strategies for developing creativity and critical thinking final version

Strategies for Developing Creativity and Critical Thinking For the New Faculty Members

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Page 1: Strategies for Developing Creativity and Critical Thinking Final Version

Strategies for Developing Creativity and Critical Thinking

For the New Faculty Members

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Definition of creativity and critical thinkingQuick easy strategies to put in placeSeamless to add to your current lessonsCan fit most any classroom

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CreativityTo achieve intense absorption and deep satisfaction, individuals must fully understand the rules of the discipline area and be able to freely use the tools and constructs available to them (Fletcher, 2011).Creative thinking may then be thought of as the process of developing new ideas, explorations and solutions through the combination of know information, tools and constructs in novel ways.

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Critical Thinking

To think critically is to decide what to believe or do in a reasonable reflective way (Hager, et al, 2003)Critical thinking may then be thought of as the process through which a determination is made as to what method, strategy, and/or information is correct.

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6. Allow students to develop group responseGive students the opportunity to learn from each other.

Sometimes students need help with the response.

5. Allow students to have “judgment free” discussions

There is no right or wrong answer during discussions.

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4. Create interest based groupsAllow students to work with others that have similar


3. Provide open ended questionsOpen ended questions allow for more thinking and

expanding on answers.

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2. Jigsaw ActivitiesAllows students from different groups to exchange ideas.

This helps them realize there are different strategies to any given problem.

1. Allow students to design, hypothesis and test their own experiment

Students will be highly engaged when they are in charge of their learning. They will be searching for answers to their own questions.

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Top Five Ways

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6. Activate knowledge with low level question bell ringer.

This helps set the tone and the focus of the lesson. Provide materials for students to use.

5. Cooperative learning groupsSmall groups help students discuss the topic, ask each

other questions and learn from the perspective of others.

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4. Socratic seminar discussions.These type of discussions help to develop critical thinking

skills as well understand the perspective of others.

3. Have students justify their answers.When students have to providence evidence and support

for their answers they will give a more thorough response.

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2. Create a bulletin board.Have a list of hierarchy of questions that experts in the

field use so students can use it as a reminder having discussions.

1. Allow room to fail and retest hypothesis.Students need the opportunity to have a productive struggle. Students need to learn that out of failure will come knowledge and success.

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Fletcher, T. S. (2011, Spring). Creative thinking in schools: Finding the "just right" challenge for students. Gifted Child Today, 34(2), 37-42.

Hager, P., Sleet, R., Logan, P., Hooper, M. (2003). Teaching critical thinking in undergraduate science courses. Science & Education, 12(), 303-313