strategic talent development final

Case Analysis & Report Writing Strategic Talent Development Presented to : Prof. Rajesh Kamath Presented by : HR Batch (2009 – 2011) Group Members Names Roll Nos. Monet Dodhiya 99 Niha Bhaiji 110 Nimita Nair 113 Pranjali Khanvilkar 124

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Page 1: Strategic Talent Development Final

Case Analysis & Report Writing

Strategic Talent Development

Presented to: Prof. Rajesh KamathPresented by: HR Batch (2009 – 2011)

Group MembersNames Roll Nos.

Monet Dodhiya 99Niha Bhaiji 110Nimita Nair 113

Pranjali Khanvilkar 124

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What is Talent Development

Talent Development enhances an organization’s intellectual capital

Talent Development increases the pool of capabilities for knowledge management

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Picking the right talent

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Traditional Talent Development

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Talent development - reserved for the top management it is becoming increasingly clear that career development is necessary for the retention of any employee, no matter what their level in the company

Talent development is becoming increasingly popular in several organizations, as companies are now moving from the traditional term training and development

Talent development encompasses a variety of components such as: Training Career Development Career Management Organizational Development

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2 Logical Laws of Talent Development

Washington Group International"The Nuclear Renaissance, A Life Cycle Perspective”

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First Law of Talent Development

The beginnings of any technology-rich business are all characterized by a shortage of large numbers of technically trained people needed to support ultimate growth

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Second Law of Talent Development

The resources will come when the business becomes attractive to the best and brightest who adapt skills to become part of an exciting opportunity

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The process of changing an organization, stakeholders outside it, groups inside it, and people employed by it through planned and unplanned learning so that they possess the competencies needed to help the organization achieve and sustain competitive advantage at present and in the future

- Strategic Development of Talent (William J Rothwell & H.C Kazanas)

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SDT focuses on what was once called the “Human Resource Development” effort, now referred to as “Workplace Learning and Performance”

SDT uses an organizational strategy for talent development

SDT is a comprehensive , coordinated plan that describes how an organization's managers and individuals intend to meet business and staffing objectives through learning

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About Strategic Talent Development

Helps implement strategic business plans and HR plans by building the competencies of people

SDT is more holistic than traditional efforts to develop people

Outgrowth of SDT – organizational strategy for talent that guides, unifies, and provides direction to learning that occurs in the organization

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In SDT, focus of planning is on the roles and responsibilities of every one who shares responsibility for developing the talents of people in the organization – line managers, participants and HR practitioners

This focus on planning for talent differs from mere department planning or learning events such as one- shot training courses

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Strategic Talent Development

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Clarify purpose of Talent

Development effort

Assess present conditions

Scan the external

environmentCompare present

strengths and weaknesses to future threats

and opportunities

Choose a long-term strategy for

Talent Development

Implement the organizational

strategy for Talent


Evaluate the Talent

Development strategy

A Simplified Model of the Process for the Strategic Development of Talent

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Importance of Strategic Talent Development

Strategic Talent Development is important for several reasons:

It makes talent development efforts proactive rather than reactive

Organization commits to developing talent

It ties a knot between learning and comprehensive planning process for talent, that aligns it to strategic business plans and HR plans

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Organizations known for their excellence in productivity improvement handle their human resources strategically

Talent Development efforts (such as training) have been shown to serve as retention tools and building internal bench strength

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Questions to keep in mind while starting long-term planning for Strategic Talent Development…

What purpose does talent development seek to attain inside the organization? Outside it?

What part of this purpose is the responsibility of the Talent Development effort? Operating managers? Learners?

How are Talent Development activities presently benefiting the organization? How should they benefit the organization?

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How are Talent Development activities presently meeting learner needs? How should they meet learner needs in the future?

What is the organization’s present philosophy about Talent Development? What should that philosophy be in the future?

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Possible relationships between Strategic Business Plans, HR plans and SDT

Strategic Talent Development Can be driven by organizational and HR plans – Top-down


Can be driven by perceived future learning needs of managers and employees – Market-driven approach

Can be driven by comparisons between individual career plans/objectives and organizational plans/objectives – Career Planning approach

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Serves as a tool for helping top management strategists formulate business and HR plans – Future Approach

Provides information to strategists about organizations strengths and weaknesses – Performance Diagnosis Approach

Teaches people how to think strategically – Educational Approach

Provides feedback about implementation of plans for use by top managers in subsequent planning – Pulse-taking approach

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Steps in implementing Organizational Strategy for the Development of Talent

Establish operational objectives for the Talent Development effort

Review and revise Talent Development Policies

Examine leadership in corporation or business

Review the structure of the organization and the learning experiences sponsored by the organization

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Review reward systems

Budget for resources to implement strategy

Communicate about organizational strategy for the development of talent

Develop functional strategies for Talent Development

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Top-down approach

Organizational and HR plans must be decided first before TDPs are formulated

Top managers – align strategic business plans and talent development plans with external environment perspective

Transform ‘vision’ to ‘reality’ – formulation and implementation of plans

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It is a ‘knowledge race’ which needs resources

Appropriate leaders to lead the strategy

Recruit from outside the organization

Job rotation and job enrichment

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Contract of talent on temporary or permanent basis

Simplify or change job duties

Train, educate or develop individuals within the firm

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Career Planning approach

Establish individual development programs to provide structure for negotiations between individuals and their superiors

Identify learning experiences that will help individuals achiever their career objectives and will also help the organization to implement its business and HR plans

Facilitative the delivery of these learning experiences

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Future Approach

Describe elements of a creative group to strategists prior to formal planning meetings

Stimulate strategists to identify ways in which formal meetings could be improved so that group members work together effectively

Encourage strategists to surface and deal with problems of group interaction

Design experiential exercises to help group members structure their thinking on strategic issues

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Artificial Experience Approach

Apply special approaches to work analysis to identify what the future holds in store for job incumbents

Prepare descriptions of future conditions

Design exercises set in the future to give learners artificial experience

Lead learners through discoveries during the exercises

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Discuss results of exercises with learners, prompting new insights

Guide learners to discover their future learning needs

Help learners prepare action plans so that they can anticipate and meet future learning needs

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Pulse- taking approach

Surface problems that impede progress on business plans

Define or clarify the problem

Consider solutions

Examine the value of solutions by using developmental activities for “Reality testing”

Devise action steps to implement solutions

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Thank You

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The Strategic Development of Talent by William J. Rothwell, H. C. Kazanas

Strategy-Driven Talent Management: A Leadership Imperative by Robert Frank Silzer, Rob Silzer, Ben E. Dowell