strawbale course in bulgaria

Non formal group – Association for building with natural materials 1-15 September, 2011, Izvor village, Rodopi mountain, Bulgaria “Know-how to find a needle in a bundle of hay” Demonstrational strawbale house The project The project's goal is encouraging and focusing on international partnership, through exchange of experience and practical techniques in the sphere of building with natural materials: straw and clay, specific techniques from the traditional cultural and architectural heritage of all partner counties and permaculture principles and techniques. Looking back in the past for common origins of these techniques as stimulating strategy for sharing knowledge, experience and colloboration through teamwork in innovative methods for revival of this valuable traditions. The Introduction to the participants the advantages of using natural materials and finding common way as Europeans to sustainable future aware of the ecological, social and economical challenges.

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Strawbale Course in Bulgaria


Page 1: Strawbale Course in Bulgaria

Non formal group – Association for building with natural materials

1-15 September, 2011,

Izvor village, Rodopi mountain, Bulgaria

“Know-how to find a needle in a bundle of hay”

Demonstrational strawbale house

The project

The project's goal is encouraging and focusing on international partnership, through exchange of experience and practical techniques in the sphere of building with natural materials: straw and clay, specific techniques from the traditional cultural and architectural heritage of all partner counties and permaculture principles and techniques. Looking back in the past for common origins of these techniques as stimulating strategy for sharing knowledge, experience and colloboration through teamwork in innovative methods for revival of this valuable traditions. The Introduction to the participants the advantages of using natural materials and finding common way as Europeans to sustainable future aware of the ecological, social and economical challenges.

Page 2: Strawbale Course in Bulgaria

Non formal group – Association for building with natural materials

The place

The location of this demonstration center is a mountain site in a village called Izvor, in the Rhodopi mountains with the magic atmosphere and amaizing nature…

Also remarkable architectural heritage and cultural traditions.


Work: The duration of the Youth exchange will be 15 days including workshops and lectures from expert builders and architects from Slovakia and Bulgaria.

During the workshop will be practiced several techniques for building in-fill straw bale walls and their finish coat with earth, lime and other plaster. Other techniques will be presented in lectures and through workshops as COB, Light Clay, “knitting”. Activities do not expect heavy physical work and still have very practical value.

There will be comparison between the traditional architecture and its characteristics with the contemporary one – like materials, energy efficiency, microclimate, etc. The participants will also gain knowledge and skills related to renewable energy sources. We believe that this

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Non formal group – Association for building with natural materials

project will be essential for participants in terms of acquisition of significant knowledge and skill on the topics of bio-climatic design and construction with natural materials.

Daily schedule:

Time Duration Activity

7:30 – 8:00 ½ hour Energizing exercises (optional)

8:00 – 9:00 1 hour Breakfast

9:00 – 9:30 ½ hour Sorting in groups

9:30 – 12:30 3,30 hours Theoretical / Practical activities

12:30 – 13:30 1 hour Lunch

13:30 – 15:30 2 hours Leisure, rest, free time

15:30 – 18:30 3 hours Practical activities

18:30 – 19:30 1 hour Dinner

19:30 – 20:00 ½ hour Discussion - evaluation of classes during the day

20:00 – 21:00 1 hour Leisure, rest, free time

21:00 … - Intercultural evening - the exchange of traditional music, food and dance, improvisation with screenings (films, photos ...)

Free time: Discussions, thematic cultural exchange and musical events will take place.

Visits to some sights in the region will be organized. Nearby is the cultural capital of Bulgaria - Plovdiv.

Page 4: Strawbale Course in Bulgaria

Non formal group – Association for building with natural materials

The philosophy of the event will follow the ethics of Permaculture - care for the earth, care for the people, setting limits to consumption. Thus we seek the reproduction of the living systems and the sustainable use of resources as underlying principles.

In its roots the method of non-formal education is looking for the real nature of experience and for an overall internal motivation. So that we will try to create a sense of self responsibility, respect to the others and the environment among the young people and we will introduce to them in detail several sustainable technologies and methods for learning through exciting experiences.

Moreover - during the exchange, a community will be created in which food, materials, responsibilities, tasks, good moods and smiles will be shared. The participants will be able to assess the quality of rural life, to become personally acquainted with people living in rural areas.

Programme of activities

Date Activity/Duration01.09.2011


Day for arrival: gathering in Sofia, transportation to the village Izvor, accommodation, celebration the beginning of the exchange.



Day for guidance: aquaintances, review of topics, discussing the roles and objectives, agreeing with the general rules of the exchange.

Date Theoretical and practical activities 9:30 – 12:30

Practical activities 15:30-18:30

Intercultural evening 21:00...



Lectures:1. History of straw bale construction2. Building techniques with natural materials3. Basic principles in permaculture

Straw bale house constructions – a wooden constructionNatural building with adobe bricks – the making ofPermaculture design through zonning – the yard and the surroundings

Bulgarian evening – traditional music and cuisine, film projection



Straw bale house constructions – a wooden constructionNatural building with adobe bricks – the making of

Straw bale house constructions – a wooden constructionNatural building with adobe bricks – the making of

Free/open program

Page 5: Strawbale Course in Bulgaria

Non formal group – Association for building with natural materials

Permaculture basic management of soil through mulching and composting – a compost pile

Permaculture basic management of soil through mulching and composting – a compost pile



Visitation of architectural objects in the nearby villages Orehovo and Kosovo



Straw bale house constructions – a wooden constructionNatural building with light clay bricks – the making ofPermaculture basic management of water through rainwater harvesting – making of ditches

Straw bale house constructions – a wooden constructionNatural building with light clay bricks – the making ofPermaculture basic management of water through rainwater harvesting – making of ditches

Slovakian evening – traditional music and cuisine, film projection



Straw bale house – the roofNatural building with light clay bricks – the making ofPermaculture basic management of water through rainwater harvesting – making of ditches

Straw bale house – the roofNatural building with light clay bricks – the making ofPermaculture basic management of water through use of gray water – recycling and storage

Free/open program



Straw bale house – the roofNatural building with light clay bricks – the making ofPermaculture basic management of water through use of gray water – recycling and storage

Straw bale house – the roofNatural building with light clay bricks – the making ofPermaculture basic management of water through use of gray water – recycling and storage

Czech evening – traditional music and cuisine, film projection



Straw bale house walls – different kinds of straw bales and their characteristicsNatural building with adobe bricks – the making ofPermaculture design through plant diversity – uses, roles and preferences of plants

Straw bale house walls – building with straw balesNatural building with adobe bricks – the making ofPermaculture design through use of edges – refining of the hedge

Free/open program

10.09.2011 „Open doors“ free day

Page 6: Strawbale Course in Bulgaria

Non formal group – Association for building with natural materials



Straw bale house walls – light clayNatural building with adobe bricks – the making ofPermaculture design through use of edges – refining of the hedge

Straw bale house walls – light clayNatural building with adobe bricks – the making ofPermaculture and the transition to wilderness – edible landscapes, common lands and conservation

Free/open program



Straw bale house walls – plastering, protection from moisture and fireNatural building with adobe bricks – the making ofPermaculture design through use of edges – making of key-holes

Straw bale house walls – plastering, protection from moisture and fireNatural building with adobe bricks – the making ofPermaculture design through use of edges – making of key-holes

Free/open program



Lectures:1. Bio-climatic design – principles and methodology2. Standards for sustainable design of buildings - review3. Lifecycle of the building – energy and carbon dioxide footprint

„Open source“ - time for lectures and discussions of own ideas, elaborations and works in certain directions

Free/open program



Closing day of the exchange – evaluation of the past two weeks, discussions for following activities, final evening celebration



Day for departure: transfers from Izvor village to various directions.

Food and accomodation

We will try to provide organicaly produced and local foods. Food will play an important role in this exchange. We will pay particular attention to topics like the origin of food, its cultivation, preparation and consumption.

The p articipants will sleep in tents with own sleeping bags and mats.

In the mountain by the middle of September the temperature can go below 20, so you should have warm sleeping bags and cloth.

Page 7: Strawbale Course in Bulgaria

Non formal group – Association for building with natural materials

In case of health problems, or other serious reasons, participants can move to a room inside a nearby house.

There will be a mobile phone for accepting and emergency calls.

There will be electric plug inside one of our tents. You can charge mobile phones or computers also inside nearby house.

Showers (outdoor solar) will be available. Toilets will be outside - very simple composting toilets.

There is basic medical equipment available. Car will be available in case of need. We have also first-aid trained person in the team.

We must be informed about any health problems of participants, before they come. Sending organizations are responsible for this.

Travel ling :

Do not forget to collect tickets. Otherwise we will not be able to reimburse you r travelling cost .

Plea s e take your attention - only tickets second class for transportation will be paid from the Bulgarian national agency!


Email : [email protected]

Candidates for participation should apply at sending organizations. We have partners from Slovakia and the Czech republic. Only young people in age 18-25 years can participate on this project.

You can contact these persons:

Mirec Kašiak, [email protected]

Кatka Hanačíková, [email protected]