Thrusters Narrow grip with dumbbells. Feet shoulder width. Squat keeping spinal alignment. Drive upwards from the heel and backside. Thrust dumbbells keeping narrow position. Brace core and keep firm. Can be done holding a single dumbbell or kettlebells Dumbbell Clean Press Feet shoulder width. Squat keeping spinal alignment. Grip dumbbell with overhand grip between feet. Drive upwards from the heel and backside. Thrust dumbbells keeping weight close to the body. Softy return weight to start position. Brace core and keep firm. Can be done holding a kettlebell Dumbbell Squat With Curl Narrow grip with dumbbells. Feet shoulder width. Squat keeping spinal alignment and dumbbells along the side of the body. Drive upwards from the heel and backside. Curl dumbbells keeping narrow position. Can curl dumbbells half way or fully towards the shoulders

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Please view the following by body part

Body Part: Total Body

Exercise Positioning / Technique Adaptation

Dumbbell Thrusters Narrow grip with dumbbells.

Feet shoulder width.

Squat keeping spinal alignment.

Drive upwards from the heel and backside.

Thrust dumbbells keeping narrow position.

Brace core and keep firm.

Can be done holding a single dumbbell or kettlebells

Dumbbell Clean Press

Feet shoulder width.

Squat keeping spinal alignment.

Grip dumbbell with overhand grip between feet.

Drive upwards from the heel and backside.

Thrust dumbbells keeping weight close to the body.

Softy return weight to start position.

Brace core and keep firm.

Can be done holding a kettlebell

Dumbbell Squat With Curl

Narrow grip with dumbbells.

Feet shoulder width.

Squat keeping spinal alignment and dumbbells along the side of the body.

Drive upwards from the heel and backside.

Curl dumbbells keeping narrow position.

Can curl dumbbells half way or fully towards the shoulders

Brace core and keep firm.

Squat Up Right Row

Feet shoulder width.

Squat keeping spinal alignment.

Grip weight with both hands at an overhand grip between the legs.

Drive upwards from the heel and backside.

Lift the weight keeping weight close to the body.

Engage full range with elbows high.

Brace core and keep firm.

Can be done holding a single weighted plate with grip gaps or kettlebells

Squat Curl Press Narrow grip with weights.

Feet shoulder width.

Squat keeping spinal alignment.

Drive upwards from the heel and backside.

Curl dumbbells keeping narrow position.

And thrust weight above the head.

Brace core and keep firm.

Using place keep between the legs

Using dumbbells and keep to the side of the body

Squat Bar Press Shoulder width grip with bar and relax the

bar on the shoulder girdle.

Feet shoulder width.

Squat keeping spinal alignment.

Drive upwards from the heel and backside.

Thrust weight above the head.

Brace core and keep firm.

Can be done holding two dumbbells or kettlebells

Burpee Feet shoulder width.

Squat down to press up position.

Drive trunk and legs back to extension.

Brace press up position.

Thrust knees back towards the chest.

Drive body up to a standing position and jump.

Brace core and keep firm.

Slow down the movement in stages to make it easier

Burpee Chest to Floor Press

Feet shoulder width.

Squat down to press up position.

Drive trunk and legs back to extension.

At the same time allow body to touch the ground.

Press body back up.

Thrust knees back towards the chest.

Drive body up to a standing position and jump.

Brace core and keep firm.

Slow down the movement in stages to make it easier

Squat Thrust Press up position.

Drive trunk and legs back to extension.

Thrust knees back towards the chest.


Brace core and keep firm.

Slow down the movement and alternately bring each leg in

Body Part: Legs & Lower Body

Exercise Positioning / Technique Adaptation

Standard Bar Squat Ensure the bar is sitting comfortably on the shoulder and neck region.

Maintain even grip both sides.

Feet shoulder width apart.

Squat towards your back side.

Keep spine neutral.

Ensure the knees are not tracking over the foot.

Perform with bar only

Half squat for easier option

Deeper squat for advanced

Front Bar Squat Ensure the bar is sitting comfortably on the

shoulder above the chest region.

Maintain even grip both sides in a under hand hook position.

Feet shoulder width apart.

Squat towards your back side.

Keep spine neutral.

Ensure the knees are not tracking over the foot.

Perform with bar only

Half squat for easier option

Deeper squat for advanced

Dumbbell Suitcase Squat

Ensure the dumbbells are held narrow to the body and tucked in.

Maintain even grip both sides.

Feet shoulder width apart.

Squat towards your back side.

Simple air squat alternative

Keep spine neutral.

Ensure the knees are not tracking over the foot.

Half squat for easier option; Deeper squat for advanced

Goblet Squat Hold kettlebell/dumbbell with a narrow

grip above the chest.

Maintain even grip both sides.

Feet shoulder width apart.

Squat towards your back side.

Keep spine neutral.

Ensure the knees are not tracking over the foot.

Light weight

Perform hugging a weighted plate.

Half squat

Bar Bell Lunge Hold the bar near the shoulder girdle.

Ensure even grip and weight is stable.

Step forward with one foot, controlled.

Plant the stepping foot firm and bend.

The rear leg flexes.

Slowly descent to the lunge with both knees at 90 degrees angle.

No weight

Half lunge

Dumbbell Lunge Hold the dumbbells to the side.

Ensure even grip and weight is stable.

No weight

Half lunge

Step forward with one foot, controlled.

Plant the stepping foot firm and begin bending.

The rear leg follows and flexes.

Slowly descent to the lunge with both knees at 90 degrees angle.

Overhead Bar Squat Ensure the bar is sitting comfortably on the

palms. Maintain even grip both sides.

Lift bar directly above head.

Feet shoulder width apart.

Squat towards your back side.

Keep spine neutral and bar parallel above.

Keep heels planted to ground – return movement.

Perform with free bar

Half squat

Power Step-Up Hold dumbbell or weights firmly.

Alternatively step up with each leg.

Drive from the stepping leg and follow through with the other leg.

Step down.

Soft landing on the way down.

Use smaller step

High knee march if no step is accessible.

Body Part: Chest & Upper Body

Exercise Positioning / Technique Adaptation

Wide Push Up Start with body parallel to the floor, hands outside of Shoulder distance,

Support body on the toes and hands in a plank position.

Elbows extended out wide, head up and body straight with a flat back.

Keep bottom down and feet hip distance.

Do not allow hips to drop or rotate.

Bend the elbows, lowering your chest nearly to the floor.

Engaging chest muscles, press your upper body back up to the starting position by extending the elbows.

Keep core engaged throughout and squeeze glutes.

Can be done on with knees on the floor

Bench Push Up (Feet on Bench)

Stand with back facing flat bench.

Place both feet on edge of bench, hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder width.

Position Hands full body distance forward from bench back and legs in a straight line with feet higher than hips.

Elbows extended out wide, head up and body straight with a flat back. Keep bottom down and feet hip distance

Do not allow hips to drop or rotate.

Bend the elbows, lowering your chest nearly touching the floor.

Engaging chest muscles, press your upper body back up to the starting position by extending the elbows.

Keep core engaged throughout and squeeze glutes.

Can be done with feet on step for lower elevation.

Bench Push Up (Hands on Bench)

Stand facing flat bench.

Place both hands on edge of bench, slightly wider than shoulder width.

Position feet full body distance backwards from bench keeping back and legs in a straight line with feet lower than hips.

Elbows extended out wide, head up and body straight with a flat back. Keep bottom down and feet hip distance

Do not allow hips to drop or rotate.

Bend the elbows, lowering your chest nearly touching the bench.

Engaging chest muscles, press your upper body back up to the starting position by extending the elbows.

Keep core engaged throughout and squeeze glutes.

Can be done with knees to floor.

Dumbbell Chest Press

Lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand resting on top of thighs, feet hip distance apart on floor.

Palms of hands facing each other. Lift dumbbells one at a time in order to hold them above you at shoulder width.

Rotate wrists forward so that palms of hands face away from you.

Bring dumbbells down slightly to the sides of your chest with upper arm and forearm creating a 90 degree angle.

Use the chest muscles to push the dumbbells up. Lock your arms at the top of the lift and squeeze your chest, keeping lower back against the bench.

Hold for a second and then begin coming down slowly.

Can be done using a barbell

Can be done using a spotter to assist lift

Incline Barbell Chest Press – Wide Grip

Set up bench at an incline approx. 30 – 45 degrees.

Lay on the bench, feet outside hip distance and flat on the ground.

Can be done medium grip

Retract shoulder blades in towards spine. Back slightly arched.

Place bar with palms facing away from the body and wider than shoulder distance.

Remove barbell from the rack.

Hold bar above your chest with your arms extended

Lower the bar to the chest by flexing the elbows out from the side of the body.

Allow bar to lightly Touch the chest only. Do not allow bar to bounce off the chest.

Keep back muscles engaged and elbows slightly drawn in.

Extend the elbows to return the bar to the starting position.

Can be done barbell only or Weighted bar

Use a spotter to assist

Body Part: Back

Exercise Positioning / Technique Adaptation

Deadlift Feet hip-width apart, facing forwards.

Hands on bar with grip just outside your legs. Use an overhand grip.

Bend knees, keep back flat, head and chest up—neutral spine—from start to finish and shoulders back and down.

Lift bar vertically from floor stopping at thigh height. Squeeze glutes and avoid arching back or thrusting hips forward.

Bar should remain in contact with your legs for the entire range of motion.

Return bar to floor ensuring knees are bent and back flat throughout movement.

Can be done using kettlebell

Grip can be one hand overhand, one hand underhand.

Bent Over Barbell Row

Feet hip width apart and facing forward.

Hands on barbell shoulder distance apart with overhand grip.

Bend knees slightly and bend torso forward, bending at the waist, while keeping the back straight until chest is almost diagonally parallel to the floor.

Whilst in bent position, keeping torso stationary, pull barbell upwards towards the chest and stomach area.

Keep the elbows close to the body and only use the forearms to hold bar weight.

At the top contracted position, squeeze the back muscles and hold for a brief pause.

Slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position keeping back flat and core braced.

Can be done with 2 dumbbells instead of bar

Dumbbell Renegade Row

Place two dumbbells on floor shoulder width apart.

Position yourself on the floor on your toes with your hands on the dumbbells in a high plank position.

Brace core, Flatten back, squeeze glutes with Legs straight and extended.

Position feet slightly wider than hip distance for support.

Push one dumbbell into the floor and row the other up towards the armpit.

Keeps hips square to floor by bracing core tight and head and neck in line.

Return dumbbell to floor and perform same movement on opposite arm.

Can be done kneeling.

Can be done with kettlebells instead of dumbbells

Upright Kettlebell Row

Feet hip distance apart.

Grasp kettlebell in front of body at Hip Height, with overhand grip, hands close together on handle.

Straight back.

Keeping back straight lift kettlebell up the body nearly to chin level.

As you lift, keep elbows out from the side of the body, high and wide keeping kettlebell close to the body throughout movement with elbows driving the movement and finishing higher than forearms.

Keep torso stationary and back flat. Pause for a second at the top of the movement.

Lower kettlebell back down slowly to starting position keeping core braced throughout.

Can be done using barbell or a single plate held.

Pull Up Position hands on pull-up bar with the palms facing forward using chosen grip.

1. Wide grip – hands spaced slightly wider than shoulder width.

2. Medium grip, hands spaced shoulder width 3. Alternate overhand, underhand grip hands

spaced shoulder width.

Both arms extended above your head and feet off the floor, your weight hanging from the bar.

Pull your body up until the bar touches your upper chest by drawing the shoulders and the upper arms down and back.

Concentrate on squeezing the back muscles once you reach the full contracted position.

Keep upper torso stationary as it moves upwards, only the arms should move with the forearms doing no other work other than holding the bar.

Hold the contracted position for a second or two.

Slowly lower your torso back to the starting position

and finish with arms are fully extended and upper back fully stretched outward.

Can be done assisted using a spotter holding legs or pull up band if available.

Can be done with wide, medium, closed or reverse grip

Body Part: Arms

Exercise Positioning / Technique Adaptation

Dumbbell Curls Narrow grip with dumbbells, arms start by thighs.

Feet shoulder width apart, back straight.

Keep elbows close to torso and rotate dumbbells until palms face upwards.

Keeping upper arms and upper body stationary, curl dumbbells to shoulder level.

Slowly lower dumbbells to start position.

Can be done seated on a bench with back support

Can be done using a barbell instead of dumbbells

Hammer Plate Curl

Feet shoulder width

Stand with back straight and hold plate in both hands in front of body at thigh height.

Slowly lift plate up, keeping elbows in and upper arms/body stationary until forearms and biceps touch. Keep plate aligned with chest.

Slowly release and lower plate back to starting point.

Can be done holding a kettlebell or large dumbbell

Tricep Bench Dip

Start from a seated position on flat bench. Bend legs & bring feet closer to

Hands on bench, close the thighs, fingers facing forwards and elbows facing back of the bench.

Feet hip distance, legs extended straight out in front of the body.

Lift bottom off the bench and slowly lower body down, bending at the elbows until elbows are at 45 degrees.

Keep chest Lifted and bottom close to bench throughout movement.

Slowly extend elbows to return to start position.

body with bent knees.

Can be done using body weight on dip machine.

Tricep Push Up

Lie on the floor face down. Place hands on the floor in line with Shoulders and close to the side of the chest.

Lift body up from floor.

Lower body down to floor keeping elbows tight to side of the body until chest almost touches floor.

Push body up straightening arms to return a high plank position.

Squeeze glutes, brace core and keep head and neck in line, back flat and bottom down throughout exercise.

Can be done with knees on the floor.

Can be done with hands or feet on bench for advanced option.

Standing Tricep Overhead Extension

Stand feet hip distance apart.

Hold plate above head with straight arms.

Can use dumbbell

Keep elbows tight to side of head with elbows pointing straight forward.

Lower plate slowly to back of head stopping plate centre of shoulder blades.

Keeping upper arms still and avoid elbows flaring out during movement, return plate to starting position.

Brace core and keep back straight.

instead of plate.

Standing Tricep Dumbbell Overhead Extension

Stand feet hip distance apart.

Hold dumbbell above head with both hands with straight arms.

Keep elbows tight to side of head with elbows pointing straight forward.

Lower dumbbell slowly to back of head stopping at centre of shoulder blades.

Keeping upper arms still and avoid elbows flaring out during movement, straighten arms to return to starting position.

Brace core and keep back straight.

Can be done using kettlebell or 2 lighter dumbbells in each hand.

Body Part: Shoulders

Exercise Positioning / Technique Adaptation

Dumbbell Shoulder Press Narrow

Feet shoulder width apart.

Position the dumbbells above the shoulder girdle.

Narrow grip.

Press above the head and return smoothly.

Brace and keep the core firm.

Can use cable machines

Dumbbell Shoulder Press Wide

Feet shoulder width apart.

Position the dumbbells above the shoulder girdle.

Wide grip.

Press above the head and return smoothly

Brace and keep the core firm.

Can use cable machines

Barbell Shoulder Press

Feet shoulder width apart.

Position the barbell above the shoulder girdle with an overhand grip.

Ensure grip is evenly distributed.

Can use cable machines

Press above the head and return smoothly.

Brace spine and keep the core firm.

Dumbbell Front Raise

Feet shoulder width apart.

Position the dumbbells so they are level with the thighs.

Brace and keep the core firm to minimise body sway.

Raise the dumbbells directly each side so the movement is in line with the shoulder joint.

Return slowly in a controlled tempo.

Can use resistance bands

Dumbbell Side Raise

Feet shoulder width apart.

Position the dumbbells to the side of the body.

Brace and keep the core firm to minimise body sway.

Can use resistance bands

Raise the dumbbells directly each side so the movement is in line with the body.

Return slowly in a controlled tempo.

Body Part: Core

Exercise Positioning / Technique Adaptation

Plank Come down to floor, hips and chest positioned parallel to the floor.

Support your weight on your toes and your forearms with forearms facing forward on the floor and elbows bent directly under the shoulder.

Lift knees off the floor forming a straight line with the body from shoulder to ankle.

Brace core and squeeze glutes keeping back flat and bottom down.

Hold the position for as long as possible.

Can be done with knees on the floor at a diagonal angle.

V - Sit Up Lie flat on your back on the floor with

arms at the side of the head, extended straight back behind head and legs extended straight out, feet together.

Lift arms and legs together by bending at the waist while simultaneously raising legs and arms to meet in a V position above the body.

When executing the move, extend and lift the legs at approximately a 35-45 degree angle from the floor.

Upper torso and shoulder should be off the floor in the V position.

Slowly lower arms and legs back to the starting position

Can be holding weight plate or medicine ball in hands.

Can be done with slightly bent knees to take pressure off lower back.

Hollow Rock Sit Up Lie flat on your back on the floor with arms at the side of the head extended

Can be done with bent

behind head and leg extended straight out, feet together.

Raise legs approx. 2 inches from the ground keeping them straight, together and toes pointed.

Raise extended arms up from the ground approx. 2 inches, keeping them straight and close to the ears.

Hold this position and start rocking back and forth without allowing the shape to break at any time.

knees (knees directly above hips, calves parallel to the floor) and Hands reaching forwards towards feet

Side Plank

Lie on your side on the floor.

Bring forearm under shoulder and lift body away from the floor, supporting your body between forearm and knee to feet.

Extend legs out straight with one foot slightly in front of the other.

Lift Hip up from floor so only feet and forearm are supporting the body.

Extend top arm up and away from body keeping spine straight and squeezing glutes.

Keep body straight and do not allow shoulders to roll forward.

Hold position for two to four seconds.

Repeat on the other side.

Can be done using a barbell

Can be done with bottom knee on the floor.

Can be done with feet stacked directly on top of each other.

Superhero Plank Come down to floor, hips and chest

positioned parallel to the floor. Can be done with

from a kneeling position

Support your weight on your toes and your hands on the floor facing forward directly under the shoulders.

Lift knees off the floor forming a straight line with the body from shoulder to ankle.

Hold this position and slowly extend one arm forward, keeping the arm close to the side of the head and simultaneously lift the opposite leg.

Keep the body straight, back flat and hips and chest square to the floor.

Do not allow hips or shoulders to rotate while raising arms and legs.

Alternate between each side, lifting left arm, right leg and left leg, right arm.

Alternate Arm (Vertical) Walking Plank

Come down to floor, hips and chest positioned parallel to the floor.

Support your weight on your toes and your forearms with forearms facing forward on the floor and elbows bent directly under the shoulders.

Lift knees off the floor forming a straight line with the body from shoulder to ankle.

Brace core and squeeze glutes keeping back flat and bottom down

Keeping Hips and chest square to the floor and back flat, one hand at a time, walk the arms up from the forearms into a high plank finishing with arm straight and hands on the floor under shoulders.

Alternating from right hand to left, walk the arms back down to a low plank with forearms on the floor.

Continue the move alternating between right arms leading first then left arm leading.

Can be done from a kneeling position.

Can be done as a side travelling walking plank.